

acceptability metric, access control, 125

acceptance, false, 137

access control, 1219, 121139

authentication in, 17, 133134

authorization in, 133

base relations (SQL) and, 16, 129130

biometrics in, 14, 18, 124125, 137138

call back schemes and, 13, 121122

checksums and, 16, 131

context dependence/independence in, 14, 125

criteria for, 18, 134135

databases and, 14, 125126

enforced paths in, 13, 121

Enterprise Access Management (EAM) in, 18, 136137

general packet radio services (GPRS) and, 19, 138

global system for mobile (GSM) and, 19, 138139

group rights and, 16, 130

grouped processes and, 13, 122123

inference and, 16, 129

integrity in, 15, 127

Kerberos and, 1517, 127128

limiting routes in, 13, 121

log on process and, 13, 122

mandatory, 130131

object-oriented databases and, 17, 132133

Open Group and, 17, 131132

passwords and, 18, 135136

physical controls for, 1314

physical security and, for high security areas, 96, 309

protection domains and, 13, 122123

reference monitors and, 17, 133134

relational databases and, 14, 17, 126, 132133

restricted shell and, 1415, 126127

role-based, 16, 130, 197

rows and columns in, 13, 123124

Secure European System for Applications in Multivendor Environment (SESAME) and, 15, 128129

security kernels and, 133

Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) in, 129

Simple Security Property and, 16, 130131

single sign on (SSO) interfaces and, 17, 131132, 136137

SQL and, 16, 129130

Star Property and, 16, 130131

statistical information and, 16, 129

timestamps in, 127

types of, 16, 131

view relations and, 14, 126

virtual private networks (VPNs) and, 19, 138

Windows 2000 and, 1617, 128129

access control lists (ACLs), 122

access control triples, 122

access nodes, WLAN, 159

access triples, 200

accreditation, in security architecture and models, 51, 205206

ad hoc mode WLAN, 159

adaptive chosen plaintext attacks, 172

address resolution protocol (ARP), 158

advanced encryption standard (AES), 37, 175, 177178, 188

aggregation, 126

AiroPeek, 149

algorithms, cryptography, 33, 164

annualized loss expectancy (ALE), 3, 100101

ANSI ASC X12 standard in security architecture and models, 51, 207209

ANSI X9.52 standard, 40, 185186

applets, 196

application level firewalls, 153

application level proxy server, 151152

application programming interfaces (APIs), 39, 183184

applications and systems development, 6371, 239255

artificial neural networks (ANNs) and, 69, 250251

capability maturity model (CMM) in, 66, 243244

classes and subclasses in, 67, 246

client/server model in, 70, 254255

common object model (COM) and, 70, 253254

common object request broker architecture (CORBA) and, 70, 253254

configuration management and, 65, 241

Construction Cost Model (COCOMO) in, 65, 241242

data dictionaries and, 69, 251

data mining and, 68, 249250

data warehouses and, 68, 249

database management systems (DBMS) in, 71, 255

distributed data processing (DDP) and, 70, 255

expert systems and, 6768, 247248

genetic algorithms and, 69, 251252

incremental development in, 66

inference engines in, 68, 247248

knowledge based system (KBS) and, 67, 246247

object request architecture (ORA) in, 69, 252

object request broker (ORB) and, 69, 253

object-oriented languages in, 67, 246

object-oriented programming and, 67, 245246

software capability evaluation in, 6667, 245

software engineering and, 65, 239240

software process assessment in, 6667, 245

spiral model for, 66, 243

validation in, 240

verification in, 65, 240

waterfall model in, 66, 242

array processors, 195

arrays, 195

artificial intelligence, 246

artificial neural networks (ANNs), 69, 250251

assets identification, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 80, 272273

associative memory, in security architecture and models, 52, 210

asymmetric key encryption, 170

asynchronous data transmission, 146

asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 156

attributes, access control, 130

audit trails

law, investigation, ethics and, 89, 292

operations security and, 58, 220221

auditing, 196

operations security and, 59, 223224

security management and, 67, 109

authentication, 133134

access control and, 17, 134

two-factor, 94, 300301

authentication headers (AHs), 42, 190

authorization, 133

automated information systems (AIS), 215216, 277

automated scanning tools, 107

availability, 109

awareness, training, education, 45, 7, 102103, 106, 111


back doors, 26, 150, 309

back propagation, 251

backup methods

in business continuity, disaster recovery, 77, 79, 265266, 271272

in law, investigation, ethics, 88, 290291

in telecommunications and network security, 29, 161162

backward chaining, 247

base relations (SQL), access control, 16, 129130

basic rate interface (BRI) in ISDN, 23, 143

behaviors, in OOP, 245

Bell-LaPadula model for security architecture, 4748, 197199

Biba model for security architecture, 48, 199200

biometrics, 93, 124125, 297

access control and, 14, 18, 137138

birthday attacks, 172

blackboard, in expert systems, 247

block ciphers, 3637, 41, 175177, 189

Blue Book, 216

Bluetooth, 144

BO2K, 154

British Standards Institution, 184

brute force attacks, 147, 309

bus, 277

bus topologies, 154

business assets identification, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 80, 272273

