
• Numerics •

3D cursor, 5961, 95

3D manipulator, 38, 7175

3D View editor

3D cursor, 6061

defined, 29

loading reference images as background, 115

navigating in, 5156

Quad View, 62

regions of, 47, 6264

selecting objects in, 59

spot-checks from different angles, 468

standard lighting, 47

user preferences for, 29, 3738

viewport shading, 5758

• A •

absolute path, 45


creating, 371

defined, 30, 371

fake users, 372

mixing to create complex animation, 373374

active object, 70

Add Shader, 206, 407


defined, 41, 469

Dynamic Spacebar Menu add-on, 92

enabling/disabling, 42, 469

exporters, 412

Extra Objects add-on, 94

support levels for, 42

user preferences for, 42

Adobe Illustrator, 164

Adobe Photoshop, 247248, 250, 417, 429, 434, 448

Adobe Premiere, 423

aliasing, 470

alpha channel, 217218, 417, 430432

Alpha Over node, 448

Amaranth theme, 43

ambient occlusion (AO), 253254, 439, 471

Ambient Occlusion shader, 208



basic process, 362364

copying mirrored poses, 367368

ghosting, 369

quaternions, 366367

visualizing motion with paths, 369370

basic process for, 302

cloth simulation, 393395


adjusting influence, 326327

copying movement of another object, 327329

defined, 323

Empties, 324326

limiting movement of objects, 330331

selection order, 324

tracking motion of another object, 332333

turnaround renders, 325326

vertex groups and, 327

viewing available, 324

Dope Sheet editor, 359362

easing, 316

editing motion curves, 315320

extrapolation, 317318

f-curves, 302

fluid simulation, 396400

general discussion, 301

Graph Editor

Extrapolation mode, 317318

Interpolation mode, 316317

keys, 303

navigating in, 305306

scrubbing, 303

timeline cursor, 303

illusion of motion, 306

inserting keyframes, 306

interpolation, 302, 316317

keying sets, 310315

locking cameras to characters, 468469

modifiers, 321323


actions, defined, 371

creating actions, 371

defined, 371

fake users, 372

looped animation, 374376

mixing actions to create complex animation, 373374

NLA Editor, 372373

particle systems

collision objects, 383384

creating, 381382

defined, 33

force fields, 383384

physics simulation models, 380381

properties of, 378380

types of, 379380, 385389

usefulness of, 379

preparing layout for, 303305

principles of, 364366


armatures, 343358

defined, 335

hooks, 340342

shape keys, 336340

troubleshooting deformations in, 464465

rigid body dynamics, 392393

smoke simulation, 400407

soft body dynamics, 389391

Anisotropic BSDF shader, 207

anti-aliasing, 470471

anticipation, 364

AO (ambient occlusion), 253254, 439, 471

appeal, 366

Apple Final Cut Pro, 423

Apricot project, 13

arcs, 365

Area lamp

false, creating with Spot lamps, 283285

as fill light, 283

options for, 269270, 276277

types of, 266


duplicating, 2021

maximizing, 21

organizational structure, 1718

removing, 2021

resizing, 19

splitting, 1921

Armature modifier, 128, 353, 358, 465


adding to scenes, 343

basic process, 362364


adding, 344

control, 350

deformer, 349350

duplicating, 344

extruding, 344

naming, 344345

subdividing, 344

copying mirrored poses, 367368

defined, 32, 93, 343

display options, 350352

ghosting, 369

layers, 349

parent-child relationships, 346348

properties of, 348352

quaternions, 366367

skeleton sketching feature, 344


assigning weights to vertices, 354355

defined, 352

with envelopes, 352354

painting weight assignments to vertex groups, 356358

symmetric rigs, 345346

visualizing motion with paths, 369370

Array modifier

count options, 138139

defined, 125

offsets, 137138

overview, 122124, 136140

artifacts, 256257, 275

Autokey feature, 308, 311

• B •

backface culling, 86

Ball metaball object, 175

Bevel modifier, 122123, 126, 165

bevel objects, 165167

Bézier curves, 160161, 169170

BI. See Blender Internal rendering engine

bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF), 204

