Chapter 13: Support Vector Machine Classification

There are some similarities between support vector classification models and k-nearest neighbors models. They are both intuitive and flexible. However, support vector classification, due to the nature of the algorithm, scales better than k-nearest neighbor. Unlike logistic regression, it can handle nonlinear models rather easily. The strategies and issues with using support vector machines for classification are similar to those we discussed in Chapter 8, Support Vector Regression, when we used support vector machines for regression.

One of the key advantages of support vector classification (SVC) is the ability it gives us to reduce model complexity without increasing our feature space. But it also provides multiple levers we can adjust to limit the possibility of overfitting. We can choose a linear model or select from several nonlinear kernels. We can use a regularization parameter, much as we did for logistic regression. With extensions, we can also use these same techniques to construct multiclass models.

We will explore the following topics in this chapter:

  • Key concepts for SVC
  • Linear SVC models
  • Nonlinear SVM classification models
  • SVMs for multiclass classification

Technical requirements

We will stick to the pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn libraries in this chapter. All code in this chapter was tested with scikit-learn versions 0.24.2 and 1.0.2. The code that displays the decision boundaries needs scikit-learn version 1.1.1 or later.

Key concepts for SVC

We can use support vector machines (SVMs) to find a line or curve to separate instances by class. When classes can be discriminated by a line, they are said to be linearly separable.

There may, however, be many possible linear classifiers, as we can see in Figure 13.1. Each line successfully discriminates between the two classes, represented by dots and squares, using the two features x1 and x2. The key difference is in how the lines would classify new instances, represented by the transparent rectangle. Using the line closest to the squares would cause the transparent rectanglez to be classified as a dot. Using either of the other two lines would classify it as a square.

Figure 13.1 – Three possible linear classifiers

Figure 13.1 – Three possible linear classifiers

When a linear discriminant is very close to training instances, as is the case with two of the lines in Figure 13.2, there is a greater risk of misclassifying new instances. We want a line that gives us the maximum margin between classes; one that is furthest away from border data points for each class. That is the middle line in Figure 13.1, but it can be seen more clearly in Figure 13.2:

Figure 13.2 – SVM classification and maximum margin

Figure 13.2 – SVM classification and maximum margin

The bold line splits the maximum margin and is referred to as the decision boundary. The border data points for each class are known as the support vectors.

We use SVM to find the linear discriminant with the maximum margin between classes.  It does this by finding an equation representing a margin that can be maximized, where the margin is the distance between a data point and the separating hyperplane. With two features, as in Figure 13.2, that hyperplane is just a line. However, this can be generalized to feature spaces with more dimensions.

With data points such as those in Figure 13.2, we can use what is known as hard margin classification without problems; that is, we can be strict about all observations for each class being on the correct side of the decision boundary. But what if our data points look like those in Figure 13.3? Here, there is a square very close to the dots. The hard margin classifier is the left line, giving us quite tiny margins.

Figure 13.3 – SVMs with hard and soft margins

Figure 13.3 – SVMs with hard and soft margins

If we use soft margin classification instead, we get the line to the right. Soft margin classification relaxes the constraint that all instances have to be correctly separated. As is the case with the data in Figure 13.3, allowing for a small number of misclassifications in the training data can give us a larger margin. We ignore the wayward square and get a decision boundary represented by the soft margin line.

The amount of relaxation of the constraint is determined by the C hyperparameter. The larger the value of C, the greater the penalty for margin violations. Not surprisingly, models with larger C values are more prone to overfitting. Figure 13.4 illustrates how the margin changes with values of C. At C = 1, the penalty for misclassification is low, giving us a much greater margin than when C is 100. Even at a C of 100, however, some margin violation still happens.

Figure 13.4 – Soft margins at different C values

Figure 13.4 – Soft margins at different C values

As a practical matter, we almost always build our SVC models with soft margins. The default value for C in scikit-learn is 1.

Nonlinear SVM and the kernel trick

We have not yet fully addressed the issue of linear separability with SVC. For simplicity, it is helpful to return to a classification problem involving two features. Let’s say a plot of two features against a categorical target looks like the illustration in Figure 13.5. The target has two possible values, represented by the dots and squares. x1 and x2 are numeric and have negative values.

Figure 13.5 – Class labels not linearly separable with two features

Figure 13.5 – Class labels not linearly separable with two features

What can we do in a case like this to identify a margin between the classes? It is often the case that a margin can be identified at a higher dimension. In this example, we can use a polynomial transformation, as illustrated in Figure 13.6:

Figure 13.6 – Using polynomial transformation to establish the margin

Figure 13.6 – Using polynomial transformation to establish the margin

There is now a third dimension, which is the sum of the squares of x1 and x2. The dots are all higher than the squares. This is similar to how we used polynomial transformation with linear regression.

One drawback of this approach is that we can quickly end up with too many features for our model to perform well. This is where the kernel trick comes in very handy. SVC can use a kernel function to expand the feature space implicitly without actually creating more features. This is done by creating a vector of values that can be used to fit a nonlinear margin.

