Figure depicting a word cloud with few words, for example, thought, mind, people, and so on represented in bold, and other words are presented in the lower fonts.

Mind over Organizational Matter

imgDrop the negative vibe

and draw a hard line

No fear, no doubt

I'm in control of my mind

Stand behind me

‘Cause I was born to lead

My truth is your dare

Cause today I'm a playerimg

—Playa's Anthem (Orpheus Hanley Soundstation Records 2009)

“By wrapping the world in seamless and digital connectivity we move closer to a world of interdependent economic peace and prosperity. Connectivity is destiny. Functional geography over Political geography.”

—Parag Khanna in his book Connectography

We know that by now a digital sense sounds like something out of Elon Musk's next brilliant bag of science-fiction-turned-reality tricks. For those of us under the age of 65, in our lifetime there probably will be a true digital sense—sixth sense—layer of consciousness available to allow human beings to keep pace with our technological and AI inventions. Many futurists, from Ray Kurzweil to Gerd Leonhard, have predicted the singularity will occur as early as 2023.

At the 2016 RE/CODE conference,1 Musk even hinted that he believed a digital layer embedded into our consciousness would be a good idea for humanity, as a means to augment our painfully slow evolutionary biology, and that it was possible to achieve in a short window of time. However, since he is busy changing the world in three other significant ways right now, this book will have to do.

For the immediate pragmatic purposes of helping you transform your organization into a digital organization, centered around customer experience and great culture, you need a practical approach and understanding of how and where transformation and paradigm shifts occur in your mind. It is also imperative that you can help others around you (the collective organizational mind), tap into the power of their minds, to create groundswell momentum and digital sense to successfully realign purpose, vision, goals, systems, and tactics around the customer as the one metric that matters. It is with this in mind that we will spend this chapter diving deeper into a simple yet powerful visual of how you can put your mind to work to create a new subconscious operating system. One that is focused on achieving this desired end. This will keep the zombies from derailing your efforts and infecting your motivatables, as you make the effort to build your brand into one that differentiates on customer experience across all points in the buyer journey.

To successfully implement the EMF, to gain buy-in across the executive rank, and to motivate/lead the body of your organization in this new direction; you must have a clear picture in your mind from which to work.

Mind and Brain Mechanics 101

Mind is the activity and movement of the spirit. Our brain is the system/organ that organizes and distributes the activity called “mind.” We are all spiritual beings, blessed and empowered with an intellect, living in a physical body and having this human experience. Spirit is not to be confused with religion. Religion is merely a vehicle that studies spirit, and there are many flavors of religion. Pick your favorite one, or none at all, and this truth about how our creative power works will hold true. Mind is the master power that can transmute the spiritual desires given to us from the divine/ethereal form into their physical equivalent.

Let's travel back to a time when you didn't have an e-mail address. Remember or imagine with us when you didn't own a cell phone. Now, about half of you reading this book can't remember that time, because you were born after 1990, but a good majority of you can remember when that was your reality. However, within the last 5 years, the one thing that almost all of us (Boomer, GenX, GenY, Gen Z, and our kids of Gen Alpha) have in common is that we are all completely reliant and even somewhat addicted to our digital devices—our sixth sense—aka “smartphone.”

The power of this can't be understated. Even those of us from GenX and the Boomers who remember living an adult life without a smartphone or even an e-mail address will have a hard time recollecting how we made it through our day without those technological breakthroughs. Going to the bathroom has never been the same, right? Less than 27 years prior to the printing of this book, there was no such thing as the world wide web/Internet. Bottled water was a new concept that some critics touted as silly, saying, “Why would I pay for bottled water when I have a faucet in my house?” If you have stayed in a hotel room lately, you will agree that those convenient bottles of water on your nightstand for only $4.50 per liter are a blessing if you wake up with dry mouth.

How did these “necessities” of today become our reality when they didn't even exist 30, 20, or even 10 years ago? The amazing thing is that when the Internet went up as we exited the 1980s and entered the 1990s, the Google founders were barely in high school. Yet, in the year 2017, the idea that Sergey Brin and Larry Page dreamt up a decade and a half ago, for a “search engine” to organize all of the world's information for people on this relatively new thing called the World Wide Web, joined five other tech companies in the six largest (by market capitalization companies in the Fortune 500, as seen in Figure 5.1) with only Exxon representing a nontech company.


Figure 5.1 Market Capitalization of the Top 6 Fortune 500 Companies in 2016

In 2007, 10 years ago, Google (now Alphabet) boasted over 11,000 employees with revenues of just under $1 million per employee and was ranked seventeenth on the Fortune 500 with market value at $143.6 billion! Not a bad 9-plus year growth in value of over $411 billion as of 2016.2

Substance Is all Around Us. We Just Need the Thought.

“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”


The way to fly the plane was here long before the Wright brothers tuned in their awareness to the discovery of it. (Note: Orville and Wilbur are no relation to Travis, although he will tell you that they are. Don't believe him though; he's bulls#%ting you.)

Similarly, the way to build the incandescent light bulb and all the materials were already here, but it was Edison's persistence, organized effort, and mind power that made it physical reality. (Note: Screw Edison and J.P. Morgan lol. As badass as they were as shrewd monopolists, Nikola Tesla was a much cooler and important inventor in our opinion).

