Advertising Age, 17

Agnelli, Giovanni, 35

AK Steel, 96

All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), 64

alternative-fuel vehicles, 8, 120

diesel, 121

flex-fuel, ethanol, 121

fuel cells, 122

full electric, 121–122

hybrid electric, 121

micro-hybrid, 122

sale in U.S., 122

U.S. Department of Energy forecast sales of, 123

aluminum, for engine blocks, 99

American Bantam Car Company, 37

Arcelor Mittal, 96

Asahi Glass Company, 100

Asia, production distribution within. See also production, of motor vehicles

China, 57–60

in East Asia, 57

India, 57–58

Iran and Thailand, 57

in Japan, 57–58

South Korea, 57

world production percentage in, 56

assembly plant, sets of operations, 14–15

Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers (ALAM), 26

auto alley, 6, 52

auto industry. See motor vehicle industry

Automobile Quarterly magazine, 24

Auto Moto, 5

AutoNation, 83

Barreiros, Eduardo, 45

Benz, Karl, 21

Benz Patent Motorwagen, 21

The Big Three, 3, 52

Black, Charles H., 23

BMW, 4

Bouton, Georges, 22

Brayton, George, 26

Bridgestone/Firestone Inc., 99

Buick Motor Company, 40

Cadillac Automobile Company, 31

Cadillac car companies, 29

California Air Resources Board (CARB), 113

California Bureau of Air Sanitation, 113

California, standards for emissions control, 113–114

Canadian Auto Workers Union, in 1985, 62

carbon monoxide, 112–113

carmakers. See also motor vehicle industry

activities of (see also operations, of motor vehicle industry)

assembly operations, 11–15

marketing operations, 12, 17–20

R&D operations, 11, 15–17

expense on advertising, 17–18

Fiat/Chrysler, 6, 35–37

Ford Motor Company, 3, 6, 37–39

General Motors, 3, 6, 39–41

Honda Motor Company, 6, 41–42

Hyundai Motor Group, 6, 42–43

PSA Peugeot Citroën, 6, 44–45

Renault/Nissan, 6, 45–47

Suzuki Motor Corporation, 6, 47–48

ten largest, 34–35

Toyota Motor Company, 6, 48–49

Volkswagen GmbH, 6, 49–51

chaebol, in Korea, 43

Champion, Albert, 105

Changan Automobile Group, 59

Chapin Sr., Roy D., 36

Chery, 59–60

chicken tax, 73–74


market share by company in, 2013, 78, 80

as world’s leading vehicle producer, 58–60

Chrysler Group

Acquired American Motors (AMC), 36

Controlled by Fiat, 36–37

Europe, 45

Chung Ju-yung, 43

Citroën, André-Gustave, 44

Clean Air Act, 1970, 113

Columbia car, 24

commodities, suppliers of

aluminum, for engine blocks, 99

glass, for windows and interior parts, 99–100

plastics, 98

rubber, for tires, 99


direct purchase from minimills, 97

hot and cold rolled, 95

from intermediate processors, 97

mills operated in United States, 96

service centers providing, 97

“Compliance car,” 114

confederation Jidosha Soren, 63

Continental AG, 99

Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations, 116

corporate branding, of vehicles, 76–77

Crapo, Henry Howland, 29

Cugnot, Nicholas-Joseph, 22

Daihatsu Motor Co., 49

Daimler-Benz, 4

Daimler, Gottlieb, 21, 44

dealerships. See also sales (worldwide), of motor vehicles

AutoNation in U.S., 83

company-owned, in countries, 84–85

consolidation of, 83–84

in Europe, 84

franchise laws impact, 84

defined, 81

financing arrangements, sale on credit, 82

Ford’s, direct selling approach, 84

functioning, 81–82

Group 1 Automotive, 83

higher density in Europe, 84

income generating ways, 82–83

in Japan, door-to-door sales system, 85

Penske Automotive Group, 83

sale through internet, 85

Sonic Automotive, 83

de Dion-Bouton et Trépardoux, 22

de Dion, Jules-Albert, 22

Deming, W. Edwards, 64, 106

Department of Transportation and empowered the National Highway Safety Bureau, 111

