Using an interactive shell

Windows PowerShell can be used either interactively or as a script automation. Before we take a look at script automations, let's explore the use of an interactive shell.

We can do arithmetic operations in Windows PowerShell as follows:

2 + 2

This will return 4. Consider the following operation:

2 + 2 * 3

This will return 8.

Windows PowerShell does left-to-right arithmetic operations according to the precedence rules. In the preceding expressions, PowerShell performed the operation as 2 * 3 + 2. We need to use parenthesis, as with (2 + 2) * 3, which return the result as 12. Here, (2 + 2) is known as grouping.

Using Windows PowerShell, we can do much more, such as system unit calculations, hexadecimal conversions, and so on, and few examples are as follows:

4GB / 1MB

This returns 4096.


This returns the following character:


In Windows PowerShell, we can use .NET classes. Here's an example:


This returns the value of pi, which is 3.14159265358979.

Windows PowerShell allows us to use class directly, without using the namespace, shown as follows:



Refer to the following MSDN link for the System.Math class:

The command shown before was just an example. With reference to this, we can build code as per our needs using .NET classes.

Windows PowerShell cmdlets

In this topic, we will cover the following:

  • Exploring Windows PowerShell commands
  • Exploring Windows PowerShell modules
  • Getting help
  • Understanding aliases, expressions, objects, pipelines, filtering, and formatting
  • Scripting with Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is designed to execute four kinds of named commands:

  • Cmdlets: These are .NET programs designed to interact with PowerShell
  • Scripts: These are files with the FileName.PS1 extension
  • Functions: These are a block of code that are very helpful for script organization
  • Native window commands: These are internal commands such as MKDIR, CHDIR, and so on

The internal commands of Windows PowerShell are called cmdlets. Cmdlets are always named in the verb-and-noun combination. This appears as Verb-Noun, for example Get-Service and Stop-Service, where Get and Stop are verbs, and Service is a noun.


(Noun)—Something to be acted on

For example, Get-Service

Let's execute the following command:


The output of this command is illustrated in the following image:

Windows PowerShell cmdlets

The previous command will list all the installed commands from the computer and retrieve only the cmdlets, functions, and aliases.

To retrieve only cmdlets, we can use the CommandType parameter, as shown in the following command:

Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet


Windows PowerShell supports tab completion. For example, let's run the following command:

Get-Comm + Tab + -Co + Tab + C + Tab

When we type out this command, it will result as follows:

Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet

Now, let's explore the commands. In the following example, we will take a look at the cmdlet Get-Service. Since we know the cmdlet up front, let's collect more information such as the cmdlet version and source, as follows:

Get-Command Get-Service

The output of the preceding command is illustrated in the following image:

Windows PowerShell cmdlets

The points marked in the figure are explained in the following list:

  • 1: This is the type of the command
  • 2: This is the name of the command
  • 3: This indicates the version (From Windows PowerShell 5.0 onward)
  • 4: This indicates the module's name

To retrieve the commands for a specific module, we need to use the Module parameter, which accepts the module name (Source) as we saw in bullet 4. The following is an example of the command:

Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

This outputs all the commands available in the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module.

The Get-Service command will retrieve all the services running on your local computer.


Refer to the following link to get more information on the ServiceController class:

Let's see the alternate of the Get-Service cmdlet using the .NET class. To do this, let's find the TypeName of the Get-Service cmdlet by executing Get-Service | Get-Member and this gives the TypeName as System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController. Windows PowerShell allows us to use this directly as follows:


Now, let's take a look at how the command that we just discussed works.

Here, we will consume the .NET ServiceController class in PowerShell and invoke the GetServices() method.

The GetServices method has an overload with a machineName parameter. To find this, we will execute the following command:


The difference is that here, we did not use parentheses. The output of OverloadDefinitions is as follows:

static System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] GetServices()

static System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[] GetServices(string machineName)

We can query the service information of a remote computer by passing the host name of the remote computer as the machineName parameter, as follows:


Getting help

This is the most important and interesting topic. No matter what technology we consume, all we need to know is the way to get help for it. Most IT professionals and developers say that they use Google to find this.

For PowerShell, help is much more focused. It's very difficult to remember all the commands. So, we can search for a command and find help for the same. Let's take a look at how to seek help for Windows PowerShell cmdlets.

Get-Help Get-Service

The output is illustrated in the following image:

Getting help

The sections in the image are explained as follows:

  • NAME: This is the name of the command (Get-Service)
  • SYNOPSIS: This is the abstract of the command
  • SYNTAX: This gives us the syntax of the commands, which includes all its parameters and its type
  • DESCRIPTION: This is the description of the command whose help we are looking for
  • RELATED LINKS: This contains the URL of online versions of the command, and other commands related to the one we are looking for help regarding
  • REMARKS: This will guide us to explore examples, detailed information, full help, and online help

If more information than that fitting the page view is to be displayed, the console is paginated. For example, if we execute the Get-Help Get-Service -Detailed | more command, the details will output as shown in the following image:

Getting help

If we press Enter, we can view one line after another, whereas pressing the space key will give a page view.


Keep your files updated using the Update-Help cmdlet as shown in the following command. Ensure that your machine has internet connectivity and execute the following command:

Update-Help –Verbose

This cmdlet is designed to download and install help files on our computer.

