List of Listings

Chapter 4. Programming your infrastructure: the command line, SDKs, and CloudFormation

Listing 4.1. Infrastructure description in JIML

Listing 4.2. Linear flow of commands in pseudo language

Listing 4.3. Creating and terminating a server from the CLI (Bash)

Listing 4.4. Creating and terminating a server from the CLI (PowerShell)

Listing 4.5. /lib/listAMIs.js

Listing 4.6. CloudFormation template structure

Listing 4.7. CloudFormation parameter structure

Listing 4.8. CloudFormation resources structure

Listing 4.9. CloudFormation EC2 server resource

Listing 4.10. CloudFormation outputs structure

Listing 4.11. CloudFormation outputs example

Listing 4.12. Template to create an EC2 instance with CloudFormation

Chapter 5. Automating deployment: CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk, and OpsWorks

Listing 5.1. Deploying a VPN server to a virtual server: CloudFormation and a shell script

Listing 5.2. Parts of a CloudFormation template to start a virtual server with user data

Listing 5.3. Installing packages and writing configuration files on server startup

Listing 5.4. Describing the status of the Elastic Beanstalk environment

Listing 5.5. Creating a custom firewall with the help of CloudFormation

Chapter 6. Securing your system: IAM, security groups, and VPC

Listing 6.1. Installing security updates on all running EC2 instances

Listing 6.2. Empty security group associated with a single EC2 instance

Listing 6.3. Security group that allows ICMP

Listing 6.4. Security group that allows SSH

Listing 6.5. Security group that allows SSH only from specific IP address

Listing 6.6. Security group that allows SSH from bastion host

Chapter 7. Storing your objects: S3 and Glacier

Listing 7.1. Uploading an image with the AWS SDK for S3

Listing 7.2. Retrieving all the image locations from the S3 bucket

Listing 7.3. Template to render the data as HTML

Listing 7.4. Bucket policy allowing read-only access to every object in a bucket

Chapter 8. Storing your data on hard drives: EBS and instance store

Listing 8.1. Connecting an instance store with an EC2 instance with CloudFormation

Listing 8.2. Security groups for NFS

Listing 8.3. NFS server and volume

Listing 8.4. NFS installation and configuration script

Listing 8.5. IAM role

Listing 8.6. NFC client

Chapter 9. Using a relational database service: RDS

Listing 9.1. Extract from the CloudFormation template setting up an RDS database

Listing 9.2. Checking the state of the CloudFormation stack

Listing 9.3. Describing a MySQL RDS database instance

Listing 9.4. Modifying an RDS database’s snapshot time frame and retention time

Listing 9.5. IAM policy allowing access to manage RDS

Listing 9.6. CloudFormation template extract: firewall rules for an RDS database

Listing 9.7. Modifying the RDS database by enabling high availability

Listing 9.8. Modifying the instance type to improve performance of an RDS database

Listing 9.9. Modifying the storage type to improve performance of an RDS database

Chapter 10. Programming for the NoSQL database service: DynamoDB

Listing 10.1. CLI description language docopt: using nodetodo (cli.txt)

Listing 10.2. nodetodo: using docopt in Node.js (index.js)

Listing 10.3. nodetodo: adding a user (index.js)

Listing 10.4. nodetodo: adding a task (index.js)

Listing 10.5. nodetodo: retrieving a user (index.js)

Listing 10.6. nodetodo: retrieving tasks (index.js)

Listing 10.7. nodetodo: retrieving tasks from a category index (index.js)

Listing 10.8. nodetodo: retrieving all users with paging (index.js)

Listing 10.9. nodetodo: removing a user (index.js)

Listing 10.10. nodetodo: removing a task (index.js)

Listing 10.11. nodetodo: updating a task as done (index.js)

Chapter 11. Achieving high availability: availability zones, auto-scaling, and CloudWatch

Listing 11.1. Creating a CloudWatch alarm to monitor the health of an EC2 instance

Listing 11.2. Starting an EC2 instance running a Jenkins CI server with a recovery alarm

Listing 11.3. Configuring an auto-scaling group and a launch configuration

Listing 11.4. Jenkins CI server with auto-scaling in two availability zones

Listing 11.5. Updating the image a new virtual server starts from in case of recovery

Listing 11.6. Using an Elastic IP as a static endpoint

Chapter 12. Decoupling your infrastructure: ELB and SQS

Listing 12.1. Creating a load balancer and connecting it with an auto-scaling group

Listing 12.2. ELB health checks to determine whether a server can answer requests

Listing 12.3. ELB handling plain TCP traffic (not only HTTP)

Listing 12.4. Terminating SSL with ELB to offer encrypted communication

Listing 12.5. policy.json

Listing 12.6. Activating access logs written by ELB

Listing 12.7. index.js: sending a message to the queue

Listing 12.8. worker.js: receiving a message from the queue

Listing 12.9. worker.js: processing a message (take screenshot and upload to S3)

Listing 12.10. worker.js: acknowledging a message (deletes the message from the queue)

Listing 12.11. worker.js: connecting the parts

Chapter 13. Designing for fault-tolerance

Listing 13.1. Initializing the Imagery server (server/server.js)

Listing 13.2. Imagery server: POST /image creates an image process

Listing 13.3. Imagery server: GET /image/:id looks up an image process

Listing 13.4. Imagery server: POST /image/:id/upload uploads an image

Listing 13.5. Initializing the Imagery worker (worker/worker.js)

Listing 13.6. Imagery worker: POST /sqs handles SQS messages

Listing 13.7. Imagery CloudFormation template: S3, DynamoDB, and SQS

Listing 13.8. Imagery CloudFormation template: Elastic Beanstalk for the server

Listing 13.9. Imagery CloudFormation template: Elastic Beanstalk for the worker

Chapter 14. Scaling up and down: auto-scaling and CloudWatch

Listing 14.1. Auto-scaling for a web app with multiple EC2 instances

Listing 14.2. Scheduling a one-time scaling action

Listing 14.3. Scheduling a recurring scaling action that runs at 20:00 o’clock UTC every day

Listing 14.4. CloudWatch alarm based on CPU load of an auto-scaling group

Listing 14.5. Scaling policy that will add one server when triggered

Listing 14.6. Scalable and highly available WordPress setup (part 1 of 2)

Listing 14.7. Scalable and highly available WordPress setup (part 2 of 2)

Listing 14.8. Monitoring the length of the SQS queue

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