Chapter 13
Taking the Next Step

In the course of creating our app, we’ve mastered the essentials of iOS app development. We learned the Swift language, built a UI with storyboard scenes, connected them to code, and then used the essential frameworks like Foundation and UIKit to bring the app to life. We’ve learned enough to make and ship a real app.

Of course, it’s obvious that there’s much more potential in the iOS SDK than we’ve dug into with our simple podcast app. Looking through the App Store, we can see apps with features like mapping, purchasing, media, health tracking, and more.

So what do you want to do with your next app, and how can you do it? In this chapter, we’re going to take a high-level overview of the rest of the iOS SDK, and show where to go for the features you need.

Everything mentioned in this chapter is available as part of the iOS SDK itself, and does not require separate downloads, installs, memberships, etc. Documentation for these features can be found in the Xcode documentation viewer (menu command Window Documentation and API Reference, or 0).

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