
Chapter 1

  1. Vertical scaling provides more power to a single resource, whereas horizontal scaling increases the number of instances of a resource.
  2. The resource provider for virtual machines is Microsoft.Compute.
  3. This is false. With SaaS, you only manage data and access as the consumer.
  4. Virtual machines are an example of the infrastructure as a service model.
  5. Azure resources can only be a member of a single resource group at any given time.

Chapter 2

  1. This command will remove the Docker image named my-image and tagged latest from the local container registry.
  2. Currently, multi-container container groups are only supported on Linux.
  3. Adding the apiProfile element to an ARM template allows you to define the API version that all resources of a certain type should use.
  4. No. Containers share the host’s kernel and Linux containers will only work on a Windows machine if the Windows Subsystem for Linux is enabled. Linux can’t emulate the Windows kernel.
  5. One. A single container is still part of its own container group even if there are no other containers in the group.

Chapter 3

  1. No. An App Service plan is the scale unit of the App Service apps. If the plan is configured to run five VM instances, then all apps in the plan run on all five instances. If the plan is configured for autoscaling, then all apps in the plan are scaled out together based on the autoscale settings.
  2. The provider redirects the client to a URL in the following format: https://<appservice><provider>/callback.
  3. True. Application logging is supported for both Windows and Linux App Service apps.
  4. True. Enabling the private endpoint feature disables all public access by default, only allowing inbound traffic from a specified VNet.
  5. Hybrid Connections can be configured to allow outbound calls from your app to resources within your on-premises network, providing the prerequisites are in place.

Chapter 4

  1. The file with information on the triggers and bindings for a function is function.json.
  2. AzureWebJobsStorage contains the storage account connection string for the function app.
  3. Orchestrator functions call activity functions to perform the steps of a workflow.
  4. Local application settings for functions are stored within the local.settings.json file.

Chapter 5

  1. SQL (Core), MongoDB, Cassandra, Azure Table, and Gremlin (Graph)
  2. Range index is designed for improving operations in a single field. Meanwhile, composite index improves operations in multiple fields.
  3. The default backup option is periodic backup.
  4. No, the Azure portal does not allow the execution of triggers. You must call triggers explicitly from the app code.
  5. JavaScript is the language used for stored procedures.

Chapter 6

  1. The choice of availability zone and the geo-redundancy option can increase the availability of Blob storage.
  2. Soft delete can help protect data from accidental deletion.
  3. Yes. The GetPropertiesAsync SDK function helps to get the property and metadata without downloading blob content.
  4. Yes. Blob life cycle management migrates blobs between tiers.
  5. Binary (unstructured) and semi-structured data can be persisted in Azure Blob storage.

Chapter 7

  1. Microsoft Graph connectors can be used to bring external data into Microsoft Graph applications and services.
  2. Delegated permissions are required for an application to act on behalf of a signed-in user.
  3. The MSAL.js library supports single-page applications.
  4. Public client applications are applications that run on user devices, IoT devices, and browsers. As such, they can’t be trusted with storing application credentials.
  5. It’s recommended to use a user-delegated SAS with Blob storage where possible.

Chapter 8

  1. A system-assigned managed identity shares its life cycle with that of its assigned Azure resource.
  2. Adding a Key Vault reference key within App Configuration and referencing that key from your application provides all the functionality of App Configuration while maintaining the security and integrity of your application secrets.
  3. Using managed identities is the recommended method to authenticate your app with Key Vault in most scenarios.
  4. The role-based access control permission model is used to manage access to the management plane of a key vault.

Chapter 9

  1. The Basic Azure Cache for Redis SKU does not provide an SLA.
  2. The EXPIRE Redis command is used to set the TTL.
  3. A Premium SKU cache runs on a cluster and a Basic SKU cache is a single instance without an SLA.
  4. TCP protocol and ports 6379 and 6380 are used for connecting to Azure Cache for Redis.
  5. Verizon CDN products are available with a Premium SKU for Azure CDN.
  6. Using the Cache-Control header from the source or using Global and Custom caching rules you can control the TTL in Azure CDN.

Chapter 10

  1. Performance metrics and logs are collected with Azure Monitor.
  2. An activity log’s tracking operation is completed from the portal with a resource. An application log tracks the activity of an application (e.g. diagnostic traces).
  3. The App Insights SDK ships by default with a dependency collection model. Additional settings, such as the collection SQL command, can be specified from the code and portal.
  4. Availability tests from App Insights can be configured with URLs to test and Azure data centers to send the monitoring requests from.
  5. To collect crash information, the instrumentation of code is not required. However, the code must be instrumented to catch handled exceptions.

Chapter 11

  1. REST is a representational state transfer protocol that allows the manipulation of data objects by using HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).
  2. Yes. Scale units are available for pricing tiers starting from Basic for implementing horizontal scaling of APIM resources.
  3. You can connect existing web APIs in your Azure subscription to the APIM service either manually or by importing OpenAPI, WDAL, or WSDL definitions. It is also possible to connect the App service provisioned with the same subscription.
  4. The consumption tier does not support an internal cache, VNet integration, multi-region deployment, or self-hosted gateways for connection to the on-premises backend.
  5. The policy expression syntax is based on the C# language.

Chapter 12

  1. A namespace is a virtual server deployed in Azure that provides connection endpoints to accept the connections from publishers and consumers.
  2. An IoT Hub is based on Event Hubs functionality but has many differences, including scale and price tiers. The main difference is supporting two-way communication between devices and the cloud, which allows an IoT Hub to manage IoT devices.
  3. Event Hubs on the Basic pricing tier can persist an event for only 1 day and Premium up to 90 days.
  4. Event Grid can help you connect Azure Functions to Event Hubs.
  5. SAS keys and X.509 certificates can be used to connect IoT devices to an IoT Hub.
  6. Misconfiguring filtering for an event handler can prevent it from receiving all the events sent by Event Grid.

Chapter 13

  1. The backup functionality is not provided out of the box but can be implemented with a custom service that triggers when new messages arrive from Event Grid and peeks messages without removing the message from the queue.
  2. Transactions at the service level are not supported for Azure Queue.
  3. When the message is received by the consumer, it needs to process the message and delete it, or the message will be restored in the queue after a timeout in case the consumer crashes while processing the message.
  4. 5 GB is the maximum total size limit for an Azure Service Bus Queue.
  5. The Premium Azure Service Bus tier supports geo-redundancy.
  6. A DLQ is a logical queue that is used for keeping undelivered or poison messages. The message can be explicitly sent to the DLQ from the application code for special treatment.
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