Chapter 5. Framework Overview

Almost all the capabilities of the .NET Framework are exposed via a vast set of managed types. These types are organized into hierarchical namespaces and packaged into a set of assemblies, which, together with the CLR, comprise the .NET platform.

Some of the .NET types are used directly by the CLR and are essential for the managed hosting environment. These types reside in an assembly called mscorlib.dll and include C#’s built-in types, as well as the basic collection classes, types for stream processing, serialization, reflection, threading, and native interoperability.

At a level above this are additional types that “flesh out” the CLR-level functionality, providing features such as XML, networking, and LINQ. These reside in System.dll, System.Xml.dll, and System.Core.dll, and together with mscorlib they provide a rich programming environment upon which the rest of the Framework is built. This “core framework” largely defines the scope of the rest of this book.

The remainder of the .NET Framework consists of applied APIs, most of which cover three areas of functionality:

  • User interface technologies

  • Backend technologies

  • Distributed system technologies

Table 5-1 shows the history of compatibility between each version of C#, the CLR, and the .NET Framework. Interestingly, C# 3.0 targeted a new Framework version while using the same CLR version as its predecessor. With C# 4.0, the numbers align cleanly again.

Table 5-1. C#, CLR, and .NET Framework versions

C# version

CLR version

Framework versions









2.0, 3.0


2.0 (SP1)





This chapter skims all key areas of the .NET Framework—starting with the core types covered in this book and finishing with an overview of the applied technologies.


Assemblies and namespaces in the .NET Framework cross-cut. The most extreme examples are System.Core.dll and mscorlib.dll, both defining types in dozens of namespaces, none of which is prefixed with mscorlib or System.Core. The less obvious cases are the more confusing ones, however, such as the types in System.Security.Cryptography. Most types in this namespace reside in System.dll, except for a handful, which reside in System.Security.dll. This book’s companion website has a complete mapping of Framework namespaces to assemblies.

Many of the core types are defined in the following assemblies: mscorlib.dll, System.dll, and System.Core.dll. The first of these, mscorlib.dll, comprises the types required by the runtime environment itself; System.dll and System.Core.dll contain additional core types required by you as a programmer. The reason the latter two are separate is historical: when the Microsoft team introduced Framework 3.5, they made it additive insofar as it ran over the existing CLR 2.0. Therefore, almost all new core types (such as the classes supporting LINQ) went into a new assembly which Microsoft called System.Core.dll. With Framework 4.0, separation was maintained to avoid breaking existing applications.


A notable exception is the following types, which in Framework 4.0 have moved from System.Core.dll to mscorlib.dll:

  • The Action and Func delegates

  • TimeZoneInfo and associated types

  • System.Threading.LockRecursionException

Redirections have been set up on these types, so if you ask the reflection API for the “TimeZoneInfo” type in System.Core.dll, you’ll be given the type in mscorlib.dll instead.

The CLR and Core Framework

System Types

The most fundamental types live directly in the System namespace. These include C#’s built-in types, the Exception base class, the Enum, Array, and Delegate base classes, and Nullable, Type, DateTime, TimeSpan, and Guid. The System namespace also includes types for performing mathematical functions (Math), generating random numbers (Random), and converting between various types (Convert and BitConverter).

Chapter 6 describes these types—as well as the interfaces that define standard protocols used across the .NET Framework for such tasks as formatting (IFormattable) and order comparison (IComparable).

The System namespace also defines the IDisposable interface and the GC class for interacting with the garbage collector. These topics are saved for Chapter 12.

Text Processing

The System.Text namespace contains the StringBuilder class (the editable or mutable cousin of string), and the types for working with text encodings, such as UTF-8 (Encoding and its subtypes). We cover this in Chapter 6.

The System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace contains types that perform advanced pattern-based search and replace operations; these are described in Chapter 26.


