
NOTE: Page numbers containing an “n” indicate endnotes.


ABA (American Bar Association), reaction to constituency statutes, 138–139

ABA (American Bar Association) Corporate Laws Committee, 100

accountability, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 96. See also MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), accountability.

agency problem, 23, 225n Allen, William T., 23

Alliant International University, 67

altruistic concessionary investing, 46

amending articles of incorporation, 176

amendments, Delaware General Corporation Law, 195–196

Apollo Global Management, 67

appraisal rights corporate response to, 209

corporation’s obligations, 207–208

Delaware General Corporation Law, 195–196

Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 105–108

demanding appraisals, 208

filing a petition, 208

maintaining ownership, 208

perfecting, 208

shareholder voting, 208

when forming a new PBC, 203

articles of incorporation, amending, 176


B Lab

description, 2–3

drafting the MBCL, 65

legal counsel, 66–67

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), 2–3

balancing obligation, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 87–91

Bartlett, Robert, 131–132

Barzuza, Michal, 145

Barzuza study of constituency statutes, 145

benefit corporation status, election/termination of, 172–173

benefit corporations. See also PBCs (public benefit corporations).

accountability. See MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

alternative entities. See LLCs (limited liability companies); social purpose corporations.

birth of, 65–68

definition, 165, 169

Delaware entities. See PBCs (public benefit corporations).

laws vs. constituency statutes, 141–142

number of in the U.S., 9–10

opt-in statute, 3

publicly traded master limited partnerships, 221n

rules and principles, 1–2

selling, 123–127, 253n

vs. conventional corporations, 22

benefit corporations, extraordinary situations application of entire fairness, 121–122

change-in-control, 122–130

conflict transactions, 120–122

decisions affecting different classes differently, 131–132

defensive situations, 122–130

definition of “interest,” 120–121

enhanced scrutiny, 122–123

franchise rights, 130–131

proxy contests, 130–131

Revlon standard, 123–127

selling a benefit corporation, 123–127, 253n

benefit corporations, normal operations board composition, 118

business judgment rule, 109–113, 250n4

Delaware model, 111–112

establishing committees, 116

long-term view, 113–114, 250n13

management role, 116

MBCL model, 112–113

nonperiodic activity, 116–117

ordinary decisions, 111–113, 115–118, 250n5

periodic activity, 116–117

process issues, 117–118

rationalizing capital structure, 250n13

returning cash to shareholders, 250n13

taking on debt, 250n13

transparency, 115

benefit director, definition, 166

benefit enforcement proceedings definition, 166, 169–170

under the MBCL, 75–76, 80

Benefit LLCs, 155. See also LLCs (limited liability companies).

benefit officer, definition, 166

Berle, Adolph A., 22, 25

Bertelsmann, 67

Bhopal tragedy, 47

Blair, Margaret, 24

Blasius Indus., Inc. v. Atlas Corp, 41–42

Blasius test, and constituency statutes, 145

board of directors. See directors and officers.

books and publications

Corporate Law and Economic Stagnation, 29

Firm Commitment, 4, 49–51

The Shareholder Value Myth, 4, 49–51

“The Social Responsibility of Business to Increase Its Profits,” 29

BP oil spill, 47

business judgment rule

argument against shareholder primacy model, 58

description, 36–39

MBCL remedies, 76–78

under normal operations, 109–113, 250n4

business judgments

directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 184

MBCL, accountability, 179


apitalism, responsible investing, 53–54

cash-out merger, 104

certificates of incorporation, Delaware General Corporation Law, 193–194

change-in-control, benefit corporations defensive situations, 127–130

enhanced business judgment rule, 40

enhanced security, 122–123

Revlon standard, 123–127

changing corporate purpose, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 102–103, 247n60

charitable giving, legal citations, 31

citizen shareholders, in the investment chain, 13, 16

Clark, William, 66

coercive responses to hostile takeovers, 41


to stakeholders, responsible investing, 48–51

value of, 48–51

committees, establishing, 116

commons, preserving through responsible investing, 51–55

concessionary vs. non-concessionary investors, 45–46, 67–68

conflict transactions, 120–122

conflicts of interest among

directors and officers, 21

standards of review, 39

Connecticut, constituency statutes, 137

consideration of interests, MBCL accountability, 177–178

constituencies in conventional corporations, 30–31

constituency statutes ABA reaction to, 138–139

adopting, 135–136, 255n

Barzuza study, 145

and the Blasius test, 145

Connecticut, 137

critique of, 140–141

definition, 135

Delaware, 138–139

economic impact, 147, 259n

enhanced scrutiny, 145

expanded interests for directors, 143–144

Geczy study, 142–147

Idaho, 137

legal citations, 144

litigation over, 142–146

MBCA (Model Business Corporation Act), 138

operation of, 136–138

opt-in, opt-out provisions, 138

reactions to, 138–142

shareholder primacy model, 28–29, 64–65

standing for non-stockholders, 146, 258n

voting rights, 144–145

vs. benefit corporation laws, 141–142

conventional corporations adopting

shareholder values, 149–152

corporate purpose. See shareholder primacy model; stakeholder model.

