
1080i 415

1080p 415

16:9 21

2-2 pulldown 415

2-3 pulldown 415

24 FPS 69

25 FPS 69

29.97 Drop Frame 69

29.97 Non-Drop Frame 69

3 dB attenuation 92

30 FPS Drop Frame 69

30 FPS Non-Drop Frame 69

3-2 pulldown 415

4:1:1 416

4:2:0 416

4:2:2 416

4:3 aspect ratio 20

4:4:4 416

480i 416

480p 416

4C 416

525/60 416

5C 416

625/50 416

720p 416

8/16 modulation 124, 417

90-degree phase shift 92


A PCK 35, 418

Abbey Road Interactive 314

AC-3 417

access time 49, 417

ActiveMovie 417

Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) 94, 417

Add 207

Advanced Audio Coder (AAC) 417

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) 419

Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (ATAPI) 417, 419

Advanced Television (ATV) 417

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 417, 419


aliasing 20, 97–98, 418

all4dvd 399

Alpha DVD 314

business model 303

Alternating Current (AC) 417

Aludra 314

Amaray case 126

Americ Disc 385

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 418

AMG 43

analog 29, 183, 418

Analog Copy Protection (ACP) 28, 417

Analog Protection System (APS) 122

anchor point 418

And (Logical And) 208

Angel DVD Scandinavia 315

angle 21–22, 33, 173–175, 189, 206, 218, 222–223, 245, 251, 255–256, 418

menu 175, 177, 418

Angle_Change(Angle_Number) 218

Animation Dynamics, Inc. 315

Apple 355

Apple iDVD 138

application format 418

artifact 84, 418

aspect ratio 21, 147, 159–160, 164, 168–169, 195–196, 233, 256, 419

asv multimedia 316


See Advanced Television


bandwidth 91

channel number 419

coding mode 90

compatibility issues 225

menu 175, 177, 419

quality 117

audio encoding tools 309

Audio Engineering Society (AES) 418

Audio Manager Menu (AMGM) 45, 418

Audio Object (AOB) 418

Audio Object Set for Audio Only Title (AOTT_AOBS) 418

Audio Object Sets (AOBS) 43–44, 418

Audio Only DVD-Audio Player (AOTT) 44

Audio Still Video (ASV) 42, 419

Audio Still Video Object Set (ASVOBS) 419

Audio Still Video Units (ASVU) 42, 419

audio stream number 26, 187–188, 225, 251, 419

Audio Title (ATT) 43–44, 419

audio/video synchronization 117

Audio_Stream_Change(Audio_Stream_Number) 218

Audio_TS 38, 419

authoring 137, 419

business models 296

equipment 298

niche services 292

pricing 301

service bureaus 291, 313

specialized services 292

staff 299

tool support 241

tool vendors 289

Authoringware 358

AutoDVD 366

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) 28, 122, 418–419

automatic playback 420

See also autoplay

autoplay 241

Avid 359


B frame 420

See also B picture

B picture 420

See also B frame

Backward_Scan(Speed) 217

bandwidth 23, 41, 236–238, 420

BCD Associates 316

Beretta Designs 316

bi-directional prediction 420

birefringence 420

bit 420

budgeting 72

bit rate 18, 20, 160, 162, 164, 232, 420

bit stream mode 90

bitmap 113, 163, 420

bits per pixel 420

Bits Per Second (bps) 421

bitstream 420

recorder 420

Bitwise Compare (BC) 204

BLER 420

block 255–256, 421

error rate 421

blocking 20, 83, 85, 117, 421

Blossom Technologies 359

Blue Book 421

Blue City Digital 317

bonding 125

Book A 421

Book B 421

Book C 421

Book D 421

Book E 421

Break 201

Brent Beyeler 404

brightness 68, 118, 120, 421

broadband Internet 237

BroadcastDVD 317

buffer 42, 222, 421

burst 51, 183, 237, 421

Burst Cutting Area (BCA) 51, 420–421

button 140, 142, 147, 149, 168–170, 176, 179, 200–204, 206, 218, 223, 248–249, 251, 253–256, 259, 268, 421

