
  • 12-month expected credit losses
  • absences
  • absorption (full) costing
  • AC see IFRS Advisory Council
  • accelerated depreciation
  • accounting bases
  • accounting consolidation
  • accounting estimates
    • changes in
    • comparability
    • consistency
    • definition of change in
    • definitions of terms
    • future developments
    • PPE disclosures
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • accounting mismatches
  • accounting models
  • accounting policies
    • amortisation method
    • applying changes
    • changes in
    • comparability
    • consistency
    • consolidated statements
    • definition of change in
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • financial instruments
    • financial statements
    • first-time adoption
    • future developments
    • IASconsistency under
    • impracticability exception
    • indirect effects of change
    • interim financial reporting
    • retrospective application
    • scope of standards
    • segment policies
    • selection
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • accounting profit or loss
  • Accounting Regulatory Committee (ARC)
  • Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF)
  • Accounting Standards Codification (ASC)
  • accounts payable
  • accounts receivable
  • accrual accounting basis
  • accrued benefit obligation
  • accrued benefit valuation methods
  • accrued liabilities
  • accrued pension cost
  • accrued post-retirement benefit obligation
  • accumulated depreciation
    • definition
    • intangible assets
    • PPE
  • acquirees
  • acquirers
  • acquisition date
  • acquisition method
    • acquisition-related costs
    • bargain purchases
    • boundaries of exchange transactions
    • business combinations
    • consideration transferred
    • contingent liabilities
    • definition
    • exceptions
    • exit activities
    • goodwill
    • measurement
    • new information
    • non-controlling interests
    • post-combination accounting
    • recognition
    • restructuring
  • acquisition-related costs
  • acquisitions
    • business combinations
    • definition
    • equity method
    • footnote disclosures
    • joint operations
    • residual values
    • reverse acquisitions
    • statement of cash flows
    • step acquisitions
    • subsidiaries
  • active markets
    • agriculture
    • definition
    • fair value
  • actuarial gains and losses
  • actuarial present value
  • actuarial valuation
  • additional comparative information
  • additional contributed capital
  • adjusted net asset method
  • adjusting events after reporting period
  • agency liabilities
  • agents
  • aggregated disclosures
  • aggregated exposure
  • aggregated items in statements
  • agriculture
    • activity
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • exclusions from IAS
    • identification
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • intangible assets
    • land
    • measurement
    • presentation
    • produce
    • recognition
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • AICPA see American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • alternative transition method
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • amortisation
    • amortisation period
    • definition
    • depreciation
    • interim periods
    • methods
    • revenue-based
    • revenue recognition
  • amortised cost
    • business models
    • cash flow characteristics
    • changes to contractual terms
    • definition
    • financial assets
    • financial instruments
    • financial liabilities
  • Anglo-Saxon reporting approach
  • annual costs
  • antidilution
  • ARC see Accounting Regulatory Committee
  • arm’s length transactions
  • artistic-related intangible assets
  • ASAF see Accounting Standards Advisory Forum
  • ASC see Accounting Standards Codification
  • ask price
  • asset ceiling
  • assets
    • acquirer plans to idle
    • alternative use
    • biological
    • business combinations
    • carried at fair value
    • contingent
    • contract
    • corporate
    • current
    • customer control of
    • deferred tax
    • definitions
    • depreciation
    • disposal
    • employers
    • exchanges of
    • extractive industries
    • fair value measurement
    • government grants
    • identifiable
    • IFRSsubject to
    • indemnification
    • insurance
    • leases
    • long-lived
    • monetary
    • net
    • non-depreciable
    • non-monetary
    • subject to operating leases
    • ownership transfers
    • plan assets
    • qualifying
    • research and development
    • returns at termination
    • revaluation
    • segment
    • self-constructed
    • similar productive
    • statement of financial position
    • tangible
    • transfers
    • with uncertain cash flows
    • see also financial assets; impairment of assets; intangible assets; non-current assets. . .
  • assets held for sale
  • assignment of lease to third party
  • associates
    • accounting for
    • acquiring in stages
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • equity method
    • examples of disclosures
    • first-time adoption
    • IASrequirements
    • identification
    • income taxes
    • increasing stake in
    • interests in
    • related party disclosures
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • attribution
  • authorisation date
  • awards
  • balance sheet see statement of financial position
  • bargain purchase option (BPO)
  • bargain purchases
    • acquisition method
    • business combinations
    • definition
    • gains from
  • bearer plants
  • benefits
  • bid price
  • bill-and-hold
  • binomial model
  • biological assets
  • biological transformation
  • Black–Scholes–Merton (BSM) model
  • bonuses
  • book value see carrying amounts
  • borrowing costs
    • capitalisation
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • first-time adoption
    • future developments
    • measurement
    • recognition
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • BP example
  • BPO see bargain purchase option
  • brands
  • breaches
  • brokered markets
  • brokers
  • BSM see Black–Scholes–Merton model
  • buildings
    • see also property...
