Chapter 8

Establishing Your Blog Routine

In This Chapter

arrow Setting up categories

arrow Building your blogroll

arrow Exploring permalinks

arrow Writing and editing posts and pages

arrow Managing and moderating comments

WordPress is a powerful publishing tool, especially when you use the full range of options available. With the basic settings configured (which I show you how to do in Chapter 7), now is the time to go forth and blog! You can skip to the “Blog It!: Writing Your First Entry” section in this chapter and jump right in to creating new posts for your blog. Or you can stay right here and discover some of the options you can set to make your blog a bit more organized and logical from the get-go.

tip.eps A blog can become unwieldy and disorganized, requiring you to revisit these next few features sometime in the near future so that you can get the beast under control. So why not do a little planning and get the work over with now? I promise it won’t take that long, and you’ll thank me for it later.

Staying on Topic with Categories

In WordPress, a category is what you determine to be the main topic of a blog post. Through the use of categories, you can file your blog posts into topics by subject. To improve your readers’ experiences in navigating through your blog, WordPress organizes posts by the categories you assign to them. Visitors can click the categories they’re interested in to see the blog posts you’ve written on those particular topics. You should know ahead of time that the list of categories you set up is displayed on your blog in a few different places, including the following:

check.png Body of the post: In most WordPress themes, you see the title followed by a statement such as Filed In: Category 1, Category 2. The reader can click the category name to go to a page that lists all the posts you’ve made in that particular category. You can assign a single post to more than one category.

check.png Sidebar of your blog theme: You can place a full list of category titles in the sidebar. A reader can click any category and arrive at a page on your site that lists the posts you’ve made within that particular category.

Subcategories (also known as category children) can further refine the main category topic by listing specific topics related to the main (parent) category. On your WordPress Dashboard, on the Manage Categories page, subcategories are listed directly below the main category. Here’s an example:

Books I Enjoy (main category)

Fiction (subcategory)

Nonfiction (subcategory)

Trashy romance (subcategory)

Biographies (subcategory)

For Dummies (subcategory)

Changing the name of a category

Upon installation, WordPress gives you one default category to get you started called Uncategorized. (See the Categories page shown in Figure 8-1). That category name is pretty generic, so you’ll definitely want to change it to one that’s more specific to you. (On my blog, I changed it to Life in General. Although that name’s still a bit on the generic side, it doesn’t sound quite so . . . well, uncategorized.)

remember.eps The default category also serves as a kind of fail-safe. If you publish a post to your blog and don’t assign that post to a category, the post is automatically assigned to the default category, no matter what you name the category.

So how do you change the name of that default category? When you’re logged in to your WordPress Dashboard, just follow these steps:

1. Click the Categories link in the Posts Dashboard menu.

The Categories page opens, containing all the tools you need to set up and edit category titles for your blog.

Figure 8-1: The Categories page of a brand-new blog shows the default Uncategor-ized category.


2. Click the title of the category you would like to edit.

To change the Uncategorized category, click the word Uncategorized, and you go to the Edit Category page. See Figure 8-2.

3. Type the new name for the category in the Name text box.

4. Type the new slug in the Slug text box.

The term slug refers to the word(s) used in the web address for the specific category. For example, the Books category has a web address of; if you change the Slug to Books I Like, the web address is (WordPress automatically inserts a dash between the slug words in the web address.)

5. Choose a parent category from the Parent drop-down menu.

If you want this category to be a main category, not a subcategory, choose None.

6. (Optional) Type a description of the category in the Description text box.

Figure 8-2: Editing a category in WordPress on the Edit Category page.


Use this description to remind yourself what your category is about. Some WordPress themes display the category description right on your site, too, which can be helpful for your visitors. (See Chapter 12 for more about themes.) You’ll know if your theme is coded in this way if your site displays the category description on the category page(s).

7. Click the Update button.

The information you just edited is saved, and the Categories page reloads, showing your new category name.

tip.eps If you want to edit a category’s name only, you can click the Quick Edit link underneath the name on the Category page. Then you can do a quick name edit without having to load the Edit Category page.

Creating new categories and deleting others

Today, tomorrow, next month, next year — as your blog grows in size and age, you’ll continue adding new categories to further define and archive the history of your blog posts. You aren’t limited in the number of categories and subcategories you can create in your blog.

Creating a new category is as easy as following these steps:

1. Click the Categories link in the Posts Dashboard menu.

The Categories page opens.

2. The left side of the Categories page displays the Add New Category section.

See Figure 8-3.

3. Type the name of your new category in the Name text box.

Suppose that you want to create a category in which you file all your posts about the books you read. In the Name text box, type something like Books I Enjoy.

4. Type a name in the Slug text box.

The slug creates the link to the category page that lists all the posts you’ve made in this category. If you leave this field blank, WordPress automatically creates a slug based on the category name. If the category is Books I Enjoy, WordPress automatically creates a category slug like this: If you want to shorten it, however, you can! Type books in the Category Slug text box, and the link to the category becomes this: http://your

Figure 8-3: Create a new category on your blog.


5. Choose the category’s parent from the Parent drop-down menu.

Choose None if you want this new category to be a parent (or top-level) category. If you’d like this category to be a subcategory of another category, choose the category you want to be the parent of this one.

6. (Optional) Type a description of the category in the Description text box.