The .NET Framework offers a variety of classes for managing collections of items. These include both list- and dictionary-based structures, and work in conjunction with a set of standard interfaces that unify their common characteristics. All collection types are defined in the following namespaces, covered in Chapter 7:

System.Collections                 // Nongeneric collections
System.Collections.Generic         // Generic collections
System.Collections.Specialized     // Strongly typed collections
System.Collections.ObjectModel     // Bases for your own collections
System.Collections.Concurrent      // Thread-safe collection (Chapter 20)


Language Integrated Query (LINQ) was added in Framework 3.5. LINQ allows you to perform type-safe queries over local and remote collections (e.g., SQL Server tables) and is described in Chapters 8 through 10. A big advantage of LINQ is that it presents a consistent querying API across a variety of domains. The types for resolving LINQ queries reside in these namespaces:

System.Linq                  // LINQ to Objects and PLINQ
System.Xml.Linq              // LINQ to XML
System.Data.Linq             // LINQ to SQL
System.Data.Entity           // LINQ to Entities (Entity Framework)
System.Linq.Expressions      // For building expressions manually

The LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework APIs leverage lower-level ADO.NET types in the System.Data namespace.


XML is used widely within the .NET Framework, and so is supported extensively. Chapter 10 focuses entirely on LINQ to XML—a lightweight XML document object model that can be constructed and queried through LINQ. Chapter 11 describes the older W3C DOM, as well as the performant low-level reader/writer classes and the Framework’s support for XML schemas, stylesheets, and XPath. The XML namespaces are:

System.Xml                // XmlReader, XmlWriter + the old W3C DOM
System.Xml.Linq           // The LINQ to XML DOM
System.Xml.Schema         // Support for XSD
System.Xml.XPath          // XPath query language
System.Xml.Xsl            // Stylesheet support
System.Xml.Serialization  // Declarative XML serialization for .NET types

Diagnostics and Code Contracts

In Chapter 13, we cover .NET’s logging and assertion facilities and the new code contracts system in Framework 4.0. We also describe how to interact with other processes, write to the Windows event log, and use performance counters for monitoring. The types for this are defined in and under System.Diagnostics.

Streams and I/O

The Framework provides a stream-based model for low-level input/output. Streams are typically used to read and write directly to files and network connections, and can be chained or wrapped in decorator streams to add compression or encryption functionality. Chapter 14 describes .NET’s stream architecture, as well as the specific support for working with files and directories, compression, isolated storage, pipes, and memory-mapped files. The Stream and I/O types are defined in and under the System.IO namespace.


You can directly access standard network protocols such as HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, and SMTP via the types in System.Net. In Chapter 15, we demonstrate how to communicate using each of these protocols, starting with simple tasks such as downloading from a web page, and finishing with using TCP/IP directly to retrieve POP3 email. Here are the namespaces we cover:

System.Net.Mail          // For sending mail via SMTP
System.Net.Sockets       // TCP, UDP, and IP


The Framework provides several systems for saving and restoring objects to a binary or text representation. Such systems are required for distributed application technologies, such as WCF, Web Services, and Remoting, and also to save and restore objects to a file. In Chapter 16, we cover all three serialization engines: the data contract serializer, the binary serializer, and the XML serializer. The types for serialization reside in the following namespaces:


Assemblies, Reflection, and Attributes

The assemblies into which C# programs compile comprise executable instructions (stored as intermediate language or IL) and metadata, which describes the program’s types, members, and attributes. Through reflection, you can inspect this metadata at runtime, and do such things as dynamically invoke methods. With Reflection.Emit, you can construct new code on the fly.

In Chapter 17, we describe the makeup of assemblies and how to sign them, use the global assembly cache and resources, and resolve file references. In Chapter 18, we cover reflection and attributes—describing how to inspect metadata, dynamically invoke functions, write custom attributes, emit new types, and parse raw IL. The types for using reflection and working with assemblies reside in the following namespaces:


Dynamic Programming

In Chapter 19, we look at some of the patterns for dynamic programming and leveraging the Dynamic Language Runtime, which is now part of the CLR. We describe how to implement the Visitor pattern, write custom dynamic objects, and interoperate with IronPython. The types for dynamic programming are in System.Dynamic.


