
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Absolute power tolerance, 366
Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF), 74–75
Access stratum (AS), 74–75
Acknowledged mode (AM), 85, 266, 267, 269–273
SDU delivery, 272f
Active Antenna System base stations, 389–390
Active antenna systems (AASs), 358, 358
BS requirements, 358–359
generalized radio architecture of, 358f
Active downlink bandwidth part, 113–114
Active uplink bandwidth part, 113–114
Additional maximum power reduction (AMPR), 363–364, 365
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 391, 408
Adjacent channel interference ratio (ACIR), 371–372
Adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR), 367, 371–372, 371f, 378, 398
Adjacent channel parameters, 372
Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS), 354, 371f, 372, 375
Advanced Antenna Systems (A-ASs), 349
Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), 1
Advanced multiantenna transmission/reception, 59
Aerials, 55
Aggregated power tolerance, 366
Aggregation level, 188, 195
Aggregation of spectrum allocations, 352
Allocations, 352
Always-on signals, 59–60
Always-on transmissions, 60
Analog antenna processing, 243
Analog beamforming, 63
Analog front-end, possibilities of filtering at, 399–401
Analog multiantenna processing, 231
Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs), 390–391
Analysis, 21
array, 358–359
composite, 358–359
port fields, 167
ports, 128–130, 129t, 165
selection, 239
CSI-RS transmission, 140
reporting, 147, 147
SRS, 151, 242
Application Function (AF), 75
options, 342, 343f
phase, 22
Area traffic capacity, 18
“Around-the-corner” dispersion, 243
Associated control signaling, 185
Asynchronous hybrid-ARQ protocol, 93
Authentication Server Function (AUSF), 75
Automatic Gain Control (AGC), 405
Automatic repeat-request (ARQ), 67


Backwards compatibility, 42
Band categories (BC), 382
Band-specific device requirements, 363–364
Bandwidth (BW), 207–209, 401–402
adaptation, 62, 280–282, 281f
of carrier, 354
dependencies, 405–411
Bandwidth parts (BWPs), 61–64, 62, 112–114, 113f
Bandwidth-part indicator (0–2 bit), 204
Base station (BS), 41, 349
classes, 364–365
colocation of BS equipment between operators, 351
conducted RF requirements for NR, 357–359
control of, 47
OBUE limits, 368–370
output power and dynamic range, 365
radiated RF requirements for NR, 357–359
spurious emission, 399
structure of BS RF requirements, 357–360
conducted and radiated RF requirements for NR BS, 357–359
time alignment, 367
type 1-C, 359, 359
type 1-H, 359–360, 359, 378–379
type 1-O, 359, 360, 378
type 2-O, 359, 360
types in different FRs for NR, 359–360
Base-station dynamic range, 374
Baseline power control, 304–306
Basic limit, 359–360
Basic random-access procedure, 325
Beam adjustment, 245–249
beam indication and TCI, 248–249
downlink receiver-side, 247, 247f
downlink transmitter-side, 245–246, 246f
uplink, 247–248
Beam correspondence, 243–244
Beam establishment during initial access, 332–333
Beam failure/recovery, 249, 250
Beam indication, 248–249
Beam management, 231, 243
beam adjustment, 245–249
beam recovery, 249–252
Beam recovery, 249–252
beam-failure detection, 250
device recovery request and network response, 251–252
new-candidate-beam identification, 250–251
procedure, 325
request, 251, 251–252
Beam-based power control, 306–308
multiple closed-loop processes, 308
multiple open-loop-parameter sets, 307–308
multiple path-loss-estimation processes, 306–307
use of multiple power-estimation processes, 307f
