
Numbers and symbols

[12] hive TEMPLATE folder, 8, 15, 5253

1044 folder, 53


activation dependencies, 4041, 272, 315

ActivationDependency elements, 68

AddAsFirst method, 317

AdditionalPageHead control, 104

AllowDeletion attribute, 122

AllowEveryoneViewItems attribute, 122123

AllUserWebPart element, 7477

AlternateCSS attribute, 58

AlternateHeader attribute, 5859

application pages, 58, 302304

adding content to, 303304

customizing, 102103

application.master file, 103104

ASP.NET user control, for rendering, 245247

asynchronous events, 192

attributes, XML, 22, 23. See also specific attributes

AuthenticationRestrictions attribute, 87


BaseTypes element, 78, 79, 80, 123124, 215

BaseViewId attribute, 151, 333

BasicWebParts feature, 68

behaviors, attaching to content types, 178, 192193

Blog content type, 200

bookmarks, 11

branding, 335

bugs, 336


CAML. See Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML), 3031

CanReceiveEmail property, 117, 118

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 102

Categories list, 286288

Category attribute, 125

CDATA element, 26, 74

checking out documents, 114

child elements, 2122

ContentType, 197202

Data, 67

XSD and, 27

ChromeType property, 75

ClientOnClickNavigateUrl attribute, 88

ClientOnClickScript attribute, 88

cmd attribute, 166


bookmarking, 11

CAML, 45, 9

developing own, 340

inline, 297

.NET, 340

source, and .NET Reflector, 1012

CodePlex, 338

Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML), 19, 2932, 330, 332

code, 45, 9

field types in, 221226

site columns in, 209219

ColName attribute, 212

columns, 207

adding, 251253

content type, 261263

in content types, 219

creating, 250251

custom site, 330331

defining, using features, 209216

LinkTitle, 217219

list, 208

in list templates, 219

lookup, 253256

name attributes, 212213

site, 181

site vs. list, 208

Title property, 181182

See also fields; site columns

comparison operators, 155156

conditional elements, views, 161163

Configuration elements, 79

onet.xml file, 6367

webtemp.xml file, 5556, 63

content type columns, 261263

content type forms, 202, 264267

content type IDs, 184186, 258259

content type scope, 189191

content types, 39, 125, 177, 211

adding content to, 261263

adding event receivers to, 202204

adding to lists, 280283

advanced concepts, 268272

attaching behaviors to, 178, 192193

authoring, 193204

basics of, 177182

columns in, 219

common, 185

connecting custom actions to, 270272

connecting forms to, 178

creating, 191, 257259

creating event receivers in, 268270

custom information on, 199202

vs. database schemas, 178

defined, 51

enabling/disabling, 111113

event receivers, 192193

folders, 185, 187189

form templates and, 140143

generation, 331332

hierarchy, 259261, 299302

inheritance, 93, 191, 178186, 191, 263

list vs. site, 179182

lists and, 279

system, 140

testing, 266267

See also specific content types

ContentType child elements, 197202

FieldRefs element, 197199

RemoveFieldRef element, 199

XmlDocuments element, 199202

ContentType element, 194197

ContentType site column, 211214

ContentTypeBinding element, 282

ContentTypeRef element, 136

control templates, 96100

manipulating, 99100

overview of, 9799

ControlAssembly attribute, 93

ControlClass attribute, 93

ControlId attribute, 103

ControlSrc attribute, 103

CQB. See U2U CAML Query Builder

CreateChildControls method, 247

CSSLink tag, 58

CSSRegistration tag, 58

ctype parameter, 184

ctypes feature, 139

ctypeswss.xml, 215

custom actions, connecting to content types, 270272

custom field properties, 248249

custom field type class, 240243

custom field types, 220

creating, 236247

field type classes, 239243

field type definitions for, 238239

introduction to, 235236

modifying display of, 244245

tips for, 247249

using ASP.NET user control for rendering, 245247

custom list forms, adding content types to, 283285

custom lists, 8496, 117121

custom namespaces, 249

custom pages

adding links to, 305307

developing, 291299

