Appendix B. Upcoming MLlib Pipelines API

The Spark project moves fast. When we started writing in August 2014, version 1.1.0 was nearing release. As this book goes to print in April 2015, Spark 1.2.1 is hot off the presses. In this version alone, almost 1,000 improvements and fixes were added.

The project carefully maintains binary and source compatibility for stable APIs in minor releases, and most of MLlib is considered stable. The examples in the book should therefore continue to work with Spark 1.3.0 and future 1.x releases; those implementations won’t be going anywhere. However, new releases often add or change experimental or developer-only APIs, which are still evolving.

Spark MLlib has, of course, featured prominently in these chapters, and a book covering Spark 1.2.1 would not be complete without mentioning a significant new direction for MLlib that appears, in part, as an experimental API: the “Pipelines” API.

It’s officially only a month or so old, subject to change, and not nearly complete, and so it has not been possible to build the book around it. However, it’s worth knowing about, having already seen what MLlib offers today.

This appendix will give a quick look at the new Pipelines API, the result of work discussed in SPARK-3530 in the Spark project issue tracker.

Beyond Mere Modeling

In purpose and scope, the current MLlib resembles other machine learning libraries. It provides an implementation of machine learning algorithms, and just the core implementation. Each takes preprocessed input as an RDD of LabeledPoint or Rating objects, for example, and returns some representation of the resulting model. That’s all. This is quite useful, but solving a real-world machine learning problem requires more than just running an algorithm.

You may have noticed that in each chapter of the book, most of the source code exists to prepare features from raw input, transform the features, and evaluate the model in some way. Calling an MLlib algorithm is just a small, easy part in the middle.

These additional tasks are common to just about any machine learning problem. In fact, a real production machine learning deployment probably involves many more tasks:

  1. Parse raw data into features

  2. Transform features into other features

  3. Build a model

  4. Evaluate a model

  5. Tune model hyperparameters

  6. Rebuild and deploy a model, continuously

  7. Update a model in real time

  8. Answer queries from the model in real time

Viewed this way, MLlib provides only a small part: #3. The new Pipelines API begins to expand MLlib so that it’s a framework for tackling tasks #1 through #5. These are the very tasks that we have had to complete by hand in different ways throughout the book.

The rest is important, but likely out of scope for MLlib. These aspects may be implemented with a combination of tools like Spark Streaming, JPMML, REST APIs, Apache Kafka, and so on.

The Pipelines API

The new Pipelines API encapsulates a simple, tidy view of these machine learning tasks: at each stage, data is turned into other data, and eventually turned into a model, which is itself an entity that just creates data (predictions) from other data too (input).

Data, here, is always represented by a specialized RDD borrowed from Spark SQL, the org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD class. As its name implies, it contains table-like data, wherein each element is a Row. Each Row has the same “columns,” whose schema is known, including name, type, and so on.

This enables convenient SQL-like operations to transform, project, filter, and join this data. Along with the rest of Spark’s APIs, this mostly answers task #1 in the previous list.

More importantly, the existence of schema information means that the machine learning algorithms can more correctly and automatically distinguish between numeric and categorical features. Input is no longer just an array of Double values, where the caller is responsible for communicating which are actually categorical.

The rest of the new Pipelines API, or at least the portions already released for preview as experimental APIs, lives under the package—compare with the current stable APIs in the org.apache.spark.mllib package.

The Transformer abstraction represents logic that can transform data into other data—a SchemaRDD into another SchemaRDD. An Estimator represents logic that can build a machine learning model, or Model, from a SchemaRDD. And a Model is itself a Transformer. contains some helpful implementations like HashingTF for computing term frequencies in TF-IDF, or Tokenizer for simple parsing. In this way, the new API helps support task #2.

The Pipeline abstraction then represents a series of Transformer and Estimator objects, which may be applied in sequence to an input SchemaRDD in order to output a Model. Pipeline itself is therefore an Estimator, because it produces a Model!

This design allows for some interesting combinations. Because a Pipeline may contain an Estimator, it means it may internally build a Model, which is then used as a Transformer. That is, the Pipeline may build and use the predictions of an algorithm internally as part of a larger flow. In fact, this also means that Pipeline can contain other Pipeline instances inside.

To answer task #3, there is already a simple implementation of at least one actual model-building algorithm in this new experimental API, While it’s possible to wrap existing org.apache.spark.mllib implementations as an Estimator, the new API already provides a rewritten implementation of logistic regression for us, for example.

The Evaluator abstraction supports evaluation of model predictions. It is in turn used in the CrossValidator class in to create and evaluate many Model instances from a SchemaRDD—so, it is also an Estimator. Supporting APIs in define hyperparameters and grid search parameters for use with CrossValidator. These packages help with tasks #4 and #5, then—evaluating and tuning models as part of a larger pipeline.

Text Classification Example Walkthrough

The Spark Examples module contains a simple example of the new API in action, in the class. Its action is illustrated in Figure B-1.

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Figure B-1. A simple text classification Pipeline

The input are objects representing documents, with an ID, text, and score (label). Although training is not a SchemaRDD, it will be implicitly converted later:

val training = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
  LabeledDocument(0L, "a b c d e spark", 1.0),
  LabeledDocument(1L, "b d", 0.0),
  LabeledDocument(2L, "spark f g h", 1.0),
  LabeledDocument(3L, "hadoop mapreduce", 0.0)))

The Pipeline applies two Transformer implementations. First, Tokenizer separates text into words by space. Then, HashingTF computes term frequencies for each word. Finally, LogisticRegression creates a classifier using these term frequencies as input features:

val tokenizer = new Tokenizer().
val hashingTF = new HashingTF().
val lr = new LogisticRegression().

These operations are combined into a Pipeline that actually creates a model from the training input:

val pipeline = new Pipeline().
  setStages(Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr))
val model = 1

Implicit conversion to SchemaRDD

Finally, this model can be used to classify new documents. Note that model is really a Pipeline containing all the transformation logic, not just a call to a classifier model:

val test = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
  Document(4L, "spark i j k"),
  Document(5L, "l m n"),
  Document(6L, "mapreduce spark"),
  Document(7L, "apache hadoop")))
  select('id, 'text, 'score, 'prediction). 1

Not strings; syntax for Expressions

The code for an entire pipeline is simpler, better organized, and more reusable compared to the handwritten code that is currently necessary to implement the same functionality around MLlib.

Look forward to more additions, and change, in the new Pipeline API in Spark 1.3.0 and beyond.

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