Testing Vector3

Because the Vector3 class is so complicated (and important!), I want to test its functionality before plugging it into the upcoming Sprite class. On the CD is a project called VectorTest, which is a Win32 Console project that does not need the whole game engine, just the Vector3 class. The Vector3.h and Vector3.cpp files had to be modified a bit to allow the class to compile on its own. (The Advanced2D.h include and namespace lines were commented out.) As a console program, we need only a main function and will use iostream for output. Among other things, the VectorTest program demonstrates how you can manipulate a vector using operators such as +, —, +=, and —=. See Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3. The VectorTest program tests the features of the Vector3 class.

#include <iostream>
#include "Vector3.h"
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     cout << "VECTOR TEST" << endl;

     Vector3 A(5,5,1);
     cout << "A = " << A.getX() << ","
         << A.getY() << "," << A.getZ() << endl;
     Vector3 B(90,80,1);
     cout << "B = " << B.getX() << ","
         << B.getY() << "," << B.getZ() << endl;

     cout << "Distance A to B: "
         << A.Distance( B ) << endl;

     cout << "Length of A: " << A.Length() << endl;
     cout << "Length of B: " << B.Length() << endl;

     A.Move(5, 0, 0);
     cout << "A moved: " << A.getX() << ","
         << A.getY() << "," << A.getZ() << endl;

     Vector3 C = A;
     cout << "C = " << C.getX() << "," << C.getY()
         << "," << C.getZ() << endl;

     cout << "Dot Product of A and B: "
         << A.DotProduct(B) << endl;

     Vector3 D = A.CrossProduct(B);
     cout << "Cross Product of A and B: " << D.getX()
         << "," << D.getY() << "," << D.getZ() << endl;

     D = A.Normal();
     cout << "Normal of A: " << D.getX() << ","
         << D.getY() << "," << D.getZ() << endl;

     cout << "A = " << A.getX() << "," << A.getY()
         << "," << A.getZ() << endl;
     cout << "B = " << B.getX() << "," << B.getY()
         << "," << B.getZ() << endl;

     A += B;
     cout << "A + B: " << A.getX() << "," << A.getY()
         << "," << A.getZ() << endl;

     A -= B;
     cout << "A - B: " << A.getX() << "," << A.getY()
         << "," << A.getZ() << endl;

     A *= B;
     cout << "A * B: " << A.getX() << "," << A.getY()
         << "," << A.getZ() << endl;

     A /= B;
     cout << "A / B: " << A.getX() << "," << A.getY()
         << "," << A.getZ() << endl;

     cout << "A = = B: " << (A = = B) << endl;

     return 0;

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