The .NET Framework provides its own security layer, allowing you to both sandbox other assemblies and be sandboxed yourself. In Chapter 20, we cover code access, role, and identity security, and the new transparency model in CLR 4.0. We then describe cryptography in the Framework, covering encryption, hashing, and data protection. The types for this are defined in:


Threading and Parallel Programming

Multithreading allows you to execute code in parallel. Chapter 21 explores this subject in detail, describing both the Framework’s support for multithreading and the strategies for writing multithreaded applications. In Chapter 22, we cover Framework 4.0’s new constructs for leveraging multicore processors, and in Chapter 23, we describe how to use asynchronous methods to write highly concurrent server applications.

All types for threading are in and under the System.Threading namespace.

Application Domains

The CLR provides an additional level of isolation within a process, called an application domain. In Chapter 24, we examine the properties of an application domain with which you can interact, and demonstrate how to create and use additional application domains within the same process for such purposes as unit testing. We also describe how to use Remoting to communicate with these application domains. The AppDomain type is defined in the System namespace.

Native and COM Interoperability

You can interoperate with both native and COM code. Native interoperability allows you to call functions in unmanaged DLLs, register callbacks, map data structures, and interoperate with native data types. COM interoperability allows you to call COM types and expose .NET types to COM. The types that support these functions are in System.Runtime.InteropServices, and we cover them in Chapter 25.

Applied Technologies

User Interface Technologies

The .NET Framework provides four APIs for user-interface-based applications:

ASP.NET (System.Web.UI)

For writing thin client applications that run over a standard web browser


For providing a rich user interface inside a web browser

Windows Presentation Foundation (System.Windows)

For writing rich client applications

Windows Forms (System.Windows.Forms)

For maintaining legacy rich client applications

In general, a thin client application amounts to a website; a rich client application is a program the end user must download or install on the client computer.


Applications written using ASP.NET host under Windows IIS and can be accessed from almost any web browser. Here are the advantages of ASP.NET over rich client technologies:

  • There is zero deployment at the client end.

  • Clients can run a non-Windows platform.

  • Updates are easily deployed.

Further, because most of what you write in an ASP.NET application runs on the server, you design your data access layer to run in the same application domain—without limiting security or scalability. In contrast, a rich client that does the same is not generally as secure or scalable. (The solution, with the rich client, is to insert a middle tier between the client and database. The middle tier runs on a remote application server [often alongside the database server] and communicates with the rich clients via WCF, Web Services, or Remoting.)

In writing your web pages, you can choose between the traditional Web Forms and the new MVC (Model-View-Controller) API. Both build on the ASP.NET infrastructure. Web Forms has been part of the Framework since its inception; MVC was written much later in response to the success of Ruby on Rails and MonoRail. Although debuting in Framework 4.0, the MVC framework has benefited from having matured for some time as a public beta. It provides, in general, a better programming abstraction than Web Forms; it also allows more control over the generated HTML. What you lose over Web Forms is a designer. This makes Web Forms still a good choice for web pages with predominately static content.

The limitations of ASP.NET are largely a reflection of the limitations of thin client systems in general:

  • A web browser interface significantly restricts what you can do.

  • Maintaining state on the client—or on behalf of the client—is cumbersome.

You can improve the interactivity and responsiveness, however, through client-side scripting or technologies such as AJAX: a good resource for this is Use of AJAX is simplified through the use of libraries such as jQuery.

The types for writing ASP.NET applications are in the System.Web.UI namespace and its subnamespaces, and are packed in the System.Web.dll assembly.


Silverlight is not technically part of the main .NET Framework: it’s a separate Framework that includes a subset of the Framework’s core features—plus the ability to run as a web browser plug-in. Its graphics model is essentially a subset of WPF and this allows you to leverage existing knowledge in developing Silverlight applications. Silverlight is available as a small cross-platform download for web browsers—much like Macromedia’s Flash.