Beam-centric design, 68–69
Beam-failure detection, 250, 250
Beam-failure events, See Beam failure/recovery
Beam-failure instance, 250
Beam-forming, 55, 68f, 243, 245, 409
function, 41
for SS block, 317
for preamble transmission, 332
for SS-block transmission, 317
Bipolar device, 394–395
Bit-level scrambling sequence, 162–163
Bitmap-1, 172, 347
Bitmap-2, 172
Blind decoding, 195–199
Blocking, 375
Bluetooth, 415
Broadcast Channel (BCH), 87, 155
Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH), 87, 266
Bucket size duration (BSD), 290
Buffer status reports, 292–294


Candidate beams, 250
identification, 250
Candidate technology, 21
Capability set (CS), 382
Carrier aggregation (CA), 27–28, 44–45, 44f, 90, 90, 90f, 91, 115–117, 118, 119f, 341, 352, 382
control signaling, 116–117
relation to, 119–120
Carrier frequency and mm-wave technology aspects, 408–411
Carrier indicator (0 or 3 bit), 204
Carrier raster, 70, 316
Carrier resource blocks, 168
Carrier-selection threshold, 336–337
CBG Flush Indicator (CBGFI), 259–260
CBG transmission indicator (CBGTI), 202, 204, 259–260
CBG Transmit Indicator, See CBG transmission indicator (CBGTI)
CDMA-based IS-95 technology, 1–2
Cell, 116, 336–337
group, 84–85
reselection, 99
system information, 336–337
Cell Radio-Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI), 98–99, 335, 335–336
Cell search, 313–324
details of PSS, SSS, AND PBCH, 319–323
frequency-domain position of SS block, 315–316
providing remaining system information, 324
SS block, 313–315
periodicity, 316–317
SS burst set, 317–319, 317f
Cell-specific reference signals (CRS), 40, 134
CellBarred flag, 322
Cellular systems, 52–53
Channel bandwidth (BWChannel), 353–356, 355f, 356t
independent, 350
Channel characteristics of interest, 133
Channel coding, 157–160, 157f, 158–160
code-block segmentation, 157–158
CRC attachment per transport block, 157
of PDCCH, 187–188
“Channel hardening” effect, 277–278
Channel quality indicator (CQI), 145, 233
Channel sounding, 133
downlink, 134–144
basic CSI-RS structure, 134–137, 135f
CSI-IM, 140–141
CSI-RS resource sets, 142
frequency-domain structure of CSI-RS configurations, 137–139
mapping to physical antennas, 143–144
time-domain property of CSI-RS configurations, 139–140
zero-power CSI-RS, 141–142
downlink measurements and reporting, 144–147
measurement resource, 145–146
report quantity, 145
report types, 146–147
uplink, 147–153
mapping to physical antennas, 152–153
multiport SRS, 150–151, 150f
SRS resource set, 151
SRS sequences and Zadoff–Chu sequences, 149–150
time-domain structure of SRS, 151
Channel-dependent scheduling, 66, 91, 277
accuracy, 217
process, 166
Channel-state information (CSI), 68, 92, 145, 174, 213
Channel-state-information for interference measurements (CSI-IM), 140–141
alternative structures, 141f
resource sets, 142
Channel-state-information reference signals (CSI-RS), 127, 128f, 133, 134–144, 146, 167, 174, 211, 246, 248, 250
See also Sounding reference signals (SRS)
basic structure, 134–137, 135f
CSI-IM, 140–141
density equal to one, 139
frequency-domain structure of CSI-RS configurations, 137–139
mapping to physical antennas, 143–144
periodicity and slot offset, 140f
resource sets, 142
time-domain property of CSI-RS configurations, 139–140
zero-power, 141–142
Chase combining, 257, 257–258
power control, 303
spatial multiplexing, 41
timing control, 326, 326–327
CMOS, 394–395, 397
Co-sited deployments, 341, 342f, 342f
Code-block group (CBG), 67, 94–95, 95f, 158, 257
retransmissions, 256f, 257
Code-block segmentation, 157–158, 158f