business continuity and disaster recovery, 7380, 257275

backups in, 79, 271272

business assets identification in, 80, 272273

business continuity programs in, 77, 265

business impact analysis (BIA) in, 78, 267268

business resumption plan development in, 76, 262263

contingency planning process in, 7576, 260261

disasters defined for, 77, 263264

emergency management plan development in, 78, 266267

evaluation and modification of, 79, 272

financial decision making and, 76, 261

financial management's role in, 77, 264

human caused hazards in, 80, 273

isolation of scene in, 79, 271

LAN backups and, 77, 265266

mutual aid agreements in, 78, 266, 272

natural disasters and, 76, 262

priorities in, 80, 274275

public and media disclosure of event in, 80, 273274

remote sensing technology and, 75, 258

resuming normal operations and, 79, 270

senior management's role in, 76, 261262

short-term objectives in, 79, 270271

tasks in, 75, 260

testing for, 7577, 259, 263

tiered organization structures and, 78, 267

vulnerability assessments in, 78, 268269

warm sites in, 75, 257258

water purification and, 79, 269270

business continuity programs, 77, 265

business impact analysis (BIA), 78, 267268

business resumption plan development, 76, 262263

Business Software Alliance (BSA), 294295


C2MYAZZ, 153154

cabling, Ethernet, 29, 159

cache logic, 212

cache poisoning, 154

Caesar ciphers, 189

call back schemes, access control, 13, 121122

capability maturity model (CMM), in applications and systems development, 66, 243244