custom properties, 248249, 338339

custom site columns, creating and deploying, 330331

custom views, 332333

CustomAction element, 270272

CustomAction tags, 9196, 103

CustomActionGroup element, 94


of application pages, 102103

of lists, 8496

of menus and lists, 8496

CustomJSUrl attribute, 59

CustomMasterUrl attribute, 6465


Data child element, 67

data refresh, 9

declarations, XML, 2223

default features, Team Site definition, 6869

default files, modifications to, 83

default form templates, modifications to, 264267

default master page, 78

default title, 181

default.aspx page, 70

default.master file, 104

DefaultRenderingTemplate method, 247

DefaultTemplates.ascx file, 9697, 99

delegate controls, 103105

Description attribute, 65, 111, 125, 194

development environment

.NET Reflector, 1012

setting up, 317

SharePoint Manager 2007, 610

WSPBuilder, 1214

DisableWebDesignFeatures attribute, 59

DisallowContentTypes attribute, 125

DisplayForm, 99, 109, 137, 139, 264267

DisplayName attribute, 125, 210, 212

DisplayPattern element, 217219, 224226, 248

docicon.xml file, 62

Document content type, 193194, 197202

document libraries, 8

document templates, 6162

Document Type Definition (DTD), 22, 27

documents, checking out, 114

DocumentTemplates element, 6162, 313


EditControlBlock (ECB) menu, 124, 217

EditForm, 99, 109, 137, 139, 266

EditPage attribute, 128

EditPattern element, 224

elements, XML, 2122. See also specific elements

elements.xml, 38

email-enabled lists, 113, 116121

EmailAlias attribute, 113, 115, 116

EmailEventReceiver, 120

EmailReceived method, 120

EnableContentTypes attribute, 111113

EnableMinorVersions attribute, 113

error logs, 338

error messages, 338

event handlers, feature, 3940

event receivers, 192193

adding to content types, 202204

attaching to list templates using features, 202203

creating, in content types, 268270

item, 268270

exception handling, 9

ExecuteUrl attribute, 67

ExportMode property, 77

Extensible Application Markup Language. See XAML

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

external storage, 4

ExternalSecurityProvider element, 78


feature handling, 7

feature stapling, 4445, 101

Feature with Receiver feature, 237

feature.xml, 38

FeatureActivated event handler, 39, 46, 102, 115, 133, 258

FeatureActivated method, 283, 314, 316

FeatureActivationDependency element, 272

FeatureAdded method, 314

FeatureDeactivating event, 39

FeatureDefinition, 28

FeatureId attribute, 111

FeatureMenuTemplate tag, 85, 8890


activation dependency, 4041, 272

attaching event receivers to content types using, 203204

attaching event receivers to list templates using, 202203

creating basic, 3537

defined, 3739

defining columns using, 209216

event handlers, 3940

lists in, 115116

resources and, 41

scope, 39, 191

site definitions vs., 4546

site-scoped, 37

Team Site default features, 6869

web-scoped, 37

See also specific features

FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation element, 101

Field elements, 164166, 167, 221223, 332

field properties, custom, 248249

field type classes, 239243

field type control class, 239, 242243

field type controls, 208

field types, 208, 220226

in CAML, 221226

custom properties in, 338339

custom, 220, 235249

definitions, creating, 238239

Field element, 221223

RenderPattern element, 223226

field type value class, 239

FieldRefs element, 197199, 217218, 332

FieldRenderingControl property, 243

fields, 51, 235

creating, using features, 209210

introduction to, 207

invisible, 210 See also columns

Fields element, 80

FieldSortParams element, 168

FieldSwitch element, 161, 217218

fieldswss.xml file, 211

FieldTypeClass property, 222

File elements, 7073

FileDialogPostProcessor element, 78


modifications, and supportability, 83

naming, 71

Filterable property, 223

fldtypes.xml, 221

fldtypesXXXXX.xml file, 221

Folder content type, 279

FolderCreation attribute, 126

folders, 71, 93

attaching workflows to, 189

as content types, 185, 187189

structure, 187189

ForceCheckout attribute, 114