What is the point? Every desire in your heart, every dream, every idea starts in the mind. The understanding and development of your mind and its interdependence with the Universal Mind will allow you to quickly realize that the creative genius in those mentioned above resides equally in you for your desires.

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. We think in pictures, and if we said, “Think of a car,” you would agree that you instantly saw a picture of either a car you want or your current car. You would be able to describe in detail the color of the exterior and interior, the level of cleanliness, etc. You would not think of the letters c-a-r. If we said, “Think of your house,” you would not see the letters h-o-u-s-e, you would see a picture of your house as it flashed across the screen of your mind, and it would replace the car.

The opposite works, as well. Let's try this quick exercise. Right now, do not think of a pink elephant.

It's nearly impossible to not think of a pink elephant in that instance. So, think of what you want, in a positive way, not about what you don't want. It may sound woo-woo, but stick with us because your ability to communicate and achieve desired objectives will be forever impacted for the better if you can apply this chapter in your life moving forward.

When we ask you to think of a picture of your “mind,” what do you see? If you are like the majority of people, you may have seen a picture of the brain. Having trained and done this exercise with thousands of people and hundreds of organizations over the last decade, we have seen that roughly 65 percent of people's immediate knee-jerk answer/picture to this question is their brain. However, we mentioned previously that your brain is not your mind any more than your fingernail or pancreas is your mind. Brain is the system/organ that organizes the movement of mind. Mind is flowing in every cell of your body—even your heart has cells that are part of the collective mind.

If you have ever been startled by something, you have felt the “fight or flight” response of your sympathetic nervous system kick in instantaneously. Why? Because the activity of mind activated your adrenal gland and shot adrenaline through every fiber of your being to prepare your body for a quick and efficient exit from perceived danger! When you are trying to lead change or create a new paradigm without a picture of your mind—read, goals or business objectives—you are left with unordered chaos of your knowledge and thoughts and the inability to consistently reproduce the desired result.

Thoughts are invisible waves of energy. You can't see them—much as you can't see Wi-Fi, AM/FM radio, or antenna TV—but you know they are there. The more you feed the thought, the stronger it gets. For example, if you dwell on how bad you feel, or something you fear, that thought gets stronger, and the chances of it happening increase. You can see their results when you tune into the right frequency positively or negatively.

If thoughts become things, but you—like the majority of people—are absent a proper picture of your mind, you lack the ability to give order to your thought patterns and knowledge. Given this it should be no secret why many people are frustrated by the acquisition of more knowledge, methods, and frameworks without seeing an increase shift in end results.

Fortunately, Dr. Thurman Fleet gave humanity a picture to work with in 1934 when he started the Concept Therapy® movement in San Antonio, Texas. The concept was further developed into a honed curriculum and has been delivered to millions of people and thousands of organizations globally by one of our partners at the Proctor Gallagher Institute over the last 40 years. In the coming paragraphs we will share a magical “Stick-Person” graphic with you and explain how to use it daily, and in complement to the EMF, so that you can cause meaningful and lasting change in your organization in a digital world.

Dr. Fleet, a chiropractor, was intrigued and frustrated by the practice of treating symptoms and not the root cause of people's ailments. He was committed to a holistic healing regimen with his patients while paying close attention and providing treatment to their acute symptoms and complaints. He found that without a picture of their minds, his patients could not invoke the laws of the universe effectively to begin healing the root cause in their thinking, which was continuously bringing back the symptoms of their disorders. Fleet gave them a picture called the “stick-person” that transformed their results dramatically in record-breaking time. This same concept of the “stick-person” has become a foundational element of all our consulting/workshop programs.

When Bob Proctor first shared it with us over a decade ago, it took our client results and personal effectiveness to unprecedented levels of growth and satisfaction in less than six months. We are excited to share its basic explanation and diagram with you below and encourage you to study it thoroughly from now until you leave this planet, as we remain committed to do.

The Stick-Person Explained

Human beings are the only known living things that can choose their thoughts—that we know of—and by doing so, humans have the creative power of the universe in their hands to discover, make, and mold the life of their dreams.

“I bring you today, both a blessing and a curse.”

—Moses, Deuteronomy 11:26.

Moses's words there are the best way to describe this wonderful power of free will that the Creator/Universe has bestowed upon you. When you and your team can grasp that your reality is always the result of your dominant thoughts (which create), your feelings (what we give focus to), and your behavior and actions (the result of your vibration), you can truly begin to live a life of peace and enjoyment. W. Clement Stone said, “If you can see it, and believe it, you can achieve it.” He was, and still is, right.

We all think in pictures. For instance, when we asked you before to think of a car, you will notice that a car flashed across the screen of your mind. Now, if you saw your current car or your dream car, with all the details of the exterior color and interior design, that is because you were emotionally involved with that idea. We think in pictures of the things with which we are emotionally involved. We could have either a positive or negative emotional involvement with any idea, but that doesn't matter. The idea will begin to unfold from thought form into its physical equivalent the minute that we attach emotion (positive or negative), feeling, and meaning to the idea!

This is critical to understand because many of the people living today focus on what they do not want instead of giving thought and energy to what they do want.

