

^, boolean logical exclusive OR 507, 509

truth table 509

, (comma) formatting flag 499

--, predecrement/postdecrement 491

-, subtraction 439, 440

!, logical NOT 507, 510

truth table 510

!=, not equals 442

?:, ternary conditional operator 477

. dot separator 454

{, left brace 429

}, right brace 429

@Override annotation 630

* wildcard in a file name 455

*, multiplication 439, 440

*=, multiplication assignment operator 492

/, division 439, 440

/* */ traditional comment 429

//, end-of-line comment 429

/=, division assignment operator 492

, backslash escape sequence 433

", double-quote escape sequence 433

, newline escape sequence 433

, carriage-return escape sequence 433

, horizontal tab escape sequence 433

&, boolean logical AND 507, 509

&&, conditional AND 507, 508

truth table 508

%, remainder 439, 440

%=, remainder assignment operator 492

%d format specifier 437

%f format specifier 449, 467

%s format specifier 434

(minus sign) formatting flag 498

+, addition 439, 440

++, preincrement/postincrement 491

+=, addition assignment operator 491

<, less than 443

<=, less than or equal 443

<activity> element launchMode 168

=, assignment operator 437

-=, subtraction assignment operator 492

== to determine whether two references refer to the same object 647

==, is equal to 442

>, greater than 443

>=, greater than or equal to 443

|, boolean logical inclusive OR 507, 509

||, conditional OR 507, 508

truth table 509


0 flag 555

0 format flag 596

100 Destinations 5


abbreviating assignment expressions 491

abs method of Math 521

absolute path 745, 746

absolute value 521

abstract class 653, 654, 672

abstract data type (ADT) 595

abstract keyword 653

abstract method 653, 654, 657, 716

abstract superclass 653

Abstract Window Toolkit Event package 528

AbstractButton class 718, 721

addActionListener method 721

setRolloverIcon method 721

accelerometer 17

listening 198

accelerometer sensor 182, 200

access Android services 147

access modifier 453, 459

private 459, 598

protected 598, 625

public 453, 598

accessibility 32, 38, 40, 68

contentDescription property 69

Explore by Touch 9, 38, 40, 68

TalkBack 38, 40, 68

TalkBack localization 73

Accessibility APIs 9

accessing Android content providers 15

acquire the lock 753

action 476, 479

action bar 80

action element of the manifest file 106

action to execute 474

ACTION_SEND constant of class Intent 329

ACTION_VIEW constant of classIntent 327

ActionEvent class 713, 714, 718

getActionCommand method 714, 721

ActionListener interface 713, 717

actionPerformed method 713, 716

actionPerformed method of interface ActionListener 713, 716

activation record 526


states 80

activity 79

Activity class 79, 80, 96, 97

findFragmentById method 119, 148

getFragmentManager method 119, 164

getMenuInflater method 149

getResources method 148, 149

getString method with mulitple arguments 329

getSystemService method 198

host a Fragment 119

lifecycle methods 181, 231

onCreate method 80, 98, 181

onCreateOptionsMenu method 118, 149

onDestroy method 181, 231

onOptionsItemSelected method 118, 150

onPause method 181

onResume method 181

onStart method 148, 181

onStop method 181

runOnUiThread method 258

sent to background 237

setContentView method 99

setRequestedOrientation method 148

setVolumeControlStream method 232, 237

activity element in AndroidManifest.xml 104

Activity Not Responding (ANR) dialog 277, 349

Activity templates 45

activity_main.xml 51

ActivityNotFoundException class 124, 312

Adapter class 277

adapter class 725

AdapterView class 277

add method

ArrayList<T> 588

LinkedList<T> 736

List<T> 732, 734

add method of class FragmentTransaction 375

addActionListener method

of class AbstractButton 721

of class JTextField 713

addAll method

Collections 737

List 734

addCallback method of class SurfaceHolder 251

addFirst method of LinkedList 736

addItemDecoration method of class RecyclerView 323

addition 439, 440

addition compound assignment operator, += 491

addLast method of LinkedList 736

addPreferencesFromResource method of class PreferenceFragment 166

Address Book app xxvi

addToBackStack method of class FragmentTransaction 376

adjustViewBounds property of an ImageView 140

AdMob 413

advertising revenue 413

airplane mode 297

AlertDialog class 123, 182

AlertDialog.Builder class 123

setItems method 313, 329

algebraic notation 439

algorithm 474, 479

in Java Collections Framework 737

alpha (transparency) values 59

alpha animation for a View 133

alpha method of class Color 217

alternative-resource naming conventions 70

Amazon Mobile app 413

Analog Clock App exercise 268

analysis 20

Android 2.2 (Froyo) 7

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) 7

Android 3.x

Honeycomb 8

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) 8

Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)