Some WordPress templates are set up to display the category description directly beneath the category name (see Chapter 12). Providing a description helps you to further define the category intent for your readers. The description can be as short or as long as you like.

7. Click the Add New Category button.

That’s it! You’ve added a new category to your blog. Armed with this information, you can add an unlimited number of categories to your blog.

You can delete a category on your blog by hovering your mouse pointer over the title of the category you want to delete. Then click the Delete link that appears below the category title.

warning_bomb.eps Deleting a category doesn’t delete the posts and links in that category. Instead, posts in the deleted category are assigned to the Uncategorized category (or whatever you’ve named the default category).

technicalstuff.eps If you have an established WordPress blog with categories already created, you can convert some or all of your categories to tags. To do so, look for the Category to Tag Converter link on the right side of the Categories page on your WordPress Dashboard. Click it to convert your categories to tags. (See the nearby sidebar “What are tags, and how/why do I use them?” for more information on tags.)

Link Lists: Sharing Your Favorite Sites

A link list, commonly referred to as a blogroll, is a list of links to other websites and blogs that you’ve collected and want to share with your readers. The link list is displayed in your blog, usually in the sidebar, through the use of widgets, or on a dedicated page of links, if your theme has a links page template (see Chapter 12 to find out how to create a template).

You can use a link list in various ways:

check.png Share links with other blogs that have linked to your blog

check.png Provide additional resources that you think your readers will find useful

check.png Provide links to other sites you own

Organizing your links

As with posts, you can create multiple categories for your links on the WordPress Dashboard if you want to have more than one link list. Sometimes, having a large list of links below the Blogroll heading is just too generic, and you may want to display groups of links with different headings that further define them.

tip.eps By default, WordPress provides one link category called Blogroll. You can keep this name or change it in the same way that you change a post category name (see “Changing the name of a category,” earlier in this chapter). Just click the name of the category and edit the details as you need to.

You can define your links by creating link categories on the Dashboard and then assigning links to the appropriate categories. To create link categories, follow these steps:

1. Click the Link Categories link in the Links menu on the Dashboard.

The Link Categories page opens, as shown in Figure 8-4. The left side of the Link Categories page displays the Add New Link Category section.

2. Type the name of the link category in the Name text box.

3. Type the slug of the link category in the Slug text box.

This entry is the same as the category slug described previously in the “Changing the name of a category” section in this chapter.

4. (Optional) Type a description of the link category in the Description text box.

Figure 8-4: Add, edit, or delete a link category on the Link Categories page.


Providing a description helps you further define the link category intent for your readers. The description can be as short or as long as you like. Some WordPress themes are set up to display the link category description directly beneath the link category name.

5. Click the Add New Link Category button.

The Link Categories page refreshes and displays your new link category.

Revisit the Link Categories page anytime you want to add, edit, or delete a link category. To edit or delete a link category, follow the same steps as in the previous section for post categories. You can create an unlimited number of link categories to sort your link lists by topics. (I know one blogger who has 50 categories for his links.)

In Chapter 5, I show you how to display your link lists by using WordPress widgets; and in Chapter 12, I provide information about different ways you can display your link lists by using template tags.

Adding new links

You’ve created your link categories; now you just need to add some new links! To add a new link, follow these steps:

1. Click the Add New link in the Links Dashboard menu.

The Add New Link page opens, as shown in Figure 8-5.

2. Type the name of the link in the Name text box.

This is the actual name of the site that you’re adding to your link list.

3. Type the URL of the link in the Web Address text box.

This is the destination you want your visitors to go to when they click the name of the site. Don’t forget to include the http:// part of the web address; for example,

4. (Optional) Type a description of the site in the Description text box.

Providing a description helps further define the site for your readers. Some WordPress templates are coded to display the link description directly below the link name through the use of a specific WordPress template tag.

5. (Optional) Select a category.

Assign your new link to a category by selecting the box to the left of the category you’ve chosen in the Categories module. If you don’t select a category for your new link, it’s automatically assigned to the default category. Figure 8-6 shows the list of link categories I have in my blog.

Figure 8-5: Add a new link with the Add New Link page.


Figure 8-6: You can assign a link to an existing category or add a new category here.


tip.eps If you find that the Link Category is not an option that you use regularly, you can collapse (close) this module by clicking anywhere in the Categories title bar. You can also move the Categories module on the Add New Link page by dragging and dropping it to a new location.

6. (Optional) Select a target for your new link.

Select one of the following radio buttons in the Target section:

_blank: Loads the link in a new browser window

_top: Loads the link in the top frame (if your site is designed with frames)

_none: Loads the link in the same browser window

The third option — None — is my preference and recommendation. I like to let my visitors decide whether they want a bunch of new browser windows opening every time they click a link on my site.

You can reposition the Target module by dragging and dropping it to a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse this module.

7. Set the Link Relationship (XFN) options (Optional).

XFN stands for XHTML Friends Network and allows you to indicate the relationship you have with the people you’re linking to by defining how you know, or are associated with, them. Table 8-1 lists the different relationships you can assign to your links. Link Relationship (XFN) is kind of a silly bookmark-type assignment that indicates how well you know the person whose site or blog you’re linking to by defining your relationship with her. You can find more information on XFN at http://gmpg. org/xfn.

You can reposition the Link Relationship module by dragging and dropping it to a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse (close) this module.

Table 8-1 Link Relationships Defined

Link Relationship



Select this box if the link is to a website you own.