command area 200

number 26, 190, 202–203, 206, 252, 422

Button_Activate 218

Button_Select_&_Activate(Button_Number) 218

B-Y, R-Y 422

byte 11, 422



See also chroma

California DVD 318

CallSS 203

Canopus 360, 404

caption 24, 198, 422

Cb, Cr 422

CCIR Rec. 601 422

CD Associates 395

CD+G 422

CD-DA 422

CD-i 422

CD-Plus 422

CD-R 423

CD-ROM 10, 423


CD-ROM-Works 386

CDV 423

cell 17–18, 171, 175, 200, 202, 226, 231, 423

command 118, 200–204, 206, 423

Central Processing Unit (CPU) 36, 150, 426

challenge key 423

channel 22–23, 38, 41, 423

bit 423

data 423

chapter 33, 160, 171, 173–174, 177, 205, 217, 244, 249, 251, 256, 258–259, 267, 271, 423

indexes 147

points 143, 147

chroma 423

subsampling 423

See also C¢

chrominance 97, 424

See also C

Cinema Craft 405

Cine-Magnetics 318

Cinram 386

Cinram POP DVD Center 319

clamping area 424

closed caption 24, 198, 424

codec 41, 424

color 97

bars 68

bleeding 20

depth 424

difference 425

distortion 20

Color Lookup Table (CLUT) 424

color model 425

colorburst 28, 425

colorist 425

combo drive 425

ComChoice 319

Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage/International Commission on Illumination (CIE) 424

Common Intermediate Format (CIF) 424

Compaq MyMovieStudio 140


group 204

component video 19, 425

composite video 425

Composite Video Baseband Signal (CVBS) 427

compression 20, 24, 160, 162–164, 183, 301, 425

characteristic 92

Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA) 422

Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) 51–52, 422, 425

Constant Bit Rate (CBR) 18, 77, 82, 223, 422, 425

constant data rate

See Constant Bit Rate

Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) 48, 51–52, 424–425

Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association (CEMA) 423


acquisition 66

owners 291

Content Management Information (CMI) 424

Content Protection for Prerecorded Media (CPPM) 426

Content Protection for Recorded Media (CPRM) 51, 426

Content Protection System Architecture (CPSA) 426

Content Scrambling System (CSS) 28–30, 47, 51, 119, 121–122, 124, 285, 426–427

ContentWise 395

contrast 23, 97, 426

control area 264, 426

Copy Control Information (CCI) 422, 426

Copy Guard Management System (CGMS) 28–29, 122, 423, 426

copy protection 28, 121

Copy Protection Technical Working Group (CPTWG) 426

copyright bit 91

Copyright Management Information (CPR_MAI) 426

Copyright Protection System Type (CPS_TY) 427

copyrighted material flag 426

copyrights 69


CP_SEC 427

Crest National 386

crop 101, 427

Cross-Interleaved Reed Solomon Code (CIRC) 424

Crush Digital 320

CruSh Interactive 320

Cubist Post & Effects 321

customer support 134

Cutting Master Format (CMF) 424

CVC, A Time Warner Entertainment Company 321

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 427


Darim 405


area 12, 427

data rate 34, 222, 427

budgeting 78

Data Search Information (DSI) 427, 431

Dazzle 406

decibel (dB) 428

decimation 428

decode 36, 94, 428

decoder 36, 150, 241–242, 246, 253, 283, 285–286, 428

delta frame 428

See also delta picture

delta picture 428

See also delta frame

Deluxe Video Services (DVS) 387

Descriptive Video Services (DVS) 433

deterministic 428

Deutsches Institut für Normung/German Institute for Standardization (DIN) 429

development 57

DGP 322

dialog normalization 91

Digidisc 323

Digigami 407

digital 183, 428

artifacts 20

convergence 18, 24, 28–29, 236

deemphasis 92

Digital Audio Extraction (DAE) 427

Digital Broadcast Satellite (DBS) 428–429

Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) 428

Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) 428

Digital Farm 323

Digital Images GmbH 324

Digital Linear Tape (DLT) 156, 430

digital Outpost 324

Digital Signal Processor (DSP) 429, 431

Digital Television (DTV) 432

Digital Theater Sound (DTS) 16, 22–23, 41, 156, 161–162, 167, 183, 185, 196–197, 225, 275, 431