permissions 175, 184, 189, 203

Android APIs 4

Android app marketplaces 419

Amazon Appstore 419

AndroidPIT 419

Appitalism 419

GetJar 419

Moborobo 419

Opera Mobile Store 419

SlideMe 419

Android Beam 9, 10

Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM) 7

Android Design Support Library xxix, 126, 127, 278, 279, 314

Android developer documentation xxxii

Android Developers Blog 409

Android device manufacturers xxv

Android Device Monitor 410

Android device type for a project 42

Android emulator xl, 16, 38

Android for Programmers website xxvi

Android How to Program, 2/e website xxvi

Android Jelly Bean 9

Android KitKat 10

Android Lint 62

Android Lollipop 11

Android Market

language 417

location 418

price 418

Android Marshmallow 12

Android Newsgroups Android Discuss 33

Android Programming Quiz App exercise 171

Android project

res folder 48, 56

values folder 57

Android SDK xxv, xxviii, xxxvii, xl, 2, 16, 35

versions and API levels 44

Android services access 147

Android Software Development Kit (SDK) xxxix

Android source code and documentation

FAQs 4

licenses 4

source code 3, 4

Android Studio xxxvii, xxxix, 2, 16, 38, 39

Component Tree window 77, 81

documentation 33

layout editor 38, 39, 40, 46, 48, 49, 51, 54, 62, 69

Screen Record tool 411

Android Support Library xxx, 80, 81, 119, 184, 185, 214

Android TV xxx

Android versions

Android 1.5 (Cupcake) 7

Android 1.6 (Donut) 7

Android 2.0–2.1 (Eclair) 7

Android 2.2 (Froyo) 7

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) 7

Android 3.0–3.2 7

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) 7

Android 4.1–4.3 7

Android 4.4 7

Android 5 7

Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) 7

Android Virtual Device (AVD) xl, 16

Setting hardware emulation options 30

Android Virtual Device Manager 24

Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) xl, 24

Android Wear xxx

android XML namespace 187

android:allowBackup attribute of the manifest application element 104

android:background attribute of a TextView 354

android:colorAccent 92

android:colorPrimary 92

android:colorPrimaryDark 92

android:duration attribute of a translate animation 134

android:fromXDelta attribute of a translate animation 134

android:icon attribute of the manifest application element 104

android:id attribute 56

android:label attribute of the manifest activity element 105

android:label attribute of the manifest application element 104

android:layout_gravity attribute 62

android:name attribute of the manifest activity element 105

android:screenOrientation attribute of the manifest activity element 105

android:startOffset attribute of a translate animation 134

android:supportsRtl attribute of the manifest application element 104

android:theme attribute of the manifest application element 104

android:toXDelta attribute of a translate animation 134

android:windowSoftInputMode attribute of the manifest activity element 105 package 79, 118, 119, 123, 349

android.content package 120, 147, 183, 349, 362

android.content.res package 120, 122, 148

android.database package 348

android.database.sqlite package 348, 367 package 183 package 160

android.intent.action.MAIN 106

android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 106 package 231, 232 package 327

android.os package 96, 122, 277

android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_PERMISSION 184

android.preference package 118

android.provider package 348, 363 package 279 package 118, 119 package 80, 96 package 312

android.text package 82, 96

android.util package 124, 250

android.view package 118, 231

android.view.animation package 122

android.view.inputmethod package 294

android.widget package 81, 84, 97, 122, 277, 278

Android@Home framework 9

AndroidLicenser 419

AndroidManifest.xml 84, 125, 126

action element 106

activity element 104

application element 104

category element 106

intent-filter element 106

manifest element 104

provider element 351

anim folder of an Android project 48, 120, 121

animation xxxi, 115

alpha animation for a View 133

framework 8

manual 232

options in an XML file 122

rotate animation for a View 133

scale animation for a View 133

set 133

thread 232

translate animation for a View 133

tween 133

View based 133

animation circular reveal 161

Animation class 122

setRepeatCount method 122, 156

AnimationUtils class 122, 156

loadAnimation method 122, 156

Animator class

circular reveal 123

setDuration method 123

start method 123

animator folder of an Android project 48, 120, 121

AnimatorListenerAdapter class 162

onAnimationEnd method 162

annotation @Override 630

anonymous inner class 79, 82, 712, 724

anonymous inner classes 708

ANR (activity not responding) dialog 277, 349

ANR (Application Not Responding) dialog 98, 312

anti-aliasing 207

API (application programming interface) 435, 519

API key (web services) 274

.apk file (Android application package file) 409

app xxxvii

app bar 45, 80, 112

app development xxxvii

app icon

adding 53

app linking 13

app platforms

Android 420

iPhone 420

Windows 420

app resources 40, 48

app review sites

Android and Me 422

Android App Review Source 422

Android Police 422

AndroidGuys 422

AndroidLib 422

AndroidPIT 422

Androinica 422

AppBrain 422

Appolicious 422

Appstorm 422

AppZoom 422

Best Android Apps Review 422

Phandroid 422

app review video sites

Appolicious 422

Crazy Mike’s Apps 422

Life of Android 422

State of Tech 422

app templates xxix

app XML namespace 187

AppCompatActivity class 80, 96, 97

app-driven approach 2

appendWhere method of a SQLiteQueryBuilder 368

application 428, 429, 453

command-line arguments 522

application element in AndroidManifest.xml 104

Application Not Responding (ANR) dialog 98, 312

application programming interface (API) 519

application resource 15

apply method of class SharedPreferences.Editor 151, 326

apps in the book xxvi

area of a circle 545

ARGB 215

ARGB color scheme 177

argb method of class Color 218

ARGB_8888 constant 208

argument promotion 526

argument to a method 430, 455

arithmetic calculation 439

arithmetic compound

assignment operators 491

arithmetic mean 441

arithmetic operators 439

arithmetic overflow 694

ArithmeticException class 688, 694

array 548, 744

bounds checking 556

ignoring element zero 558

length instance variable 549

pass an array element to a method 565

pass an array to a method 565

array-access expression 548

array-creation expression 549

array initializer 552

for multidimensional array 574

nested 574

array of one-dimensional arrays 574

ArrayAdapter class 277, 286

getView method 287

arraycopy method of class System 583, 585

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class 556, 558

ArrayList class 125, 277

ArrayList<T> generic class 586, 730

add method 588

clear method 586

contains method 586, 588

get method 588

indexOf method 586

remove method 586, 588

size method 588

trimToSize method 586

Arrays class 583

asList method 735, 735

binarySearch method 583

equals method 583

fill method 583

sort method 583

ART runtime 12

ascending order 583

asList method of Arrays 735

asset 416

AssetManager class 120

list method 157

assets folder of an Android app 120

assign a value to a variable 437

Assigning superclass and subclass references to superclass and subclass variables 651

