
Book Description

Looking to study up for the new J2EE 1.5 Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) exam?

This book will get you way up to speed on the technology you'll know it so well, in fact, that you can pass the brand new J2EE 1.5 exam. If that's what you want to do, that is. Maybe you don't care about the exam, but need to use servlets and JSPs in your next project. You're working on a deadline. You're over the legal limit for caffeine. You can't waste your time with a book that makes sense only AFTER you're an expert (or worse, one that puts you to sleep).

Learn how to write servlets and JSPs, what makes a web container tick (and what ticks it off), how to use JSP's Expression Language (EL for short), and how to write deployment descriptors for your web applications. Master the c:out tag, and get a handle on exactly what's changed since the older J2EE 1.4 exam. You don't just pass the new J2EE 1.5 SCWCD exam, you'll understand this stuff and put it to work immediately.

Head First Servlets and JSP doesn't just give you a bunch of facts to memorize; it drives knowledge straight into your brain. You'll interact with servlets and JSPs in ways that help you learn quickly and deeply. And when you're through with the book, you can take a brand-new mock exam, created specifically to simulate the real test-taking experience.

Table of Contents

  1. Head First Servlets and JSP™
  2. Dedication
  3. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  4. Praise for Head First Servlets and JSP™
  5. Praise for the Head First approach
  6. Perpetrators of the Head First series (and this book)
  7. How to Use this Book: Intro
    1. Who is this book for?
      1. Who should probably back away from this book?
    2. We know what you’re thinking.
    3. And we know what your brain is thinking
    4. Metacognition: thinking about thinking
    5. Here’s what WE did
    6. Here’s what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission
    7. What you need for this book
    8. Last-minute things you need to know
    9. About the SCWCD (for Java EE 1.5) exam
    10. Beta testers & technical reviewers
    11. Other people to : credit
    12. Even more people
  8. 1. Intro and Overview: Why use Servlets & JSPs?