audio 94

Digital Ventures

Diversified 406

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) 3, 429, 432

Digital Video (DV) 137, 139–140, 432

Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) 432

Digital Video Cassette (DVC) 432

Digital Video Masters 325

Digital Video Noise Reduction (DVNR) 86, 183, 185, 429, 433

Digital Video Services (DVS) 325

Digital Vision 309, 406

Digital Visual Interface (DVI) 433

Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 427

digitize 429

Direct Current (DC) 86, 92, 428

Direct Stream Digital (DSD) 53, 431

Directorsite 326

directory 14–15, 31, 36, 233, 429

structure 429

DirectShow 241, 244, 246, 253–254, 263, 281–283, 430


key 122, 430

menu 430

Disc Description Protocol (DDP) 48, 121, 123, 280, 428

disc structure

compatibility issues 226

Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) 19–20, 428, 430

discrete surround sound 430

Disctronics 387

display rate 430

Distribution & Sales 131

distributors 292, 384

Div (Divide) 208

Divide by Zero 209

Divx 5, 430

DOCdata 388

Dockhouse Film & Television AB 326

Dolby Digital 22–23, 36, 41, 147, 161–162, 167, 183, 185, 225–226, 275, 430

audio 89

Dolby Labs 310

Dolby Pro Logic 431

Dolby Surround 91, 431

domain 172, 174–175, 202, 251–252, 256, 271, 431

Double Super Video Compact (DSVCD) 431

Double Video Compact Disc (DVCD) 432

downmix 42, 91–92, 431

downsampling 431

DownStream Digital 327

DreamCom 407

driver 282, 431

DTS-ES 431

dual layer issues 220

dummy PGC 210

duplication 20, 292, 432


See Digital Video

DV Studio 360

DVCPro 66, 432


file system 13

filter graph 285

Interactive format 236

production process 55

See also Digital Versatile Disc

DVD authoring 102–103

enhanced 235

services 313

tools & systems 355

DVD Creator 367

DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation 8

DVD Forum 3–4, 7–9, 25, 28–29, 38–39, 41, 46, 225, 236, 432

DVD Forum Verification Labs 396

DVD Fusion 369

DVD International 384

DVD Labs 327

DVD Maker 381

DVD Master 328

DVD Multi 46, 432

DVD on CD 152

DVD Physical Parameter Chart 12

DVD Power 328

DVD Premaster Tool (DVD PMT) 382

DVD Project Schedule 61

DVD Recordable 432

DVD Recording Center 328

DVD RepTM 380

DVD Rewritable 432

See also DVD+RW

See also DVD-RW

DVD ROM Formatter 381

DVD Storage Capacity Chart 12

DVD Studio 384

DVD Studio Pro 356

DVD Technologies 329

DVD 329

DVD+RW 3, 50–52, 433

See also DVD Rewritable

DVD.learn 399

DVD-A 432

DVD-Audio 7–8, 38, 432

See also DVD-A

DVDConductor 374

DVDesigner 364

DVDit! 368


DVDMaestro 375

DVDPerformer 376

DVD-R 7–8, 45, 47, 52, 227, 432

compatibility issues 227

See also DVD Recordable

DVD-R for Authoring 47

DVD-RAM 7–8, 48, 52, 432

See also DVD Random Access Memory

DVD-ROM 7, 36, 279

authoring 279

formatting tools 379

See also DVD Read Only Memory

DVD-RW 3, 7–9, 11, 50–52, 432

See also DVD Rewritable

DVD-V 433

DVD-Video 7–9, 16, 224, 227, 433

See also DVD-V

DVD-Video player compatibility issues 224

DVD-Video Verifier 397

DVD-Video Volume Layout 14

dye polymer 45, 433

dye-sublimation 433

dynamic range 23, 53, 92, 162, 433

Dynamic Range Compression (DRC) 92, 431, 433


EagleVision 330

ECC 433

constraint length 434

ECD 434

ECMA-262 434

edge enhancement 434

EDR/Beachwood Studios 330

E-IDE 435

Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation (EFM) 434

Plus 434

Electric Switch Limited 331

Electronics Industry Association (EIA) 434

electroplating 125

elementary stream 435

EMA Multimedia, Inc. 331

emulate 435

emulation 114, 116

encode 94, 309, 404, 435

encoder 29, 137, 156, 183, 435

Enhanced CD 42, 435

Enhanced Data Services (EDS) 434

Enhanced-Definition Television (EDTV) 434

entropy coding 435

entry-level 137

EQ 204, 435

Error Detection Code (EDC) 434–435

error-correction code 435

Escape Lab 332

