
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Acid rock drainage (ARD), 445–446
Acid-soap, 293
Activators, 285–287
copper ions, 285–286
non-sulfide systems, 287
sodium sulfide, 286–287
Adaptive control, 65
Additive nature of variance, 41
Adsorptive bubble separation processes, 368
Advanced process control layer, 66–68
Advanced regulatory control (ARC) techniques, 64
Aerophilic, 267
Agglomeration, 385
Agglomeration–skin flotation, 368
Agro-mining, 4
AG/SAG mills, 163–164
Air dense medium fluidized bed (ADMFB) process, 241
Air distribution management, 310
Air flow number, 341–342
Air flow velocity, 341–342
Air jet sieving, 92
Air jigs, 241
Air rate, 306
Air rate profiling, 310
Air recovery, 300
Alluvial deposits, 3, 403–404
Alluvial mining, 14
Aluminum, 12
Analysis errors, 81
Andreasen pipette technique, 100
Anionic collectors, 270, 273, 276, 287
dithiophosphates, 272, 273
mercaptans, 272
oxyhydryl, 270
sulfhydryl, 270
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 453
Argyle, 4
Array-based flowmeters, 58
Arrested/free crushing, 125
Artificial intelligence (AI), 67
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), 68–69
Assay, 9–10
Auger conveyors, 34–35
Autogenous mills, 159–162
Autogenous work index, 114


Balanced/flat bank recovery profile, 309
Ball mill work index, 113
Ball mills, 156–159
Banks flotation, 308–310
recovery, 308–309
recovery profile, 309, 309, 309, 310, 310, 310
selectivity, 309–310
Barmac vertical shaft impact crusher, 141
Barytes, 4
Batac jig, 230
Batch flotation, 297
Batch flotation tests, 320–324
cell sizing, 324
high-confidence flotation testing, 321–322
locked cycle tests, 321
presenting data, 322–324
Baum jig, 228–229, 230, 230
Bauxite, 4
Belt cleaners and washing systems, 35
Belt conveyor system, 31
Belt scales, 56
Belt take-up load, 31
Belt-loading system, 33f
Bitumen, 365–366
Blake crusher, 124–125
Bond tests, 113–114
Bond theory, 112
Bond-based AG/SAG models, 115
Bradford breaker, 142
Breakage parameter, 115–116
Bromoform, 246
Bubble rise velocity reduction, 283
Bubble size reduction, 280–282
critical coalescence concentration (CCC), 281–282, 282
Bubble surface area flux (BSAF), 281
Bubble–particle aggregate, 265–266
Bulk concentrate, 315–317


Canica vertical shaft impact crusher, 141
Carats, 9–10
Carcass, 31
Cascade control, 64–65
Cationic collectors, 270, 273, 273, 276, 287
CEET process model, 458
Cell, single, 306–307
recovery, 306
selectivity, 306–307
Cell operating range, 343–344
Cell power and hydrodynamics, 344
Cell sizing, 324
Cement copper, 9
Central Composite Design (CCD), 453–454
Central Limit Theorem (CLT), 41
Centralized multivariable control, 66
Centre peripheral discharge mills, 154–155
Centrifugal concentrators, 235–238
Centrifugal mills, 168
Centrifugal pumps, 35
Centrifugal sedimentation, 429
solid bowl scroll centrifuge, 429
Centrifugal separators, 249–252
Chalcopyrite, 7f, 10, 10–11
Chelating reagents, 270
Chemical adsorption, 273, 273
Chemisorption, 273
Choked crushing, 125
Circuit, 310–318
flexibility, 317–318
options, 313–317
selectivity, 311–313
Circuit design and optimization by computer simulation, 449
Clark Hot Water Extraction (CHWE) process, 365
Classification, 199
dry, 199
force balance, 199–200
free settling, 200
gravitational, 217–220
and grinding circuit behavior, 202–203
hydraulic, 219–220
hydrocyclone, 203–217
mechanical, 217–219
nonmechanical, 217
principles, 199–203
rake classifier, 218, 218, 218f
sediment, 217–219
spiral, 218
types of classifier, 203
wet, 199
Classification System Efficiency (CSE), 120
Cleaner, role of, 305
Clerici solution, 246
Cliffs–Wabush iron ore mine, 393–394
Closed-loop control mechanism, 62–63
Coagulation, 276, 419–422
charge neutralization, 419–420
diffuse layer, 419
electrical double layer, 419
electrostatic, 420–421
Stern layer, 419
surface charge, 419
zeta potential, 419, 419
Coal, 1, 4, 9–10, 364–365
rank, 1
Coarse particles, 303
Cogeneration, 13
Collection zone, 333
Collector adsorption
in non-sulfide mineral systems, 273–276
in sulfide mineral systems, 276–279
Collector speciation, 293
Collectorless flotation, 294–295
Collectors, 267, 269–279
amphoteric, 270
anionic, 270, 273, 276, 287
cationic, 270, 273, 273, 276, 287
for non-sulfide minerals, 272
for sulfide minerals, 272–273
Collision probability, 302–303
Colloidal gas aphrons, 367–368
Comminution, 5, 9, 109
breakage characterization, 113–115
crushing, 109, 110–111, 111
efficiency, 118–120
energy-based comminution models, 111–113
fundamental models, 117–118
grinding, 109, 117
interparticle, 125, 133
modeling, 111–118
population balance models, 115–117
principles, 110–111
Complex ores, 3–4
Composition heterogeneity, See Composition variance
Composition variance, 42
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 450, 450–451
Computer simulation, 449, 449
Concentrate, 4
Concentration, 4, 7–9
Concentrator, 14
Concorde cell, 340–341
Conditioning period, 269
Conductive induction, 400–401
Cone beam X-ray microcomputed tomography systems, 460–461
Cone crushers, 130–133
Consolidation trickling, 226
Contact cell, 337
Contained value, 14
Continuous flotation, 298–299
Control room, 69
Conventional grinding, 109
Conveyor belts, 29–30, 30f
centrifugal pumps, 35
cleaner, 35f
feed chutes, 33
hydraulic systems, 35
pipelines, 35
sandwich systems, 34
screw systems, 34–35
shuttle belts, 33
tripper, 33
Conveyor-belt tensioning systems, 32f
Copper, 1, 12
Copper ores, 4, 352–356
Copper processing, 20–22
Copper–lead–zinc ores, 358–361
Copper–zinc ores, 357–358
Correction factors, 113
Coulter counter, 104
Critical coagulation concentration (CCC), 419, 420
Critical coalescence concentration (CCC), 281–282
and practical implications, 282
Critical surface tension of wetting, 367
Cross-belt sampler, 50–51, 51f
CrossFlow™ Separator, 239–240
Crusher capacity, 128–129, 129
Crushers, 109, 123
open/closed circuits, 123, 142–144
primary, 123, 124–129
secondary, 123, 129–137
Crushing circuits and control, 142–144
Crushing technology, developments in, 134–135
Cumulative-basis grinding model, 117
Cyanide, 287–288
CYCLONEtrac PST (particle size tracking) and OSM (oversize monitor) systems, 106, 106, 106f
Cylpebs, 158