form.aspx, 137139

forms, 136

connecting to content types, 178

content type, 202, 264267

list, 136144, 283285

form templates, 139144

changing default, 264267

customizing, 140143

FormTemplates type, 200, 202

FormUrls type, 202

FrameType property, 75

freeform toolbars, 152153

FromBaseType attribute, 215216


GetHandler method, 118

GetVar element, 160, 171

Ghostable files, 72

GhostableInLibrary files, 72

ghosting, 65

global pages, adding, 299302

global site configuration, 7880

GlobalSiteLink control, 104

Group attribute, 195, 213

GroupBy element, 156, 168171

GroupFooter element, 168171

GroupHeader element, 168171

GroupId attribute, 88, 91, 95

grouping, views, 147148, 168171

groups, site column, 213

GUID values, creating, 251


HasHandler method, 117

HeaderPattern element, 224, 225

Hidden attribute, 55, 65, 126127, 196

HiddenList attribute, 126127

HideCustomAction element, 96, 103

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 20

HttpVDir element, 154


ID attribute, 73, 103, 115, 194, 258

IfEqual element, 161, 219

IfHasRights element, 161, 172

IfNeg element, 161

IfNew element, 161

IfSubString element, 161

IgnoreIfAlreadyExists attribute, 72

Image attribute, 127

ImageUrl attribute, 65

ImageWebPart element, 77

inheritance, content type, 178186, 191, 263

inline code, 297

IntelliSense, 4, 63

InternalName property, 182

InternalType property, 222

IsNotNull operator, 156

IsNull operator, 156

IssueTrackingWorkflow feature, 68

ItemAdding event receiver, 193

Item content type, 139140, 180181, 184, 216, 279

ItemDeleted event handler, 290

ItemDeleting event handler, 289

item event receivers, 268270

Item root content type, 112


JoinColName attribute, 212


Keutmann, Carsten, 330


language localizations, 42

_layouts virtual directory, 291

Limit element, 174

LinkTitle column, 217219

List attribute, 253

list columns, 208

list content types, 179182

list definition, 109

ListDir attribute, 60

List elements, 110111, 114

ListForm, 140

list forms, 136144, 283285

definitions, 137

form templates, 139144

ListInstance element, 115116

list instances, 110121, 285286

lists, 51

adding content types to, 280283

adding items to, 67

Categories list, 286288

compared with tables, 108

content types and, 279

creating, 110

customizing, 8496

deleting, 289290

email-enabled, 113, 116121

in features, 115116

vs. folders, 72

names, 111

overview of, 107109

root definitions for, 80

in site definitions, 110114

list templates, 79, 122136, 144

attaching event receivers to, using features, 202203

columns in, 219

creating, 275279

defined, 61

hidden, 69

reusability, 111

schema.xml, 133136

ListTemplate element, 61, 79, 111, 122133

ListViewWebPart element, 77

locale identifier (LCID), 53

Location attribute, 88, 91, 95

logs, error, 338

lookup columns, 253256

LookupList property, 256

LookupWebId property, 256


markup, storing in XML documents, 2526

master pages, 51, 64, 78, 103, 293294, 302

masterpagefile property, 65

MasterUrl attribute, 6465

MenuGroupId attribute, 87

MenuItemTemplate tags, 8688

menus, customizing, 8496

Merge Documents view, 8

MetaData subelement, 125

method names, for event receivers, 192

Microsoft Office, 15

Microsoft.SharePoint.dll, 117, 120, 188, 230, 237

minOccurs attribute, 29

MobilityRedirect feature, 68

Module element, 7073, 79

modules, 67, 7073

MoreText attribute, 174

MOSS definitions, 56


Name attribute, 65, 70, 73, 127, 194, 212, 221


for field type definition files, 238

strong, 237, 238


custom, 249

XML, 2324

NamespaceURI, 201

nav bars, 61

NavBarHome attribute, 72

NavBarPage element, 73

NavBars element, 61, 313, 319

navigation bars, 318319, 321322

.NET code, 340

.NET Reflector, 5, 1012, 85

NewForm, 99, 109, 137, 139, 266

NewFormToolBar template, 98, 99

NewPage attribute, 127128

NewPattern element, 224

NoID attribute, 166


onet.xml file, 110, 111, 310, 312

Configuration element, 6367

DocumentTemplates section, 6162

global site configuration, 7880

ListTemplates section, 61

