Step 6
Preparing the Evaluation Component
EVERYTHING YOU HAVE completed in the development of your organization’s proposal (needs assessment, goals, objectives, and methods) naturally leads you to this component, as evaluation answers questions that both your organization and the funder have, such as
• Was the program successful?
• Did we do what we set out to do?
• What impact did the program have on the community or target audience?
• What did we learn from this experience that can be leveraged?
• What didn’t work—and why or why not?
• What’s different as a result of our program?
As you prepare the goals, objectives, and methods, it is now more important than ever to plan how your organization will evaluate what it proposes to do. In this step you will learn how to write an evaluation plan so that your organization can effectively demonstrate the success of its program and measure program impact—and also capture the lessons learned. An exercise will help you think about what your evaluation plan should contain.
Impact. “The fundamental intended or unintended long-term change occurring in organizations, communities, or systems as a result of program activities.”
Leverage. “A method of grantmaking practiced by some foundations. Leverage occurs when a small amount of money is given with the express purpose of attracting funding from other sources or of providing the organization with the tools it needs to raise other kinds of funds.” Leverage may also be defined as building momentum from one effort to the next.
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