history of, 11–12

hostile takeovers, 29–31

importance of, 10–11

important elements of, 10

models of. See shareholder primacy model;

stakeholder model.

multiple constituencies, 30–31

rights of constituencies, 30–31

role of, 9–11

as sociopathic institutions, 4

status of stakeholders, 29–31

vs. benefit corporations, 22

conventional corporations, fiduciary duties basic rules of governance, 19–21

common shareholder primacy, 32–33

to creditors, 31–32

establishing directors and officers, 20

identifying stakeholders, 21–33

protecting idiosyncratic goals, 33–34

rights of shareholders, 20

coordination with other provisions of the law, MBCL accountability, 178–179

corporate law. See also Delaware General Corporation Law; Delaware public benefit corporation statute; governance; laws; legal citations; MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation); standards.

enforcing. See standards of review.

history of general incorporation statutes, 12

judicial review. See standards of review.

Corporate Law and Economic Stagnation, 29

corporate purpose, provisions of the MBCL, 71–75

corporate purposes. See MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), corporate purposes.

corporations. See benefit corporations; conventional corporations; LLCs (limited liability companies); PBCs (public benefit corporations); publicly traded corporations.

Craigslist, 27–28

Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland, N.V. v. Pathe

Commc’ns Corp., 132

creditors, fiduciary duties of conventional corporations, 31–32


debt, taking on to return cash to shareholders, 250n13

defending against hostile takeovers, 40–41

defending against unwanted acquisition, enhanced business judgment rule, 40–41

defensive situations, 122–130

Delaware. See also MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

center of corporate law, 1

constituency statutes, 138–139

Delaware General Corporation Law. See also Delaware public benefit corporation statute.

amendments, 195–196

appraisal rights, 195–196

certificates of incorporation, 193–194

derivative suits, 198, 247n

duties of directors, 197

governing publicly traded corporations, 20

mergers, 195–196

notice of uncertified stock, 197

periodic statements, 198

public benefit corporation, definition, 193–194

scope of application, 193

stock certificates, 197

Subchapter XV, 193–199

third-party certification, 198

vote requirements, 195–196

Delaware model, normal operations, 111–112

Delaware public benefit corporation statute. See also Delaware General Corporation Law; MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

accountability, 96

appraisal rights, 105–108

balancing obligation, 87–91

changing corporate purpose, 102–103

company naming, 108, 203

conventional corporations adopting shareholder values, 149–152

description, 86–87

determining fair value of shares, 105–108

double derivative suits, 98, 247n

duties of directors, 92–99

effects on other corporations, 244n

interest balancing, 92–93

limits of personal liability, 96–98

managing toward the triple bottom line, 245n

materiality test, 89–90

mergers and acquisitions, 103–105

opting in or out of a public benefit corporation, 102–103

public benefit corporation reporting requirements, 99–100

public notice of PBC organization, 108

separate beneficiary of public benefit corporations, 94–96

shareholder derivative suits, 96, 98

specific public benefit, 90–91

statutory business judgment rule, 93–94, 246n

subsidiary public benefit corporations, 98

supermajority shareholder votes, 102–105, 247n60

sustainability reporting requirements, 100–102

transparency, 99–102

vs. MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), 88

vs. model benefit corporation legislation, 88

Delaware Supreme Court, rights of constituencies, 30–31

derivative suits

Delaware General Corporation Law, 198

double derivative suits, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 98, 247n

directors and officers

board composition, 118

conflicts of interest, 21

considering interests of non-shareholders. See constituency statutes.