assignment operator, = 437, 445

assignment operators 491

assignment statement 437


right to left 487

associativity of operators 440, 445

left to right 445

right to left 440

asynchronous event 694

AsyncTask class 277, 290, 291, 296, 349

execute method 289

AsyncTaskLoader class 349


in the UML 20, 36

of a class 18

of an object 20, 36

AttributeSet class 250

audio xxxi, 15

audio stream 231

music 232, 237

audio volume 232

AudioAttributes class 232

setUsage method 232, 251

AudioAttributes.Builder class 251

setAudioAttributes method 251

AudioManager class 232, 237

authority (ContentProvider) 361

auto-unboxing 729

autoboxing 729

automatic backup 13

automatic garbage collection 697

AVD (Android Virtual Device) xl, 16

average 441, 479, 482

AWTEvent class 715


back stack 347, 375, 376, 377, 378

pop 375, 376

push 376


activity sent to 237

background property of a view 90, 91

backing array 735

backslash () 433

bar chart 554, 555

bar of asterisks 554, 555

base Uri of a ContentProvider 361

BaseColumns interface 363

BasePlusCommissionEmployee class extends CommissionEmployee 663

beginTransaction method of class FragmentManager 375


of a class 18, 35

Bezier curve 212

bidirectional iterator 734

BigDecimal class 466

BigInteger class 754

binary file 744

binary operator 437, 439, 510

binarySearch method

of Arrays 583, 585

of Collections 737

bind data to a ListView 277

Bitmap class 183, 222

bitmap encoding 208

createBitmap method 208

eraseColor method 222

recycle method 208

Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 constant 208

BitmapFactory class 291

decodeStream method 291

bitwise operators 507

Blackjack App exercise 339

enhanced 339

Blank Activity template 45

blank line 429

block 478

Block Breaker Game App exercise 226

enhanced 226

blue method of class Color 217

Bluetooth Health Devices 9

bluetooth stylus support 13


of a class declaration 429

of a loop 479

of a method 430

of an if statement 442

Body Mass Index Calculator App exercise 109

book-title capitalization 718


class 729


expression 477

promotions 527

boolean logical AND, & 507, 509

boolean logical exclusive OR, ^ 507, 509

truth table 509

boolean logical inclusive OR, | 509

boolean primitive type 477, 765

Bouncing Ball Game App exercise 268

bounds checking 556

boxing conversion 729

braces ({ and }) 478, 496, 552

not required 504

brand awareness 413

branding apps

Amazon Mobile 413

Bank of America 413

Best Buy 413

CNN 413

Epicurious Recipe 413

ESPN ScoreCenter 413

NFL Mobile 413

NYTimes 413

Pocket Agent 413

Progressive Insurance 413

UPS Mobile 413

USA Today 413

Wells Fargo Mobile 413

Women’s Health Workouts Lite 413

break statement 504, 507

Brick Game App exercise 267

brittle software 642

broadcast receiver 79


bulk operation 730

Bundle class 96, 99

for an Intent 330

putParcelable method 376

button 718

Button class

lines property 142

textColor property 142

button label 718

byte-based stream 744

Byte class 729

byte keyword 765

byte primitive type 500

promotions 527

bytecode 431


C2DM (Android Cloud to Device Messaging) 7

calculations 446

Calendar API 9

call-by-reference 567

call-by-value 567

callback methods 348

calling method (caller) 453, 460

camera 5

Cannon Game app xxvi, 17

Cannon Game App exercise 267

canRead method of File 746

Canvas class 183

drawBitmap method 209

drawCircle method 247

drawLine method 244

drawPath method 209, 213

drawRect method 258

drawText method 259

canWrite method of File 746

Car Payment Calculator App exercise 109

Card Game Apps exercise 340

card games 559

card shuffling

Fisher-Yates 562

carriage return 433

carrier billing 412

case-insensitive sort 323

case keyword 504

case sensitive 429

casino 531


downcast 651

operator 487, 527


a superclass exception 696

an exception 689


block 692, 692, 694, 697, 700, 703

clause 692

keyword 692

Catch block 558

catch-or-declare requirement 695

Catching Exceptions Using Class Exception exercise 706

Catching Exceptions Using Outer Scopes exercise 706

Catching Exceptions with Superclasses exercise 706

category element of the manifest file 106

cd to change directories 431

ceil method of Math 521

cell in a GridLayout 84

Celsius 726

equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature 545

change directories 431


keyword 765

primitive type 436, 500

promotions 527


constant 506

character-based stream 744

Character class 729

character string 430

characteristics of great apps 31

checkbox 718

checked exception 695

check-in 421

circular reveal animation 161

circular reveal Animator 123

circumference 449

class 15, 19

class keyword 453

constructor 454, 463

data hiding 459

declaration 429

declare a method 452

default constructor 463

field 458

file 431

get method 601

instance variable 20, 458, 521

instantiating an object 452

name 429

set method 601

class-average problem 479, 480, 484, 485

class cannot extend a final class 670

Class class 648, 669

getName method 648, 669

.class file 431

separate one for every class 599

class hierarchy 623, 654

class instance creation expression 454, 464

class keyword 429, 453

class library 4

class method 520

class name

fully qualified 458

class variable 521, 614

classwide information 614


AbstractButton 718, 721

ActionEvent 713, 714, 718

Activity 79, 80, 96

ActivityNotFoundException 124, 312

Adapter 277

AdapterView 277

AlertDialog 123

AlertDialog.Builder 123

Animation 122

AnimationUtils 122, 156

AnimatorListenerAdapter 162

AppCompatActivity 80, 96

ArithmeticException 688

ArrayAdapter 277, 286

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 556, 558

ArrayList 125, 277