Code-domain sharing (CDM), 135, 136f
frequency-domain, 137
time/frequency-domain, 137
Codebook-based beam-forming, 41
Codebook-based precoding, 167, 167, 240, 241
Codebook-based transmission, 237, 238–240, 239f, 241f
single-layer uplink codebooks for case of four antenna ports, 240f
Coded UL-SCH stream, 225
Coexistence between operators, 351
of TDD systems, 351
Coexistence with services, 351
Colocation of BS equipment between operators, 351
“Comb” structure, 148
Common control channel (CCCH), 87, 97, 266
Common resource blocks (CRBs), 110–111, 111f, 176
grid offset, 323, 323
Common search spaces, 199
Complementary SUL carrier, 336–337
Component carriers, 44
Composite antenna, 358–359
Compression point and gain, 407–408
Conducted output power level requirements
BS output power and dynamic range, 365
device output power and dynamic range, 365–366
Conducted receiver characteristics, 362, 363t
Conducted RF requirements
for NR, 360–366
band-specific device requirements through network signaling, 363–364
BS classes, 364–365
conducted output power level requirements, 365–366
conducted receiver characteristics, 362
conducted transmitter characteristics, 361
regional requirements, 362–363
for NR BS, 357–359
Conducted sensitivity, 374
Conducted transmitter characteristics, 361, 362t
Conducted unwanted emissions requirements, 367–374
ACLR, 371–372
emission mask in OOB domain, 368–370
implementation aspects, 367–368
occupied bandwidth, 373
spurious emissions, 373
transmitter intermodulation, 373–374
Configurable frequency-domain RACH resource, 327
Configurable RACH periodicity, 327
Configured grant type 1, 297
Configured grant type 2, 298
Configuring reserved resources, 171, 172f
Connected-state mobility, 102
Connection density, 19
Connection management, 97
contention-free random access, 334
resolution, 335
resolution and connection set up, 335–336
Continuous wave signal (CW signal), 375
Control channel elements (CCEs), 186, 188, 188, 192f
Control channels, 67–68, 86–87
structure enhancement, 48
Control indicator, 267
Control resource sets (CORESETs), 67, 113, 186, 189–195, 190f, 191f, 324
example of QCL relation for PDCCH beam management, 194f
normal RS structure and wideband RS structure, 194f
Control signaling, 65–66, 116–117, 120
Control-plane functions, 74–75
Control-plane protocols, 97–102
See also User-plane protocols
connected-state mobility, 102
idle-state and inactive-state mobility, 99–102
RRC state machine, 97–99, 98f
Control-plane/user-plane split, 74
Coordinated multipoint (CoMP), 43, 47, 48f
hypotheses, 48
Core Network (CN), 73
device identifier, 335
Corporate combiners, 397
Count value, 276
Counter DAI (cDAI), 264–265
Critical machine type communication (C-MTC), 14–15
Cross-carrier scheduling, 116, 279, 280f
Cross-scheduling, 116f
CSI-ReportConfig, 144–145
Cubic metric, 61, 61–62, 163
Cumulative ACLR requirement (CACLR), 372
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 256, 323
attachment per transport block, 157
for error-detecting purposes, 155–156
Cyclic shift, 151, 215, 328


allocation, 175
indicator, 267
radio bearers, 79
scrambling identity, 163
transmission, 48, 66–67, 287t
Decoding, 187–188
Dedicated control channel (DCCH), 87, 97
Dedicated Traffic Channel (DTCH), 87
Demodulation reference signals (DMRSs), 129–130, 165, 165–166, 167, 174, 177f, 178f, 193, 232, 315
for DFT-precoded OFDM uplink, 181–183
for OFDM-based downlink and uplink, 175–181, 178f, 180f
Dense Urban-eMBB, 21
Denser reference signal pattern, 193
Densification, 48–52
