
Book Description

COBOL, one of the oldest programming languages in current use, still provides the framework for many vital business, finance, and administrative programs and systems that companies and governments use in day-to-day activities. Scores of organizations are deciding to replace these legacy systems, including their core business systems, with more modern ones written in Java. The people who support these systems are valuable repositories of business process information, and they know how computer systems are used to meet those business process requirements. But they often don't know Java. That's where this book comes in. Java for COBOL Programmers,Third Edition uses COBOL examples to teach object-oriented principles and Java syntax. Instead of describing the Java object concepts and syntax in the abstract, or based on references using C or C++ programming languages, Java for COBOL Programmers, Third Edition presents various object-oriented concepts first in a COBOL context, and then in the Java syntax that supports this concept.Then, after users are familiar with the underlying concepts, additional Java language rules are defined. For programmers trying to use Java in a real-world environment, this third edition has been updated to reflect the latest developments in the Java language and programming standards. Advances in the language, such as the new Generics feature, are covered. New alternatives for stream-based input and output processing methods are introduced, along with the latest XML processing options in Java. Also new in this edition is a chapter on the Eclipse graphical integrated development environment. This product is presented using a guided, step-by-step progression. You can use the chapter exercises to explore helpful Eclipse features, such as smart editing, debugging, and refactoring.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication Page
