

  • active coaching
  • Adelman, Rick
  • Art of War, The (Sun Tzu)
  • attitude
  • authentic connection
    • choosing setting for Coaching Up Conversation
    • CoachUp coaches on
    • example
    • with family
    • focus for
    • greeting player warmly and personally for
    • human connection for conversation and
    • humor and humility for
    • knowing when to make authentic connection
    • Listening Mode for
    • overview
    • posture and spoken voice for
    • skill of
  • authority


  • Battier, Ed “Big Ed”
  • Battier, Heidi
  • Battier, Jeremy
  • Battier, Shane
    • biographical information
    • on coaching
    • on connection and support
    • Take Charge Foundation of
    • on teamwork
  • “Bill Clinton Won 1992 Town Hall Debate by Engaging with One Voter” (Siddiqui)
  • Blatt, David
  • Blue Devils (Duke University)
  • body language. See also nonverbal communication
  • bonding, with family
  • Brady, Tom
  • broad view, sharing
  • Brown, Hubie
  • Bush, George H. W.


  • casual greeting
  • Chandler, Steve
  • charisma
  • children, Coaching Up Conversation with. See also family
  • circuitous concise direction
  • clichés, avoiding
  • Clinton, Bill
  • coachability
  • Coaching Up Conversation
    • with children
    • Conversation in Action
    • conversation starters
    • exploratory conversation
    • overview
    • rewards of
    • Showboat approach compared to
  • Coaching Up Model
  • Coaching with Heart (Lynch)
  • CoachUp, Inc.
    • coaches of, on building authentic connections
    • coaches of, on offering concise direction
    • coaches of, on providing genuine support
    • CoachUp-branded clothing
    • founding of
    • meetings held by
    • offices of
    • overview
  • colleagues. See players
  • communication/“chatter
  • concise direction
    • CoachUp coaches on offering concise direction
    • example
    • for family
    • offering
    • overview
    • for transformational leadership
    • transparent leadership for
    • verbose direction versus
  • confidence building
  • connection. See authentic connection
  • consistency
  • criticism, problem of
  • Crucial Conversations (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler)
  • cultural differences, for greeting


  • “dap” (informal handshake)
  • Detroit Country Day School
  • direct concise direction
  • direction. See concise direction
  • dog training example
  • dress code
  • Duke University
  • Duquette, Tommy
  • Dweck, Carol


  • Edinger, Scott K.
  • Ehrmann, Joe
  • 80/20 rule (Pareto Principle)
  • England, Chip
  • exploratory conversation
  • Extraordinary Coach, The (Zenger, Stinnett)
  • eye contact


  • family
    • applying Coaching Up Model with
    • authentic connection with
    • Coaching Up Conversation with children
    • concise direction for
    • genuine support for
    • overview
  • five ws+ h (who, what, where, when, why, how)
  • Fliegel, Jordan, contact information. See also CoachUp, Inc.
  • focus
  • Folkman, Joseph R.
  • functional connection, human connection versus


  • genuine support
    • CoachUp coaches on providing genuine support
    • for family
    • knowing when to use genuine support
    • overview
    • positive feedback for
    • positive feedback versus negative feedback
    • removing obstacles from player's path
    • sharing broad view for
  • Gilbride, Tim
  • Ginott, Haim
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • Goodes, Guy
  • greeting style
    • casual
    • example
    • physical contact during
    • verbal greeting
  • Grenny, Joseph
  • growth mindset


  • handshake
  • Hapoel Migdal Jerusalem
  • Hoosiers (film)
  • How to Get People to Do Stuff (Weinschenk)
  • human connection, functional connection versus
  • humility
  • humor
  • “hustle”


  • indirect concise direction
  • InSideOut Coaching (Ehrmann)
  • inspiration
    • with genuine support
    • skill of
  • Inspiring Leader, The (Zenger, Folkman, Edinger)


  • Jingshen concept
  • John R. Wooden Player of the Year (award)
  • Johnson, Magic


  • Keener, Kurt
  • Kohn, Stephen
  • Kozlowksi, Burk
  • Krzyzewski, Mike “Coach K”


  • leadership
    • meetings between executives and players for
    • overview
    • Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)
    • Showboat style of
    • style and behavior of
    • transformational
  • Listening Mode
  • “looking sharp”
  • Lynch, Jerry


  • McMillan, Ron
  • meetings
    • with family members
    • regularly scheduled, in workplace
  • Memphis Grizzlies
  • Miami Heat
  • Mindset (Dweck)
  • Mr. Basketball award
  • multitasking, avoiding in conversation


  • National Basketball Association (NBA)
  • nicknames
  • 9 Powerful Practices of Really Great Mentors (Kohn, O’Connell)
  • nonverbal communication
    • body language
    • dap (informal handshake)
    • eye contact
    • focus
    • physical greeting as
    • See also authentic connection


  • obstacles, removing
  • O’Connell, Vincent
  • offices, open layout for
  • 100 Ways to Motivate Others (Chandler, Richardson)
  • open-ended questions
  • Ortiz, David


  • Pareto, Vilfredo
  • Pareto Principle (80/20 rule)
  • Patterson, Kerry
  • Pearson, Christine
  • peer-to-peer (casual) greeting
  • physical contact
  • players
  • political debate example
  • Porath, Christine
  • positive feedback
    • negative feedback versus
    • offering
  • posture
  • Powell, Roger, Jr.
  • power
  • “Price of Incivility, The” (Porath, Pearson)


  • Richardson, Scott


  • Schwartz, Jay
  • setting, for Coaching Up Conversation
  • Showboat approach
  • Siddiqui, Sabring
  • Socratic concise direction
  • speaking
    • openness to
    • Speaking Mode versus Listening Mode
    • verbal greeting
    • voice qualities for
    • See also authentic connection
  • Spoelstra, Eric
  • sportsmanship
  • Stinnett, Kathleen
  • Sun Tzu
  • support. See genuine support
  • Switzler, Al


  • Take Charge Foundation
  • Talking Stick concept
  • teamwork, importance of
  • terminology, of leaders
  • Toma, Eddie
  • Trainer, John
  • transformational leadership. See also concise direction
  • transparency
  • trust


  • unity


  • Van Gundy, Jeff
  • verbal communication. See speaking
  • verbal greeting
  • verbose direction, concise direction versus


  • W.A.I.T. (Why Am I Talking?)
  • Wal-Mart
  • Walton, Sam
  • Washington, Deron
  • Weinschenk, Susan
  • Whitmore, John
  • workplace


  • Yellowjackets (Detroit Country Day School)


  • Zenger, John
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