    1. Everybody wants a web site
    2. What does your web server do?
    3. What does a web client do?
    4. Clients and servers know HTML and HTTP
    5. Two-minute HTML guide
    6. What you write... (the HTML)
    7. What the browser creates...
    8. What is the HTTP protocol?
    9. HTML is part of the HTTP response
    10. If that’s the response, what’s in the request?
    11. GET is a simple request, POST can send user data
    12. It’s true... you can send a little data with HTTP GET
    13. Anatomy of an HTTP GET request
    14. Anatomy of an HTTP POST request
    15. Anatomy of an HTTP response, and what the heck is a “MIME type”?
    16. All the pieces. On one page.
    17. URL. Whatever you do, don’t pronounce it “Earl”.
    18. Directory structure for a simple Apache web site
    19. Web servers love serving static web pages
    20. But sometimes you need more than just the web server
    21. Two things the web server alone won’t do
    22. The non-Java term for a web server helper app is “CGI” program
      1. Servlets and CGI both play the role of a helper app in the web server
    23. Servlets Demystified (write, deploy, run)
      1. Actually, trying to format HTML inside a servlet’s out.println() pretty much sucks.
    24. JSP is what happened when somebody introduced Java to HTML
  9. 2. High-Level Overview: Web App Architecture
    1. What is a Container?
    2. What if you had Java, but no servlets or Containers?
    3. What does the Container give you?
    4. How the Container handles a request
    5. How it looks in code (what makes a servlet a servlet)
    6. You’re wondering how the Container found the Servlet...
    7. A servlet can have THREE names
    8. Using the Deployment Descriptor to map URLs to servlets
    9. But wait! There’s more you can do with the DD
    10. Story: Bob Builds a Matchmaking Site
    11. He starts to build a bunch of servlets... one for each page
    12. But then it gets ugly, so he adds JSPs
    13. But then his friend says, “You ARE using MVC, right?”
    14. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern fixes this
    15. Applying the MVC pattern to the matchmaking web app
    16. But then his friend Kim takes a look
    17. Is there an answer?
    18. A “working” Deployment Descriptor (DD)
    19. How J2EE fits into all this
  10. 3. Hands-on MVC: Mini MVC Tutorial
    1. Let’s build a real (small) web application
    2. The User’s View of the web application—a Beer Advisor
    3. Here’s the architecture...
    4. Creating your development environment
    5. Creating the deployment environment
    6. Our roadmap for building the app
    7. The HTML for the initial form page
    8. Deploying and testing the opening page
    9. Mapping the logical name to a servlet class file
    10. The first version of the controller servlet
    11. Compiling, deploying, and testing the controller servlet
    12. Building and testing the model class
    13. Enhancing the servlet to call the model, so that we can get REAL advice...
    14. Servlet version two code
    15. Key steps for servlet version two
    16. Review the partially completed, MVC beer advice web application
    17. Create the JSP “view” that gives the advice
    18. Enhancing the servlet to “call” the JSP (version three)
    19. Code for servlet version three
    20. Compile, deploy, and test the final app!
    21. There is still so much to learn.
  11. 4. Request and Response: Being a Servlet
    1. Servlets are controlled by the Container
    2. But there’s more to a servlet’s life
      1. Your servlet inherits the lifecycle methods
    3. The Three Big Lifecycle Moments
    4. Each request runs in a separate thread!
    5. In the beginning: loading and initializing
      1. Servlet Initialization: when an object becomes a servlet
      2. But a Servlet’s REAL job is to handle requests. That’s when a servlet’s life has meaning.
      3. Request and Response: the key to everything, and the arguments to service()
    6. The HTTP request Method determines whether doGet() or doPost() runs
    7. Actually, one or more of the other HTTP Methods might make a (brief) appearance on the exam...
    8. The difference between GET and POST
    9. No, it’s not just about the size
    10. The story of the non-idempotent request
    11. POST is not idempotent
    12. What determines whether the browser sends a GET or POST request?
      1. What happens if you do NOT say method=“POST” in your <form>?
    13. POST is NOT the default!
    14. Sending and using a single parameter
    15. Sending and using TWO parameters
    16. Besides parameters, what else can I get from a Request object?
    17. Review: servlet lifecycle and API
    18. Review: HTTP and HttpServletRequest
    19. So that’s the Request... now let’s see the Response
    20. Using the response for I/O
    21. Imagine you want to send a JAR to the client...
    22. Servlet code to download the JAR
    23. Whoa. What’s the deal with content type?
    24. You’ve got two choices for output: characters or bytes
    25. You can set response headers, you can add response headers
    26. But sometimes you just don’t want to deal with the response yourself...
    27. Servlet redirect makes the browser do the work
      1. Using relative URLs in sendRedirect()
    28. A request dispatch does the work on the server side
    29. Redirect vs. Request Dispatch
    30. Review: HttpServletResponse
    31. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 4
    32. Coffee Cram: Chapter 4 Answers
  12. 5. Attributes and Listeners: Being a Web App
    1. Kim wants to configure his email address in the DD, not hard-code it inside the servlet class
    2. Init Parameters to the rescue
    3. You can’t use servlet init parameters until the servlet is initialized
    4. The servlet init parameters are read only ONCE—when the Container initializes the servlet
    5. Testing your ServletConfig
    6. How can a JSP get servlet init parameters?
      1. What about the way we did it with the beer app? We passed the model info to the JSP using a request attribute...
    7. Setting a request attribute works... but only for the JSP to which you forwarded the request
    8. Context init parameters to the rescue
    9. Remember the difference between servlet init parameters and context init parameters
