Lessons from the Stories

Lives of great people remind us we can make our lives sublime and, departing, leave behind footprints in the sand of time.

—Henry Longfellow

Eight stories were featured in this book. These inspirational stories offer a learning point that can help us think about potential ways where we too can create a legacy and make a lasting impact. Each story serves as a legacy guide that we can follow.

Table 9.1 reviews each of the story protagonist, the type of legacy, and the lesson learned.

Table 9.1 Summary of legacy lessons



Legacy type

Lesson learned

Lesson 1

Jack Wilson

Financial legacy

Leverage your financial resources to make an impact.

Lesson 2

Aya Rahal

Social legacy

Use social capital to make a dramatic change.

Lesson 3

Philip Gomez

Political legacy

Politics can be a real platform for change.

Lesson 4

Evie Roberts

Intellectual legacy

Use your intelligence to change the game.

Lesson 5

Antonio Barbosa

Spiritual legacy

Spiritual conviction can make a difference.

Lesson 6

Neha Anand

Cultural legacy

Cultural transformation is a tool for rapid change with the convergence of technology and globalization.

Lesson 7

Emilio Rodriguez

Physical legacy

There exist opportunities to leverage one’s physical attributes, strength, stamina, skills, and raw talent to make an impact.

Lesson 8

James Turner

Historical legacy

Create your own history.

As shown in Table 9.1, as human beings, we are in a position to pursue diverse forms of legacy and make a lasting impact in our own way.

The featured lessons have implications for all of us—whether you’re a student, a businessman, an employee, or even a retiree. It applies to everyone from all walks of life. Table 9.2 highlights the executive implications of the legacy lessons.

Table 9.2 Executive implications of the legacy lessons

Legacy lesson

Executive implications

Leverage your financial resources to make an impact.

Executives have financial resources, large or small, at their disposal. Make those resources work to impact society in some way.

Use social capital to make a dramatic change.

Networks, relationships, and friendships can advance a legacy goal at a hyper speed. When done right, social media and web platforms can be very helpful in this process.

Politics can be a real platform for change.

While involvement in politics can have its ups and downs, collaborating and communicating effectively with political leaders could provide a stimulus for real change to take place.

Use your intelligence to change the game.

The potential of the human mind is endless. Utilizing the mind to pursue groundbreaking ideas can lead to phenomenal results.

Spiritual conviction can make a difference.

Religion nurtures the human spirit. Pursuing one’s spiritual development while making an impact on the lives of others can be truly fulfilling.

Cultural transformation is a tool for rapid change with the convergence of technology and globalization.

Advancements in technology have made the world a much smaller place. Implementing cultural changes in a personal, corporate, and societal level can take place very quickly.

There exist opportunities to leverage one’s physical attributes, strength, stamina, skills, and raw talent to make an impact.

Breakthroughs in medicine and health care have set the stage for the optimization of the human body and its performance. Capitalizing on these developments can take one’s physicality to an entirely new level.

Create your own history.

World history is filled with amazing personalities and stories of groundbreaking achievements. The actions we take today sets the foundation for tomorrow’s history—make it count.

The insights from Table 9.2 suggest that we are living at a time and in a society that enables all of us to accomplish unparalleled feats. We are in a position to make a real difference in our world. We face the option of either watching things happen or making things happen. If you are looking to create a lasting legacy, this era and this generation is the perfect time to make things happen.

While there are several executive implications from the featured stories that set the foundation for action, there are additional insights from the stories that can help enrich one’s legacy. Here are some noteworthy considerations:

  1. Different legacy for each person. The stories in this book point out to the fact that individuals have different talents, abilities, and resources that they can use to find meaning in their lives and to make an impact. A viable approach would be to use what you have and leverage it in the best way you can. The featured story characters had different strengths and faced different circumstances. Moreover, they were located in different parts of the world. Yet, they accomplished a common feat—they created an amazing legacy. They were able to create initiatives of Very High Memorial Capacity (VHMC). You may wonder What if I don’t have much talent or resources, would I still be able to enrich my legacy? Some of the characters in the book such as Neha Anand had modest talent and very limited resources. Yet, in Neha’s case building on a creative idea and passion, she was able to develop a meaningful enterprise that led to a powerful cultural legacy.
  2. Legacy needs to be aligned with purpose and mission. Several characters in the book had experiences in their lives that led to their finding of a relevant purpose and mission. For example, as a young boy, James Turner was fascinated by explorers. Billionaire Jack Wilson nearly drowned and was saved by sea gypsies. Their early experiences helped shape their future mission and legacy.
       For many of us, many seemingly random and inconsequential events may appear initially meaningless. In the end, these events can evolve into something bigger and can define a future mission or goal. As human beings, it is in our DNA to be helpful to others. This propensity to do good and assist fellow human beings has been observed in several scientific and social experiments.
  3. Plan for your legacy. The characters in this book concretized their legacy not by chance but through careful planning. For example, Philip Gomez, the Philippine senator who pushed for open migration, spent months planning for and lobbying to the local and international communities. Careful planning improves your chances of creating a powerful legacy. The creation of a Strategic Legacy Plan (SLP) considering the mission and goals, implementing team, market environment, resources required, timeline and process of implementation would be very helpful.
  4. Impact matters. A common theme in the stories of this book is the scale, scope, and magnitude of impact of the characters. They have all pursued and executed a course of action that led to a powerful legacy and had a VHMC or better. For example, Evie Robert’s creation of the Anti-AI would have a profound impact on the world. You may be thinking, I’m just an ordinary Jack or Jill working in a 9 to 5 job, how can I ever make a meaningful impact?
       You actually can. Small acts of goodness could actually lead to something significant in another person’s life. As a clerk, the job interview you efficiently facilitated may have led to an applicant’s job that eventually transformed his life and that of his family’s. As a nurse, that extra effort you placed on double checking the patient’s vitals may have saved a life and facilitated another person’s legacy. As a teacher, that small lesson you imparted one day could help a student excel in her work or contribute to society.
       Not all of us are destined to make an amazing impact. But, our dedication to our work, our friends and family, provides a framework for a level of impact that truly matters.
  5. Timing is key. When one implements his or her legacy matters. For example, Aya Rahal, the accidental gay rights activist, may not have been successful if she set up her web and app platform 20 years ago. Often times, the condition has to be right for a meaningful legacy to be implemented, In Evie’s case, the convergence of available technology, an evolving social mindset, and cultural transformation paved the way for her success. For some of us, our legacy may just be around the corner, for others it may take more time. Billionaire Jack Wilson, the Australian businessmen, found his legacy much later in life. It does not matter whether we find our legacy early or late. What is essential is that we find it at some point in our lives in order to find our true purpose and happiness.
  6. Creativity makes a difference. The stories in this book underscore the importance of creativity and innovativeness in the quest for one’s legacy. Antonio Barbosa, the game-changer of religion, took on an entirely new approach on religion. In many cases, rethinking what is conventional can lead to an exciting legacy pathway. In our small way, introducing an innovation or out-of-the box thinking can lead to an important social impact.
       As a sales manager, finding ways to extend more credit for clients can help augment their income and improve family finances. As a school administrator, identifying a discount scheme to minimize student loans can help many complete their education. As ordinary human beings, we are all poised to make some level of difference in our own way. The bigger question is whether we make an actual effort to think about it and make things happen.
  7. Engage others. Several stories in the book showcase the need to engage others when enriching your legacy. Emilio Rodriguez, the boxer, had Ernesto his trainer who helped him. Explorer James Turner had Captain Bill George who provided key assistance. Gay activist Aya Rahal had her cousin Ahmed who provided the technological and entrepreneurial spin to her endeavor. Explorer James Turner had billionaire investor Michael Smith who funded his expedition.
       It is difficult for us to enrich our legacies by ourselves. We need others to help us. It is important to understand that a legacy is rarely a solo flight. It requires a team effort, a strong commitment from others in order to succeed.
  8. Implementation is important. It is fairly easy to come up with great ideas. What really makes a difference is how it is executed. The characters in this book had exciting ideas that concretized their legacy. But more than just ideas, they had the ability and solid plan to execute it. Evie Roberts spent months researching and planning to make sure her plans were properly implemented. Emilio the boxer spent months preparing for his championship fight. When thinking about our legacy, consider its proper implementation.
       Every day, thousands of ideas worldwide are generated, only few come into fruition. Those that get transformed from a mere dream to reality are backed by a solid plan of implementation.
  9. Challenges exist. The pursuit of a legacy is not one without challenges. Oftentimes, tough obstacles have to be overcome before achieving success. Emilio had to face a formidable opponent in the ring. Congressman Philip Gomez had a tough opponent named Augusto Bonifacio. It is important to plan for tough challenges and strive to overcome them.
  10. Stay the course. The stories suggest that the path to legacy enrichment is not always a straight line. Obstacles exists and the goal post changes. Those that have a VHMC or better demonstrate resiliency and adaptability. At times, they revise or update their plans to achieve their goals. James Turner faced a major setback by a failed attempt to get support from the U.S. government. By persevering, and in finding Michael Smith, a private investor, he was able to achieve his goal. We all have an exciting opportunity to enrich our legacy and make a global impact. The conditions may not be perfect at the moment, but if we persevere, the right time will eventually come.
       As we go through life, we meet certain people and live through certain experiences. The people and experiences at times have brought much joy, at other times a lot of pain. What we have lived through sets the foundation for our life’s meaning and ultimate legacy. As they say, there’s a reason for everything. The lessons from the stories suggest that there is a way to overcome tough obstacles when you are pursuing your true destiny. All of us have our own mission in life. Some of us have found it, others are still searching. Some of us have big missions, others small. Regardless of the case, finding your passion and legacy are the keys that would unlock your true happiness and sense of fulfillment in life.

Art courtesy of Allison Brannon

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