While this allows us to fit a polynomial transformation like the hypothetical one illustrated in Figure 13.6, the most frequently used kernel function with SVC is the radial basis function (RBF). RBF is popular because it is faster than other common kernel functions and because it can be used with the gamma hyperparameter for additional flexibility. The equation for the RBF kernel is as follows:

Here, and are data points. Gamma, , determines the amount of influence of each point. With high values of gamma, points have to be very close to each other to be grouped together. At very high values of gamma, we start to see islands of points.

Of course, what is a high value for gamma, or of C, depends partly on our data. A good approach is to create visualizations of decision boundaries at different values for gamma and C before doing much modeling. This will give us a sense of whether or not we are underfitting or overfitting at different hyperparameter values. We will plot decision boundaries at different values of gamma and C in this chapter.

Multiclass classification with SVC

All of our discussion about SVC so far has centered on binary classification. Fortunately, all of the key concepts that apply to SVMs for binary classification also apply to classification when our target has more than two possible values. We transform the multiclass problem into a binary classification problem by modeling it as a one-versus-one, or a one-versus-rest problem.

Figure 13.7 – Multiclass SVC options

Figure 13.7 – Multiclass SVC options

One-versus-one classification is easy to illustrate in a three-class example, as shown on the left side of Figure 13.7. A decision boundary is estimated between each class and each of the other classes. For example, the dotted line is the decision boundary for the dot class versus the square class. The solid line is the decision boundary between the dots and the ovals.

With one-versus-rest classification, a decision boundary is constructed between each class and those instances that are not of that class. This is illustrated on the right side of Figure 13.7. The solid line is the decision boundary between the dots and the instances that are not dots (those that are squares or ovals). The dotted and double lines are the decision boundaries for the squares versus the rest and the ovals versus the rest of the instances, respectively.

We can construct both linear and nonlinear SVC models using either one-versus-one or one-versus-rest classification. We can also specify values for C to construct soft margins. However, the construction of more decision boundaries with each of these techniques claims greater computational resources than SVC for binary classification. If we have a large number of observations, many features, and more than a couple of parameters to tune, we will likely need very good system resources to get timely results.

The three-class example hides one thing that is different about one-versus-one and one-versus-rest classifiers. With three classes, they use the same number of classifiers (three), but the number of classifiers increases relatively rapidly with one-versus-one. The number of classifiers will always be equal to the number of class values with one-versus-rest, whereas, with one-versus-one, it is equal to the following:

Here, S is the number of classifiers and N is the cardinality (the number of class values) of the target. So, with a cardinality of 4, one-versus-rest needs 4 classifiers, and one-versus-one uses 6.

We explore multiclass SVC models in the last section of this chapter, but let’s start with a relatively straightforward linear model to see SVC in action. There are two things to keep in mind when doing the preprocessing for an SVC model. First, SVC is sensitive to the scale of features, so we will need to address that before fitting our model. Second, if we are using hard margins or high values for C, outliers might have a large effect on our model.

Linear SVC models

We can often get good results by using a linear SVC model. When we have more than two features, there is no easy way to visualize whether our data is linearly separable or not. We often decide on linear or nonlinear based on hyperparameter tuning. For this section, we will assume we can get good performance with a linear model and soft margins.

We will work with data on National Basketball Association (NBA) games in this section. The dataset has statistics from each NBA game from the 2017/2018 season through the 2020/2021 season. This includes the home team, whether the home team won, the visiting team, shooting percentages for visiting and home teams, turnovers, rebounds, and assists by both teams, and a number of other measures.


NBA game data is available for download for the public at This dataset has game data starting with the 1946/1947 NBA season. It uses nba_api to pull stats from That API is available at

Let’s build a linear SVC model:

  1. We start by loading the familiar libraries. The only new modules are LinearSVC and DecisionBoundaryDisplay. We will use DecisionBoundaryDisplay to show the boundaries of a linear model:

    import pandas as pd

    import numpy as np

    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

    from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler

    from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

    from scipy.stats import uniform

    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

    from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

    from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV

    from sklearn.inspection import DecisionBoundaryDisplay

    from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate,

      RandomizedSearchCV, RepeatedStratifiedKFold

    import sklearn.metrics as skmet

    import seaborn as sns

    import os

    import sys

    sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/helperfunctions")

    from preprocfunc import OutlierTrans

  2. We are ready to load the NBA game data. We just have a little cleaning to do. A small number of observations have missing values for our target, WL_HOME, whether the home team won. We remove those observations. We convert the WL_HOME feature to a 0 and 1 feature.

