

accessing the COM+ Catalog, Programming the COM+ Catalog
attribute-based programming, Attribute-based programming
COM and Windows interoperability with, COM and Windows Interoperability
creating, Developing .NET Components, Using Interfaces
inheritance, Component inheritance
simplified deployment of, Simplified Component Deployment
simplified development of, Simplified Component Development, Component-oriented security
visibility of, Component visibility
interfaces in, Using Interfaces
introduction to, Introduction to .NET, Assembly Files
namespaces in, Using Namespaces
nondeterministic finalization, Nondeterministic Finalization
nonserviced components and transactions, COM+ Transactions and Nonserviced Components, ASP.NET and transactions
object life cycle management, simplified, Simplified Object Life Cycle Management
programming languages, .NET Programming Languages
role-based security in, COM+ Security
security, component-oriented, Component-oriented security
writing client-side code, Writing .NET Client-Side Code
writing managed clients for queued components, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
.NET assemblies, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies
adding roles to COM+ applications, Adding Roles to an Application
ApplicationID attribute and, The ApplicationID Attribute
composing, Composing Assemblies, Assembly Files
Description attribute and, The Description Attribute
files in, Assembly Files
manifests, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies, Assembly Manifest
mapping to COM+ applications, .NET Assemblies and COM+ Applications
metadata in, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies, Assembly Metadata
registering, Registering Assemblies, The ProgId Attribute, Adding Roles to an Application, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
dynamically, Dynamic Registration
manually, Manual Registration
programmatically, Programmatic Registration
relationship between assembly version and COM+ components, Understanding Serviced Component Versions
sharing, Sharing Assemblies
signing, Registering Assemblies
.NET attributes
ApplicationActivation, Application Activation Type
applying to .NET serviced components, Developing Serviced Components
configuring serviced components, Configuring Serviced Components
context-related, COM+ Context Attributes
specifying application IDs, The ApplicationID Attribute
.NET clients and dynamic registration of assemblies, Dynamic Registration
.NET serviced components, .NET Serviced Components, Summary
application names, specifying, Specifying Application Name
applying special attributes to, Developing Serviced Components
AutoComplete attribute and, The AutoComplete Attribute
configuring, Developing Serviced Components , Configuring Serviced Components
designating as event classes, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
disposing of objects, COM+ Object Pooling
IObjectControl interface and, Using IObjectControl
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
loosely coupled events (LCE) and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
mapping assemblies to COM+ applications, .NET Assemblies and COM+ Applications
object pooling and, COM+ Object Pooling, COM+ Object Pooling
private components in COM+ 1.5, Private Components
queued components and, COM+ Queued Components, The MessageMover class
registering assemblies, Registering Assemblies, The ProgId Attribute, Adding Roles to an Application, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
dynamically, Dynamic Registration
manually, Manual Registration
programmatically, Programmatic Registration
security and, COM+ Security, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
specifying CLSIDs with Guid attribute, The Guid Attribute
specifying names with ProgId attribute, The ProgId Attribute
synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
transactional isolation levels in COM+ 1.5, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
transactions and, COM+ Transactions, The TransactionContext Object
voting on transactions, Voting on the Transaction, Voting on the Transaction
vs. managed components, .NET Serviced Components


aborting transactions, The Atomic Property, Voting on a Transaction, Voting on the Transaction, Voting on the Transaction
access checks
COM+ events and role-based security, Subscribers and Role-Based Security
disabling/enabling component-level, Component-Level Access Checks
library applications and, Securing a Library Application
server applications and, Setting the Security Level
access control, Authorization
(see also authorization)
disabling application-level authorization, Disabling Application-Level Authorization
role-based security and, Role-Based Security, Component-Level Access Checks
AccessChecksLevel property, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
AccessChecksLevelOption enum parameter, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ACID properties, Transaction Properties, The Durable Property
Activate(), Object Pooling and Context, Using IObjectControl
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, JITA and IObjectControl
transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
activation mode, COM+ Application Types, Just-in-Time Activation
(see also JITA)
changing, Changing Application Activation Mode
instance management, Instance Management and Scaling
activation type of applications, specifying, Application Activation Type
ActivationOption parameter, Application Activation Type
Active Directory, Application Partitioning
activities, Activities: The COM+ Innovation, COM+ Synchronization
contexts and, Activities and Contexts
JITA and, Activities and JITA
synchronization settings and, COM+ Configuration Settings, Required Versus Requires New
tracing, Tracing Activities
transactions and, Activities and Transactions
activity IDs, Activities and Contexts
retrieving, The Context Object
activity-based synchronization, COM+ Concurrency Model
Add(), The ICatalogCollection Interface
AddFilter(), Transient subscriber-side filtering
advising objects (sink interfaces), Classic COM Events
logical thread, Activities: The COM+ Innovation
object-to-thread, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
aggregation and object pooling, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Pooled Objects and Aggregation
aliasing components in COM+ 1.5, Aliasing Components
AllowInprocSubscribers property (event class attribute), COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
Anonymous impersonation level, Impersonation = Anonymous, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
Any isolation level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
apartments, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, The Neutral Threaded Apartment
(see also MTA; NTA; STA)
activation policy for, The NTA and Other COM Threading Models
hosting nonconfigured components, Assigning Objects to Contexts
lightweight proxies and, Lightweight Proxies
problems with, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
threading models for, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
Application Export Wizard, Deploying COM+ Applications , Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
Application IDs, Creating a COM+ Application
Application Install Wizard, Configuring the Server Application Identity
application-level authorization, disabling/enabling, Enabling Authorization, Securing a Library Application, Disabling Application-Level Authorization, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ApplicationAccessControl attribute, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ApplicationActivation attributes, Application Activation Type
ApplicationID attribute, The ApplicationID Attribute
ApplicationName attribute, Specifying Application Name
ApplicationQueuing attribute, COM+ Queued Components
applications (see COM+ applications)
Applications collection, The Catalog Programming Model, Catalog Structure
accessing, The Catalog Root Object
creating catalog objects, Programming the COM+ Catalog
/appname: switch, Manual Registration
architecture, COM+ transactions, COM+ Transactions Architecture, COM+ Transactions Architecture Benefits
ASP.NET and transactions, ASP.NET and transactions
assemblies (see .NET assemblies)
AsyncCallback class, COM+ Queued Components
asynchronous COM+ (see queued components)
asynchronous events, Asynchronous Events
asynchronous vs. synchronous components, Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Components, Changes in Workflow
ATL 7.0
classic COM components, Building a COM Component
type libraries, Supplying the Event Class Definition
object pooling design requirements, Pooled Object Design Requirements
queuing attribute, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
transaction support for projects, Transaction Support IDL Extension
atomicity (transaction property), The Atomic Property
enforcing with two-phase commit protocol, The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
attributes (see .NET attributes)
authentication, Authentication
application-level, enabling/disabling, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
IClientSecurity interface and, Programmatic Client-Side Security
setting correct level of, Deciding on the authentication level
setting levels for
library applications, Securing a Library Application
queued calls, Queued Calls Authentication
server applications, Setting the Authentication Level, Client authentication level compatibility
vs. authorization, Authorization
Authentication property, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
AuthenticationOption enum parameter, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
authorization, Authorization
(see also access control)
application-level, disabling/enabling, Enabling Authorization, Securing a Library Application, Disabling Application-Level Authorization, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
enabling for
library applications, Securing a Library Application
server applications, Enabling Authorization
problems with IsCallerInRole(), IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled
auto-deactivating methods, Method Auto-Deactivation, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
AutoComplete attribute and, The AutoComplete Attribute
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
auto-enlisting resources, Resource Managers
MSMQ and queued components, MSMQ Participates in Transactions, Queued Components and Transactions, Queued Components and Transactions
not possible with transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling
auto-retry mechanism and queued components, Auto-Retry Mechanism
AutoComplete attribute, The AutoComplete Attribute
automation-compliant interfaces, COM+ Configured Components


base partitions (COM+ 1.5), Application Partitioning
BeginInvoke(), COM+ Queued Components
BeginTransaction(), Single Object/Single Resource Transaction
BindToMoniker(), writing managed clients for queued components with, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
boundaries, security, Security Boundaries
buffering workload and queued components, Workload Buffering