Data reconciliation technique, 45–46, 68
Davcra cell, 336
Decentralized control, 66
Degree of liberation, 5
Dense medium cyclones (DMC), 249–250
Dense medium separation (DMS), 7, 224, 245
centrifugal separators, 249–252
circuits, 252–253
construction of partition curves, 259–263
efficiency of, 257–263
gravitational vessels, 247–249
laboratory heavy liquid tests, 254–257
liquids, 246
organic efficiency, 263
principle of, 245f
separating vessels, 247–252
suspensions, 246–247
typical, 253–254
Density controller (DC), 64–65
Denver machines, 228
Depressants, 287
polymeric, 289
Depressants, inorganic, 287–289
cyanide, 287–288
phosphates, 289
sulfide, hydrosulfide, 289
sulfur dioxide, 288–289
zinc sulfate, 288
Design of Experiments (DOE), 452–454
De-sliming, 224
drying, 436–437
filtration, 429–435
sedimentation, 417–429
Diagnostic metallurgy, 301–302
Diagnostic surface analysis, 325–328
TOF-SIMS, 326–327
TOF-SIMS/XPS, 327–328
Diamagnetic materials, 381
Diamond ores, 4, 9–10
Dilution ratio, 60
Direct flotation, 266
Discrete element method (DEM), 450, 451
Dispersants, 290–291
Dissolved air flotation, 368
Distribution coefficient method, 96
Distribution heterogeneity/segregation, See Distribution variance
Distribution variance, 42–44
Dithiophosphates, 272, 273, 359
Dithiophosphinate, 273
Dodge crusher, 124–125
Doering Cylpebs, 158
Doppler flow meters, 57
Double-toggle Blake crushers, 125
Drewboy bath, 248
Drop weight tests, 114
Drum separators, 247–248, 389, 390
two-compartment, 248
Dry processing, 240–241
Dry rare earth drum separators, 390–391
Drying, 436–437
rotary thermal, 436–437
Duplex concentrator, 235
Dyna Whirlpool separator, 251


Ecart probable, 258–259
Economic considerations in mineral processing, 12–23
Economic efficiency, 16, 22–23
Effective density, 200
of separation, 259
Elastic behaviour, 110
Electrical separation, 397–405
conductive induction, 400–401
example flowsheets, 403–405
ion bombardment, 398–400
triboelectric charging, 401–403
Electrochemical/electron transfer model of flotation, 276
Electroflotation, 368
Electromotive force (emf), 57
Electrostatic model of flotation, 274–275
Electrostatic plate (ESP) separator, 401, 401, 404–405
Electrostatic separation, 7
Elutriation, 101–103
Empirical models, 186
End peripheral discharge mills, 155, 155
Energy-based comminution models, 111–113
Enrichment ratio, 10
Entrainment, 304–306
air rate, 306
cleaner, role of, 305
froth depth and wash water, 306
pulp dilution, 305
Equi-probable/probabilistic sampling model, 44
Error models, 79–81
Error propagation approach, 81
Essential energy, 119
Estimability, 81–82
Experimental Design, 452, 453, 453, 453–454, 454
Expert systems, 67–68