Select the option (Contact, Acquaintance, Friend, or None) that most closely identifies the friendship, if any.


Select this box if you’ve met the person you’re linking to face to face. Sharing pictures over the Internet doesn’t count; this selection identifies a person you’ve physically met.


Select one of these boxes if the person you’re linking to is a co-worker or colleague.


Select Co-Resident if the person you’re linking to lives with you, or choose Neighbor or None, depending on which option applies to your relationship with the person you’re linking to.


If the blogger you’re linking to is a family member, select the option that tells how the person is related to you.


Select the option that applies to the type of romantic relationship, if any, you have with the person you’re linking to. Do you have a crush on him? Is she your creative muse or someone you consider to be a sweetheart?

8. Set the advanced options for your new link. See Figure 8-7.

You have four options in the Advanced module:

Image Address: Type the URL of the picture that you want to appear next to the link in your link list. This option associates an image with the link. To use it, you need to know the direct URL to the image source (such as

tip.eps To find the URL for an image displayed on a website, right-click the image and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Copy and paste all the text from the Address (URL) field to the Image Address text box.

RSS Address: Add the site’s RSS feed alongside the link that appears on your site. (Not all WordPress themes accommodate this feature.)

tip.eps To find the RSS URL of the site you’re linking to, visit that site and locate the RSS link. (It’s usually listed in the sidebar or footer of the site.) Right-click the link, and from the shortcut menu, choose Copy Shortcut (in Internet Explorer) or Copy Link Location (in Firefox). Then, in WordPress, paste the link in the RSS Address field.

Notes: Type your notes in the Notes field. These notes aren’t displayed on your site, so feel free to enter whatever notes you need to further define the details of this link. A month from now, you may not remember who this person is or why you linked to her, so here is where you can add notes to remind yourself.

Rating: Use the Rating drop-down menu to rate the link from 0–10, 0 being the worst and 10 being the best. Some WordPress themes display your link list in the order in which you’ve rated your links, from best to worst.

Figure 8-7: Advanced link options help you further manage the individual links in your blogroll.


You can reposition the Advanced module by dragging and dropping it to a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse (close) this module.

9. To save your changes, scroll up to the top of the Add New Links page and click the Add Link button. Choose whether to make the link public or private.

To keep the link private, select the Keep This Link Private check box and no one except you can see the link. If you want the link to be publicly displayed on your blog, leave that box deselected.

You can reposition the Save module by dragging and dropping it to a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse (close) this module.

A blank Add New Links page opens, ready for you to add another new link!

Editing existing links

You can edit the links in your blog by clicking the All Links on the Links menu; the Links page opens and displays a list of all links on your Dashboard.

remember.eps When you first view the Links page, some links are already assigned to your blog. By default, WordPress provides seven links in your link list. These links go to some helpful websites that contain information and resources for the WordPress software. You can delete these links, but I recommend saving them for future reference.

Here’s what you can do with your links:

check.png Edit an existing link: Click the name of the link you’d like to edit. The Edit Link page opens. Edit the fields you need to change; click the Update Link button at the top right of the page.

check.png Sort the links: You can sort by Link ID, Name, Address, or Rating by using the Order by Name drop-down menu. Likewise you can sort your links by category by using the View All Categories drop-down menu and selecting the Link Category you’d like to filter your links by.

check.png Search for specific links using keywords and phrases: Enter your keyword in the text box at the top-right side of the Links page and click the Search Links button. If any links match the keywords and/or phrase you typed, they display on the page.

Examining a Blog Post’s Address: Permalinks

Each WordPress blog post is assigned its own web page, and the address (or URL) of that page is called a permalink. Posts that you see in WordPress blogs usually put their permalinks in any of four areas:

check.png The title of the blog post

check.png The Comments link below the post

check.png A separate permalink that appears (in most themes) below the post

check.png The titles of posts appearing in a Recent Posts sidebar

Permalinks are meant to be permanent links to your blog posts (which is where the perma part of that word comes from, in case you’re wondering). Other bloggers can use a post permalink to refer to that particular blog post. So ideally, the permalink of a post never changes. WordPress creates the permalink automatically when you publish a new post.

By default, a blog-post permalink in WordPress looks like this:

The p stands for post, and 100 is the ID assigned to the individual post. You can leave the permalinks in this format if you don’t mind letting WordPress associate each post with an ID number.

WordPress, however, lets you take your permalinks to the beauty salon for a bit of a makeover. I’ll bet you didn’t know that permalinks could be pretty, did you? They certainly can. Allow me to explain.

Making your post links pretty

Pretty permalinks are links that are more pleasing to the eye than standard links and, ultimately, more pleasing to search-engine spiders. (See Bonus Chapter 1, on the companion website for this book, for an explanation of why search engines like pretty permalinks.) Pretty permalinks look something like this:

Break down that URL and you see the date when the post was made, in year/month/day format. You also see the topic of the post.

To choose how your permalinks look, click Permalinks in the Settings menu. The Permalink Settings page opens. See Figure 8-8.