    10. ServletConfig is one per servlet ServletContext is one per web app
    11. So what else can you do with your ServletContext?
    12. What if you want an app init parameter that’s a database DataSource?
      1. What she really wants is a listener.
      2. She wants a ServletContextListener
      3. Tutorial: a simple ServletContextListener
      4. Making and using a context listener
      5. We need three classes and one DD
      6. Writing the listener class
      7. Writing the attribute class (Dog)
      8. Writing the servlet class
      9. Writing the Deployment Descriptor
      10. Compile and deploy
      11. Try it out
      12. Troubleshooting
      13. The full story...
      14. Listeners: not just for context events...
      15. The eight listeners
      16. The HttpSessionBindingListener
    13. What, exactly, is an attribute?
      1. Attributes are not parameters!
      2. The Three Scopes: Context, Request, and Session
      3. Attribute API
      4. The dark side of attributes...
      5. But then something goes horribly wrong...
      6. Context scope isn’t thread-safe!
      7. The problem in slow motion...
      8. How do we make context attributes thread-safe?
      9. Synchronizing the service method is a spectacularly BAD idea
      10. Synchronizing the service method won’t protect a context attribute!
      11. You don’t need a lock on the servlet... you need the lock on the context!
      12. Are Session attributes thread-safe?
      13. What’s REALLY true about attributes and thread-safety?
      14. Protect session attributes by synchronizing on the HttpSession
      15. SingleThreadModel is designed to protect instance variables
      16. But how does the web container guarantee a servlet gets only one request at a time?
      17. Which is the better STM implementation?
      18. Only Request attributes and local variables are thread-safe!
      19. Request attributes and Request dispatching
      20. RequestDispatcher revealed
      21. What’s wrong with this code?
      22. You’ll get a big, fat IllegalStateException!
    14. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 5
    15. Coffee Cram: Chapter 5 Answers
  13. 6. Session Management: Conversational state
    1. Kim wants to keep client-specific state across multiple requests
    2. It’s supposed to work like a REAL conversation...
    3. How can he track the client’s answers?
    4. How sessions work
    5. One problem... how does the Container know who the client is?
    6. The client needs a unique session ID
    7. How do the Client and Container exchange Session ID info?
      1. Cookies
    8. The best part: the Container does virtually all the cookie work!
    9. What if I want to know whether the session already existed or was just created?
    10. What if I want ONLY a pre-existing session?
    11. You can do sessions even if the client doesn’t accept cookies, but you have to do a little more work...
      1. URL rewriting: something to fall back on
      2. URL rewriting kicks in ONLY if cookies fail, and ONLY if you tell the response to encode the URL
      3. URL rewriting works with sendRedirect()
      4. Getting rid of sessions
      5. How we want it to work...
      6. The HttpSession interface
      7. Key HttpSession methods
      8. Setting session timeout
      9. Can I use cookies for other things, or are they only for sessions?
      10. Using Cookies with the Servlet API
      11. Simple custom cookie example
      12. Custom cookie example continued...
      13. Key milestones for an HttpSession
      14. Session lifecycle Events
    12. Don’t forget about HttpSessionBindingListener
      1. Session migration
      2. The Beer Web App distributed across two VMs
      3. Session migration in action
    13. HttpSessionActivationListener lets attributes prepare for the big move...
      1. Listener examples
      2. Listener examples
      3. Listener examples
      4. Session-related Listeners
      5. Session-related Event Listeners and Event Objects API overview
    14. Session-related Listeners
    15. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 6
    16. Coffee Cram: Chapter 6 Answers
  14. 7. Using JSP: Being a JSP
    1. In the end, a JSP is just a servlet
    2. Making a JSP that displays how many times it’s been accessed
    3. She deploys and tests it
    4. The JSP doesn’t recognize the Counter class
    5. Use the page directive to import packages
    6. But then Kim mentions “expressions”
    7. Expressions become the argument to an out.print()
    8. Kim drops the final bombshell...
    9. Declaring a variable in a scriptlet
    10. What REALLY happens to your JSP code?
    11. We need another JSP element...
    12. JSP Declarations
    13. Time to see the REAL generated servlet
    14. The out variable isn’t the only implicit object...
    15. A comment...
    16. API for the generated servlet
    17. Lifecycle of a JSP
    18. Translation and compilation happens only ONCE
    19. Initializing your JSP
      1. Configuring servlet init parameters
      2. Overriding jspInit()
    20. Attributes in a JSP
    21. Using PageContext for attributes
    22. Examples using pageContext to get and set attributes
    23. While we’re on the subject... let’s talk more about the three directives
      1. Attributes to the page directive
    24. Scriptlets considered harmful?
    25. There didn’t used to BE an alternative.
    26. EL: the answer to, well, everything.
    27. Sneak peek at EL
    28. Using <scripting-invalid>
    29. You can choose to ignore EL
      1. El is enabled by default!
    30. But wait... there’s still another JSP element we haven’t seen: actions
    31. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 7
    32. Coffee Cram: Chapter 7 Answers
  15. 8. Scriptless JSP: Script-free pages
    1. Our MVC app depends on attributes
    2. But what if the attribute is not a String, but an instance of Person?
    3. We need more code to get the Person’s name
    4. Person is a JavaBean, so we’ll use the bean-related standard actions
    5. Deconstructing <jsp:useBean> and <jsp:getProperty>
      1. Declare and initialize a bean attribute with <jsp:useBean>
      2. Get a bean attribute’s property value with <jsp:getProperty>
    6. <jsp:useBean> can also CREATE a bean!