There is not much of a problem with a class imbalance here. This will save us some time later:

nbagames = pd.read_csv("data/nbagames2017plus.csv", parse_dates=['GAME_DATE'])

nbagames =



(4568, 149)

nbagames['WL_HOME'] =



1    2586

0    1982

Name: WL_HOME, dtype: int64

  1. Let’s organize our features by data type:

    num_cols = ['FG_PCT_HOME','FTA_HOME','FG3_PCT_HOME',






    cat_cols = ['SEASON']

  2. Let’s look at some descriptive statistics. (I have omitted some features from the printout to save space.) We will need to scale these features since they have very different ranges. There are no missing values but we will generate some when we assign missings to extreme values:

    nbagames[['WL_HOME'] + num_cols].agg(['count','min','median','max']).T

                      count     min     median  max

    WL_HOME           4,568     0.00    1.00    1.00

    FG_PCT_HOME       4,568     0.27    0.47    0.65

    FTA_HOME          4,568     1.00    22.00   64.00

    FG3_PCT_HOME      4,568     0.06    0.36    0.84

    FTM_HOME          4,568     1.00    17.00   44.00

    FT_PCT_HOME       4,568     0.14    0.78    1.00

    OREB_HOME         4,568     1.00    10.00   25.00

    DREB_HOME         4,568     18.00   35.00   55.00

    REB_HOME          4,568     22.00   45.00   70.00

    AST_HOME          4,568     10.00   24.00   50.00


    FT_PCT_AWAY       4,568     0.26    0.78    1.00

    OREB_AWAY         4,568     0.00    10.00   26.00

    DREB_AWAY         4,568     18.00   34.00   56.00

    REB_AWAY          4,568     22.00   44.00   71.00

    AST_AWAY          4,568     9.00    24.00   46.00

    STL_AWAY          4,568     0.00    8.00    19.00

    BLK_AWAY          4,568     0.00    5.00    15.00

    TOV_AWAY          4,568     3.00    14.00   30.00

  3. We should also review the correlations of the features:

    corrmatrix = nbagames[['WL_HOME'] +




      yticklabels=corrmatrix.columns, cmap="coolwarm")

    plt.title('Heat Map of Correlation Matrix')


This produces the following plot:

Figure 13.8 – Heat map of NBA game statistics correlations

Figure 13.8 – Heat map of NBA game statistics correlations

Several features are correlated with the target, including the field goal percentage of the home team (FG_PCT_HOME) and defensive rebounds of the home team (DREB_HOME).

There is also correlation among the features. For example, the field goal percentage of the home team (FG_PCT_HOME) and the 3-point field goal percentage of the home team (FG3_PCT_HOME) are positively correlated, not surprisingly. Also, rebounds of the home team (REB_HOME) and defensive rebounds of the home team (DREB_HOME) are likely too closely correlated for any model to disentangle their impact.

  1. Next, we create training and testing DataFrames:

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test =  

      train_test_split(nbagames[num_cols + cat_cols],

      nbagames[['WL_HOME']], test_size=0.2, random_state=0)

  2. We need to set up our column transformations. For the numeric columns, we check for outliers and scale the data. We one-hot encode the one categorical feature, SEASON. We will use these transformations later with the pipeline for our grid search:

    ohe = OneHotEncoder(drop='first', sparse=False)

    cattrans = make_pipeline(ohe)

    standtrans = make_pipeline(OutlierTrans(2),

      SimpleImputer(strategy="median"), StandardScaler())

    coltrans = ColumnTransformer(


        ("cat", cattrans, cat_cols),

        ("stand", standtrans, num_cols)



  3. Before constructing our model, let’s look at a decision boundary from a linear SVC model. We base the boundary on two features correlated with the target: the field goal percentage of the home team (FG_PCT_HOME) and defensive rebounds of the home team (DREB_HOME).

We create a function, dispbound, which will use the DecisionBoundaryDisplay module to show the boundary. This module is available with scikit-learn versions 1.1.1 or later. DecisionBoundaryDisplay needs a model to fit, two features, and target values:

pipe0 = make_pipeline(OutlierTrans(2),

  SimpleImputer(strategy="median"), StandardScaler())

X_train_enc = pipe0.


def dispbound(model, X, xvarnames, y, title):

  dispfit =,y)

  disp = DecisionBoundaryDisplay.from_estimator(

    dispfit, X, response_method="predict",

    xlabel=xvarnames[0], ylabel=xvarnames[1],



  scatter = disp.ax_.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1],

    c=y, edgecolor="k")



  legend1 = disp.ax_.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(),

    loc="lower left", title="Home Win")



  X_train_enc, ['FG_PCT_HOME','DREB_HOME'],


  'Linear SVC Decision Boundary')

This produces the following plot:

Figure 13.9 – Decision boundary for a two-feature linear SVC model

Figure 13.9 – Decision boundary for a two-feature linear SVC model

We get a pretty decent linear boundary with just the two features. That is great news, but let’s do a more carefully constructed model.