On this page, you find several options for creating permalinks:

check.png Default (ugly permalinks): WordPress assigns an ID number to each blog post and creates the URL in this format:

check.png Day and Name (pretty permalinks): For each post, WordPress generates a permalink URL that includes the year, month, day, and post slug/title:

check.png Month and Name (also pretty permalinks): For each post, WordPress generates a permalink URL that includes the year, month, and post slug/title:

check.png Numeric (not so pretty): WordPress assigns a numerical value to the permalink. The URL is created in this format:

check.png Post Name (my preferred): WordPress takes the title of your post or page and generates the permalink URL from those words. For example, the name of the page that contains my bibliography of books is called simply Books; therefore, with this permalink structure, WordPress creates the permalink URL: Likewise, a post titled WordPress is Awesome gets a permalink URL like this:

check.png Custom Structure: WordPress creates permalinks in the format you choose. You can create a custom permalink structure by using tags or variables, as I discuss in the next section.

To create a pretty-permalink structure, select the Post Name radio button; then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Customizing your permalinks

A custom permalink structure is one that lets you define which variables you want to see in your permalinks by using the tags in Table 8-2.

Figure 8-8: Make your permalinks pretty.


Table 8-2 Custom Permalinks

Permalink Tag



4-digit year (such as 2013)


2-digit month (such as 02 for February)


2-digit day (such as 30)


2-digit hour of the day (such as 15 for 3:00 p.m.)


2-digit minute (such as 45)


2-digit second (such as 10)


Text — usually, the post name — separated by hyphens (such as making-pretty-permalinks)


The unique numerical ID of the post (such as 344)


The text of the category name that you filed the post in (such as books-i-read)


The text of the post author’s name (such as lisa-sabin-wilson)

If you want your permalink to show the year, month, day, category, and post name, select the Custom Structure radio button in the Permalink Settings page and type the following tags in the Custom Structure text box:


Under this permalink format, the link for a post made on October 31, 2013, called WordPress For Dummies and filed in the Books I Read category, would look like this:

remember.eps Be sure to include the slashes (/) before tags, between tags, and at the very end of the string of tags. This format ensures that WordPress creates correct, working permalinks by using the correct rewrite rules located in the .htaccess file for your site. (See the following section for more information on rewrite rules and .htaccess files.)

warning_bomb.eps Changing the structure of your permalinks in the future affects the permalinks for all the posts on your blog — new and old. Keep this fact in mind if you ever decide to change the permalink structure. An especially important reason: Search engines (such as Google and Yahoo!) index the posts on your site by their permalinks, so changing the permalink structure makes all those indexed links obsolete.

tip.eps One nifty feature of WordPress is that it remembers when you change your permalink structure and automatically writes an internal redirect from the old permalink structure to the new one.

Don’t forget to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Permalink Settings page; otherwise your permalink changes aren’t saved!

Making sure that your permalinks work with your server

After you set the format for the permalinks for your site by using any options other than the default, WordPress writes specific rules, or directives, to the .htaccess file on your web sever. The .htaccess file in turn communicates to your web server how it should serve up the permalinks, according to the permalink structure you’ve chosen to use. To use an .htaccess file, you need to know the answers to two questions:

check.png Does your web server configuration use and give you access to the .htaccess file?

check.png Does your web server run Apache with the mod_rewrite module?

If you don’t know the answers, contact your hosting provider to find out.

If the answer to both questions is yes, follow the upcoming steps. If the answer is no, skip to the “Working with servers that don’t use Apache mod_rewrite” sidebar, later in this chapter.

You and WordPress work together in glorious harmony to create the .htaccess file that lets you use a pretty-permalink structure in your blog. The file works like this:

1. Locate the .htaccess file on your web server or create one and put it there.

tip.eps If .htaccess already exists, you can find it in the root of your directory on your web server — that is, the same directory where you find your wp-config.php file. If you don’t see it in the root directory, try changing the options of your FTP client to show hidden files. (Because the .htaccess file starts with a period [.], it may not be visible until you configure your FTP client to show hidden files.)

If you need to create the file and put it on your web server, follow these steps:

a. Using a plain-text editor (such as Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for a Mac), create a blank file and name it htaccess.txt.

b. Upload htaccess.txt to your web server via FTP. (See Chapter 6 for more information about FTP.)

c. Rename the file .htaccess (notice the period at the beginning), and make sure that it is writable by the server by changing permissions to either 755 or 777. (See Chapter 6 for information on changing permissions on server files.)

2. Create the permalink structure in the Permalink Settings page on your WordPress Dashboard.

3. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Permalink Settings page.

WordPress inserts into the .htaccess file the specific rules necessary for making the permalink structure functional in your blog.

If you followed these steps correctly, you have an .htaccess file on your web server that has the correct permissions set so that WordPress can write the correct rules to it. Your pretty-permalink structure works flawlessly. Kudos!

If you open the .htaccess file and look at it now, you’ll see that it’s no longer blank. It should have a set of code in it called rewrite rules, which looks something like this:

# BEGIN WordPress

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


# END WordPress

technicalstuff.eps I could delve deeply into .htaccess and all the things you can do with this file, but I’m restricting this section to how it applies to WordPress permalink structures. If you’d like to unlock more mysteries about .htaccess, check out “Comprehensive Guide to .htaccess” at

tip.eps Through my experiences over the years, I have discovered that Yahoo! Hosting doesn’t allow users access to the .htaccess file on its server, and it doesn’t use mod_rewrite. So if you’re hosting your domain on Yahoo!, use the custom permalink technique that I describe in the sidebar “Working with servers that don’t use Apache mod_rewrite.”