Big Buck Bunny (film), 13

Blend procedural texture, 226

.blend1 and .blend2 files, 45


defined, 1, 10

“fast to use versus fast to learn”, 16

open projects, 1215

open-source nature of, 10

origin of, 1112

user community, 2, 1112, 15

Blender Add-ons Catalog, 42

Blender Cloud, 454

Blender Conference, 15, 94

Blender Foundation, 1112

Blender Institute, 13

Blender interface


duplicating, 2021

maximizing, 21

removing, 2021

resizing, 19

splitting, 1921

cross-platform nature of, 1819


assigning hotkeys, 4849

defined, 4748

modifying, 48

restoring to system defaults, 50

sharing customized, 50

viewing details of, 50

file browser dialog, 1819

general discussion, 33

headers, 22


obscured or hidden, 3536

pie, 2225

non-blocking and non-modal nature of, 1617

organizational structure, 1617

panels, resizing, 19


creating, 3435

cycling through, 34

Default layout, 1516

deleting, 35

making available at startup, 35

ordering, 34

renaming, 34

returning to default, 35

search feature, 65

“splash image”, 1516

Blender Internal (BI) rendering engine

lighting, 269271, 280286

materials, 209220

overview, 190191

procedural textures, 226228

render baking, 253254, 256259

smoke simulation, 403405

texture baking, 235

texture mapping, 230235

textures, 222223

vertex colors, 201

World properties, 287288, 291292, 293297

Blenderheads, 2

Blinn shader, 215

Blob brush, 148

blobbies. See metaball objects

bluescreen, 451

blur effects, 432

Blur node, 450

body dynamics

rigid, 392393

soft, 389391

Boids physics simulation model, 380381

Bokeh Image node, 446

Bone Constraints properties, 33

Bone properties, 32

Boolean modifier, 96, 126

booleans, using to join objects, 95

Border Select tool, 8485

Bounding Box viewport shading type, 58

bounding boxes, 239, 396

box modeling, 114115

Brick procedural texture, 230

Brush Select tool, 8485

BSDF (bidirectional scattering distribution function), 204

buffer shadows, 220, 275

Build modifier, 126

Built-In Function f-curve modifier, 322

• C •

cages, defined, 133

camera objects

clipping distance, 463

defined, 93

finding and selecting, 414

locking to animated characters, 468469

multicamera effect, 433

Capsule metaball object, 175

Cast modifier, 128

Catmull-Clark subdivision, 134

Checker procedural texture, 230

Circle Select tool, 8485

Clay brush, 149

Clay Strips brush, 149

clipping distance, 463

cloth simulation, 393396

Clouds procedural texture, 226, 268

collision objects (deflectors), 383384


absolute white, 192

assigning multiple materials to different parts of a mesh, 194196

background, 287

color picker, 192193

diffuse, 192, 209, 213214

effects, 432

lighting, 267, 270

sampling, 194

saving rendered images in, 417

selecting objects by, 106

specular, 209, 214216

vertex, 196201

zenith, 288

Color nodes

Alpha Over, 448

Mix, 448

RGB Curves, 447

Z Combine, 448

ColorRamp node, 448

Combo manipulator mode, 7172

Community add-on support level, 42

Composite node, 447


assembly-line approach, 434435

backdrop, 440441

defined, 424

hotkeys, 444

layers, 434435

mouse actions, 442

Node Compositor versus VSE, 433434


Color, 447448

Converter, 448449

Distort, 451452

Filter, 449450

grouping, 444445, 452

identifying, 440

Input, 445447

Matte, 451

Output, 447

parts of, 442443

selecting, 443

socket colors, 443

Vector, 450

passes, 435, 438439

pipeline products, 437438

render layers, 436

rendering composited scenes, 452453

rendering sequences of still images for, 420

Z-depth, 435

Constant Offset option, Array modifier, 137


adjusting influence, 326327

copying movement of another object, 327329

defined, 32, 323

Empties, 324326

limiting movement of objects, 330331

selection order, 324

tracking motion of another object, 332333

turnaround renders, 325326

vertex groups and, 327

viewing available, 324

control points

Bézier curves, 169170

curves, 160