F ratios, 47
Factorial testing, 453
Falcon concentrator, 236–237
Faro Arm, 133f
Feedback mechanism, 62–63
apron, 38
belt, 38
chain, 37
drum, 154
grizzly, 37
mill, 154
scoop, 154
spout, 154, 154f
types, 37–38
Feedforward control, 65
Feedwell, 422–423
Ferromagnetism, 381–382
Field gradient, 384
Field intensity, 384
Film flotation, 367
Filtration, 429–435
ceramic disc filter, 434–435
disc, 434
filter cake, 429
horizontal belt filter, 435
hyperbaric, 435
medium, 429, 430
pan, 435
pressure, 431
tests, 430–431
types, 431–435
vacuum, 430–431, 433
Fine grinding tests, 112
Fine particles, 302–303
5 T machine, 396
Flakes, 137–138
Flash flotation, 339
Floatability, 267
Floatability Characterization Test Rig (FCTR), 325
Floatability component model (FCM), 323
FloatForce mechanism, 331–332
Flocculation, 385, 419–422, 421–422
patch, 420
sweep, 420
Flotation, 7, 8, 265, 265
banks, 308–310
cell, single, 306–307
circuit, 310–318
classification of minerals, 267–269
collectors, 269–279
direct/reverse, 266
entrainment, 304–306
froth, 7
frothers, 267, 279–285
importance of pH, 291–293
importance of pulp potential, 294–297
principles, 265–267
reagent addition and conditioning, 350–351
reagents, 266
regulators, 267, 285–291
Flotation, true, 301–304
coarse particles, 303
fine particles, 302–303
liberation, 303–304
Flotation cell, 341–344
cell power and hydrodynamics, 344
gas dispersion parameters, 342–344
mechanical cell scale-up parameters, 341–342
Flotation engineering
laboratory testing, 254
pilot plant testwork, 324–325
Flotation flowsheets and plant practice, 351–366
coal, 364–365
copper ores, 352–356
copper–lead–zinc ores, 358–361
copper–zinc ores, 357–358
iron ore, 363
lead–zinc ores, 356–357
nickel ores, 361–362
niobium ore, 363
oil sands, 365–366
phosphate ore, 363–364
platinum ores, 362
Flotation kinetics, 297–301
batch flotation, 297
continuous flotation, 298–299
kSb relationship, testing, 300–301
rate constant, components of, 299–300
reactor–separator cell designs, modifications to apply to, 301
Flotation machines, 328–341
flash flotation, 339
flotation columns, 332–335
Hydrofloat™ separator, 339–340
mechanical flotation machines, 328–332
reactor/separator flotation machines, 335–339
StackCell™, 340–341
Flotation plants, control of, 345–350
advanced control, 349–350
fundamental controlled variables, 347–349
higher level controlled variables, 349
instrumentation, 345
process control objectives, 345–347
Flotation testing, 318–328
batch flotation tests, 320–324
batch tests, 320–321
diagnostic surface analysis, 325–328
pilot plant testwork, 324–325
predictions, 287
representative samples, 319
role of particle size and liberation, 301–306
small-scale tests, 319–320
storage, 319
wet grinding, 319
Flowsheet, 9
Fluidized bed separators (FBS), 239–240
Flumes, 35
Fluorite, 4
Foam fractionation, 368
Force factor, 384
Frantz Isodynamic Separator, 383
Free milling ore, 7f
Free-settling ratio, 201
Froth depth and wash water, 306
Froth flotation, See Flotation
Froth velocity, 310
Froth zone, 333
Frothers, 267, 279–285
bubble rise velocity reduction, 283
bubble size reduction, 280–282
froth formation, 283
frother properties of other agents, 284
possible mechanisms, 284–285
selection and characterization, 285
FrothSim, 304–305
Fully mixed recovery equation, derivation of, 485
Functional group, 269–270
Functional performance analysis, for ball milling circuits, 120
Fundamental controlled variables, 347–349
Fundamental sampling error, 42
Fuzzy-logic theory, 67