Capstone cryptography, 36, 174175

carbon dioxide (CO2) agents, 308

carnivores, in law, investigation, ethics, 84, 280281

carrier sense multiple access control/carrier detect (CSMA/CD), 142

CAST5 cryptography, 180

categories of cabling, 24, 144145, 159

categories of computer crimes, 83, 277279

CD-ROM companion disk and use, 311313

central processing unit (CPU), 277, in security architecture and models, 52, 210

centralized architectures, 211

CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC), 212213

certification, in security architecture and models, 51, 205206

challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP), 151

challenge-response authentication, 134

checklist reviews, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

checksums, access control, 16, 131

Chinese Wall model, 254

chosen ciphertext attacks, 172

CIAP and security architecture, 206

cipher block chaining (CBC), 176

ciphers, 164

circuit level firewalls, 153

cladding, optical fiber, 162

Clark-Wilson Integrity Model for security architecture, 48, 200

classes, in applications and systems development, 67, 246

Classes of fire, 93, 299

classes of IP addresses, 26, 151

classification scheme, for security management, 7, 112114

“clean” fire extinguishers, 94, 301

client/server model, 70, 254255

Clipper chip cryptography, 36, 173175

cold sites, 272

columns, in access control, 13, 123124, 132133

common criteria (CC) for operations security, 6061, 230, 232233

common criteria terminology, in security

architecture and models, 49, 201

common object model (COM), 70, 253254

common object request broker architecture (CORBA), 70, 253254

communications, 229

Communications Assistance for Law

Enforcement (CALEA), 83, 279280

Communications Security Establishment (CSE), 281

compartmented mode of operation, 219

compartmented mode workstation (CMW), 197

complete backup, 161

composition model for security architecture, 200201

computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools, 251

computer crime categories, 83, 277279

computer forensics, 291

Conditional Access Directive (CAD), 84, 282

confidential data classification, 113

confidentiality, 6, 108109

in security architecture and models, 48, 199200

configuration control, operations security, 60, 227228

Configuration Control Board (CCB), 59, 222223

configuration items (CIs), 59, 225, 227

configuration management

in applications and systems development, 65, 241

operations security and, 5859, 61, 222, 225, 233

confinement property, 198

confusion, cryptography, 189

constrained data items (CDIs), 200

Construction Cost Model (COCOMO), 65, 241242

Content Scrambling Systems (CSS), 281282

context dependence/independence, in access control, 14, 125

contingency planning process, 76, 260261

controls, security management, 6, 107

copyright, 90, 279, 293294

copyright management information (CMI), 84, 281282

covert channels, 198

covert storage channels, 61, 231232

crossovers, in evolutionary computing, 252

cryptanalysis, 44, 164, 193194

cryptography, 3144, 164194

advanced encryption standard (AES) and, 37, 178, 188

algorithms in, 33, 164

ANSI X9.52 standard in, 40, 185186

application programming interfaces (APIs) for, 39, 183184

asymmetric, 170

attacks using, 35, 172

authentication headers (AHs) and, 42, 190

birthday attacks, 172

block ciphers and, 3637, 41, 175177, 189

Capstone and, 36, 174175

Clipper chip and, 36, 173175

cryptanalysis in, 44, 193194

data encryption standard (DES) and, 40, 185186

DESX and, 40, 185186

diffusion in, 41, 189

digital cash and, 38, 180181

digital certificates and, 35, 172173

Digital Signature Analysis (DSA) and, 35, 171172

digital signatures and, 3738, 44, 180, 193

EIGamal public key in, 33, 165168

electronic funds transfer and, 38, 180181

elliptic curves in, 34, 169

encapsulating security payload (ESP) in, 42, 190

hash functions and, 3435, 169170, 172

Internet Security Protocols and, 37, 177179

IPSec and, 42

iterated block ciphers in, 37, 176

key recovery methods in, 38, 181182

key schedules in, 37, 177

keys in, 33, 165

law enforcement access field (LEAF) and, 36, 173175

message digest (MD) algorithms in, 36, 173

modulo 26 substitution ciphers in, 4041, 187

multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME) and, 3738, 180

National Computer Security Center (NCSC) and, 4142, 189

National Security Agency (NSA) and, 36, 174175

number field sieve (NFS) in, 40, 185

policies for, 40, 184

public key cryptography standards (PKCS) and, 39, 183

public keys in, 33, 4243, 165168, 192193

quantum computing vs., 3839, 182183

secret keys in, 33, 165

secure hash algorithm (SHA) in, 171172

stream ciphers and, 42, 192

symmetric key, 170

TEMPEST and, 175

transport layer security (TLS) and, 33, 168, 178179

Vigenere cipher squares in, 4243, 190191

wired equivalent privacy (WEP) and, 41, 187

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and, 37, 177179

wireless LANs (WLANs) and, 41, 187

wireless transport layer security (WTLS) and, 37, 177179

cryptosystems, 164

cryptovariables, 164

crytopgraphic application programming interface (CAPI), 183184

cut through switching, telecommunications and network security, 25, 148149


damages awarded in litigation, 85, 285

data administration, 250

data classification scheme, 7, 112114

data description languages (DDL), 125126

data dictionaries, 69, 251

data encryption standard (DES), 40, 176, 180, 185186

data flow diagrams (DFDs), 239

data mart, 249

data mining, 68, 249250

data models, 249, 251

data remanence, 58, 215216, 219220

data scrubbing, 249

data type dictionary, 251

data warehouses, 68, 249

database management systems (DBMS), 71, 255

databases, access control, 14, 125126

decision support system (DSS), 249

DeCSS, 281282

dedicated mode of operation, 218

Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP), 205206

Defense Security Directorate (DSD), 281

defuzzification, 249

deguassing, 220

delegation, in OOP, 246

demon dialing, 149

denial of service (DoS) attack, 25, 147

derived data, 250

destruction of data, 215216, 220

DESX cryptography, 40, 185186

diagraphs, 138

dial-up hacking, 25, 149

differential backup, 161, 163

Diffie-Hellman cryptography, 176

diffusion, in cryptography, 41, 189

digital cash, 38, 180181

digital certificates, 35, 172173

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 281282

Digital Signature Analysis (DSA), 35, 171172

digital signatures, 35, 3738, 44, 170172, 180, 193

direct memory access (DMA), 210

disaster recovery (see business continuity and disaster recovery) disasters defined for business continuity, disaster recovery, 77, 263264

discovery process, in law, investigation, ethics, 88, 291

disk image backup, 88, 290291

disk mirroring, 25, 146147

distance metric, in access control, 125

distance vector routing, 158

distributed architectures, 211

distributed COM (DCOM), 254

distributed data processing (DDP), 70, 255

DNS poisoning, 153154

document reviews, 107

DoD layered network model, 2324, 143144

domain experts, 248

domains, access control, 130

dry pipe sprinkler systems, 93, 299300

DSA, 180

dual homed hosts, 2627, 151152

“due care,” 89, 293

dynamic control protocol routing, 158

dynamic lifetime of objects, 239240

dynamic state tables, 27, 152153


Echelon, 280

EIGamal public key, 33, 165168

electromagnetic interference (EMI), in physical security, 95, 305306

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), 83, 279280

electronic data interchange (EDI), in law, investigation, ethics, 83, 279

electronic funds transfer, 38, 180181

Electronic Signature Directive, 85, 284

electronic signatures, 85, 202203, 284285

Electronic Signatures in Global and National

Commerce Act (ESIGN), 85, 284285

elliptic curves, in cryptography, 34, 169

email security, 26, 150151

emergency management plan development, 78, 266267

encapsulating security payload (ESP), 42, 148, 190

encapsulation, in OOP, 239

encapsulation, key, 181182

enforced paths, in access control, 13, 121

enrollment, biometrics, 137

enrollment time metric, in access control, 125

Enterprise Access Management (EAM), 18, 136137

Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES), 174175

Ethernet 1000BaseCX, 157

Ethernet 1000BaseFX, 157

Ethernet 1000BaseLX, 157

Ethernet 1000BaseSX, 157

Ethernet 100BaseT networks, 24, 144145

Ethernet networks

cabling for, 29, 159

telecommunications and network security and, 2829, 156157, 159

ethics (see law, investigation, ethics)

European Union Electronic Signature Directive, 85, 284

evaluation assurance levels (EALs)