The law of polarity tells us that everything in the universe has an opposite that exists simultaneously. Therefore, the high, or goal, you seek in your business is present at the same time as the low, or failure, you may be currently experiencing and giving more energy to. Whatever thoughts we give emotion and feeling to will expand and begin immediately to move into their physical form, or reality, and they do this by the law of perpetual transmutation of energy.

When most people are asked to think of a house or car, or any other material thing including their body, they instantly get a clear picture on the screen of their mind; however, when you ask them what their MIND looks like, they draw a blank. Our minds are the most powerful creative resource in the universe, and we have never been given a clear picture to work with. Many people feel confused and frustrated because they have knowledge of how to do what they want but are unable to organize it into a meaningful course of action and a definite purpose that moves the thought into its physical form with speed and accuracy.

We use the power of our intellect to experience our physical reality. The largest gap in human experience is the gap between what we know and what we do. With the picture below (Figure 5.2), you will begin the journey of rapidly closing that gap in your performance from here on out.

Figure depicting the conscious mind.

Figure 5.2 The Conscious Mind

Understanding the Mind Using the Stick-Person Graphic

Let the top half of the circle represent your “thinking mind” or conscious mind. This is where you have the ability to accept or reject any idea you choose. When thoughts come to you from the world around you, this is your filter to choose only those with which you will get emotionally involved. This is where you can create the thoughts and dreams that you want for your life and for your organization as well. After all, if you have built or are building a company, you thought it into existence. You believed in your idea and executed consistently to make it happen.

When you create a thought or dream that you want, you can repeat it over and over, until you get the feeling of joy or abundance that you desire, and then the thought will move across the line into the subconscious or “feeling mind” where the order will be carried out to manifest it in physical form.

You can never outperform your self-image. Neither can your organization. All these laws will do for you is attract to you more of who you are, and never what you want and are unwilling to become first.

It is estimated that today, you are bombarded through multiple forms of media and experience with upward of 60,000 images per day. This is up from 10,000 images per day less than a decade ago. Of these images, we can effectively capture or process only 1,000 on a conscious level. The Information Age democratized access to smartphone technology, and this societal benefit has magnified the complexity of our lives while simultaneously—law of polarity—making our lives more efficient and easy through the “app for everything” culture. Without the understanding of the difference between your deductive and inductive reasoning, it is very possible to relate to your reality primarily through the use of your five senses and your smartphone digital appendage. When you do this, you can consciously accept thoughts or ideas that you do not want to “think” on the subconscious level, where they must and will be followed as “orders” by your effort.

Ask yourself how often you notice when you have gotten emotionally involved with a disturbing idea simply because you listened to it or saw it on the news. How often do you find yourself feeling down or upset or fearful the rest of the day? When you watch the news before bed or first thing in the morning, or get overly involved with the gossip at work, you are deductively—using your visual and hearing senses—accepting those thought patterns into your subconscious. This will set up your present-state vibration and dictate what you choose to act on and inevitably how you feel. This sole reason is why neither one of us watches the evening news or horror movies. We want to keep that stuff far away from our subconscious mind.

We both consciously decide to not view those forms of media because in both of our cases we have noticed that it negatively impacts us and siphons power away from our productive focus.

If you want to think, feel, and act more positively, you must guard your subconscious (Figure 5.3) with your conscious mind by being watchful of what ideas you get emotionally involved with and what images you are repeatedly viewing. The greatest gift the Creator/Universe bestowed upon humans was “free will” to choose what we want. You need to exercise that tool in your favor, with the understanding that if you don't monitor your thoughts, you are a Motivatable for people, organizations, and advertisers, which will be more than willing to inundate you with their dogma and attempt to bend your will to their own.

Figure depicting subconscious mind.

Figure 5.3 The Subconscious Mind

This is the “emotional mind” or “feeling mind.” The ancient Greeks called it “the heart of hearts.” The subconscious mind only has one answer to all commands it receives from the conscious mind, and that answer is “YES!” The subconscious mind has no ability to accept or reject the thoughts that we get emotionally involved with; it can and will carry them out by sending orders to the body below as fast as possible.

The universe loves speed! This is why it is important to monitor the thoughts and ideas you are getting emotionally involved with. If you worry or have doubt about some negative idea happening, the subconscious will begin to move you in the direction of having that negative thing happen. Likewise, if you create a positive idea of how you want things to go, or how you want to handle the unfortunate things that happen, then the subconscious mind can and will move you into that positive vibration and begin to manifest that result!

Remember that if the conscious mind is “the general,” the subconscious mind is the “troops” and will always carry out the orders that come down from the general. It makes no difference if these orders will help you or hurt you. The beautiful thing is that you can monitor your conscious mind and, more important, use autosuggestion to create the thoughts that you want and make those thoughts the orders that your general gives to your troops!

