List of Figures

Chapter 1. Introducing Zend Framework

Figure 1.1. The organization of a typical PHP file created by a novice interleaves HTML and PHP code in a linear fashion as the file is created.

Figure 1.2. A typical MVC application separates the code of an application into separate concerns.

Figure 1.3. There are many components in Zend Framework, but we can group them into these six categories for ease of reference.

Figure 1.4. Zend Framework contains lots of components that include everything required to build an enterprise application.

Figure 1.5. The MVC flow in a Zend Framework application uses a front controller to process the request and delegate to a specific action controller that uses models and views to craft the response.

Chapter 2. Hello Zend Framework!

Figure 2.1. Zend Framework’s Front Controller and MVC components work together to serve a web page. The router and dispatcher find the correct controller, which builds the page in conjunction with the model and view.

Figure 2.2. A typical Zend Framework application’s directory layout groups the files by their role in the application, so it is easy to find the file you are looking for.

Figure 2.3. The Hello World application produces the words “Hello World!” in our browser. A minimal Zend Framework application requires .htaccess, bootstrap, controller, and view files working together to produce this.

Figure 2.4. The interaction of the various Zend Framework classes in an MVC application

Figure 2.5. The FormatCurrency view helper is used to display the correct currency symbol in the correct place.

Chapter 3. Building a website with Zend Framework

Figure 3.1. Mind maps are a good way to brainstorm features for a new website. For this site, we have found that seven main areas of the website will be required to meet our main goals. The Locations section has been fleshed out the most.

Figure 3.2. PLACES TO TAKE THE KIDS! home page maximizes the amount of space for content while ensuring ease of use.

Figure 3.3. Directory structure of the Places website, showing key files for the home page

Figure 3.4. In order to build the initial pages, the database consists of two tables with a foreign key from Reviews to Places.

Figure 3.5. The unit tests are run from the command line using the phpunit script, which displays the number of tests and details of any failures.

Figure 3.6. The unit tests are divided into controllers and models. The controllers/AllTests.php and models/AllTests.php scripts allow each group of tests to be run independently if required.

Chapter 4. Managing the view

Figure 4.1. Multiple templates are used to build up the complete page.

Chapter 5. Ajax

Figure 5.1. Google Suggest was developed in Google’s labs incubator and uses Ajax to provide contextual auto-completion.

Figure 5.2. A simple Ajax example showing an error message while the user types into the text field

Figure 5.3. The application data flow in an Ajax request is controlled by the JavaScript code. A user does something, which triggers a request, and updates the web page when a response is received.

Figure 5.4. The review feedback system has two buttons to provide feedback.

Chapter 6. Managing the database

Figure 6.1. The Zend_Db_Table components provide a clean method of managing a database table and its associated rows.

Figure 6.2. The Users table for Places contains login information along with demographic information for advertisers.

Figure 6.3. A one-to-many relationship is created via a foreign key (place_id) in the Reviews table.

Figure 6.4. A many-to-many relationship between Places and Users is created via the Reviews table acting as a link.

Figure 6.5. Multiple many-to-many relationships between Places and Users are created via two keys in the Reviews table.

Chapter 7. User authentication and access control

Figure 7.1. The standard HTTP login box provided by a web browser

Figure 7.2. HTTP Authentication showing Zend_Auth methods

Figure 7.3. The logged-in welcome message on the website provides feedback to the user when he’s logged in.

Figure 7.4. The relationship between the pieces of the ACL puzzle

Figure 7.5. Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl work together to provide access to a controller action.

Chapter 8. Forms

Figure 8.1. The results of an empty form submission

Figure 8.2. The results of submitting invalid data

Figure 8.3. Our login form with custom error messages

Figure 8.4. Our login form translated into German

Figure 8.5. Our login redecorated and styled with CSS

Chapter 9. Searching

Figure 9.1. A Zend_Search_Lucene index consists of multiple documents, each containing multiple fields. The data in some fields is not stored, and some fields may contain data for display rather than searching.