Discovering the Many WordPress RSS Options

In Chapter 2, you can read about RSS feed technology and why it’s an important part of publishing your blog. Allow me to quote myself from that chapter: For your blog readers to stay updated with the latest and greatest content you post to your site, they need to subscribe to your RSS feed.

RSS feeds come in different flavors, including RSS 0.92, RDF/RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom. The differences among them lie within the base code that makes up the functionality of the syndication feed. What’s important is that WordPress supports all versions of RSS — which means that anyone can subscribe to your RSS feed with any type of feed reader available.

I mention many times throughout this book that WordPress is very intuitive, and this section on RSS feeds is a shining example of a feature that WordPress automates. WordPress has a built-in feed generator that works behind the scenes to create feeds for you. This feed generator creates feeds from your posts, comments, and even categories.

The RSS feed for your blog posts is autodiscoverable, which means that almost all RSS feed readers and most browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 7-9, and Safari, for example) automatically detect the RSS feed URL for a WordPress blog. Table 8-3 gives you some good guidelines on how to find the RSS feed URLs for the different sections of your blog.

Table 8-3 URLs for Built-In WordPress Feeds

Feed Type

Example Feed URL

RSS 0.92 or

RDF/RSS 1.0 or

RSS 2.0 or

Atom or

Comments RSS

p stands for post, and 50 is the post ID. You can find the post ID on the Dashboard by clicking the Posts link. Locate a post and hover the mouse pointer over the title to find the ID in the URL that displays in your browser status bar.

Category RSS

cat stands for category, and 50 is the category ID. You can find the category ID on the Dashboard by clicking the Categories link. Locate a category and hover the mouse pointer over the title to find the ID in the URL that displays in your browser status bar.

tip.eps If you’re using custom permalinks (see “Making your post links pretty,” earlier in this chapter), you can simply add /feed to the end of any URL on your blog to find the RSS feed. Some of your links will look similar to these:

check.png — your main RSS feed

check.png — your comments RSS feed

check.png — RSS feed for a category

Try it with any URL on your site. Add /feed at the end and you’ll have the RSS feed for that page.

RSS feeds are important parts of delivering content from your blog to your readers. RSS feeds are expected these days, so the fact that WordPress has taken care of everything for you — WordPress provides the feeds for you, is compliant with all RSS formats, and offers so many internal feeds — gives the software a huge advantage over any of the other blog-software platforms.

technicalstuff.eps If you intend to use the Atom publishing protocol, you need to enable it manually because it’s disabled by default. Click the Writing link on the Settings menu and then select the two boxes in the Remote Publishing section to enable Atom publishing in WordPress.

Blog It!: Writing Your First Entry

It’s finally time to write your first post in your new WordPress blog! The topic you choose to write about and the writing techniques you use to get your message across are all on you; I have my hands full writing this book! I can tell you, however, how to write the wonderful passages that can bring you blog fame. Ready?

Composing your blog post

Composing a blog post is a lot like typing an e-mail: You give it a title, you write the message, and you click a button to send your words into the world.

tip.eps You can collapse or reposition all the modules on the Add New Post page to suit your needs. The only section on the Add New Post page that cannot be collapsed and repositioned is the section with the actual title and post box (where you write your blog post).

Follow these steps to write a basic blog post:

1. Click the Add New link on the Posts Dashboard menu.

The Add New Post page opens, as shown in Figure 8-9.

2. Type the title of your post in the Enter Title Here text field at the top of the Add New Post page.

3. Type the content of your post in the text box.

You can use the Visual Text Editor to format the text in your post. I explain the Visual Text Editor and the buttons and options after these steps.

4. Click the Save Draft button in the Publish module, located at the top-right side of the Add New Post page.

The page refreshes with your post title and content saved but not yet published to your blog.

By default, the area in which you write your post is in Visual Editing mode, as indicated by the Visual tab that appears above the text. Visual Editing mode is how WordPress provides WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) options for formatting. Rather than have to embed HTML code in your post, you can simply type your post, highlight the text you want to format, and click the buttons (shown in Figure 8-9) that appear above the Post text box.

Figure 8-9: This page is where you give your blog post a title and write your post body.


If you’ve ever used a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, you’ll recognize many of these buttons:

check.png Bold: Embeds the <strong> </strong> HTML tag to emphasize the text in bold. Example: Bold Text.

check.png Italic: Embeds the <em> </em> HTML tag to emphasize the text in italics. Example: Italic Text.

check.png Strikethrough: Embeds the <strike> </strike> HTML tag that puts a line through your text. Example: Strikethrough Text.

check.png Unordered List: Embeds the <ul><li> </li></ul> HTML tags that create an unordered, or bulleted, list.

check.png Ordered List: Embeds the <ol><li> </li></ol> HTML tags that create an ordered, or numbered, list.

check.png Blockquote: Inserts the <blockquote> </blockquote> HTML tag that indents the paragraph or section of text you’ve selected.

check.png Align Left: Inserts the <p align=”left”> </p> HTML tag that lines up the selected text against the left margin.

check.png Align Center: Inserts the <p align=”center”> </p> HTML tag that positions the selected text in the center of the page.

check.png Align Right: Inserts the <p align=”right”> </p> HTML tag that lines up the selected text against the right margin.

check.png Insert/Edit Link: Inserts the <a href=” “> </a> HTML tag around the text you’ve selected to create a hyperlink.

check.png Unlink: Removes the hyperlink from the selected text, if it was previously linked.

