The Neutral Threaded Apartment

The neutral threaded apartment (NTA) is a new threading model available only on Windows 2000. Although it is not specific to COM+ (classic COM objects can also take advantage of the NTA), the NTA is the recommended threading model for most COM+ objects that do not have a user interface.

The NTA has evolved to address a deficiency in the classic COM MTA threading model: suppose you have an STA client accessing an MTA object. Under classic COM, all cross-apartment calls have to be marshaled via a proxy/stub pair. Even though the object could have handled the call on the client STA thread, the call is marshaled. The stub performed an expensive thread context switch to an RPC thread to access the MTA objects.

There was clearly a need for an apartment that every thread in the process could enter without paying a heavy performance penalty. This is what the NTA is: an apartment that every COM-aware thread can enter. In every process, there is exactly one NTA. The NTA is subdivided (like any other apartment) into contexts. COM objects that reside in the NTA set their threading model value in the Registry to Neutral.

Much like an MTA object, an object marked as neutral will reside in the NTA, regardless of its creator’s apartment. Calls into the NTA are marshaled, but only light-weight proxies are used (to do cross COM+ context marshaling, if needed) because no thread-context switch is involved. A method call on an NTA object is executed on the caller’s thread, be it STA or MTA based.

No thread calls the NTA home, and the NTA contains no threads, only objects. Threads can’t call CoInitializeEx( ) with a flag saying NTA, and no such flag exists. When you create a thread, you still must assign it to an STA of its own or to the MTA.

The NTA and Other COM Threading Models

When you mark your object as Neutral, it will always reside in the NTA, regardless of the location of its creating client. When you mark your object as Both, if the object’s creator is an NTA object, the object will reside in the NTA as well. If your NTA object creates other objects marked as Apartment, the location of the creating thread may affects where those objects reside. Table 5-3 presents the potential results when NTA clients create other objects. It also shows the resulting object apartment, based on the object threading model and the thread the NTA client runs on. You can also see from Table 5-3 that components marked as Neutral will always be in the NTA, regardless of the apartment of their creator.

Table 5-3. Apartment activation policy

Object isClient is:





Not specified

STA, not main

Current STA


Current STA


Main STA

Main STA

Main STA


Main STA


Main STA


Host STA




Main STA

Neutral (on STA thread)

On that STA thread




Main STA

Neutral (on MTA thread)

Host STA




Main STA

The NTA model obeys the COM rule specifying that all objects must be marshaled outside the apartment/context boundary, just like any other apartment. If you have to manually marshal an object outside the NTA, use the Global Interface Table (the GIT) or the GIT wrapper class, presented in Chapter 2.

Finally, the NTA offers improved DCOM performance because incoming calls from remote machines to NTA objects can execute directly on the thread that handles the incoming remote call, without a thread context switch.

COM+ and Threading Model

Your COM+ component should run in the STA if any one of the following statements is valid:

  • Your COM+ component displays a user interface or it relies on having a message loop pump messages to it. Your component relies on the STA thread message pump.

  • Your COM+ component uses Thread Local Storage (TLS), a thread-specific heap allocated off the thread stack. It must run in the STA because TLS relies on having the thread affinity the STA provides.

  • Your component was provided by a third party as a COM component and marked as Apartment. You want to import it to your COM+ application so that it shares your application settings, such as security and process, and is part of your application’s MSI file. You should not change the threading model, because you do not know how much thread affinity the component requires.

  • Your component is developed using Visual Basic 6.0.

Your COM+ component should use the Both threading model if the creating client is in the STA or MTA, but not the NTA; it makes very frequent method calls; and the calls have short duration. By using Both, you will avoid cross-apartment marshaling, an overhead that may hinder performance under this scenario.

In all other cases, your COM+ component should use the Neutral threading model. You will need to use activity-based synchronization to provide synchronization to your component.

You should avoid using the Free threading model for your component because running in the NTA will offer the same throughput without the additional thread context switch involved with calls into the MTA. Only legacy components imported into COM+ should use Free as the threading model.

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