  1. To build our model, we first instantiate a linear SVC object and set up recursive feature elimination. We then add the column transformation, the feature selection, and the linear SVC to a pipeline and fit it:

    svc = LinearSVC(max_iter=1000000, loss='hinge',


    rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, cv=5)

    pipe1 = make_pipeline(coltrans, rfecv, svc), y_train.values.ravel())

  2. Let’s see what features were selected from our recursive feature elimination. We need to first get the column names after the one-hot encoding. We can then use the get_support method of the rfecv object to get the features that were selected. (You will get a deprecated warning regarding get_feature_names if you are using scikit-learn versions 1 or later. You can use get_feature_names_out instead, though that will not work with earlier versions of scikit-learn.):

    new_cat_cols =





    new_cols = np.concatenate((new_cat_cols, np.array(num_cols)))

    sel_cols = new_cols[pipe1['rfecv'].get_support()]



    array(['SEASON_2018', 'SEASON_2019', 'SEASON_2020',

           'FG_PCT_HOME', 'FTA_HOME', 'FG3_PCT_HOME',

           'FTM_HOME', 'FT_PCT_HOME', 'OREB_HOME',

           'DREB_HOME', 'REB_HOME', 'AST_HOME',

           'TOV_HOME', 'FG_PCT_AWAY', 'FTA_AWAY',

           'FG3_PCT_AWAY', 'FT_PCT_AWAY', 'OREB_AWAY',

           'DREB_AWAY', 'REB_AWAY', 'AST_AWAY',

           'BLK_AWAY', 'TOV_AWAY'], dtype=object)

  3. We should look at the coefficients. Coefficients for each of the selected columns can be accessed with the coef_ attribute of the linearsvc object. Perhaps not surprisingly, the shooting percentages of the home team (FG_PCT_HOME) and the away team (FG_PCT_AWAY) are the most important positive and negative predictors of the home team winning. The next most important features are the number of turnovers of the away and home teams:


      coef_[0], index=sel_cols).


    FG_PCT_HOME     2.21

    TOV_AWAY        1.20

    REB_HOME        1.19

    FTM_HOME        0.95

    FG3_PCT_HOME    0.94

    FT_PCT_HOME     0.31

    AST_HOME        0.25

    OREB_HOME       0.18

    DREB_AWAY       0.11

    SEASON_2018     0.10

    FTA_HOME       -0.05

    BLK_AWAY       -0.07

    SEASON_2019    -0.11

    SEASON_2020    -0.19

    AST_AWAY       -0.44

    OREB_AWAY      -0.47

    DREB_HOME      -0.49

    FT_PCT_AWAY    -0.53

    REB_AWAY       -0.63

    FG3_PCT_AWAY   -0.80

    FTA_AWAY       -0.81

    TOV_HOME       -1.19

    FG_PCT_AWAY    -1.91

    dtype: float64

  4. Let’s take a look at the predictions. Our model predicts the home team winning very well:

    pred = pipe1.predict(X_test)

    print("accuracy: %.2f, sensitivity: %.2f, specificity: %.2f, precision: %.2f"  %

      (skmet.accuracy_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred, pos_label=0),

      skmet.precision_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred)))

    accuracy: 0.93, sensitivity: 0.95, specificity: 0.92, precision: 0.93

  5. We should confirm that these metrics are not a fluke by doing some cross-validation. We use repeated stratified k folds for our validation, indicating that we want seven folds and 10 iterations. We get pretty much the same results as we did during the previous step:

    kf = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=7,n_repeats=10,


    scores = cross_validate(pipe1, X_train,



      cv=kf, n_jobs=-1)

    print("accuracy: %.2f, precision: %.2f, sensitivity: %.2f, f1: %.2f"  %





    accuracy: 0.93, precision: 0.93, sensitivity: 0.95, f1: 0.94

  6. We have been using the default value of C of 1 so far. We can try to identify a better value for C with a randomized grid search:

    svc_params = {

    'linearsvc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=100)


    rs = RandomizedSearchCV(pipe1, svc_params, cv=10,

      scoring='accuracy', n_iter=20, random_state=0), y_train.values.ravel())


    {'linearsvc__C': 54.88135039273247}



The best C value is 2.02 and the best accuracy score is 0.9316.

  1. Let’s take a closer look at the scores for each of the 20 times we ran the grid search. Each score is the average accuracy score across 10 folds. We actually get pretty much the same score regardless of the C value:

    results =




      sort_values(['meanscore'], ascending=False)


                  meanscore        linearsvc__C

    0             0.93             54.88

    8             0.93             96.37

    18            0.93             77.82

    17            0.93             83.26

    13            0.93             92.56

    12            0.93             56.80

    11            0.93             52.89

    1             0.93             71.52

    10            0.93             79.17

    7             0.93             89.18

    6             0.93             43.76

    5             0.93             64.59

    3             0.93             54.49

    2             0.93             60.28

    19            0.93             87.00

    9             0.93             38.34

    4             0.93             42.37

    14            0.93             7.10

    15            0.93             8.71

    16            0.93             2.02

  2. Let’s now look at some of the predictions. Our model does well across the board, but not any better than the initial model:

    pred = rs.predict(X_test)

    print("accuracy: %.2f, sensitivity: %.2f, specificity: %.2f, precision: %.2f"  %

      (skmet.accuracy_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred, pos_label=0),

      skmet.precision_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred)))

    accuracy: 0.93, sensitivity: 0.95, specificity: 0.92, precision: 0.93

  3. Let’s also look at a confusion matrix:

    cm = skmet.confusion_matrix(y_test, pred)

    cmplot =

      skmet.ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm, display_labels=['Loss', 'Won'])


    cmplot.ax_.set(title='Home Team Win Confusion Matrix',

      xlabel='Predicted Value', ylabel='Actual Value')