Deployment scenarios, 21, 340–341
Detailed specification, 23
device-specific search spaces, 197
enhancements, 52
in-band emissions, 366
output power and dynamic range, 365–366
recovery request, 251–252
RF requirements, structure of, 356–357
SEM, 370
spurious emission limits, 373
transmission of preamble, 324
Device-to-device communication (D2D communication), 52–53, 53f, 417, 418f
Device-to-device discovery, 417
DFT, 164, 328
DFT-precoded OFDM, 40, 61, 103–104, 215
OFDM uplink, 181–183
DFT-precoding, 155–156, 163, 164f, 221
See also Multiantenna precoding
uplink, 164
Difficult band combinations, 343
Digital AMPS (D-AMPS), 1–2
Digital beam-forming, 332
Digital multiantenna processing, 231
Digital processing, 229–230
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs), 390–391
Direct D2D connectivity, 417
Discontinuous reception (DRX), 87–88, 98–99, 298–302, 301f
functionality, 300
Discrete mm-wave filters, 399
Diverse spectrum allocations, 350
Donor cell, 49
Double-symbol reference signal, 179–181
Downlink, 155, 185–212, 418
See also Uplink
beam, 332
blind decoding and search spaces, 195–199
channel-dependent scheduling, 92
control channels, 67
control resource set, 189–195
control signaling, 185
downlink scheduling assignments, 199–202
hybrid-ARQ, 259–260
interference scenario, 50
L1/L2 control signaling, 168, 185
measurements and reporting, 144–147
measurement resource, 145–146
report quantity, 145
report types, 146–147
multiantenna transmission, 128
PDCCH, 186–189
precoding, 165–166, 165f
preemption handling, 282–283
preemption indication, 205
receiver-side beam adjustment, 247, 247f
reserved resources, 168, 171–173
scheduler, 91, 278
scheduling, 91
assignments, 199–202
of frequency-domain resources, 206–209
of time-domain resources, 209–211
of transport-block sizes, 211–212
slot, 216–217
format indication, 205
spatial multiplexing, 46
SRS control commands, 206
symbols, 126
time–frequency grid, 174
transmissions, 243, 308–309
direction, 230–231
suitable transmitter/receiver beam pair for, 243–244
transmitter-side beam adjustment, 245–246, 246f
uplink power control commands, 206
uplink scheduling grants, 202–205
Downlink assignment index (DAI), 202, 204, 264–265
Downlink channel sounding, 134–144
See also Uplink channel sounding
basic CSI-RS structure, 134–137, 135f
CSI-IM, 140–141
CSI-RS resource sets, 142
frequency-domain structure of CSI-RS configurations, 137–139
mapping to physical antennas, 143–144
time-domain property of CSI-RS configurations, 139–140
zero-power CSI-RS, 141–142
Downlink control information (DCI), 96, 186, 200, 255–256
format 0–0, 202–203, 202–205, 203t
format 0–1, 202–205, 203t
format 2–0, 205
format 2–1, 205
format 2–2, 206
format 2–3, 206
formats 1–0 and 1–1, 199–202, 201t
scheduling assignment in, 259
Downlink multiantenna precoding, 232–237
See also NR uplink multiantenna precoding
type I CSI, 234–236
type II CSI, 236–237
Downlink Shared Channel (DL-SCH), 88, 155
Downlink/uplink (DL/UL)
carrier pair, 117
reference configurations, 344
Dual connectivity, 50, 51f, 78, 78, 78, 84, 90, 91
with split bearer, 84f
Dual-band base stations, 383
Duplex filters, 123
Duplex flexibility, 418–419
full duplex on link level vs. cell level, 419f
Duplex schemes, 64–65, 64f, 121–128, 122f
slot format and slot-format indication, 124–128, 125f
variation of, 351
Duplication functionality, 275
Dynamic activation/deactivation, 173f
in case of multiple configured resource sets, 173f
of rate-matching resource set, 172–173
Dynamic downlink scheduling, 277–283
