
Account issues, 188

Account ownership, 188

Account status, 186187

Acronyms, 9697

Advocates, 173175

Airtable, 7778

Altruists, 41

Amplified word of mouth, 7

Audience, 11

Authority, 143144

Blogs, 135

Boomerangs, 41

Brand advocates, 137

Brand ambassadors, 151

Brand awareness, 20, 77

Brand voice, 6871, 188189

Branson, R., 130

Business-to-business (B2B) market, 7578, 96

Business-to-customer (B2C) market, 77

Call-to-action, 99100

Campaign, 128

Careerists, 41

Celebrities, 151, 155156

Clear and conspicuous disclosures, 162165

Coca-Cola Company, 12, 8586, 181, 182

Co-creation, 14

Collaborative word of mouth, 7

Commitment, 145147

Communication, 12, 13

Company-generated communication, 17

Competition, 5960

Compliance, 187

Connectors, 41

Consistency, 145147

Consumer base, 5859

Consumer content, 16

Consumer feedback, 5

Consumer influencers, 137138

Consumer reviews, 11, 19

Consumer satisfaction, 21

Content, 128

Content marketing, 8384

Copyright, 193194

Creative strategies, 9495

Crocs, 193

C-suite, 129131

Customer services, 7173

Deception, 158

Disclosure, 176179

Earned media, 6

Electronic word of mouth (eWOM), 811

Emotional arousal, 9193

Emotional capital, 130

Employee advocates, 131137

Employee endorsements, 175176

Employee engagement, 6162

Endorsers, 173174

Everyday consumers, 22, 85, 137, 148

eWOM. See Electronic word of mouth

Executive buy-in and support, 6061

Explicit sharing, 39

External influencers, 122

Facebook, 134

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

commonly asked questions, 172179

definition of, 157158

disclosure, 161

endorsement guidelines for clear and conspicuous disclosures, 162165

industry regulations, 168169

material connections, 159160

method of disclosure, 165168

responsibilities, 161162

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

Full URL, 129

Hashtags, 101102

Hipsters, 41

IBM, 76

Image attributes, 110112

Implicit sharing, 39

Independence, 187

Influencers, 173175

consumer, 137138

employee advocates, 131137

external, 122

identifying and hiring, 124126

internal, 129131

Klear’s influencer informational guidelines, 126127

launch and build, 136137

macro, 123

mega, 122123

micro, 123124

mid-tier, 123

nano, 124

overview of, 121

programs and compensation, 43, 126127

reach, 125

relevance, 125

resonance, 125126

risk, 125

social media platforms, 133135

Innovation, 64

Instagram, 134135

Internal influencers, 129131

Legal and regulatory issues, 23. See also Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Length, 9596

Liking, 148149

LinkedIn, 134

Links, 100101

Lord & Taylor, 156157

Macro influencers, 123

Maersk Group, 76


communications, 6567

implications, 4647

Medium, 128

Mega influencers, 122123

Message valence, 9193

Micro influencers, 123124

Mid-tier influencers, 123

Musk, E., 130131, 134

Nano influencers, 124

New York Times, 41

Official accounts, 186

Online media, 6

Organic word of mouth, 7

Owned media, 6

Paid media, 6

Paid social influencers, 122124

Personal accounts, 11

Persuasion principles

authority, 143144

commitment, 145147

consistency, 145147

liking, 148149

reciprocity, 141143

scarcity, 145

social proof, 147

Pinterest, 30, 37, 40, 100, 105, 108111

Policy statement, 186

Public information, 5758

Quotes, 102

Reciprocity, 141143


industry, 168169

laws and, 185

SAP. See Systems Applications and Products

Scalability, 13

Scarcity, 145

Selectives, 41

Shopify, 76

Shortened URL, 129

Slack, 7677

Social B2B companies, 7578

Social business

definition of, 55

overview of, 5355

in sWOM, 22

Social business maturity model

brand voice, 6871

competition, 5960

consumer base, 5859

customer services, 7173

employee engagement, 6162

executive buy-in and support, 6061

humanizing brand, 6768

human resources, 6465

innovation, 64

marketing communications, 6567

maturity phase, 7475

presentation of, 56

public information, 5758

social connections, 58

strategic insights and execution, 6364

transition phase, 61

trial phase, 55, 57

Social connections, 58

Social consumer, 4445

accessing social media, 3233

definition of, 2930

description of, 3032

levels of engagement, 3435

social influencers, 4344

social listener, 3538

social sharers, 3843

Social influence, 43, 141, 150

Social influencer, 4344. See also Influencers

examples, 156157

success, 127129

Social listener, 3538

Social media

deception, 158

employees on, 169171

engagement, 20

Social Media Advisory Board, 182183

Social media engagement pyramid, 3435

Social media policy

company culture, 181182

copyright on, 193194

distributing feedback, 186

drafting document, 186

introducing, 191192

necessity of, 180

periodic review, 192

purpose of, 180181

research, 183185

Social Media Advisory Board, 182183

Social media policy inclusions

account issues, 188

account ownership, 188

account status, 186187

approved platforms, 186

best practices, 189191

brand voice, 188189

legal issues, 188

policy statement, 186

Social proof, 147

Social sharers, 3843

Social word of mouth (sWOM)

definition of, 10

examples of, 2021

explanation of, 1011

importance of, 1920

scope of, 12

typology of, 16

Source content, 128

Sour Patch Kids, 157


content and, 8891

creative strategies, 9495

keys to successful, 8688

message valence and emotional arousal, 9193

overview of, 8384

in sWOM, 22

textual, 95

visual, 102103

visual analytics and commerce, 108109

Strong ties, 10

Structuring influencer programs, 126127

sWOM. See Social word of mouth

Systems Applications and Products (SAP), 7879

Teami, 156

Termination, 187

Terms, 128

Textual storytelling

acronyms, 9697

call-to-action, 99102

hashtags, 101102

length, 9596

links, 100101

quotes, 102

word choice, 9799

Tourism Australia, social sharing

authority, 150151

commitment, 151

consistency, 151

liking, 151152

overview of, 149150

reciprocity, 150

social proof, 151

Traditional word of mouth, 68

Twitter, 133134

Unofficial accounts, 187

Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM), 128, 129

URL, 127128

User descriptors, 12

UTM Tag Builder, 129

Viral marketing, 7

Visual analytics, 108109

Visual commerce, 108109

Visual storytelling

not for options, 107108

photos and consumption practices, 105106

popularity, 104105

power of images, 103104

videos and other digital assets, 106107

Weak ties, 910

WOM. See Word of mouth

WOMM. See Word of mouth marketing

WOMMA. See Word of Mouth Marketing Association

Word choice, 9799

Word of mouth (WOM)

electronic, 810

importance of, 34

organic, 7

reasons for, 26

social. See Social word of mouth marketing (sWOM)

traditional, 68

Word of mouth marketing (WOMM), 26, 84

Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), 3

YouTube, 5, 2932, 35

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