How to do it...

We will use the following steps to install and use ceph-medic:

  1. Install the latest RPM repo:
        # wget

-O /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph-medic.repo
  1. Install epel-release:
        # yum install epel-release
  1. Install the GPG key for ceph-medic:
        # wget
# rpm --import release.asc
  1. Install ceph-medic:
        # yum install ceph-medic
  1. Validate the install:
        # ceph-medic --help
  1. Run ceph-medic check on your cluster:
        # ceph-medic check

ceph-medic will output a complete log file to the current working directory where the command was issued. This log is much more verbose than the output the command sends to the terminal. This log location can be modified by utilizing the  --log-path option in ~/.cephmedic.conf.

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