defined, 93

NURBS curves, 170171

Converter nodes, 448449

CookTorr (Cook-Torrance) shader, 215

coordinate systems, 68, 6970, 7678

Copy Location constraint, 328329

Copy Rotation constraint, 328329

Copy Scale constraint, 328329

corner widgets, 20

Cosmos Laundromat (film), 14

Crease brush, 149

crossfades, 432

Cube metaball object, 175

Curve modifier, 128, 139

curve normals, 163


adjusting tilt of, 168169

advantages of, 158

beveling, 165167

converting 3D curves into 2D curves, 163

creating holes in planes, 162

cyclic, 162163, 318

defined, 93

editing using control points, 169171

extruding, 162, 164165

function, 302, 305310, 321323

general discussion, 157

joining, 161

limitations of, 158

properties of, 163164

resolution values, 164

tapering, 167168

types of, 160161, 173

uses for, 158159


edge, 119120

loop, 119

Cycles f-curve modifier, 322

Cycles rendering engine

Blender Internal rendering engine versus, 413

graphics processing unit and, 46, 463464

lighting, 268269, 277280

Node Editor and, 30

node materials, 202208

overview, 190191, 413

procedural textures, 228230

render baking, 253257, 259

smoke simulation, 405407

texture baking, 235236

texture mapping, 235241

textures, 223224

vertex colors, 201202

World properties, 287, 289291

• D •


linking, 36, 98

overview, 36

unlinking, 101102

Decimate modifier, 126

Default screen layout, 43

Default theme, 43

deflectors (collision objects), 383384

Defocus node, 450

Delta keys, 307

Diffuse BSDF shader, 204, 206, 237, 254

diffuse colors, 192, 209, 213214

Displace modifier, 128, 235

Displace node, 451

dissolves, 432

Distort nodes

Displace, 451

Lens Distortion, 452

Map UV, 451

Distorted Noise procedural texture, 226

Dope Sheet editor

animating object deformations, 359362

animation channels, 315

in Animation screen layout, 304

animation workflow, 308

defined, 30

nonlinear animation, 371375

drawing tablets, 3

Durian project, 14

dynamic topology (dyntopo)

defined, 142143

limitations of, 145146

settings for, 143145

workflow, 146

• E •

ease in and ease out, 365

easing, 316

edge rings, 118119

edge slide function, 119

Edge snap target, 7273

Edge Split modifier, 126


defined, 83

following anatomy, 154

edit cage, 124

Edit mode

accessing, 8283

adding objects to scenes, 9495

duplicating objects, 97

extruding, 8890

general discussion, 81

Object mode versus, 82

selecting, 8388


audio, 428429

blend modes, 429, 431

channels, 424

customizing layout for, 424425

defined, 423

effects, 430433

frame rate, 424

hotkeys, 430

mouse actions, 429

properties management for, 424426

rendering edited scene, 433

rendering sequences of still images for, 420421

resolution, 424

strips, 424, 427429

transparency, 429

Editor Type menu, 28



Logic Editor, 31

Movie Clip Editor, 30, 428, 454

Node Editor, 30, 202208, 278280, 289

Text Editor, 30

UV/Image Editor, 30, 244246, 249251, 254255, 418, 428

Video Sequence Editor, 30, 424433


Dope Sheet, 30, 304, 308, 315, 359362, 371375

Graph Editor, 30, 302303, 305306, 315318, 321

NLA Editor, 30, 372373

Timeline, 29, 39, 304


3D View, 29, 3738, 47, 5164, 115, 468

Info, 29, 34

Outliner, 29, 102, 104, 414

Properties, 29, 3133

User Preferences, 29, 3650, 52

organizational structure, 1718

overview, 2729


File Browser, 1819, 31, 107110

Python Console, 31

viewing available, 28

Elephants Dream (film), 13

Ellipsoid metaball object, 176

Emission shader, 207208, 278

Emitter particle system, 379380


defined, 93, 324

display types, 325

turnaround renders, 325326

Envelope f-curve modifier, 322

Environment Map procedural texture, 226227

environment maps, 226

Environment procedural texture, 228

Euler angles, 69

Euler rotations, 366

exaggeration, 365

exporting scenes, 411412

extrapolation, 317318

• F •

Face snap target, 7273


defined, 83

selecting, 8386

snapping to, 73

f-curves (function curves)