The Detroit Three, 3, 52–54, 62, 83, 105

The Deutsche Arbeitsfront, 49

diesel vehicles, 121

Dodge, Horace, 29

Dodge, John, 29

Dongfeng Motor, 59

Dort, J. Dallas, 29

Durant-Dort Carriage Co., 29, 39, 105

Durant, William C., 5, 29, 39, 104

Duryea, Charles E., 24

Duryea, J. Frank, 24

Duryea Motor Wagon Company, 24

East Asia, motor vehicle production in, 57–59

Economic Commission for Europe, 109

E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont), 40

electric cars, 28, 121–122

Electric Storage Battery Company, 25

Electric Vehicle Company (EVC), 25


aspects of performance impacted by, 127

connectivity functions and, 127–128

Elektrowagen, 22

emissions standards, 112–115

energy-efficient vehicles, 3

Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 1975, 116

ethanol, 121


market share by company in, 2013, 78–79

parts by type of system in, 90

parts suppliers, distribution in, 102

by type of part, 103

production distribution within

Eastern part of, 55

Germany, southern and western, 55

northern Spain, 55

Paris region, 55

Russia, 56

Turkey, 56

West Midlands, 54–55

FAW (First Automobile Works), 59

Federal Air Quality Act of 1967, 113

Fiat, 35

Agnelli family, 36

in Eastern Europe, 37

gained control of U.S.-based Chrysler, 36

Jeep brand, 37

in South America, 37

Flint, Michigan, 29

Flint Road Car Co., 29

Flocken, Andreas, 22

Ford, Henry, 5, 38, 104

Ford, Jr., William C., 38

Ford Motor Company, 3, 37

C-Max, 4–5

in Eastern Europe, 39

Edge, 4

Escape, 4

Focus, 4

Fusion, 4

Ford, Henry role, 38–39

Galaxy, 4–5

innovations of

four-story assembly plant, 12, 14

moving assembly line, body drop, 12, 14–15, 61

lowest-priced car, 37–38

Lincoln, 4

Model T, 5, 38

Mondeo, 4

overseas assembly plants, 39

public stock offering, 38

S-Max, 4–5

survived recession, 39

Whiz Kids, 38

four-stroke engine, 21

France, confederations of unions in, 63

Frazer, Joseph, 37

fuel cell vehicles, 122

fuel efficiency standards, 115–116

Fuji Heavy Industries, 49

gas engines, 29

gasoline-powered engines, 21, 28–29

Geely, 59–60

General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC), 82

General Motors Company (GM), 3, 39

brands, 4, 19, 40

in Flint, 39

government help, 41, 118

ladder of consumption, 19

market share in U.S. dropping, 40–41

overseas facilities, 41

Sloan’s role, 40

taken over by DuPont, 40

Ghosn, Carlos, 46


leading suppliers, 100

for windows, and interior parts, 99–100

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 99

government regulations, of auto industry

emissions mandates, 112

California Air Resources Board (CARB), 113

California’s standards, 113–114

control pollutants discharge, 112

Europe’s standards, adopted by Japan, India, China, 114–115

fuel efficiency mandates, 115

1970s shocks, 115–116

CAFE regulations, 116

China’s and Japan’s fuel efficiency standards, 116

Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 1975, 116

oil embargo, 1973, 115

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 115

government ownership, 117–118

safety mandates

agreement in 1958, 109

bumper standards, 112

Ford’s “Lifeguard Design” advertising campaign, 111

GM-Nader scandal, 110–111

GM’s attitude about safety, 111

lower fatality rates, 112

United Nations World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, 109

vehicles with safety features, 111

greenhouse gases emissions, regulation, 114

Group 1 Automotive, 83

Hashimoto, Masujiro, 46

Haynes, Elwood P., 23

Hindustan Motors, 58

Hino Motors, 49

history, of motor vehicle operations. See also operations, of motor vehicle industry

