Restoring from a backup

Restoring such a backup is simple as well. We pass the saved statements to the MySQL client, uncompressing them first, if necessary:

$ bzcat zabbix_database_backup.db.bz2 | mysql zabbix -u zabbix -p
Use zcat or xzcat as appropriate if you've chosen a different compression utility.
The Zabbix server must be stopped during the restore process.

Of course, backups are useful only if it's possible to restore them. As required by any backup policy, the ability to restore from backups should be tested. This includes restoring the database dump, but it's also suggested to compare the schema of the restored database and the default schema, as well as running a copy of the Zabbix server on a test system. Make sure to disallow any outgoing network connections by the test server, though; otherwise, it might overload the network or send false alerts.

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