Figure 9.2. The search results page for Places. Each entry has a title that is linked to the indexed page, followed by a summary. The results are ranked with the most relevant at the top.

Figure 9.3. The Observer design pattern allows us to decouple the search indexing from the model data, making it easy to add new models to be searched or to change the way we index for searching.

Chapter 10. Email

Figure 10.1. A simplified illustration of the processes involved in sending an email from an HTML form to its recipient’s email client

Figure 10.2. The initial database structure of our support tracker, requiring the addition of a single Support table alongside our existing Users table

Figure 10.3. The support-tracker submission form used to send bug or feature requests to the development team

Figure 10.4. Side-by-side comparison of the output of our plain text (left) and HTML (right) support-ticket notification emails

Figure 10.5. Comparing the main difference in email collection between POP3, which works on a simple connect, collect, and disconnect relationship, and the more capable IMAP

Figure 10.6. The support table with the new reported_by field which allows us to record the details of the sender of the support email

Chapter 11. Deployment

Figure 11.1. The Places Subversion repository after the first commit

Figure 11.2. The four conflicting variations of the bootstrap.php file after svn update

Figure 11.3. Branches in a Subversion repository

Figure 11.4. Selenium IDE in Table tab with the results of the recording

Figure 11.5. Selenium IDE in Source view with the results of our recording

Figure 11.6. Running our Selenium IDE example unit test using PHPUnit through the Selenium RC Server

Figure 11.7. One failure, due to a typo, on the first run of our unit test

Figure 11.8. The final unit test is successful

Chapter 12. Talking with other applications

Figure 12.1. The GarageSale Mac OS X desktop application, which converses with eBay’s XML-based API using web services

Figure 12.2. The basic web service transaction between two systems using XML-RPC

Figure 12.3. The feed we produced as it appears in the Firefox web browser, together with the XML source

Figure 12.4. The directory structure with our xmlrpc controller file

Figure 12.5. Ecto, the desktop blogging client we’ll be using to make XML-RPC requests, shown editing some Places content.

Figure 12.6. Demonstrating the editPost() method call with the request on the left, the updated article in the middle, and the response returned from the XML-RPC server on the right.

Figure 12.7. The reviews in our Places application, which we could filter using the Akismet spam-filtering service

Figure 12.8. The results of our REST server query: getPlace on the left and getReviews on the right

Chapter 13. Mashups with public web services

Figure 13.1. Our new Amazon ads shown on the right, and a similar search on Amazon on the left

Figure 13.2. On the right, Flickr images based on article keywords displayed with the article; on the left, the original images on the Flickr site

Figure 13.3. Our video category page on the right, and the YouTube playlist management page on the left

Figure 13.4. Our video list page on the right, and the YouTube video list management page on the left

Figure 13.5. Our video page on the right, and the original video on YouTube on the left

Chapter 14. Caching: making it faster

Figure 14.1. A database request without caching

Figure 14.2. A database request using caching

Figure 14.3. The decision-making process of a caching system

Chapter 15. Internationalization and localization

Figure 15.1. The text on the German version of Places is translated, but the same view templates are used to ensure that adding additional languages doesn’t require too much work.

Figure 15.2. Using the locale-aware Zend_Date, we can display the date in the correct language

Chapter 16. Creating PDFs

Figure 16.1. The generated header and introductory text for our PDF report

Figure 16.2. The meeting notes section, showing the use of lines and dashed lines

Figure 16.3. Demonstrating drawing rectangles with our report graph

Figure 16.4. Slices of a circle are drawn in a counter-clockwise direction

Figure 16.5. Demonstrating how rotation works by setting some text at a 10 degree angle

Figure 16.6. The final PDF report page generated by our PDF report generator

Appendix C. Tips and tricks

Figure C.1. A directory structure for a modular Zend Framework application may have its own set of MVC subdirectories.

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