Security group

Once VPC and subnets with related gateways/routes are ready, you can create EC2 instances. However, at least one access control needs to be created beforehand; this is called a security group. It can define ingress (incoming network access) and egress (outgoing network access) firewall rules.

In the following example, a security group and a rule for public subnet hosts are created that allows SSH from your machine's IP address, as well as open HTTP (80/tcp) world-wide:

//create one security group for public subnet
$ aws ec2 create-security-group --vpc-id vpc-0ca37d4650963adbb --group-name public --description "public facing host"
"GroupId": "sg-03973d9109a19e592"

//check your machine's public IP (if not sure, use as temporary) $ curl
//public facing machine allows ssh only from your machine $ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-03973d9109a19e592 --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr
//public facing machine allow HTTP access from any host ( $ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-03973d9109a19e592 --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr

Next, create a security group for a private subnet host that allows SSH from the public subnet host. In this case, specifying a public subnet security group ID (sg-03973d9109a19e592) instead of a CIDR block is convenient:

//create security group for private subnet
$ aws ec2 create-security-group --vpc-id vpc-0ca37d4650963adbb --group-name private --description "private subnet host"
"GroupId": "sg-0f4058a729e2c207e"

//private subnet allows ssh only from public subnet host security group $ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-0f4058a729e2c207e --protocol tcp --port 22 --source-group sg-03973d9109a19e592

//it also allows HTTP (80/TCP) from public subnet security group
$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-0f4058a729e2c207e --protocol tcp --port 80 --source-group sg-03973d9109a19e592
When you define a security group for a public subnet, it's highly recommended that it's reviewed by a security expert. This is because, once you deploy an EC2 instance onto the public subnet, it has a public IP address and then everyone including crackers and bots are able to access your instances directly.

Overall, there are two security groups that have been created, as follows:


Security group ID

Allow ssh (22/TCP)

Allow HTTP (80/TCP)



Your machine (



public sg (sg-03973d9109a19e592)

public sg (sg-03973d9109a19e592)

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