adding control points to, 306310

defined, 302

modifiers, 321323

selecting, 305

File Browser editor

appending from external files, 109110

defined, 31

dialog, 1819

interface, 108

opening files, 109

saving files, 107109

file paths, 4345


appending from external, 109110

linked appendages, 110

opening, 109

saving, 107109

saving progressive versions of, 109

Fill/Deepen brush, 149

Filter nodes

Blur, 450

Defocus, 450

Glare, 450

overview, 449

Vector Blur, 450

Final Cut Pro, 423

Flatten/Contrast brush, 149

flicker effects, 430431

Floor constraint, 331

Fluid physics simulation model, 380381

fluid simulation

file size and storage, 396397

mesh-based method, 396400

particle-based method, 400

follow through, 365

force fields

applying, 383384

defined, 94, 383

properties of, 383

four-point poles, 116, 154

fractional frames (intraframes), 375

“Free Blender” campaign, 11

Freestyle edge renderer, 32

Fresnel shader, 214215

function curves. See f-curves

• G •

Generator f-curve modifier, 321

gestural behavior, 23

GI (global illumination), 292293

gimbal lock, 6970

Gimbal orientation, 6970

GIMP, 251, 417, 429, 434, 448

Glare node, 450

Glass BSDF shader, 206

global illumination (GI), 292293

Global orientation, 6970

glossiness, 219

Glossy BSDF shader, 206, 237

glow effects, 432

Gooseberry project, 14

Grab brush, 149

grabbing objects

hotkeys for, 75, 7678

mouse cursor location and, 472

overview, 6768

Gradient procedural texture, 230

Graph Editor

animation channels, 315

basic animation process, 302

defined, 30

Extrapolation mode, 317318

hotkeys and mouse actions, 321

Interpolation mode, 316317

keys, 303

navigating in, 305306

scrubbing, 303

timeline cursor, 303

Grease Pencil feature, 472473

greenscreen, 451

group instances, 94

grouping objects

adding objects to groups, 105

creating groups, 104

naming groups, 105

nodes, 444445, 452

removing objects from groups, 104105

selecting with groups, 106107

• H •

Hair BSDF shader, 207

Hair particle system

child particles, 385

Emitter system versus, 385

general discussion, 379

rendering, 386389


defined, 22

hiding, 22

moving, 22

obscured or hidden menus and buttons, 3536

resizing, 22

Hemi lamp

as back light, 283

as fill light, 283

types of, 266

Holdout shader, 208

Hook modifier, 128, 341


creating, 340342

defined, 340

selecting, 106

usefulness of, 342


cancelling operations, 76

coordinate systems and, 7678

grabbing objects, 75

overview, 75

rotating objects, 76

scaling objects, 76

snapping objects, 76

tweak mode, 7778

HSV (hue, saturation, value) color picker, 47

• I •

ID Mask node, 448449

Illustrator, 164

Image node, 446

inbetweeners, 306

Increment snap target, 7273

Inflate/Deflate brush, 150

Info editor, 29, 34

Inkscape, 164, 251

Input nodes

Bokeh Image, 446

Image, 446

Mask, 446

Movie Clip, 446

overview, 445

Render Layer, 446

RGB, 446

Texture, 446

Time, 446447

Track Position, 447

Value, 446

interpolation, 302, 316317

intraframes (fractional frames), 375

islands, 256

• K •

Keyed physics simulation model, 380381

keying sets

creating, 312315

defined, 30, 310

selecting, 107

using, 310311

keys (keyframes)

