Composing Assemblies

You provide the compiler with your assembly information in an assembly information file (usually called in a C# project, AssemblyInfo.cs). The assembly information file is compiled with the rest of the project’s source files. The information in the file is in the form of assembly attributes directives to the compiler on the information to embed in the assembly. Example C-2 shows a typical set of assembly attributes.

Example C-2. The assembly information file includes a variety of assembly attributes

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MyAssembly")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Assembly containing demo .NET components")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("My Product")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2001 My Company ")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("en-US")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]

Sharing Assemblies

Assemblies can be private or shared. A private assembly resides in the same directory of the application that uses it (or in its path). A shared assembly is in a known location, called the global assembly cache (GAC), mentioned in Chapter 10 Chapter 10. To add an assembly to the GAC, use either the .NET administration tool or the GACUtil command-line utility. Once in the GAC, the assembly can be accessed by multiple applications, both managed and unmanaged.

To avoid conflicts in the GAC between different assemblies that have the same name, a shared assembly must have a strong name. The strong name authenticates the assembly’s origin and identity and cannot be generated by a party other than the original publisher. The strong name allows any client of the assembly (usually the assembly loader) to deterministically verify that the assembly was not tampered with. Assigning a strong name to an assembly is also known as signing the assembly. To assign a strong name to your assembly, you first need to generate private or public encryption keys. You can generate the pair using the SN.exe command-line utility:

SN.exe -k MyAssembly.snk

Future versions of Visual Studio.NET may enable you to generate keys from within the visual environment. The -k switch instructs SN to generate a new pair of keys and store them in the filename specified. The convention used for the filename is the assembly name with the strong name key (snk) extension, but it can actually be any name and extension you like.

You then add the snk file to the assembly’s information file, using the AssemblyKeyFile assembly attribute:


In addition to a version number and a strong name, a shared assembly must have a namespace and locale identifier that identify the human language used in its user interface. In Example C-2 the locale is specified by the AssemblyCulture assembly attribute.

Assembly Metadata

Each assembly must contain metadata. The metadata is the .NET equivalent of COM’s type libraries, except the metadata is more like a type library on steroids. The metadata contains descriptions of all the types defined in the assembly, such as interfaces, classes and their base classes, method signatures, properties, events, member variables, and custom attributes. The metadata is generated automatically by the compiler when it compiles the source files of your project. You can view the metadata of your assembly using the ILDASM utility.

Assembly Manifest

While the metadata describes the types in your assembly, the manifest describes the assembly itself. The manifest contains the assembly version information, the locale information, and the assembly’s strong name. The manifest also contains the visibility of the assembly’s types—which types are public (can be accessed by other assemblies) and which types are internal (can only be accessed from within the assembly). Finally, the manifest contains the security permission checks to run on behalf of the assembly.

Like the metadata, the manifest is generated automatically by the compiler during assembly compilation. You can view the manifest of your assembly using the ILDASM utility.

Assembly Files

Because every assembly must contain the manifest and metadata (and usually IL code and resources), a single DLL or EXE assembly contains all of them in one file. However, the only requirement of a multifile assembly is that a file containing IL must also contain metadata describing it. Such a file is called a module. A multifile assembly must still have one DLL file that contains the manifest. Figure C-1 shows a few possibilities for composing assemblies.

Assembly files

Figure C-1.  Assembly files

As you can see, you can compose the assembly in almost any way and use compiler switches to bind all your files together. In practice, most assemblies contain just one DLL (the Visual Studio.NET IDE provides only this option) and are composed of one file.

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