Delaware General Corporation Law, 197

establishing, 20

expanded interests for directors, 143–144

fiduciary duties, 20

in the investment chain, roles of, 13

management roles, 116

objectives for, legal citations, 26–27

protecting idiosyncratic goals, 33–34

provisions of the MBCL, 68–69

directors and officers, duties of accountability, 96

under Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 92–99

double derivative suits, 98

duty of care, 20, 21–22

duty of loyalty, 20, 21–22

interest balancing, 92–93

limits of personal liability, 96–98

managing toward the triple bottom line, 245n

separate beneficiary of public benefit corporations, 94–96

shareholder derivative suits, 96, 98, 247n

statutory business judgment rule, 93–94, 246n

subsidiary public benefit corporations, 98

directors and officers, MBCL requirements annual compliance statement, 181

business judgments, 184

change of, reporting, 189

coordination with other provisions of the law, 183

election, 181

exoneration from personal liability, 182–183

general rule, 181, 183

limitation on standing, 184

of professional corporations, 182

qualifications, 181

removal, 181

standard of conduct for directors, 177–178

status of actions, 182

dissenters’ rights. See appraisal rights.

documentation, mergers and acquisitions, 126–127

Dodd, Merrick, 22

Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 22–23, 179–180

doing well by doing good, 47–48. See also responsible investing.

double derivative suits, 98, 247n

Drinkler Biddle & Reath LLP, 66–67

duties of directors and officers, 20, 21–22


eBay Domestic Holdings, Inc. v. Newmark, 27–29, 179–180

Eccles, Robert, 28–29

economic impact of constituency statutes, 147

election of directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 181

enhanced business judgment rule

changes in corporate control, 40

defending against unwanted acquisition, 40–41

definition, 39

Revlon standard, 40

Unocal standard, 40–41

enlightened self-interest, 46, 51–55. See also responsible investing.

enterprise model. See stakeholder model.

entire fairness standard, 39, 121–122

environmental and social concerns, provisions of the MBCL, 72–74

environmental investing. See responsible investing.

ex post vs. ex ante selves, 50–51

exclusivity, MBCL remedies, 76

exoneration from personal liability. See also LLCs (limited liability companies).

in a corporation charter, 206

Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 96–98

directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 182–183

MBCL, accountability, 179

externalities, 235n

ExxonMobil, on profits vs. serving political interests, 29


fiduciary claims, MBCL remedies, 76–78

fiduciary duties

of conventional corporations. See conventional corporations, fiduciary duties.

to creditors, legal citations, 31–32

Firm Commitment, 4, 49–51

five percent trigger on rights plans, 254n

401(k) plans, mutual funds, 13

franchise rights, 130–131

Friedman, Milton, 29


eczy, Christopher, 142–147

Geczy study of constituency statutes, 142–147

general public benefit, definition, 166, 170

general public benefit corporations, purpose of, 175

governance. See also laws; standards.

and investor styles, 46

shareholder primacy vs. stakeholder, 55

stakeholder provisions for PBCs, 217–219

summary by state, 156–157

governance, traditional corporations

adapting to benefit corporations. See benefit corporations, extraordinary situations; benefit corporations, normal operations.

basic rules of, 19–21

governance investing. See responsible investing.


Haskell Murray, 67

Hawley, James, 53

Hermes Investment Corporation, 5

hostile takeovers coercive responses to, 41

of conventional corporations, 29–31

defensive actions, 40–41

legal citations, 29–31

poison pills, 42

proxy contests, 42

human investors, in the investment chain, 15–17


Idaho, constituency statutes, 137

impact investing. See responsible investing.

In re I.E. Liquidation, Inc., 146

incorporation of benefit corporations, MBCL, 172

independent, definition, 166–167

integrated reporting. See responsible investing.

interest, definition, 120–121, 252n7

interest balancing, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 92–93

intermediate business judgment rule. See enhanced business judgment rule.

International Integrated Reporting Council, 48

investment chain. See also responsible investing; responsible investors.

absence of societal responsibilities, 15–17

citizen shareholders, 13, 16

diagram of, 14

directors and officers, roles of, 13

iatrogenic effects on, 16

ignoring the human investors, 15–17

maximizing profit, 15–17

mutual funds, 13

savings through stock ownership, 13

shares in corporations, 13

structure of, 12–15


Jensen, Michael, 25

judicial review of performance. See standards of review.


Kloha v. Duda, 144


ambrecht v. O’Neal, 99

Laureate Education, 47–48, 49, 67 laws. See also corporate law; Delaware General Corporation Law; Delaware public benefit corporation statute; governance; legal citations; MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation); standards.

enforcing. See standards of review.

history of general incorporation statutes, 12

LC Masterfund, 33

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 117

legal citations

Blasius Indus., Inc. v. Atlas Corp, 41–42

charitable giving, 31

Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland, N.V. v.