ArrayList<T> 586, 588, 730

Arrays 583

AssetManager 120

AsyncTask 277, 349

AsyncTaskLoader 349

AttributeSet 250

AudioManager 232, 237

AWTEvent 715

BigDecimal 466

BigInteger 754

Bitmap 183, 222

BitmapFactory 291

Boolean 729

Bundle 96, 99

Byte 729

Canvas 183

Character 729

Class 648, 669

Collections 125, 730

Color 217

Configuration 122, 148

ContentProvider 348, 365

ContentResolver 183, 349, 361, 366, 369, 370, 372, 373, 393, 399

ContentUris 362

ContentValues 369, 393

Context 147

CoordinatorLayout 126

Cursor 348

CursorFactory 364

CursorLoader 349

DialogFragment 119, 164, 165

DialogInterface 124

Double 729

Drawable 160

EditText 81, 97, 279

EnumSet 613

Error 695

EventListenerList 717

Exception 694

ExecutionException 756

Executors 749

File 745

FileInputStream 745

FileOutputStream 745

FileReader 745

FileWriter 745

Float 729

FloatingActionButton 278

FlowLayout 711

Formatter 745

Fragment 118

FragmentManager 119, 347

FragmentTransaction 119, 347, 375, 376

FrameLayout 235

GridLayout 81, 84

Handler 122

HashMap 741

HashSet 740

Hashtable 741

HttpURLConnection 291

ImageView 40, 62

IndexOutOfRangeException 558

InputMethodManager 294

InputMismatchException 689

InputStream 160

Integer 729

Intent 105, 124

InterruptedException 750

JButton 718, 721

JComboBox 722

JComponent 717, 722

JPasswordField 709, 714

JSONArray 277

JSONObject 276

JTextComponent 709, 712

JTextField 709, 713, 716

KeyEvent 718

LayoutInflater 119

LinearLayout 39, 50

LinearLayoutManager 313

LinkedList 730

ListPreference 120

Loader 349, 382

LoaderManager 349, 379, 382

Log 124, 157

Long 729

Math 520

MediaStore 183

MediaStore.Images.Media 183

Menu 118, 149

MenuInflater 149

MotionEvent 183, 210, 231, 262

MouseAdapter 725

MouseEvent 717

MultiSelectListPreference 120

NumberFormat 81, 97, 284

ObjectInputStream 745

ObjectOutputStream 745

Paint 183

Path 183

Preference 120

PreferenceFragment 118, 120, 166

PreferenceManager 120, 146, 147

PrintHelper 214

R 99

R.drawable 99 99

R.layout 99

R.string 99

Random 528, 529

RecyclerView 312, 323

RecyclerView.Adapter 313, 323, 351

RecyclerView.ItemDecoration 313, 323, 351

RecyclerView.LayoutManager 313

RecyclerView.ViewHolder 313

RelativeLayout 50

Resources 148

RuntimeException 695

Scanner 436, 457

ScrollView 357

SeekBar 77, 81, 97

Sensor 182

SensorEvent 201

SensorManager 198

SharedPreferences 120, 311, 321

SharedPreferences.Editor 120, 151, 312, 325, 326

Short 729

Snackbar 279, 281, 294

SoundPool 231, 251

SQLiteDatabase 348

SQLiteOpenHelper 348

SQLiteQueryBuilder 367

StackTraceElement 703

SurfaceHolder 232, 251

SurfaceView 232, 251

SwingWorker 754

TextView 40, 56, 81, 97

Thread 232, 263

Throwable 694, 703

Toast 122, 152

TreeMap 741

TreeSet 740

UnsupportedOperationException 735

Uri 327, 349

UriMatcher 365

View 79, 232

ViewAnimationUtils 123

ViewGroup 357

CLASSPATH environment variable 432

clear method

of ArrayList<T> 586

of List<T> 735

click a button 709

click the mouse 721

click the scroll arrows 724


of an object 462

client area 39

client code 650

clone method of Object 647

cloning objects

deep copy 647

shallow copy 647

close a window 709

cloud computing 7

Cloud Test Lab xxx, xl, 407

code file 416

code highlighting xxxi, 2

code license xxxiii

code reuse 623

code walkthrough 3

code-completion 48

code-completion window 55

code-folding xxxix

coin tossing 529, 545

collection 585, 728

shuffle 160

collection hierarchy 729

Collection interface 729, 732, 737

contains method 732

iterator method 732

Collections class 125, 730

addAll method 737

binarySearch method 737

copy method 737

fill method 737

max method 737

min method 737

reverse method 737

reverseOrder method 738

shuffle method 125, 737, 739

sort method 323, 737

collections framework 728

College Loan Payoff Calculator App exercise 109

collision detection 232, 246, 255

color 183

hue 83

shade 83

Color class 217

alpha method 217

argb method 218

blue method 217

green method 217

red method 217

color folder of an Android project 48, 120, 121

color state list 123

color state list resource 131

color state list resource file 123

colorAccent 92

colorPrimary 92

colorPrimaryDark 92

colors.xml 131

column 573

columnCount property of a GridLayout 86

columns of a two-dimensional array 573

combo box 722

comma (,) formatting flag 499

comma-separated list

of arguments 434

of parameters 523

command button 718

command line 430

command-line argument 522

Command Prompt 430

command window 430


end-of-line (single-line), // 429, 430

single line 430

CommissionEmployee class derived from Employee 662

commit method of class FragmentTransaction 375

commit method of class SharedPreferences.Editor 152

company domain name used in a package 42

Comparable<T> interface 682, 737

compareTo method 737

Comparator interface 737

compare method 738

Comparator object 741

Comparator<String> object


compare method of interface Comparator 738

compareTo method

of Comparable 737

comparison operator 682

compilation error 429

compile 431

compile-time type safety 728

compiler error 429

compiling an application with multiple classes 455

compiling apps 407

component 18, 36

component of an array 548

Component Tree window in Android Studio 47, 77, 81, 86, 141

composition 608, 623

compound assignment operators 491

compound interest 497

computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 546

computer-assisted instruction (CAI): Reducing Student Fatigue 546

computer-assisted instruction (CAI): Varying the Types of Problems 546

Computer Assisted Instruction App exercise 172

computer-assisted instruction (CAI)

