Developing .NET Components

To create a .NET component in C# (or any other .NET Language), you simply declare a class. When the class is instantiated by the CLR, the result is a binary component. Example C-1 shows a simple class named MyClass that implements the IMessage interface and displays a message box with the word “Hello” when the interface’s ShowMessage( ) method is called.

Example C-1. Building a component in .NET

namespace MyNamespace
   using System;
   using System.Windows.Forms;
   public interface IMessage
      void ShowMessage(  );

   public class MyComponent :IMessage 
      public MyComponent(){}//constructor
      ~ MyComponent(){}//destructor
      public void ShowMessage(  )

The MyComponent class in Example C-1 is defined as public, making it accessible to any .NET or COM client once you export the component to COM. You can define a class constructor to do object initialization, as in this example, but the destructor has different semantics than the classic C++ destructor because .NET uses nondeterministic object finalization. You can implement other methods to do object cleanup as well. The implementation of ShowMessage( ) uses the static Show( ) method of the MessageBox class. Like in C++, C# allows you to call a class (static) method without instantiating an object first.

Example C-1 demonstrates a few additional key points regarding developing .NET components: using namespaces and interface-based programming. These points are discussed next.

Using Namespaces

The class definition is scoped in a namespace. Namespaces are optional, but you are encouraged to use them. Namespaces in .NET have the same purpose they have in C++: to scope classes so a client can use different classes from different vendors that have the same name. For a namespace, you typically use the product’s name, your company’s name, or the assembly’s name. A client of the class MyComponent in Example C-1 must now refer to it by qualifying it with its containing namespace:


Alternatively, the client can say that it is using the MyNamespace namespace, and avoid putting the “MyNamespace” prefix on every type contained in that namespace:

using MyNamespace;
//MyComponent is now the same as MyNamespace.MyComponent

You can also nest namespaces within one another. For example, if your company develops more than one product, you would typically define in the scope of the MyCompany namespace, the nested namespaces Product1, Product2, and so on:

namespace MyCompany
   namespace Product1
      //classes and type definitions 
      public class Component1
   namespace Product2
      //other classes and type definitions 

Clients of your components must give the full qualifying namespace to access your component:


Or, clients can use the using statement:

using MyCompany.Product1;
//Component1 is now the same as MyCompany.Product1.Component1

The ShowMessage( ) method in Example C-1 uses the static method Show( ) of the MessageBox class, defined in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. Example C-1 therefore contains the statement:

using System.Windows.Forms;

This statement is used to simplify downstream code.

Using Interfaces

One the most important principles of component-oriented development is the separation of interfaces from implementation. COM enforces this separation by having you separate the definitions of interfaces and classes. .NET does not force you to have your class methods be part of any interface, but it is imperative that you do so to allow polymorphism between different implementations of the same interface.

Example C-1 includes an interface definition as part of the code—there is no need for a separate IDL file. The reserved C# word interface allows you to define a type that is purely virtual (it has no implementation and cannot be instantiated by clients), just like a C++ pure virtual or abstract class. The interface methods do not have to return HRESULT or any other error handling type. In case of an error, the method implementation should throw an exception.

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