Maxwell Maltz, MD, FICS, who penned the classic book Psycho-Cybernetics in 1960, had this to say: “A human being always acts, feels, and performs in accordance with what he imagines to be true about himself and his environment. This is a basic and fundamental law of the mind. It is the way humans were built.”4,5

Why not imagine yourself successful in establishing alignment and digital sense across your organization? Maltz wrote extensively about how scientists discovered that your subconscious mind operates as what is referred to as a negative-feedback servomechanism. Servo-what? Okay, imagine you are in your house and it is summertime. It is 90 degrees outside, and you decide to set the thermostat to 70 degrees. Someone in the house leaves and doesn't shut the front door. Some of you may flashback to your childhood when your father or mother yelled to you, “Why am I paying to air-condition the whole neighborhood!? Were you born in a f$%^ing barn!!?” Regardless of the flashback moment, your thermostat senses the differential between the outside temperature and the internal setting. Thus, immediately the fan kicks on, and it begins to work overtime to maintain 70 degrees inside the house. This is a negative-feedback cybernetic mechanism. The goal is set and known, and therefore only negative feedback is necessary for the goal to be achieved.

Each of us has a subconscious mind that operates in the same way as everyone else's. The engineers who built things like thermostats, autopilots, and heat-seeking missiles knew how to build them because of their understanding of how the subconscious mind works. When you get emotionally involved with a dream or goal and it enters the subconscious, the mind “locks in” on the desired outcome. Then, all future negative feedback is processed as guidance and reverse-engineered, to make a conscious correction, take actions to get back on course, and to achieve the chosen and subconsciously embedded destination successfully. This is comforting because the minute that you have your goal on the subconscious level, you possess its spiritual equivalent and cannot miss your target.

The law of gender is what predicates and determines the gestation period of that specific goal's transmutation from its spiritual form to its physical equivalent. This law does not allow you to know when you will “reap,” but it does guarantee that “as you sow, so shall you reap.”

In his masterpiece, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy tells us to “quiet the mind and still the body. Tell the body to relax; it has to obey you. It has no volition, initiative, or self-conscious intelligence. Your body is an emotional hard-drive disk that records your beliefs and impressions.”

The body (Figure 5.4) is the physical form and the machine that is created and recreated daily by your dominant thoughts and actions. The body is energy in a massive and constant state of vibration. The body is always changing or staying the same based upon your thoughts and feelings. It releases 50,000 cells per second back out to the universe, which means that some parts of your physical body are regenerated every day. Roughly every 7 years, you have a completely new body at the cellular level. The results you are looking at, in your physical environment—current business—were produced by the same thoughts and feelings that set up the vibration of your body. In your business enterprise, the body is the physical embodiment of your dominant cultural vibration.

Figure depicting the body.

Figure 5.4 The Body

For you to change your current results, you must first change the thoughts and ideas that you get emotionally involved with. When you change the thoughts you give the most focus and energy to, you set up a new feeling/vibration in the subconscious mind, which changes what is acted upon and attracted to the body. This is how you bring any and all ideas from the spiritual plane down to their material equivalent in the physical plane that we all call reality.

This baseline understanding of your mind is also how you proliferate a digital sense across your team and organizational mind. Beware the Zombies in this regard, and ground yourself in the truth that Zombies in your organization—and life—are masterfully on autopilot, leveraging every aspect of this tool to cause you and your people to get and stay emotionally involved with negative and destructive thoughts.

The Zombies are operating from a purely animalistic/survivalist set of subconscious paradigms with no ability or willingness to consider a new way of thinking. They will immediately reject or neglect any new ideas. Quarantine them away from your most important initiatives. Remember that their true power of being on autopilot is equally available for you to use as yours for good. The war is won or lost at the level of the subconscious mind. Master this mind power and harness it for good, and model it for your Motivatiables each and every day as you train them on how to master it as well.

Normal functioning human beings are born with five senses (Figure 5.5): sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. Those of you who are still reading this book, will have six. img #sixthsense


Figure 5.5 The Five Senses

By the age of five, most children have a complete understanding of their ability to use their five senses to understand the world and environment around them. These are our deductive reasoning faculties. The five senses are limited to telling us and showing us what already “is.” The five senses have NO power to create, and therefore we cannot consider ourselves to be “thinking” when we are looking at our world and results with our five senses. The five senses are merely feedback loops providing real-time analytics of our experience.

The Six Intellectual Faculties

  1. Reasoning (both deductive and inductive)
  2. Intuition
  3. Perception
  4. Will
  5. Imagination
  6. Memory

These are our creative faculties and our “thinking muscles.” For you to utilize your mind in its intended way to provide you the life or business of our dreams, you must develop these mental muscles. It is also imperative to understand that these six intellectual faculties are always “on” and “perfect” in design. However, they may be weak or strong depending on how much and how often you exercise them. It may be helpful to your understanding to compare these mental muscles to the physical muscles in your body.

For instance, you have a bicep muscle in your arm. Some people have 24-inch “pythons” like the ones Hulk Hogan would always boast about, and other people have tiny little arms. In both of those cases, the bicep is there and will provide the body with flexion at the elbow joint. The bicep's lifting capacity, and its aesthetic appeal, is directly proportional to how often and consistently you exercise it, specifically in its natural plane of motion. If you exercise your bicep consistently, it will grow and expand. However, if you ignore the consistent exercise of it, then it will atrophy.

Your six intellectual faculties operate by the same laws. Your ability to have the life of your dreams starts with your “thinking power.” Your “thinking power” is proportional to the development, integration, and strength of these six faculties. Start exercising them consistently in your life and your ability to persuade people to your way of thinking will improve incrementally, and then exponentially!