This produces the following plot:

Figure 13.10 – Confusion matrix for wins by the home team

Figure 13.10 – Confusion matrix for wins by the home team

Our model largely predicts home team wins and losses correctly. Tuning the value of C did not make much of a difference, as we get pretty much the same accuracy regardless of the C value.


You may have noticed that we are using the accuracy metric more often with the NBA games data than with the heart disease and machine failure data that we have worked with in previous chapters. We focused more on sensitivity with that data. There are two reasons for that. First, accuracy is a more compelling measure when classes are closer to being balanced for reasons we discussed in detail in Chapter 6, Preparing for Model Evaluation. Second, in predicting heart disease and machine power failure, we are biased towards sensitivity, as the cost of a false negative is higher than that of a false positive in those domains. For predicting NBA games, there is no such bias.

One advantage of linear SVC models is how easy they are to interpret. We are able to look at coefficients, which helps us make sense of the model and communicate the basis of our predictions to others. It nonetheless can be helpful to confirm that we do not get better results with a nonlinear model. We will do that in the next section.

Nonlinear SVM classification models

Although nonlinear SVC is more complicated conceptually than linear SVC, as we saw in the first section of this chapter, running a nonlinear model with scikit-learn is relatively straightforward. The main difference from a linear model is that we need to do a fair bit more hyperparameter tuning. We have to specify values for C, for gamma, and for the kernel we want to use.

While there are theoretical reasons for hypothesizing that some hyperparameter values might work better than others for a given modeling challenge, we usually resolve those values empirically, that is, with hyperparameter tuning. We try that in this section with the same NBA games data that we used in the previous section:

  1. We load the same libraries that we used in the previous section. We also import the LogisticRegression module. We will use that with a feature selection wrapper method later:

    import pandas as pd

    import numpy as np

    from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

    from sklearn.svm import SVC

    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

    from scipy.stats import uniform

    from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV

    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

    from scipy.stats import randint

    from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV

    import sklearn.metrics as skmet

    import os

    import sys

    sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/helperfunctions")

    from preprocfunc import OutlierTrans

  2. We import the nbagames module, which has the code that loads and preprocesses the NBA games data. This is just a copy of the code that we ran in the previous section to prepare the data for modeling. There is no need to repeat those steps here.

We also import the dispbound function we used in the previous section to display decision boundaries. We copied that code into a file called in the helperfunctions subfolder of the current directory:

import nbagames as ng

from displayfunc import dispbound

  1. We use the nbagames module to get the training and testing data:

    X_train = ng.X_train

    X_test = ng.X_test

    y_train = ng.y_train

    y_test = ng.y_test

  2. Before constructing a model, let’s look at the decision boundaries for a couple of different kernels with two features: the field goal percentage of the home team (FG_PCT_HOME) and defensive rebounds of the home team (DREB_HOME). We start with the rbf kernel, using different values for gamma and C:

    pipe0 = make_pipeline(OutlierTrans(2),



    X_train_enc =



    dispbound(SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=30, C=1),



      "SVC with rbf kernel-gamma=30, C=1")

Running this a few different ways produces the following plots:

Figure 13.11 – Decision boundaries with the rbf kernel and different gamma and C values

Figure 13.11 – Decision boundaries with the rbf kernel and different gamma and C values

At values for gamma and C near the default, we see some bending of the decision boundary to accommodate a few wayward points in the loss class. These are instances where the home team lost despite having very high defensive rebound totals. With the rbf kernel, two of these instances are now correctly classified. There are also a couple of instances with a high home team field goal percentage but low home team defensive rebounds, which are now correctly classified. However, there is not much change overall in our predictions compared with the linear model from the previous section.

But this changes significantly if we increase values for C or gamma. Recall that higher values of C increase the penalty for misclassification. This leads to boundaries that wind around instances more.

Increasing gamma to 30 causes substantial overfitting. High values of gamma mean that data points have to be very close to each other to be grouped together. This results in decision boundaries closely tied to small numbers of instances, sometimes just one instance.