/c switch, Manual Registration
C++ and CLR-compliance, .NET Programming Languages
C++ clients and queued components, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
Call authentication level, Authentication = Call, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
call objects, The Call Object
verifying callerÕs role programmatically, Programmatic Role-Based Security, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
caller identity, authenticating, Authentication, Setting the Authentication Level, Client authentication level compatibility
CanBePooled(), Object Pooling and Context
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, JITA and IObjectControl
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
overriding ServicedComponent implementation of IObjectControl, Using IObjectControl
transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
catalog collections, The Catalog Programming Model
(see also top-level collections)
accessing remote, Features of COMAdminCatalog
committing/discarding changes to, Saving Changes
creating catalog objects, Programming the COM+ Catalog
retrieving, The ICatalogCollection Interface
catalog objects, The Catalog Programming Model, The Catalog Programming Model
accessing related collections, Using the Catalog Interfaces, Using the Catalog Interfaces
adding, The ICatalogCollection Interface
collections associated with, Catalog Structure
disabling/enabling applications, Disabling Applications and Components
ICatalogObject interface and, The ICatalogObject Interface
named properties, The ICatalogObject Interface
interdependencies of, Object Properties Interdependencies
removing, The ICatalogCollection Interface
causality IDs/causality locks, Activities: The COM+ Innovation, Causality-Based Lock, COM+ Synchronization
CEventLogger class, How Does the Logbook Work?
CGenericFilter helper class, The CGenericFilter helper class, The CGenericFilter helper class
CGlobalInterfaceTable wrapper class, The GIT Wrapper Class
challenge/response protocol, Authentication, Authentication = Connect
class-IDs (see CLSIDs)
client types, Client Types, Scaling Up with Internet Clients
client workflow and queued components, Changes in Workflow
.NET and dynamic registration of assemblies, Dynamic Registration
authenticating queued calls, Queued Calls Authentication
avoid passing subroot objects to, Passing Subroot Objects to Clients
creating queued components, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
disconnected work, Disconnected Work
exception handling on client side, Client-side exception handling
IDisposable interface and, COM+ Object Pooling
impersonating, Server-Side Impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation
nontransactional, Nontransactional Clients, Nontransactional Clients
TransactionContext class and, The TransactionContext Object
receiving events from objects in classic COM, Classic COM Events
security for queued components, Queued Components Security
setting security attributes, Programmatic Client-Side Security
using response objects, Receiving Output from a Queued Component, Receiving Output from a Queued Component
writing .NET client-side code, Writing .NET Client-Side Code
writing test code, Writing a Test Client
cloaking, Impersonation = Delegate
cloning the COM+ Catalog, Features of COMAdminCatalog
CLR (Common Language Runtime) environment, Introduction to .NET
exception classes and, .NET Programming Languages
unreachable objects and the garbage collector, Simplified Object Life Cycle Management
CLSIDs (class-IDs)
generating for serviced components, Understanding Serviced Component Versions
specifying using Guid attribute, The Guid Attribute
CLSID_CatalogWrapper, Adding a Transient Subscription
adding transient subscriptions, Adding a Transient Subscription
creating root object with, The Catalog Root Object
CLSID_MessageMover, The MessageMover class
CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, The Global Interface Table
CoClass definitions for event classes, Supplying the Event Class Definition, Supplying the Event Class Definition
CoCopyProxy(), Programmatic Client-Side Security
assigning objects to contexts, Assigning Objects to Contexts
moving messages between queues, The MessageMover class
new moniker, alternative to, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
object pooling and, Configuring Pool Parameters
CoGetCallContext(), The Call Object , Programmatic Role-Based Security, Server-Side Impersonation
CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(), Cross-Context Manual Marshaling
CoGetObject(), Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
CoGetObjectContext(), The Context Object, Using JITA, Tracing Activities
CoImpersonateClient(), Server-Side Impersonation
CoInitializeSecurity(), Calling CoInitializeSecurity( )
collection names, The Catalog Programming Model
COM components
adding to COM+ applications, Adding a Component to a COM+ Application
building, Building a COM Component
encapsulation via marshaling, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
passing in as method parameters, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
vs. .NET framework, COM+ Component Services
COM events, Classic COM Events, Classic COM Events
COM interface types, COM+ Configured Components
COM+ 1.5, COM+ Component Services, COM+ 1.5, Summary
disabling, Disabling Applications and Components
memory dumps, configuring, Application Dump
partitioning, Application Partitioning, Application Partitioning
pausing, Pausing Applications
pooling, Application pooling
recycling, Application Recycling
shutting down processes, Application Recycling
Catalog root object, Legacy Components
aliasing, Aliasing Components
disabling, Disabling Applications and Components
enabling, Disabling Applications and Components
context activation setting improvements, Improved Context Activation Setting
context objects and partition properties, Application Partitioning
ICOMAdminCatalog2 interface and, Legacy Components
icons of application types, assigning, Improved User Interface Usability
legacy applications
cannot be disabled, Disabling Applications and Components
managing, Legacy Applications
legacy components
disabling, Disabling Applications and Components
managing, Legacy Components
private components, Private Components
queuing support improvements, Improved Queuing Support
recycling parameters, configuring programmatically, Programmatic Recycling
server applications, configuring to run as system service, Service Activation Type
transaction isolation in, The Isolated Property
transaction isolation levels, configuring, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
user interface usability, Improved User Interface Usability
web services support, Web Services in COM+ 1.5
COM+ Admin type library, Programming the COM+ Catalog
COM+ applications, The Component Services Explorer
activating listeners for, Application Configuration
activation type, specifying, Application Activation Type
adding components to, Adding a Component to a COM+ Application, Adding an Event Class
administrators and
queued component exceptions, The MessageMover class
role-based security, Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
application IDs, specifying, The ApplicationID Attribute
application types, COM+ Application Types
configuring, Configuring COM+ Applications, Idle Time Management
configuring queued component hosting, Application Configuration, COM+ Queued Components
creating, Creating a COM+ Application, Creating a COM+ Application
debugging, Debugging COM+ Applications
deploying, Deploying COM+ Applications , Summary
disabling changes to settings, Disabling Changes to the Application Configuration
enabling queuing for, Handling Poison Calls
installing/uninstalling exported, Installing and Uninstalling an Exported Application
launching options for, The Listener
legacy applications in COM+ 1.5, Legacy Applications, Legacy Components
mapping .NET assemblies to, .NET Assemblies and COM+ Applications
names, specifying, Specifying Application Name
object pooling and, Object Pooling
physical vs. logical packaging, Applications, DLLs, and Components
proxy, Proxy COM+ Applications
roles, adding to, Configuring Role-Based Security, Adding Roles to an Application
security checked at boundaries, Security Boundaries
surrogate processes, COM+ Surrogate Processes
COM+ Catalog, COM+ Component Services
accessing from within .NET components, Programming the COM+ Catalog
Component Services Explorer and, The Catalog Programming Model
Dead Letter Queue Monitor (DLQM) and, Client-side exception handling
examples of using interfaces, Using the Catalog Interfaces, Using the Catalog Interfaces
interacting with the, Interacting with the Catalog, Object Properties Interdependencies
interdependencies of object properties, Object Properties Interdependencies
interfaces, limitations of, Adding a Transient Subscription
programming the, Programming the COM+ Catalog, Summary
registering transient subscriptions with, Adding a Transient Subscription, Adding a Transient Subscription
RegSvcs adding serviced components to, Manual Registration
replicating, Features of COMAdminCatalog
root object (see root object of COM+ Catalog)
structure of, Catalog Structure, Catalog Structure
transactions and, The COM+ Catalog and Transactions
transient subscriptions and, Adding a Transient Subscription
COM+ component services, COM+ Component Services, COM+ Component Services
configured components (see configured components, COM+)
encapsulation via interception, Encapsulation via Interception in COM+, Assigning Objects to Contexts
COM+ context, COM+ Context , Summary
accessing, Accessing the COM+ Context
EventTrackingEnabled attribute and, COM+ Context Attributes
MustRunInClientContext attribute, COM+ Context Attributes
COM+ events service (see events service)
COM+ logbooks (see logbooks)
COM+ security (see security)
COM+ transactions (see transactions)
COMAdmin namespace, Programming the COM+ Catalog
COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog, creating root object with, The Catalog Root Object
COMAdminActivationInproc enum value, The ICatalogObject Interface
COMAdminActivationLocal enum value, The ICatalogObject Interface
CoMarshalInterface(), Cross-Context Manual Marshaling
global interface table (GIT) and, The Global Interface Table
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(), Cross-Context Manual Marshaling
command-line switches, Manual Registration
Commit(), Nontransactional Clients
changes to catalog collections, Saving Changes
transactions, The Atomic Property
Common Language Runtime environment (see CLR environment)
compensating transactions, Compensating Transactions
Component Install Wizard, Adding a Component to a COM+ Application, Adding an Event Class, Supplying the Event Class Definition
Component Services Explorer, The Component Services Explorer
adding event classes to, Adding an Event Class
COM+ Catalog and, The Catalog Programming Model
configuring, Component Services Explorer Configuration
access control, Authorization
transactions, Configuring Transactions, Transaction Support IDL Extension
deactivating objects with JITA, Using JITA, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
enabling construction string support, COM+ Constructor String
components into, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
components with IDL extensions, Transaction Support IDL Extension
logbooks, configuring, Configuring the Logbook, Configuring the Logbook
registering components with, Dynamic Registration
requesting JITA objects in callerÕs context, Requesting a JITA Object in the Caller’s Context
resolving in-doubt transactions, In-Doubt Transactions
setting global configurations, Machine-Wide Security Settings
tracing transactions, Tracing Transactions
tracking instance activity, Tracking Instance Activity
vs. using attributes, Developing Serviced Components
disabling/enabling access checks at, Component-Level Access Checks
transaction timeouts, Transaction Execution Time
ComponentAccessControl attribute, Component-Level Access Checks
Components collection, Catalog Structure, The ICatalogCollection Interface
COMREPL utility, Features of COMAdminCatalog
COMSVCSLib namespace, The TransactionContext Object, Queued component exception class
concurrency model
classic COM, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads, Summary
COM+, Activities: The COM+ Innovation, Required Versus Requires New
Concurrency tab, COM+ Configuration Settings
ConcurrentApps property, Application pooling
configured components, COM+, COM+ Configured Components
aliasing in COM+ 1.5, Aliasing Components
combining JITA with object pooling, Combining JITA with Object Pooling
instance management services and, Instance Management and Scaling
tracking instance activity, Tracking Instance Activity
promoting legacy components to, Legacy Components
relationship between assembly version and, Understanding Serviced Component Versions
surrogate processes and, COM+ Surrogate Processes
transactional objects and, Transactions and JITA
Connect authentication level, Authentication = Connect, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
Connect(), Features of COMAdminCatalog
connection points, Classic COM Events
establishing, Classic COM Events
consistency (transaction property), The Consistent Property
compensating transactions and, Compensating Transactions
enforcing, Transactional Object Life Cycle
jeopardized by nontransactional clients, Nontransactional Clients
setting consistency bit, Voting on a Transaction
threatened by nontransactional objects, Transaction Disabled
consistency bit
auto-deactivating methods, The AutoComplete Attribute
SetComplete() and, The IObjectContext Interface
setting, Voting on a Transaction
voting on transactions without exception handling, Voting on the Transaction
Construct(), Object Constructor String
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
overriding by serviced components, COM+ Constructor String
ConstructionEnabled attribute, COM+ Constructor String
constructor string objects, Object Constructor String
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Constructor String
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
context activation settings, improvements in COM+ 1.5, Improved Context Activation Setting
context IDs. retrieving, The Context Object
context objects, The Context Object, The Context Object
accessing with ContextUtil class, Accessing the COM+ Context
disposing of, COM+ Object Pooling
IObjectContextInfo2 interface (COM+ 1.5) and, Application Partitioning
IServerSecurity interface and, Server-Side Impersonation
security boundaries and, Security Boundaries
setting consistency bit, Voting on a Transaction, Voting on the Transaction
context-specific initialization and objects, Object Pooling and Context, JITA and IObjectControl, Using IObjectControl
activities and, Activities and Contexts
assigning objects to, Assigning Objects to Contexts
placing pooled objects in, Object Pooling and Context, Object Pooling and Context
transactions and, Transactions and Context, Transactions and Context
ContextUtil helper class, Accessing the COM+ Context
voting on transactions, Voting on the Transaction, Web services and transactions
CONTEXT_E_ABORT error code, Nontransactional Clients
CONTEXT_E_ABORTING error code, Voting on a Transaction
CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION error code, Voting on a Transaction
CONTEXT_E_OLDREF error code, Passing Subroot Objects to Clients
copying components in COM+ 1.5, Aliasing Components
CopyProxy(), Programmatic Client-Side Security
CoRevertToSelf(), Server-Side Impersonation
CoSetProxyBlanket(), Programmatic Client-Side Security
CoUnmarshalInterface(), Cross-Context Manual Marshaling
Count property of ICatalogCollection interface, The ICatalogCollection Interface
CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUT error code, Configuring Pool Parameters
CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXT error code, Requesting a JITA Object in the Caller’s Context
CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED error code, JITA and IObjectControl
CO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH error code, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
CreateInstance(), Nontransactional Clients
moving messages between queues, The MessageMover class
new moniker, alternative to, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
CreateServiceForApplication(), Service Activation Type
CreationTimeout property (ObjectPooling attribute), COM+ Object Pooling
criteria, filtering (see filtering, criteria)
cross-context manual marshaling, Cross-Context Manual Marshaling, The GIT Wrapper Class
CurrentCall property (SecurityCallContext class), Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
custom interfaces, COM+ Configured Components
custom subscription properties, defining, Custom subscription properties


