Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Overall, some GCP have introduced in previous sections. Now you can start to set up Kubernetes on GCP VM instances using those components. You can even use open-source Kubernetes provisioning tools such as kops and kubespray too.

Google Cloud provides GKE On-Prem (, which allows the user to set up GKE on their own data center resources. As of January 2019, this is an alpha version and not open to everyone yet.

However, GCP has a managed Kubernetes service called GKE. Under the hood, this uses some GCP components such as VPC, VM instances, PD, firewall rules, and LoadBalancers.

Of course, as usual you can use the kubectl command to control your Kubernetes cluster on GKE, which includes the Cloud SDK. If you haven't installed the kubectl command on your machine yet, type the following command to install it via the Cloud SDK:

//install kubectl command
$ gcloud components install kubectl
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