    7. You can use <jsp:setProperty>
    8. <jsp:useBean> can have a body!
    9. Generated servlet when <jsp:useBean> has a body
    10. Can you make polymorphic bean references?
    11. Adding a type attribute to <jsp:useBean>
    12. Using type without class
    13. The scope attribute defaults to “page”
    14. Going straight from the request to the JSP without going through a servlet...
    15. The param attribute to the rescue
    16. But wait ! It gets even better...
    17. If you can stand it, it gets even BETTER...
    18. Bean tags convert primitive properties automatically
    19. But what if the property is something OTHER than a String or primitive?
    20. Trying to display the property of the property
    21. Expression Language (EL) saves the day!
    22. Deconstructing the JSP Expression Language (EL)
    23. Using the dot (.) operator to access properties and map values
    24. The [] operator is like the dot only way better
    25. The [] gives you more options...
    26. Using the [] operator with an array
    27. A String index is coerced to an int for arrays and Lists
    28. For beans and Maps you can use either operator
    29. If it’s NOT a String literal, it’s evaluated
    30. You can use nested expressions inside the brackets
    31. You can’t do ${foo.1}
    32. EL renders raw text, including HTML
      1. The same is true for JSP expression tags...
      2. ... and for the jsp:getProperty standard action
    33. The EL implicit objects
    34. Request parameters in EL
    35. What if you want more information from the request?
    36. The requestScope is NOT the request object
    37. Scope implicit objects can save you
    38. Getting Cookies and init params
      1. She doesn’t know about EL functions
    39. Imagine you want your JSP to roll dice
    40. Deploying an app with static functions
    41. And a few other EL operators...
    42. EL handles null values gracefully
    43. JSP Expression Language (EL) review
    44. Reusable template pieces
    45. The include directive
    46. The <jsp:include> standard action
    47. They’re NOT the same underneath...
    48. The include directive happens at translation time <jsp:include> happens at runtime
    49. The include directive at first request
    50. The <jsp:include> standard action at first request
    51. Uh-oh. She’s right...
    52. The way we SHOULD have done it
    53. Customizing the included content with <jsp:param>
    54. The <jsp:forward> standard action
    55. A conditional forward...
    56. How it runs...
    57. With <jsp:forward>, the buffer is cleared BEFORE the forward
      1. She doesn’t know about JSTL tags
    58. Bean-related standard action review
    59. The include review
    60. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 8
    61. Coffee Cram: Chapter 8 Answers
  16. 9. Using JSTL: Custom tags are powerful
    1. EL and standard actions are limited
    2. The case of the disappearing HTML (reprised)
    3. There’s a better way: use the <c:out> tag
      1. You can explicitly declare the conversion of XML entities
      2. You can explicitly declare NO conversion of XML entities
      3. Conversion happens by default
    4. Null values are rendered as blank text
    5. Set a default value with the default attribute
      1. Or you can do it this way:
    6. Looping without scripting
    7. <c:forEach>
    8. Deconstructing <c:forEach>
    9. You can even nest <c:forEach> tags
    10. Doing a conditional include with <c:if>
    11. But what if you need an else?
    12. The <c:if> tag won’t work for this
    13. The <c:choose> tag and its partners <c:when> and <c:otherwise>
    14. The <c:set> tag... so much cooler than <jsp:setProperty>
    15. Using <c:set> with beans and Maps
    16. Key points and gotchas with <c:set>
    17. <c:remove> just makes sense
    18. With <c:import>, there are now THREE ways to include content
    19. <c:import> can reach OUTSIDE the web app
    20. Customizing the thing you include
    21. Doing the same thing with <c:param>
    22. <c:url> for all your hyperlink needs
    23. What if the URL needs encoding?
    24. You do NOT want your clients to see this:
    25. Make your own error pages
      1. She doesn’t know about the <error-page> DD tag.
    26. Configuring error pages in the DD
    27. Error pages get an extra object: exception
    28. The <c:catch> tag. Like try/catch...sort of
    29. You can make the exception an attribute
    30. What if you need a tag that’s NOT in JSTL?
    31. Using a tag library that’s NOT from the JSTL
    32. Making sense of the TLD
    33. Using the custom “advice” tag
    34. The custom tag handler
    35. Pay attention to <rtexprvalue>
    36. <rtexprvalue> is NOT just for EL expressions
    37. What can be in a tag body
    38. The tag handler, the TLD, and the JSP
    39. The taglib <uri> is just a name, not a location
    40. The Container builds a map
    41. Four places the Container looks for TLDs
    42. When a JSP uses more than one tag library
    43. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 9
    44. Coffee Cram: Chapter 9 Answers
  17. 10. Custom Tag Development: When even JSTL is not enough...