  • business, definition
  • business combinations
    • acquisition method
    • background
    • bargain purchases
    • consideration transferred
    • consolidations
    • contingent payments
    • deferred tax
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • determining parts of transactions
    • disclosures
    • employee benefits
    • event accounted for as combination
    • examples of disclosures
    • exchange transactions
    • fair value
    • first-time adoption
    • footnote disclosures
    • future developments
    • gain from bargain purchase
    • goodwill
    • identifiable assets
    • income taxes
    • indemnification assets
    • intangible assets
    • leases
    • measurement
    • non-controlling interests
    • pension plans
    • post-combination accounting
    • qualifying as a business
    • recognition
    • replacement awards
    • step acquisitions
    • structuring techniques
    • tangible assets
    • tax benefit recoverability
    • temporary differences
    • US GAAP comparison
  • business models
  • business units
  • buyouts
  • by-products
  • C&F (cost and freight) contracts
  • call options
  • capital
    • additional contributed
    • concept of
    • conceptual framework
    • donated
    • see also share capital
  • capitalisation of borrowing costs
    • capitalised interest costs
    • costs in excess of recoverable amounts
    • how much to capitalise
    • when to start
    • when to stop
  • capitalisation method
  • capital maintenance
  • Capital Markets Advisory Committee (CMAC)
  • career-average-pay formula
  • carrying amounts
    • definitions
    • gross
    • PPE
  • cash basis of accounting
  • cash/cash equivalents
    • cash alternatives
    • components
    • contract settlement
    • current assets
    • definitions
    • derivatives settled for cash
    • reconciliations
    • share-based payments
  • cash dividends
  • cash flow hedges
  • cash flow per share
  • cash flows
    • DCF method
    • effective interest rate
    • expected flows
    • financial assets
    • future flows
    • government grants
    • hedged items
    • hedging disclosures
    • modification of contractual
    • operating activities
    • uncertain
    • see also statement of cash flows
  • cash-generating units
    • definitions
    • E&E assets
    • impairment of assets
    • impairment losses
    • non-current assets held for sale
  • cash-settled contracts
  • cash-settled derivatives
  • cash-settled share-based payments
    • definition
    • measurement
    • modifications to terms/conditions
    • with net settlement features
    • vesting/non-vesting conditions
    • withholding tax obligations
  • cash shortfall
  • cedant
  • chief operating decision makers (CODMs)
  • CIF (cost, insurance and freight) contracts
  • close members of family of individual
  • closing date
  • closing rate
  • CMAC see Capital Markets Advisory Committee
  • CMOs see collateralised mortgage obligations
  • CODMs see chief operating decision makers
  • collateral
  • collateralised mortgage obligations (CMOs)
  • collectability of consideration
  • combined contracts
  • commencement of lease term
  • commercial substance
  • commodity broker-traders
  • common costs
  • comparability
  • comparative financial statements
  • comparative information
    • additional
    • first-time adoption
    • Meikles Group case study
    • minimum
    • presentation of financial statements
    • related party disclosures
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • see also financial information; information
  • comparative interim financial statements
  • compensated absences
  • compensation
  • complex capital structure, EPS
  • compliance
  • component depreciation
  • component of entity
  • compound financial instruments
    • accounting by acquirer
    • accounting by issuer
    • classification
    • definition
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • financial instrument presentation
    • first-time adoption
    • income taxes
    • shareholders’ equity
    • see also financial instruments
  • comprehensive income
  • computer software costs
  • conceptual framework
    • 1989 framework
    • accounting model
    • general-purpose financial statements
    • purpose and status
    • qualitative characteristics of information
  • conceptual framework
    • for financial reporting
    • hierarchy of standards
    • IFRS Practice Statement Management Commentary
    • project
  • conceptual framework project
    • 2013 Discussion Paper
    • Exposure Draft
  • concessions
  • consideration
    • collectability of
    • payable to customer
    • transferred
    • variable
  • consignments
    • definition
    • examples
    • inventories
    • revenue recognition
    • sales
  • consistency
  • consolidated financial statements
    • accounting policy
    • cash flows
    • consolidation procedures
    • definitions of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • financial position
    • fund managers
    • hyperinflation
    • income taxes
    • indirect interest
    • investment entities
    • measurement
    • non-controlling interests
    • ownership changes
    • ownership interest
    • power
    • reporting dates
    • rights
    • scope of standards
    • subsidiaries
    • temporary differences
    • transition guidance
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • voting rights
  • consolidated reporting
  • consolidations
  • constant-growth DDM
  • constructive obligation
  • contingencies
  • contingent assets
  • contingent consideration
  • contingent issuance of ordinary shares
  • contingent lease arrangements
  • contingent liabilities
    • acquisition method
    • definitions
    • disclosure under IAS
    • financial guarantee contracts
    • future developments