NavBars section, 61

Project element, 5862

in site definition, 51

OnLoad method, 294

OnQuickLaunch attribute, 115, 129

OrderBy element, 156


PagedRowSet element, 160

PageModes attribute, 87


adding content to, 294298, 303304

adding links to, 305307

application, 58, 102103, 302304

authoring basics, 291299

creating site, 292293

custom, 291299, 305307

global, 299302

improving code on, 298

master, 51, 64, 78, 103, 293294, 302

ParentType property, 223

Path attribute, 50, 71, 129

PermissionContext attribute, 87

PermissionMode attribute, 86

permissions, views and, 171173

PermissionString attribute, 86

plug-ins, support for, 11

Position attribute, 73

PreviewDisplayPattern element, 224

PreviewEditPattern element, 224

PreviewNewPattern element, 224

PrevPageData element, 161

Project element, 5862

properties, 207

custom, 248249, 338339

field, 248249

Properties element, 73

ProvisionAssembly attribute, 56

ProvisionClass attribute, 56

ProvisionData attribute, 56

provisioning resources, 41


Query property, 155

query schema, 155157

QuickLaunchUrl attribute, 114


ReadOnly attribute, 195, 213

Receiver type, 203

Receivers element, 202204

referential integrity, 108

RegistrationType attribute, 92

Relink Documents view, 8

RemoveFieldRef element, 199

render patterns, 248

RenderFieldForDisplay method, 244245

rendering template, 245248

RenderPattern element, 223226, 248

RequiredFeatures attribute, 87

resource files, 67

$Resources, 67

resources, 41

RightsChoices element, 172

RightsGroups element, 172173

root definitions, for lists, 80

root node, 323324

RootWebOnly attribute, 70, 114, 130

Row elements, 287288

RowLimit element, 160161

runtime resources, 41


Save Site As Template option, 54

schema files, 5

schema output, 9

Schemas property, 5

schema.xml files, 79, 133136, 276279

SchemaXml property, 330


content type, 189191

feature, 39, 191

site, 191

web, 191

Sealed attribute, 195, 213

security trimming, views and, 171173

SecurityBits attribute, 130

Sequence element, 203

setup.bat file, 36

SetupPath attribute, 70, 129, 137, 151

SharePoint branding, 335

SharePoint development

as learning experience, 336

getting started with, 336337

mindset for, 229

server-based, 339

techniques for speeding up, 325333

tools, 325326

SharePoint DLLs, 339

SharePoint environment, setting up, 1517

SharePoint features. See features

SharePoint interface, default, 4951

SharePoint Manager 2007, 510, 330331, 326

benefits of, 79

dangers of, 910

SharePoint XSD, 2729

signing keys, 237

Site Actions menu

CustomAction tags, 9196

FeatureMenuTemplate, 8890

MenuItemTemplate tags, 8688

modifying, 8485

SiteActions tag, 85

site columns, 181

in CAML, 209219

ContentType, 211214

custom, 330331

groups, 213

Title, 215216

vs. list columns, 208

See also columns

site composition, 51

site configuration, global, 7880

Site Content Type Gallery page, 184, 186, 195

site content types, 179182

site definitions, 5178

[12] hive TEMPLATE folder, 5253

adding to, 313315

components, 78

creating, 309324

default features, 6869

vs. features, 4546

file names in, 71

lists in, 110114

modifying, 319

modules, 7073

onet.xml file, 5767

resources for exploring, 8081

vs. site templates, 5455

structure, 311

webtemp.xml file, 5356

working with web parts in, 7478

SiteFeatures attribute, 67

SiteLogoUrl attribute, 60

site modifications, supportability and, 53, 55

site pages. See pages

site scope, 191

site-scoped features, 37

Site Settings page, 313

site setup, 1516

site templates, 5455

site types, 5455

SiteTemplates folder, 56

.snk files, 237

Sortable property, 223

sorting, views, 167168

source code, .NET Reflector and, 1012

SourceID attribute, 214

SPBasePermissions enumeration, 86

SPEmailHandler class, 119

SPEmailHandler.GetHandler method, 118

SPEmailHandler.HasHandler method, 117

SPExternalEmailHandler, 119

SPFeatureReceiver class, 40

SPField class, 220

SPFolder objects, 187188

SPItemEventReceiver class, 192

SPNavigationNode constructor, 317

SPQuery object, 298, 155