Galena, 7f, 10
Galigher Agitair machine, 330
Galvanic interaction, 295–296
Galvanox™ process, 296
Gamma flotation, 367
Gangue, 3–4
Gas dispersion parameters, 342–344
Gas holdup, 58
Gas superficial velocity, 342–343
Gates-Gaudin-Schuhmann (G-G-S) method, 96
Gearless drives, 162
Generalized least squares minimization method, 75–77
Geologic deposits
formation of, 3–4
Geometallurgical approach, 455
Geometallurgical domains, 456
Geometallurgical project, 455
Geometallurgical units, 318
Geometallurgy, 454–458
case study, 458
estimating uncertainty, 457
managing risk, 457–458
metallurgical testing, 456
mine block model, populating, 456–457
process models for plant design and forecasting, 457
variability sampling, 455–456
GEOSCAN-M, 54, 55f
Gold, 1, 1–2, 9–10
Grade, 9–10
of concentrate and recovery, 10–11
Grade-gradient plot, 481
Grade–recovery curve, 11
Grain size, liberation, and association, 459–460
Grate discharge, 156–157
Graticules, 103
Gravitational vessels, 247–249
Gravity bucket elevators, 33–34, 33f
Gravity concentration, 7, 223
air jigs, 241
centrifugal concentrators, 235–238
concentrators, 224–235
dry processing, 240–241
duplex concentrator, 235
jigs, 225–230
Mozley Laboratory Separator, 235
parallel circuits, 242
pneumatic tables, 240–241
principles, 223–224
shaking tables, 233–235
single-stage units and circuits, 241–242
sluices and cones, 238–239
spirals, 230–233
Gravity recoverable gold (GRG), 237–238
Gravity sedimentation, 417
Gravity separation, 8
Gravity slot sampler, 50f
Grease tabling, 254
Grinding, 5, 109, 117
Grinding circuits, 169–176
AG/SAG operations, 172, 172, 172, 172, 172, 174, 174, 175
classification, 171
closed-circuit, 169
control of, 173–176
multi-stage, 171–172
open-circuit, 169
over-grinding, 170
parallel, 172
selective, 171
two-stage, 171f
wet, 169
Grinding mills, 147
degree of liberation, 147–148
grinding circuits, 169–176
leaching, 147–148
motion of charge in tumbling mill, 148–150
tumbling, 148–164
Grinding path, 140
Grizzlies, 37
Gross errors, 81
Gyradisc® crusher, 133–134
Gyratory crusher, 127–128, 129
concaves, 128
construction, 128
mantle, 128
staves, 128
Gy’s equation, 42
uses to estimating minimum sample size, 44–45


Hallimond tube, 319–320, 319f
Hammer mill, 139–140
Hand sorting, 409, 409, 409
Hardinge Hadsel Mill, 159–160
Hardinge mill, 158
Harz jig, 227–228
Haultain infrasizer, 101
Heavy liquids, 246
laboratory tests, 254–257
Heavy medium separation (HMS), See Dense medium separation (DMS)
Hemi-micelles, 276
Heterocoagulation, 276
Heteropolar, 269–270
Heuristics, 67
HEXADUR® surface, 138
Hierarchical multilayer control system, 62, 63f
High Confidence Flotation Testing methodology, 322
High pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), 109, 137–139
High-Compression Roller Mill, 137
High-confidence flotation testing, 321–322
Higher level controlled variables, 349
High-gradient magnetic separators (HGMSs), 385, 394–395, 396–397
High-intensity magnetic separators, 7
High-intensity separators, 391–394
induced roll magnetic separators, 391, 391, 391
wet, 392
High-resolution X-ray microtomography (HRXMT), 460–461
High-tension roll (HTR) separator, 398, 401, 404–405, 405
Hindered settling, 201
Hindered-settling ratio, 201–202
Hum-mer screen, 191
Hutch water, 226
Hydraulic fracturing, 13
Hydrocyclone, 171, 173, 203–217
Arterburn technique, 216
cyclone efficiency, 205–210
cyclone overflow size distribution, 209–210
design and operation, 203–205
factors affecting performance, 212–214
mathematical models, 210–212
Mular–Jull Model, 216–217
multidensity feeds, 207–209
partition curve, 205–207
scale-up of, 215
versus screens, 210
sharpness of cut, 207
simulation packages, 217
sizing, 214–217
unusual partition curves, 209
vortex finder, 203
Hydrodynamics, 342, 344
Hydrofloat™ separator, 339–340
Hydrolysable, 292
Hydrophilicity, 7, 265, 267
Hydrophobicity, 7, 265, 267, 269
Hydrosulfide, 289


Ideal sampling model, 44
Igneous rocks, 1
IHC Radial Jigs, 228
IMHOFLOT G-Cell, 338
IMHOFLOT V-Cell, 337–338
Impact Benefit Agreements (IBAs), 25
Impact crushers, 139–141
Impact mills, 140
Impeller tip speed, 341–342
Imperial Smelting Process (ISP), 357
Induced roll magnetic (IRM) separators, 391, 391, 391
Induction time, 267
Industrial Designed Experiments (IDE), 452
Inferential control, 68
InLine Pressure Jig (IPJ), 228
Instrumentation layer, 62
Integral windup, 64
Interparticle comminution, 125, 133
Ion bombardment, 398–400
Ion flotation, 368
Iron ore, 363
Iso-electric point (IEP), 273–274
Isomorphism, 1


Jameson cell, 336–337, 337, 337f, 340–341
Jaw crushers, 124–127
arrested/free, 125
choked, 125
construction, 126–127
double-toggle Blake crushers, 125
gape, 125
interparticle comminution, 125
single-toggle, 126
Jigs, 225–230
circular/radial, 228
Denver mineral, 228
Harz, 227–228
InLine Pressure Jig, 228
jigging action, 225–226
types, 227–230
JK Drop-weight Test, 114


Kelsey Centrifugal Jig (KCJ), 235–236
Kick’s theory, 111–112
Knelson concentrator, 236
Knowledge acquisition phase, 67