data integrity, authenticating, Authentication, Setting the Authentication Level, Client authentication level compatibility
DCOM (Distributed COM), COM+ Component Services
DCOM Config folder (COM+ 1.5), Legacy Applications
DCOMCNFG, managing legacy components with, Legacy Applications and Components
DCOMCNFG.EXE utility, Machine-Wide Security Settings
Deactivate(), Object Pooling and Context
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, JITA and IObjectControl
overriding ServicedComponent implementation of, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
DeactivateOnReturn property, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
deactivating JITA objects, Using JITA, Using JITA, Transactions and JITA, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
Dead Letter Queue Monitor (DLQM), Client-side exception handling
dead queues, Handling Poison Calls
deadlocks, The Isolated Property
acquiring resources and, Acquiring Resources
multithreaded apartment objects, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
preventing with transaction timeouts, Transaction Execution Time
declarative attributes, COM+ Security
DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(), Pooled Object Design Requirements
decoupling components, COM+ Event Service, COM+ Event Model
asynchronous events and, Asynchronous Events
security issues with, COM+ Events and Security
Default authentication level, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
default context of apartments, Assigning Objects to Contexts
Default impersonation level, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
Default Properties tab, Machine-Wide Security Settings
Default Security tab, Machine-Wide Security Settings
Delegate impersonation level, Impersonation = Delegate, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
DeleteServiceForApplication(), Service Activation Type
delivering events, Delivering Events
deploying COM+ applications, Deploying COM+ Applications , Summary
deploying role-based security, Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
Description attribute, The Description Attribute
Description property (SecurityRole attribute), Adding Roles to an Application
designated users, running server applications as, Configuring the Server Application Identity, Configuring the Server Application Identity
designing role-based security, Designing Role-Based Security
destructors, using instead of Finalize() in C#, Nondeterministic Finalization
deterministic finalization, provided by COM+ JITA, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
Disabled synchronization setting, Synchronization Disabled
Disabled transaction support, Transaction Disabled
Disabled value, COM+ Transactions
activity-based synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
web services and transactions, Web services and transactions
disconnected work
classic COM event model and, Classic COM Events
MSMQ and, Disconnected Work
not supported by .NET, COM+ Queued Components
DisposeObject(), COM+ Object Pooling, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
Distributed COM (DCOM), COM+ Component Services
distributed COM+ events, workarounds for allowing, Distributed COM+ Events, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (see DTC)
DLLs, Building a COM Component
.NET assemblies and, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies
adding components to COM+ applications, Adding a Component to a COM+ Application, Supplying the Event Class Definition
assembly files and, Assembly Files
COM interface types and, COM+ Configured Components
installing components in applications, Applications, DLLs, and Components
proxy/stub, COM+ Configured Components
server applications and, Proxy COM+ Applications
registering components in, Supplying the Event Class Definition
DLQM (Dead Letter Queue Monitor), Client-side exception handling
done bit
auto-deactivating methods, The AutoComplete Attribute
JITA objects and, Using JITA, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
SetComplete() and, The IObjectContext Interface
SetDeactivateOnReturn() and, Transactions and JITA
doomed flag, Collecting Objects’ Votes
dot (.) operator, Writing .NET Client-Side Code
DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), The Distributed Transaction Coordinator
in-doubt transactions, In-Doubt Transactions
isolation levels in COM+ 1.5, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
viewing transaction IDs, Tracing Transactions
dual directive, COM+ Configured Components
dump files, generating in COM+ 1.5, Application Dump
DumpEnabled property, Application Dump
DumpOnException property, Application Dump
DumpPath property, Application Dump
DumpProcess(), Application Dump
durable storage
committing transaction changes to, The Durable Property
JITA objects and, Using JITA
resource managers and, Resource Managers
dynamic association of publisher filters with event classes, Installing a publisher filter
dynamic registration of assemblies, Dynamic Registration


Enabled property
ApplicationQueuing attribute, COM+ Queued Components
InterfaceQueuing attribute, Configuring Queued Interfaces
ObjectPooling attribute, COM+ Object Pooling
via interception in COM+, Encapsulation via Interception in COM+, Assigning Objects to Contexts
via marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
EndInvoke(), COM+ Queued Components
EndTransaction(commit/abort), Single Object/Single Resource Transaction
enlisting resources, Single Object/Single Resource Transaction, Multiple Objects/Multiple Resources Transaction, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
EnlistResource(), Transactions and Object Pooling
error handling
.NET serviced components and, Voting on the Transaction
events service and, Error Handling
queued components and, Queued Component Error Handling, The MessageMover class, Queued Component Error Handling
response objects and, Receiving Output from a Queued Component
ErrorInfo collection, Catalog Structure
event classes, The Event Class, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines
adding, Adding an Event Class
adding transactions to, COM+ Events and Transactions, Transient Subscribers and Transactions
associating publisher filters with, Installing a publisher filter
dynamically, Installing a publisher filter
statically, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
copying components in COM+ 1.5, Aliasing Components
designating serviced components as, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
distributed events workaround and, Solution 1: One Machine for All the Subscribers and Event Classes
generating skeleton implementation, Supplying the Event Class Definition
implementing, Supplying the Event Class Definition, Supplying the Event Class Definition
interface design guidelines for, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines
logbook components, Configuring the Logbook
machine-specific, Solution 2: Machine-Specific Event Classes
role-based security and, The Event Class and Role-Based Security
type libraries and, Supplying the Event Class Definition
event filtering, Event Filtering, Transient subscriber-side filtering
event notification, COM+ Component Services
EventClass attribute, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
events service
CGenericFilter helper class and, The CGenericFilter helper class, The CGenericFilter helper class
for classic COM, Classic COM Events, Classic COM Events
for COM+, COM+ Event Model, Summary
controlling publishing order, Publishing Order
decoupling components, COM+ Event Service, COM+ Event Model
asynchronous events and, Asynchronous Events
security issues with, COM+ Events and Security
delivering events, Delivering Events
error handling for, Error Handling
EventTrackingEnabled attribute and, COM+ Context Attributes
for distributed events, Distributed COM+ Events, Solution 3: COM+ Routing, COM+ Events Limitation
on number of subscribers, COM+ Events Limitation
on rate of event publishing, COM+ Events Limitation
logbooks and, How Does the Logbook Work?, How Does the Logbook Work?
security and, COM+ Events and Security
transactions and, COM+ Events and Transactions, Transient Subscribers and Transactions
workarounds for allowing distributed events, Distributed COM+ Events, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
EventTrackingEnabled attribute, COM+ Context Attributes
EVENT_E_ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED error code, Error Handling
EVENT_S_NOSUBSCRIBERS error code, Error Handling
EVENT_S_SOME_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILED error code, Error Handling
exception classes for queued components, Queued Component Exception Classes, The MessageMover class, Queued component exception class
exception handling
.NET serviced components and, Voting on the Transaction
client-side, Client-side exception handling
server-side, Server-side exception handling
ExceptionClass attribute, Queued component exception class
execution time of transactions, Transaction Execution Time
E_ACCESSDENIED error code, Authorization
E_NOINTERFACE error code, Object Constructor String, IDispatch Considerations