Pathe Commc’ns Corp., 132

defensive actions by corporations, 127–130

Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 22–23, 179–180

double derivative suits, 99, 247n

eBay Domestic Holdings, Inc. v. Newmark, 27–29, 179–180

fiduciary duties to creditors, 31–32

five percent trigger on rights plans, 254n

hostile takeovers, 29–31

Kloha v. Duda, 144

Lambrecht v. O’Neal, 99

LC Masterfund, 33

objectives for directors and officers, 26–27

Official Comm. of Unsecured Creditors of

PHD, Inc. v. Bank One, 146

profits of shareholders vs. needs of stakeholders, 28–29

In re I.E. Liquidation, Inc., 146

regarding constituency statutes, 144

Revlon v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc., 26–29, 31–32, 40

Safety-Kleen Corp. v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs.

Inc., 144

Schnell v. Chris Craft Industries, 41–42

shareholder entitlement to dividends, 22–23

shareholder primacy model, 28–29

shareholder voting rights, 41–42

shareholder wealth maximization, 27–29

Shepard v. Humke, 144

Theodora Holding Corp. v. Henderson, 31

Third Point, LLC v. Ruprecht, 128–130

Trados Inc. S’holder Litig., 33

Unocal v. Mesa Petroleum Corp, 29–31, 40–41

Versata Enters, Inc. v. Selectica, Inc., 254n

voting rights, 144–145

Warehime v. Warehime, 144–145

Yucaipa Am. All. Fund II, L.P. v. Riggio, 42

legislation. See Delaware public benefit corporation statute; legal citations; MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

liability, personal. See exoneration from personal liability; LLCs (limited liability companies).

Limited Liability Company Act. See LLC Act.

litigation over, constituency statutes, 142–146

LLC Act, 154–155

LLCs (limited liability companies), 155–156. See also Benefit LLCs; social purpose corporations.

birth of benefit corporations, 65–66, 239n

drawbacks to, 154

low-profit limited liability companies, 155

ordinary, 153–155

low-profit limited liability companies, 155

Lydenberg, Steve, 54


managing toward the triple bottom line, 245n

market crash of 2008, 53

Masouros, Pavlos E., 29

materiality test, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 89–90

maximizing profit, in the investment chain, 15–17

Mayer, Colin, 4, 49–51

MBCA (Model Business Corporation Act), 138

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation). See also Delaware public benefit corporation statute.

adoption by Maryland, 66

annual benefit report, 81–82, 188–190

application and effect of, 164–165

critical goals, 70–71

definition, 2–3

directors and officers, 82

election of benefit corporation status, 172–173

eliminating shareholder primacy, 70–71

first state to adopt, 66

function of, 63

incorporation of benefit corporations, 172

need for, 64–65

normal operations, 112–113

number of, 67

opting in and out, 83

optional nature of, 64–65

stakeholder interests, 70–71

termination of benefit corporation status, 174–175

transparency, 81–82, 188–190

vs. Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 88

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), accountability business judgments, 179

consideration of interests, 177–178

coordination with other provisions of the law, 178–179

exoneration from personal liability, 179

limitation on standing, 179

standard of conduct for directors, 177–178

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), benefit directors annual compliance statement, 181

change of, reporting, 189

election, 181

exoneration from personal liability, 182

general rule, 181

of professional corporations, 182

qualifications, 181

removal, 181

status of actions, 182

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), corporate purposes

amending articles of incorporation, 176

amendment, 176

effect of, 175

general public benefit, 175

optional specific public benefit, 175

professional corporations, 176–177

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), definitions benefit corporation, 165, 169

benefit director, 166

benefit enforcement proceeding, 166, 169–170

benefit officer, 166

general public benefit, 166, 170

independent, 166–167

minimum status vote, 167, 170–171

specific public benefit, 168, 171

subsidiary, 168

third-party standard, 168–169, 171

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), provisions of

corporate purpose, 71–75

duties of directors, 68–69

environmental and social concerns, 72–74

general public benefits, 71–72

goal-oriented corporate purpose, 72

specific public benefits, 74–75

substantive claims, 78–81

third-party standards, definition, 72

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), remedies benefit enforcement proceeding, 75–76, 80

for breaching stakeholder governance mandate, 75–76

business judgment rule, 76–78

exclusivity, 76

fiduciary claims, 76–78

setting third-party standards, 79

substantive claims, 78–81

systems of assessment, 79–80

types of claims, 75–76

using third-party standards, 78–79

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), right of action

benefit ownership, 186–187

general rule, 186

standing, 186

MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation), standard conduct for officers

business judgments, 184

coordination with other provisions of the law, 183

exoneration from personal liability, 183

general rule, 183

limitation on standing, 184

McDonnell, Brett, 86

mergers and acquisitions. See also selling a benefit corporation.