The output is illustrated in the following image:

Getting help

Ensure that you have an Internet connection while updating your help. The reason for updating help is to keep the help document up-to-date. Let us learn more about the Get-Help cmdlet:

  • The Help cmdlet is an alias for Get-Help (Aliases will be covered in the next section).
  • The Get-Help cmdlet allows us to view the online help using the Online parameter. The following command will open the online URL in the default web browser:
    Get-Help Get-Service –Online
  • The Get-Help cmdlet allows us to view the help content in a separate user interface. The following is the command that needs to be executed:
    Get-Help Get-Service –ShowWindow

    The output of the preceding code is illustrated in the following image:

    Getting help
  • To view only syntax, we can execute the following code:
    (Get-Help Get-Service).Syntax

Understanding aliases

Using aliases in Windows PowerShell is not advised by many. The reason for this is readability and understandability. Developers are comfortable using an alias because it's easier, but the difficulty is in remembering the alias for each cmdlet.

The bottom line is that aliases are shortcuts for Windows PowerShell cmdlets.

Windows PowerShell has two types of aliases:

  • The built-in alias: This is an alias that represents PowerShell's native cmdlets
  • The user-defined alias: This is an alias created by us for specific needs.

The following command retrieves all the commands available in the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module:

Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

The following image shows the output of the previous command:

Understanding aliases

Using the following alias, we can achieve the same output as with –like:

gcm -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

Here, gcm is an alias or shortcut for the Get-Command cmdlet.

Let's explore all the commands related to an alias. The module name for aliases' commands is Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility:

Get-Command -Name '*Alias*' 

The output of this command is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding aliases

For now, ignore the PoshBoard module; we will discuss modules in Chapter 2, Unleashing Development Skills Using Windows PowerShell 5.0.

To find an alias of any given command, we can simply execute the following code:

Get-Alias -Definition Get-Alias

The output of this command is as follows:

PS C:> Get-Alias -Definition Get-Alias

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Alias           gal -> Get-Alias

Here, gal is an alias of the Get-Alias cmdlet. The Get-Alias cmdlet will retrieve all the available aliases in your local computer.

PowerShell allows us to create aliases for any given valid cmdlet. To create a new alias, we execute the following command:

New-Alias -Name W -Value Get-WmiObject -Description "Learning PowerShell" -Verbose

The output of the command we just discussed is as follows:

VERBOSE: Performing the operation "New Alias" on target "Name: W Value: Get-WmiObject"

Now, let's take a look at how the command we just discussed works.

The New-Alias command is used to create an alias.

The W part is a friendly name. You can choose any name you need, but you can't create a new alias with the existing, used names.

The Value command is used here. We also used the Get-WmiObject command, and that's our definition.

The Description parameter is for our reference.

The Verbose parameter just shows the action performed by the message.

The output of the preceding command is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding aliases

The sections in the image are explained as follows:

  • Name: This is the name of the alias.
  • Definition: Here, this is the Get-WmiObject command. It may be any command.
  • Description: This is the description of the alias.
  • CommandType: Here, this is Alias.
  • Visibility: Here, this is Public.

Using the Set-Alias command, we can do the same, but it allows us to change the association later. In the preceding example, we created an alias named W for the Get-WmiObject command. If we try to create an alias with the same name for another command, the following error appears:

Understanding aliases

In this scenario, we can use the Set-Alias command to change the alias' association. Run the following code:

PS C:> Set-Alias -Name W -Value Get-Service -Description 'Change Association' -Verbose
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Set Alias" on target "Name: W Value: Get-Service" 


Best practice to use an alias is when you are controlling the environment entirely.

Ensure that you have made a note about alias in your script. This helps others to understand and troubleshoot in case of any failures.

If you create more aliases in your machine, you can move them to other machines using the following two cmdlets:

  • The Export-Alias cmdlet
  • The Import-Alias cmdlet

In this exercise, we will create an alias for the Test-Connection cmdlet and use it in other machines. The Test part will be the alias of Test-Connection. Following is the command to set the alias' name:

New-Alias -Name Test -Value Test-Connection -Description "Testing" -Verbose

Let's test the functionality using the following command:

test localhost

This command returns the following output:

Understanding aliases

Let's use the Export-Alias cmdlet and export only this alias using the following command:

Export-Alias -Name test C:TempCustomAlias.txt –Verbose

We will get the following output:

# Alias File
# Exported by : ChenV
# Date/Time : Tuesday, August 25, 2015 1:57:28 PM
# Computer : CHENV

Move this text file to another computer and use the Import-Alias cmdlet to do this.

Look at the following image:

Understanding aliases

The steps marked in the image we just discussed are explained as follows:

  • 1: Here, I used the Import-Alias cmdlet and have given the path where I copied the text file
  • 2: Here, I used the Get-Alias cmdlet to verify the existence of the alias
  • 3: This indicates the result—test -> Test-Connection
  • 4: This verifies the functionality of the alias


There is no direct cmdlet to remove an alias, such as Remove-Alias. So, how do we do this?

Alias is one of the items in the PowerShell drive. Yes! We can use the Remove-Item cmdlet to remove the alias. Execute the following command:

Get-Item Alias:	est

The command that we just discussed returns the following output:

Understanding aliases

So, you can simply use Remove-Item to delete the alias. Execute the command as shown in the following image:

Understanding aliases

Understanding expressions

Windows PowerShell supports regular expressions. We know that PowerShell is built using the .NET framework. So, it strongly supports the regular expressions in .NET.

