
Book Description

'Basic Photography' is a longstanding international bestseller and continues to be the introductory textbook for photography courses throughout the world.

Key features:
practical assignments, so you can put into practice what you've learned
chapter summaries for easy revision
a clear and concise approach to essential photographic principles, assuming no prior knowledge
comprehensive coverage of both black and white photography, processing and printing; colour photography, digital manipulation and film processing
suitability for students of all ages and all photographic courses

This new edition now includes:
extended coverage of digital imaging techniques: from capturing images digitally, to scanning and using manipulation software and the ethics involved
updated and re-structured contents to suit the new Art (Photography) A Level
hundreds of stunning full colour photographs throughout illustrating the main points from the text inspirational images from world famous photographers including: Bill Brandt; Henri Cartier-Bresson; Edward Weston and David Hockney.

The late Michael Langford formerly taught at the Royal College of Art for many years, becoming Course Director. He was intimately involved with photography courses and examination syllabuses at all levels and as a result fully understood what a student needed. His other books for Focal Press include 'Starting Photography' 2nd edition, 'Advanced Photography' 6th edition, and 'Story of Photography' 2nd edition. 'Advanced Photography' is the companion volume to 'Basic Photography', and for students wishing to progress further, will take the aspiring photographer a step forward on the ladder to a career in photography.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Picture credits
  7. Introduction
  8. 1 What is photography?
    1. Facets of photography
    2. How photography works
    3. Picture structuring
    4. The roles photographs play
    5. Changing attitudes towards photography
    6. Personal styles and approaches
    7. Measuring success
    8. Summary
    9. Projects
  9. 2 Light: how images form
    1. Light itself
    2. Wavelengths and colours
    3. Shadows
    4. When light reaches a surface
    5. Light intensity and distance
    6. Making light form images
    7. Summary
    8. Projects
  10. 3 Lenses: controlling the image
    1. Photographic lenses
    2. Aperture and f-numbers
    3. Depth of field
    4. How depth of field works
    5. Depth of focus
    6. Lens care
    7. Summary
    8. Projects
  11. 4 Cameras using film
    1. The essential components
    2. Camera types – which is best?
    3. How view cameras work
    4. How direct viewfinder cameras work
    5. How reflex cameras work
    6. Summary
    7. Projects
  12. 5 Using different focal length lenses, camera kits
    1. Why change focal length?
    2. Lens kits
    3. Close-up equipment
    4. Essentials, and extras
    5. Horses for courses
    6. Summary
    7. Projects
  13. 6 Digital cameras
    1. Overview – how images are captured
    2. Film versus digital imaging routes
    3. CCD limits to your final print size
    4. Storing exposed shots on memory cards, disks
    5. Point-and-shoot ‘low-end’ cameras
    6. ‘High-end’ cameras, digital backs
    7. Will digital cameras take over?
    8. Summary
  14. 7 Lighting: principles and equipment
    1. Basic characteristics of lighting
    2. Lighting equipment
    3. Practical lighting problems
    4. Special subjects
    5. Summary
    6. Projects
  15. 8 Organizing the picture
    1. Noticing subject features
    2. Structuring pictures through the camera
    3. Commercial requirements
    4. Summary
    5. Projects
  16. 9 Films, filters
    1. Silver halide emulsions
    2. Features common to all films
    3. Choosing films for black and white
    4. Films for colour photography
    5. Storing film – before and after exposure
    6. So which film is ‘best’?
    7. Filters – how they work
    8. Filter kits
    9. Summary
    10. Projects
  17. 10 Exposure measurement
    1. Factors that determine what exposure to give
    2. Exposing different film types
    3. Measuring exposure (continuous light)
    4. Practical exposure tips
    5. Measuring exposure for flash
    6. Practical flash exposure tips
    7. Summary
  18. 11 Film processing
    1. Equipment and general preparations
    2. Processing black and white (silver image) negatives
    3. Processing chromogenic (colour and black and white) negatives
    4. Processing colour slides and transparencies
    5. Processing other film materials
    6. Processing by machine
    7. Permanence of processed results
    8. Summary
    9. Projects
  19. 12 Black and white printing: facilities and equipment
    1. Darkroom organization
    2. Equipment: the enlarger
    3. Equipment: accessories
    4. Printing papers
    5. Safelighting and printing paper sensitivity
    6. Processing procedure
    7. Summary
    8. Projects
  20. 13 Black and white printing: techniques
    1. Making contact prints
    2. ‘Straight’ enlarging
    3. Controls during enlarging
    4. Variations
    5. Unusual printing materials
    6. Common print faults
    7. Chemical afterwork
    8. Toning
    9. Tinting
    10. Summary
    11. Projects
  21. 14 Digital image manipulation
    1. Overview
    2. The hardware
    3. Software programs
    4. Learning the ropes
    5. Working on pictures
    6. Digital ethics
    7. Summary
    8. Projects
  22. 15 Finishing and presenting work
    1. The permanence of prints
    2. Mounting methods
    3. Spotting
    4. Getting your work noticed
    5. Summary
    6. Projects
  23. Appendices
    1. A: Optical calculations
    2. B: Camera movements
    3. C: Expressing film response
    4. D: Chemical formulae
    5. E: Health and safety concerns
    6. F: Digital notebook
  24. Glossary
  25. Index