See also Dynamic uplink scheduling
bandwidth adaptation, 280–282, 281f
downlink preemption handling, 282–283
Dynamic frequency selection (DFS), 415–416
Dynamic Point Selection, 47–48
Dynamic range (DR), 374, 405, 408
BS output power and, 365
device output power and, 365–366
reference sensitivity and, 378
requirements, 362
Dynamic scheduling, 67, 91, 92, 277, 282, 297
Dynamic uplink scheduling, 283–296
See also Dynamic downlink scheduling
buffer status reports, 292–294
downlink preemption indication, 284f
power headroom reports, 294–296, 296f
scheduling request, 290–292, 293f
uplink priority handling, 288–290


Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), 377
Efficient mobility handling, 99
Eight-port CSI-RS, 137, 138f
Electrical breakdown voltage (Ebr), 409
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), 36
mask in OOB domain, 368–370
BS OBUE limits, 368–370
device SEM, 370
unwanted emission
limits, 362
requirements, 361
Enhanced Interference Mitigation and Traffic Adaptation (eIMTA), 51
Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), 4, 11–12, 14, 57
Equivalent isotropic sensitivity (EIS), 378–379
Error vector magnitude (EVM), 354, 366, 366
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 3
Evaluation configurations, 21
Evaluation guideline, 13
Evolved Packet Core (EPC), 39, 57, 73
Explicit mapping, 79
Extended multiantenna transmission, 46–47
Extended Zadoff–Chu sequence, 150


Factory automation, 417
Fast hybrid ARQ with soft combining, 41
FDD–TDD aggregation, 45
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 36
Fifth-generation (5G), 3
first release
D2D communication, 417, 418f
integrated access-backhaul, 413–414
machine-type communication, 416–417
nonorthogonal access, 416
operation in unlicensed spectra, 415–416
spectrum and duplex flexibility, 418–419
3GPP and standardization of mobile communication, 2–3
5G Americas, 8
5G/NR, 3–6, 5–6, 395
5G use cases, 4, 4f
5GCN, 6
evolution of LTE and NR, 6f
evolving LTE to 5G capability, 5
radio-access technology, 5–6
standardization, 7
3GPP standardization, 22–26
5G and IMT-2020, 14–21
ITU-R activities from 3G to 5G, 9–14
and regulation, 7–8
Figure-of-Merit (FoM), 390–391
Filtering, 367–368, 398–404
filter implementation examples, 402–404
LTCC filter implementation example, 404
PCB integrated implementation example, 402–404
IL and bandwidth, 401–402
possibilities of filtering at analog front-end, 399–401
filter example for 28 GHz band, 400f
possible filter locations, 400f
First generation
of mobile communication, 1
NMT technology, 3
1st PDSCH DMRS position, 323
5G core network (5GCN), 6, 73, 74–76
Flexible OFDM-based physical layer, 360–361
“Flexible” symbols, 126
Forward compatibility, 60–61
Forward Error Correction (FEC), 253
Four-step random-access procedure, 324–325, 325f
Fourth-generation (4G), 2
See also Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
mobile communication, 389
Fractional path-loss compensation, 303, 305
Fragmented spectra, 44
Frames, 106–107, 107f
structure, 61–64
Free-running oscillators, PN characteristics of, 392–393
error, 366, 366
hopping, 221
multiplex beam-formed transmissions, 230–231
offset, 366
Frequency bands, 27
frequency-band-dependent, 123–124
for NR, 32–36
release-independent frequency-band principles, 351–352
Frequency domain sharing (FDM), 135
Frequency ranges (FRs), 32–33, 352, 352–353, 352t, 353f, 367, 369f, 370f
FR1, 33, 62
radiated base-station requirements in, 378–379
FR2, 33, 62, 389
radiated base-station requirements in, 379–380