Developers prefer to use regular expressions to solve complex tasks such as formatting display names, manipulating files, and so on.

Regex can either be used by comparing operators or implementing the .NET class.

In this topic, we will cover the following:

  • Operators and comparison operators
  • Implementing regex using the .NET class
  • Where do we use regular expressions?

Before we proceed with regular expressions, let's explore a few things about operators.

To know about operators, we can run the following code:

help about_Operators -ShowWindow

The output is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding expressions

To retrieve help for all the operators in Windows PowerShell, you can run each of the following lines of code and explore their usage:

help about_Arithmetic_Operators
help about_Assignment_Operators
help about_Comparison_Operators
help about_Logical_Operators
help about_Type_Operators
help about_Split
help about_Join
help about_Redirection

Windows PowerShell has operators such as arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, redirection operators, split and join operators, type operators, format operators, static member operators, and so on.

As we are exploring regular expressions, we will focus only on the comparison operators.

Comparison operators are used to compare values and to find the matching pattern. By default, comparison operators are not case sensitive.

We can also perform case-sensitive pattern matching using C before the operators.

Let's consider both these in the following example:

#Case In-Sensitive
"PowerShell" -match "PowerShell"

This command returns the output as true.

#Case Sensitive
"PowerShell" -cmatch "powershell"

This command returns the output as false.

Now, it's time for us to use the .NET regular expressions in Windows PowerShell with the comparison operators


The MSDN link for a quick reference guide to regular expressions is

Here is a command that uses a regular expression to check whether the first three characters are digits in a given string.

For example, the given string is 123-456-ABC. Then, the command would be as follows:

"123-245-ABC" -match '^d{3}'

This command returns the output as true.

"EFG-245-ABC" -match '^d{3}'

This command returns the output as false.

Now, let's take a look at how the command that we just discussed works, in the following list:

  • ^: This is the beginning of the string.
  • d: This is to check the digits.
  • {3}: This matches the previous elements n times. In our case, it's three times.

Use the following regular expression to remove the white space characters from any given string:

"Power Shell" -replace 's' , ''

This returns PowerShell.


In case of replacing a string with null with the help of the replace operator, we can execute the following command:

 "Power Shell" -replace 's' 

There is no need to explicitly mention replacing a string with a non-white space character.

The given input string is Power Shell. The expression removes the white space between Power and Shell in the string and outputs the Powershell word. The white space is removed as explained in the following steps:

  • In the preceding code, we used the comparison operator, –replace
  • The s character is the white space character in regex
  • This is replaced with a non-white space character

We can swap strings using regular expressions.

Consider the given string as FirstName LastName:

#Given Name: FirstName LastName
#Required Output: LastName, FirstName
"FirstName LastName" -replace "([a-z]+)s([a-z]+)" ,'$2, $1'

The commands that we just discussed return the output as LastName, FirstName.

Consider the given string as FirstName12345 LastName:

#Given Name: FirstName12345 LastName
#Required Output: LastName, FirstName
'FirstName12345 LastName' -replace "d+" -replace "([a-z]+)s([a-z]+)" ,'$2, $1'

The commands that we just discussed return the output as LastName, FirstName.

The output of the previous two expressions is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding expressions

Similarly, PowerShell allows us to use the regex class to perform the same tasks. Execute the following code:

[Regex]::IsMatch('PowerShell' , 'PowerShell')


The MSDN TechNet article for the regex class is at the following link:

The IsMatch method is a member of the regex class. This method is overloaded, which indicates whether the regular expression finds a match in the input string. This is a simple example to check whether a string contains another string.


The MSDN TechNet article for the regex class members is at the following link:

Developers can easily understand and implement regex. However, IT professionals or system administrators may have difficulties in understanding the arguments to be passed.

What arguments should we pass for members? It's not always necessary to refer to the MSDN article. Instead, we can use PowerShell to find the overloaded definitions.

In the following example, we will use the Replace method (the public method of the regex class):


The output of the code that we just discussed is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding expressions

To remove the numbers from the given string using regex, we execute the following command:

[Regex]::Replace('12String' , 'd{2}' , '')

The command that we just considered returns the output as String. We get this output as explained in the following steps:

  • Using the Regex class, we invoked the public method, Replace.
  • As per the overloaded definitions, we have an option to pass three arguments—string, pattern, and replacement string.
  • The 'd' shorthand character represents the digits and {n} checks n times. In our case, it's two times.
  • This was replaced with empty values.

Understanding objects

In general, a term object is something that we can touch and feel, and the same is applicable for PowerShell as well. An object in PowerShell is a combination of methods and properties:

Objects = Properties + Methods

A property is something that we can get or set. In short, properties store information about the object.

A method is an action to be invoked on a particular object.

Objects are constructed using their types, properties, and methods.

In this section, we will cover the following topics:

  • Getting help about objects, properties, and methods
  • Exploring objects, properties, methods, and types

Before we explore objects, let's have a look at the help documentation using the following commands:

help about_Objects
help about_Properties
help about_Methods

The objects that we see in PowerShell are a part of the .NET framework, and PowerShell will allow us to create custom objects as well.


From Windows PowerShell 5.0 onward, we can create objects using a class. This will be covered in the Chapter 2, Unleashing Development Skills Using Windows PowerShell 5.0.

Now, let's explore objects in detail. In the following example, we will use the Get-Date command:

$Date = Get-Date

Here, $Date is a variable in Windows PowerShell and Get-Date is a cmdlet to get the current date and time.