    • likelihood of events
    • litigation
    • remote contingent losses
    • see also liabilities
  • contingent payments
  • contingent rentals
  • contingent settlement provisions
  • contingent share agreement
  • contract assets
    • definition
    • impairment of financial instruments
    • intangible assets
  • contract liability
  • contracts
    • amortisation
    • changes to terms
    • combined
    • costs
    • definition
    • derivatives
    • favourable
    • financial guarantees
    • financing components
    • fulfilment costs
    • hybrid
    • identification
    • impairment
    • incremental costs
    • insurance
    • modifications
    • non-financial items
    • onerous
    • performance obligations
    • revenue model
    • settled in cash
    • unfavourable
    • variable consideration
    • see also insurance contracts
  • contributions
  • control
    • consolidated statements
    • definitions of
    • of an investee
  • conversion, definition
  • conversion costs
  • convertible instruments
  • co-operative entities
  • copyrights
  • corporate assets
  • corporations
  • correction of errors
  • cost approaches
  • cost of goods sold
  • cost method
  • cost model
    • extractive industries
    • intangible assets
    • investment property
  • costs/costing
    • acquisition-related costs
    • annual costs incurred unevenly
    • C&F/CIF contracts
    • common costs
    • computer software
    • contracts
    • conversion costs
    • deemed costs
    • definitions
    • development costs
    • direct costing
    • disposal costs
    • dry-docking costs
    • employee benefits
    • executory costs
    • fair value less costs to sell
    • government grants
    • IASrecognition criteria
    • incremental costs
    • initial direct costs
    • intangible assets
    • inventories
    • past service costs
    • post-employment benefit plans
    • prepaid pension costs
    • replacement costs
    • service costs
    • standard costs
    • stripping costs
    • subsequent to purchase/self-construction
    • transaction costs
    • transport costs
    • website development
    • see also amortised costs; borrowing costs; decommissioning costs
  • costs to sell
  • coterminous year-end dates
  • creator of SPE
  • credit adjustment effective interest rate
  • credit enhancements
  • credit-impaired financial assets
  • credit losses
  • credit risk
    • collateral
    • credit-impaired financial assets
    • definition
    • disclosures
    • effects of changes in
    • expected credit losses
    • exposure
    • financial liabilities
    • hedge effectiveness
    • impairment of financial instruments
    • insurance contracts
    • liquidity risk disclosures
    • low at reporting date
    • management practices
    • quantitative/qualitative information
    • responsiveness to changes in
    • significant increases in
  • credits, tax
  • cumulative preference dividends
  • cumulative preferred shares
  • cumulative translation differences
  • currency see foreign currency
  • currency risk
  • current assets
  • current cost reporting
  • current liabilities
    • amount and payee known
    • classification
    • definition
    • long-term debt
    • measurement
    • nature of
    • offsetting
    • payee known
    • payee unknown
    • provisions
    • recognition
    • short-term obligations
    • statement of financial position
    • types of
  • current service cost
  • current tax
  • current use, example
  • curtailment of benefit plan
  • customers
    • acceptance
    • asset control
    • assets transferred from
    • consideration payable to
    • intangible assets
    • major customers
    • operating segments
    • simultaneous receipt/consumption of benefits
    • unexercised rights
  • cyclic revenues
  • DaimlerChrysler case study
  • date of transition to IFRS
  • DCF see discounted cash flow method
  • DDM see dividend discount model
  • dealer markets
  • decision makers
    • chief operating
    • consolidated statements
    • definition
  • decommissioning costs
    • changes in
    • definition
    • examples
    • initial measurement
    • PPE
    • provisions
  • decommissioning liabilities
  • decommissioning provisions
  • deductible differences
  • deemed cost
  • defaults
  • deferred stripping
  • deferred taxes
    • assets
    • benefit becoming recoverable
    • business combinations
    • definition
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • exemptions
    • fair value adjustments
    • hyperinflation
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • intercompany transactions
    • liabilities
    • limitation on asset recognition
    • measurement
    • offsetting differences
    • planning to realise assets
    • recognition
    • revaluation
    • tax law changes
    • temporary differences
    • unused tax losses/credits
  • defined benefit plans
  • defined contribution plans
  • deposit component
  • depreciable amount
  • depreciable assets
  • depreciation
    • accumulated
    • component depreciation
    • definitions
    • intangible assets
    • interim periods
    • leases
    • methods
    • partial-year
    • PPE
    • replacement costs
    • residual value
    • revaluation
    • tax methods
    • units of production method
  • derecognition
    • conceptual framework
    • definition
    • financial assets
    • financial instruments
    • financial liabilities
    • first-time adoption
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • intangible assets
    • investment property
    • PPE
    • transfers of assets
  • derivatives
    • definition
    • embedded
    • forwards
    • loans qualifying as
    • not based on financial instruments
    • options
    • settled for cash
    • swaps
    • transactions involving
  • development
    • activities