Reasoning is your innate ability to think. We discussed that deductive reasoning is not thinking with your own mind, but is instead a default way of thinking that ensures you are going to continually be a product of your environment. Motivatables spend a lot of time with deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning relies on your habitual conditioning at the subconscious level for guidance. This is harmful, because when you are deductively reasoning, you will quickly reject anything that doesn't match your current understanding or paradigms.

Culture is best defined as nothing more than group habit. Therefore, if your culture is deeply embedded with people in the status-quo comfort-zone of deductive reasoning, it will require some real effort in strengthening of the inductive reasoning muscle within the core group of Amplifiers to make a real shift occur as it relates to implementing the EMF and a social business strategy. Deductive-reasoning-heavy organizations are guaranteed to continue acting on ideas that keep the current paradigm in place, which means your leadership will be highly likely to reject an idea that would move your business forward in a sustainable way. This is the same reason Western Union didn't adopt telephone technology. Alexander Graham Bell offered to sell the patents to them for $100,000 in 1879. Western Union turned them down as they were in the paradigm of the telegraph. Western Union should have also become like PayPal, but they didn't switch their paradigm.6 And Yahoo! LOL at Yahoo! They could have purchased Google for $1 million in 1998. Instead Verizon made a bid to purchase what was left of them for $4 billion in 2016.

The following excerpt from The Google Story by David A. Vise highlights Google's earlier buy-out offer to AltaVista and seems to suggest that Yahoo! too would have been asked to pay in the region of $1 million:

Seated in Palo Alto's Mandarin Gourmet restaurant in March 1998, Page and Brin prepared to pitch Paul Flaherty, a Stanford Ph.D. and an architect of AltaVista, on the merits of their superior search engine technology. AltaVista, they hoped, would pay as much as $1 million to get access to the soon-to-be-patented PageRank system…

With the help of Stanford professors and the Office of Technology Licensing, Brin and Page tried unsuccessfully to sell their PageRank system to Excite and other search engines. Yahoo!, seemingly a logical buyer because it relied on directories edited by people and didn't have a fast way to scour the entire Internet, also turned down the chance to buy or license the Google technology. In part, Yahoo! rejected it because the firm wanted computer users to spend more time on Yahoo!7

You are purely deductive when your environment creates you, and you are being inductive when you create your environment's vibration.

Inductive reasoning—true thinking—occurs when we use our intuition, perception, will, imagination, and memory to analyze new insights or problems and move immediately to create and support the picture of what we want to see manifest with new thought patterns.


Often referred to as our “sixth sense,” coincidentally—not digital sense—intuition is our ability to recognize someone else's vibration without even knowing them or speaking to them. When we meet someone who immediately makes us feel good or positive, that person is in a positive vibration. When we meet someone who makes us feel negative or scared, they are in a lower or more negative vibration.

Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich explained that when you demand a definite plan from your subconscious, it will and must answer you; but it will do so through inspired thought, or the sixth sense, along with hard work and action.8 When the still small voice answers, you must ACT immediately, and failure to do so, without delay, will be fatal to success.

You have more than likely had a gut feeling about something only to deductively—logically—talk yourself out of moving on it and had it come back to haunt you. Travis had this with NASDAQ: APPL stock in 2001. He intuitively knew that with Jobs leading and with the release of the iPod and the new iMac, Apple was back. The only problem with that was Travis didn't invest NEARLY ENOUGH, and he sold it way too early.

The bottom line is—Trust Your Gut—and develop your intuition to tune in at the highest level of those around you. This will allow you to see through all the noise coming out of the data feeds and mouths or people, and get right to the essence of what they are saying and who they are. Malcolm Gladwell is the best-selling author of The Tipping Point, Outliers, and Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking. In the latter, he discusses a term he calls “thin-slicing,” which is the phenomenon of taking the smallest amount of information possible and using it to make a judgment or decision. He illustrates, through numerous real-world examples and scientific research, that when you properly learn to “thin slice” in the area of your business, personal, or financial life, your quick judgments and analyses are often more insightful and better than those made with more information. He refers to the “adaptive unconscious” as a giant computer that quickly and quietly processes a lot of the data we need to keep functioning as human beings in forward direction.9

Thin-slicing relies heavily on the intuition and can either work for you or against you depending on which paradigms are ruling your subconscious. If properly developed, however, Gladwell quotes volumes of scientific data that support the accuracy of decision-making when relying on the intuitive “gut” reaction.


This is the mental muscle you use to make “meaning” of events or experiences in your life. This is where your existing conditioning (truths that we hold dear) will creep up and give us an interpretation. Everything in the world just “is” until we put something next to it and compare it.

For example: What is $20,000 per month? Some may say that $20,000 per month is a lot of money, and some may think that $20,000 would be a terrible pay cut or what the company spends per day on sponsored employee lunches. The point is that $20,000 per month just “is.” It only has meaning when we use our perception and invoke the law of relativity to compare the thing that “is” with something else. For example: murder “is.” Murder is “BAD” only after we compare it to our moral compass or to “Thou shalt not murder” in the Ten Commandments.


