Jack Wilson: Financial Legacy

Every person has a legacy. You may not know what your impact is, and it may not be something that you can write on your tombstone, but every person has an impact on this world.

—Dara Horn

Jack Wilson wiped the sweat in his brow as the scorching heat of Australian outback practically zapped all his energy.

He stared intently at the vast expanse of his property. How long have I been doing this? he wondered. Was it 18 years or 20? It doesn’t matter, he deliberated; all his hard work paid off and he was a millionaire many times over. No—not just a millionaire, a billionaire. The enormous amount of helium uncovered in his property had a valuation of over $20 billion. As a major stockholder in his company, he now had more than enough money to last a lifetime. Actually, he’d be good for several lifetimes. Now what?

His personal assistant Jeff Brown interrupted his train of thought.

“Jack, you need to sign these forms,” he said matter-of-factly. “Billing invoices.”

Jack nodded and quietly signed the forms.

“Are you okay?” Jeff asked.

“Just thinking,” Jack muttered.

“About what?” Jeff inquired curiously. He made it a point to be on top of everything and efficiently cater to whatever Jack needed.

“What’s all these for?”

“What do you mean?” Jeff continued, totally confused with Jack’s question.

“What’s all these wealth for?” Jack pondered.

Jeff stared at his boss puzzled. He managed a response to what seemed like a philosophical question.

“Well, Jack this wealth keeps the company afloat. It also creates jobs, helps the economy, and our government through taxes.”

Jack smiled, amused. His assistant’s practical view of business and life is what endeared him. Jack has lost count of the times Jeff’s pragmatism have prevented him from making business blunders. They work well together. Jack was bold, ambitious, and a big thinker. Jeff was calm, collected, and provides keen attention to detail.

“I’m at the stage in my life where I need more in life than wealth.” Jack said. He was thinking out load. The thought surprised him.

“What else would you like to do, Jack,” Jeff countered.

“I haven’t given it much thought. But I want to do something meaningful.”

“Isn’t our company meaningful enough? We’ve built one of the largest companies in Australia!” Jeff looked at him curiously.

“At times, I feel an empty void inside of me. It’s as if something is missing.” Jack said, walking toward the worksite shed.

Jeff followed him. “Well, what is it that you want to do? What would help add meaning to the company? I can ask Beth Morris of Corporate Affairs to drum up a new community program initiative.”

Jack shook his head, “No, this isn’t about the company anymore. This is personal. I’m getting old. I’d like to step down as CEO, stay on as Chairman, and spend the rest of my days doing philanthropy or something. I haven’t figured out exactly what yet.”

Jeff was dumbfounded but kept his composure. It was the first time he heard his boss speak this way. For as long as he has known him, he was always driven by wealth and achievement—nothing else. His two divorces and weak relationships with his children ended up as the spoils of his quest. This was indeed a surprise. The fact that Jack said this during the highest point of his career, and at the time when his business empire was doing extremely well was completely out of character. Over the years, Jeff learned when to hold back and let his boss do the talking. He took pride in the fact that he was also Jack’s confidante, friend, and advisor. He knew him well enough to know when to intervene and when to step back. At this time, his instincts told him to step back and merely listen.

There was a long silence as Jack started to gather his belongings.

Jeff managed to speak, “Well, I’m here for you. Let me know if you need my help on anything.”

Jack nodded and said, “Well, there’s actually something I’d like you to do. I’d like you to do some research on the poorest island communities around the world and see what sort of help they need to improve their lives.”

Jeff was curious, “Any particular community of interest?”

“All of them. Actually, start off with the “badjaos” in the Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia.” Jack paused and was suddenly pensive.

Jeff started to take notes.

Jack continued, “I never told you this, but when I was about ten years old my family and I vacationed in Borneo. On a fishing trip with my dad, I slipped and fell off the boat. I nearly drowned and a badjao family nearby jumped in and saved me. I wouldn’t be here today if those sea gypsies did not step in to help. I’ve been reading about that maritime ethnic group over the years, but never lifted a finger to help. This time, I want to make a difference. I want to use my wealth and influence to improve their plight. Actually, I want to help not just for the badjaos in Southeast Asia but all struggling island communities around the world.

Jeff continued taking notes and said, “I’ll get working on it straight away. This is a personal initiative right? Something like a Jack Wilson Foundation?”

Jack smiled, “Yes.” He has always been impressed by Jeff’s efficiency and work tempo. He does not only do things very well, he does things fast.

Jeff smiled back, “Consider it done. Happy to help you make this a reality. How much funds should I block off for this endeavor?”

Without hesitation Jack said, “A billion dollars.”

Legacy Lesson 1: Leverage your financial resources to make an impact.

Art courtesy of Allison Brannon

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