radiated device requirements in, 377–378
for NR BS types in, 359–360
RF requirements in, 352–353
Frequency-division duplex (FDD), 1–2, 27–28, 39, 64, 121, 123–124, 260–261, 418
Frequency-domain, 166, 193
CDM, 137
location of NR carriers, 114–115
position of SS block, 315–316
allocation, 204
resource-block allocation types, 208f
signaling, 206–209
structure, 109–112
of CSI-RS configurations, 137–139
Frequency-hopping flag (0 or 1 bit), 204
Friis’ formula, 406
Front End (FE), 405
Front-loaded reference signals, 65–66, 175–176
Full coherence, 238
Full duplex, 419
on link level vs. cell level, 419f
Full-dimension MIMO, 46
Full-duplex operation, 123–124, 124–125
Full-duplex-capable device (FDD), 126
Fundamental bandwidth of NR carrier, 354
Future Public Land Mobile Systems (FPLMTS), 10


Gain, compression point and, 407–408
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), 397
Gallium nitride (GaN), 397
FET structures, 394–395
technology, 397
Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), 31
Global spectrum situation for 5G, 31–32
Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), 1–2, 383
distributed units (gNB-DU), 77
entral unit (gNB-CU), 77
Gold sequence, 176
Group index, 182–183
GSM Association (GSMA), 8
Guard period, See Guard time
Guard time, 122, 122–123, 123f, 326, 326, 326f


FDD, 121
operation, 123–124
Half-frame bit, 321, 323
Harmonized standards, 8
HBTs, 394–395
Header compression, 273–275
Heterogeneous deployments, 48–52, 49, 50f
High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT), 394–395
High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), 1–2, 277
Higher SNR transmission scheme, 374
bands, 32, 318, 321, 415–416
operation, 59
Higher-layer protocols, 66
Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ), 67, 253, 336
acknowledgments, 212, 216f, 262–265, 308–309
hybrid-ARQ-related information, 202, 204
mechanism, 257, 260, 297
protocol, 254
retransmission, 257, 300
with soft combining, 93–95, 254–265
downlink, 259–260
dynamic hybrid-ARQ acknowledgment codebook, 265f
multiplexing of hybrid-ARQ acknowledgments, 262–265
semistatic hybrid-ARQ acknowledgment codebook, 263f
soft combining, 257–259
timing of uplink acknowledgments, 260–262, 261f
uplink, 260
“Hybrid” set, 359, 378–379
Hypothetical error rate, 250


Identity of logical channel (LCID), 89
Idle-state mobility, 99–102
paging message transmission, 101–102
tracking device, 100–101
III–V materials, 397
In-channel selectivity (ICS), 364, 375
Inactive-state mobility, 99–102
paging message transmission, 101–102
tracking device, 100–101
Inband relaying, 414
Incremental redundancy (IR), 257, 258f
Independent channel bandwidth definitions, 350
Indoor Hotspot-eMBB, 21
Industry forums, 8
Initial access, 70–71, 313
association between SS-block time indices and RACH occasions assuming, 333f
beam establishment during, 332–333
cell search, 313–324
random access, 324–337
Initial beam establishment, 244–245
Input compression point (CPi), 407
Insertion loss (IL), 401–402, 405, 407
Integrated access-backhaul, 413–414
wireless backhaul vs. access link, 414f
Integrated circuit technology, 391, 395–397, 397
Intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), 54
Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC), 47
Interband aggregation, 115
avoidance by spatial separation, 68
interference-mitigation techniques, 55
suppression/cancellation, 419
Interfering signals
leakage, 371–372
receiver susceptibility to, 362, 374–376
Interleaved case, 191
Interleaved mapping, 168
Interleaved VRB-to-PRB mapping, 170