cash-out merger, 104

Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 103–105

under Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 103–105

documentation, 126–127

Revlon scrutiny, 253n

stock-for-stock merger, 104

minimum status vote, definition, 167, 170–171

models of benefit corporations. See Delaware public benefit corporation statute; MBCL

(Model Benefit Corporate Legislation); shareholder primacy model; stakeholder model.

monitoring systems, responsible investing, 54–55

Monks, Robert, 53

monocapitalism, responsible investing, 53–54

MPT (modern portfolio theory), 46, 54

multicapitalism, responsible investing, 53–54

mutual funds, in the investment chain, 13


naming a company, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 108, 203

nexus of contracts theory, 23

non-concessionary responsible companies, 47–51

non-concessionary vs. concessionary investors, 45–46

non-stockholders, standing for, 146

nonperiodic activity in benefit corporations, normal operations, 116–117

nonprimacy jurisdictions, argument against shareholder primacy model, 57–58

notice of uncertified stock, Delaware General Corporation Law, 197


officers. See directors and officers.

Official Comm. of Unsecured Creditors of PHD, Inc. v. Bank One, 146

opt-in opt-out provisions, constituency statutes, 138

opting in or out of a public benefit corporation, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 102–103

optional specific public benefit corporations, purpose of, 175

ordinary decisions, 111–113, 250n5–250n6, 250n10

benefit corporations, normal operations, 115–118

ownership model. See shareholder primacy model.

ownership theory, 22–23


Patagonia, 67

PBCS (public benefit corporation statute). See Delaware public benefit corporation statute.

PBCs (public benefit corporations). See also benefit corporations.

charter provisions, 205–206

forming under Delaware statutes, 201–203, 211–215

laws governing. See Delaware public benefit corporation statute; MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

limits of liability, 206

purpose, 205–206

reporting requirements, 99–100

stakeholder governance provisions, 217–219

periodic activity in benefit corporations, normal operations, 116–117

personal liability. See exoneration from personal liability.

pharmaceutical industry, responsible investing, 54

philanthropy, as a force for good, 16

Plum Organics, 67

poison pills, 42

primacy model. See shareholder primacy model.

process issues in benefit corporations, normal operations, 117–118

professional corporation directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 182

professional corporations, purpose of, 176–177

proxy contests, 42, 130–131

public benefit corporations, definition, 193–194. See also PBCs (public benefit corporations).

public benefits of the MBCL general, 71–72

specific, 74–75

public notice of PBC organization, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 108

publicly held entities, shareholder primacy model, 56

publicly traded corporations, governing law, 20

publicly traded master limited partnerships, 221n

purposeful companies, 46


qualifications of directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 181


rationalizing capital structure, 250n13

removal of directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 181

reporting, sustainability. See responsible investing.

reporting metrics, responsible investing, 48

reporting requirements for public benefit corporations, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 99–100


annual compliance statement, 181

audit requirements, 189

of change of directors, 189

reports, annual benefit report audit requirements, 189

availability, 190–191

availability of copies, 190

change of benefit directory, 189

contents, 188–189

filing, 190–191

Internet website posting, 190

preparing, 188–190

timing of, 190

responsible investing

altruistic concessionary investing, 46

capitalism, 53–54

commitment to stakeholders, 48–51

creating value over the long term, 47–48

definition, 44

doing well by doing good, 47–48

enlightened self-interest, 46, 51–55

market crash of 2008, 53

monocapitalism, 53–54

MPT (modern portfolio theory), 46, 54

multicapitalism, 53–54

non-concessionary responsible companies, 47–51

pharmaceutical industry, 54

preserving the commons, 51–55

reporting metrics, 48

risk mitigation, 47

shareholder primacy, 55–60

value of commitment, 48–51

responsible investors

concessionary vs. non-concessionary, 45–46

ex post vs. ex ante selves, 50–51

investor styles and corporate governance, 46

monitoring systems, 54–55

purposeful companies, 46

universal ownership, 46, 51–55

returning cash to shareholders, 250n13

Revlon standard

mergers and acquisitions, 253n

sale of a benefit corporation, 123–127

Revlon v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc., 26–29, 31–32, 40

risk mitigation, responsible investing, 47


afety-Kleen Corp. v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs. Inc., 144

savings through stock ownership, in the investment chain, 13

Schnell v. Chris Craft Industries, 41–42

selling a benefit corporation, 123–127, 253n. See also mergers and acquisitions.