    • costs
    • definition
    • intangible assets
    • phase
    • websites
  • dilution
    • convertible instruments
    • EPS
    • losses
    • options
    • sequencing of effects
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • warrants
  • direct (variable) costing
  • direct financing leases
  • direct insurance contracts
  • direct method
  • disclosures
    • accounting policies
    • agriculture
    • alternative transition method
    • associates
    • borrowing costs
    • BP example
    • business combinations
    • conceptual framework
    • consolidated statements
    • contingent liabilities
    • credit risk
    • deferred taxes
    • discontinued operations
    • earnings per share
    • employee benefits
    • errors
    • events after reporting period
    • extractive industries
    • fair value
    • financial instruments
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • goodwill
    • government grants
    • hedge accounting
    • hyperinflation
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • impairment of assets
    • income taxes
    • insurance contracts
    • intangible assets
    • interim financial reporting
    • inventories
    • investment property
    • joint arrangements
    • leases
    • non-current assets held for sale
    • operating segments
    • overlay approach
    • post-employment benefit plans
    • PPE
    • presentation of financial statements
    • provisions
    • related parties
    • reporting period, events after
    • retirement benefit plans
    • revenue recognition
    • separate financial statements
    • share-based payments
    • share capital
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of cash flows
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
  • discontinuation
    • definitions
    • disclosures
    • equity method
    • examples of disclosures
    • hedge accounting
    • operating segments
    • operations
    • PPE
    • presentation
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • discounted cash flow method (DCF)
  • discounts/discounting
    • discount rates
    • impairment of assets
    • non-controlling discounts
    • performance obligations
    • provisions
    • revenue model
    • trade discounts
    • volume discounts
  • discretionary participation
  • Discussion Papers
  • disposals
    • costs
    • derecognition
    • disposal groups
    • foreign operations
    • investment property
    • non-current assets held for sale
    • PPE
    • provisions
    • subsidiaries
  • distinct goods or services
  • dividend discount model (DDM)
  • dividends
    • cash dividends
    • current liabilities
    • definition
    • events after reporting period
    • financial instruments
    • income tax
    • liquidating dividends
    • share capital
    • shareholders’ equity
  • donated capital
  • DPOC see Due Process Oversight Committee
  • dry-docking costs
  • Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC)
  • E&E see exploration and evaluation
  • early adoption of IFRS
  • earnings
    • from investments
    • retained
  • earnings per share (EPS)
    • complex capital structure
    • concepts/rules/examples
    • contingent issuances of ordinary shares
    • contracts settled in shares/cash
    • definitions of terms
    • dilution
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • interim financial reporting
    • presentation
    • scope of standards
    • simple capital structure
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • EC see European Commission
  • economic benefits
  • economic life of leased property
  • education material supporting IFRS
  • effective interest method
  • effective interest rate
  • EFRAG see European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
  • elections by corporations
  • electronic equipment
  • embedded derivatives
    • definition
    • financial instruments
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • insurance contracts
  • employee benefits
    • acquisition method
    • background
    • basic principles of IAS
    • business combinations
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • employer liabilities/assets
    • examples of disclosures
    • funding practices
    • importance of accounting
    • liabilities
    • measurement
    • minimum funding requirement
    • need for accounting rules
    • objectives of cost accounting
    • other long-term benefits
    • other post-retirement benefits
    • plan types
    • short-term
    • termination benefits
    • US GAAP comparison
    • see also pensions; post-employment benefit plans; retirement benefit plans
  • employees
    • contingent payments
    • contributing to pension plans
    • share-based payments
    • share options
    • see also employee benefits
  • employer liabilities/assets
  • Employment Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA)
  • entry price, definition
  • environmental damage
  • EPS see earnings per share
  • equipment
  • equity
  • equity instrument granted
  • equity instruments
    • definitions
    • fair value measurement
    • financial assets
    • held by third parties
    • marketable
    • not held by third parties
    • restrictions preventing transfers
    • settled in entity’s own
    • unquoted
  • equity interests
  • equity method
    • accounting at acquisition
    • acquiring associate in stages
    • application
    • basic principles
    • complex example
    • definition
    • dilution losses
    • discontinuance
    • impairment of investment value
    • increasing stake in associate
    • intercompany transactions
    • non-monetary assets
    • ownership interest
    • scope of standards
    • simple example
  • equity price risk
  • equity-settled share-based payments
    • cancellations
    • definitions
    • employees
    • fair value measurement