European pioneers, 21–23

preventing monopolies

EVC role, 26

Henry Ford case, 26–27

Selden patent, 25–27

southeastern Michigan, clustering in

availability of venture capital, 30–31

Flint (in 1900), 29

lumber and copper source, 30

mechanics and engineers presence, 27–28

terminology, 20

United States, leadership passed from Europe to, 23–25

Duryea brothers role, 24

homologation, 71

Honda Motor Company

corporate strategy, 41–42

dependence, Accord and Civic, 41

founded by Soichiro Honda, 41, 42

large share of sales, in North America, 42

Honda, Soichiro, 41

The Horseless Age, 20

Hudson, Joseph L., 36

Hudson Motor Car Company, 36

hybrid electric vehicles, 9, 121

hydrocarbons, 112–113

Hyundai Motor Group

chaebol, 43

Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors, 42–43

in South Korea, 58

IG Metall (Industrial Union of Metalworkers), 62

International Steel Group, 96

international trade, in motor vehicles

chicken tax impact, 73–74

export and import, and barriers

homologation, and high tariffs, 71, 73–74

Mexico, role as export center, 74

NAFTA implementation, eliminated barriers

among U.S., Canada, and Mexico, 71–72

net trade of vehicles in regions, 70–71

production distribution, and sales 2012, 71

trade by region, 2012, 72

Italy, national federations of unions, 63


control over sales, 85

flexible production practices, 63–64, 106

homologation rules in, 75

keiretsu system, 106

market share by company in, 2013, 78–79

vehicle production, 58

vehicles classification, as 1 through 5, 76

JFE, 96

Kaiser, Edgar, 37

Kaiser Motors, 37

keiretsu system, 106

Kia Motors, 42–43

labor relations, in auto industries, 60–61

in Asia, 63–64

in Europe, 62–63

in North America, 61–62

Lambert, John William, 23

Lefaucheux, Pierre, 46

Leland & Faulconer, 29

Leland, Henry M., 29

Levassor, Émile, 22

“Lifeguard Design” advertising campaign, 111

light vehicles

light trucks, 2–3, 7

passenger cars, 2–3, 7

market segments, designated by letters, 7

Lincoln, 4, 29

lithium, electronic devices, 123

Locomobile cars, 24

Locomobile Company of America, 25

machine shop, in Detroit in 1900, 29

Mahindra & Mahindra, 58

Malcomson, Alexander Y., 31

Manufacturers Mutual Association, 26

manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), 81

market share

held by, in 2013

makes or brands, 80

models or nameplates, 80–81

held by leading companies in 2013

China, 78, 80

Europe, 78–79

Japan, 78–79

United States, 78

Maruti Suzuki, 47–48, 58

Maxwell Motor Company and Chalmers, 36

Maybach, Wilhelm, 21

Maybury, William, 31

Mazda, 58

medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, 2

Michelin Tire & Rubber Co. Goodyear, 99


availability of venture capital, 30–31

Early 20th century, 27

Flint, 29

lumber and copper source, 30

mechanics and engineers presence, 27–28

micro-hybrid vehicle, 122

Model T (Ford), 5, 18, 38, 39, 75, 77, 95

Motor Age, 20

motor vehicle industry. See also registration and ownership, of vehicles

advertising expense, 17–18

assembly of vehicles, 5

challenges and opportunities, 8–9

alternative fuel vehicles, sale of, 120–123

demand distribution, 124–126

market variations, 123–124

performance and connectivity role, 126–129

resource depletion issue, 119–120

commodities suppliers and raw materials, importance, 87, 94

electronics role, in safety and performance, 9, 127

importance of, 1

includes corporations, 2

labor relations in, 60–61

Asia’s auto industries, 63–64

Europe’s auto industries, 62–63

North American industry, 61–62

marketing, 5

operations and history, 5

R&D of new and revised models, 5

regulatory framework, 8

emissions mandates, 112–115