Once we run the preceding code, $date will be a DateTime object. Let's take a look at the type of the $Date variable:


The output of this command is as follows:

Understanding objects

The Get-Member cmdlet is our friend, and helps us to explore the members and properties. To take a look at the available properties and methods, we can run the following code:

Get-Date | Get-Member -MemberType All -Force

The preceding command retrieves all the properties and methods.

The list will be huge; so, to view the properties and methods, we can change the MemberType value to either Property or Method. Let's execute the following code:

Get-Date | Get-Member -MemberType Property -Force

The output of this code is illustrated as follows:

Understanding objects

The definitions of the property is shown as {get;}. Let's explore the property now, as follows:


The command that we just considered displays the current date and time of the local machine.

Now, let's take a look at how the command that we just discussed works, in the following list:

  • Get-Date: This is the Windows PowerShell cmdlet.
  • .: This is the property deference operator.
  • The DateTime property shows the current system's date and time.

Alternatively, we can use the DateTime object, as follows:


We will get current date and time as output. For example, Tuesday, June 02, 2015 12:15:51 PM.

The operator used here is the static member operator, ::.

To invoke the methods of an object, we will follow the same procedure. But, if the method needs arguments, we need to pass it accordingly, as shown in the following command:

Get-Date | Get-Member -MemberType Method –Force


We used the –Force parameter to retrieve all the methods, including the hidden ones.

Execute the following code:


Here, we added one day to the current day and the output is as follows:

Wednesday, June 03, 2015 12:55:35 PM

Alternatively, we can write ([DateTime]::Now).AddDays(1).

The $psISE object is the root object of the Integrated Scripting Environment. Using this we can toggle settings of the ISE, as follows:

$psISE | GM -Force

The output of the command we just discussed retrieves all the members of $PSISE. One of the property options that hold all the options of the ISE is as follows:


To modify the zoom, use the following code:

$psISE.Options.Zoom = 150

To modify the Intellisense timeout seconds, we execute the following code:

$psISE.Options.IntellisenseTimeoutInSeconds = 5

To change the script pane's background color, we execute the following code:

$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = 'Green'

Understanding pipelines

A Windows PowerShell pipeline is used to join two or more statements with a pipeline operator. The Pipeline operator is '|'.

We have used pipelines in previous examples; let's know about pipeline use case scenario.

In this section, we will cover the following:

  • Using a pipeline operator
  • Where to use a pipeline operator

Windows PowerShell is designed to use pipeline. Here's an example of pipelines:

Command1 | Command2 | Command3

Here, Command1 sends the object to Command2; the processed object will then be sent to Command3, which will output the results. Take a look at the following command:

help about_Pipelines -ShowWindow

A pipeline works in the following way:

  • The parameter must accept input from a pipeline (however, not all do so)
  • The parameter must accept the type of object being sent or a type that the object that can be converted to
  • The parameter must not already be used in the command

Now, let's take a look at the following example:

PS C:> Get-Service -Name BITS
Status   Name               DisplayName                           
------   ----               -----------                           
Running  BITS               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

The Get-Service cmdlet gets the object representing the BITS service.

Using the Stop-Service cmdlet, we can stop the service. The -Verbose parameter is to show the operation handled, as shown in the following code:

Get-Service -Name BITS | Stop-Service -Verbose

The output of the command we just discussed is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding pipelines

Using pipeline, we can do many more tasks, such as sorting, grouping, looping, and so on.

How do we find the parameter that accepts pipeline? Using help and pipeline, we can do this as shown in the following code:

help Get-Service -Parameter * | Select name , PipelineInput

The output of the command we just discussed is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding pipelines

To retrieve the Windows services of the remote machine, SharePoint001, we can write the command as follows:

'SharePoint001' | %{Get-Service -ComputerName $_}

In short, the pipeline passes the output to another command so that the next command has something to work with or simply connects the output to other commands. This helps IT professionals automate tasks such as inventorying, reporting, and so on.

Exporting a running process to a CSV file

Let's take a look at the following command:

Get-Process | Export-csv C:TempProcess.csv `
-NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Refer to the following image:

Exporting a running process to a CSV file

The points marked in the image are explained as follows:

  • 1: The Get-Process cmdlet is used to retrieve a running process in your local machine. Alternatively, the gps alias can be used
  • 2: This is the pipeline operator used to pass the output to the next command
  • 3: The Export-csv cmdlet is used to save the output in the CSV format
  • 4: This is the complete path of the output file
  • 5: This is the PowerShell line continuation character
  • 6: The NotypeInformation switch parameter is used to avoid #TypeInformation in the CSV header
  • 7: The Export-CSV cmdlet has an encoding parameter, which can be ASCII, UTF7, UTF8, BigEndianUnicode, OEM, or so on

The CSV output is shown in following image:

Exporting a running process to a CSV file

I prefer to export data in the XML format using the Export-Clixml cmdlet because it holds a lot more information. Take a look at the following command:

Get-Process | Export-Clixml C:TempProcess.xml

The output is shown in the following image:

Exporting a running process to a CSV file

Using Import-Clixml and Import-Csv, we can view the output we exported:

Import-Clixml C:TempProcess.xml

The output of the command we just discussed is shown in the following image:

Exporting a running process to a CSV file

Using pipelines, we can connect multiple commands and get effective solutions, as explained in the following list:

  • We can start, stop, or set a service
  • We can export the output to report, for inventories, and so on.
  • They connect commands and display the output as required
  • They help in sorting, filtering, and formatting objects

Understanding filtering and formatting

In Windows PowerShell, filtering and formatting are used in most places to get the output in the desired format. Select-Object is very useful cmdlet to filter.

