
In this chapter, we learned the basic concepts of Kubernetes. We learned that a Kubernetes master has kube-apiserver to handle requests and controller managers are the control center of Kubernetes. These ensure our desired container amount is fulfilled, they control the endpoint to associate pods and services, and they control API access tokens. We also have Kubernetes nodes, which are the workers to host the containers, receive the information from the master, and route the traffic based on the configuration.

We then used minikube to demonstrate basic Kubernetes objects, including pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Services, secrets, and ConfigMaps. Finally, we demonstrated how to combine all of the concepts we've learned into our kiosk application.

As we mentioned previously, the data inside containers will disappear when a container is gone. Therefore, volume is extremely important to persist the data in the container world. In Chapter 4, Managing Stateful Workloads, we'll be learning how volume works and how to use persistent volume.

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