fuel efficiency mandates, 115–116

government ownership, carmakers, 117–118

safety mandates, 109–112

role of parts manufacturers of vehicles, 87

and role of unionization, 6

vertically integrated sector, 8, 104

Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Saving Act, 1972, 112

Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, 113

motor vehicles


corporate branding, 76–77

government regulations influence on, 76

market segmentation, 75–76

companies, market share in 2013

China, 78, 80

Europe, 78–79

Japan, 78–79

United States, 78

international trade in, 70–74

key components, 5

makes or brands, market share, 80

models or nameplates, market share, 80–81

organized by platform, 4

principal elements in production and sale of, 1

production regions

Asia, Europe, and North America, 6

registration and ownership of, 65–67

role in modern society, 1–2

sales volume, 68–70

and steel industries association, 97–98

Mott, Charles Stewart, 105

Murphy, William H., 31

Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 22

Nader, Ralph, 110

Nadig, Henry, 23

Nash, Charles P., 36

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 111

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 111

Nippon Steel, 96

Nippon Sangyo, 46

Nissan Motor, 46, 58

nitrogen oxides, 112–113

North America

parts by type of system in, 90

parts suppliers, distribution in, 102

by type of part, 103

production distribution within, 52

clustered in auto alley, 52–54

Mexico and Canada, 54

North of US 30, 54

in southeastern Michigan, 52–53

trade restrictions, 54

North American carmakers, 3

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 54, 71

North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), 3

north-south corridor. See auto alley

NSG/Pilkington, 100

Olds Motor Works Co., 30

Olds, Ransom E., 5, 29

operations, of motor vehicle industry, 11


European pioneers, 21–23

preventing monopolies, 25–27

Southeastern Michigan, clustering in, 27–31

terminology, 20

United States, leadership passed from Europe to, 23–25

marketing, and advertising role, 17–20

GM’s “ladder of consumption,” 18–19

R&D, for new and revised models, 15–16

computer-assisted design and testing, 17

keyplayers in development, 16–17

vehicles assembly, 12

body build-up, 14–15

coating operations, 15

final assembly, 15

plants with annual production above 100,000, 13

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 115

original equipment, classification into

parts types, 87

chassis systems, 88–89

electronics system, 90

exterior systems, 89

interior systems, 89

powertrain systems, 87–88

original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 87

organized into hierarchy, tiers, 88

parts-making companies, leading, 90–91

suppliers (among ten largest) in few regions, not worldwide in 2012, 93–94

suppliers (among ten largest), worldwide in 2012, 91–92

original equipment tires, supplying companies, 99

Otto, Nikolaus, 21

Panhard et Levassor, 22

Panhard, René, 22

parts suppliers, distribution. See also commodities, suppliers of

changed during first decade, 21st century, 100–101

clustered in car-producing regions, 100

Europe, (Stuttgart, Germany), 101–103

Mexico, 101, 103

Michigan, 101

in North America (Detroit, Michigan), 101, 102

by type of

in Europe, 103

in North America, 103

Penske Automotive Group, 83

Peugeot, Armand, 44

Peugeot, Eugène, 44

photochemical smog, 112

plastics, 98

platforms, 4–5, 77

platinum, for catalytic converters and fuel cells, 123

pollutants, 112–113

Pope, Albert A., 24

Pope Manufacturing Company, 24

Posco Steel, 96

power sources, 9

Premier Automobiles, 58

Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, 41

producer-supplier relations, changing. See also parts suppliers, distribution

flexible production practices, in Japan, 105–106

main changes, 106–107

Southeastern Michigan key role, 104

vertical integration practice, 104–105

production, of motor vehicles. See also operations, of motor vehicle industry

carmakers, major, 34–35

Fiat/Chrysler, 35–37

Ford Motor Company, 37–39

General Motors, 39–41

Honda Motor Company, 41–42

Hyundai Motor Group, 42–43

PSA Peugeot Citroën, 44–45

Renault/Nissan, 45–47

Suzuki Motor Corporation, 47–48

Toyota Motor Company, 48–49

Volkswagen GmbH, 49–51

by company, 2012, 34

deskilling of process, and unions, 61

distribution , by world region, 1950-2012, 51–52

distribution within

Asia, 56–59

Europe, 54–56

North America, 52–54

South America, 60

global production, 1950–2012, 33

worldwide increase in, 33, 34

PSA Peugeot Citroën

acquired Chrysler Europe, 44–45

formed by Peugeot S.A., 44

registration and ownership, of vehicles, 65

with government agency

issuing license plates, 67

low ownership rates in Asian countries, 67

vehicles per 1,000 persons, 2012, 66–67

vehicles per capita, in countries, 67

regulations. See government regulations, of auto industry

Renault, Louis, 45–46

Renault/Nissan, 45

acquired controlling interest in Nissan, 46

AvtoVAZ, 47

Dacia, 46–47

Oyak, 47

Samsung Motors, 47

Republic Motors, 40

resource depletion, 119–120

Rice, Isaac L., 25

Rootes, William, 45

rubber, for tires, 99

safer standards, on road design, 111

safety mandates, for vehicles, 109–112

SAIC Motor, 59

Saint-Gobain Group, 100

sales (worldwide), of motor vehicles. See also production, of motor vehicles

China, largest market, 68, 70

by country , 2012, 68–69

demand for new vehicles

changing markets, 123–124

distribution of demand, for

in developing and developed countries, 124–125

increasing age of buyers, in N. America and Europe, 126

performance and connectivity role in, 127–129

and production distribution, 68–69, 71

by region, 2000–2012, 68–70

Schloemer, Gottfried, 23

Selden, George B., 26

Selden patent, 25–27

Severstal, 96–97

Shanghai Baosteel, 96

Shiloh Industries, 97

Sloan, Alfred P., 18, 40

Smith, Samuel L., 30

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 27

Sonic Automotive, 83

South America, production distribution within

Brazil and Argentina, 60

steam-powered cars, 22

steel, for motor vehicles, 95–98

Suzuki, Michio, 47

Suzuki Motor Corporation, 47–48, 58

Systeme Panhard, 22

Tata Steel, 96

Tata Motors, 58

Taylor, Frederick W., 61

Toyoda, Kiichiro, 48

Toyoda, Sakichi, 48

Toyota Motor Company, 48

Daihatsu Motor Co. and Hino Motors, 49

Lexus, make, 4

Toyoda family role, 48

Toyota make, 4

Trépardoux, Charles, 22

trim level, 5

Trouvé, Gustave, 22

trucks, 2, 7, 15, 47–49, 58, 73, 74–76

Uniroyal Goodrich, 99

United Auto Workers (UAW) union, in 1937, 61

United Motors, 40

United Nations World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, 109

United States

demand distribution in, 124–126

market share by company in, 2013, 78

motor vehicle sales in, 68–69

restrictions and tariffs in, 71, 73

steelmakers in, 96

U.S.-based Firestone, 99

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 113

U.S. Steel, 96

vertical integration approach, 104

Volkswagen GmbH, 49–50

Audi, 50–51

Auto Union, 50

DKW, 50

Horch and Wandered, 50

Porsche, 50–51

SEAT, 50–51

Sˆkoda, 5051

vulcanization process, 99

Whitney, William C., 25

Widener, Peter A. B., 25

Willys, John, 37

Willys-Overland Motor Company, 37

zaibatsu, 105

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