exercise 172

computers in education 546

concatenate strings 616

concatenation 524

concrete class 653

concrete subclass 658

Concurrency API 748

concurrent documents and activities 12

concurrent operations 747

concurrent programming 748

condition 442

conditional AND, && 507, 509

truth table 508

conditional expression 477

conditional operator,?: 477

conditional OR, || 507, 508

truth table 509

Configuration class 122, 148, 149

orientation instance variable 122

confusing the equality operator == with the assignment operator = 445

consistent state 601

constant 618

in an interface 682

Math.PI 449

constant integral expression 500, 506

constant variable 506, 553, 618

must be initialized 553





constructor 454, 463

call another constructor of the same class using this 604

multiple parameters 465

no argument 604

overloaded 601

parameter list 464

Constructor failure exercise 706

constructors cannot specify a return type 464

consume an event 713

Container class

setLayout method 711

contains method

of Collection 732

contains method of class ArrayList<T> 586, 588

containsKey method of Map 743

content provider 79

contentDescription property 69

contentDescription property of a View 140


base Uri 361

ContentProvider authority 361

ContentProvider class 348, 365

delete method 372

getType method 367

insert method 369

onCreate method 366

query method 367

update method 371

ContentResolver class 183, 349, 361, 366, 369, 370, 372, 373, 393, 399

delete method 399

insert method 393

update method 393

ContentUris class 362

ContentValues class 369, 393

Context class 147

getSharedPreferences method 322

getSystemService method 294

startActivity method 327

ContextWrapper class

getAssets method 157, 160

continue statement 507

control 17, 36

control statement 475

control variable 479, 494, 495

controlling expression of a switch 504

controls 708

Cooking with Healthier Ingredients App exercise 403

coordinating efforts between separate apps 105

CoordinatorLayout class 126

copy method of Collections 737

copying objects

deep copy 647

shallow copy 647

core package 431

corners element of a shape 354

cos method of Math 521

cosine 521

counter 479

counter-controlled repetition 479, 480, 486, 494, 495

Country Quiz App exercise 171

CraigsList 301

craps (casino game) 172, 531, 546

Craps Game App exercise 172

modification 172

crash report 419

create a new layout 144

create a package 618

create an object of a class 454

Create New Project dialog 41, 85, 86, 126, 184, 233, 279, 314, 350

createBitmap method of class Bitmap 208

createChooser method of class Intent 330

createCircularReveal method of class ViewAnimationUtils 123, 162

createFromStream method of class Drawable 160

creating a dimension resource 58

creating and initializing an array 551

creative commons public license 274

credit limit on a charge account 515

Crossword Puzzle Generator App exercise 300

cryptographic key 407


Google Play and App Business Issues 405

<Ctrl>-d 503

ctrl key 503

<Ctrl>-z 503

cursor 430, 432

Cursor class 348

getColumnIndex method 387

getLong method 387

getString method 387

moveToFirst method 394, 400

moveToPosition method 387

setNotificationUri method 369

CursorFactory class 364

CursorLoader class 349

custom subclass of View 248

custom view 182

customize the keyboard 358


Daily Deals Mashup App exercise 301

dark keyboard 77

data binding 277

Data Binding support library 100

data hiding 459

data structure 548


version number 364

date 528

Date class exercise 621

Daydream 10

DDMS perspective

LogCat tab 124

dealing 559


logging exceptions 124, 157

decimal integer formatting 437

decision 442


class 429

import 435, 436

method 430

declare a method of a class 452

decodeStream method of class BitmapFactory 291

decrement of a control variable 494

decrement operator, -- 491

deep copy 647

default case in a switch 504, 506

default constructor 463, 607, 629

default exception handler 703

default initial value 461

default package 458

default preferences 146

default resources 70

default value 461

define a new style 353

Deitel Buzz Online Newsletter 424

Deitel Facebook page 421

Deitel Training 425

delegation event model 715

delete method of a ContentProvider 372

delete method of a ContentResolver 399

delete method of class SQLiteDatabase 373

density-independent pixels

dp 58


adding to project 314

deserialized object 747

design preview in layout XML editor 48

design process 20

Design tab in the layout editor 39

developer documentation

Core App Quality 407

Keeping Your App Responsive 33

Launch Checklist 407

Localization Checklist 407

Performance Tips 33

Signing Your Applications 409

Tablet App Quality 407

developer options 10

developer registration 415

device configuration 15

Device Screen Capture window 410


negative action 123

neutral action 123

positive action 123

DialogFragment class 119, 164, 165

onCreateDialog method 164

show method 164

DialogInterface class 124

DialogInterface.OnClickLis tener interface 124, 165

diameter 449

dice game 531

digit 436

digital certificate 409

Digital Clock App exercise 268

digitally sign your app 409

digits property of an EditText 90

@dimen resource 58

dimens.xml 139

dimension resource 58, 139

creating 58

Direct Share 13

direct superclass 623, 625

directory 745, 746

name 745

disabilities 40, 68

disconnect method of class HttpURLConnection 291

disk I/O completion 694


an event 717

display a line of text 430

display output 446

distance between values (random numbers) 530

divide-and-conquer approach 520

divide by zero 688

divider property of a LinearLayout 355

division 439, 440

division compound assignment operator, /= 492

do...while repetition statement 476, 499

document a program 428


Android Design 33

App Components 32

Class Index 32

Data Backup 33

Debugging 33

Getting Started with Publishing 33

Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement 33

Launch Checklist (for Google Play) 33

Managing Your App’s Memory 33

Package Index 32

Security Tips 33

Tools Help 33

Using the Android Emulator 32

doInBackground method of class AsyncTask 290, 296

dollar signs ($) 429

domain name used in a package 42

Doodlz app xxvi

Doodlz App exercise 226

dot (.) separator 454, 499, 520, 614

(double) cast 487

Double class 729

double equals, == 445

double-precision floating-point number 466

double primitive type 436, 465, 466, 484, 765

promotions 527

double quotes, " 430, 433

double-selection statement 476

downcast 668

downcasting 651

downloading source code xxxii

dp (density-independent pixels) 58

drag event 212

drag the scroll box 724


circles 183

lines 183

text 183

Drawable class 160

createFromStream method 160

drawable folder of an Android project 49

Drawable resource

shape element 354

drawBitmap method of class Canvas 209

drawCircle method of class Canvas 247

drawing characterstics 183

color 183

font size 183

line thickness 183

drawLine method of class Canvas 244

drawPath method of class Canvas 209, 213

drawRect method of class Canvas 258

drawText method of class Canvas 259

drive sales 413

driver class 453

drop-down list 722

dummy value 484

Duplicate Elimination 591

dynamic binding 667

dynamic resizing 548


e method of class Log 157

echo character of class JPasswordField 709

edit method of class SharedPreferences 151, 325

Editable interface 96


imeOptions 358, 359

inputType 358, 359

EditText class 81, 97, 279

digits property 90

input type 87

maxLength property 90

restrict maximum number of digits 81

element of an array 548

elevation 127

elevation property of a view 83, 90, 91

eligible for garbage collection 617

eliminate resource leaks 697

Employee abstract superclass 657

Employee class hierarchy test program 665

Employee class that implements Payable 677

empty statement (a semicolon, ;) 445

empty string 714

emulator 16, 407

gestures 17

emulator functionality 17

emulator gestures and controls 17

encapsulation 20

“end of data entry” 484

end-of-file (EOF)