Intermodulation distortion (IMD), 342–343
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP), 36
International Mobile Telecommunications system (IMT system), 9–10
IMT-2000, 10–11, 11f
core band, 28
IMT-2020, 14–21
capabilities, 16–19
minimum technical performance requirements for, 20t
performance requirements and evaluation, 19–21
process in ITU-R WP5D, 11–14, 13f
usage scenarios for, 14–16
use cases and mapping to usage scenarios, 15f
IMT-Advanced, 10–11, 11f, 12f
spectrum defined for, 28–31
technologies, 351
International RF EMF exposure limits, 36
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 408–409
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 8
See also ITU Radio Regulations (ITU-R)
Interworking, 71–72
Intra-frequency-reselection flag, 322
aggregation, 115, 115
noncontiguous carrier aggregation, 386
ITU Radio Regulations (ITU-R), 16, 28, 30, 367
activities from 3G to 5G, 9–14
IMT-2000, 10–11
IMT-2020 process in ITU-R WP5D, 11–14
role of ITU-R, 9–10
relation between key capabilities and three usage scenarios, 17f
spectrum defined for IMT systems by, 28–31


Johnson limit, 395–397, 409
Joint Transmission, 47–48


Key capabilities, 19
of IMT-2020, 16, 16f
relation between key capabilities and usage scenarios of ITU-R, 17f
Key performance indicator (KPI), 17
Knee-voltage, 397


L1-RSRP, 145, 246, 250, 250–251
L1/L2 control
channels, 334
signaling, 185
Latency, 18
latency-wise LTE, 41
reduction, 54
Layer mapping, 163
Leeson formula, 392–393, 392f
License-assisted access (LAA), 43, 45–46, 46f, 415, 416, 416f
Licensed spectra, 415
Licensed spectrum, 45–46
Limited-buffer rate matching, 161, 162f
Linear multiantenna transmission, 229
Listen-before-talk (LBT), 415–416
procedure, 63
Local area BS, 364
Local Oscillator (LO), 391
generation, 391–395
Logical channel(s), 82, 86–91
groups, 292–294
multiple, 288
multiplexing, 285
Logical node, 76–77
Long preambles, 328–332
number of RACH time-domain occasions, 331t
preamble formats for, 330t
short preambles, 331t
Long PUCCH formats, 214–215
Long-Term Evolution (LTE), 39, 73, 109, 227, 260–261, 279, 315–316, 317, 324, 324–325, 354, 416–417
See also LTE/NR, New Radio (NR)
bands, 353
coexistence, 71–72
CRS, 134, 346
densification, 48–52
design, 60
device enhancements, 52
dual connectivity, 50, 51f
dynamic TDD, 50–51
and evolution, 40f, 42–43, 42f
heterogeneous deployments, 48–52, 49
LTE-based technologies, 57
multiantenna enhancements, 46–48
new scenarios, 52–55
aerials, 55
device-to-device communication, 52–53, 53f
latency reduction, 54
MTC, 53–54
V2V, 54–55, 55f
V2X, 54–55, 55f
PBCH, 346
PSS and SSS, 346, 347
re-farming bands, 33
release 8, 39–41, 42
release-8/9 devices, 49
release 9, 42
release 10, 42, 44–45
release 11, 43, 45
release 12, 43, 45
release 13, 43, 45
release 14, 43
release 15, 43
small cells, 48–52
spectrum flexibility, 43–46
technology, 2
WLAN interworking, 51–52
Longer SS-block periodicity, 317
Low-density parity-check (LDPC), 66
coder in NR, 157
codes, 158, 159, 159f
Low-frequency bands, 31
Low-latency support, 65–66
Low-noise Amplifier (LNA), 405
Low-SNR transmission scheme, 374
Low-Temperature Cofired Ceramics (LTCC), 404
filter implementation example, 404
Lower-frequency bands, 71, 321, 344
LTE-Advanced, 24
LTE-Advanced Pro, 24, 43
coexistence, 344–348, 345f, 350
configuration of reserved resource, 347f
downlink/uplink coexistence vs. uplink-only coexistence, 346f
dual-connectivity, 340–344, 340f
architecture options, 342, 343f
deployment scenarios, 340–341
in multilayer scenario, 341f