check.png Insert More Tag: Inserts the <!--more--> tag, which lets you split the display on your blog page. It publishes the text written above this tag with a Read More link, which takes the user to a page with the full post. This feature is good for really long posts.

check.png Toggle Spellchecker: Perfect for typo enthusiasts! Checking your spelling before you post is always a good idea.

check.png Toggle Full Screen Mode: Lets you focus purely on writing, without the distraction of all the other options on the page. Click this button, and the Post text box expands to fill the full height and width of your browser screen and displays only the barest essentials for writing your post. To bring the Post text box back to its normal state, click the Exit Full Screen link. Voilà — it’s back to normal!

check.png Show/Hide Kitchen Sink: I saw this button and thought, “Wow! WordPress does my dishes, too!” Unfortunately, the button’s name is a metaphor that describes the advanced formatting options available with the Visual Text Editor. Click this button to make a new drop-down list that gives you options for underlining, font color, custom characters, undo and redo, and so on — a veritable kitchen sink full of text formatting options, such as

Paragraph: Inserts the <p> </p> HTML tags around the text to indicate paragraph breaks.

Address: Inserts the <address> </address> HTML tags around the text to indicate the author or owner of a document.

Preformatted: Inserts the <pre> </pre> HTML tags around the text to indicate preformatted text and preserves both spaces and line breaks.

Headings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Inserts header HTML tags such as <H1> </H1> around text to indicate HTML headings (H1 defines the largest, H6 defines the smallest; heading formats are usually defined in the CSS [see Chapter 13] with font size and/or colors).

Underline: Inserts the <u> </u> HTML tags around the text to display it as underlined.

Text Color: Displays the text in the color chosen.

Paste as Plain Text: Useful if you copy text from another source, this option removes all formatting and special/hidden characters from the text and adds it to your post as unformatted text.

Paste from Word: Useful if you’re copying text from a Microsoft Word document because Word inserts a lot of hidden HTML and characters that could make your post text look funny on your website. Use the Paste from Word feature to transfer posts from Word to WordPress to preserve formatting without the hidden mess.

Remove Formatting: Removes all formatting inside the post.

Insert Custom Character: If you click this option, a pop-up window appears, offering different characters such as $, %, &, and ©. In the pop-up window, click the symbol that you want to add to your post.

Outdent: Moves text to the left one preset level with each click.

Indent: Moves text to the right one preset level with each click.

Undo: Click to undo your last formatting action.

Redo: Click to redo your last formatting action.

Help: Pops open a window with helpful information about using the text editor, including time-saving keyboard shortcuts.

You can turn off the Visual Text Editor by clicking the Your Profile link on the Users menu. Deselect the Use the Visual Editor When Writing box to turn off this editor if you’d rather insert the HTML code yourself in your posts.

technicalstuff.eps If you’d rather embed your own HTML code and skip the Visual Text Editor, click the HTML tab that appears to the right of the Visual tab. If you’re planning to type HTML code in your post — for a table or video files, for example — you have to click the HTML tab before you insert that code. If you don’t, the Visual Text Editor formats your code, and it most likely will look nothing like you intended it to.

At this point, you can skip to the “Publishing your post” section of this chapter for information on publishing your post to your blog, or continue with the following sections to discover how to refine the options for your post.

remember.eps WordPress has a nifty, built-in autosave feature that saves your work while you’re typing and editing a new post. If your browser crashes or you accidentally close your browser window before you’ve saved your post, it will be there for you when you get back. Those WordPress folks are so thoughtful!

Dressing up your posts with images, video, and audio

Directly above and to the left of the Visual Text Editor row of buttons is an Add Media area with a row of four icons. These icons let you insert images/photos, photo galleries, videos, and audio files into your posts. WordPress has an entire Media Library capability, which I describe in great detail in Chapter 9.

Refining your post options

After you write the post, you can choose a few extra options before you publish it for the entire world to see. These settings apply to the post you’re currently working on — not to any future or past posts. You can find these options below and to the right of the Post text box. See Figure 8-10. Click the title of each option, and the settings for that specific option expand.

If you do not see these options on the Add New Post page on your Dashboard, that most likely means you have not enabled them in the Screen Options (discussed in Chapter 7). Click the Screen Options tab at the top of the Add New Post page and enable the modules on this page that you would like to use.

remember.eps You can reposition the different post option modules on the Add New Post page to fit the way you use this page.

Here are the options found underneath the Post text box:

check.png Excerpt: Excerpts are short summaries of your posts. Many bloggers use snippets to show teasers of their blog posts, thereby encouraging the reader to click the Read More links to read the posts in their entirety. Type your short summary in the Excerpt box. Excerpts can be any length, in terms of words; however, the point is to keep it short and sweet and tease your readers into clicking the Read More link.

check.png Send Trackbacks: I discuss trackbacks in detail in Chapter 2. If you want to send a trackback to another blog, enter the blog’s trackback URL in the Send Trackbacks To box. You can send trackbacks to more than one blog; just be sure to separate trackback URLs with spaces.

Figure 8-10: Several options are available for your blog post.


check.png Custom Fields: Custom fields add extra data to your posts and are fully configurable.

check.png Discussion: Decide whether to let readers submit comments through the comment system by selecting the Allow Comments box. By default, the box is selected; deselect it to disallow comments on this post.