  1. We can also show the boundaries for a polynomial kernel. We will keep the C value at the default to focus on the effect of changing the number of degrees:

    dispbound(SVC(kernel='poly', degree=7),

      X_train_enc, ['FG_PCT_HOME','DREB_HOME'],


      "SVC with polynomial kernel - degree=7")

Running this a couple of different ways produces the following plots:

Figure 13.12 – Decision boundaries with polynomial kernel and different degrees

Figure 13.12 – Decision boundaries with polynomial kernel and different degrees

We can see some bending of the decision boundary at higher degree levels to handle a couple of unusual instances. There is not much overfitting here, but not really much improvement in our predictions either.

This at least hints at what to expect when we construct the model. We should try some nonlinear models but there is a good chance that they will not lead to much improvement over the linear model we used in the previous section.

  1. Now, we are ready to set up the pipeline that we will use for our nonlinear SVC. Our pipeline will do the column transformation and a recursive feature elimination. We use logistic regression for the feature selection:

    rfecv = RFECV(estimator=LogisticRegression())

    svc = SVC()

    pipe1 = make_pipeline(ng.coltrans, rfecv, svc)

  2. We create a dictionary to use for our hyperparameter tuning. This dictionary is structured somewhat differently from other dictionaries we have used for this purpose. That is because certain hyperparameters only work with certain other hyperparameters. For example, gamma does not work with a linear kernel:

    svc_params = [


        'svc__kernel': ['rbf'],

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20),

        'svc__gamma': uniform(loc=0, scale=100)



        'svc__kernel': ['poly'],

        'svc__degree': randint(1, 5),

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20),

        'svc__gamma': uniform(loc=0, scale=100)



        'svc__kernel': ['linear','sigmoid'],

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20)




    You may have noticed that one of the kernels we will be using is linear, and wonder how this is different from the linear SVC module we used in the previous section. LinearSVC will often converge faster, particularly with large datasets. It does not use the kernel trick. We will also likely get different results as the optimization is different in several ways.

  3. Now we are ready to fit an SVC model. The best model is actually one with a linear kernel:

    rs = RandomizedSearchCV(pipe1, svc_params, cv=5,

      scoring='accuracy', n_iter=10, n_jobs=-1,

      verbose=5, random_state=0), y_train.values.ravel())


    {'svc__C': 1.1342595463488636, 'svc__kernel': 'linear'}



  4. Let’s take a closer look at the hyperparameters selected and the associated accuracy scores. We can get the 20 randomly chosen hyperparameter combinations from the params list from the grid object’s cv_results_ dictionary. We can get the mean test score from that same dictionary.

We sort by accuracy score in descending order. Linear kernels outperform polynomial and rbf kernels, though not substantially better than polynomial at 3, 4, and 5 degrees. rbf kernels perform particularly poorly:

results =




  sort_values(['meanscore'], ascending=False)


            C          gamma     kernel     degree


0.93        1.13       NaN       linear     NaN

0.89        1.42       64.82     poly       3.00

0.89        9.55       NaN       sigmoid    NaN

0.89        11.36      NaN       sigmoid    NaN

0.89        2.87       75.86     poly       5.00

0.64        12.47      43.76     poly       4.00

0.64        15.61      72.06     poly       4.00

0.57        11.86      84.43     rbf        NaN

0.57        16.65      77.82     rbf        NaN

0.57        19.57      79.92     rbf        NaN


We use the pandas json_nomalize method to handle the somewhat messy hyperparameter combinations we pull from the params list. It is messy because different hyperparameters are available depending on the kernel used. This means that the 20 dictionaries in the params list will have different keys. For example, the polynomial kernels will have values for degrees. The linear and rbf kernels will not.

  1. We can access the support vectors via the best_estimator_ attribute. There are 625 support vectors holding up the decision boundary:



    (625, 18)

  2. Finally, we can take a look at the predictions. Not surprisingly, we do not get better results than we got with the linear SVC model that we ran in the last section. I say not surprisingly because the best model was found to be a model with a linear kernel:

    pred = rs.predict(X_test)

    print("accuracy: %.2f, sensitivity: %.2f, specificity: %.2f, precision: %.2f"  %

      (skmet.accuracy_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred),

      skmet.recall_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred,


      skmet.precision_score(y_test.values.ravel(), pred)))

    accuracy: 0.93, sensitivity: 0.94, specificity: 0.91, precision: 0.93

Although we have not improved upon our model from the previous section, it was still a worthwhile exercise to experiment with some nonlinear models. Indeed, this is often how we discover whether we have data that can be successfully separated linearly. This is typically difficult to visualize and so we rely on hyperparameter tuning to tell us which kernel classifies our data best.

This section and the previous one demonstrate the key techniques for using SVMs for binary classification. Much of what we have done so far applies to multiclass classification as well. We will take a look at SVC modeling strategies when our target has more than two values in the next section.

SVMs for multiclass classification

All of the same concerns that we had when we used SVC for binary classification apply when we are doing multiclass classification. We need to determine whether the classes are linearly separable, and if not, which kernel will yield the best results. As discussed in the first section of this chapter, we also need to decide whether that classification is best modeled as one-versus-one or one-versus-rest. One-versus-one finds decision boundaries that separate each class from each of the other classes. One-versus-rest finds decision boundaries that distinguish each class from all other instances. We try both approaches in this section.