Autokey feature, 308

column key selection, 360361

defined, 303

Delta keys, 307

inserting, 306310

manipulating in Dope Sheet editor, 361

selecting in Dope Sheet editor, 360361

snapping, 361362

Knife tool, 119121

knots, 171

Krita, 247248, 250

• L •

Lambert shader, 213214

lamp objects

Area lamp, 266, 269270, 276277, 283285

defined, 93

Hemi lamp, 266, 283

Point lamp, 265266, 270271

selecting, 107

Spot lamp, 266, 273276, 282285

Sun lamp, 265266, 272273, 283, 285286

Laplacian Deform modifier, 128

Laplacian Smooth modifier, 128, 129

Lasso Select tool, 8485

Last Operator panel, Tool Shelf, 64

Lattice modifier, 128

lattices, 93, 128

Layer brush, 150


adjustment, 433

armatures, 349

compositing, 434435, 436

enabling/disabling, 79

lighting, 280282

moving objects among, 79

overview, 79

using effectively, 470

vertex colors, 199200

visibility of, 79

Lens Distortion node, 452


Area lamp, 266, 269270, 276277

bounces, 269

color, 267, 270

diffuse, 281

distance, 269270, 273

general discussion, 261262

Hemi lamp, 266

layers, 280282

mesh lights, 277280

multiple importance sampling, 269, 271

negative, 280

outdoor, 265266, 272273, 285286

Point lamp, 265266

sampling, 269271, 275277

selecting, 264266

shadows, 269270, 274275, 282

size, 268, 273, 276

specular, 281

Spot lamp, 266, 273276, 283285

strength/energy, 267

Sun lamp, 265266, 272273

textures and caustic effects, 268

three-point, 262264, 282283

throw, 263

universal, 266271

volumetric, 273274

volumetric shadow, 276

white void, 261

Limit Distance constraint, 331

Limit Location constraint, 330

Limit Rotation constraint, 330

Limit Scale constraint, 330

Limits f-curve modifier, 322

Local orientation, 6970

Local View, 56

Locked Track constraint, 333

Logic Editor, 31

loop cuts, 119

looped animation, 374376


creating, 119

edge, 116117, 154

face, 117118

• M •

Magic procedural texture, 227, 230

Make Links menu, 99101

Make Single User menu, 101

Mango project, 14

Map UV node, 451

Marble procedural texture, 227

Mask brush, 150

Mask modifier, 126

Mask node, 446

matcaps (material captures), 146147

material indexes (material slots), 194196

Material properties, 33

Material viewport shading type, 58



absolute white, 192

assigning multiple materials to different parts of a mesh, 194196

color picker, 192193

diffuse colors, 192, 209, 213214

sampling, 194

specular colors, 209, 214216

vertex colors, 196202

defined, 189

hair particles, 210

linking, 212213

node, 202203

previewing, 209

properties of, 209211

reflection, 209210, 216219

render engines, 190191

shaders, 204208, 209, 213216

shadows, 210, 219220

subsurface scattering, 209

transparency, 209, 217219

Matte nodes, 451

menus. See also pie menus

facilitating workflow, 28, 92

user preferences for, 38

Mesh Cache modifier, 125

Mesh Deform modifier, 129


components of, 113

cuts, 119120

defined, 93

edge rings, 118119

general discussion, 113

loops, 116119

modeling methods, 114


accessing, 122

Deform category, 127129

disabling, 124

Generate category, 125127, 130142

hiding controls of, 123124

Modify category, 125

overview, 121122

removing, 123

settings for, 124

Simulate category, 129

stacking order of, 122123


brush controls, 151152

brush types, 148151

creating custom brushes, 152153

dynamic topology, 142146

editing, 142

overview, 140

subdividing, 141142

using textures to influence brush behavior, 154155

workflow, 142

metaball objects

defined, 93, 174

hiding, 176

influence values, 176177

moving combined, 176177

resolution values, 177

stiffness of, 176

switching between, 176

types of, 175176

update and display values, 177178

usefulness of, 178

Minnaert shader, 214

Mirror modifier, 126, 130132

Mix node, 448

Mix Shader, 206, 279

modal tools, 119120


accessing, 122

defined, 32

Deform category

Armature, 128, 353, 358, 465

Cast, 128

Curve, 128, 139

Displace, 128, 235

Hook, 128, 341

Laplacian Deform, 128

Laplacian Smooth, 128129

Lattice, 128

Mesh Deform, 129

overview, 127128

Shrinkwrap, 129, 155

Simple Deform, 129

Smooth, 129

Warp, 129

Wave, 129

disabling, 124

f-curve, 321323

Generate category

Array, 125, 136140

Bevel, 123, 126

Boolean, 96, 126

Build, 126

Decimate, 126

Edge Split, 126

Mask, 126

Mirror, 126, 130132

Multiresolution, 126, 140142

Remesh, 126, 128

Screw, 127

Skin, 127

Solidify, 127

Subdivision Surface, 124, 127, 132136, 140142, 458

Triangulate, 127

Wireframe, 127

hiding controls of, 123124

Modify category

Mesh Cache, 125

UV Project, 125, 239241

UV Warp, 125

Vertex Weight Edit, 125

Vertex Weight Mix, 125

Vertex Weight Proximity, 125

overview, 121122

removing, 123

settings for, 124

Simulate category, 129

stacking order of, 122123

Modifiers properties, 32

motion paths, 369370

motion tracking, 30, 453454


3D View, 5152

compositing, 442

cursor location when grabbing objects and, 472

editing, 429

Graph Editor, 321

user preferences for, 3940, 52

Video Sequence Editor, 429

Movie Clip Editor, 30, 428, 454

Movie Clip node, 446

multiresolution meshes

brush controls, 151152

brush types, 148151

creating custom brushes, 152153

dynamic topology, 142146

editing, 142

overview, 140

subdividing, 141142

using textures to influence brush behavior, 154155

workflow, 142

Multiresolution modifier, 126, 140142

Musgrave procedural texture, 227, 230

• N •


bones, 344345

groups, 105

importance of, 469

screens, 34

NaN (Not a Number), 11

NeoGeo, 11

Newtonian physics simulation model, 380381

ngons, 83, 87

NLA. See nonlinear animation

NLA (nonlinear animation) Editor, 30, 372373

NLEs (nonlinear editors), 423. See also Video Sequence Editor

Node Compositor, 14, 433434, 443444. See also compositing

Node Editor

defined, 30

mesh lights, 278280

node materials, 202208

sky textures, 289


adjusting layout to work with, 203

Color, 447448

Converter, 448449

Distort, 451452

Filter, 449450

general discussion, 202203

grouping, 444445, 452

identifying, 440

Input, 445447

Matte, 451

Output, 447

parts of, 442443

selecting, 443

socket colors, 443

Vector, 450

Noise f-curve modifier, 322

Noise procedural texture, 227, 229

nonlinear animation (NLA)