European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 69, 433

European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) 434

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) 435

Evideo 332

Ex’pression Center for New

Media 400


Exit 203

Extent 43, 435


FATdisc 333

father 436

Ferris State University 401

field 22, 436

file 15, 31, 36, 147, 163, 436

set 436

system 8, 45, 53, 436

filter 22, 86, 92–94, 257, 259, 284–286, 436

filtering 86

FireWire 137, 139, 436

First Play Domain 173

First Play PGC 111, 173–174, 181, 210, 436

fixed rate 436

flexographic printing 126

flow chart 71

FOR 211

forced activation button 227, 436

forced display 101, 436

forced selected button 436

ForDVD 380

Forest New Media Services 334

Forward_Scan(Speed) 217

fps 69, 436

fragile watermark 437

frame 19, 22, 148, 162, 224, 232, 257, 437

doubler 437

rate 16, 18, 69, 81, 257, 437

Frame Drops 20

frequency 22, 183, 437

Fringing 20

fulfillment 57

Full Circle Studios 334

full motion video 16, 437

Future Disc Systems 335

Future Media Productions 388


G byte 437

G Giga 437

Galaxy Group 437

Gb 11, 437

Gbps 437

GByte 11

GE (Greater Than or Equal To) 205

GEAR 379


general parameter registers See GPRM

gigabyte 437

glass mastering 124

Gnome Digital Media 335, 401

GoTo 201

GoUp 24, 113, 217

GPRM 25, 185, 199–201, 203–204, 206–207, 209, 437

gray market 438

Green Book 438

Group of Audio Frames (GOF) 437

Group Of Pictures (GOP) 18–19, 81, 85, 175, 437

GT (Greater Than) 205

GTN 335


H/DTV 438

Half D1 232, 438

Hammer & Pixel 336

HAVE, Inc. 336

HAVi 438

HDMG 337

HDTV 438

Henninger Interactive Media 337

Hertz 438

Heuris 408

hexadecimal 438

Hierarchical File System (HFS) 438

High Sierra (HSF) 438

High-Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) 438

Highlight Information (HLI) 42, 108, 149, 168, 223, 438

Home Recording Rights Association (HRRA) 438


business model 296

resolution 21, 438

HQ-VCD 438

HTML 247–248, 253–255, 261, 264–268, 439

hue 20, 439

Huffman coding 439

Hz 439


I frame 19, 108, 165, 439

See also I picture

I picture 439

See also I frame

i.Link 439

Ibis Multimedia 338

IBT Media 338

iControl 243

iControl PE 244

iControl WE 244

ID Error Correction (IEC) 439

Identification Data (ID) 32, 217, 247, 258, 439

IDTV 439

iDVD 355

IEEE 137, 140, 439

IEEE 1394 140, 439

IF 212


Image Entertainment 385

Imagesource 339

I-MPEG 440

In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) 439

info exists 91

Infodisc 388

initial audio language code extension 197

initial subpicture language code extension 198

InnovaCom 409

Instant CD/DVD 383

instruction groups 200

Compare 200

GoTo 200

Jump 200

Link 200

Set 201

SetSystem 201

Intec 361

Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) 47, 439

Intellikey Labs 396

Interactual Player 2.0 240

Interactual Technologies 239

Interframe 19, 440

interlace 97, 440

interleave 440

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 441

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) 441

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 441

interpolate 440

Interra Digital Video Technologies 397

Intraframe 19, 440

Invalid Instructions 209

Invalid Values 209

inverse Telecine 440

IPC Communication

Services 388

Island Post & Graphics 339

ISO 13346 13

ISO 2202 440

ISO 3166 440

ISO 3901 440

ISO 639 440

ISO 8859-1 440

ISO 9660 8, 53, 440

ISO/IEC 11172 441

ISO/IEC 13818 441

ISO/IEC DIS 13818-3 441

ISO-9660 13

ITU-R BT.601 441


jacket pictures 233

JamSync 339

Java 209, 261, 265, 267–268, 441

Javanni Digital Video 340

JavaScript 241, 244, 246, 254, 265, 441

jewel box 441

jitter 441

Joint Committee on Intersociety Coordination (JCIC) 441

Joint Engineering Committee of EIA and NCTA (JEC) 441

JPEG 147, 441

Jscript 441

Jumby Bay Studios 340

Jump group 203

JumpSS 203

JumpTT 203

JumpVTS_PTT 203