/fc switch, Manual Registration
FilterCriteria property, Transient subscriber-side filtering
criteria, Implementing a publisher filter
CGenericFilter implementation and, The CGenericFilter helper class
subscriber-side filtering and, Subscriber-Side Filtering, Transient subscriber-side filtering
events, Event Filtering, Transient subscriber-side filtering
publisher (see publisher filtering)
subscriber-side, Subscriber-Side Filtering, Transient subscriber-side filtering
persistent, Persistent subscriber-side filtering
transient, Transient subscriber-side filtering
FinalClientRetry(), Queued Component Exception Classes
Finalize(), IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
use destructors instead in C#, Nondeterministic Finalization
FinalServerRetry(), Queued Component Exception Classes
ÒFire in parallelÓ checkbox, Serial Versus Parallel Publishing
FireInParallel property (EventClass attribute), COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
firewalls and rich clients/Internet clients, Client Types
forms, transaction support for, ASP.NET and transactions


GAC (global assembly cache), installing serviced component assemblies in, Registering Assemblies
garbage collector, Simplified Object Life Cycle Management
GetActivityId(), Tracing Activities
GetCollection(), The Catalog Root Object, The ICatalogCollection Interface
adding transient subscriptions, Adding a Transient Subscription
GetInterfaceFromGlobal(), The Global Interface Table
GetObject(), Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
GetPublisherProperty(), Custom subscription properties
GetSubscriptions(), Implementing a publisher filter
GetTransaction(), Transactions and Context
GetTransactionId(), Transactions and Context, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
tracing transactions, Tracing Transactions
GIT (see Global Interface Table)
global assembly cache (GAC), installing serviced component assemblies in, Registering Assemblies
Global Interface Table (GIT), The Global Interface Table , The GIT Wrapper Class
manually marshalling objects outside the NTA, The NTA and Other COM Threading Models
pooled object data members and, Failing to Release Pooled Object Data Members
global transaction timeouts, Transaction Execution Time
Guid attribute, The Guid Attribute


helper macros for logging, Using the Logbook
deciding on transaction outcomes, Voting on the Transaction
using standard instead of custom, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
HTML logger components, Configuring the Logbook
IObjectControl interface, implementing, How Does the Logbook Work?
HTTP-POST/HTTP-GET protocols, Web services and transactions
hub machines and distributed events, Solution 2: Machine-Specific Event Classes


ICatalogCollection interface, The Catalog Programming Model, The ICatalogCollection Interface
ICatalogObject interface, The Catalog Programming Model, The ICatalogObject Interface
adding transient subscriptions, Adding a Transient Subscription
IClientSecurity interface, Programmatic Client-Side Security
ICOMAdminCatalog interface, The Catalog Programming Model, Features of COMAdminCatalog, Features of COMAdminCatalog
root object and, The Catalog Root Object
ICOMAdminCatalog2 interface (COM+ 1.5), Legacy Components
configuring a service programmatically, Service Activation Type
dump files, generating, Application Dump
partitions, managing, Application Partitioning
pausing/resuming applications programmatically, Pausing Applications
IConnectionPoint interface, Classic COM Events
IConnectionPointContainer interface, Classic COM Events
IContextState interface, The Context Object
setting consistency bit and, Voting on a Transaction
setting done bit for JITA objects, Using JITA
vs. IObjectContext interface, The IObjectContext Interface
Identify impersonation level, Impersonation = Identify, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
Identity tab, Configuring the Server Application Identity
IDispatch() and queued components, IDispatch Considerations
IDisposable interface, COM+ Object Pooling, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
IDL extensions
designing queued component interfaces, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
transaction support and, Transaction Support IDL Extension
IDL files
building COM components, Building a COM Component
defining event classes, Supplying the Event Class Definition
idle time management issues, Idle Time Management
IEnumEventObject interface, Implementing a publisher filter
IEventObjectCollection interface, Implementing a publisher filter
IEventSubscription interface, Implementing a publisher filter
custom properties and, Custom subscription properties
IFilterInstaller interface, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
IFireControl interface, Parameters-based publisher filtering
IFiringControl interface, Implementing a publisher filter
IGlobalInterfaceTable interface, The Global Interface Table
(see also Global Interface Table)
IL (intermediate language), .NET Programming Languages
ILogbook interface, Configuring the Logbook, How Does the Logbook Work?
IMessage interface, Writing .NET Client-Side Code
IMessageMover interface, The MessageMover class, The MessageMover class
Impersonate impersonation level, Impersonation = Impersonate, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ImpersonateClient(), Server-Side Impersonation
impersonation, Impersonation
calling clients, Server-Side Impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation
IClientSecurity interface and, Programmatic Client-Side Security
library applications and, Securing a Library Application
scalability issues with, Server-Side Impersonation
server-side, Server-Side Impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation
setting levels for server applications, Setting the Impersonation Level, Impersonation = Delegate
Impersonation property, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ImpersonationLevelOption enum parameter, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ImportComponentAsLegacy(), Legacy Components
IMultiInterfaceEventControl interface, Implementing a publisher filter, Dynamic association of a publisher filter with an event class
IMultiInterfacePublisherFilter interface, Implementing a publisher filter
in-doubt transactions, In-Doubt Transactions
in-process subscribers, In-Process Subscribers
loosely coupled events and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
infinite timeouts, Transaction Execution Time
inheritance, component, Component inheritance
inherited roles, Configuring Role-Based Security
Initialize() and publisher filtering, Implementing a publisher filter
InstallAssembly(), Programmatic Registration
instance management, COM+ Instance Management, Tracking Instance Activity
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation), Just-in-Time Activation, JITA and IObjectControl
object pooling, Object Pooling, Object Pooling and Context
pitfalls of, COM+ Instance Management Pitfalls, Tracking Instance Activity
scaling and, Instance Management and Scaling
tracking instance activity, Tracking Instance Activity
Integrity authentication level, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
interactive users, running server applications as, Configuring the Server Application Identity, Configuring the Server Application Identity
encapsulation via, Encapsulation via Interception in COM+, Assigning Objects to Contexts
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, How JITA Works
interdependencies of object properties, Object Properties Interdependencies
interface design
for event classes, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines
for queued components, Designing Queued Component Interfaces, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
for queued components, Configuring Queued Interfaces
for transaction support, Designing Transactional Interfaces, Designing Transactional Interfaces
interface types, COM, COM+ Configured Components
InterfaceQueuing attribute, Configuring Queued Interfaces
interfaces in .NET, Using Interfaces
InterfacesForComponent collection, Catalog Structure
intermediate language (IL), .NET Programming Languages
internal keyword, Component visibility
internal objects, Transaction Root
Internet clients, Client Types
scaling up with, Scaling Up with Internet Clients
intranet clients (see rich clients)
IObjectConstruct interface, Object Constructor String
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Constructor String
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
IObjectConstructString interface, Object Constructor String
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
IObjectContext interface, Using JITA, Programmatic Role-Based Security
voting on transactions, The IObjectContext Interface
IObjectContextActivity interface, Tracing Activities
IObjectContextInfo interface, The Context Object, The Context Object
collecting client-side information for logbooks, How Does the Logbook Work?
ITransaction interface and, Transactions and Context
IObjectContextInfo2 interface (COM+ 1.5), Application Partitioning
IObjectControl interface, Object Pooling and Context
.NET serviced components and, Using IObjectControl
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, JITA and IObjectControl
transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling
IPersistStream interface, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
Visual Basic persistable objects and, Visual Basic Persistable Objects
IPlaybackControl interface, Queued Component Exception Classes, Queued component exception class
IPublisherFilter interface, Implementing a publisher filter
IRegistrationHelper interface, Programmatic Registration
implementing publisher-side filters, The Event Class and Role-Based Security
queued components and, Queued Components and Role-Based Security
returning TRUE when security is not enabled, IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled
verifying caller role membership, Programmatic Role-Based Security, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
ISecurityCallContext interface, The Call Object , Programmatic Role-Based Security, Security Boundaries, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
implementing publisher-side filters, The Event Class and Role-Based Security
verifying security is enabled, IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled
IServerSecurity interface, The Call Object , Server-Side Impersonation
IsInTransaction(), Transactions and Context, Transactions and Object Pooling
isolation (transaction property), The Isolated Property
enforcing, Transactional Object Life Cycle
resource managers and, Resource Managers
threatened by nontransactional objects, Transaction Disabled
isolation levels, configuring for transactions in COM+ 1.5, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
IsProcessDumpSupported(), Application Dump
IsProcessPaused(), Pausing Applications
IsPropertyReadOnly(), The ICatalogObject Interface
IsPropertyWriteOnly(), The ICatalogObject Interface
IsResourceOK(), Transactions and Object Pooling
IsSecurityEnabled property, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
IsSecurityEnabled(), IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled
Item property of ICatalogCollection interface, The ICatalogCollection Interface
ITransaction interface, Transactions and Context
ITransactionContext interface, Nontransactional Clients
ITransactionContextEx interface, Nontransactional Clients
ITransientSubscription interface, Adding a Transient Subscription
subscriber-side filters and, Transient subscriber-side filtering