operations security and, 6061, 230

in security architecture and models, 201

evidence gathering in computer crimes, 87, 288289

evolutionary computing, 252

expert systems, 6768, 247248

extensible authentication protocol (EAP), 146


false acceptance, 137

false acceptance rate (FAR), 137

false rejection, 137

false rejection rate (FRR), 137

Federal Computer Incident Response Center (FedCIRC), 53, 212213

Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 83, 279280

Federal Rules of Evidence, in law, investigation, ethics, 87, 289

Feistel ciphers, 176

Feistel, Horst, 176

fetch times, in security architecture and models, 47, 195

fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), 154

field programmable gate array (FPGA), 206

file transfer protocol (FTP), 149, 158

financial decision making, in business

continuity, disaster recovery, 76, 261

financial management's role in business

continuity, disaster recovery, 77, 264

fingerprinting, 297

fire, classifications, 93, 299

fire extinguishers, 9394, 96, 298299, 301, 303, 308

fire protection (see also physical security), 93, 287298, 310

fire resistance, 309310

fire retardants, 310

fire safety ratings, 97, 309310

firewalls, 2627, 151153

firmware, 206

fitness values, 252

flooding attack, 147

fluoroiodocarbons (FICs), 298

forensics, computer, 291

Forest Green Book, 57, 215216

Fortezza cryptography, 175

forward chaining, 247

Fourth Amendment Rights, in law, investigation, ethics, 8788, 289290

frame check sequence (FCS), 156157

Frame Relay, 156

frequency shift keying (FSK), 188

full backup, 161

full-duplex transmission, 207

full-scale exercise, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

functional drills, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

functionality, in security architecture and models, 201

fuzzy expert systems, 248249


General Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), 281

general packet radio services (GPRS), 19, 138

generalized security application programming interface (GSAPI), 255

generic security service API (GSS-API), 183

genetic algorithms, 69, 251252

genomes, in evolutionary computing, 252

Global Positioning System (GPS), 149

global system for mobile (GSM), 19, 138139

Government Communication Head Quarters (GCHQ), 280281

Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act, 51, 203, 209

Green Book, 215, 226

Grey/Silver Book, 216

group rights

access control and, 16, 130

in security architecture and models, 49, 200201

grouped processes, in access control, 13, 122123

guard personnel, 95, 305


hackers, dial up, 25, 149

half-duplex transmission, 207

halocarbon agents for fire extinguishers, 93, 298299

Halon, 308

handprinting, 297

Handshake Protocols, 168

hash functions, 3435, 169170, 172

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 4951, 86, 202203, 207209, 286287

Hearsay Rule, in law, investigation, ethics, 87, 289

honey pots, 150

hot sites, 272

human caused hazards, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 80, 273

humidity control, 95, 304

hydrochlorfluorcarbons (HCFCs), 298

hydrofluorcarbons (HFCs), 298

hydrogen fluoride fire extinguishing agents, 94, 303


IDEA, 175, 180

identity, of objects, 239

incident handling capabilities, 7, 60, 112, 229230

incremental backup, 161, 163

incremental development, 66, 242

independent review of security controls (OMB Circular A-130), 8, 114

inert gas (IG) fire extinguishers, 298299

inference, 16, 126, 129

inference engines, 68, 247248

information flow model, 125, 200201

information gathering, in security management, 5, 106107

information owner, 7, 111112

information policies, in security management, 4, 103

information systems security officer (ISO), 4, 102

Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), 49, 202

infrastructure WLAN, 159

inheritance, in OOP, 246

Inmon, Bill, 249

integrated project support environment (IPSE), 251

integrity, 109

access control and, 15, 127

in security architecture and models, 48, 199200

integrity check (IC), 188

integrity property, 199

interface contracts, 253

interface definition language (IDL), 253

interior gateway protocols, 24, 145

International Standard for the Common Criteria, 59, 226

Internet Activities Board (IAB) ethics, 89, 292

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 23, 142143

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 158

Internet Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), 145146

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 151

Internet Security Protocols, and cryptography, 37, 177179

interviews, onsite, 107

investigation (see law, investigation, ethics) investigation characteristics in computer crime, 87, 287288

IP addressing, 23, 26, 2830, 142143, 151, 162

IPSec, 25, 42, 138, 148


access control and, 138

basic rate interface (BRI) in, 23, 143

primary rate interface (PRI) in, 143

isochronous data transmission, 146

isolation of scene, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 79, 271

issue-specific policies, in security management, 5, 7, 104105, 110

iterated block ciphers, 37, 176


jackets, optical fiber, 162

Java Security Model (JSM), 47, 196

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 196

jump instructions, 210


Kennedy-Kassebaum (see Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

Kerberos, in access control, 1517, 127128, 131

key clustering, 165

key encapsulation, 181182

key recovery methods, 38, 181182

key schedules, 37, 177

keyed message authentication code (MAC), 168, 170

keys, cryptographic, 33, 164165

keyspace, 164

keystroke dynamics, 137138

knowledge acquisition system, 248, 251

knowledge based system (KBS), 67, 246247

knowledge engineers, 248


LAN backups, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 77, 265266

LAN topologies, telecommunications and network security, 27, 154

land.c attack, 153

law enforcement access field (LEAF), and cryptography, 36, 173175

law, investigation, ethics, 8190, 277295

audit trails and, 89, 292

Business Software Alliance (BSA) and, 294295

carnivores and, 84, 280281

categories of computer crimes and, 83, 277279

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement (CALEA) and, 83, 279280

