
A book of this size and complexity can’t be written in a vacuum. Dorothy Cox, Paul Temme, and David Tractenberg of CMP Media convinced me to write this book. Jerry McFaul, Dana Parker, and Jim Taylor volunteered their time to review drafts, and each contributed tremendously to the final version. During the editing process I worked closely with Kimberly Reed of DV Magazine, and her comments and suggestions were always invaluable. Michelle O’Neal of CMP Media and Liza Niav worked diligently to turn my scribbling into a finished book, ready for the printers. Jon Wenger of Zomax worked with me to replicate the StarGaze DVD in the back of the book. Hundreds of others who work in the DVD business also contributed to this book, either directly by providing me with information on their companies’ products or services, or indirectly by talking with me about DVD over the past six years. I can’t possibly mention them all, but this book could not have been written without their help. David Goodman of DVD International has taught me a lot about the business side of DVD, and was understanding when a few projects were delayed due to the amount of time I spent writing the book (and not working on his titles). Last, but not least, I would like to thank my wife Jan and our three daughters Kim, Jenny, and Cindy who put up with me working a bunch of extra hours in order to get this book, and all my other DVD projects, done.

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