In this section, we will cover the following topics:

  • Basics of filtering
  • Basics of formatting

Consider the following command:

Get-Command -Noun Object

The output is as shown in the following image:

Understanding filtering and formatting

Use the following Help commands:

Help Select-Object -Examples
Help Where-Object -Examples

Using the Select-Object cmdlet, we can select the first and last n items from the collection of objects. The Select-Object cmdlet can be used to retrieve only unique values (ignoring duplicates).

Now, let's explore Select-Object for filtering. Let's consider that we have a set of objects from 65 to 90; to select the first 10, we need to pipe and use Select-Object, as shown in the following command:

65..90 | Select -First 10

We will get the output as 65 to 74.

Consider the following command:

1,2,2,3 | Select -Unique

Here, we will get the output as 1, 2, and 3.

Take a look at the following command:

1,2,2,3 | Select -Last 1 

Here, we will get the output as 3.

Consider the following command:

1,2,2,3 | Select -SkipLast 1 

We will get the output as 1, 2, and 2.

Take a look at the following command:

1,2,2,3 | Select -Skip 2  

Here, we will get the output as 2 and 3.

To get help for all the parameters in Select-Object, use the following code:

help Select-Object -Parameter *

The Where-Object cmdlet is used to filter data returned by the other cmdlet. This cmdlet accepts comparison operators.

Let's explore the syntax of the Where-Object cmdlet, as follows:

(help Where-Object).Syntax

The output of the command we just considered is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding filtering and formatting

Consider an array from 1 to 5. To select values greater than 3, we use the Where-Object alias, ?, next to the pipeline operator, as shown in the following command:

1..5 | ? {$_ -gt 3}

From Windows PowerShell 4.0 onward, we can avoid pipelines for the ForEach and Where objects, as follows:


The output of the code we just discussed is shown in the following image:

Understanding filtering and formatting

Now, let's take a look at how this works in the following list:

  • The (65..90) range uses the range operator, ..; these are the ASCII values of A-Z
  • We used the dereference operator, ., to invoke the Foreach method
  • The Foreach method accepts expressions and arguments, as shown in the code we just considered.

Now, let's take a look at the following code:

(1..10).Where({$_ -ge 5})

The output of this code is shown in the following image:

Understanding filtering and formatting

Now, let's take a look at how this works in the following list:

  • The (1..10) range uses the range operator, ..; this is the 1 to 10 array of the object
  • We used the dereference operator, ., to invoke the Where method
  • The Where method accepts the expression, mode, and number to return

We can use the Where statement with different modes. In the following example, we will select the first three values, where the number is greater than or equal to 5. Now, let's consider the following code:

(1..10).Where({$_ -ge 5}, 'First' , 3)

The output of this code is illustrated in the following image:

Understanding filtering and formatting

Now, let's take a look at how this works in the following list:

  • The (1..10) uses the range operator, .., and this is the 1 to 10 array of the objects
  • We used the dereference operator to invoke the Where method
  • In this expression, {$_ -ge 5} is an object greater than 5, First is the mode, and 3 is the value for the number to be returned.

Similarly, we can use the Split mode as well. Using this, we can split the given collection of objects, as shown in the following code:

$section1 , $section2 = (1..100).Where({$_ -le 50} , 'Split' , 0)

The $section1 variable contains values from 1 to 50, and the $section2 variable contains values from 51 to 100.


Avoid pipelines as much as you can. Use appropriately, because in larger script we may end up having a performance issue.

Use Measure-Command and analyze the performance of commands using pipelines.

Here is a table comparing commands using pipeline with those that don't use a pipeline:

With pipeline

Result in milliseconds

Without pipeline

Result in milliseconds

65..90 | %{[char][int]$_}




1..10 | ? {$_ -ge 5} | Select -First 3


(1..10).Where({$_ -ge 5}, 'First' , 3)


PowerShell formatting

Windows PowerShell has a set of cmdlets that allows us to format the output. To find the cmdlets to format, use Verb Format to search, as shown in the following code:

Get-Command -Verb Format

Let's take a look at the default formatting of Windows PowerShell by executing the following the cmdlet:

Get-Process | Select –First 5

The output of this code is as follows:

PowerShell formatting

The headers are not exactly property names. This formatting is done using the file name, DOTNETTYPES.FORMAT.PS1XML.

The location of the file is $PSHome. Take a look at the following image:

PowerShell formatting

The following list explains the points marked in the preceding image:

  • 1: The type name of Get-Process is System.Diagnostics.Process
  • 2: For NPM(K), refer to the image preceding the previous image
  • 3: For PM(K), refer to the image preceding the previous image

The first thing we see in the XML file is the following warning:

Do not edit or change the contents of this file directly. Please see the Windows PowerShell documentation or type.

Use the following command to obtain more information:

Get-Help Update-TypeData

So, let's not make any kind of modifications. Instead, let's take a look at the cmdlets to make minor modifications as desired, as shown in the following image:

PowerShell formatting

In the following example, we will use the Where method to select n items required to keep the output precise and short.