LARCODEMS (Large Coal Dense Medium Separator), 250–251
Laser diffraction instruments, 104–105
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), 54, 54–55
Launders, 35
Leach-Precipitation-Flotation process, 9
Lead–zinc ores, 356–357
Liberation, 4, 5–7, 303–304
Liberation by detachment, 5
Liberation function, 303–304
Liberation-limited grade recovery, 460
Lime, 292, 292, 292
Liners, 153
cast iron/alloyed steel, 153, 153
cost, 153
magnetic metal, 153
rubber, 153
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 13
Live storage, 36
Locked cycle tests, 321
London-Van der Waals’ forces, 419
Low energy crushing work index, 113
Low-intensity magnetic separators, 7, 388–391
cobbing, 388
concurrent type, 389
counter-current, 389
counter-rotation type, 389
drum separators, 388, 389


Machine design, 449–452
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 450–451
discrete element method (DEM), 451
model validation by direct observation of particle behavior, 452
MacPherson test, 114
Magnetic field intensity, 384
Magnetic flowmeter, 57
Magnetic flux/magnetic induction, 384
Magnetic properties, measuring, 382–384
Magnetic separation, 8, 381
high-gradient, 394–395
high-intensity, 391–394
magnetism in minerals, 381–384
superconducting, 395–397
types, 388–397
Magnetic separator design, 385–387
magnetic field gradient, 385–386
magnetic field intensity, 386–387
material transport, in magnetic separators, 387
Magnetic separators
high-gradient, 394–395
high-intensity, 391–394
low-intensity, 388–391
superconducting, 395–397
Magnetic susceptibility, 384
Magnetism, equations of, 384–385
Magnetite, 7, 247
Magnetohydrostatics, 246
Mass balancing methods, 69–83
calculations, 83–86
computer programs, 82–83
error models, 79–81
estimability and redundancy analysis, 81–82
generalized least squares minimization, 75–77
mass balance models, 77–79
metallurgical balance statement, 83
node imbalance minimization, 73
n-product formula, 70–73
sensitivity analysis, 81
two-step least squares minimization, 74–75
Mass balancing technique, 45–46
Mass conservation equation, 70
Mass flowrate, 57–58
array-based flowmeters, 58
magnetic flowmeter, 57
slurry density, 58
ultrasonic flowmeters, 57
Mass pull, 349
Mass/solids recovery, 10
MAYA M-2010, 54–55
McGill Bubble Size Analyzer, 342
Measurement errors, 81
Mechanical cell scale-up parameters, 341–342
Mechanical flotation machines, 328–332
Mercaptans, 272
Mercury, 1
Metal distribution, 460
Metal ion speciation, 292–293
Metallic ore minerals, 463
Metallic ores, 4
Metallurgical accounting, 41
Metallurgical balance statement, 83
Metallurgical efficiency, 10
Metamorphosis, 1
Middlings, 5
Mill, 14
Mill construction, 151–154
combination drum-scoop feeders, 154
drive, 152–153
drum feeders, 154
ends, 151
liners, 153
shell, 151
spout feeders, 154, 154f
trunnions and bearings, 151–152
Mill tailings, 15
Milling, 4
Milling costs, 15
Mineral dressing, 4
Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA), 6–7
Mineral (ore) reserves, 4
Mineral processing, 4
advanced process control layer, 66–68
automatic control in, 60–69
control room, 69
hierarchical multilayer control system, 62, 63f
instrumentation layer, 62
optimization layer, 68–69
regulatory control layer, 62–65
Mineral processing systems, representation of, 9
Mineral resources, 4
Mineral Separability Indicator, 320
Mineral separation, 8
Mineralogy, applied, 458–461
grain size, liberation, and association, 459–460
high-resolution X-ray microtomography (HRXMT), 460–461
liberation-limited grade recovery, 460
metal distribution, 460
mineral variability, 459
Minerals, 1
abundance of, 1–2
classification, 267–269
and ores, 1
polar/nonpolar, 267
Mixed potential, 277–278
Modeling and characterization, 449
circuit design and optimization by computer simulation, 449
Design of Experiments, 452–454
geometallurgy, 454–458
machine design, 449–452
mineralogy, applied, 458–461
Mogensen screens, 189–191, 191f
Molybdenite, 294
Monolayer penetration, 284
Monte Carlo simulation approach, 81
Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS), 55
Moving inlet sampler, 50f
Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS), 237
Multiplicative error model, 81


Native ores, 3–4
Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines, 15
Near infra-red (NIR), 413
spectroscopic technique, 55
Net smelter return, 16–17
Newton’s law, 200
Nickel ores, 361–362
Nikkelverk refinery, 69f
Niobium ore, 363
Nitrogen, use of, 296–297
Node imbalance minimization method, 73
Nonconductors, 405
Nonmetallic ores, 4, 475
Non-probabilistic samplers, 48–52
Non-sulfide mineral systems, collector adsorption in, 273–276
Non-sulfide minerals, 271t
collectors for, 272
Normalized/reduced efficiency curve, 8
Norwalt washer, 248–249
n-product formula, 70–73
error propagation, 72
excess of data, 72
measurement errors, 72–73
process units, 72
sensitivity analysis, 71–72
Nucleonic density gauges, 59f, 224
Nugget effect, 43–44
Numerical models, 186–187