Here are the options found to the right of the Post text box:

check.png Publish: These are the publishing and privacy options for your post, which I cover in the upcoming “Publishing your post” section.

check.png Format: This module appears only when the theme that you’re using on your site supports a WordPress feature called Post Formats (which I cover in detail in Bonus Chapter 1 on the companion website for this book). In the Format module, you can select the type of format you want to use for the post you’re publishing.

check.png Categories: You can file your posts in different categories to organize them by subject. (See more about organizing your posts by category in “Staying on Topic with Categories,” at the start of this chapter.) Select the box to the left of the category you want to use. You can toggle between listing all categories and seeing just the categories you use the most by clicking the All Categories or Most Used links, respectively. Don’t see the category you need listed here? Click the + Add New Category link, and you can add a category right there on the Add New Post page!

check.png Post Tags: Type your desired tags in the text box. Be sure to separate each tag with a comma so that WordPress knows where each tag begins and ends. Cats, Kittens, Feline represent three different tags, for example, but without the commas, WordPress would consider those three words to be one tag. Click the Add button to add the tags to your post. See the sidebar “What are tags, and how/why do I use them?” earlier in this chapter for more information on tags.

check.png Featured Image: Some WordPress themes are configured to use an image (photo) to represent each post that you have on your blog. The image can display on the home/front page, blog page, archives, or anywhere within the content display on your website. If you’re using a theme that has this option, you can easily define the post thumbnail by clicking the Set Featured Image link under the Featured Image module on the Add New Post page. Then you can assign an image that you’ve uploaded to your site as the featured image for a particular post.

warning_bomb.eps When you finish setting the options for your post, don’t navigate away from this page; your options have not yet been fully saved. The next section covers all the options you need for saving your post settings!

Publishing your post

You have given your new post a title and have written the content of your new blog post. Maybe you’ve even added an image or other type of media file to your blog post (see Chapter 9) and have configured the tags, categories, and other options. Now the question is, Publish? Or not to publish (yet)?

WordPress gives you three options for saving or publishing your post when you’re done writing it. The Publish module is located on the right side of the Add New (or Edit) Post page. Just click the title of the Publish module to expand the settings you need. Figure 8-11 shows the available options in the Publish module.

Figure 8-11: The publish status for your blog posts.


The Publish module has several options:

check.png Save Draft: Choose this option to save your post as a draft. The Edit Post page reloads with all your post contents and options saved; you can continue editing it now, tomorrow, or the next day. To access your draft posts, click the Edit link on the Posts menu.

check.png Preview: Click the Preview button to view your post in a new window, as it would appear on your live blog if you had published it. Previewing the post doesn’t publish it to your site yet. It gives you the opportunity to view it on your site and check it for any formatting or content changes you’d like to make.

check.png Status: Click the Edit link to open the settings for this option. A drop-down menu appears, and you can select Draft or Pending Review:

• Select Draft to save the post but not publish it to your blog.

• Select Pending Review, and the post shows up in your list of drafts next to a Pending Review header. This option lets the administrator of the blog know that contributors have entered posts that are waiting for administrator review and approval (helpful for blogs with multiple authors).

Click the OK button to save your settings.

check.png Stick This Post to the Front Page: Select this box to have WordPress publish the post to your blog and keep it at the very top of all blog posts until you change this setting.

This is otherwise known as a sticky post. Typically posts are displayed in chronological order on your blog, displaying the most recent post on top. If you make a post sticky, it remains at the very top no matter how many other posts you make after it. When you want to unstick the post, deselect the Stick This Post to the Front Page box.

check.png Password Protected: By assigning a password to a post, you can publish a post to your blog that only you can see. You can also share the post password with a friend, who can see the content of the post after entering the password. But why would anyone want to do this? Imagine that you just ate dinner at your mother-in-law’s house and she made the worst pot roast you’ve ever eaten. You can write all about it! Protect it with a password and give the password to your trusted friends so that they can read all about it without offending your mother-in-law.

check.png Private: Publish this post to your blog so that only you can see it — no one else will be able to see it, ever. You may want to do this for posts that are personal and private (if you’re keeping a personal diary, for example).

check.png Publish Immediately: Click the Edit link and you can set the timestamp for your post. If you want the post to have the current time and date, ignore this setting altogether.

If you’d like to future-publish this post, you can set the time and date for any time in the future. This feature has come in handy for me many times. For example, when I have a vacation planned and I don’t want my blog to go without updates while I’m gone, I’ll sit down and write a few posts and set the date for a time in the future. They’re published to my blog while I’m somewhere tropical, diving with the fishes.

check.png Move to Trash: Clicking this link sends the entire post into the Trash bin. Your post isn’t deleted permanently, which is a relief if you happen to click that link by accident; instead, it’s saved in the Trash where you can retrieve it later, if you want to. You can find the items in Trash by clicking the All Posts link under the Posts menu on the Dashboard; then click the Trash link.

check.png Publish: This button wastes no time! It bypasses all the previous draft, pending review, and sticky settings and publishes the post directly to your blog immediately.

After you choose an option from the drop-down menu, click the Save button. The Add New Post page saves your publishing-status option.

tip.eps If you want to publish your post right away, skip all the other options in the Publish module and just click the Publish button. This method eliminates the fuss with the Publish Status options and sends your new post to your blog in all its glory.

tip.eps If you click Publish and for some reason don’t see the post you just published on the front page of your blog, you probably left the Publish Status drop-down menu set to Unpublished. Your new post is in the draft posts, which you’ll find by clicking the All Posts on the Posts menu.