separate beneficiary of public benefit corporations, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 94–96

shareholder derivative suits, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 96, 98, 247n

shareholder primacy model agency problem, 23

constituency statutes, 28–29

definition, 21

description, 22–24

eliminating. See MBCL (Model Benefit Corporate Legislation).

enforcing. See standards of review.

legal citations, 28–29

nexus of contracts theory, 23

ownership theory, 22–23

profits of shareholders vs. needs of stakeholders, 29

publicly held entities, 56

shareholder primacy vs. stakeholder governance, 55

in the U.S., 26–29

wasting scarce resources, 22–24

shareholder primacy model, arguments against business judgment rule, 58

negative impacts on society and the environment, 59–60

no clear standards, 58–59

no legal definition of shareholder primacy, 56–57

nonprimacy jurisdictions, 57–58

The Shareholder Value Myth, 4, 49–51


general rights, 20

voting rights, 41–42

shareholders, legal citations entitlement to dividends, 22–23

wealth maximization, 27–29


determining fair value of, 105–108

in the investment chain, 13

Shepard v. Humke, 144

social investing. See responsible investing.

social purpose corporations, 103, 155–156, 248n66

“The Social Responsibility of Business to Increase Its Profits,” 29

societal responsibilities, in the investment chain, 15–17

Sparks, A. Gilchrist III, 30

specific public benefit

definition, 168, 171

Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 90–91

SRI (socially responsible investing). See responsible investing.

stakeholder governance

MBCL remedies for breaching, 75–76

provisions for PBCs, 217–219

summary by state, 156–157

stakeholder model

balancing stakeholder interests, 25–26

corporate obligation to the broad community, 24–26

critique of, 25–26

description, 22–26

social function of corporations, 24


identifying in conventional corporations, 21–33

status in conventional corporations, 29–31

standards of review

Blasius standard, 41–42

business judgment rule, 36–39

choosing a standard, 36

conflicts of interest, 39

entire fairness standard, 39

function of, 36

poison pills, 42

shareholder voting rights, 41–42

summary of, 37

standards of review, enhanced business judgment rule

changes in corporate control, 40

defending against unwanted acquisition, 40–41

definition, 39

Revlon standard, 40

Unocal standard, 40–41


MBCL, right of action, 186

for non-stockholders, 146, 258n

standing, limitation on

directors and officers, MBCL requirements, 184

MBCL, accountability, 179

statutes. See constituency statutes; governance; laws.

statutory business judgment rule, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 93–94, 246n

stock certificates, Delaware General Corporation Law, 197

stock-for-stock merger, 104


notice of uncertified, 197

savings through stock ownership, 13

stocks, publicly traded

citizen shareholders, 13, 16

saving for retirement, 13

U.S. value in 2017, 13

Stout, Lynn, 4, 24, 49–51

Strine, Leo E., 15–16, 138

subsidiary, definition, 168

subsidiary public benefit corporations, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 98

substantive claims, MBCL remedies, 78–81

supermajority shareholder votes, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 102–105

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, 48

sustainability reporting requirements, Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 100–102. See also responsible investing.

systems of assessment, MBCL remedies, 79–80


Thamotheram, Raj, 16

Theodora Holding Corp. v. Henderson, 31

third-party certification, Delaware General Corporation Law, 198

third-party standards

definition, 72, 168–169, 171, 241n

setting, 79

using, 78–79

Third Point, LLC v. Ruprecht, 128–130

Trados Inc. S’holder Litig., 33


benefit corporations, normal operations, 115

Delaware public benefit corporation statute, 99–102

Tucker, Anne, 16


universal ownership, responsible investors, 46, 51–55

Unocal v. Mesa Petroleum Corp, 29–31, 40–41, 127–130


value, creating over the long term, 47–48. See also responsible investing.

vote requirements, Delaware General Corporation Law, 195–196

voting rights

appraisal demands, 208

constituency statutes, 144–145

legal citations, 144–145

minimum status vote, 167, 170–171

standards of review, 41–42

supermajority shareholder votes, 247n60


Ward, Aidan, 16

Warehime v. Warehime, 144–145

wasting scarce resources, 22–24

Williams, Andrew, 53

Wood, David, 53


Yosifon, David, 36–37

Yucaipa Am. All. Fund II, L.P. v. Riggio, 42

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