    1. Includes and imports can be messy
    2. Tag Files: like include, only better
    3. But how do you send it parameters?
    4. To a Tag File, you don’t send request parameters, you send tag attributes!
    5. Aren’t tag attributes declared in the TLD?
    6. Tag Files use the attribute directive
    7. When an attribute value is really big
    8. Declaring body-content for a Tag File
    9. Where the Container looks for Tag Files
    10. When you need more than Tag Files... Sometimes you need Java
    11. Making a Simple tag handler
    12. A Simple tag with a body
    13. The Simple tag API
    14. The life of a Simple tag handler
    15. What if the tag body uses an expression?
    16. A tag with dynamic row data: iterating the body
    17. A Simple tag with an attribute
    18. What exactly IS a JspFragment?
    19. SkipPageException: stops processing the page...
    20. SkipPageException shows everything up to the point of the exception
    21. But what happens when the tag is invoked from an included page?
    22. SkipPageException stops only the page that directly invoked the tag
    23. You still have to know about Classic tag handlers
    24. Tag handler API
    25. A very small Classic tag handler
    26. A Classic tag handler with TWO methods
    27. When a tag has a body: comparing Simple vs. Classic
    28. Classic tags have a different lifecycle
    29. The Classic lifecycle depends on return values
    30. IterationTag lets you repeat the body
    31. Default return values from TagSupport
    32. OK, let’s get real...
    33. Our dynamic <select> tag isn’t complete...
    34. We could just add more custom tag attributes...
    35. Son of more tag attributes
    36. The return of the son of more tag attributes
    37. I’m getting sick of these tag attributes!
    38. Our tag handler code using the DynamicAttributes interface
    39. The rest of the tag handler code
    40. OK, there is a little bit of configuration in the TLD
    41. What about Tag Files?
    42. But what if you DO need access to the body contents?
    43. With BodyTag, you get two new methods
    44. With BodyTag, you can buffer the body
    45. What if you have tags that work together?
    46. A Tag can call its Parent Tag
    47. Find out just how deep the nesting goes...
    48. Simple tags can have Classic parents
    49. You can walk up, but you can’t walk down...
    50. Getting info from child to parent
    51. Menu and MenuItem tag handlers
    52. Getting an arbitrary ancestor
    53. Using the PageContext API for tag handlers
    54. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 10
    55. Coffee Cram: Chapter 10 Answers
  18. 11. Web App Deployment: Deploying your web app
    1. The Joy of Deployment
    2. What goes where in a web app
      1. What she really wants is a WAR file
    3. WAR files
    4. What a deployed WAR file looks like
    5. Making static content and JSPs directly accessible
    6. How servlet mapping REALLY works
    7. Servlet mappings can be “fake”
    8. Subtle issues...
    9. Configuring welcome files in the DD
    10. How the Container chooses a welcome file
    11. Configuring error pages in the DD
    12. Configuring servlet initialization in the DD
    13. Making an XML-compliant JSP: a JSP Document
    14. Memorizing the EJB-related DD tags
    15. Memorizing the JNDI <env-entry> DD tag
    16. Memorizing the <mime-mapping> DD tag
    17. Coffee Crem: Mock Exam Chapter 11
    18. Coffee Crem: Chapter 11 Answers
  19. 12. Web App Security: Keep it secret, keep it safe
    1. The Bad Guys are everywhere
    2. And it’s not just the SERVER that gets hurt...
    3. The Big 4 in servlet security
    4. A little security story
    5. How to Authenticate in HTTP World: the beginning of a secure transaction
    6. A slightly closer look at how the Container does Authentication and Authorization
    7. How did the Container do that ?
    8. Keep security out of the code!
    9. Who implements security in a web app?
    10. The Big Jobs in servlet security
    11. Just enough Authentication to discuss Authorization
    12. Authorization Step 1: defining roles
    13. Authorization Step 2: defining resource/method constraints
    14. The <security-constraint> rules for <web-resource-collection> elements
    15. Picky <security-constraint> rules for <auth-constraint> sub-elements
    16. The way <auth-constraint> works
    17. How multiple <security-constraint> elements interact