creating, 371

defined, 371

mixing to create complex animation, 373374

defined, 371

fake users, 372

looped animation, 374376

NLA Editor, 372373

nonlinear animation (NLA) Editor, 30, 372373

nonlinear editors (NLEs), 423. See also Video Sequence Editor

Normal orientation, 6970

Not a Number (NaN), 11

Nudge brush, 150

numeric keypad

3D View navigation using, 5356

user preferences for, 40

NURBS circles, 161162

NURBS curves

editing using control points, 170171

knots, 171172

lofting, 172173

order, 171172

overview, 160161

NURBS surface curves, 161162

• O •

Object Constraints, 32

Object Data properties, 32

Object mode

adding objects to scenes, 94

Edit mode versus, 82

joining objects, 96

linking objects, 9697

proportional editing, 87

selecting objects in, 87

Object Offset option, Array modifier, 138

Object properties, 32

objects (primitives). See also animation

adding to scenes, 92, 94

categories of, 9394

duplicating, 9697


adding objects to, 105

creating, 104

naming, 105

removing objects from, 104105

selecting with, 106107

joining, 9596


converting regular duplicates to linked duplicates, 99

giving datablocks a single user, 101102

Linking data between objects, 9799

Make Links menu items, 100

Make Single User menu items, 101

verifying linked status, 9798

parent-child relationships

clearing, 103104

establishing, 102103

remembering correct selection order, 103

selecting with, 106107

placing origin of, 95

separating, 95

Ocean procedural texture, 227

Official add-on support level, 42


Array modifier and, 137138

text objects, 182183

texture mapping, 234

onionskinning, 369

online resources

author's website, 4, 43, 91, 476

Blender, 2, 10, 475

Blender Add-ons Catalog, 42

Blender manual, 36, 475

Blenderart Magazine, 478

BlenderArtists, 476

BlenderCookie, 477

BlenderNation, 476

Blendswap, 477, 478

Cheat Sheet (companion to book), 4

custom theme, 3

Elephants Dream, 13

Extras (companion to book), 4

IRC channels on, 478479

open-source graphics programs, 251

StackExchange, 477

Track, Match, Blend tutorial series, 454

tutorials, 377

OpenEXR file format, 452453

OpenGL rendering engine, 190

Orange project, 1213


with mouse, 5152

with numeric keypad, 5556

Oren-Nayar shader, 214

origin, 95, 132

orthographic view, 52

Outliner editor

defined, 29

finding and selecting camera object, 414

giving datablocks a single user, 102

parent-child relationships, 104

Output nodes, 447

overlapping action, 365

• P •


organizational structure, 18

resizing, 19

panning, with mouse, 5152

parent-child relationships

armatures, 346348

clearing, 103104

establishing, 102103

remembering correct selection order, 103

selecting with, 106107

particle systems

collision objects, 383384

creating, 381382

defined, 33

force fields, 383384

physics simulation models, 380381

properties of, 378380

types of, 379380

usefulness of, 379

Particles properties, 33

Pass Index values, 106

Path curves, 173

Peach project, 13

perspective view, 52

PET (Proportional Edit tool), 91

phonemes, 340

Phong shader, 215

Photoshop, 247248, 250, 417, 429, 434, 448

Physics properties, 33

physics simulation models, 380381

pie menus

advantages of, 2223

closing without selecting, 24

enabling, 24

limitations of, 23

selecting items from, 2425

user preferences for, 38

Pinch/Magnify brush, 150

Plane metaball object, 175

Point Density procedural texture, 228

Point lamp

options for, 270271

types of, 265266

point-for-point modeling, 114115

poles, 116, 154

pose-to-pose action, 365

post-production, 423. See also compositing; editing

Premiere, 423

primitives. See animation; objects

processing streams (threads), 398

properties, selecting objects by, 106

Properties editor

accessing subsections, 31

Bone Constraints properties, 33

Bone properties, 32

defined, 29

Material properties, 33

Modifiers properties, 32

Object Constraints, 32

Object Data properties, 32

Object properties, 32

Particles properties, 33

Physics properties, 33

Render Layers properties, 32

Render properties, 31

Scene properties, 32

switching between horizontal and vertical orientation, 35

Texture properties, 33

World properties, 32

Properties/Information region

3D View, 63

making transformations using, 7980

Proportional Edit tool (PET), 91

Python Console editor, 31

Python f-curve modifier, 322

• Q •

QMC (Quasi-Monte Carlo) sampling, 271, 295

Quad View, 62, 468


defined, 83

usefulness of, 154

quaternions, 366367

quit.blend file, 44

• R •

ramps, 229

ray tracing, 216219, 295, 413, 471

Refraction BSDF shader, 206


of 3D View, 47, 6264

making semi-transparent, 47

organizational structure, 1718

Relative Offset option, Array modifier, 138

relative path, 45

Remesh modifier, 126, 128

Render Layer node, 446

Render Layers properties, 32

Render properties, 31

render slots (render buffers), 415416

Rendered viewport shading type, 57

rendering scenes

animations, 418420

audio, 419

defined, 414

low-resolution test renders, 470472

still images

formats for, 416417

saving images, 418

sequences of, 420421

setting dimensions, 417418

viewing rendered images, 414416

retopology (retopo)

