Chapter 14

Ten Popular WordPress Plugins

In This Chapter

arrow Finding popular WordPress plugins

arrow Using plugins to enhance your blog

In this chapter, I list ten of the most popular plugins available for your WordPress blog. This list isn’t exhaustive by any means; hundreds of excellent WordPress plugins can, and do, provide multiple ways to extend the functionality of your blog. And if these ten plugins aren’t enough for you, you can find many more at the official WordPress Plugin Directory (

remember.eps The greatest plugin of all is Akismet, which I describe in Chapter 10. Akismet is the answer to comment and trackback spam; it kills spam dead. It’s installed with WordPress. Chapter 10 contains information on how to locate, download, unpack, install, activate, and manage plugins in your WordPress blog.


Developer: Automattic

Jetpack is not just one simple plugin; it’s a suite of plugins that connects your self-hosted website running with the hosted service — and brings you many of the features that users enjoy. Jetpack bundles great features such as

check.png Stats: This simple statistics program gives you easy-to-read statistics on your site visitors, such as how many visitors you have, where they’re coming from, and what content they’re viewing on your site.

check.png Jetpack Comments: This feature is a comment system that integrates with social media login options like Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

check.png Subscriptions: With this feature, your site visitors can subscribe to your blog posts and/or comments via e-mail.

check.png Sharing: Your readers can easily share your content across different social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and more.

check.png VaultPress: This feature provides a real-time backup and security- scanning service for your site.

check.png Contact Form: Easily insert an e-mail contact form anywhere on your WordPress site with one click of a button.

check.png Spelling and Grammar: Improve your grammar, spelling, and punctuation with this integrated proofreading service.

check.png Gravatar Hovercards: Show a pop-up of your users’ Gravatar profiles in comments.

check.png Extra Sidebar Widgets: Add widgets to your WordPress site like the Easy Image Widget and the RSS Widget.

check.png Shortlinks: Create a short URL for easier social sharing with the service.

check.png Shortcode Embeds: Easily embed videos and audio files with a WordPress shortcode.

check.png Beautiful Math: This feature uses the LaTeX markup language for complex mathematical equations within your posts — perfect for the real geeks out there.

Because Jetpack runs and is hosted on the cloud server, updates to this suite of plugins happen automatically — giving you fast and ready access to the latest and greatest bundle of plugins that Automattic has to offer.

In order to use Jetpack, you must have a account, and when you activate it on your Dashboard, it asks you to connect your site to your account — see Chapter 3 for information on signing up for

Subscribe to Comments

Developer: Mark Jaquith

The Subscribe to Comments plugin adds a very nice feature to your blog by letting your visitors subscribe to individual posts you’ve made to your blog. When your readers subscribe to individual posts on your blog, they receive notification via e-mail whenever someone leaves a new comment on the post. This feature goes a long way toward keeping your readers informed and making the discussions lively and active!

The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts, block all notifications, or even change their notification e-mail addresses.


Developers: Facebook and Automattic

This plugin was developed by Facebook for WordPress with a little help from the developers at Automattic. With the importance of a social media presence today, you’ll want to make sure that all your content reaches the eyes of your friends and followers on social networks like Facebook. And that pursuit can be time-consuming. The goal of the Facebook plugin is to save you time by easily sharing your new content with your Facebook page and allowing your Facebook friends to discover that content and interact with your website seamlessly. The following great features allow you to

check.png Share new content from your WordPress site on your Facebook page automatically. After you connect your site to your Facebook account in the plugin settings, your new content is posted automatically to your Facebook page.

check.png Mention friends and favorite pages within the content of your posts and link those mentions directly to their Facebook pages.

check.png Include the share, like, and subscribe Facebook buttons on your WordPress site, with easy customization.

check.png Display a recommendations box where Facebook makes additional content recommendations for your readers to discover, based on the content they’re currently browsing on your site.

check.png Include Facebook commenting on your site to allow your Facebook friends to comment in both places at once.

check.png Include an Activity Feed Box widget that allows Facebook friends to see what their friends are doing on your site.

check.png Determine how well your Facebook presence is doing in promoting your content through Facebook Insights integration.

The Facebook plugin installs easily, and after you connect your Facebook account to your WordPress site through the Facebook plugin settings, you’re ready to go!

All in One SEO Pack

Developer: Michael Torbert

Almost everyone is concerned about search engine optimization (SEO) in blogs. Good SEO practices help the major search engines (such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing) easily find and cache your blog content in their search databases so that when people search for keywords, they can find your blog in the search results. All in One SEO Pack helps you fine-tune your blog to make that happen. It automatically creates optimized titles and generates HTML keywords for your individual posts. If you’re a beginner, this plugin works for you out of the box with no advanced configuration necessary. Woo-hoo! If you’re an advanced user, you can fine-tune the All in One SEO settings to your liking.