JITA (Just-in-Time Activation), COM+ Component Services, Just-in-Time Activation, JITA and IObjectControl, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
activating/deactivating objects, Using JITA, Using JITA
activities and, Activities and JITA
context activation settings, improvements in COM+ 1.5, Improved Context Activation Setting
deterministic finalization provided by, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
done bit, setting, Using JITA
enabling support for serviced components, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation, IObjectControl, JITA, and Deterministic Finalization
IObjectControl and, JITA and IObjectControl
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
object pooling and, Combining JITA with Object Pooling, COM+ Object Pooling, How Does the Logbook Work?
performance vs. scalability, Using JITA
requesting objects in callerÕs context, Requesting a JITA Object in the Caller’s Context
transactions and, Transactions and JITA
Just-in-Time Activation (see JITA)
JustInTimeActivation attribute, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation


authentication service and queued components, Queued Components Security Limitations
Delegate impersonation level and, Impersonation = Delegate


launch security, Launch Security
layouts, transaction, Transactional Object Life Cycle
LCE (loosely coupled events), COM+ Event Service
(see also events service)
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
asynchronous events and, Asynchronous Events
logbooks and, Configuring the Logbook
legacy applications
cannot be disabled in COM+ 1.5, Disabling Applications and Components
managing under COM+ 1.5, Legacy Applications
legacy components
disabling in COM+ 1.5, Disabling Applications and Components
managing under COM+ 1.5, Legacy Components
Legacy Components folder (COM+ 1.5), Legacy Components
LegacyComponents collection, Legacy Components
LegacyServers catalog collection (COM+ 1.5), Legacy Applications
library applications, Creating a COM+ Application
activating, COM+ Application Types
ApplicationAccessControl attribute and, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ApplicationActivation attribute and, Application Activation Type
cannot contain queued components, Application Configuration
configuration mechanisms for, Securing a Library Application
debugging, Debugging COM+ Applications
global authentication with no role-based security, Global Authentication Without Role-Based Security
impersonation levels and, Securing a Library Application
in-process subscribers and, In-Process Subscribers
no role-based security or global authentication, Neither Role-Based Security nor Authentication
role-based security and global authentication, Both Role-Based Security and Global Authentication
role-based security with no global authentication, Role-Based Security Without Global Authentication
securing, Securing a Library Application
surrogate processes and, COM+ Surrogate Processes
life cycle of pooled objects, Pooled Object Life Cycle
lightweight proxies, Lightweight Proxies
listener objects, Queued Components Architecture
local servers, contained in DCOM Config folder (COM+ 1.5), Legacy Applications
location transparency, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
locks, causality, Activities: The COM+ Innovation, Causality-Based Lock
logbook components
using Both threading model, How Does the Logbook Work?
configured to use JITA, How Does the Logbook Work?
object pooling and, How Does the Logbook Work?
persistent subscribers, Configuring the Logbook
logbooks, The COM+ Logbook, Summary
collecting client-side information, How Does the Logbook Work?
configuring, Configuring the Logbook, Configuring the Logbook
how they work, How Does the Logbook Work?, How Does the Logbook Work?
installing, Using the Logbook
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, How Does the Logbook Work?
object pooling and, How Does the Logbook Work?, How Does the Logbook Work?
requirements of, Logbook Requirements
LOGERROR() macro, Using the Logbook
LOGERROR_AND_RETURN() macro, Using the Logbook
LOGEVENT() macro, Using the Logbook
implementation of, How Does the Logbook Work?
logging, macros for, Using the Logbook, Using the Logbook
logical thread affinity, Activities: The COM+ Innovation
logical vs. physical packaging, Applications, DLLs, and Components
LOGMETHOD() macro, Using the Logbook
LOG_ENTRY structure, How Does the Logbook Work?
loosely coupled events (LCE), COM+ Event Service
(see also events service)
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
asynchronous events and, Asynchronous Events
logbooks and, Configuring the Logbook


event classes, Solution 2: Machine-Specific Event Classes
persistent subscriptions, Solution 3: COM+ Routing, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
managed clients, writing for queued components, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
managed vs. serviced components, .NET Serviced Components
manifests, assembly, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies, Assembly Manifest
manually enlisting resources, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
manually registering assemblies, Manual Registration
Marshal class, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
cross-context interception via, Cross-Context Manual Marshaling, The GIT Wrapper Class
encapsulation via, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
type library, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines
MaxDumpCount property, Application Dump
MaxPoolSize property (ObjectPooling attribute), COM+ Object Pooling
MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY attribute, Configuring the Server Application Identity
memory dumps of applications, configuring in COM+ 1.5, Application Dump
memory leaks and application recycling (COM+ 1.5), Application Recycling
MessageMover class, The MessageMover class, The MessageMover class
moving between queues, The MessageMover class, The MessageMover class
retrying, Handling Poison Calls, Queued Component Error Handling
metadata in .NET assemblies, Packaging .NET Components: Assemblies, Assembly Metadata
method parameters, passing in COM objects as, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
assigning roles to, Configuring Role-Based Security, Assigning Roles to Component, Interface, and Method
auto-deactivating, Method Auto-Deactivation, COM+ Just-in-Time Activation
AutoComplete attribute and, The AutoComplete Attribute
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
implementing on transactional objects, State-Aware Objects
MethodsForInterface collection, Catalog Structure
Microsoft Message Queue (see MSMQ)
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), COM+ Component Services
middle-tier objects
role-based security and, Designing Role-Based Security
server-side impersonation and, Server-Side Impersonation
MinPoolSize property (ObjectPooling attribute), COM+ Object Pooling
monikers, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
MoveMessages(), The MessageMover class
MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue), COM+ Queued Components
(see also queued components)
auto-retry mechanism and, Auto-Retry Mechanism
disconnected work and, Disconnected Work
domain server installation needed for adequate security, MSMQ Setup
installing, Component Services Explorer Configuration
queued components and, COM+ Queued Components
security services for, Queued Components Security
supporting asynchronous calls with COM, COM+ Queued Components
transfer transactions and, Queued Components and Transactions, Queued Components and Transactions
MSMQ Explorer, bringing up, Application Configuration
MTA (multithreaded apartment) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
deadlock potential with, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) and, The Neutral Threaded Apartment, COM+ and Threading Model
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), COM+ Component Services
mtxattr.h header file, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
MultiInterfacePublisherFilterCLSID property, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
multiple threads and object-oriented programming, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads
multithreaded apartment (MTA) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
deadlock potential with, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) and, The Neutral Threaded Apartment, COM+ and Threading Model
multitier vs. two-tier architecture, COM+ Instance Management
MustRunInClientContext attribute, COM+ Context Attributes


named properties of catalog objects, The ICatalogObject Interface
comprehensive list of, Using the Catalog Interfaces
interdependencies of, Object Properties Interdependencies
namespaces in .NET, Using Namespaces
migrating to with COM+, COM+ Component Services
vs. COM components, COM+ Component Services
neutral threaded apartment (NTA) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, The Neutral Threaded Apartment
new moniker, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
New Subscription Wizard, Adding a Persistent Subscription
nonconfigured components, COM+ Configured Components
nondeterministic finalization in .NET, Nondeterministic Finalization
None authentication level, Authentication = None, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
nontransactional clients, Nontransactional Clients, Nontransactional Clients
TransactionContext class and, The TransactionContext Object
nontransactional objects
AutoComplete attribute and, The AutoComplete Attribute
vs. transactional objects, Transaction Disabled
Not Supported synchronization setting, Synchronization Not Supported
Not Supported transaction support, Transaction Not Supported
NotSupported value, COM+ Transactions
activity-based synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
web services and, Web services and transactions
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, The Neutral Threaded Apartment