Oil, 1–2
Oil prices, 13
Oil sands, 365–366
Oil-assisted flotation, 269
Oil-assisted separation processes, 367
Oily bubble flotation, 269
One-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) experimental approach, 453
On-line analysis, 53–58
mass flowrate, 57–58
on-belt analysis, 54–55
on-line element analysis, 53–55
on-line particle size analysis, 56
on-stream analysis, 53–54
on-stream ash analysis, 55–56
on-stream mineral phase analysis, 55
weighing the ore, 56–57
On-stream analysis pulp sampling system, 52f
Open circuit potential, 277
Open-gradient magnetic separators (OGMSs), 385
Operating work index, 119–120
Optimization layer, 68–69
Ore beneficiation, 4
Ore dressing, 4
Ore handling, 29
feeding, 37–38
removal of harmful materials, 29–30
storage, 35–37
transportation, 31–35
OreKinetics, 400
Ores, 3–4
Organic efficiency, 263
Organic polymer depressants, 289–290
natural products, 289–290
synthetics, 290
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 12
Outokumpu Technology, 400
Outotec, 54, 331–332
Oxidized ores, 3–4


Paired t-tests, 47
PAR profiling, 310
Parallel inclined channels (PICs), 341
Paramagnetic materials, 381
Paramagnetism, 381
Particle size, 91
and shape, 91
sieve analysis, 92–98
sub-sieve techniques, 98–105
Particle size and liberation, role of, 301–306
entrainment, 304–306
true flotation, 301–304
Partition coefficient (partition number), 258
Partition curve, 8, 205–207, 209, 209, 210, 210f, 211, 258, 258–259
construction of, 259–263
Partition (Tromp) curve, 258
Peat, 1
Pebble mills, 156
Pendulum roller mills, 169
Performance/partition curve, 205–207
pH, 348
importance of, 291–293
pH regulators, 291–292
collector speciation, 293
metal ion speciation, 292–293
Phenomenological models, 186
Phosphate ore, 363–364
Phosphates, 289
Photoneutron separation, 413
Physisorption, 273
Phytomining, 4
Pilot plant testwork, 324–325
Pinched sluices and cones, 238
Pipe conveyors, 34, 34f
Platinum, 1
Platinum group metals (PGMs), 15–16
Platinum ores, 362
Plough, 33
Pneumatic tables, 240–241
Pneumatic-based devices, 241
Point of zero charge (PZC), 273–274
Polyacrylamides (PAM), 421
Polyelectrolytes, 421, 422
Polymorphism, 1
Poppet samplers, 50
Population balance models, 115–117
Porphyries, 352
Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT), 118, 452, 452
Potash, 4
Potassium amyl xanthate (PAX), 353, 357, 361
Potassium ethyl xanthate (PEX), 357
Potential determining ions, 273–274
Power draw, 150–151, 164
Power number, 341–342
Precipitate flotation, 368
Preparation and analysis variance, 44
Presenting data, 322–324
Pressure filters, 431
horizontal, 431–432
plate and frame, 431
vertical, 432
Pressure flotation, 368
Pressure pipe sampler, 50, 51f
Primary crushers, 123, 124–129
crusher capacity, 128–129, 129
gyratory crushers, 127–128, 129
jaw crushers, 124–127
Probabilistic samplers, 48
features of, 48f
Probable error of separation, 258–259
Process control objectives, 345–347
Process mineralogy, 6
Processing costs, 14–15
Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA), 54
PSM (particle size monitor) system, 105
Pu-238 isotope, 56
Pulp dilution, 305
Pulp level, 347
Pulp potential, 277–278, 294–297
collectorless flotation, 294–295
galvanic interaction, 295–296
nitrogen, use of, 296–297
Pyrite, 3–4, 7f
Pyrophoric behavior, 38
Pyrrhotite, 7


Quantitative automated mineralogy, 458–459
Quicksand, 202
Quiescent zone, 329


RADOS XRF sorting technology, 413–414
Raman spectroscopic technique, 55
Random errors, 79–81
Rare earth roll separators, 390
Rate constant, components of, 299–300
froth, 299–300
machine, 299
particles, 299
Ratio control, 65
Ratio of concentration, 10, 70
RCS (Reactor Cell System) machine, 332
Reactor–separator cell designs, modifications to apply to, 301
Reactor/separator flotation machines, 335–339
Reagent addition, 348
and conditioning, 350–351
Real-time optimization (RTO) layer, 68
Recovery, 10, 70
Recovery-by-size-by-liberation data, 303–304
Reduction ratios, 109, 123
Redundancy, 81–82
Reflux Classifier, 240
Reflux Flotation Cell (RFC), 340
Refractory, 8
Regulators, 267, 285–291
activators, 285–287
depressants, 287
dispersants, 290–291
organic polymer depressants, 289–290
small organic molecule depressants, 289
Regulatory control layer, 62–65
Reichert cone, 238–239
Relative density, 245
Relative permeability, 384
Residence time distribution (RTD), 46–47, 298
Response surface modeling (RSM), 453
Rest potential, 277
Retention time calculations, 59
Reverse flotation, 266
Rhodax® crusher, 134
Riffles, 233
Rio Tinto-Zinc (RTZ) Ore Sorters, 411, 412, 413
Roche Mining, 400
Rocks, 1
Rod and ball mills, 163
Rod mill work index, 113
Rod mills, 154–156
Roll crushers, 135–137
Roller mills, 168
Rosin–Rammler method, 96
Rotary breakers, 142
Rotary table splitter, 53f
Rougher concentrates, 317, 353
Rougher–cleaner–cleaner/scavenger circuit (R-C-CS), 313–314, 314, 314, 314, 314
Rougher–scavenger–cleaner circuit (R-S-C), 313–314, 314, 314
Rounding errors, 83
Run-of-mine ore, 29