    18. Dueling <auth-constraint> elements
    19. Alice’s recipe servlet, a story about programmatic security...
    20. Customizing methods: isUserInRole()
    21. The declarative side of programmatic security
    22. Authentication revisited
    23. Implementing Authentication
    24. Form-Based Authentication
    25. Summary of Authentication types
    26. She doesn’t know about J2EE’s “protected transport layer connection”
    27. Securing data in transit: HTTPS to the rescue
    28. How to implement data confidentiality and integrity sparingly and declaratively
    29. Protecting the request data
    30. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 12
    31. Coffee Cram: Chapter 12 Answers
  20. 13. Filters and Wrappers: The Power of Filters
    1. Enhancing the entire web application
    2. How about some kind of “filter”?
    3. Filters are modular, and configurable in the DD
    4. Three ways filters are like servlets
    5. Building the request tracking filter
    6. A filter’s life cycle
    7. Think of filters as being “stackable”
      1. A conceptual call stack example
    8. Declaring and ordering filters
    9. News Flash: As of version 2.4, filters can be applied to request dispatchers
    10. Compressing output with a response-side filter
    11. Architecture of a response filter
    12. But is it really that simple?
    13. The output has left the building
    14. We can implement our OWN response
      1. She doesn’t know about the servlet Wrapper classes
    15. Wrappers rock
    16. Adding a simple Wrapper to the design
    17. Add an output stream Wrapper
    18. The real compression filter code
      1. “Off the path”
    19. Compression wrapper code
    20. Compression wrapper, helper class code
    21. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 13
    22. Coffee Cram: Chapter 13 Answers
  21. 14. Patterns and Struts: Enterprise Design Patterns
    1. Web site hardware can get complicated
    2. Web application software can get complicated
    3. Lucky for us, we have J2EE patterns
      1. Common pressures
    4. Performance (and the “ilities”)
    5. Aligning our vernaculars...
      1. Code to interfaces
      2. Separation of Concerns & Cohesion
      3. Hide Complexity
    6. More design principles...
      1. Loose Coupling
      2. Remote Proxy
      3. Increase Declarative Control
    7. Patterns to support remote model components
      1. A Fable: The Beer App Grows
    8. How the Business Team supports the web designers when the MVC components are running on one JVM
    9. How will they handle remote objects?
    10. RMI makes life easy
      1. What we want...
      2. How RMI pulls it off
    11. Just a little more RMI review
    12. Adding RMI and JNDI to the controller
    13. How about a “go-between” object?
    14. The “go-between” is a Business Delegate
    15. Simplify your Business Delegates with the Service Locator
    16. Protecting the web designer’s JSPs from remote model complexity
    17. Compare the local model diagram to this remote model diagram
    18. There’s good news and bad news...
    19. Time for a Transfer Object?
      1. Service Locator and Business Delegate both simplify model components
    20. Business tier patterns: quick review
    21. Our very first pattern revisited... MVC
      1. Where we left off...
    22. MVC in a real web app
    23. Looking at the MVC controller
    24. Improving the MVC controllers
      1. New and (shorter) controller pseudo-code
    25. Designing our fantasy controller
    26. Yes! It’s Struts in a nutshell
    27. Is Struts a container?
    28. How does Front Controller fit in?
    29. Refactoring the Beer app for Struts
    30. The Struts Beer app architecture
    31. A form bean exposed
    32. How an Action object ticks
    33. struts-config.xml: tying it all together
    34. Specifying Struts in the web.xml DD
    35. Install Struts, and Just Run It!
    36. Creating the deployment environment
    37. Patterns review for the SCWCD
    38. Business Delegate
    39. Service Locator
    40. Transfer Object
    41. Intercepting Filter
    42. Model, View, Controller (MVC)
    43. Front Controller
    44. Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Chapter 14
    45. Coffee Cram: Chapter 14 Answers
  22. A. Final Mock Exam: Coffee Cram
    1. Coffee Cram: Final Mock Exam
    2. Coffee Cram: Final Exam Answers
  23. B.
  24. C.
  25. Index
  26. About the Authors
  27. Copyright