object constructor strings, specifying, Object Constructor String, COM+ Constructor String, How Does the Logbook Work?
object constructor, avoiding sensitive work at, Avoid Sensitive Work at the Object Constructor
object identifiers, State-Aware Objects
object pooling, COM+ Component Services, Object Pooling, Object Pooling and Context
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Object Pooling, COM+ Object Pooling
aggregation and, Pooled Object Design Requirements
problems with, Pooled Objects and Aggregation
configuring parameters for, Configuring Pool Parameters, Configuring Pool Parameters
context and, Object Pooling and Context, Object Pooling and Context
design requirements, Pooled Object Design Requirements
DisposeObject() and, COM+ Object Pooling
failing to release data members, Failing to Release Pooled Object Data Members
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation) and, Combining JITA with Object Pooling, COM+ Object Pooling, How Does the Logbook Work?
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?, How Does the Logbook Work?
threading models for, Pooled Object Design Requirements
transactions and, Transactions and Object Pooling
object starvation, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
object-oriented programming
multiple threads and, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads
object-to-thread affinity, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
ObjectPooling attribute, COM+ Object Pooling, COM+ Object Pooling
activating/deactivating with JITA, Using JITA, Using JITA, Transactions and JITA
assigning to contexts, Assigning Objects to Contexts
associating with causality locks, Activities: The COM+ Innovation, Activities and Contexts
catalog (see catalog objects)
configured transaction support of, Configuring Transactions, Transaction Support IDL Extension
context-specific initialization and, Object Pooling and Context, JITA and IObjectControl
created by nontransactional clients, Nontransactional Clients, Nontransactional Clients
via interception in COM+, Encapsulation via Interception in COM+, Assigning Objects to Contexts
via marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation), Just-in-Time Activation, JITA and IObjectControl
life cycle example, Object Life Cycle Example
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) model and, The Neutral Threaded Apartment, COM+ and Threading Model
state-aware, State-Aware Objects, State-Aware Objects
synchronization support for, COM+ Configuration Settings, Required Versus Requires New
transaction root, Transaction Root
transactional vs. nontransactional, Transaction Disabled
voting on transactions, Voting on a Transaction, Voting on a Transaction
oleautomation directive, COM+ Configured Components
OLEView, managing legacy components with, Legacy Applications and Components
outgoing parameters, avoiding on interface methods, Designing Queued Component Interfaces


Packet authentication level, Authentication = Packet , Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
Packet Integrity authentication level, Authentication = Packet Integrity
Packet Privacy authentication level, Authentication = Packet Privacy
Page base class, ASP.NET and transactions
parallel vs. serial publishing, Serial Versus Parallel Publishing
parameterized constructors, not allowed with serviced components, Developing Serviced Components
parameters-based publisher filtering, Parameters-based publisher filtering
partitioning applications, Application Partitioning, Application Partitioning
PauseProcess(), Pausing Applications
peak load, handling with queued components, Workload Buffering
per-user subscriptions, Per-User Subscriptions
logbook applications and, How Does the Logbook Work?
server-side impersonation and, Server-Side Impersonation
threading models, Pooled Object Design Requirements
vs. authentication level, Deciding on the authentication level
vs. scalability with JITA, Using JITA
persistent subscriptions, The Event Class, Subscription Types
adding, Adding a Persistent Subscription
logbook components, Configuring the Logbook
loosely coupled events and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
machine-specific, Solution 3: COM+ Routing, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
queued components and, Asynchronous Subscribers
routing solution for distributed events, Solution 3: COM+ Routing, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
subscriber-side filtering and, Persistent subscriber-side filtering
transactions and, Persistent Subscribers and Transactions
physical vs. logical packaging, Applications, DLLs, and Components
Platform SDK documentation, Using the Catalog Interfaces
player objects, Queued Components Architecture
poison message syndrome, Handling Poison Calls
pool parameters, Configuring Pool Parameters
(see also object pooling)
configuring, Configuring Pool Parameters, Configuring Pool Parameters, Application pooling
ObjectPooling attribute and, COM+ Object Pooling
setting too large a minimum pool size, Too Large a Minimum Pool Size
Pooling & Recycling tab (COM+ 1.5), Application pooling
pooling applications (COM+ 1.5), Application pooling
Populate(), The ICatalogCollection Interface, Saving Changes
PrepareToFire(), Implementing a publisher filter
CGenericFilter implementation of, The CGenericFilter helper class
parameters-based filtering and, Parameters-based publisher filtering
Privacy authentication level, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
private components in COM+ 1.5, Private Components
PrivateComponent attribute, Private Components
ProgId attribute, The ProgId Attribute
registration of assemblies, Programmatic Registration
role-based security, Programmatic Role-Based Security
programming languages in .NET, .NET Programming Languages
PromoteLegacyComponent(), Legacy Components
properties page, Creating a COM+ Application
PropertyInfo collection, Catalog Structure
proxies, lightweight, Lightweight Proxies
proxy applications, Proxy COM+ Applications
generating for distributed events workaround, Solution 1: One Machine for All the Subscribers and Event Classes
DLLs, COM+ Configured Components, Proxy COM+ Applications
encapsulating objects
via interception in COM+, Encapsulation via Interception in COM+, Assigning Objects to Contexts
via marshaling in COM, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
propagating activities across contexts, Activities and Contexts
public keyword, Component visibility
publisher filtering, Publisher Filtering, Dynamic association of a publisher filter with an event class
associating with event classes, Installing a publisher filter
dynamically, Installing a publisher filter
statically, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
CGenericFilter helper class and, The CGenericFilter helper class, The CGenericFilter helper class
defining custom subscription properties, Custom subscription properties
filtering criteria and, Implementing a publisher filter
implementing, Implementing a publisher filter, Implementing a publisher filter
parameters-based, Parameters-based publisher filtering
PublisherProperties collection, Catalog Structure, Custom subscription properties
publishers, COM+ Event Model
asynchronous, Asynchronous Publishing
controlling event order, Publishing Order
event classes and, The Event Class
in-process subscribers and, In-Process Subscribers
serial vs. parallel publishing, Serial Versus Parallel Publishing
subscribers on multiple other machines and, Solution 2: Machine-Specific Event Classes
transactions, taking part in, COM+ Events and Transactions


QC.MessageMover, The MessageMover class
QCAuthenticateMsgs property, Improved Queuing Support
QCListenerMaxThreads property, Improved Queuing Support
queue moniker, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
asynchronous publishing and, Asynchronous Publishing
QUEUEABLE interface attribute, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
queued components, COM+ Component Services, Features of COMAdminCatalog, COM+ Queued Components, Summary
(see also MSMQ)
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Queued Components, The MessageMover class
application startup and, Queued Component Application Startup
architecture, Queued Components Architecture, The Listener
asynchronous events and, Asynchronous Events
authentication levels, setting, Queued Calls Authentication
benefits of, Major Benefits of Queued Components, When Should You Use Queued Components?
changing client workflow, Changes in Workflow
changing transaction semantics, Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Components
clients, limitations for, Queued Component Client
COM+ vs. .NET mechanisms, COM+ Queued Components
component availability with, Component Availability
applications to host, Application Configuration
Component Services Explorer, Component Services Explorer Configuration
interfaces, Queued Component Interface Configuration, Configuring Queued Interfaces
designing interfaces, Designing Queued Component Interfaces, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
disconnected work, Disconnected Work
error handling for, Queued Component Error Handling, The MessageMover class, Queued Component Error Handling
exception classes for, Queued Component Exception Classes, The MessageMover class, Queued component exception class
IDispatch-derived interfaces and, IDispatch Considerations
improvements in COM+ 1.5, Improved Queuing Support
invoking on client side, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
monikers and, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
passing in as parameters, Receiving Output from a Queued Component
pitfalls, Queued Components Pitfalls, Queued Component Application Startup
poison message syndrome and, Handling Poison Calls
receiving output from, Receiving Output from a Queued Component, Receiving Output from a Queued Component
response objects and, Receiving Output from a Queued Component, Receiving Output from a Queued Component
role-based security and, Queued Components and Role-Based Security
security for, Queued Components Security, Queued Components Security Limitations
synchronous vs. asynchronous, Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Components, Changes in Workflow
transactions and, Queued Components and Transactions, Queued Components and Transactions
when to use, When Should You Use Queued Components?
writing .NET managed clients for, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
QueueListenerEnabled property, COM+ Queued Components
Queuing tab, Application Configuration, Improved Queuing Support