indicator 503

marker 744

end-of-line (single-line) comment, // 429, 430

End User License Agreement (EULA) 407

enhanced for statement 563

Enhancing Class Time2 exercise 620

Enter (or Return) key 716

enum 534

constant 611

constructor 611

declaration 611

EnumSet class 613

keyword 534

values method 612

enumeration 534

enumeration constant 534

EnumSet class 613

range method 613

environment variable


PATH 431

equal likelihood 529

equality operators 442

equals method

of class Arrays 583

of class Object 647

eraseColor method of class Bitmap 222

Error class 695

escape character 433

escape sequence 433, 436

, backslash 433

", double-quote 433

, horizontal tab 433

newline, 433, 436

Euclid’s Algorithm 545

event 682, 709

event classes 715

event-dispatch thread (EDT) 753

event driven 709

event handler 682, 709

event handling 79, 709, 712, 716

event source 713

event ID 718

event listener 682, 715, 725

adapter class 725

interface 712, 713, 716, 717, 725

event object 715

event registration 713

event source 713, 715

EventListenerList class 717

EventObject class getSource method 714

events 4

examination-results problem 489

Exception class 694

exceptions 558, 558, 687

handler 558

handling 556

IndexOutOfRangeException 558

parameter 559

exceptions handler 692

exceptions parameter 692

execSQL method of class SQLiteDatabase 364

executable components

activity 79

broadcast receiver 79

content provider 79

service 79

execute method of class AsyncTask 289

execute method of the Executor interface 749, 751, 752

ExecutionException class 756

Executor interface 749

execute method 749, 751, 752

Executors class 749

newCachedThreadPool method 750

ExecutorService interface 749

shutdown method 752

exists method of File 746

exit method of class System 697

exp method of Math 521

Expense Tracker App exercise 403

explicit conversion 487

explicit Intent 124, 150, 312

Explore by Touch 38, 40, 68

exponential method 521

exponentiation operator 499

expression 437

extend a class 623

extends keyword 626, 637

extensibility 650

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 40

externalizing resources 56


FAB (floating action button) 278

Fabric (Twitter’s mobile development platform) 336

face detection 9

Facebook 309, 421

Deitel 421

Deitel page 421

Fahrenheit 726

equivalent of a Celsius temperature 545

false keyword 442, 477

fatal error 479

fatal logic error 479

fault tolerant 437

fault-tolerant program 558

Favorite Websites App exercise 338

featured image 409

Fibonacci series 592

field 458

default initial value 461

field of a class 535

field width 498

file 744

File class 745

canRead method 746

canWrite method 746

exists method 746

File methods 746

getAbsolutePath method 746

getName method 746

getParent method 746

getPath method 746

isAbsolute method 746

isDirectory method 746

lastModified method 746

length method 746

list method 746

File methods 746

file processing 745

FileInputStream class 745, 747

FileOutputStream class 745, 747

FileReader class 745

FileWriter class 745

fill method

of class Arrays 583, 585

of class Collections 737


class 670

classes and methods 670

keyword 506, 521, 553, 618, 670

local variable 724

method 670

variable 553

final local variable for use in an anonymous inner class 328

final value 495

finalize method 647


block 692, 697

clause 697

keyword 692

financial transaction 415

findFragmentById method of class Activity 119, 148

Fireworks Designer App exercise 268

Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm 562

fixed text 437

in a format string 434

Flag Quiz Game app xxvi

exercise 171, 339

flag value 484

Flickr Searches App exercise 338

enhanced 338


primitive type 436, 465, 466, 765

promotions 527

Float class 729

floating action button (FAB) 278

floating-point constant 497

floating-point literal 466

double by default 466

floating-point number 465, 483, 484, 486

division 487

double precision 466

double primitive type 465

float primitive type 465

single precision 466

FloatingActionButton class 127, 278

hide method 324

show method 324

floor method of Math 521

flow of control 487

FlowLayout class 711

focus 709


assets 120

res/drawable 354

res/raw 231, 234

font size 183

for repetition statement 476, 495, 498

enhanced 563

header 496

nested 555

format method of class NumberFormat 100

format method of class String 596

format specifier

multiple in a String resource 129

numbering in a String resource 129

format specifiers 434

%.2f for floating-point numbers with precision 488

%d 437

%f 449, 467

%s 434

format string 434

formatted output

, (comma) formatting flag 499

%f format specifier 467

(minus sign) formatting flag 498

0 flag 555, 596

comma (,) formatting flag 499

field width 498

floating-point numbers 467

grouping separator 499

left justify 498

minus sign () formatting flag 498

precision 468

right justification 498

Formatter class 745

Fortune Teller App exercise 226

forums 33

Android Forums 33

Stack Overflow 33

Fractal App exercise 227

fragile software 642

fragment 8, 118

Fragment class 79, 118

getActivity method 156

getLoaderManager method 382

getString method 151, 156

onActivityCreated method 237, 382

onAttach method 182, 217, 382, 389, 397

onCreate method 119

onCreateOptionsMenu method 119, 201

onCreateView method 119, 154, 237

onDestroy method 231, 238

onDetach method 182, 217, 382, 389, 397

onOptionsItemSelected method 119, 201

onPause lifecycle method 199

onPause method 181, 237

onRequestPermissionsResult method 204

onResume lifecycle method 198

requestPermissions method 203, 204

setArguments method 376

setHasOptionsMenu method 197

shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale method 203