JumpVTS_TT 203

JVC Disc America 389


k byte 441

k kilo 441

karaoke 191–192, 196–197, 206, 219–220, 258, 442

Kb 11, 442

kbps 442

key frame 442

See also key picture

key picture 442

See also key frame

kHz 442

Kilobits/second 442

kilobyte 442

Kilohertz 442

Kind of Loud Technologies 310


labeling 125

land 48–49, 53, 442

laserdisc 442

LaserPacific Media Corporation 340

layer 220–221

Layer 0 11, 221–222, 442

Layer 1 11–12, 221–222, 442

LE (Less Than or Equal To) 205

lead in 442

lead out 442

Left_Button_Select 218

legacy 283, 286, 442

Lena Optical Disc 389

letterbox 21, 101, 129, 164, 168, 196, 442

filter 443

Level 0 279–280, 287

Level 1 280

Level 2 18, 162, 201, 219, 258, 280, 282–283, 286–287

LFE enable 90

LFE low-pass filter 92

Ligos 409

line doubler 443

linear PCM 16, 22–23, 147, 161–162, 196, 443

audio 87

Linear Time Code (LTC) 69

lines of horizontal resolution 443

Link group 201

LinkCN 202

LinkGoUpPGC 203

LinkNextC 202

LinkNextPG 202

LinkNextPGC 203

LinkNoLink 202

LinkPGCN 201

LinkPGN 202

LinkPrevC 202

LinkPrevPG 202

LinkPrevPGC 203

LinkPTTN 202

LinkSIns 202

LinkTailPGC 203

LinkTopC 202

LinkTopPG 202

LinkTopPGC 202

Lo/Ro 443

locale 443

logical 172, 204, 208–209, 443

unit 443

lossless compression 53, 99, 443

lossy compression 72, 444

Low Frequency Effects Channel 23

Lower_Button_Select 218

LP 444


See linear PCM

LT (Less Than) 205

Lt/Rt 444

luma 444

See also Y¢

luminance 97, 444

See also Y


m byte 444

m mega 444

M Works Mastering 341

Mac OS 8, 37, 138, 444

Macintosh 241

macroblock 444

Macrovision 28, 122, 285, 444

magneto-optical 48, 50, 444, 446

main data 444

main level (ML) 444

main profile (MP) 445

Main Profile at Main Level (MP@ML) 446

Mares Multimedia 341

mark 445

master 445

Masterdisk 342

mastering 292, 445

Matinée Sound & Vision 342

matrix encoding 445

Matrox 361

matte 445

Mb 11, 445

Mbps 445

MCI 281

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 447


element preparation 72

organization 110

Media Association 106

Media Galleries, Inc. 343

Media Group, Inc. 390

Media Identification 103

Media Key Block (MKB) 446

Media Tech 343

Media100 410

megabyte 48–49, 445

megapixel 445

memory 445

menu 142, 147–149, 159–160, 163, 168–169, 171, 173–174, 176, 179, 186–187, 200, 227, 231, 248, 253, 255, 257, 259, 264, 445

compatibility issues 231

operation 118

quality 118

menu button links 113

Menu_Language_Select(Language_Code) 218

MEP Medienhaus GmbH 343

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) 22, 40–41, 446

metallization 125

Metatec 390

Metropolis DVD 344

MHz 445

Microboards 311

Microsoft WebDVD 246

Microsoft Windows 142, 241, 246, 263, 280, 445

Micro-UDF 13

middle area 445

Millennium Group 446

Minnetonka Audio 312

Mirage Video Productions 344

mix level 91

mixed mode 446

MLP 40

Mod (Modulo) 208

modulation 52–53, 93, 124, 446

molding 125

mosquitoes 446

mother 446


compensation 446

estimation 446

vector 81, 85, 446

Motion Degradation 20

motion vector 85

MP3 86, 93, 245, 446

MPEG 18, 137, 147, 160–161, 163–164, 183, 185, 196, 287, 447

MPEG audio 93–94, 161, 197, 446

MPEG video 18, 185, 447

MPEG-1 video 18, 447

MPEG-2 Video 232

MPEG-2 video 36, 43, 233, 447

MPEGXtra 287

MRT Technology 390

msm Mastering Studio Muenchen 345

MSWebDVD object 254

Mt. Fuji 447

Mul (Multiply) 207

Multi_PGC Title 447

multiangle 447

multichannel 447

multilanguage 447

multimedia 31, 34, 36, 39, 138, 183, 237–239, 244, 246–247, 261–262, 264, 447

multiple angle video 222

multiplexing 447

MultiRead 447

multisession 447

mux 447

mux_rate 447

MyDVD 369


Nanocosmos 410

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) 448

National Cable Television Association (NCTA) 448

National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) 18, 23, 29, 147, 159–160, 163, 223, 232–233, 448

