What you need for this book

All the examples have been implemented using Python version 2.7 (and 3.5) on an Ubuntu Linux 64 bit including the TensorFlow library version 1.0.1. However, all the source codes that are shown in the book are Python 2.7 compatible. Further, source codes for Python 3.5 compatible can be downloaded from the Packt repository. Source codes for Python 3.5+ compatible can be downloaded from the Packt repository.

You will also need the following Python modules (preferably the latest version):

  • Pip
  • Bazel
  • Matplotlib
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • mnist_data

For chapters 8, 9 and 10, you will need the following frameworks too:

  • Keras
  • XLA
  • Pretty Tensor
  • TFLearn
  • OpenAI gym

Most importantly, GPU-enabled version of TensorFlow has several requirements such as 64-bit Linux, Python 2.7 (or 3.3+ for Python 3), NVIDIA CUDA® 7.5 (CUDA 8.0 required for Pascal GPUs) and NVIDIA cuDNN v4.0 (minimum) or v5.1 (recommended). More specifically, the current implementation of TensorFlow  supports GPU computing with  NVIDIA toolkits, drivers and software only.

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