Flash has a far bigger installation base and so dominates in this area. For this reason, Silverlight tends to be used in fringe scenarios—corporate intranets, for example.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

WPF was introduced in Framework 3.0 for writing rich client applications. The benefits of WPF over its predecessor, Windows Forms, are as follows:

  • It supports sophisticated graphics, such as arbitrary transformations, 3D rendering, and true transparency.

  • Its primary measurement unit is not pixel-based, so applications display correctly at any DPI (dots per inch) setting.

  • It has extensive dynamic layout support, which means you can localize an application without danger of elements overlapping.

  • Rendering uses DirectX and is fast, taking good advantage of graphics hardware acceleration.

  • User interfaces can be described declaratively in XAML files that can be maintained independently of the “code-behind” files—this helps to separate appearance from functionality.

WPF’s size and complexity, however, make for a steep learning curve.

The types for writing WPF applications are in the System.Windows namespace and all subnamespaces except for System.Windows.Forms.

Windows Forms

Windows Forms is a rich client API that’s as old as the .NET Framework. Compared to WPF, Windows Forms is a relatively simple technology that provides most of the features you need in writing a typical Windows application. It also has significant relevancy in maintaining legacy applications. It has a number of drawbacks, though, compared to WPF:

  • Controls are positioned and sized in pixels, making it easy to write applications that break on clients whose DPI settings differ from the developer’s.

  • The API for drawing nonstandard controls is GDI+, which, although reasonably flexible, is slow in rendering large areas (and without double buffering, flickers horribly).

  • Controls lack true transparency.

  • Dynamic layout is difficult to get right reliably.

The last point is an excellent reason to favor WPF over Windows Forms—even if you’re writing a business application that needs just a user interface and not a “user experience.” The layout elements in WPF, such as Grid, make it easy to assemble labels and text boxes such that they always align—even after language changing localization—without messy logic and without any flickering. Further, you don’t have to bow to the lowest common denominator in screen resolution—WPF layout elements have been designed from the outset to adapt properly to resizing.

On the subject of speed, it was originally thought that graphics card manufacturers would incorporate GDI+ hardware accelerators. This never happened; their focus was instead on DirectX. Consequently, GDI+ is considerably slower than even its predecessor, GDI, let alone WPF.

On the positive side, Windows Forms is relatively simple to learn and has a wealth of support in third-party controls.

The Windows Forms types are in the namespaces System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll) and System.Drawing (in System.Drawing.dll). The latter also contains the GDI+ types for drawing custom controls.

Backend Technologies


ADO.NET is the managed data access API. Although the name is derived from the 1990s-era ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), the technology is completely different. ADO.NET contains two major low-level components:

Provider layer

The provider model defines common classes and interfaces for low-level access to database providers. These interfaces comprise connections, commands, adapters, and readers (forward-only, read-only cursors over a database). The Framework ships with native support for Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle and has OLE-DB and ODBC providers.

DataSet model

A DataSet is a structured cache of data. It resembles a primitive in-memory database, which defines SQL constructs such as tables, rows, columns, relationships, constraints, and views. By programming against a cache of data, you can reduce the number of trips to the server, increasing server scalability and the responsiveness of a rich-client user interface. DataSets are serializable and are designed to be sent across the wire between client and server applications.

Sitting above the provider layer are two APIs that offer the ability to query databases via LINQ:

  • LINQ to SQL (introduced in Framework 3.5)

  • Entity Framework (introduced in Framework 3.5 SP1)

Both technologies include object/relational mappers (ORMs), meaning they automatically map objects (based on classes that you define) to rows in the database. This allows you to query those objects via LINQ (instead of writing SQL select statements)—and update them without manually writing SQL insert/delete/update statements. This cuts the volume of code in an application’s data access layer (particularly the “plumbing” code) and provides strong static type safety. These technologies also avoid the need for DataSets as receptacles of data—although DataSets still provide the unique ability to store and serialize state changes (something particularly useful in multitier applications). You can use LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework in conjunction with DataSets, although the process is somewhat clumsy and DataSets are inherently ungainly. In other words, there’s no straightforward out-of-the-box solution for writing n-tier applications with Microsoft’s ORMs as yet.