    • goods and services
    • market performance conditions
    • modifications
    • non-market performance conditions
    • service conditions
    • settlements
    • see also share-based payments
  • ERISA see Employment Retirement and Income Security Act
  • errors
    • comparability
    • consistency
    • correction
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples
    • future developments
    • impracticability exception
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • estimates
  • EU see European Union
  • Europe
  • European Commission (EC)
  • European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
  • European Union (EU)
    • IASB and Europe
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • presentation of financial statements
    • WE&EE
  • evaluation, see also exploration and evaluation
  • events after reporting period
    • adjusting/non-adjusting events
    • authorisation date
    • definition
    • disclosures
    • dividends proposed/declared
    • examples of disclosures
    • going concerns
  • exchange differences
  • exchange markets
  • exchange rates
  • exchanges
    • business combinations
    • definition
    • foreign exchange
    • non-monetary
    • PPE assets
    • see also transaction...
  • executory costs
  • exit activities/strategies
  • exit price, definition
  • expected cash flows
  • expected credit losses
    • amounts arising from
    • definition
    • financial instruments
    • lifetime
    • twelve-month
  • expected post-retirement benefit obligation
  • expected return on plan assets
  • expected value
  • expenditures
  • expenses
    • definition
    • general corporate
    • offsetting items
    • prepaid
    • segment
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • temporary differences
    • see also prepaid expenses
  • experience adjustments
  • explicit and unreserved statements of compliance
  • exploration and evaluation (E&E)
    • assets
    • expenditures
    • extractive industries
    • mineral resources
  • Exposure Drafts
  • extensions of leases
  • extinguishment of debt
  • Extractive Activities Discussion Paper
  • extractive industries
    • assets subject to IFRS
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • Discussion Paper
    • E&E
    • examples of disclosures
    • future developments
    • mineral resources
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • extraordinary items
  • fairness exception
  • fair presentation of financial statements
  • fair valuation gains and losses
  • fair value
    • agriculture
    • assets carried at
    • business combinations
    • debate over measurement
    • decrease in
    • deferred tax
    • definitions of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • education material
    • financial instruments
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • future developments
    • hedges
    • hierarchy
    • increase in
    • initial recognition
    • insurance contracts
    • leased assets
    • measurement
    • Meikles Group case study
    • revaluation
    • scope of standards
    • share-based payments
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • fair value hierarchy
    • Level
    • Level
    • Level
  • fair value of leased property (FMV)
  • fair value less costs to sell
  • fair value measurement
    • equity instruments
    • equity-settled share-based payments
    • fair value for net exposures
    • financial instruments
    • financial liabilities
    • first-time adoption
    • inability to measure reliably
    • inputs
    • investment entities
    • investment property
    • item identification
    • liabilities held/not held by third parties
    • market participants
    • measurement considerations
    • most advantageous market
    • principal market
    • principles/methodologies
    • risk assumptions when measuring liabilities
    • shareholders’ equity
    • significant decrease in activity level
    • third parties
    • transfer restrictions
    • typology of markets
    • valuation
  • fair value model
  • fair value through OCI (FVTOCI)
    • business models
    • effective interest method
    • fair valuation gains/losses
    • financial assets
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • hedge accounting
    • IFRSrequirements
    • impairment of financial instruments
    • transaction costs
    • unquoted equity instruments
  • fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
    • business models
    • derivatives not settled for cash
    • embedded derivatives
    • financial assets
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • financial liabilities
    • foreign exchange
    • hedge accounting
    • IFRSrequirements
    • IFRSvs IAS
    • loan commitments
  • “farm gate” prices
  • FAS see free alongside
  • FASB see Financial Accounting Standards Board
  • favourable contracts
  • fees
  • FIFO see first-in, first-out
  • final-pay plan
  • finance leases
    • accounting for
    • definition
    • direct financing leases
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • lessee disclosures
    • lessor disclosures
    • leveraged leases
    • sales-type leases
    • types
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
    • conceptual framework
    • fair value measurement
    • FASB Framework
    • IASB and financial reporting
    • leases
    • revenue recognition
    • statement of financial position
  • financial aid
  • financial assets
    • accounting mismatches
    • amortised cost
    • business models
    • cash flows
    • changes to contractual terms
    • classification
    • credit-impaired
    • definition
    • derecognition
    • equity instruments
    • evaluating performance
    • fair value measurement
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • financial instrument presentation
