Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Getting Started with Blender

Chapter 1: Discovering Blender

Getting to Know Blender

Discovering Blender's origins and the strength of the Blender community

Making open movies and games

Getting to Know the Interface

Working with an interface that stays out of your way

Resizing areas

Maximizing an area

The menu that is a pie

Chapter 2: Understanding How Blender Thinks

Looking at Editor Types

General editors

Animation editors

2D editors

Utility editors

Understanding the Properties editor

Customizing Blender to Fit You

Using screen layout presets

Setting user preferences

Using custom event maps

Navigating in Three Dimensions

Orbiting, panning, and zooming the 3D View

Changing views

Selecting objects

Taking advantage of the 3D cursor

Extra Features in the 3D View

Quad View


Don't know how to do something? Hooray for fully integrated search!

Chapter 3: Getting Your Hands Dirty Working in Blender

Grabbing, Scaling, and Rotating

Differentiating Between Coordinate Systems

Transforming an Object by Using the 3D Manipulator

Switching manipulator modes

Using the manipulator

Saving Time by Using Hotkeys

Transforming with hotkeys

Hotkeys and coordinate systems

Numerical input

The Properties region

Chapter 4: Working in Edit Mode and Object Mode

Making Changes by Using Edit Mode

Distinguishing between Object mode and Edit mode

Selecting vertices, edges, and faces

Working with linked vertices

Still Blender's No. 1 modeling tool: Extrude

Adding to a Scene

Adding objects

Meet Suzanne, the Blender monkey

Joining and separating objects

Creating duplicates and links

Discovering parents, children, and groups

Saving, opening, and appending

Part II: Creating Detailed 3D Scenes

Chapter 5: Creating Anything You Can Imagine with Meshes

Pushing Vertices

Working with Loops and Rings

Understanding edge loops and face loops

Selecting edge rings

Creating new loops

Cutting edges with the Knife

Simplifying Your Life as a Modeler with Modifiers

Doing half the work (and still looking good!) with the Mirror modifier

Smoothing things out with the Subdivision Surface modifier

Using the power of Arrays

Sculpting in Virtual Space

Sculpting with the Multiresolution modifier

Freeform sculpting with dynamic topology (Dyntopo)

Sculpting options

Understanding the basics of retopology

Chapter 6: Using Blender's Non-mesh Primitives

Using Curves and Surfaces

Understanding the different types of curves

Working with curves

Understanding the strengths and limitations of Blender's surfaces

Using Metaball Objects


What metaball objects are useful for

Adding Text

Adding and editing text

Changing fonts

Deforming text with a curve

Converting to curves and meshes

Chapter 7: Changing That Boring Gray Default Material

Understanding Materials and Render Engines

Quick n' Dirty Coloring

Setting diffuse colors

Assigning multiple materials to different parts of a mesh

Using vertex colors

Setting Up Node Materials in Cycles

Adjusting your layout to work with node materials

Working with nodes

Understanding shaders

Playing with Materials in Blender Internal

Adjusting shader values

Reflection and transparency

Controlling how materials handle shadows

Chapter 8: Giving Models Texture

Adding Textures

Working with textures in Blender Internal

Including textures on a Cycles material

Using Procedural Textures

Understanding Blender Internal's procedurals

Discovering procedurals in Cycles

Understanding Texture Mapping

Applying textures when using Blender Internal

Mapping textures when using Cycles

Unwrapping a Mesh

Marking seams on a mesh

Adding a test grid

Generating and editing UV coordinates

Painting Textures Directly on a Mesh

Preparing to paint

Working in Texture Paint mode

Saving painted textures and exporting UV layouts

Baking Texture Maps from Your Mesh

Discovering texture bake options in BI

Discovering texture bake options in Cycles

Baking textures

Using UV Textures

Chapter 9: Lighting and Environment

Lighting a Scene

Understanding a basic three-point lighting setup

Knowing when to use which type of lamp

Lighting for Speedy Renders

Working with three-point lighting in Blender

Creating a fake Area light with buffered Spots

Dealing with outdoor lighting

Setting Up the World

Changing the sky to something other than dull gray

Modifying the World in Cycles

Creating sky textures in BI

Understanding ambient occlusion

Adding mist in BI

Part III: Get Animated

Chapter 10: Animating Objects

Working with Animation Curves

Customizing your screen layout for animation

Working in the Graph Editor

Inserting keys

Working with keying sets

Editing motion curves

Using F-curve modifiers

Using Constraints Effectively

The all-powerful Empty!

Adjusting the influence of a constraint

Using vertex groups in constraints

Copying the movement of another object

Putting limits on an object

Tracking the motion of another object

Chapter 11: Discovering the Tools Used in Rigging

Creating Shape Keys

Creating new shapes

Mixing shapes

Knowing where shape keys are helpful

Adding Hooks

Creating new hooks

Knowing where hooks are helpful

Using Armatures: Skeletons in the Mesh

Editing armatures

Putting skin on your skeleton

Chapter 12: Animating Object Deformations

Working with the Dope Sheet

Animating with Armatures

Principles of animation worth remembering

Making sense of quaternions (or, “Why are there four rotation curves?!”)

Copying mirrored poses

Seeing the big picture with ghosting

Visualizing motion with paths

Doing Nonlinear Animation

Mixing actions to create complex animation

Taking advantage of looped animation

Chapter 13: Letting Blender Do the Work for You

Using Particles in Blender

Knowing what particle systems are good for

Using force fields and collisions

Using particles for hair and fur

Giving Objects Some Jiggle and Bounce

Dropping Objects in a Scene with Rigid Body Dynamics

Simulating Cloth

Splashing Fluids in Your Scene

Smoking without Hurting Your Lungs: Smoke Simulation in Blender

Rendering smoke using Blender Internal

Rendering smoke using Cycles

Part IV: Sharing Your Work with the World

Chapter 14: Exporting and Rendering Scenes

Exporting to External Formats

Rendering a Scene

Creating a still image

Creating a sequence of still images for editing or compositing

Chapter 15: Compositing and Editing

Comparing Editing to Compositing

Working with the Video Sequence Editor

Adding and editing strips

Adding effects

Rendering from the Video Sequence Editor

Working with the Node-Based Compositor

Understanding the benefits of rendering in passes and layers

Working with nodes

Discovering the nodes available to you

Rendering from the Node Compositor

Part V: The Part of Tens

Chapter 16: Ten Problems (and Solutions) for Newbies

Blender's Interface Is Weird or Glitchy

A Notorious Black Stripe Appears on Models

Objects Go Missing

Edge Loop Select Doesn't Work

A Background Image Disappears

Zooming Has Its Limits

Lost Simulation Data

Objects Don't Appear When Rendering

No GPU Rendering for Cycles

Funky Deformations in Animation Rigs

Chapter 17: Ten Tips for Working More Effectively in Blender

Use Tooltips and Integrated Search

Look at Models from Different Views

Lock a Camera to an Animated Character

Don't Forget about Add-ons

Name Everything

Use Scene Layers Effectively

Do Low-Resolution Test Renders

Mind Your Mouse

Use Grease Pencil to Plan

Have Fun, but Take Breaks

Chapter 18: Ten Excellent Community Resources



Blenderart Magazine

Blender IRC Channels on


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