Conditional Access Directive (CAD) and, 84, 282

copyright management information (CMI) and, 84, 281282

damages awarded in litigation and, 85, 285

definitions for, 83, 277

discovery process and, 88, 291

disk image backup and, 88, 290291

“due care” in, 89, 293

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and, 83, 279280

electronic data interchange (EDI) and, 83, 279

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and, 85, 284285

European Union Electronic Signature Directive and, 85, 284

evidence gathering in, 87, 288289

Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and, 83, 279280

Federal Rules of Evidence and, 87, 289

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and, 86, 286287

Hearsay Rule and, 87, 289

Internet Activities Board (IAB) ethics and, 89, 292

investigation characteristics in computer crime and, 87, 287288

Kennedy-Kassebaum (see Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

password access and, 8889, 291

Patriot Act and, 84, 8788, 282283, 289290

pen register in, 84, 280

privacy issues and, 86, 285

Privacy Rule of HIPPA, 8687, 287

protected health information (PHI) and, 86, 286287

search and seizure rules and, 8788, 289290

software piracy and, 90, 294295

surveillance of computer/networks in, 89, 293

trademarks, service marks, tradenames, copyright and, 90, 293294

Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) and, 85, 283

wiretapping and, 83, 279280

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and, 84, 281282

layer two forwarding protocol (L2FP), 148

layer two tunneling protocol (L2TP), 148

layered security architectures, 6, 107108

least privilege concept, 57, 126, 216, 218

life cycle phases of security, 8, 114

linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), 192

link state protocol (LSP), 158

link state routing, 158

Lisp, 246

locks, 309

log on process, in access control, 13, 122

logical ring topologies, 154


maintenance hooks, 309

malfeasance, 277

man traps, 308309

management reviews, 116

mandatory access control, 130131

man-in-the-middle attack, 154

man-in-the-middle authentication, 134

MD5, 180

media access control (MAC) addresses, 23, 2829, 141142

media control, in operations security, 62, 234235

meet-in-the-middle attacks, 172

memory, in security architecture and models, 52, 211212

message authentication code (MAC), 168, 170

message digest (MD) algorithms, 36, 173, 180

message, in OOP, 245

methods, in OOP, 245

metropolitan area networks (MANs), 156

microprocessors, 277

mirroring, 25, 146147

modes of secure operation, 58, 218

modulo 26 substitution ciphers, 4041, 187

monitoring, in security management, 67, 109

motion detection systems, 94, 302303

multilevel mode of operation, 219

multilevel security systems (MLSs), 4748, 197198

multimode optical fiber, telecommunications and network security, 27, 155

multiple inheritance, in OOP, 246

multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME), and cryptography, 3738, 180

mutual aid agreements, 78, 266, 272


National Computer Security Center (NCSC), 4142, 189

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 93, 297298

National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP), 50, 205206

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 8, 115116, 189

National Security Agency (NSA), and cryptography, 36, 174175

natural disasters, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 76, 262

need-to-know concepts, 57, 217218

NetStumbler, 149

network address translation (NAT), 143

Network Layer, in telecommunications and network security, 24, 144

network security (see telecommunications and network security)