    • first-time adoption
    • FVTOCI
    • FVTPL
    • government grants
    • gross carrying amount
    • held for trading
    • impairment
    • insurance contracts
    • loss allowances
    • managing performance
    • modified
    • monetary
    • offsetting
    • purchased or originated credit-impaired
    • reclassification
    • regular way purchase/sale
    • securitisation
    • subsequent measurement
    • transfers
  • financial guarantee contracts
  • financial information
  • financial institutions
  • financial instruments
    • accounting policies
    • amortised cost
    • classes of
    • classification
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • derecognition
    • designation of previously recognised
    • disclosures
    • embedded derivatives
    • evaluating performance
    • examples of disclosures
    • fair valuation gains/losses
    • financial assets
    • financial liabilities
    • first-time adoption
    • hedge accounting
    • IASvs IFRS
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • levels of disclosure
    • managing performance
    • measurement
    • objectives of standards
    • offsetting
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • risks
    • scope of standards
    • see also compound financial instruments; impairment of financial instruments
  • financial liabilities
    • accounting mismatches
    • amortised cost
    • classification
    • definition
    • with demand features
    • derecognition
    • designated as at FVTPL
    • fair value measurement
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • financial instrument presentation
    • first-time adoption
    • FVTPL
    • held for trading
    • IFRS
    • liquidity risk
    • monetary
    • offsetting
    • reclassification
    • subsequent measurement
  • financially feasible, definition
  • financial position
  • financial reporting
  • financial risk
  • financial statements
  • financing activities
  • financing components
  • finished goods
  • firm commitments
  • first IFRS financial statements
  • first IFRS reporting period
  • first-in, first-out (FIFO)
    • accounting changes
    • definition
    • inventories
  • first-time adopter of IFRS
  • first-time adoption
    • accounting policies
    • comparative information
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • explanation of transition
    • guidance
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • interim reporting
    • key dates
    • mandatory exceptions to IFRS
    • Meikles Group case study
    • objective of IFRS
    • opening statement of financial position
    • optional exemptions
    • options with/within standards
    • presentation
    • reconciliations
    • scope of IFRS
    • steps in transition
    • transition from US GAAP
  • FMV see fair value of leased property
  • FOB see free on board
  • footnote disclosures
  • forecast transactions
  • foreign currency
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • discussion of definitions
    • examples of disclosures
    • fair value
    • financial statements
    • functional currency
    • gains and losses
    • goodwill
    • hedging
    • intragroup balances
    • monetary items
    • non-controlling interests
    • non-monetary items
    • objectives
    • presentation currency
    • reporting dates
    • scope of standards
    • special situations
    • statement of cash flows
    • transactions
    • US GAAP comparison
    • see also foreign operations; translation
  • foreign currency risk see currency risk
  • foreign entities
  • foreign operations
    • consolidations
    • definition
    • disposal of
    • hedging net investments
    • inventory reporting
    • net investments
    • translation differences
    • see also foreign currency
  • forgivable loans
  • forwards
  • free alongside (FAS)
  • free on board (FOB)
  • freight
  • fulfilment costs
  • full (absorption) costing
  • functional currency
  • funding
  • fund managers
  • funds, definition
  • future investment margins
  • future operating losses
  • futures
  • FVTOCI see fair value through OCI
  • FVTPL see fair value through profit or loss
  • GAAP see Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
  • gains
    • actuarial
    • bargain purchases
    • controlling interest disposal
    • employee benefits
    • error correction
    • fair valuation
    • financial instruments
    • foreign exchange
    • impairment
    • modification
    • realised
    • sale of biological assets
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • see also profit or loss
  • general borrowings
  • general corporate expenses
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP)
  • general-purpose financial reporting
  • general-purpose financial statements
  • geographical information
  • Global Preparers Forum (GPF)
  • going concerns
  • goods
    • customer options
    • distinct
    • equity-settled share-based payments
    • revenue recognition
    • in transit
    • see also inventories
  • goodwill
    • acquisition method
    • business combinations
    • consolidated statements
    • deferred tax exemptions
    • definitions
    • examples of disclosures
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • impairment
    • intangible assets
    • internally generated
  • government
    • accounting
    • assistance
    • below market rate loans
    • definitions
    • related party disclosures
  • government grants
    • agriculture
    • related to assets
    • below-market loans
    • cash flows
    • comprehensive income
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • depreciable assets
    • disclosures
    • financial aid
    • government assistance
    • impairment of assets
    • related to income
    • income taxes
    • intangible assets
    • interim financial reporting