single-TX operation, 342–344
interworking, 339–340
migration of LTE spectrum to NR, 345f
spectrum coexistence, 71


M-sequence, 320, 320–321, 320f
MAC control elements (MAC CE), 89, 89–90, 117, 139–140, 292
for buffer status reporting and power headroom reports, 294f
Machine-type communication (MTC), 53–54, 416–417
Macrocell, 364
Mapping to physical antennas
CSI-RS, 143–144
Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC), 4, 11–12, 15, 57, 416–417
Massive MIMO, 68
Master Cell Group (MCG), 84, 310
Master Information Block (MIB), 87, 189, 321, 323
Master node, 340
Maximum power reduction (MPR), 365
Medium range BS, 364
Medium-Access Control (MAC), 66, 82, 86–95, 268f
hybrid ARQ with soft combining, 93–95
layer, 155
logical channels and transport channels, 86–91
multiplexing functionality, 288
protocol layers, 253–254
scheduling, 91–93
Medium-frequency bands, 31
Microcell, 364
Millimeter-wave Los, 394
MIMO, 39–40
distributed, 69
full-dimension, 46
massive MIMO implementation, 29
“Mini-slot” transmission, 62–63, 63, 65–66, 107–108
Minimum processing time
in OFDM symbols from grant reception to data transmission, 287t
PDSCH mapping type A, feedback on PUCCH, 262t
mm-wave domain, operation in, 63
mm-wave frequencies, 389, 397
RF technologies at
ADC and DAC considerations, 390–391
filtering, 398–404
LO generation and phase noise aspects, 391–395
PA efficiency in relation to unwanted emission, 395–398
receiver noise figure, DR, and bandwidth dependencies, 405–411
mm-wave signal generation, challenges with, 393–395
mm-wave technology, 377, 378
3GPP and standardization, 2–3
generations, 2f
first, 1
second, 1–2
third, 1–2
system, 227, 228
Mobile services, 30
Mobile systems
operators, 352
spectrum for, 27–32
Mobility, 18–19
Modern high-speed CMOS devices, 409
Modulation, 163
symbol, 162
Monolithic VCO implementation, 394
Monte Carlo analysis, 403
Moore’s law, 395–397, 409
Multi-RAT-capable MB-MSR base station, 383
Multi-SRS transmission, 239–240
multiantenna-related information, 202, 204–205
processing, 229, 229
schemes, 41
Multiantenna enhancements, 46–48
control channel structure enhancement, 48
extended multiantenna, 46–47
multipoint coordination and, 47–48
Multiantenna precoding, 128, 164–167, 167, 231, 243
See also DFT-precoding
downlink precoding, 165–166
uplink precoding, 167
Multiantenna transmission, 68–69, 227
analog multiantenna processing providing beam forming, 230f
analog vs. digital multiantenna processing, 230f
DMRS precoded, 232f
downlink multiantenna precoding, 232–237
general model of multiantenna transmission mapping, 230f
multiantenna transmission/reception, 227
NR uplink multiantenna precoding, 237–242
simultaneous (frequency-multiplexed) beam-forming, 232f
time-domain (nonsimultaneous) beam-forming, 231f
Multiband-capable base stations, 382–385
Multilayer transmission, 163
Multinational basis, 3
Multipanel CSI, 236, 237f
Multiple antennas, 227
Multiple closed-loop processes, 308
Multiple compression algorithms, 273–275
Multiple hybrid-ARQ processes, 255, 255f
Multiple open-loop-parameter sets, 307–308
Multiple orthogonal reference signals, 176
Multiple parallel hybrid-ARQ processes, 94, 94f
Multiple path-loss-estimation processes, 306–307
Multiple periodic NZP-CSI-RS, 142
Multiple RATs, 380
Multiple uplink carriers, power control in case of, 309–310
Multiplexing capacity, 179
Multiplexing of hybrid-ARQ acknowledgments, 262–265
coordination, 47–48
reception, 48
transmission, 47–48
CSI-RS, 135
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