WPtouch iPhone Theme

Developer: Brave New Code

The WPtouch iPhone Theme plugin transforms your WordPress-powered website into an iPhone-compatible browsing experience. It’s designed specifically for visitors using an Apple iPhone. As an added bonus, it creates a nice interface for visitors browsing on an Android phone or Blackberry, as well.

This plugin doesn’t affect how your WordPress website appears on a desktop or laptop. It affects the view only for people browsing your site on different mobile devices. The switch happens automatically without your having to touch one bit of code, which is always great news!


Developer: iThemes Media

Starting at $75 for the personal user and $197 for its entire development suite of plugins, the folks at iThemes have hit a home run with BackupBuddy, which lets you back up your entire WordPress website in minutes.

With this plugin, you can also determine a schedule of automated backups of your site on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can store those backups on your web server, e-mail backups to a designated e-mail address, or store the backups in Amazon’s Simple Storage Service, if you have an account there.

BackupBuddy not only backs up your WordPress data (posts, pages, comments, and so on), but it also backs up any theme and customized plugins you’ve installed (including all the settings for those plugins) and saves and backs up all WordPress settings and any widgets that you’re currently using.

BackupBuddy also includes an import and migration script (importbuddy.php) that allows you to easily transfer an existing site to a new domain, or new host, within minutes. You simply download the backup file created by BackupBuddy from your Dashboard (choose BackupBuddy⇒Backups) and install the script on a new domain, follow the steps, and within minutes, your entire site is completely restored on a new domain, or web host, with minimal effort.

This plugin is invaluable for designers and developers who work with clients to design websites with WordPress. Using BackupBuddy, you can download a backup of the site and then use the import/migration script to transfer the completed site to your client’s site within minutes — saving all the customizations you did to the theme and the plugins you installed, including the settings and data you’ve been working so hard on.

WP Super Cache

Developer: Donncha O’Caoimh

WP Super Cache creates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress content. Why is this useful? On a high-traffic site, having cached versions of your posts and pages can speed up the load time of your website considerably. A cached version simply means that the content is converted to static HTML pages (as opposed to dynamically created content pulled from your database through a series of PHP commands) that are then stored on the server. This process eases the efforts the web server must take to display the content in your visitors’ browsers.

You can also read a very helpful article written by the plugin developer, Donncha O’Caoimh, on his website here: super-cache/.

Twitter Tools

Developer: Alex King

Social media networking is insanely popular on the web right now. One of the more popular services is Twitter ( Almost everyone who has a blog also has a Twitter account (you can even follow me on Twitter at

One of the nicer things that came about shortly after Twitter hit the scene was Alex King’s plugin for WordPress called Twitter Tools. This plugin lets you tweet an announcement every time you publish a new post on your blog. The announcement appears on your Twitter stream and is read by all of your Twitter followers. People can then click the link and read your article. It’s just one more nice way to use social media to promote your blog and content! There’s more to this plugin, however; it also has some pretty nifty tools that enable you to

check.png Publish a post on your blog with your Twitter updates from the day.

check.png Publish a tweet directly from your blog, so you don’t have to use another browser window or application.

check.png Tag your blog posts with Twitter hash tags — which are like keywords for Twitter that help other people search for and find your content within the Twitter universe.

Google XML Sitemaps

Developer: Arne Brachhold

This plugin lets you create a Google-compliant site map of your entire blog. Every time you create a new post or page, the site map is updated and submitted to several major search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. This plugin helps the search engines find and catalog new content from your site, so your new content appears in the search engines faster than it would if you didn’t have a site map.

Sucuri Sitecheck Malware Scanner

Developer: Dre Armeda

With the rise in popularity of the WordPress software came a nefarious group of anonymous hackers trying to take advantage of the vast number of users in the WordPress community by attempting to inject malicious code and malware into themes, plugins, and insecure and outdated files within the WordPress core code.

Protect your website by using the Sucuri Sitecheck Malware Scanner — an easy-to-install-and-use plugin that enables full scan capabilities — for both malware and blacklisting — from Sucuri, right on your WordPress Dashboard. The plugin checks for malware, spam, blacklisting, and other security issues hidden inside code files. It’s the best defense you have against malicious hackers and very easy to implement — and for the peace of mind that it provides you, the free price tag is worth every penny!

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