native resolution 448

navigation 185

Navigation Commands

areas 199

Compare 25

compatibility issues 231

GoTo 25

Jump 25

Link 25

Set: Calculate 25

SetSystem 25

navigation data 36, 448

navigation error conditions 209

Navigation Packet (NAV) 18

Navigation Timer 26, 190–191, 203, 206, 213–214, 231, 448

NE (Not Equal To) 205

New Constellation Technologies 402

Next 113

key 177

NextPG_Search 217

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Digital Media Authoring Studio 402

nighttime mode 448

noise 22, 183

floor 448

Noise Pumping 20

Non-Return to Zero, Inverted (NRZI) 448

Non-Sequential-PGC 177

Nop 201

NTSC 16, 18, 145, 160, 162

NTSC-4.43 448

numerical aperature (NA) 448



offset printing 125

One_Random_PGC Title 449

One_Sequential_PGC Title 449

OnStageDVD 287

operating system 13, 449

opposite track dual layer 221

Opposite Track Path (OTP) 449

Optibase 411

Optical Disc Corporation 391

Optical Storage Technology Association 15

Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) 8, 15, 449

Or (Logical Or) 208

Orange Book 449

original bit stream 91

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 47, 138, 448

OS 449

Outer diameter 449

Overflow 209

overscan 98, 449


P frame 449

See also P picture

P picture 449

See also P frame

pack 18, 35, 204, 226, 449

packaging 126

packet 18, 232, 449

Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) 450–451

palette 23, 99–100, 142, 159, 450

pan and scan 450

Panasonic 362

Panasonic Disc Services Corporation 391


path 450

Parallel Track Path (PTP) 453


level 195

parental management 27, 32, 192, 195, 201, 255, 258, 450

country codes 192

Parental_Country_Select(Country_Code) 219

Parental_Level_Select(Parental_Level) 218

part of title 450

Part_of_Title 17

Search 24

Pause_Off 218

Pause_On 218

pc fr 239

PC Friendly 236, 239

PCM 23, 41, 147, 162, 450

PC-TV 450

pel 450

perceived resolution 450

perceptual coding 89, 94, 451

PGC pointer for navigation time 191

Phaebus Communications Group 346

Phase Alternate Line (PAL) 16, 18, 23, 145, 147, 159–160, 162–163, 223, 232–233, 450