basic process for, 155156

overview, 114, 154

RGB Curves node, 447

RGB node, 446



adding bones, 344

adding to scenes, 343

control bones, 350

defined, 343

deformer bones, 349350

display options, 350352

duplicating bones, 344

extruding bones, 344

layers, 349

naming bones, 344345

parent-child relationships, 346348

properties of, 348352

skeleton sketching feature, 344

skinning, 352358

subdividing bones, 344

symmetric rigs, 345346

defined, 335

hooks, 340342

shape keys, 336340

troubleshooting deformations in, 464465

rigid body dynamics, 392393

roll angle, 348

Roosendaal, Ton, 11, 13

Rotate manipulator mode, 7172, 74

rotating objects

hotkeys for, 7678

mouse cursor location and, 472

transformations, 6768

• S •

Scale manipulator mode, 72, 74

scaling objects

hotkeys for, 7678

mouse cursor location and, 472

text objects, 182

transformations, 6768

Scene properties, 32

Scrape/Peaks brush, 150

screen layout presets

creating screens, 3435

cycling through, 34

deleting screens, 35

making screens available at startup, 35

obscured or hidden menus and buttons, 3536

ordering screens, 34

renaming screens, 34

returning to default, 35

Screens menu, 34

Screw modifier, 127

Sculpt mode

brush controls, 151152

brush types, 148151

creating custom brushes, 152153

dynamic topology, 142146

editing, 142

overview, 140

subdividing, 141142

using textures to influence brush behavior, 154155

workflow, 142

SculptDraw brush, 150

search feature, 65, 467

secondary action, 365

self collisions, 393


Add Shader, 206, 407

adding, 205

Ambient Occlusion, 208

Anisotropic BSDF, 207

Blinn, 215

BSDF, 204

CookTorr, 215

Diffuse BSDF, 204, 206, 237, 254

Emission, 207208, 278

Fresnel, 214215

Glass BSDF, 206

Glossy BSDF, 206, 237

Hair BSDF, 207

Holdout, 208

Lambert, 213214

Minnaert, 214215

Mix Shader, 206, 279

Oren-Nayar, 214

Phong, 215

Refraction BSDF, 206

Subsurface Scattering, 207

Toon, 214215

Toon BSDF, 207

Translucent BSDF, 207

Transparent BSDF, 206, 279

Velvet BSDF, 207

Volume Absorption, 208, 406407

Volume Scatter, 208, 406407

WardIso, 215

shape keys

creating, 336

creating shapes, 336338

minimum and maximum values, 338

mixing, 339340

usefulness of, 340

Shrinkwrap modifier, 129, 155

Simple Deform modifier, 129

Simple subdivision, 134

Sintel (film), 14

skeletons. See armatures

Skin modifier, 127


assigning weights to vertices, 354355

defined, 352

with envelopes, 352354

painting weight assignments to vertex groups, 356358

Sky procedural texture, 229, 292

smoke simulation

basic process for, 401403

general discussion, 400

rendering, 403407

Smooth brush, 150

Smooth modifier, 129

Snake Hook brush, 151

Snap Element menu, 7273

soft body dynamics, 389391

solid drawing, 365

Solid viewport shading type, 58

Solidify modifier, 127

speaker objects, 93

specular colors, 209, 214216

speed effects, 432

“splash image”, 1516

Spot lamp

as back light, 283

creating false Area lamp with, 283285

as key light, 282283

options for, 273276

types of, 266

squash and stretch, 364

staging, 364

startup.blend file, 35

Stepped Interpolation f-curve modifier, 322

stop-motion animation, 343

story-based timing, 365

storyboards, 306

straight-ahead action, 365

strands, 437

Stretch To constraint, 333

Stucci procedural texture, 228

Subdivision Surface modifier, 124, 127, 132136, 140142, 458

Subsurface Scattering shader, 207

Sun lamp

as fill light, 283

options for, 272273

outdoor lighting, 285286

types of, 265266


advantages of, 158, 174

defined, 93, 159

general discussion, 157

limitations of, 158, 174

unwrapping (flattening), 159

Suzanne (monkey head object), 9495

• T •

tabbing, 83

Tears of Steel (film), 14

temporary files, file path for, 44

tessellation, 113

Testing add-on support level, 42

Text Editor, 30

text objects

adding, 178

aligning, 180

bold, 182, 184

converting to curves or meshes, 187188

defined, 93

flowing along curves, 182, 186187

fonts, 182184

general discussion, 178

highlighting, 178

italics, 182, 184

offsetting, 182183

scaling, 182

spacing, 182183

special characters, 185

text boxes, 180182

underlining, 182

using other objects as characters, 185186

Texture node, 446

Texture properties, 33

Textured viewport shading type, 58


adding, 222224, 257259

defined, 221

mapping, 230241

painting on meshes, 247251

procedural, 225230

properties of, 222224

render baking, 251257