    • non-depreciable assets
    • non-monetary grants
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • repayments
    • scope of standards
    • service concessions
    • specific costs
    • US GAAP comparison
  • GPF see Global Preparers Forum
  • grant date
  • gross carrying amounts
  • “grossing up” method
  • gross investment in lease
  • gross reporting
  • groups
    • biological assets
    • definitions
    • hedge accounting
    • share-based payments
  • guarantee contracts, financial
  • guaranteed benefits
  • guaranteed elements
  • guaranteed residual value
  • harvest, definition
  • hedge accounting
    • cash flow hedges
    • changes to hedge ratio
    • components of nominal amount
    • designation of instruments
    • disclosures
    • discontinuation
    • fair value hedges
    • financial items
    • financial position/performance
    • first-time adoption
    • forward element of forwards
    • groups of items
    • hedging relationships
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • net investments in foreign operations
    • objectives
    • qualifying criteria
    • scope of standards
    • time value of options
    • transition
    • see also derivatives
  • hedged items
  • hedge effectiveness
  • hedge ratio
  • hedging
    • definition
    • foreign currency
    • instrument definition
    • relationships
  • held-for-sale classification
  • held for trading, definition
  • hierarchy of fair value
  • hierarchy of GAAP
  • highest and best use
  • highly probable, definition
  • historical cost accounting
  • historical cost reporting
  • hybrid contracts
  • hyperinflation
    • comparative financial statements
    • consolidated statements
    • disclosures
    • first-time adoption
    • hyperinflationary economies
    • monetary vs non-monetary items
    • restatements
    • severe according to IFRS
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • see also inflation
  • hyperinflationary economies
    • ceasing to be hyperinflationary
    • financial reporting
    • hyperinflation under IFRS
    • interim financial reporting
  • IASB see International Accounting Standards Board
  • IASC see International Accounting Standards Committee
  • ICAEW see Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
  • identifiable assets
    • acquisition method
    • business combinations
    • definitions
  • identifiable intangibles
  • IFAC see International Federation of Accountants
  • if-converted method
  • IFRIC see IFRS Interpretations Committee
  • IFRS Advisory Council (AC)
  • IFRS Foundation
  • IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC/IFRSIC)
    • current standards
    • leasing guidance
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
    • IFRIC
  • IFRS Practice Statement Management Commentary
    • elements of
    • nature and scope
    • presentation
    • principles
    • qualitative characteristics
  • IFRSs see International Financial Reporting Standards
  • IFRS for SMEs
    • application
    • as a complete standard
    • definition of SMEs
    • disclosures
    • implications of
    • maintenance
    • measurement
    • modifications of full IFRS
    • omitted topics
    • recognition
    • simpler options
    • SMEIG
  • impairment
    • accounting estimates
    • contracts
    • equity method
    • financial assets
    • gains
    • goodwill
    • intangible assets
  • impairment of assets
    • accounting for
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • government grants
    • IASrequirements
    • identifying impairments
    • insurance
    • interim periods
    • leases
    • recovery
    • reversals of impairments
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • impairment of financial instruments
    • applying probabilities
    • contract assets
    • credit losses
    • credit risk
    • general approach
    • impact of collateral
    • lease receivables
    • modified financial assets
    • purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets
    • reasonable and supportable information
    • trade receivables
  • impairment losses
    • definitions
    • intangible assets
  • impairment tests/testing
  • impracticability
  • impracticability exception
  • impracticable, definitions
  • Improvements Project
  • inception of lease
  • income
  • income taxes
    • acquisition method
    • assets carried at fair value
    • associates
    • business combinations
    • changed circumstances
    • compound financial instruments
    • current tax
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • dividends
    • examples of disclosures
    • government grants
    • IASamendments
    • identification
    • interim financial reporting
    • joint ventures
    • presentation
    • scope of standards
    • share-based payments
    • specific transactions
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • subsidiaries
    • tax rates
    • tax status changes
    • temporary differences
    • uncertain tax treatments
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • see also deferred tax
  • incremental borrowing rate
  • incremental costs
  • indemnification assets
  • indirect interest
  • indirect (reconciliation) method
  • industrial revolution
  • inflation
  • information
  • initial direct costs
  • initial measurement
    • decommissioning costs
    • financial instruments
    • investment property
    • PPE
    • transaction costs
    • see also measurement
  • initial recognition
    • buying/selling non-financial items
    • deferred tax exemptions
    • fair value
    • financial instruments
    • first-time adoption
    • impairment of financial instruments
    • intangible assets
    • measurement subsequent to
    • non-financial items
    • PPE
    • see also recognition
  • inputs
    • bid and ask prices