Sampling, 41–52
basics, 41–44
equipment, 47–52
Gy’s equation, to estimating minimum sample size, 44–45
surveys, 45–47
Sampling errors, 81
Sampling increment, 42
Sampling unit, 42
Sandwich conveyor systems, 34, 34f
Saturation magnetization, 381–382
Sauter mean, 342
Screen performance, 181–183
cut point, 183
efficiency and circulating load, 182–183
efficiency formulae, 181–182
efficiency/partition curve, 183, 205, 209
factors affecting, 184–186
feed rate, 184–185
moisture, 186
near-mesh particles, 184
open area, 185
particle shape, 185
particle size, 184
same feed, 182
screen angle, 185
separation efficiency, 183
vibration, 185–186
Screen types, 187–197
banana/multi-shape, 189
Bradford Breaker, 193
circular, 194
dewatering, 188
flip-flow, 193
grizzly, 188
high frequency, 191
horizontal, low-head, linear, 188
inclined, 187–188
inclined flat screens, 194
linear, 194
modular, 189
Mogensen divergators, 192–193
Mogensen Sizers, 189–191
Pansep, 194
resonance, 188
roller, 193
Rotaspiral, 193
sieve bend, 194
static/static grizzlies, 192
trommels, 193
vibrating, 187–191
Screen vibrations
circular motion, 191–192
linear, 192
oval motion, 192
types, 187–191
Screening, 181
de-sliming/de-dusting, 181
dewatering, 181
grading, 181
mathematical models, 186–187
media recovery, 181
scalping, 181
sizing/classifying, 181
trash removal, 181
Screening stage, 453
Screening surfaces, 194–197
bolt-in, 195
modular, 196
modular wire, 197
self-cleaning, 196
tensioned, 195
tensioned rubber/polyurethane mats, 196–197
wedge wire panels, 197
woven-wire cloth, 195–196
Screw conveyors, 34–35
Scrubber, 30
Secondary crushers, 123, 129–137
cone, 130–133
impact, 139–141
rotary breakers, 142
Sedimentary rocks, 3
Sedimentation, 417–429
batch, 422
centrifugal sedimentation, 429
coagulation and flocculation, 419–422
gravity, 417–429
particle aggregation, 419–422
of particles, 417–418
Sedimentation classifiers, 217, 217–219
mechanical, 217–219
nonmechanical, 217
Segregation, 42–44
Selective flocculation, 9, 366–367
carrier flotation, 367
Self-heating, of sulfides, 38
Self-induced/collectorless flotation, 294
Self-similar distributions, 96
Sensor system of ash monitor, 56f
Sensor-based ore sorting (SBS), 409
example flowsheet and economic drivers, 414–415
historical development, 411–414
principles, 410–411
Separation, measures of, 9–12
Separation efficiency (SE), 11–12, 481–482
Set, 123
Settling cones, 200f, 217
SGI (SAG Grindability Index) test, 114
Shaking tables, 233–235
Sieve analysis, 92–98
application, 92
choice of sizes, 93–94
effectiveness, 92
presentation of results, 95–98
process, 92
techniques, 92
test sieves, 92–93
testing methods, 94–95
Silver, 1
Sink-and-float process, See Dense medium separation (DMS)
Skin-flotation, 368
SlamJet®, 334
Slime coating, 276
Slime tables, 234
Slimes, 30, 224
Slope, 481
Slurry density, 58
Slurry streams
calculations, 59–60
slurry density, 59–60
volumetric flowrate, 59
Slurry systems, 105–106
Small organic molecule depressants, 289
Small-scale tests, 319–320
Smelter contracts, 16–17
Smith predictor controller strategy, 65
Soft/virtual sensors, 68
Solid split, 70
Solids, linear sampler for, 48, 49f
Solids sampling system, 52f
Sorting, 7
Spectroscopic techniques, 55
Sphalerite, 3–4, 7f
SPI™ (SAG Power Index) test, 114
Spigot samplers, 48
Spirals, 230–233
single versus two stages of, 241–242
Spontaneous heating, 38
StackCell™, 340–341
Staged Flotation Reactor (SFR), 338
Standard Autogenous Grinding Design (SAGDesign) test, 114–115
Standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) scale, 277
Statistically Designed Experiments (SDE), 452
Stirred media detritor (SMD), 166–167
Stirred mills, 109–110, 164–168, 165–166
HIGMill®, 167
IsaMill®, 167
Levin Test, 165
media loading, 168
media selection, 167–168
Metso Jar Ball Mill Test, 165
operational points, 167–168
power draw, 164
signature plot technique, 165
sizing, 165
slurry percent solids, 168
Stirred Media Detritor (SMD®), 166–167
stress intensity, 164–165
TowerMill®/Vertimill®, 165–166
types, 165–167
VXPMill®, 167
Stockpiles, 36
Stokes’ law, 200, 200, 200
Sub-sample, 42
Sub-sieve techniques, 98–105
conversion factors, 98
elutriation techniques, 101–103
laser diffraction instruments, 104–105
microscopic/image analysis, 103–104
on-line particle size analysis, 105–107
sedimentation methods, 99–101
Stokes’ equivalent diameter, 98–99
Sulfide, 289
Sulfide mineral systems, collector adsorption in, 276–279
Sulfide minerals, 271t
collectors for, 272–273
self-heating of, 38–39
Sulfide ores, 3–4
Sulfidization process, 9
Sulfur dioxide, 288–289
Superconducting separators, 395–397
Suspensions, 246–247
Sustainability, 24–26
Systematic errors, 79–81


