• Independence, 148151

  • Independent classifications, 471

  • Independent events

    • explanation of, 148, 150

    • probability of intersection of, 150

    • simultaneously occurring, 150151

  • Independent sampling

    • comparing two population means and, 369379

    • comparing two population proportions and, 451455

  • Independent variable, 502

  • Inferences. See also Statistical inference; specific topics

    • based on survey samples employing self-selection, 15

    • explanation of, 3

    • reliability of, 8

  • Inferential statistics

    • elements of problems in, 56, 8

    • explanation of, 3

  • Inner fences, 8485

  • Interquartile range (IQR), 84

  • Intersections

    • calculating probability of, 145149

    • of events, 130133

    • of independent events, 150

  • Interval estimator. See also Confidence intervals

    • calculation of, 255

    • explanation of, 254

    • large-sample, 255256

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