Resources for Further Study

Australia Department for Environment and Heritage. (2002). Environmental impact of end-of-life vehicles: An information paper. Adelaide, South Australia: Australia department for environment and heritage. Retrieved September 28, 2013, from

Boas, C. W. (1961). Locational patterns of American automobile assembly plants. Economic Geography 37(3), 218–230.

Chrysler, M. (2011). Forecast calls for sharp rise in global demand through 2020. Retrieved September 28, 2013, from WardsAuto:

Clark, J. (2012). Mondo Agnelli: Fiat, Chrysler and the power of a dynasty. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Collas, M. (2013, June 22). New EV will test the range of GM’s plug-in strategy. Automotive News, p. 8.

Cooney et al. (2009). U.S. motor vehicle industry: Federal financial assistance and restructuring. CRS Report for Congress (Report number R40003). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.

Crabb, R. (1969). Birth of a giant: The men and incidents that gave America the motorcar. Philadelphia, New York, and London: Chilton Book Company.

Cray, E. (1980). Chrome colossus: General Motors and its times. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Davis, S. C., Diegel, S. W., & Boundy, R. G. (2013). Transportation energy data book. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Demings, W. E. (1994). The new economics for industry, government, education. Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Advanced Educational Services.

Editors of Automobile Quarterly. (1971). The American car since 1775. New York, NY: Dutton.

Epstein, R. C. (1928). The automobile industry: Its economic and commercial development. Chicago, NY: A.W. Shaw Co.

Flink, J. J. (1988). The automobile age. Cambridge, MA, and London: The M.I.T. Press.

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Halberstam, D. (1986). The reckoning. New York, NY: William Morrow and Co.

Hurley, N. P. (1959). The automobile industry: A study in industrial location. Land Economics 35(1), 1–14.

Ingrassia, P., & White, J. B. (1994). Comeback: The fall and rise of the American automobile industry. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Keller, M. (1989). Rude awakening: The rise, fall, and struggle for recovery of general motors. New York, NY: William Morrow.

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Vlasic, B. (2011). Once upon a car: The fall and resurrection of America’s Big Three auto makers—GM, Ford, and Chrysler. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Wang, A., Liao, W., & Hein, A. P. (2012). Bigger, better, broader: A perspective on China’s auto market in 2020. New York, NY: McKinsey & Company.

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Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., & Roos, D. (1990) The machine that changed the world. New York, NY: Rawson.

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