The help command to format the table is as follows:

help Format-Table -ShowWindow

Let's select the first five running services and format them as follows:

(Get-Service).Where({$_.Status -eq 'Running'},'First',5) | Format-Table

This code outputs the default formatting.

Using the Format-Table cmdlet, we can hide the headers, auto size the table, use the expression, and much more. Let's consider the following command:

(Get-Service).Where({$_.Status -eq 'Running'},'First',5) | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders

The output of the command we just discussed is shown in the following image:

PowerShell formatting

The default formatting of Windows PowerShell is not great, but it allows us to customize the format as required. The report we deliver to IT Management should be precise and readable. Using Windows PowerShell, we can achieve this.

Reports can be in the HTML, XML, CSV, or other desired formats.

Using an expression is allowed in Format-Table inside the {} script block token. Run the following command:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" | 
Format-Table Name,@{n="Freespace(byte)";e={"{0:N0}" -f $_.FreeSpace};a="center"} 

The following image shows all three alignments: left, right, and center:

PowerShell formatting

Here is another example of a command to format the date in the day/month/year format using a format operator:

"Custom Date Format: {0},{1},{2}" -F (Get-Date).Day , (Get-Date).Month , (Get-Date).Year

To view the LastWriteTime.DayOfWeek file, run the following command:

Get-ChildItem C:Temp | Ft name , @{n="Day of Week" ; E = {$_.LastWriteTime.DayOfWeek}}

The following is the command to custom format using the Format-Custom cmdlet:

Get-Service | Format-Custom

The default output of the command we just discussed is as follows:

PowerShell formatting

Use the Get-FormatData cmdlet to view the formatting data from the Format.ps1xml formatting files. In this demo, we will try to customize the default format in the current session, as follows:

help Get-FormatData -ShowWindow
help Export-FormatData -ShowWindow
help Update-FormatData -ShowWindow

Perform the following steps:


In this demo, we will change the column header to test. This will break the output ONLY in the current session.

  1. Identify the type name of the command. For example, here, we will use the Get-Process | GM command.
  2. The TypeName parameter is System.Diagnostics.Process, as shown in the following command:
    Get-FormatData -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Process | 
    Export-FormatData -Path C:TempTestView.Format.PS1XML 
  3. Now, append the text of the column header in the PS1XML file in the Temp folder, as shown in the following command:
    Update-FormatData -PrependPath C:TempTestView.Format.PS1XMl
  4. The Get-Process command returns the output as shown in the following image:
    PowerShell formatting

Exploring snippets in the PowerShell ISE

There is a cool way in the PowerShell ISE to reduce typing; however, before discussing PowerShell scripting, let's take a look at snippets.

Snippets are nothing but commonly used code. In PowerShell, we very often use functions, advanced functions, comment blocks, and so on.

Using an ISE, we don't type out the structure of the function. Instead, we can right-click on Script Pane and select Start Snippets or press Ctrl + J. This shows a menu of the available snippets.

The following image illustrates the snippets in the PowerShell ISE:

Exploring snippets in the PowerShell ISE

We need not be limited to only the available snippets; we can create our own snippets. In this demo, we will try to create a snippet. This is a simple snippet to add a mandatory parameter, which we can reuse in any of our functions.

This helps developers and IT professionals do the scripting faster.

There is no need for more typing; we just need to add a snippet wherever we need reusable codes, as shown in the following code:

$m = @'
New-IseSnippet -Text $m -Title Mandatory -Description 'Adds a Mandatory function parameter' -Author "Chen V" -Force

Let's take a look at how this works:

  • The $m variable holds the skeleton code
  • The New-IseSnippet command is the one available in the module's ISE
  • We used a few parameters with Text , which is the skeleton code; Title, which can be any friendly name; Description, which describes the snippet in short; and Author, which is the author's name
  • After the code is executed, it creates a PS1XML file in the location, $homeDocumentsWindowsPowerShellSnippets
  • The file name will be your title—in this case it's Mandatory.Snippets.PS1XML


We can copy and place it any machine—pressing Ctrl + J will show Mandatory in the snippets.

The following image illustrates the output of the newly created snippet:

Exploring snippets in the PowerShell ISE

The following are the steps that explain the points marked in the preceding image:

  • 1: The name Mandatory is the title of our new snippet
  • 2: The Description field is shown in the pop-up box
  • 3: The Path field is the path of the PS1XML file
  • 4: This is the snippet code or skeleton code

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

Let's take a look at scripting in the cmdlet style.

We've arrived at a place from where we can explore PowerShell scripting with the knowledge of the previous topics. Wait! We haven't covered all that we need for scripting in PowerShell. Before we begin discussing scripting, we should know more about the scripting principles, using variables, commenting, writing help, and so on.

Here are a few principles of scripting:

If you want to deliver scripts to your organization or community, it's good to create the variables and follow the standard naming conventions. Do not use plain text passwords in the scripts, and avoid technical jargon in the comment blocks. Ensure that the script is readable for others.

Using Windows PowerShell scripting, we can perform complex tasks with the help of imperative commands. The scripting language supports branching, variables, and functions.

From now on, we will use the PowerShell ISE for its ease of use and benefits.

In this section, we will cover the following topics:

  • Using variables
  • The basics of Windows PowerShell scripting
  • Writing the functions and advanced functions

Let's now discuss using variables.

A variable is used to store information, and it is the result of a running script.