Table mills, 168–169
Tailings disposal, 439
acid rock drainage (ARD), 445–446
backfill, 442–443
centre-line method, 440–441
cyanide and ammonia management, 445
dams, 439–442
densified, 443–444
downstream method, 440, 440
environmental issues, 445–446
in-pit, 444
reprocessing and reuse of, 444–445
submarine, 444
upstream method, 439
Tailings reprocessing and recycling, 15–16
Tailings retreatment, 4
TBM moisture monitor, 54, 55f
Technical separation efficiency, 12, 481–482
Teeter chambers, 202
Terminal velocity, 199
Tertiary crushers, 129–130
Tescan Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA), 6–7
Tetrabromoethane (TBE), 246
Texture, 6–7
Theory of Sampling, 42
Thermo Gamma-Metrics AnStat in-stream analysis probe and sampler, 54, 55f
Thermo GammaMetrics PSM-400MPX on-line particle size analyzer, 105f
Thickener, 30, 417
bridge/beam, 423
cable, 423
caisson, 423–424
clarifier, 422
conventional, 422
high density, 422
lamella, 428–429
operation, 426
operation and control, 426
paste, 422
pumps, 424–426
raking mechanism, 423
size/function, 426
sizing, 426–428
traction, 423
tray, 428
Thionocarbamates, 273
Time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), 326, 326, 326–327, 327–328
Time-series analysis, 47
Tin processing, 17–20
Tin smelter contracts, 17t
TowerMill®, 165–166
Tracking constant, 64
Triboelectric charging, 401–403
Tri-Flo separator, 251–252
Tripper, 33
Tromp curve, 258f
Tromp (Partition) curve, 258
Troughing idlers, 31
Trunnions, 148, 151–152
overflow, 155
Tube press, 432
Tumbling mill, 148–164
autogenous, 159–162
cascading, 149
cataracting, 149, 149–150
centrifuging, 149
construction, 151–154
critical speed, 149, 149
gearless drives, 162
motion of charge, 148–150
motor selection for, 162
power draw, 150–151
sizing, 162–164
synchronous motor, 162
types, 154–162
wastefulness of, 147
wound-rotor motor, 162
Tuning, 63–64
Turbulent resistance, 199, 200
Two-step least squares minimization method, 74–75
Tyler H-series screen, 191


Ultrasonic extinction system (USE), 106
Ultrasonic flowmeters, 57
Uncertainty, estimating, 457
Universal crusher, 124–125
Urban ore, 16


Vacuum filters, 433
batch, 433
continuous, 433
horizontal belt, 435
hyperbaric, 435
leaf, 430–431
rotary-drum, 433–434
tray, 433
Vacuum flotation, 368
Variograms, 47
Vertical shaft impact (VSI) crushers, 141
Vertically pulsating high-gradient magnetic separator (VPHGMS), 385–386
Vertimill®, 165–166
Vezin style rotary samplers, 48
Vibratory mills, 168
Viscous resistance, 199
Volumetric flowrate, 59
Von Rittinger’s law, 111
Vorsyl separator, 250, 250f
Vortextractor, 250


Wash water, froth depth and, 306
Washability curves, 255
Water Flush technology, 133
Water-only cyclones, 250
Wear components, in gyratory and cone crushers, 133
Weight recovery, 10
Weightometer, 56, 65
Wemco cone separator, 247, 247f
Western Machinery Co. (WEMCO), 330
Wet crushing, 133
Wet high-intensity magnetic separators (WHIMS), 385–386, 386, 391, 392, 392–393, 393–394, 394–395
Work of adhesion, 266, 267


Xanthates, 272
X-ray diffraction (XRD), 55
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, 53
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 326, 327–328
X-ray sorter, 412, 412–413
X-ray transmission method, 55


Yield, 10


Zeta potential, 273
Zinc, 1–2, 12
Zinc sulfate, 288
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