neural networks, 248, 250252

NIST IT security principles, 8, 115116

no read down property, 199

no read up property, 198

no write down property, 198

no write up property, 199

noncombustible materials, 310

nonflammable materials, 310

non-interference model for security architecture, 200201

normalization of data, 249

notice, choice, access, security and enforcement

in security architecture, 50, 203204

number field sieve (NFS), 40, 185


Object Management Group (OMG), 252

object-oriented databases, 17, 132133

object-oriented languages, 67, 246

object-oriented programming, 67, 245246

object-oriented systems, 239

object request architecture (ORA), 69, 252

object request broker (ORB), 69, 253

object reuse, in operations security, 62, 237

objects, 239

OMG Object Model, 253

one-time password authentication, 134

online analytical processing (OLAP), 249

onsite interviews, 107

Open Group, for access control, 17, 131132

open shortest path first (OSPF), 145

open systems, 211

operational assurance, 61, 230231

operations security, 5562, 215237

audit trails and, 58, 220221

auditing and, 59, 223224

common criteria (CC) and, 6061, 230, 232233

compartmented mode of operation in, 219

configuration control and, 60, 227228

Configuration Control Board (CCB) and, 59, 222223

configuration items (CIs) in, 59, 225, 227

configuration management and, 5859, 61, 222, 225, 233

covert storage channels and, 61, 231232

data remanence and, 58, 219220

dedicated mode of operation in, 218

evaluation assurance levels (EALs) in, 6061, 230

Forest Green Book in, 57, 215216

incident handling capabilities and, 60, 229230

International Standard for the Common Criteria in, 59, 226

least privilege concept in, 57, 216

media control in, 62, 234235

modes of operation in, 58, 218

multilevel mode of operation in, 219

need-to-know concepts in, 57, 217218

object reuse and, 62, 237

operational assurance and, 61, 230231

partitioned security mode in, 6162, 233234

protection profiles (PPs) and, 61, 232233

Rainbow series of books and, 57, 215

separation of duties and, 62, 235

system-high mode of operation in, 218219

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) and, 5758, 217, 221222

trusted computing base (TCB) in, 57, 60, 217, 228229

trusted distribution controls and, 62, 235236

trusted facility management in, 62, 236237

trusted network interpretation (TNI) and, 57, 215

trusted recovery and, 58, 221222

user account administration in, 59, 224225

user accounts and, 60, 226227

optical fiber, in telecommunications and

network security, 2730, 155, 157, 162

Orange Book, 215, 226

orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), 144

OSI layered reference model, 2324, 141, 144

overhead, 207

overwriting data, 220

ownership, system vs. information, 7, 111112


packages, in security architecture and models, 201

packet filtering firewalls, 153

packet switching networks, 28, 156

padded cells, 150

parallel test, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

parents, in evolutionary computing, 252

partitioned security mode, 6162, 233234


access control and, 18, 135136

in law, investigation, ethics, 8889, 291

in telecommunications and network security, 26, 149150

Patriot Act, 84, 8788, 282283, 289290

pen register, 84, 280

perflurocarbons (PFCs/FCs), 298

personal identification numbers (PINs), 134

personally identifiable information (PII), 204

phrenology, 297

physical access controls, 1314, 124

physical security, 9197, 297310

access control for high security areas, 96, 309

biometrics and, 93, 297

carbon dioxide (CO2) agents and, 308

Classes of fire and, 93, 299

“clean” fire extinguishers and, 94, 301

dry pipe sprinkler systems in, 93, 299300

electromagnetic interference (EMI) and, 95, 305306

fire extinguishers and, 9394, 96, 301, 303, 308

fire protection and, 93, 297298

fire safety ratings and, 97, 309310

guard personnel and, 95, 305

halocarbon agents in, 93, 298299

humidity control and, 95, 304

hydrogen fluoride fire extinguishing agents and, 94, 303

motion detection systems in, 94, 302303

piggybacking and, 96, 308309

radio frequency interference (RFI) and, 95, 305306

raised flooring and, 9495, 303304

smoke damage and, 9596, 304305, 307308

social engineering and, 96, 307

sprinkler systems in, 94, 301302

storage of records and materials and, 9394, 300

toxicity of fire extinguisher agents and, 96, 308

two-factor authentication in, 94, 300301

water damage, 9596, 306

piggybacking, 96, 308309

ping of death attacks, 147, 153

pipelining, 195

piracy, software, 90, 294295

plaintext, 164

platform for privacy preferences (P3P), 5152, 209210

pleisiochronous data transmission, 146

point to point tunneling protocol (PPTP), 148

policy development cryptography and, 40, 184

security management and, 9, 118119

polyalphabetic substitution ciphers, 190

post office protocol (POP), 151

preservation of organization's information, security management, 5, 105

pretty good privacy (PGP), 180

primary memory, 212

primary rate interface (PRI) in ISDN, 143

principles of security, NIST, 8, 115116

priorities in business continuity, disaster recovery, 80, 274275

priority queues, 251

privacy enhanced mail (PEM), 173

privacy issues, 202204

law, investigation, ethics and, 86, 285

in security architecture and models, 51, 209

Privacy Rule of HIPPA, 8687, 287

private data classification, 113

procedural languages, 246

processors, 277

programmable logic devices (PLDs), 206

protected health information (PHI), 86, 208, 286287

protection domains, 13, 122123

protection profiles (PPs), 61, 201, 232233

proxy server, 151152

public data classification, 113114

public key cryptography standards (PKCS), 39, 183

public keys, in cryptography, 33, 4243, 165168, 192193

Pumps, in security architecture and models, 47, 197

Purple Book, 215


quantum computing vs. cryptography, 3839, 182183

questionnaires, 106


radio frequency interference (RFI), and physical security, 95, 305306

RAID, 25, 146147

Rainbow series of books for operations security, 57, 215

raised flooring, and physical security, 9495, 303304

random access memory (RAM), 212

RC4, 176, 188

RC5, 175

RC6, 177

read only memory (ROM), in security architecture and models, 51, 206

real memory, 212

Record and Handshake Protocols, 168

Red Book, 215

reduced instruction set computer (RISC), 195

reference monitors, in access control, 17, 133134

reinforcement learning, 251

rejection, false, 137

relational databases, in access control, 14, 17, 126, 132133

relations, in access control, 132133

remote sensing technology, 75, 258

restricted shell, for access control, 1415, 126127

resuming normal operations, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 79, 270

reverse address resolution protocol (RARP), 158

reviews, management, 116

risk analysis, 5

risk assessment, 8, 117, 229

risk mitigation, 3, 99

Rivest, Ronald, 176, 185, 188

role-based access control, 16, 130, 197

rotation of duties, 218

routing information protocol (RIP), 145, 158

routing tables, in telecommunications and network security, 28, 158

rows and columns, in access control, 13, 123124

RSA, 180

rule-based access control, 130


S box cryptography, 189

sabotage, 278

salami fraud, 307

sandboxes, 196, 253

scalar processors, 195

scanning tools, automated, in information gathering, 107

screened host firewalls, 151152

screened subnet firewalls, 151152

search and seizure rules, in law, investigation, ethics, 8788, 289290

secondary logic, 212

secret key cryptography, 33, 165

Secure European System for Applications in Multivendor Environment (SESAME), 15, 128129