Here's an example:

$value = Read-Host "Enter Value 1"

This script prompts for user input; once the value is entered, it stores it in the $value variable, as shown in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting


Following are a few points to note about variables:

  • They can be string or integer, and they allow special characters
  • They should be used precisely—don't use special characters in their name
  • You need to use the standard naming conventions that are easily understandable
  • You can use the automatic, preference, and environment variables
  • You should modify the preference variables only if required

Using the New-Variable cmdlet, a variable can be created along with a scope definition. In the following example, let's create a variable name, ws, which holds the value of the Windows service, and sets the scope to Global:

New-Variable -Name 'ws' -Value (Get-Service) -Scope Global

Using Remove-Variable, it can be removed, as shown in the following code:

Remove-Variable -Name ws -Verbose

Windows PowerShell scripting is used to automate your daily tasks. It may be anything such as reporting, server health checkup, performing tasks such as restarting services, stopping services, deploying solutions, installing Windows features, and much more.

The following points need to be considered while creating PowerShell scripting:

  • Keep the PowerShell code simple and neat.
  • Follow the same indentation throughout the code.
  • Make a clear, comments-based help.
  • Comment on your parameters with descriptions. This allows others to get help about the parameters.

Let's write a simple script that prints hello world on the screen:

#Windows PowerShell Script to Retrieve Windows Services
Write-Host "Hello, World!" -ForegroundColor Green

To run the PowerShell script, you need to call the script using a dot (.) operator followed by backward () slash.

The extension of the PowerShell script file should be .PS1.

The output of the preceding code is illustrated in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

Let's create a script that does a basic system inventory.

This PowerShell script will create a CSS file for styles, query the basic system information, convert to an HTML file, and open up after the script is completely executed, as shown in the following code:

$UserName = (Get-Item  env:username).Value 
$ComputerName = (Get-Item env:Computername).Value
$filepath = (Get-ChildItem env:userprofile).value
Add-Content  "$Filepathstyle.CSS"  -Value " body {
th { 
td {
Write-Host "CSS File Created Successfully... Executing Inventory Report!!! Please Wait !!!" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
$ReportDate = Get-Date | Select -Property DateTime |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#General Information
$ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | 
Select -Property Model , Manufacturer , Description , PrimaryOwnerName , SystemType |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Boot Configuration
$BootConfiguration = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BootConfiguration |
Select -Property Name , ConfigurationPath | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#BIOS Information
$BIOS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS | Select -Property PSComputerName , Manufacturer , Version | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Operating System Information
$OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select -Property Caption , CSDVersion , OSArchitecture , OSLanguage | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Time Zone Information
$TimeZone = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_TimeZone | Select Caption , StandardName |
ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Logical Disk Information
$Disk = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter DriveType=3 |
Select SystemName , DeviceID , @{Name="size(GB)";Expression={"{0:N1}" -f($_.size/1gb)}}, @{Name="freespace(GB)";Expression={"{0:N1}" -f($_.freespace/1gb)}} |
ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#CPU Information
$SystemProcessor = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor  | 
Select SystemName , Name , MaxClockSpeed , Manufacturer , status |ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Memory Information
$PhysicalMemory = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory |
Select -Property Tag , SerialNumber , PartNumber , Manufacturer , DeviceLocator , @{Name="Capacity(GB)";Expression={"{0:N1}" -f ($_.Capacity/1GB)}} | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
#Software Inventory
$Software = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product |
Select Name , Vendor , Version , Caption | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
ConvertTo-Html -Body "<font color = blue><H4><B>Report Executed On</B></H4></font>$ReportDate
<font color = blue><H4><B>General Information</B></H4></font>$ComputerSystem
<font color = blue><H4><B>Boot Configuration</B></H4></font>$BootConfiguration
<font color = blue><H4><B>BIOS Information</B></H4></font>$BIOS
<font color = blue><H4><B>Operating System Information</B></H4></font>$OS
<font color = blue><H4><B>Time Zone Information</B></H4></font>$TimeZone
<font color = blue><H4><B>Disk Information</B></H4></font>$Disk
<font color = blue><H4><B>Processor Information</B></H4></font>$SystemProcessor
<font color = blue><H4><B>Memory Information</B></H4></font>$PhysicalMemory
<font color = blue><H4><B>Software Inventory</B></H4></font>$Software" -CssUri  "$filepathstyle.CSS" -Title "Server Inventory" | Out-File "$FilePath$ComputerName.html"
Write-Host "Script Execution Completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Invoke-Item -Path "$FilePath$ComputerName.html"

The output of this code is illustrated in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

Let's take a look at how to write PowerShell functions with comments:

  To add two integer values
  Windows PowerShell Script Demo to add two values
  This accepts pipeline values
  Add-Values -Param1 20 -Param2 30
  12,23 | Add-Values
function Add-Values
        # Param1 help description
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        #Accepts Only Integer
        #Accepts only integer
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        "Script Begins"
        $result = $Param1 + $Param2

This is not a good script, but I will use this to demonstrate a PowerShell function with comments in order to help explore the use of help.

The following is an explanation of how this code works:

  1. The most important part is the comment block. Let's take a look at the following code snippet:
      To add two integer values
      Windows PowerShell Script Demo to add two values
      This accepts pipeline values
      Add-Values -Param1 20 -Param2 30
      12,23 | Add-Values
  2. We need to provide a short description and synopsis of the script, as we did in this example. This will help others explore and know the usage of the script.
  3. Then, we used the Function keyword and followed the standard Verb-Noun naming convention. In this example, we used Add-Values.
  4. We parameterized our script using the Param block.
  5. We named the parameter as applicable and added a comment/help description on top of the parameter.
  6. We used the Begin, Process, and End blocks. I inserted the addition code in the Process block.