We will work with the machine failure data that we worked with in previous chapters.


This dataset on machine failure is available for public use at There are 10,000 observations, 12 features, and two possible targets. One is binary: the machine failed or did not. The other has types of failure. The instances in this dataset are synthetic, generated by a process designed to mimic machine failure rates and causes.

Let’s build a multiclass SVC model:

  1. We start by loading the same libraries that we have been using in this chapter:

    import pandas as pd

    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

    from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, MinMaxScaler

    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

    from sklearn.svm import SVC

    from scipy.stats import uniform

    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

    from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

    from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV

    import sklearn.metrics as skmet

    import os

    import sys

    sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/helperfunctions")

    from preprocfunc import OutlierTrans

  2. We will load the machine failure type dataset and take a look at its structure. There is a mixture of character and numeric data. There are no missing values:

    machinefailuretype = pd.read_csv("data/machinefailuretype.csv")

    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

    RangeIndex: 10000 entries, 0 to 9999

    Data columns (total 10 columns):

    #   Column                 Non-Null Count     Dtype  

    ---  ------                 --------------     -----  

    0   udi                    10000 non-null     int64  

    1   product                10000 non-null     object

    2   machinetype            10000 non-null     object

    3   airtemp                10000 non-null     float64

    4   processtemperature     10000 non-null     float64

    5   rotationalspeed        10000 non-null     int64  

    6   torque                 10000 non-null     float64

    7   toolwear               10000 non-null     int64  

    8   fail                   10000 non-null     int64  

    9   failtype               10000 non-null     object

    dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(3)

    memory usage: 781.4+ KB

  3. Let’s look at a few observations:


       udi product machinetype airtemp processtemperature

    0  1   M14860       M         298        309

    1  2   L47181       L         298        309

    2  3   L47182       L         298        308

    3  4   L47183       L         298        309

    4  5   L47184       L         298        309

       rotationalspeed  torque  toolwear  fail  failtype  

    0        1551         43        0       0   No Failure  

    1        1408         46        3       0   No Failure  

    2        1498         49        5       0   No Failure  

    3        1433         40        7       0   No Failure  

    4        1408         40        9       0   No Failure

  4. Let’s also look at the distribution of the target. We have a significant class imbalance, so we will need to deal with that in some way:



    Heat Dissipation Failure     112

    No Failure                   9652

    Overstrain Failure           78

    Power Failure                95

    Random Failures              18

    Tool Wear Failure            45

    Name: failtype, dtype: int64

  5. We can save ourselves some trouble later by creating a numeric code for failure type, which we will use rather than the character value. We do not need to put this into a pipeline since we are not introducing any data leakage in the conversion:

    def setcode(typetext):

      if (typetext=="No Failure"):

        typecode = 1

      elif (typetext=="Heat Dissipation Failure"):

        typecode = 2

      elif (typetext=="Power Failure"):

        typecode = 3

      elif (typetext=="Overstrain Failure"):

        typecode = 4


        typecode = 5

      return typecode

    machinefailuretype["failtypecode"] =

      machinefailuretype.apply(lambda x: setcode(x.failtype), axis=1)

  6. We should also look at some descriptive statistics. We will need to scale the features:

    num_cols = ['airtemp','processtemperature',


    cat_cols = ['machinetype']


                           min        median     max

    airtemp                295.30     300.10     304.50

    processtemperature     305.70     310.10     313.80

    rotationalspeed        1,168.00   1,503.00   2,886.00

    torque                 3.80       40.10      76.60

    toolwear               0.00       108.00     253.00

  7. Let’s now create training and testing DataFrames. We should also use the stratify parameter to ensure an equal distribution of target values in our training and testing data:

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test =  

      train_test_split(machinefailuretype[num_cols + cat_cols],



      test_size=0.2, random_state=0)

  8. We set up the column transformations we need to run. For the numeric columns, we set outliers to the median and then scale the values. We do one-hot-encoding of the one categorical feature, machinetype. It has H, M, and L values for high, medium, and low quality:

    ohe = OneHotEncoder(drop='first', sparse=False)

    cattrans = make_pipeline(ohe)

    standtrans = make_pipeline(OutlierTrans(3),



    coltrans = ColumnTransformer(


        ("cat", cattrans, cat_cols),

        ("stand", standtrans, num_cols),



  9. Next, we set up a pipeline with the column transformation and the SVC instance. We set the class_weight parameter to balanced to deal with class imbalance. This applies a weight that is inversely related to the frequency of the target class:

    svc = SVC(class_weight='balanced', probability=True)

    pipe1 = make_pipeline(coltrans, svc)

We only have a handful of features in this case so we will not worry about feature selection. (We might still be concerned about features that are highly correlated, but that is not an issue with this dataset.)