This is your ability to hold any image, idea, or thought that you want in your conscious mind and focus until it has the chance to embed itself into your subconscious mind. You do this so that the idea can become your default paradigm and begin to move into its physical form.

The sun has an outer visible layer called the photosphere, and its temperature is 6,000 degrees Celsius. (Which is almost as hot as Chris J. Snook's hair-metal mixtape, which he made back in 1989.) The sun is 93 million miles from the Earth, and that is why you and I can go outside and over the course of a few hours of being in the sun's energy get a golden tan (or, in Chris's case, a BAD sunburn). However, most of you will remember grade-school science when you took a magnifying glass and placed it between a piece of gum on the ground and the sun and watched that same energy that gives your skin a darker color burn the gum into a ball of fire in less than 60 seconds. (Travis thinks this is an especially fun experiment to do to light firecracker fuses). The magnifying glass is the instrument that harnessed all that energy—6,000 degrees Celsius—into a single focus. Will is the magnifying glass for our mind.


This is your creative power. Humans have the ability to create such amazing innovations as airplanes, fax machines, the Internet, the automobile, and the light bulb against all doubt and odds. Why? Because of the power of imagination when combined with the other five intellectual faculties. Your imagination is either concocting how you can do something or telling you all the ways that you can't. Start using it to fuel what you want, and put the brakes on using it for coming up with reasons why you can't.

If you imagine all of the constraints around organizing a multidisciplinary working group inside of your company to tackle the EMF conversations, research, and planning, you will find those constraints to be very real and strong. You can also imagine an amazingly passionate, customer-centric, dedicated group of change agents within your organization, which efficiently join small multidisciplinary working groups to tackle the digital transformation of your company. Combining all of this new understanding with the EMF as your foundational framework to deliver great customer experience, you will attract and find the resources you need.

Focus on what you want your organization to look like, with a clear vision, and chances are, it will manifest, once you adopt the right actions to move it forward. You can have the business relationship with your customers and employees that you dream of, and, frankly, deserve. Napoleon Hill tells us that you have two complimentary forms of imagination with which you can work.

  1. Creative Imagination is what works with the infinite intelligence to bring forth a new plan previously unaware to you at the conscious level to turn your insights into real world innovations.
  2. Synthetic Imagination, on the other hand, is where you take your current pool of knowledge, data, and resources to create.

Hill also called your imagination the “workshop of the mind.” Inside this workshop, you need to be using and developing your skill for both your creative and synthetic imaginations if you are to produce the results you desire.


This is your ability to recall previous events and experiences. Many people tend to remember only their failures, but your memory can also produce images of success. We want you to use your memory to bolster your confidence and self-esteem as you try something new because at one point everything was new to you. No baby is born with the ability to talk, walk, or ride a bike, and yet most of you today, as adults, do all three with no regard to how difficult those things once were. You need to exercise your memory to work in your favor and remind yourself that you can do anything you set our mind to!

What to Do When the Zombies Attack

Now that you are armed with a clear picture of the faculties you and your team will leverage, along with infinite intelligence and the EMF to create a massively differentiated and lawfully sound social business strategy, powered by purpose, people, and processes, you must be prepared for the guaranteed standoff with the Zombies. The Zombies are the widely known, and yet undiscovered, dream-killers that plague the universe we operate in. They are not divinely inspired, but they are extremely powerful. Their most common weapon of choice are seeds of destruction also known as “Other People's Opinions”: OPO. These Zombies are subtle cancers that live in and leverage the Motivatables, whose easily persuadable nature and dominant habit of deductive reasoning create your most common vulnerability. OPOs are seeds planted by Zombies and watered by Motivatables in discrete moments, and they grow into the tall weeds (which the Zombies feed upon) that infect your dream space, while your newly planted creative crop is still early in its gestation.

OPOs are the catalysts for worry and doubt in the conscious mind, and if emotional involvement with these proceeds, fear manifests in the subconscious mind, thereby setting up a vibration that results in anxiety at the body/physical plane. This puts you in a fight or flight state waiting for the Zombies to appear and takes your focus off of creation.

The reason the Zombies are dangerous is that these subtle seeds of destruction they plant don't require that they be directly seen or in striking range of your wrath. They can actually cause more direct havoc on your momentum because they, oftentimes, go undetected until they have grown substantially strong in key minds around your support network.

Break through Your Comfort Zone

There is a sneaky, conniving, and fraudulent internal foe to the very spirit that each of you must constantly negotiate. It is the only fertile soil inside of us that doesn't serve your interests in personal growth. That foe is your individual comfort zone. The laws of the universe work cohesively and in accordance with one another to create an orderly universe by which effects may be repeatable. One of the outcomes of this body of laws governing all things in the physical plane is that of “create or disintegrate.” This could also be explained by saying “that which is not growing is dying.” The fraud of the “comfort zone” is that it hides behind the law of gender and fools us to believing that things stay the same, because you do not see an immediate “death” in the physical plane when you stop your spirit from driving forward or growing in a certain direction. The death of all dreams, aspirations, and things happens slowly over time and could be likened to you running through a field of thorny rose bushes and then taking a few years to bleed to death.

Nothing Stays the Same!