phase-change 48, 52, 451

Philips 397

Photo CD 451


format 451

formatting 124

sector number 451

PickUp Head (PUH) 453

picture 19, 233, 451

stop 451

Picture In Picture (PIP) 451

Picture Outside Picture (POP) 452

Pinnacle 362

Pioneer 364

pit 11, 45, 53, 125, 451

art 125, 451

length 452

pixel 452

aspect ratio 96, 452

depth 452

Pixel Tools 365, 411

planning 55

playback controls 181

player 150, 174, 239–241, 245, 452

audio capabilities 196

region code 199

Player Reference Model 452


(Polymethylmethacrylate) 452

PMTC (Professional Multimedia Test Centre) 398

PortaNet 243

Post-command 452

Prassi 380

pre command 452

area 200

Presentation Control Information (PCI) 450

presentation data 43, 452

previous 113

key 177

PrevPG_Search 217

pricing 301

PrimoDVD 382

professional DVD

authoring 183

profile 452

program 17, 171, 176, 453

search 24

program chain 17, 24, 33, 171, 173, 176, 179, 187, 252–253, 453

Program Chain Information (PGCI) 451

progressive scan 453


budget 64

definition 57

Provac Disc Media 346, 391

psychoacoustic 94, 453

PTT Menu 453

PTT_Play(Title_Number, PTT_Number) 217

PTT_Search(PTT_Number) 217


quality assurance 114, 119

quantization levels 81, 89, 453

quantize 453

Quarter Common Intermediate Format (QCIF) 453

QuickTime 138–140, 160, 453

QXGA 453


RAM 453

RAMbo drive 453

random access 16, 18, 49, 52, 176, 453

memory 432

raster 454

rating level 130

read-modify-write 454

Read-Only Memory (ROM) 455

Red Book 454

Reed-Solomon (RS) 52, 454–455

ReelDVD 370

reference frame 454

See also reference picture

reference picture 454

See also reference frame

reference player 454

region codes 122

region coding 121

Region Management information (RMA) 455

regional code 25–26, 454

regional management 285, 454

replication 123, 454

facilities 292

services 385

resampling 454

reserve 74

reserved 122, 191–192, 196–199, 455

bytes 455

See also reserved field

reserved field 455

See also reserved

resolution 18, 21–23, 36, 81, 147, 160, 163–164, 455

Resume 218

retailers 293

reverse screen print 125

Reverse Spiral Dual Layer (RSDL) 221, 455

RF overmodulation protection 93

RGB 19, 97–98, 160, 455

RGB Productions 346

Right_Button_Select 218

ringing 20

RISE Int’l. 347

Ritek Global Media 392

Rnd (Random) 208

room type 92

Root Menu 175, 177–178, 206, 455

Root PGC(s) 112

Roxio 380

rpm 455


RSM 203

RS-PC 455

run-length coding 456

R-Y, B-Y 456


S/N 456

See also SNR

S/P DIF 456


sample 456

sample rate 66–67, 87, 95, 162, 456

sample size 87, 456

sampling 23, 40, 456

saturation 456

scaling 19, 456

scan 24

scan line 97–98, 456

scanning velocity 456

Scenarist NT 371

Scenarist SGI 372

Scream DVD 347

screen print 125

SDDS 196

seamless playback 36, 241, 457

sector 18, 35, 222, 457

information 457

number 457

Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) 457

seek time 457

Séquential Couleur Avec Mémoire (sequential color with memory) (SECAM) 457

Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) 457

Serial Digital Data Interface (SDDI) 457

Serial Digital Interface (SDI) 457

Set group 206

SetAMXMD 206


SetHL_BTNN 206

SetNVTMR 206

SetSTN 206

SetSystem group 206

SetTmpPML 201

SFF 8090 458

signal-to-noise ratio 458

simple profile (SP) 458

Simple Profile at Main Level (SP@ML) 458

SimpleDVD 365

simulate 116, 142, 144, 150, 458

simulation 114

Skyline Interactive 348

slide show

compatibility issues 231

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) 47, 457

small patterns 98

small type 98

Smart Storage 381

SmartDisk 380

SmartDisk Corporation 365


SNR 456

Software Architects 381

Software Publisher’s Association (SPA) 281

son 458

Sonic Solutions 312, 366, 381

Sonopress 392

Sony 373, 412

Sony DADC 392

Sony Digital Authoring

Services 348

Sony Disc Manufacturing 393

Sony DVD Center Europe GmbH 348

Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS) 16, 22, 86–87, 161–162, 196–197, 457

South Seas Film & Television School 403

space 172, 174–175, 222, 458

spatial 19, 86, 458

resolution 458

special features 152

specialist business model 297

specialists 292

SpinWare 236, 243

SPRM & GPRM Register Usage 118

Spruce Technologies 313, 374, 382, 412

SpruceUp 142, 376

sputtering 125

squeezed video 458

stamping 459

Standard-Definition Television (SDTV) 457

Still_Off 218

Stone Studio Productions, Inc. 349

Stop 217

stream 16, 34, 41, 44, 168, 218, 222, 232, 251–252, 256, 258–259, 286, 459

Stream AV 349

Sub (Subtract) 207

subpicture 23, 33–36, 159–160, 163, 165–169, 173–174, 188, 198, 203, 206, 218, 223, 232, 247, 252–253, 256–260, 286, 459