  1. We create a dictionary with the hyperparameter combinations to use with a grid search. This is largely the same as the dictionary we used in the previous section, except we have added a decision function shape key. This will cause the grid search to try both one-versus-one (ovo) and one-versus-rest (ovr) classification:

    svc_params = [


        'svc__kernel': ['rbf'],

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20),

        'svc__gamma': uniform(loc=0, scale=100),

        'svc__decision_function_shape': ['ovr','ovo']



        'svc__kernel': ['poly'],

        'svc__degree': np.arange(0,6),

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20),

        'svc__gamma': uniform(loc=0, scale=100),

        'svc__decision_function_shape': ['ovr','ovo']



        'svc__kernel': ['linear','sigmoid'],

        'svc__C': uniform(loc=0, scale=20),

        'svc__decision_function_shape': ['ovr','ovo']



  2. Now we are ready to run the randomized grid search. We will base our scoring on the area under the ROC curve. The best hyperparameters include the one-versus-one decision function and the rbf kernel:

    rs = RandomizedSearchCV(pipe1, svc_params, cv=7, scoring="roc_auc_ovr", n_iter=10), y_train.values.ravel())


    {'svc__C': 5.609789456747942,

    'svc__decision_function_shape': 'ovo',

    'svc__gamma': 27.73459801111866,

    'svc__kernel': 'rbf'}



  3. Let’s see the score for each iteration. In addition to the best model that we saw in the previous step, there are several other hyperparameter combinations that have scores that are nearly as high. One-versus-rest with a linear kernel does nearly as well as the best-performing model:

    results =




      sort_values(['meanscore'], ascending=False)


    meanscore  svc__C svc__decision_function_shape  svc__gamma svc__kernel

    7     0.92     5.61     ovo     27.73     rbf

    5     0.91     9.43     ovr     NaN       linear

    3     0.91     5.40     ovr     NaN       linear

    0     0.90     19.84    ovr     28.70     rbf

    8     0.87     5.34     ovo     93.87     rbf

    6     0.86     8.05     ovr     80.57     rbf

    9     0.86     4.41     ovo     66.66     rbf

    1     0.86     3.21     ovr     85.35     rbf

    4     0.85     0.01     ovo     38.24     rbf

    2     0.66     7.61     ovr     NaN       sigmoid

  4. We should take a look at the confusion matrix:

    pred = rs.predict(X_test)

    cm = skmet.confusion_matrix(y_test, pred)

    cmplot = skmet.ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm,

       display_labels=['None', 'Heat','Power','Overstrain','Other'])


    cmplot.ax_.set(title='Machine Failure Type Confusion Matrix',

      xlabel='Predicted Value', ylabel='Actual Value')

This produces the following plot:

Figure 13.13 – Confusion matrix for machine failure type prediction

Figure 13.13 – Confusion matrix for machine failure type prediction

  1. Let’s also do a classification report. We do not get great scores for sensitivity for most classes, though our model does predict heat and overstrain failures pretty well:

    print(skmet.classification_report(y_test, pred,

      target_names=['None', 'Heat','Power', 'Overstrain', 'Other']))

                  precision    recall  f1-score   support

            None       0.99      0.97      0.98      1930

            Heat       0.50      0.91      0.65        22

           Power       0.60      0.47      0.53        19

      Overstrain       0.65      0.81      0.72        16

           Other       0.06      0.15      0.09        13

        accuracy                           0.96      2000

       macro avg       0.56      0.66      0.59      2000

    weighted avg       0.97      0.96      0.96      2000

When modeling targets such as machine failure types that have a high class imbalance, we are often more concerned with metrics other than accuracy. This is partly determined by our domain knowledge. Avoiding false negatives may be more important than avoiding false positives. Doing a thorough check on a machine too early is definitely preferable to doing it too late.

The 96 to 97 percent weighted precision, recall (sensitivity), and f1 scores do not provide a good sense of the performance of our model. They mainly reflect the large class imbalance and the fact that it is very easy to predict no machine failure. The much lower macro averages (which are just simple averages across classes) indicate that our model struggles to predict some types of machine failure.

This example illustrates that it is relatively easy to extend SVC to models that have targets with more than two values. We can specify whether we want to use one-versus-one or one-versus-rest classification. The one-versus-rest approach can be faster when the number of classes is above three since there will be fewer classifiers trained.


In this chapter, we explored the different strategies for implementing SVC. We used linear SVC (which does not use kernels), which can perform very well when our classes are linearly separable. We then examined how to use the kernel trick to extend SVC to cases where the classes are not linearly separable. Finally, we used one-versus-one and one-versus-rest classification to handle targets with more than two values.

SVC is an exceptionally useful technique for binary and multiclass classification. It can handle both straightforward and complicated relationships between features and the target. There are few supervised learning problems for which SVMs should not at least be considered. However, it is not very efficient with very large datasets.

In the next chapter, we will explore another popular and flexible classification algorithm, Naive Bayes.

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