  5. About the Author
  6. Contents
  7. Introduction
  8. Part I: Introducing Java
    1. Chapter 1: Objects and Classes
      1. The COBOL Subroutine
      2. Calling a Subroutine
        1. MYSUB COBOL
        2. CALLER COBOL
      3. Terms to Review: Subroutines
      4. Objects and Java
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. Caller Class
      5. Terms to Review: Objects
    2. Chapter 2: Introducing the Java Development Environment
      1. Runtime Interpretation and Java Byte Codes
      2. Getting Started with Java’s SDK
      3. Applets with SDK
      4. Classes and Filenames
      5. CLASSPATH
      6. CODEBASE
      7. Packages
      8. Inside a Package
      9. Name Collisions
      10. Packages and Filenames
      11. Compressed Packages
      12. Applications vs. Applets
      13. Reviewing the Samples
    3. Chapter 3: Messages and Methods
      1. MYSUB COBOL
      3. Messages in Java
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. Caller Class
      4. Multiple Messages
        1. Class ErrorMsg
        2. Method Overloading
        3. Caller Class
      5. Method Overloading in COBOL
        1. MYSUB COBOL
        2. CALLER COBOL
      6. Terms to Review
      7. Exercises: Classes, Objects, and Methods
      8. Reviewing the Samples
      9. HelloWorld: The Application
      10. HelloWorld: The Applet
      11. ErrorMsg: The Class
    4. Chapter 4: Class Members
      1. MYSUB COBOL
      3. Java Variables
        1. ErrorMsg Class
      4. Classes, Objects, and Members Review
      5. Objects and COBOL
      6. Using Objects in Java
      7. Java Data Members
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. Caller Class
      8. Local Variables
      9. Primitive Data Types
      10. Arrays
        1. Arrays as Parameters
      11. Method Members
        1. ErrorMsg Class: Static Variable
        2. ErrorMsg Class: Static Initializer
      12. Constructors
      13. Exercises: Class Members
      14. Reviewing the Samples
    5. Chapter 5: Inheritance, Interfaces, and Polymorphism
      1. Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design
      2. Inheritance and Objects
      3. Inheriting Methods
        1. Caller Class
      4. Redefining a Method
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. Caller Class
      5. Extending a Method
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. Caller Class
      6. Why Inheritance?
      7. Inheritance, Objects, and COBOL
        1. NEWSUB COBOL
      8. More COBOL Object-Oriented Design Patterns
        1. CALLER COBOL
        2. MYSUB COBOL
      9. Inheritance and Java
        1. ErrorMsg Class
        2. PopupErrorMsg Class
        3. PrintfileErrorMsg Class
        4. TextMessage Class
        5. ErrorMsg Class
        6. PopupErrorMsg Class
        7. PrintfileErrorMsg Class
        8. Consumer Class
        9. TextMessage Class
        10. ErrorMsg Class
        11. ErrorMsg Class: Override
        12. PopupErrorMsg Class
        13. PrintfileErrorMsg Class
        14. Consumer Class
        15. PrintfileErrorMsg Class
        16. Sharing Variables and Methods
      10. Hiding Variables and Methods
      11. The this Variable
      12. Java Interfaces
        1. Writeline Interface
        2. PrintfileErrorMsg Class
        3. Caller Class
      13. Using Interfaces
      14. Hiding Methods and Members
      15. Polymorphism
      16. Exercises
      17. Reviewing the Samples
  9. Part II: Java’s Syntax
    1. Chapter 6: Java Syntax
      1. COBOL vs. Java Syntax
      2. Java Statements
      3. Java Comments
      4. Java Operators
      5. Binary Arithmetic Operations
      6. Understanding Reference Variables with COBOL
      7. Exercises: Java’s Syntax
      8. Reviewing the Exercises
    2. Chapter 7: Flow Control
      1. Code Block
      2. The if Statement
      3. The while Statement
      4. The do...while Statement
      5. The for Statement
      6. The switch Statement
      7. The break, continue Statements
      8. Exercises: Flow Control
      9. Reviewing the Exercises
    3. Chapter 8: Strings, StringBuffers, StringBuilders, Numbers, and BigNumbers
      1. Strings
      2. Comparing Strings
      3. Working with Strings
      4. Numeric Wrapper Classes
      5. StringBuffers
      6. BigNumbers
      7. Exercises: Strings, StringBuffers, Numbers, and BigNumbers
      8. Reviewing the Exercises
    4. Chapter 9: Exceptions, Threads, and Garbage Collectors
      1. Exception Class Hierarchy
      2. Creating Exceptions
      3. Using Exceptions
      4. Exception-Processing Suggestions
      5. Exception-Processing Summary
      6. Threads
      7. Inheriting from Thread
      8. Implementing Runnable
      9. Synchronization
      10. Benefits and Cautions
      11. Garbage Collection
      12. Exercises: Java’s Exceptions and Threads
      13. Reviewing the Exercises
    5. Chapter 10: I/O in Java
      1. Streams vs. Record-Based I/O
      2. The File Class
      3. InputStream and OutputStream
      4. Serialization
      5. Readers and Writers
      6. RandomAccessFile
      7. Exercises
      8. Reviewing the Exercises
    6. Chapter 11: Java Collections
      1. Collections Background
      2. Ordered Collections: Vectors and ArrayLists
      3. Keyed Collections: Hashtable and HashMap
      4. Other Collections
      5. Iterators
      6. Ordering and Comparison Functions
      7. Exercises: Java Collections
      8. Reviewing the Exercises
    7. Chapter 12: Other Java Topics
      1. Graphical User Interface Development
      2. Properties Files
      3. Java Utilities
        1. Jar Utility
        2. Javadoc Utility
      4. Exercises
      5. Reviewing the Exercises
  10. Part III: Introducing Enterprise Java
    1. Chapter 13: Java Database Connectivity
      1. How JDBC Works
      2. Connecting to the Database
      3. Querying a Table
      4. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting
      5. Configuring the JDBC-ODBC Bridge
      6. Exercises
      7. Reviewing the Exercises
    2. Chapter 14: Servlets and Java Server Pages
      1. Browsers and Web Servers
      2. The Servlet as Transaction Processor
      3. Servlet Protocol
      4. Java Server Pages
      5. Getting Started with Servlets and JSPs
      6. Exercises
      7. Reviewing the Exercises
    3. Chapter 15: Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans
      1. Distributed Computing
      2. The Different Kinds of EJBs
      3. Container Services
      4. The Interfaces and the Implementation Class
      5. Accessing the Bean from the Client
      6. Exercises
      7. Reviewing the Exercises
    4. Chapter 16: Introduction to XML
      1. The Basics
      2. XML vs. HTML
      3. Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
      4. DTD Components
        1. Elements
        2. Attributes
        3. Entities
        4. XML Declaration
        5. A Complete XML Document
        6. XML Schemas
        7. Authoring XML Documents
        8. XML and Java
        9. XML and HTML
        10. Where to Use XML
        11. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
        12. Online XML or Web Services
        13. XML and OAG
        14. Other Opportunities
        15. Exercises
        16. Reviewing the Exercises
    5. Chapter 17: Introducing Eclipse
      1. Installing Eclipse
      2. Start Using Eclipse
        1. Make a New Eclipse Project
      3. Run with Eclipse
      4. Debug with Eclipse
      5. Refactoring with Eclipse
  11. Part IV: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: About the CD-ROM
      1. Exercises
      2. Java SDK
      3. LegacyJ
      4. Eclipse
      5. Tomcat
      6. SoftwareMining
        1. Case Studies
    2. Appendix B: Java Information Available Elsewhere
      1. Java Resources
      2. Java Magazines
      3. Java Tools
      4. COBOL Information
    3. Appendix C: Buzzwords
      1. Active Server Pages (ASP)
      2. AWT
      3. Client/Server
      4. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
      5. Components
      6. Component Object Model (COM)
      7. Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
      8. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
      9. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
      10. Firewall
      11. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
      12. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
      13. Interface Definition Language (IDL)
      14. Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
      15. JavaBeans
      16. Java Native Interface (JNI)
      17. JavaScript
      18. Java Server Pages (JSP)
      19. JDBC
      20. Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
      21. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
      22. Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
      23. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
      24. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
      25. Swing
      26. TCP/IP
      27. Unified Modeling Language (UML)
      28. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
      29. VBScript
      30. Web Services
    4. Appendix D: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code License Agreement
  12. Index