compatibility issues 232

menu 177, 459

quality 118

Subpicture_Stream_Change(Subp icture_Stream_Number) 218

subsampling 459

substrate 45, 54, 125, 459

subtitle 189, 245, 271

Super Audio CD (SACD) 53

Super Jewell Box case 126

Super Video Compact Disc (SVCD) 459

Surface Transfer Process (STP) 459

surround downmix level 91

surround sound 16, 22, 184, 459

SurveyorTM 397

SVGA 459

S-VHS 459

s-video 459


Swp (Swap) 207

SXGA 459

sync 117, 183, 225, 460

frame 460

syntax 20, 89, 94, 200, 460

System Managed Audio Resource Technique (SMART) 42

system menu 460

System Parameter Registers (SPRM) 25, 186

Système International (d’Unités)/International System (of Units) (SI) 458

Syzygy Media Works, Inc. 350


T Tera 460

Technical Working Group (TWG) 9, 281, 461

Technicolor 393

Telecine 460

artist 460

Television Line (TVL) 461

temporal 19, 86, 460

resolution 460

test tones 68

testing 395

Testronic Labs 398

Texas State Technical College 403

Text Data Manager 32

The Machine Room, Ltd. 350

The Pavement 350

The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 68, 70, 458

The 351

TIF (TIFF) 74, 96, 101, 113, 147, 163, 460

tilt 125, 460

time code 24, 68, 160–162, 165, 217, 224, 244, 255, 460

Time Search 24

Time_Play(Title_Number, Time) 217

Time_Search(Time) 217

Tint Degradation 20

title 17, 33, 171, 189, 210, 224, 245, 252, 267, 271, 460

domain 173–174, 176

key 111, 122, 140, 461

Title Domain 173

Title PGC 111

Title Search 24

Title Search Pointer Table 32

Title_Play(Title_Number) 217

ToastTM 5

Titanium 380

TopPG_Search 217

track 22, 24, 44, 164, 167–168, 173, 176, 220–222, 232, 275, 461

buffer 461

pitch 461

training 399

transfer rate 49, 461

transform 461

trim 461

tristimulus 461

twos complement 461


UDF Bridge 45, 461

UDF Universal Disc Format 461

underflow 209

Unidirectional prediction 462

universal DVD 29, 462

UPC code 130

Upper_Button_Select 218

US DVD 351

user data 12, 462

User Operations (UOP) 118, 216

flags 219

Utech Media Corporation 393

UXGA 462


Valkieser Solutions 352

Variable Bit Rate (VBR) 77, 82–83, 462

Variable Length Coding (VLC) 463

VBScript 462

verification 395

Veritas 382

Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) 462

vertical business model 297

Vertical Interval Time Code (VITC) 69


See Video for Windows

VHS 18, 462


CD 18, 463

compatibility issues 232

Video Buffering Verifier (VBV) 462

Video Capable Audio Player (VCAP) 462

Video Compact Disc (VCD) 462

Video for Windows 160, 463

Video Graphics Array (VGA) 462

Video Manager (VMG) 31–32, 171, 173–174, 176–177, 203, 210, 224, 226–227, 231, 271, 463

Video Manager Information (VMGI) 32, 463

Video Manager Information Management Table 32

Video Manager Menu Cell Address Table 32

Video Manager Menu Program Chain Information Unit Table 32

Video Object (VOB) 30–31, 34, 36, 463

Video Object Set (VOBS) 34–35, 43, 463

Video Object Set for Audio Manager Menu (AMGM_VOBS) 418

Video Object Unit (VOBU) 18, 35, 171, 175, 218, 252, 463

video quality 117

Video Software Dealers Association (VSDA) 126, 464

Video Symphony 404

Video Title Set (VTS) 33–34, 44, 171–174, 177, 188, 203, 206, 210, 224, 226, 231, 463

Video Title Set Attribute Table 32

Video Title Set Information (VTSI) 34, 464

Video Transfer 352

Video_Presentation_Mode_Change(Mode) 219

VIDEO_TS 14–16, 31, 38, 151, 243, 248, 285, 463

videophile 463

Visible Light Digital 353

Vision Wise Inc 353

Visom Digital 354

Vitec 378

Vitec DVD ToolboxTM 378

Vizaro DVD 373

VOB Information Systems, Inc 383

volume 31, 247, 251, 253, 257, 260, 285, 464

Volume Management Information 463

Volume Space 464


Warner Media Services 394

Warner Snapper case 126

watermark 53, 464

WebDVD 236

Westport Media Resources 354


White Book 464

widescreen 96, 101, 129, 164, 168, 464

window 244, 464

Windows 140, 241, 246–248, 250–251, 253, 263–265, 286–287, 464

Windows Media Player 26–27, 39, 196, 201, 205, 227, 246–248, 250–251, 253, 263–268, 276

World Airline Entertainment Association (WAEA) 464

WriteDVD! 381




XGA 464

XVCD 464


Y 19, 444, 464

See also luminance

Y/C 464


See also luma

YCbCr 464

Yellow Book 465

Young Minds 384

YPbPr 465

YUV 465


Zapex 313, 412

Zomax 394

Zoned Constant Linear Velocity (ZCLV) 465

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