Fragment layout 137

Fragment lifecycle 182, 382, 389, 397

fragment lifecycle 119

Fragment lifecycle methods 217

FragmentActivity class

getSupportFragmentManager method 119, 148, 150

FragmentManager class 119, 347

beginTransaction method 375

getFragmentByTag method 164

popBackStack method 375

FragmentTransaction class 119, 347, 375, 376

add method 375

addToBackStack method 376

commit method 375

replace method 376

FrameLayout class 235

free app 411

Froyo (Android 2.2) 7

Fullscreen Activity template 45

fully qualified class name 458

fully qualify a custom View’s class name in an XML layout 182

function 520

future proof 32


game loop 232, 255, 264

Game of Snake App exercise 227

game playing 528

games 31

gaming console 5

garbage collection 748

garbage collector 613, 614, 694, 697

general class average problem 483

generalities 650

generic class 586

gesture 5

double tap 5

double touch 5

drag 5

long press 5

pinch 5

pinch zoom 5

Swipe 5

tap 5

touch 5

get a value 462

get method

of class ArrayList<T> 588

of interface List<T> 732

of interface Map 743

get method 462, 601

getAbsolutePath method of class File 746

getActionCommand method of class ActionEvent 714, 721

getActionIndex method of class MotionEvent 211

getActionMasked method of class MotionEvent 210

getActivity method of class Fragment 156

getAll method of class SharedPreferences 323

getAssets method of class ContextWrapper 157, 160

getClass method of Object 648, 669

getClassName method of class StackTraceElement 703

getColumnIndex method of class Cursor 387

getConfiguration method of class Resources 148, 149

getDefaultSensor method of class SensorManager 198

getDouble method of class JSONObject 298

getFileName method of class StackTraceElement 703

getFragmentByTag method of class FragmentManager 164

getFragmentManager method of class Activity 119, 164

getHolder method of class SurfaceView 251

getItemCount method of class RecyclerView.Adapter 334, 387

getItemID method of class MenuItem 201

getJSONArray method of class JSONObject 298

getJSONObject method of class JSONArray 298

getLastPathSegment method of class Uri 368

getLineNumber method of class StackTraceElement 703

getLoaderManager method of class Fragment 382

getLong method of class Cursor 387

getLong method of class JSONObject 298

getMenuInflater method of class Activity 149

getMessage method of class Throwable 703

getMethodName method of class StackTraceElement 703

getName method of class Class 648, 669

getName method of class File 746

getParent method of class File 746

getPassword method of class JPasswordField 714

getPath method of class File 746

getPointerCount method of class MotionEvent 212

getReadableDatabase method of class SQLiteOpenHelper 369

getResources method of class Activity 148, 149

getSelectedIndex method of class JComboBox 725

getSharedPreferences method of class Context 322

getSource method of class EventObject 714

getStackTrace method of class Throwable 703

getStateChange method of class ItemEvent 725

getString method of class Activity 329

getString method of class Cursor 387

getString method of class Fragment 151, 156

getString method of class JSONObject 298

getString method of class SharedPreferences 327

getStringSet method of class SharedPreferences 151

getSupportFragmentManager method of class FragmentActivity 119, 148, 150

getSystemService method of class Context 294

getSystemService method of clsdd Activity 198

getTag method of class View 278

getType method of a ContentProvider 367

getView method of class ArrayAdapter 287

getWritableDatabase method of class SQLiteOpenHelper 370

getX method of class MotionEvent 212

getY method of class MotionEvent 212

Go to next state button 66

Google Maps 301

Google APIs 4

Google Cloud Messaging 7

Google Maps 5

Google Payments 406, 416

Google Payments merchant account 412, 414

Google Play 13, 406, 412, 415, 422

countries 418

crash report 419

high-resolution app icon 416

promotional graphic 416

promotional video 411, 417

publish 416

Publish an Android App on Google Play 416

publisher account 414

screenshots 416

Google Play Developer Console 419

Google Play Developer Program Policies 415

Google Wallet 412

Google+ 309

goto elimination 475

goto statement 475

Gradle build system 184

graph information 555

Graphical Layout editor in the Android Developer Tools 40

graphical user interface (GUI) 682, 708

graphics xxxi, 15

graphics processing unit (GPU) xl

gravity property of a TextView 60, 91

gravity sensor 182

greatest common divisor (GCD) 545

green guide lines in layout editor 62

green method of class Color 217


columnCount property 86

layout:column of a view 87

layout:columnSpan of a view 87

layout:row of a view 87

rowCount property 86

useDefaultMargins property 86

GridLayout class 81, 84

grouping separator (formatted output) 499

guarding code with a lock 753

“guess the number” game 545, 726

guesture 17, 36


layout 48

view (component) 48

GUI (Graphical User Interface) 682

component 708

GUI component

view 39

GUI components

EditText 81

ImageView 40, 51, 62

naming convention 85

programmatically create 119

ScrollView 357

SeekBar 77, 81

TextView 40, 51, 56

ViewGroup 357

GUI design 31

screen type 49

GUI thread 122, 277, 349

guide lines in layout editor 62

gyroscope sensor 182


handle an exception 689

Handler class 122

postDelayed method 122, 165

Hangman Game App exercise 226

hardware accelerated execution manager (HAXM) xl

hardware support 15

has-a relationship 608, 623

hash table 740

hashCode method of Object 648

HashMap class 741

keySet method 743

HashSet class 740

Hashtable class 741

hashtag 421

hasNext method

of class Scanner 504

of interface Iterator 732, 735