You are your own editor

While I write this book, I have editors looking over my shoulder, making recommendations, correcting my typos and grammatical errors, and helping me by telling me when I get too long-winded. You, on the other hand, are not so lucky! You are your own editor and have full control of what you write, when you write it, and how you write it. You can always go back and edit previous posts to correct typos, grammatical errors, and other mistakes by following these steps:

1. Find the post that you want to edit by clicking the All Posts link in the Posts menu.

The Posts page opens and lists the 20 most recent posts you’ve made to your blog.

tip.eps You can filter that listing of posts by date from the Show All Dates drop-down menu at the top of the Posts page. For example, if you choose December 2012, the Posts page reloads, displaying only those posts that were published in the month of December 2012.

You can also filter the post listing by category. Select your desired category from the View All Categories drop-down menu.

2. When you find the post you need, click its title.

The Edit Post window opens. In this window, you can edit the post and/or any of its options.

You can also click the Edit link that appears beneath the post title on the Posts page.

tip.eps If you need to edit only the post options, click the Quick Edit link. The post options open, and you can configure post options such as the title, status, password, categories, tags, comments, and timestamp. Click the Save button to save your changes without ever leaving the Post page on your Dashboard.

3. Edit your post; then click the Update button.

The Edit Post window refreshes with all your changes saved.

Look Who’s Talking on Your Blog

The feature that really catapulted blogging into the limelight is the comments feature, which lets visitors interact with the authors of blogs. I cover the concept of blog comments and trackbacks in Chapter 2. They provide a great way for readers to interact with site owners, and vice versa.

Managing comments and trackbacks

To find your comments, click the Comments link on the Dashboard navigation menu; the Comments page opens. See Figure 8-12.

When you hover over your comments with your mouse, several links appear that give you the opportunity to manage those comments:

check.png Unapprove: This link appears only if you have comment moderation turned on and with only approved comments. The comment is placed in the moderation queue, which you get to by clicking the Awaiting Moderation link that appears below the Manage Comments header. The moderation queue is kind of a holding area for comments that haven’t yet been published to your blog. (See the following section for more on the moderation queue.)

Figure 8-12: Clicking the Comments menu shows you the Comments page, with all the comments and trackbacks on your blog.


check.png Reply: Click this link and a text box drops down, into which you can type and submit your reply to the person who commented. This feature eliminates the need to have to load your live site to reply to a comment.

check.png Quick Edit: Click this link and, without ever leaving the Comments page, the comment options open, and you can configure the post options such as name, e-mail, URL, and comment content. Click the Save button to save your changes.

check.png Edit: Click this link to open the Edit Comment page, where you can edit the different fields such as name, e-mail, URL, and comment content. See Figure 8-13.

check.png Spam: Click this link to mark the comment as spam and toss it into the spam bin, where it will never be heard from again!

check.png Trash: This link does exactly what it says; it sends the comment to the trash can and deletes it from your blog.

tip.eps If you have a lot of comments listed in the Comments page and want to bulk-edit them, select the boxes to the left of all the comments you want to manage; then select one of the following from the Actions drop-down menu at the top left of the Comments page: Approve, Mark As Spam, Unapprove, or Delete.

Figure 8-13: Edit a user’s comment in the Edit Comment page.


Moderating comments and trackbacks

If you have your options set so that comments aren’t published to your blog until you approve them, you can approve comments from the Comments page as well. Just click the Pending link on the Comments page and you go to the Edit Comments page. If you have comments and/or trackbacks awaiting moderation, you see them on this page and you can approve them, mark them as spam, or delete them.

A nice feature of WordPress is that it immediately notifies you of any comments sitting in the moderation queue, awaiting your action. This notification appears as a small circle to the right of the Comments menu in the left navigation menu on every single page. Figure 8-14 shows my Dashboard page with an indicator in the Comments menu that I have 5 comments awaiting moderation. I’d better get busy and deal with those comments!

Tackling spam with Akismet

I touch on Akismet a few times throughout this book because it’s my humble opinion that Akismet is the mother of all plugins and that no WordPress blog is complete without a fully activated version of Akismet running in it.

Apparently WordPress agrees because the plugin is packaged in every WordPress software release beginning with version 2.0. Akismet was created by the folks at Automattic — the same folks who brought you the version (discussed in Part II of this book). Automattic also works with some of the original developers of the WordPress software platform.

Akismet is the answer to combatting comment and trackback spam. Matt Mullenweg of Automattic says that Akismet is a “collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again” (from the Akismet website at

I’ve been blogging since 2002. I started blogging with the Movable Type blogging platform and moved to WordPress in 2003. As blogging became more and more popular, comment and trackback spam became more and more of a nuisance. One morning in 2004, I found that 2,300 pieces of disgusting comment spam had been published to my blog. Something had to be done! The folks at Automattic did a fine thing with Akismet. Since the emergence of Akismet, I’ve barely had to think about comment or trackback spam except for the few times a month I check my Akismet spam queue.

Figure 8-14: A small circle with a number telling me that I have comments awaiting moderation.


I talk in greater detail about plugin use in WordPress in Chapter 10, where you find out how to activate Akismet and make sure that it’s protecting your blog from trackback and comment spam.

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