Read Committed isolation level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
Read Uncommitted isolation level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
/reconfig switch, Manual Registration
recorder objects, Queued Components Architecture
RecycleActivationLimit property, Programmatic Recycling
RecycleCallLimit property, Programmatic Recycling
RecycleExpirationTimeout property, Programmatic Recycling
RecycleLifetimeLimit property, Programmatic Recycling
RecycleMemoryLimit property, Programmatic Recycling
recycling applications (COM+ 1.5), Application Recycling
REGCLS_SINGLEUSE flag, Application pooling
registering assemblies with COM+, Registering Assemblies, The ProgId Attribute, Adding Roles to an Application, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
RegisterInterfaceInGlobal(), The Global Interface Table
RegistrationHelper class, Programmatic Registration
RegSvcs.exe utility, Manual Registration
RelatedCollectionInfo collection, Catalog Structure
Remove(), The ICatalogCollection Interface
RemoveFilter(), Transient subscriber-side filtering
Repeatable Read isolation level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
replicating the COM+ Catalog, Features of COMAdminCatalog
Required synchronization setting, Synchronization Required
vs. Requires New setting, Required Versus Requires New
Required transaction support, Transaction Required
Required value, COM+ Transactions
activity-based synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
web services and, Web services and transactions
Requires New synchronization setting, Synchronization Requires New
Requires New transaction support, Transaction Requires New
RequiresNew value, COM+ Transactions
activity-based synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
web services and, Web services and transactions
resource managers, Resource Managers
COM+ Catalog as, The COM+ Catalog and Transactions
ITransaction interface and, Transactions and Context
state-aware objects and, State-Aware Objects, State-Aware Objects
transactions and pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
two-phase commit protocol and, The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
acquiring, Acquiring Resources
auto-enlisting, Resource Managers
enlisting, Single Object/Single Resource Transaction, Multiple Objects/Multiple Resources Transaction
manually enlisting, Transactions and Object Pooling, Transactions and Object Pooling
response objects, Receiving Output from a Queued Component, Receiving Output from a Queued Component, Queued Components and Transactions
ResumeProcess(), Pausing Applications
retry queues, Handling Poison Calls, Queued Component Error Handling
RevertToSelf(), Server-Side Impersonation
RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal(), The Global Interface Table
rich clients, Client Types
JITA (Just-in-Time Activation), Just-in-Time Activation, JITA and IObjectControl
scaling up with, Scaling Up with Rich Clients
rich user interfaces, Scaling Up with Rich Clients
role-based security, COM+ Security
administering, Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
benefits of, Role-Based Security Benefits
COM+ vs. .NET, COM+ Security
configuring, Configuring Role-Based Security, Configuring Role-Based Security
defining access control, Authorization
deploying, Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
designing, Designing Role-Based Security
disabling, Role-Based Security Without Global Authentication
enabling authorization for
library applications, Securing a Library Application
server applications, Enabling Authorization
event classes and, The Event Class and Role-Based Security
imported legacy components and, Global Authentication Without Role-Based Security
IsCallerInRole() and, IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled, IsCallerInRole( ) Returns TRUE When Security Is Not Enabled
programmatic, Programmatic Role-Based Security
queued components and, Queued Components and Role-Based Security
securing a library application, Securing a Library Application
Security Level properties group and, Setting the Security Level
subscribers and, Subscribers and Role-Based Security
adding to applications, Configuring Role-Based Security, Adding Roles to an Application
allocating users to, Deploying and Administering Role-Based Security
granting access to
components/interfaces/methods, Configuring Role-Based Security, Assigning Roles to Component, Interface, and Method
everyone via SetEveryoneAccess property, Adding Roles to an Application
inherited, Configuring Role-Based Security
Roles collection, Catalog Structure
RolesForComponent collection, Catalog Structure
RolesForInterface collection, Catalog Structure
RolesForMethod collection, Catalog Structure
root object of COM+ 1.5 Catalog, Legacy Components
root object of COM+ Catalog, The Catalog Programming Model, The Catalog Root Object
ICOMAdminCatalog interface, Features of COMAdminCatalog, Features of COMAdminCatalog
shutting down/starting up COM+ applications, Features of COMAdminCatalog
routing events to multiple machines, Solution 3: COM+ Routing, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE error code, The Call Object
Running Processes folder and pausing applications, Pausing Applications


SaveChanges(), The ICatalogCollection Interface, Saving Changes
scalability, COM+ Instance Management
instance management and, Instance Management and Scaling
Internet clients and, Scaling Up with Internet Clients
rich clients and, Scaling Up with Rich Clients
server-side impersonation and, Server-Side Impersonation
vs. performance with JITA, Using JITA
security, COM+ Component Services, COM+ Security
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Security, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
basic terms and concepts, Basic Security Terms, Summary
checked at application boundaries, Security Boundaries
client-side, Programmatic Client-Side Security
configuring, Configuring Role-Based Security
at interface level, Configuring Role-Based Security
for library applications, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
for server applications, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
events service and, COM+ Events and Security
fine-tuning, Programmatic Role-Based Security
lightweight proxies and, Lightweight Proxies
limitations for queued components, Queued Components Security Limitations
need for, The Need for Security
pitfalls, COM+ Security Pitfalls
queued components and, Queued Components Security, Queued Components Security Limitations
role-based (see role-based security)
server-side impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation
security blankets, Programmatic Client-Side Security
security identity, Security Identity
configuring for server applications, Configuring the Server Application Identity
impersonation level and, Impersonation, Impersonation = Identify
queued components security and, Queued Components Security
Windows stations and, Configuring the Server Application Identity
security level, setting for server applications, Setting the Security Level
security settings
checking after changing application activation mode, Changing Application Activation Mode
configuring application-level, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
disabling changes to, Disabling Changes to the Application Configuration
Security tab
for library applications, Securing a Library Application
for server applications, Enabling Authorization
SecurityCallContext class, Verifying Caller’s Role Membership
SecurityRole attribute, Adding Roles to an Application, Assigning Roles to Component, Interface, and Method
serial vs. parallel publishing, Serial Versus Parallel Publishing
Serialized isolation level, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
server applications, Creating a COM+ Application
activating, COM+ Application Types
ApplicationAccessControl attribute, Configuring Application-Level Security Settings
ApplicationActivation attribute and, Application Activation Type
as system service (COM+ 1.5), Service Activation Type
security identity of, Configuring the Server Application Identity
debugging, Debugging COM+ Applications
deploying, Deploying COM+ Applications
enabling authorization for, Enabling Authorization
idle time management and, Idle Time Management
pooling applications (COM+ 1.5), Application pooling
proxy exports and, Proxy COM+ Applications
recycling applications in COM+ 1.5, Application Recycling, Programmatic Recycling
running as
activator, Configuring the Server Application Identity
designated user, Configuring the Server Application Identity, Configuring the Server Application Identity
interactive user, Configuring the Server Application Identity, Impersonation = Delegate
securing, Securing a Server Application
authentication levels for, Setting the Authentication Level, Client authentication level compatibility
impersonation levels for, Setting the Impersonation Level, Impersonation = Delegate
security level for, Setting the Security Level, Setting the Security Level
surrogate processes and, COM+ Surrogate Processes
Server name property and persistent subscriptions, Solution 3: COM+ Routing
exception handling, Server-side exception handling
impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation, Server-Side Impersonation
service applications in COM+ 1.5, Service Activation Type
service context switch, Lightweight Proxies
serviced components (see .NET serviced components)
ServicedComponent base class, Developing Serviced Components
DisposeObject() and, COM+ Object Pooling, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
IObjectConstruct interface and, COM+ Constructor String
object pooling and, COM+ Object Pooling
using IObjectControl, Using IObjectControl
ServiceName property, Service Activation Type
SetAbort(), The IObjectContext Interface
SetBlanket(), Programmatic Client-Side Security
SetComplete(), Using JITA, The IObjectContext Interface
SetDeactivateOnReturn(), Using JITA, Transactions and JITA
SetEveryoneAccess property (SecurityRole attribute), Adding Roles to an Application
SetMultiInterfacePublisherFilter(), Dynamic association of a publisher filter with an event class
SetMyTransactionVote(), Voting on a Transaction
SetRecycleByActivations(), Programmatic Recycling
ShouldFire(), The CGenericFilter helper class, The CGenericFilter helper class
ShutdownApplication(), Features of COMAdminCatalog, Features of COMAdminCatalog
signing assemblies, Registering Assemblies
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web services and transactions
single-threaded apartment (STA) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) and, The Neutral Threaded Apartment, COM+ and Threading Model
object starvation and, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
when to use, COM+ and Threading Model
singleton, configuring a COM+ component to be, Combining JITA with Object Pooling
sink interfaces, COM+ Event Service
adding persistent subscriptions, Adding a Persistent Subscription
adding transient subscriptions, Adding a Transient Subscription
in classic COM, Classic COM Events
event class definitions and, Supplying the Event Class Definition, Supplying the Event Class Definition
implementing, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
input parameters only for methods, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines
managing in classic COM, Classic COM Events
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), Web services and transactions
STA (single-threaded apartment) model, Pooled Object Design Requirements, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
NTA (neutral threaded apartment) and, The Neutral Threaded Apartment, COM+ and Threading Model
object starvation and, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
when to use, COM+ and Threading Model
standard vs. lightweight proxies, Lightweight Proxies
StartApplication(), Features of COMAdminCatalog
state-aware objects, State-Aware Objects, State-Aware Objects
static association of publisher filters with event classes, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
collecting, Tracking Instance Activity
EventTrackingEnabled attribute and, COM+ Context Attributes
transaction, Transaction Statistics
subpooling and transactional-pooled objects, Transactions and Object Pooling
subroot objects, avoid passing to clients, Passing Subroot Objects to Clients
subscriber-side filtering, Subscriber-Side Filtering, Transient subscriber-side filtering
SubscriberProperties collection, Catalog Structure
subscribers, COM+ Event Model
advantages/disadvantages of queued components, Asynchronous Subscribers
asynchronous, Asynchronous Subscribers
custom properties, defining, Custom subscription properties
distributed events workaround and, Solution 1: One Machine for All the Subscribers and Event Classes
event classes and, The Event Class
GetSubscriptions() and, Implementing a publisher filter
in-process, In-Process Subscribers
per-user subscriptions, Per-User Subscriptions
persistent (see persistent subscriptions)
propagating publisher transactions, COM+ Events and Transactions
residing on multiple other machines, Solution 2: Machine-Specific Event Classes
role-based security and, Subscribers and Role-Based Security
serial vs. parallel publishing, Serial Versus Parallel Publishing
transient (see transient subscriptions)
types of, Subscription Types, Adding a Transient Subscription
SubscriptionData structure, The CGenericFilter helper class
SubscriptionsForComponent collection, Catalog Structure
Supported synchronization setting, Synchronization Supported
Supported transaction support, Transaction Supported
Supported value, COM+ Transactions
activity-based synchronization and, COM+ Synchronization
web services and, Web services and transactions
surrogate processes for COM+, COM+ Surrogate Processes
switches, command-line, Manual Registration
synchronization, COM+ Component Services
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Synchronization
achieved by
logical thread affinity (COM+), Activities: The COM+ Innovation
object-to-thread affinity (COM), Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
activity-based, COM+ Concurrency Model
apartments and, Apartments: The Classic COM Solution
causality-based, Causality-Based Lock
configuring for COM+ components, COM+ Configuration Settings, Required Versus Requires New
disabling support for, Synchronization Disabled
encapsulation via marshaling, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM
lightweight proxies and, Lightweight Proxies
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
object-oriented programming and multiple threads, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads
Required vs. Required New settings, Required Versus Requires New
required with transactional objects, Activities and Transactions
Synchronization attribute, COM+ Synchronization
SynchronizationOption enum parameter, COM+ Synchronization
synchronous vs. asynchronous components, Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Components, Changes in Workflow
System.EnterpriseServices namespace, Developing Serviced Components
ApplicationActivation attribute and, Application Activation Type
ApplicationID attribute and, The ApplicationID Attribute
ApplicationName attribute and, Specifying Application Name
Synchronization attribute and, COM+ Synchronization
System.EnterpriseServices.Admin namespace, Programming the COM+ Catalog
System.Object class, .NET components derive from, Simplified Component Development
System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, The Guid Attribute, A Queued Component’s Managed Client
System.Runtime.Remoting.Context namespace, COM+ Synchronization
System.Web.Services namespace, Web services and transactions