secure hash algorithm (SHA), 171172

secure sockets layer (SSL), 29, 160161, 168

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME), 160161

security architecture and models, 4553, 195213

accreditation in, 51, 205206

ANSI ASC X12 standard in, 51, 207209

associative memory and, 52, 210

Bell-LaPadula model for, 4748, 197199

Biba model for, 48, 199200

central processing unit (CPU) and, 52, 210

certification in, 51, 205206

CIAP and, 206

Clark-Wilson Integrity Model for, 48, 200

common criteria terminology and, 49, 201

components of, 47, 196197

composition model for, 200201

confidentiality and, 48, 199200

Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP) in, 205206

evaluation assurance levels (EALs) and, 201

Federal Computer Incident Response Center (FedCIRC) and, 53, 212213

fetch times and, 47, 195

Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act and, 51, 203, 209

group rights and, 49, 200201

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and, 4951, 202203, 207209

information flow model for, 200201

Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) and, 49, 202

integrity and, 48, 199200

Java Security Model (JSM) and, 47, 196

memory and, 52, 211212

multilevel security systems (MLSs) and, 4748, 197198

National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP) in, 50, 205206

non-interference model for, 200201

notice, choice, access, security and enforcement in, 50, 203204

platform for privacy preferences (P3P) in, 5152, 209210

privacy issues and, 51, 209

Pumps and, 47, 197

read only memory (ROM) and, 51, 206

reduced instruction set computer (RISC) and, 195

separation of duty and, 50, 204205

serial data transmission and, 51, 206207

site accreditation in, 205

strong tranquillity property in (Bell-LaPadula model), 48, 198199

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) and, 49, 202

trusted computing base (TCB) and, 49, 201

type accreditation in, 50, 205

types of, 52, 211

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and, 5152, 209210

Security Association (SA), 148

Security Association Database (SAD), 148

security awareness, training, education, 45, 7, 102103, 106, 111

security kernels, 133

security management, 19

annualized loss expectancy (ALE) in, 3, 100101

auditing in, 67, 109

best practices in, 3, 101

confidentiality protection and, 6, 108109

controls in, 6, 107

data classification scheme for, 7, 112114

incident handling capabilities and, 7, 112

independent review of controls in (OMB Circular A-130), 8, 114

information gathering for, 5, 106107

information policies and, 4, 103

information systems security officer (ISO) in, 4, 102

issue-specific policies and, 5, 7, 104105, 110

layered security architectures and, 6, 107108

life cycle phases of security in, 8, 114

monitoring in, 67, 109

NIST IT security principles in, 8, 115116

ownerships, system vs. information, 7, 111112

policy development in, 9, 118119

preservation of organization's information and, 5, 105

risk analysis and, 5

risk assessment and, 8, 117

risk mitigation in, 3, 99

security awareness, training, education, 45, 7, 102103, 106, 111

self-testing techniques for, 9, 118

single loss expectancy (SLE) in, 3, 100

standards for, 4, 101102

system-specific policies and, 7, 110

unfriendly terminations and, 5, 103104

user account management and, 8, 116

visibility of IT security policy in, 9, 117118

security perimeters, 121, 201

Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI), 129

security target (ST), 201

self-testing techniques, in security management, 9, 118

senior management's role in business continuity, disaster recovery, 76, 261262

sensitive data classification, 113

separation of duties, 126, 218, 254

operations security and, 62, 235

in security architecture and models, 50, 204205

sequence number attack, 153

serial data transmission, 51, 206207

service marks, 90, 293294

Session Layer protocols, in telecommunications and network security, 23, 141

SHA-1, 180

shell, restricted, 1415, 126127

short-term objectives in business continuity, disaster recovery, 79, 270271

simple integrity property, 199

simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), 151

Simple Security Property, in access control, 16, 130131

simple security property/ss property, 198

simplex data transmission, 207

simulation test, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

single loss expectancy (SLE), 3, 100

single sign on (SSO) interfaces, 17, 131132, 136137

singlemode optical fiber, in telecommunications and network security, 27, 155

site accreditation, in security architecture and models, 205

Skipjack algorithm, 175

smoke damage, 9596, 304305, 307308

SMURF attack, 147

Snort, 154

social engineering, in physical security, 96, 307

SOCKS protocol, in telecommunications and network security, 25, 149

software capability evaluation, 6667, 245

software engineering, 65, 239240

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 212213

software piracy, 90, 294295

software process assessment, 6667, 245

software process capability, 243

software process maturity, 244

software process performance, 244

software processes, 243

spanning tree protocol, in telecommunications and network security, 23, 141142

spiral model, in applications and systems development, 66, 243

spoofing attacks, 27, 153154

sprinkler systems, 94, 301302

SQL, in access control, 16, 129130

standards for security management, 4, 101102

Star Property, in access control, 16, 130131

star topologies, 154

start bits, 207

stateful inspection firewalls, 153

static random access memory (SRAM), 206

static routing, 158

statistical information, in access control, 16, 129

statistical modeling, 249

stop bits, 207

storage of records and materials, 9394, 300

store and forward switching, in telecommunications and network security, 25, 148149

stream cipher cryptography, 42, 192

strong tranquillity property (Bell-LaPadula model), 48, 198199

structured analysis/structured design (SA/SD), 239

structured walk through test, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