Everything is in a state of constant change! To think otherwise is to advertise your ignorance of—or about—the indisputable laws of nature. The worst thing about comfort zones is that they don't hurt. They feel comfortable, and in the worst and most paralyzing states, they may even feel good! You are most vulnerable as an individual and an organization when you put too much value on being comfortable.

We want you to pause and think about a couple of things for a minute as they relate to the laws of the universe.

  1. Have you ever seen water boil at 211 degrees Fahrenheit? NOPE! It always boils at exactly 212 degrees (at sea level).
  2. Have you ever wondered how scientists can predict the exact time of the sunset on any given day, or the timing of the high tides and low tides?
  3. How in the world did they figure out how to make a wireless device called a smartphone that can simultaneously transmit the sound waves of your voice through a satellite into the receiving end of a friend's phone in an airport terminal in France and allow you to three-way call your sister on her wireless phone in New Jersey, while you scan pictures of the trip on Facebook before snapping a selfie of yourself accomplishing this and posting it to Instagram or Snapchat before hanging up?

The exact science that allows brilliant people to engineer such technological feats must be studied and applied to bring forth anything in the “great order” that is our universe. That same order governing water's boiling point, the high and low tide, and the feats of wireless transmission governs your income, your health, your organizational dynamics, everything! However, your current comfort zone (Figure 5.6) contains all the information that you are ever going to have and all the awareness of opportunity that you will currently and continually have. If you do not stretch your comfort zone and gain new awareness through the setting of goals outside of your current understanding, what you have in all areas of your life today is all that you will ever have and all you'll ever be!

A circle depicting your current comfort zone.

Figure 5.6 Your Comfort Zone

Russell Conwell wrote Acres of Diamonds and spent his entire speaking career talking with people about the tremendous opportunities that lay right in their own backyards but that they lacked the awareness to see. If you're not familiar with the story, the speech begins with an anecdote about a man who owned a large farm and was “wealthy and content” until he learned of the riches of diamonds. He became so desirous for diamonds that he sold all he had and left his family to search the world for the gems. In the end, he found none. Broke and exhausted, he committed suicide. The man who bought the farm from him soon discovered that soil and earth underneath the farm was filled with diamonds and became filthy rich. Ouch!10

The lesson for you is that every organization (backyard) has issues, and although it may seem as though you have to go outside of it to find the value, more often than not, you can find it below your feet, if you are willing to apply your intellectual faculties to the situation and stretch out of your comfort zone. Use the EMF and the power of the stick-person to become a more powerful leader who leads digital transformation across your organization by attraction vs. promotion.

Charles Haanel wrote definitively about “life as an enfoldment” in his book, The Master Key System.11 The infinite power of energy is always moving into form, through form, and out of form. It is never stagnant! It is equally present in all places at all times. It is just as much in front of you as it is behind you. Just as much to your left as it is to your right. It is just as much in us, as it is present in you. But it's never stagnant and never still.

Fear is what is holding you back, and the false Terror Barrier is a beast that the Zombies love to use, that we will show you how to slay on the upward climb to your dreams of building a more customer-centric digitally sensible organization!

The picture of the stick-person in Figure 5.7 graphically depicts your comfort zone. Let “x” represent an idea or thought that comes into your Conscious Mind. Assuming that you also have x-type conditioning or paradigms, then you will be quick to accept the x-type idea, and this will reinforce the x-type conditioning in your subconscious. The subconscious mind will setup an x-type vibration in the body which will take action in that accord and manifest into physical reality as an x-type result (R). At no point in this process will you feel “uncomfortable” because the “x” idea that enters your conscious mind matches your underlying subconscious conditioning and you will relate to it as “good” using your deductive reasoning.


Figure 5.7 The Mechanics of the Terror Barrier

What frustrates many people is that they will ask for advice from somebody on how to get new results, but they are unaware that they are only going to accept an idea at the conscious level that matches their current conditioning. They will, therefore, never reason inductively (truly “think”) about the idea's actual impact on results. They will falsely expect that they will get new results, but, as the previous drawing clearly indicates, this is simply not possible.

You may be reading this book and others like it, in the sincerest effort to learn how to apply the EMF and some of our recommendations, but if you have paradigms and beliefs in your subconscious mind about how politically stifling or resistant your team or organization is to change, you are setting the table for an interaction with the Terror Barrier. The drawing in Figure 5.8 depicts what happens once the person reaches past aspiration and begins to act and “stretch” their comfort zone by “reasoning with a new idea or goal.”


Figure 5.8

Whenever you set a truly worthy goal you will know, because when you set a good goal, achieving it will require you to increase your awareness and stretch your comfort zone to allow the new “how” to permeate your stream of consciousness. In other words, when you are honest about what you “really want” you will see you have no idea how to get it inside your current awareness level.

When this happens we will let “y” represent a new idea or goal. When you have autosuggested your new desire consistently enough to your mind, you will be successful at creating a “positive” emotional involvement with the y-type idea and it will cross the border of your mind and enter into your subconscious mind. At this point your new paradigm (“y”) will be going into a head-to-head battle with your old “x” paradigm for precedence in the subconscious mind. Your old paradigm will begin a sabotage pattern to prevent “y” from dethroning it by sending signal patterns to your conscious mind to rely on your five senses to look for physical evidence in the outer world. It will enlist all the Zombies it can around you to infect the Motivatables on your team, your advisory group, and even potentially your supporters at home to cause the chain of events depicted in this graphic. Since the “y” idea is in process of moving into “form” from its spiritual state to its physical equivalent, you will not see physical evidence through your five senses. The old paradigm knows this, and it will effectively create the notion of worry/doubt in the conscious mind.