test clients, writing, Writing a Test Client
Thread Local Storage (TLS), COM+ and Threading Model
threading models
incompatibilities between, Encapsulation via Marshaling in COM, Assigning Objects to Contexts, Cross-Context Manual Marshaling
logbook components and, How Does the Logbook Work?
object pooling design issues, Pooled Object Design Requirements
object-oriented programming and multiple threads, Object-Oriented Programming and Multiple Threads, Summary
threads, logical, Activities: The COM+ Innovation
component-level transaction, Transaction Execution Time
global transaction, Transaction Execution Time
setting idle, Idle Time Management
TLBATTR_QUEUEABLE attribute, Designing Queued Component Interfaces
TLBATTR_TRANS_REQUIRED attribute, Transaction Support IDL Extension
TLS (Thread Local Storage), COM+ and Threading Model
top-level collections, The Catalog Programming Model
(see also catalog collections)
accessing remote, Features of COMAdminCatalog
accessing with GetCollection(), The Catalog Root Object
TPM (Transaction Processing Monitor), Transaction Basics
TraceComponents(), Using the Catalog Interfaces, Using the Catalog Interfaces
activities, Tracing Activities
transactions, Tracing Transactions
Transaction attribute, COM+ Transactions, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
transaction context components, Nontransactional Clients, Nontransactional Clients
transaction layouts, Transactional Object Life Cycle
Transaction Processing Monitor (TPM), Transaction Basics
transaction root, Transaction Root
transaction stream, Transactional Object Life Cycle
transactional vs. nontransactional objects, Transaction Disabled
TransactionContext class, The TransactionContext Object
TransactionMode property, ASP.NET and transactions
TransactionOption enum parameter, COM+ Transactions
TransactionOption property (WebMethod attribute), Web services and transactions
transactions, COM+ Component Services, COM+ Transactions, Accessing Objects Outside the Transaction
.NET serviced components and, COM+ Transactions, The TransactionContext Object
aborting, The Atomic Property, Voting on a Transaction, Voting on the Transaction, Voting on the Transaction
accessing objects outside, Accessing Objects Outside the Transaction
activities and, Activities and Transactions
allocation decision matrix, Configuring Transactions
architecture, COM+ Transactions Architecture, COM+ Transactions Architecture Benefits
ASP.NET and, ASP.NET and transactions
COM+ Catalog and, The COM+ Catalog and Transactions
committing, The Atomic Property, Nontransactional Clients
compensating, Compensating Transactions
configuring, Configuring Transactions, Transaction Support IDL Extension
contexts and, Transactions and Context, Transactions and Context
deadlocks between, The Isolated Property
design pitfalls, COM+ Transactions Pitfalls
designing interfaces for, Designing Transactional Interfaces, Designing Transactional Interfaces
events service and, COM+ Events and Transactions, Transient Subscribers and Transactions
execution time of, Transaction Execution Time
global timeouts and, Transaction Execution Time
in-doubt, In-Doubt Transactions
isolation levels, configuring in COM+ 1.5, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
JITA and, Transactions and JITA
life cycle of objects, Transactional Object Life Cycle, Object Life Cycle Example
MSMQ and, MSMQ Participates in Transactions
multiple objects/multiple resources, Multiple Objects/Multiple Resources Transaction
multiple objects/single resource, Multiple Objects/Single Resource Transaction
nontransactional clients, Nontransactional Clients, Nontransactional Clients
TransactionContext class and, The TransactionContext Object
object pooling and, Transactions and Object Pooling
properties of, Transaction Properties, The Durable Property
queued components and, Queued Components and Transactions, Queued Components and Transactions
scenarios of, Transaction Scenarios , Multiple Objects/Multiple Resources Transaction
serialization in, The Isolated Property
single object/single resource, Single Object/Single Resource Transaction
statistics on, Transaction Statistics
tracing, Tracing Transactions
two-phase commit protocol, The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
voting on (see voting on transactions)
web services and, Web services and transactions, Web services and transactions
TransactionVote, Voting on the Transaction
TRANSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED attribute, Transaction Support IDL Extension
TRANSACTION_REQUIRED attribute, Transaction Support IDL Extension
TRANSACTION_REQUIRES_NEW attribute, Transaction Support IDL Extension
TRANSACTION_SUPPORTED attribute, Transaction Support IDL Extension
transient subscriptions, The Event Class, Subscription Types
adding, Adding a Transient Subscription, Adding a Transient Subscription
custom properties and, Custom subscription properties
loosely coupled events and, COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
registering with COM+ Catalog, Adding a Transient Subscription, Adding a Transient Subscription
removing, Adding a Transient Subscription
subscriber-side filtering and, Transient subscriber-side filtering
transactions and, Transient Subscribers and Transactions
TransientSubscription collection, Catalog Structure, Adding a Transient Subscription
two-phase commit protocol, The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
two-tier vs. multitier architecture, COM+ Instance Management
TxIsolationLevel property, Configurable Transaction Isolation Level
type libraries, Supplying the Event Class Definition
created by RegSvcs utility, Manual Registration
generating, Supplying the Event Class Definition
type library marshaling, COM+ Configured Components, Event Class Interface Design Guidelines


versions of serviced components, understanding, Understanding Serviced Component Versions
Visual Basic and CLR-compliance, .NET Programming Languages
Visual Basic clients
object initialization and, Visual Basic Persistable Objects
queued components and, Invoking Queued Components on the Client Side
voting on transactions, Transaction Basics, Voting on a Transaction, Voting on a Transaction
.NET serviced components and, Voting on the Transaction, Voting on the Transaction
AutoComplete attribute and, The AutoComplete Attribute
collecting objectsÕ votes, Collecting Objects’ Votes
COM+ context and, Transactions and Context, Transactions and Context
Distributed Transaction Coordinator, The Distributed Transaction Coordinator
from within web services, Web services and transactions
two-phase commit protocol and, The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
web forms and, ASP.NET and transactions


web forms, transaction support for, ASP.NET and transactions
web services
support in COM+ 1.5, Web Services in COM+ 1.5
transactions and, Web services and transactions, Web services and transactions
WebMethod attribute, Web services and transactions
WebService base class, Web services and transactions
Windows stations and security identity, Configuring the Server Application Identity
workload buffering and queued components, Workload Buffering
wrapper class, GIT, The GIT Wrapper Class
wrapper objects
adding transient subscription filtering criteria, Transient subscriber-side filtering
adding transient subscriptions, Adding a Transient Subscription, Adding a Transient Subscription
IFilterInstaller interface and, Static association of a publisher filter with an event class
registering transient subscriptions with COM+ Catalog, Adding a Transient Subscription, Adding a Transient Subscription


Xact Dead Letter queue, Client-side exception handling
XML logger components, Configuring the Logbook
IObjectControl interface, implementing, How Does the Logbook Work?
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