hasPrevious method of ListIterator 735

height of a table row 84

“hidden” fields 535

hide method of class FloatingActionButton 324

hide the soft keyboard 324

hideSoftInputFromWindow method of class InputMethodManager 294

hierarchical parent of an Activity 168

hint property of a TextView 89

Holo user interface 8

horizontal tab 433

Horse Race with Cannon Game App exercise 268

host a Fragment in an Activity 119

HourlyEmployee class derived from Employee 660 301

HttpURLConnection class 291

disconnect method 291

openConnection method 291

hues of a color 83

HugeInteger Class exercise 621

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 274


i-Newswire 423

icon 407, 408

icon design firms

99designs 408

Elance 408

glyphlab 408

Iconiza 408

id property of a layout or component 55

identifier 429, 436

Idiomatic Expressions

Translator Mashup App exercise 301

IEEE 754 ( 765

IEEE 754 floating point 765

if single-selection statement 442, 476, 500

if...else double-selection statement 476, 486, 500

ignoring array element zero 558

IllegalArgumentException class 595

images xxxi

ImageView 40, 51, 62

ImageView class

adjustViewBounds property 140

scaleType property 140

src property 55, 64

imeOptions of an EditText 358, 359

immersive mode 233, 258, 264, 265

immutable object 616

implement an interface 649, 671, 678

implementation of a function 658

implements keyword 671, 676

implicit conversion 487

implicit Intent 124, 312, 327

import declaration 435, 436, 458

in-app advertising 411, 413

in-app billing 414

security best practices 414

in-app purchase 411, 415

<include> element in a layout XML file 127


a control variable 495

expression 507

of a control variable 494

operator, ++ 492

increment and decrement operators 492

indefinite repetition 484

indentation 478

index 556

index (subscript) 548

index of a JComboBox 724

index zero 548

indexOf method of class ArrayList<T> 586

IndexOutOfRangeException class 559

indirect superclass 623, 625

infinite loop 479, 496

infinite recursion 647

infinite series 516

inflate method of class LayoutInflater 154

inflate method of class MenuInflater 149

inflate the GUI 252

inflating a GUI 99

information hiding 20, 459

inheritance 20, 623

examples 624

extends keyword 626, 637

hierarchy 624, 654

hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 624

initial value of control variable 494

initialization at the beginning of each repetition 489

initialize a variable in a declaration 436

initializer list 552

initializing two-dimensional arrays in declarations 575

inlining method calls 605

in-memory database 364

inner class 712

anonymous 724

innermost set of brackets 558

input data from the keyboard 446

input/output package 528

input type of an EditText 87

InputMethodManager class 294

hideSoftInputFromWindow method 294

InputMismatchException class 689, 691

InputStream class 160, 747

setImageDrawable method 160

inputType of an EditText 358, 359

insert method of a ContentProvider 369

insert method of a ContentResolver 393

insert method of class SQLiteDatabase 370

insertImage method of class MediaStore.Images.Media 183

insertion point 585

instance 19

instance (non-static) method 615

instance of a class 459

instance variable 20, 458, 459, 466, 521

instanceof operator 668

instantiating an object of a class 452

int primitive type 436, 484, 492, 500, 765

promotions 527

integer 434

array 552

division 483

quotient 439

value 436

Integer class 729

integer division 439

integerPower method 544

integral expression 506

Intel HAXM emulator xl

IntelliJ® IDEA xxxix

intent chooser 309, 330

Intent class 105, 124

ACTION_SEND constant 329

ACTION_VIEW constant 327

Bundle 330

createChooser method 330

explicit 124, 312

implicit 124, 312

putExtra method 330

resolveActivity method 124

intent extras 330

intent filter 124

intent messaging 105, 124

intent-filter element in AndroidManifest.xml 106


coordinating efforts between separate apps 105

launching activities 106

interest rate 497

interface 649, 672, 680

declaration 671

implementing methods in Java 102

interface keyword 671

Interfaces 671

ActionListener 713, 717

BaseColumns 363

Collection 729, 729, 737

Comparable 682, 737

Comparator 737

DialogInterface.OnClick Listener 124, 165

Editable 96

Executor 749

ExecutorService 749

Iterator 730

KeyListener 718

List 125, 729, 735

ListIterator 730

LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks 349

Map 729, 741

MouseListener 717

MouseMotionListener 718, 725

ObjectInput 747

ObjectOutput 747

OnLongClickListener 327

OnSeekBarChangeListener 101

Queue 729, 740

Runnable 122, 682, 748

SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener 82, 97, 218

SensorEventListener 200

Serializable 682

Set 125, 729, 729, 740

SortedMap 741

SortedSet 741

SurfaceHolder.Callback 232, 251, 261

SwingConstants 682

TextWatcher 82, 96, 323

View.OnClickListener 156

View.OnLongClickListener 327

WindowListener 725

internationalization 39, 40, 69, 81

Internet public relations resources

ClickPress 423

eReleases 423

Marketwired 423

Mobility PR 423

Newswire 423

openPR 423

PR Leap 423

PRLog 423

PRWeb 423

interrupt method of class Thread 750

InterruptedException class 750

intrinsic lock 752

invalidate method of class View 208

invoke a method 462

invoke a REST web service 296

is-a relationship 623

isAbsolute method of File 746

isDirectory method of File 746

isEmpty method

Map 744

ItemEvent class

getStateChange method 725

iteration 482

of a loop 494, 507

iteration (looping)

of a for loop 557

Iterator interface 730

hasNext method 732

next method 732

remove method 732

iterator method of Collection 732

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