LINQ to SQL is simpler and faster than Entity Framework, and tends to produce better SQL. Entity Framework is more flexible in that you can create elaborate mappings between the database and the classes that you query. Entity Framework also has third-party support for databases other than SQL Server.

Windows Workflow

Windows Workflow is a framework for modeling and managing potentially long-running business processes. Workflow targets a standard runtime library, providing consistency and interoperability. Workflow also helps reduce coding for dynamically controlled decision-making trees.

Windows Workflow is not strictly a backend technology—you can use it anywhere (an example is page flow, in the UI).

Workflow came originally with .NET Framework 3.0, with its types defined in the System.WorkFlow namespace. Workflow has been substantially revised in Framework 4.0; the new types live in and under the System.Activities namespace.


The Framework allows you to interoperate with COM+ for services such as distributed transactions, via types in the System.EnterpriseServices namespace. It also supports MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing) for asynchronous, one-way messaging through types in System.Messaging.

Distributed System Technologies

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

WCF is a sophisticated communications infrastructure introduced in Framework 3.0. WCF is flexible and configurable enough to make both of its predecessors—Remoting and (.ASMX) Web Services—mostly redundant.

WCF, Remoting, and Web Services are all alike in that they implement the following basic model in allowing a client and server application to communicate:

  • On the server, you indicate what methods you’d like remote client applications to be able to call.

  • On the client, you specify or infer the signatures of the server methods you’d like to call.

  • On both the server and the client, you choose a transport and communication protocol (in WCF, this is done through a binding).

  • The client establishes a connection to the server.

  • The client calls a remote method, which executes transparently on the server.

WCF further decouples the client and server through service contracts and data contracts. Conceptually, the client sends an (XML or binary) message to an endpoint on a remote service, rather than directly invoking a remote method. One of the benefits of this decoupling is that clients have no dependency on the .NET platform or on any proprietary communication protocols.

WCF is highly configurable and provides the most extensive support for standardized messaging protocols, including WS-*. This lets you communicate with parties running different software—possibly on different platforms—while still supporting advanced features such as encryption. Another benefit of WCF is that you can change protocols without needing to change other aspects of your client or server applications.

The types for communicating with WCF are in, and are below, the System.ServiceModel namespace.

Remoting and Web Services

Remoting and .ASMX Web Services are WCF’s predecessors and are almost redundant in WCF’s wake—although Remoting still has a niche in communicating between application domains within the same process (see Chapter 24).

Remoting’s functionality is geared toward tightly coupled applications. A typical example is when the client and server are both .NET applications written by the same company (or companies sharing common assemblies). Communication typically involves exchanging potentially complex custom .NET objects that the Remoting infrastructure serializes and deserializes without needing intervention.

The functionality of Web Services is geared toward loosely coupled or SOA-style applications. A typical example is a server designed to accept simple SOAP-based messages that originate from clients running a variety of software—on a variety of platforms. Web Services can only use HTTP and SOAP as transport and formatting protocols, and applications are normally hosted under IIS. The benefits of interoperability come at a performance cost—a Web Services application is typically slower, in both execution and development time, than a well-designed Remoting application.

The types for Remoting are in or under System.Runtime.Remoting; the types for Web Services are under System.Web.Services.


CardSpace is a token-based authentication and identity management protocol designed to simplify password management for end users. The technology has received little attention because of the difficulty in porting tokens across machines (OpenID is a popular alternative that avoids this problem).

CardSpace builds on open XML standards, and parties can participate independently of Microsoft. A user can hold multiple identities, which are maintained by a third party (the identity provider). When a user wants to access a resource at site X, the user authenticates to the identity provider, which then issues a token to site X. This avoids having to provide a password directly to site X and reduces the number of identities that the user needs to maintain.

WCF allows you to specify a CardSpace identity when connecting through a secure HTTP channel, through types in the System.IdentityModel.Claims and System.IdentityModel.Policy namespaces.

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