unwrapping (flattening) meshes, 241247

threads (processing streams), 398

3D cursor, 5961, 95

3D manipulator, 38, 7175

3D View editor

defined, 29

loading reference images as background, 115

navigating in, 5156

Quad View, 62

regions of, 47, 6264

selecting objects in, 59

spot-checks from different angles, 468

standard lighting, 47

user preferences for, 29, 3738

viewport shading, 5758

three-point lighting

back light, 263264, 283

fill light, 263264, 283

key light, 263, 282283

overview, 262

Thumb brush, 151

Time node, 446447

Timeline editor

in Animation screen layout, 304

defined, 29

negatively-numbered frames, 39

timing, 365

Tool Shelf, 6364

toolbox menu, 92

tooltips, 467

Toon BSDF shader, 207

Toon shader, 214215

topology, 114, 154

Track Position node, 447

Track To constraint, 332

Trackball orbit style, 41

Transform Orientation menu, 6869


3D manipulator, 7175

coordinate systems, 6870

grabbing, 6768

hotkeys, 7578

numerical input, 7879

Properties/Information region, 7980

rotating, 6768

scaling, 6768

Translate manipulator mode, 72, 74

Translucent BSDF shader, 207


3D View editor regions, 47

alpha channel, 217218, 417, 430432

editing, 429

materials, 209, 217219

Z-transparency, 217218, 437

Transparent BSDF shader, 206, 279

Triangulate modifier, 127

tris, 83


black stripe, 458

deformations in animation rigs, 464465

disappearing background image, 461

Edge Loop Select not working, 460461

glitchy interface, 457458

limited zooming, 461462

lost simulation data, 462

missing objects, 459460

no GPU computing for Cycles, 463464

unrendered objects, 463

Turntable orbit style, 41

tweening, 307

Twist brush, 151

• U •

Undo feature, 11, 3839

User Preferences editor

accessing, 37

Add-ons options, 4142

defined, 29

Editing options, 3839

File options, 4345

general discussion, 36

Input options, 3941, 52

Interface options, 3738

modifying events, 4950

System options, 4647

Themes options, 43

UV coordinates

Mirror modifier and, 132

Subdivision Surface modifier and, 135

texture mapping, 231, 239241

unwrapping (flattening) meshes, 245247

UV Project modifier, 125, 239241

UV Warp modifier, 125

UV/Image Editor, 30, 244246, 249251, 254255, 414416, 418, 428

• V •

Value node, 446

Vazquez, Pablo, 43

Vector Blur node, 450

Vector nodes, 450

Velvet BSDF shader, 207

vertex buffer objects (VBOs), 47

vertex colors

base color, 199

brush radius, 199

defining palette, 200

layers of, 199200

overview, 196197

painting masks, 200201

rendering, 201202

settings for, 197198

viewing wireframe, 198

vertex groups

assigning weights to, 354355

constraints and, 327

creating, 131

overview, 131132

painting weight assignments to, 356358

Vertex snap target, 7273

Vertex Weight Edit modifier, 125

Vertex Weight Mix modifier, 125

Vertex Weight Proximity modifier, 125


defined, 83

pushing, 114

Video Sequence Editor (VSE)

audio, 428429

blend modes, 429, 431

customizing layout for, 424425

defined, 30

editing strips, 429

effects, 430433

frame rate, 424

hotkeys, 430

importing strips, 427428

mouse actions, 429

properties management for, 424426

rendering edited scenes, 433

resolution, 424

transparency, 429

View menu, 5253

View orientation, 70

Viewer node, 447

viewport shading

Bounding Box shading type, 58

Material shading type, 58

Rendered shading type, 57

Solid shading type, 58

Textured shading type, 58

Wireframe shading type, 58

Volume Absorption shader, 208, 406407

Volume Scatter shader, 208, 406407

Volume snap target, 7273

volumetric effects

light, 273274

shadow, 276

smoke simulation, 403404

Voronoi procedural texture, 228, 230

Voxel Data procedural texture, 228

voxels (volumetric pixels), 228

VSE. See Video Sequence Editor

• W •

WardIso (Ward Isotropic) shader, 215

Warp modifier, 129

Wave modifier, 129

Wave procedural texture, 229

white void, 261


draw method preferences, 47

organizational structure, 1718

wipes, 432

Wireframe modifier, 127

Wireframe viewport shading type, 58

Wood procedural texture, 228229

World properties

ambient occlusion, 292295

background color, 287

horizon, 288

mist, 296297

overview, 32, 286287

sky textures, 289292

zenith color, 288

• Y •

Yo Frankie! (game), 13

• Z •

Z Combine node, 448

Z-depth, 435, 438


inverting direction of, 41

with mouse, 5152

with numeric keypad, 5456

troubleshooting, 461462

Z-transparency, 217218, 437

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