If you decide to get emotionally involved with worry/doubt, your old paradigm will win the battle, and you will invoke the pattern of fear in the subconscious mind. The vibration will set up the manifestation of anxiety in the body, causing you to hit the terror barrier and retreat back into the “safety” of the comfort zone. This will cause you to continue to get x-type results and fail to break through and materialize your stated goal and objective. We mentioned it earlier but remind you again how critical it is to remember that you can never outperform your own self-image. Your goals are not wrong. You wouldn't be given a desire in your heart if you weren't capable of having it manifest. You must develop a congruent self-image that is in line with that which you want and not let fear of the unknown derail you.

In his study on the self-image and his work on Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Maltz noted that human beings are only born with two innate fears as a means of survival: Fear of falling and fear of loud noises!12 Every other fear is “man-made” or, better yet, “paradigm-made.” Another point to remember is that you are never actually speaking to a person when you are trying to enroll them in your way of thinking. You are always speaking to their paradigms and narratives. Everyone can be right in their own mind from their perspective. To overcome this, you must raise your own vibration first, and attract those of similar mind to the mission.

Our personal acronym for fear is Feeling Excited And Ready! What the stick-person is illustrating is that in almost all cases (except falling or loud noise) the “Terror Barrier” is a mirage that limits us only because we let it.

The only way through the Terror Barrier is faith! Faith is not something you get from religion. Faith comes from understanding. Faith comes first from an expectation, which becomes a belief after repeated and consistent expectation. Belief becomes faith after repeatedly finding evidence and understanding to believe in that something time and again.

Now and from here forward, you have a conceptual understanding that when you feel worry and doubt at the conscious level, you need not sweat. It will take practice and repetition, however, to trust that and change the way that you relate to feelings of worry and doubt from here on. When you bust through the false Terror Barrier, it is truly a time to CELEBRATE, because your new idea or goal has successfully moved from a wish and dream to the realm of the subconscious mind (Figure 5.9).


Figure 5.9

Remember that the subconscious can only say “yes” to whatever you give the most emotional energy to.

Faith and doubt cannot exist at the same time any more than night and day can. You will feel worry and doubt because your y-type idea will be battling with your x-type conditioning and trying to replace it. The uncomfortable part is not in wanting the y-type idea. It is when you have to step forward in faith, believing in the physically unseen with the understanding that everything is moving from “thought”—spiritual equivalent—into “thing”—physical form—through the power of your mind.

When you focus on faith in “y,” the worry and doubt will not vibrate as fear, and you will step through the Terror Barrier into freedom from your old “x” conditioning! Once you have successfully replaced the old “x” with the new “y,” it will become your present conditioning, your spirit will seek expression and fuller expansion again, and your “y” will become the new “x.” That is the cycle of our spirit unfolding, and it is the miracle of life and of achievement science!

Remember that Emerson said, “Whatever you give energy to, grows!” Now you understand why you will feel thoughts of worry and doubt as you begin to put the EMF into practice using the exercises in this book to bring clarity and collaboration from your cross-functional teams into reality. You also now know how to step forward with increased faith, because you understand that your dreams are finally trying to move “through” your subconscious mind into the vibration of the body, to attract the necessary items to manifest your dream in its physical and observable equivalent!

Practice doesn't make perfect, but practice does make permanent. Now you have the perfect model of your mind to work with to practice making your efficient and consistent use of the EMF a permanent fixture in your planning process.

Emerson also once called the law of cause and effect, “the law of laws.” Most people understand the law of cause and effect incorrectly. They have comprehended the basic tenets of “the more you put into something, the more you get out”; however, they thought that the actions they took were the cause and the results they got were their effect.

You now visually understand through the stick-person that they are mistaken, and the cause is at the level of thought. The effect is at the level of vibration—paradigms and conditioning of the subconscious mind—and the vibration is what dictates the action taken, which produces the results we can see and observe in our visual reality through our five senses! This is why merely changing the action—such as by reading this book and doing the EMF exercises—without changing the root cause (thinking) typically leaves a person frustrated, with more of the same results (a siloed organization, lacking digital sense, that is not customer-centric) and thinking that this book or—even worse—the universe is letting them down. Now you can see that this is just not true.

The power is within you. The EMF is fluid and dynamic and agnostically integrates with any other processes you currently deploy. Use the stick-person to firmly implant the vision for where your company is going in your mind first and it will be an unwavering beacon for the rest of your team to align with as you work through the bulk of the EMF nodes and put this vision into a plan with milestones.

The law of cause and effect (Figure 5.10) is illustrated below inside of the stick-person to further drill this home.


Figure 5.10

Now that you are working with a clear picture of your mind and the universal laws you are working with, you are ready to wield your creative power. You are ready to dive back into the EMF and set up and/or optimize your purpose-focused strategy in the Vision Layer.


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