To simplify all of these steps, open the ISE, press Ctrl + J, and select CMDLET (advanced function).

To execute this script, we need to use the .Filename.PS1 command. Take a look at the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

The following is an explanation of the steps marked in the image we just considered:

  • 1: We executed the Code3 script
  • 2: We used the Get-Help cmdlet to read about the custom function
  • 3: This is the name of the command
  • 4: This is the customized synopsis
  • 5: The SYNTAX field is autogenerated
  • 6: This is the customized description
  • 7: The RELATED LINKS field is empty because we haven't included it in our comment block
  • 8: The REMARKS field is default

To view only the examples, we will use the following command:

Get-Help Add-Values -Examples

The output of this code is illustrated in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

The following is an explanation of the points marked in the preceding image:

  • 1: The Get-Help cmdlet is used to get help of the custom function or script
  • 2: This is the name of the cmdlet/function
  • 3: This shows EXAMPLE 1
  • 4: This shows EXAMPLE 2

Similarly, we can view only parameters. The help description given above each parameter appears using the following code:

Get-Help Add-Values -Parameter * 

Take a look at the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

The following are a few commands that use the help command:

help about_Functions
help about_Functions_Advanced_Methods    
help about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters 
help about_Functions_CmdletBindingAttribute
help about_Functions_OutputTypeAttribute 

Let's take a look at how to write advanced functions.

Advanced functions are similar to compiled cmdlets but not exactly the same.

Here is a table comparing advanced functions and compiled cmdlets:

Advanced functions

Compiled cmdlets

These are designed using the PowerShell script.

These are designed using a .NET framework, such as C#, and compiled as DLL.

The actual work will be done in the process blocks.

The actual work will be done in the process records.

An advanced function can be created easily using the PowerShell ISE.

A compiled cmdlet can be created easily using the Visual Studio class library.

The performance of advanced functions is slower compared to a compiled cmdlet.

Compiled cmdlets are faster.

In this section, we will discuss both writing an advanced function code using the PowerShell ISE and a compiled cmdlet using the Visual Studio C# class library.

Let's take a look at how to create a compiled cmdlet using the Visual Studio C# class library. Execute the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.IO;
namespace Windows_Management
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Clear, "TemporaryInternetFiles")]
    public class WindowsManagement : PSCmdlet
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            //Delete Internet Cache Files and Folders
            string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache);
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing Temporary Internet Cache Files and Directories....." + path);
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            foreach (FileInfo files in folder.GetFiles())
                catch (Exception ex)
            foreach (DirectoryInfo Directory in folder.GetDirectories())
                catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Done Processing!!!");
namespace clearInternetexplorerHistory
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Clear, "IEHistory")]
    public class clearInternetexplorerHistory : PSCmdlet
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            // base.ProcessRecord();
            string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.History);
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing Internet Explorer History....." + path);
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            foreach (FileInfo files in folder.GetFiles())
                catch (Exception ex)
            foreach (DirectoryInfo Directory in folder.GetDirectories())
                catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Done Processing!!!");
namespace UserTemporaryFiles
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Clear, "UserTemporaryFiles")]
    public class UserTemporaryFiles : PSCmdlet
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string temppath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo usertemp = new DirectoryInfo(temppath);
            Console.WriteLine("Clearing Your Profile Temporary Files..." + temppath);
            foreach (FileInfo tempfiles in usertemp.GetFiles())
                catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Done Processing!!!");
            foreach (DirectoryInfo tempdirectory in usertemp.GetDirectories())
                catch (Exception ex)

Once the DLL is compiled, we can import it as a module in Windows PowerShell.

The output of the command we just discussed is illustrated in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

Now, let's consider the advanced functions in Windows PowerShell.

Advanced functions are more robust, can handle errors, support verbose and dynamic parameters, and so on.

Let's take a look at the small advanced functions used to retrieve system information, as follows:

function Get-SystemInformation
        # Param1 help description
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                   HelpMessage = "Enter Valid Host Names",
        # Param2 help description
        foreach($cn in $ComputerName)
            $cs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $cn 
            $baseboard = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard -ComputerName $cn
            $properties = New-Object psobject -Property @{
            ComputerName = $cs.Caption
            Model = $cs.Model
            ComputerOwner = $cs.PrimaryOwnerName
            Bootupsate = $cs.BootupState
            BaseBoardSerialNumber = $baseboard.SerialNumber
            BaseBoardManufacturer = $baseboard.Manufacturer
'localhost' , 'localhost' | %{Get-SystemInformation -ComputerName $_} 

The output of the code we just discussed is illustrated in the following image:

Getting started with PowerShell scripting

As we have already covered the topic of adding help for PowerShell functions, I ignored it in the advanced functions section. Remember, we do have snippets in the ISE to create advanced functions. It's simple; just right-click on the script pane, select Start snippet, and then choose the Advanced function complete option.

Start documenting the synopsis, description, and help for parameters and build your code in the process block. This is very easy and handy to build advanced scripts using PowerShell.

Before building scripts, use the Measure-Command cmdlet and think about optimization. This will help in performance.

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