SQLType property, 223

standard toolbars, 152

stapling, feature, 4445, 101

StaticName attribute, 212213

strong names, 237, 238

STS folder, 53, 67

subfolders, 187

subsites, 190

Switch element, 161

synchronous events, 192

syntax, XML, 2026

system content type, 140

System root content type, 211


tables, lists compared with, 108

tags, XML, 2122

Team Site

default features, 6869

default front page, 50

definition, 15, 61, 101

feature stapling and, 101

template, 16

TeamCollab feature, 68

Template element, 5455, 57, 311312

TEMPLATE folder, 5253, 57


control, 96100

document, 6162

form, 139144, 264267

list, 61, 69, 79, 111, 122136, 144, 275279

rendering, 245248

site, 5455

TemplateType attribute, 130

test users, 5

themes, 102

Title attribute, 111

Title field, 198

Title property, 181182

Title site column, 215216

titles, default, 181

tokens, master page, 293

ToolBar.ascx file, 9899


freeform, 152153

standard, 152

view, 152154

tools, 56

.NET Reflector, 1012

SharePoint Manager 2007, 610

TopNavigationBar node collection, 319, 321322

Totals setting, 148

TreeView control, 299

Type attribute, 28, 72, 111, 130131, 213

TypeDisplayName property, 222

TypeName property, 221


U2U CAML Query Builder (CQB), 3132

unghosting, 65

Unique attribute, 131

Url attribute, 70, 71, 111

URL element, 166167

UrlAction child element, 93

URLEncode attribute, 154

URLEncodeAsURL attribute, 154

user controls, ASP.NET, for rendering, 245247

user interface, 83106

default, 4951

delegate controls and, 103105

features and, 101

menu and list customization, 8496

using control templates for, 96100

UseRootFolderForNavigation attribute, 132133, 313


V2ListTemplateName attribute, 195

variables, context of, 161

versioning, 113

VersioningEnabled attribute, 113

ViewBody element, 158, 159, 163166

View element, 78

ViewEmpty element, 159

view styles, 149

view toolbars, 152154

ViewFields element, 158

ViewFooter element, 158, 163166

ViewHeader element, 158, 163168, 226

views, 78

adding content to, 151

advanced options, 167174

complex, 157167

conditional elements, 161163

creating through web interface, 147150

custom, 332333

excerpts, 174

grouping, 147148, 168171, 335

introduction to, 145146

limiting items in, 147

LinkTitle column and, 217219

paging options, 160161

permissions and security, 171173

query schema, 155157

simple, 150154

sorting, 167168

Totals setting, 148

view construction, 158167

virtual environment, 230

virtual machines, 4, 17

Virtual PC, 339

virtual servers, 339

VisibilityFeatureDependency attribute, 56

Visual Studio, 339

configuring, 45

creating basic features in, 3537

project, creating, 237238

WSPBuilder Extensions for, 1214

VMware Server, 339


web applications, setting up, 1516

WebFeatures attribute, 67

web interfaces

adding site columns using, 209

creating views through, 147150

web parts, 73, 337

exporting, 77

working with, in site definition, 7478

zones, 77

WebPart tag, 75

WebPartOrder attribute, 74

WebPartPage class, 294

WebPartZoneId attribute, 74, 151

web scope, 191

web-scoped features, 37

webtemp.xml files, 51, 5356, 63, 83, 310

welcome.ascx file, 9697

WelcomeNames table, 72

WelcomePage property, 132133, 313315

Windows Server 2003 R2, 34

Windows XP, 3

Workflow folder, 53

workflows, attaching folders to, 189

WSPBuilder, 5, 1214, 237, 325329

WSP schema file, 5

WSS schema file, 5

wss.xsd schema, 199


XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), 20

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 1933

attributes, 23

CAML, 2932

declarations, 2223

definition, 1920

dialects, 29

elements, 2122

namespaces, 2324

storing markup in XML documents, 2526

syntax, 2026

validation, 2729

well-formed vs. validated documents, 27

XmlDocuments element, 193, 199203, 332

XName attribute, 212

xs:all element, 29

XSD files, 2729

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 20

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 3233

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