
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


#define directive, Preprocessor Directives
#else directive, Preprocessor Directives
#end directive, Preprocessor Directives
#endif directive, Preprocessor Directives
#error directive, Preprocessor Directives
#if directive, Preprocessor Directives
#line directive, Preprocessor Directives
#region directive, Preprocessor Directives
#undef directive, Preprocessor Directives
#warning directive, Preprocessor Directives
( ) (parentheses), Named Groups
regex named groups, Named Groups
8- and 16-bit integral types, 8- and 16-Bit Integrals
< (less-than) operator, Equality and Comparison Operators, Relational operators (<   <=   >=   >), Overloading Equality and Comparison Operators, Order Comparison, < and >
order comparison, Equality and Comparison Operators, Order Comparison, < and >
overloading, Overloading Equality and Comparison Operators
use with nullable types, Relational operators (<   <=   >=   >)
<< (shift left) operator, Bitwise operators
> (greater-than) operator, Equality and Comparison Operators, Relational operators (<   <=   >=   >), Overloading Equality and Comparison Operators, Order Comparison, < and >
order comparison, Equality and Comparison Operators, Order Comparison, < and >
overloading, Overloading Equality and Comparison Operators
use with nullable types, Relational operators (<   <=   >=   >)
>> (shift right) operator, Bitwise operators
& (address of) operator, Pointer Basics
&& (and) operator, Conditional Operators
* (dereference operator), Pointer Basics
@ (at symbol), Avoiding conflicts
(backslash), String Type, Character Escapes
escaping in regex, Character Escapes
` (backtick) and generic type names, Generic type names
{} (braces), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators, Changing the flow of execution with braces
^ (caret), Character Sets, Anchors
regex character set negator, Character Sets
regex start of string anchor, Anchors
? (conditional) operator, Conditional Operators
/// (documentation comment), XML Documentation
$ (dollar sign) regex end of string anchor, Anchors
// (double forward slash), A First C# Program, Comments
== (equality operator), Equality and Comparison Operators, Equality operators (==   !=), Equality operators (==   !=), Comparing Strings, String equality comparison, Equality Comparison, == and !=, When Equals and == are not equal, Overloading == and !=
Equals method compared to, When Equals and == are not equal
overriding, Overloading == and !=
string comparisons with, Comparing Strings
string equality comparisons, String equality comparison
= (equals sign), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators
!= (inequality operator), Equality and Comparison Operators, Equality Comparison, == and !=
- (minus) operator, Multicast Delegates
/*…*/ (multiline comment), Comments
* (multiplication) operator, A First C# Program
! (not operator), Conditional Compilation
?? (null coalescing) operator, Null Coalescing Operator
|| (or operator), Conditional Operators, Conditional Compilation
( ) (parentheses), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators, Regular Expression Basics, Lookahead and Lookbehind
regex alternator, Regular Expression Basics
regex lookahead and lookbehind, Lookahead and Lookbehind
. (period), Literals, Punctuators, and Operators, Character Sets
regex character matching, Character Sets
+ (plus) operator, String concatenation, Multicast Delegates
-> (pointer-to-member) operator, The Pointer-to-Member Operator
# (preprocessor directives), Conditional Compilation
? (question mark), Nullable Types, Regular Expression Basics
in nullable type, Nullable Types
regex quantifier, Regular Expression Basics
; (semicolon, A First C# Program, Literals, Punctuators, and Operators
' (single quotes), Strings and Characters
[ ] (square brackets), Arrays, Indexers, The stackalloc keyword, Regular Expression Basics, Character Sets
arrays, Arrays
attributes, The stackalloc keyword
in regular expressions, Regular Expression Basics, Character Sets
indexers, Indexers
-= (subtract from self) operator, Multicast Delegates
~ (tilde), Finalizers
finalizers, Finalizers
| (vertical bar), Flags Enums, bool? with & and | Operators, Regular Expression Basics
regex alternator, Regular Expression Basics
with enums, Flags Enums
with nullable types, bool? with & and | Operators
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