subclasses, in applications and systems development, 67, 246

subnet masks, in telecommunications and network security, 30, 162

substitution, in OOP, 239240

substitution ciphers, 4041, 187, 189

superscalar processors, 195

surveillance of computer/networks, 89, 293

switched multimegabit data service (SMDS), 156

symmetric key encryption, 170

SYN attack, 153

synchronicity of transmissions, 24, 146

synchronous data transmission, 146, 207

system owner, 7, 111112

system-high mode of operation, 218219

system-specific policies, in security management, 7, 110


table top exercises, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

TCP SYN attack, 147

telecommunications and network security, 2130, 141163

back doors and, 26, 150

backup methods in, 29, 161162

basic rate interface (BRI) in ISDN and, 23, 143

cut through switching and, 25, 148149

denial of service (DoS) attack and, 25, 147

dial up hacking and, 25, 149

disk mirroring and, 25, 146147

DoD layered network model in, 2324, 143144

dual homed hosts and, 2627, 152

dynamic state tables and, 27, 152153

email and, 26, 150151

Ethernet 100BaseT networks in, 24, 144145

Ethernet networks and, 2829, 156157, 159

firewalls and, 2627, 151153

interior gateway protocols in, 24, 145

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 23, 142143

IP addressing and, 23, 26, 2830, 142143, 151, 162

IPSec and, 25, 148

LAN topologies and, 27, 154

media access control (MAC) addresses and, 23, 2829, 141142

multimode vs. singlemode optical fiber and, 27, 155

network address translation (NAT), 143

Network Layer in, 24, 144

optical fiber networks and, 2830, 157, 162

OSI layered reference model in, 2324, 141, 144

packet switching networks and, 28, 156

passwords in, 26, 149150

RAID and, 25, 146147

routing tables and, 28, 158

secure sockets layer (SSL) in, 29, 160161

Session Layer protocols and, 23, 141

SOCKS protocol and, 25, 149

spanning tree protocol and, 23, 141142

spoofing attacks and, 27, 153154

store and forward switching and, 25, 148149

subnet masks and, 30, 162

synchronicity of transmissions in, 24, 146

TCP and, 27, 153

Transport Layer in, 2324, 143144

unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and, 24, 144145, 155

virtual LANs (VLANs) and, 28, 155156

wide area networks (WANs) and, 28, 156

Windows NT and passwords in, 26, 149150

wireless connectivity and, 24, 144

wireless LANs (WLANs) and, 29, 159160


TEMPEST cryptography, 175

termination of employees, security management, 5, 103104

testing business continuity, disaster recovery, 7577, 259, 263

theft, 278

ThickNet, 159

ThinNet, 159

timestamps, access control, 127

TLS Record and Handshake Protocols, 168

Token Ring, 154

ToneLoc, 149

topologies, telecommunications and network security, 27, 154

toxicity of fire extinguisher agents, 96, 308

trademarks, 90, 293294

tradenames, 90, 293294

traffic analysis, 280

training operations security and, 229

security management and, 45, 7, 102103, 106, 111

transactions and code sets, 202203

transformation procedures (TPs), 200

transmission control protocol (TCP) access control and, 138

telecommunications and network security and, 27, 143, 153

Transport Layer, in network security, 2324, 143144

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 33, 168, 178179

transposition, in cryptography, 189

trap doors, 150, 309

trap-and-trace device, 280

trigraphs, 138

triples, access control, 122, 200

trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP), 158

Trojan Horses, 309

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) operations security and, 5758, 217, 221222

in security architecture and models, 49, 202

trusted computing base (TCB), 121

operations security and, 57, 60, 217, 228229

in security architecture and models, 49, 201

trusted distribution controls, 62, 235236

trusted facility management, 62, 201, 236237

trusted network interpretation (TNI), 57, 215

trusted paths, 121

trusted recovery, 58, 221222

trusted subjects, 198

tunneling, 148

tuples, access control, 132133

turnaround time, 207

Twinax, 159

two-factor authentication, 94, 300301

type accreditation, in security architecture and models, 50, 205


unauthorized/illegal activities, detection, 116

unfriendly terminations, security management, 5, 103104

Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), 85, 283

unique health identifiers, 202203

unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 24, 144145, 155, 159

unwinding, 200201

user account administration/management

operations security and, 5960, 224227

security management and, 8, 116

user datagram protocol (UDP)

access control and, 138

telecommunications and network security and, 143


validation, 240

vectors, 195

verification, in applications and systems development, 65, 240

very long instruction word (VLIW), 195

view relations, access control, 14, 126

Vigenere cipher squares cryptography, 4243, 190191

virtual LANs (VLANs), 28, 155156

virtual memory, 212

virtual private networks (VPNs), 19, 121, 138

visibility of IT security policy, 9, 117118

volatile memory, 206

von Neumann architectures, 246

vulnerability assessments, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 78, 268269


walk through drill, in business continuity, disaster recovery, 259

WAP Forum, 179

WAP Identity Module (WIM), 179

war walking/war driving, 149

warm sites, 75, 257258, 306

water damage, 9596, 306

water purification, 79, 269270

waterfall model, in applications and systems development, 66, 242

weak tranquillity property (Bell-LaPadula model), 199

well-formed transactions, 200

wide area networks (WANs), 28, 156

Windows 2000, access control, 1617, 128129

Windows NT and passwords, 26, 149150

wired equivalent privacy (WEP), 41, 187

wireless application protocol (WAP), 187

access control and, 138

cryptography and, 37, 177179

wireless connectivity, telecommunications and network security, 24, 144

wireless LANs (WLANs) cryptography and, 41, 187

telecommunications and network security and, 29, 159160

wireless personal area networks (WPAN), 144

wireless transaction protocol (WTP), access control, 138

wireless transport layer security (WTLS), 37, 177179

wiretapping, 83, 279280

WMLScript Crypto Library, 179

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 84, 281282

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), security architecture and models, 5152, 209210


X.25, 156

X.52 standard, 40, 185186

X12 standard in security architecture and models, 51, 207209

XORing cryptography, 189, 192

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