    • definitions
    • fair value
    • hierarchy of fair value diagram
    • input methods
    • Levels-
    • valuation techniques
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
  • insurance
    • assets
    • liabilities
    • recovery
    • risk
  • insurance contracts
    • accounting principles
    • definition of
    • definition of terms
    • disclosures
    • exemption from IFRS
    • first-time adoption
    • future developments
    • IFRSwith IFRS
    • interaction with other standards
    • measurement
    • overlay approach
    • recognition
    • transitional provisions
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • insured events
  • insurers
  • intangible assets
    • agriculture
    • amortisation period
    • artistic-related
    • asset exchanges
    • at little or no cost
    • business combinations
    • classes of
    • computer software costs
    • contract-based
    • control of assets
    • costs
    • criteria for recognition
    • customer-related
    • definitions of
    • definitions of terms
    • derecognition
    • development
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • extractive industries
    • future economic benefits
    • goodwill
    • government grants
    • identifiability requirements
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • internally generated
    • marketing-related
    • measurement
    • nature of
    • PPE
    • recognition
    • revaluation
    • scope of standards
    • technology-based
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • intellectual property
  • intercompany profit
  • intercompany transactions
  • interest
    • accrued benefit obligation
    • in another entity
    • financial instruments
  • interest rate risk
  • interest rate swaps
  • interest rates
  • interim data adjustments
  • interim financial reporting
    • accounting policies
    • alternative concepts
    • consolidated reporting
    • content of reports
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • discrete view of
    • financial statements
    • first-time adoption
    • hyperinflationary economies
    • integral view of
    • interim data adjustments
    • objectives
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • reports
    • scope of standards
    • translation adjustments
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • interim financial statements
    • comparative statements
    • form and content
    • materiality
    • significant transactions
  • interim periods
    • amortisation
    • definition
    • depreciation
    • impairment of assets
    • restatements
    • tax rates/status
    • use of estimates
  • internally generated intangible assets
    • computer software costs
    • goodwill
    • other than goodwill
  • International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
    • binomial model
    • conceptual framework
    • Discussion Papers
    • entity right to payment
    • Europe
    • Exposure Drafts
    • financial reporting in US
    • IFRIC
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • revenue recognition
  • International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)
  • International Accounting Standards (IASs)
    • current standards
    • IAS
      • accounting changes
      • agriculture
      • current liabilities
      • first-time adoption
      • hedge accounting
      • income taxes
      • intangible assets
      • interim financial reporting
      • presentation of financial statements
      • related party disclosures
      • shareholders’ equity
      • statement of changes in equity
      • statement of financial position
      • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • IAS
      • agriculture
      • extractive industries
      • first-time adoption
      • foreign currency
      • inventories
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • accounting changes
      • extractive industries
      • first-time adoption
      • income taxes
      • insurance contracts
      • inventories
      • presentation of financial statements
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • business combinations
      • first-time adoption
      • hyperinflation
      • income taxes
      • interim financial reporting
    • IAS
      • agriculture
      • extractive industries
      • first-time adoption
      • hyperinflation
      • intangible assets
      • investment property
      • PPE
    • IAS
      • first-time adoption
      • impairment of financial instruments
      • intangible assets
      • investment property
      • leases
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • consolidated statements
      • employee benefits
      • first-time adoption
    • IAS
      • agriculture
      • changes in tax rates/status
      • first-time adoption
      • government grants
      • interim financial reporting
    • IAS
      • first-time adoption
      • foreign currency
      • hedge accounting
      • hyperinflation
      • interim financial reporting
    • IAS
      • borrowing costs
      • first-time adoption
      • hyperinflation
      • IFRS for SMEs
      • inventories
      • PPE
    • IAS
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • business combinations
      • consolidated statements
      • first-time adoption
      • separate financial statements
      • transition guidance
    • IAS
      • associates
      • consolidated statements
      • first-time adoption
      • related party disclosures
      • separate financial statements
    • IAS
      • depreciation adjustments
      • foreign currency
      • hyperinflation
      • interim financial reporting
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • compound financial instruments
      • financial instruments
      • IASB and Europe
      • insurance contracts
    • IAS
    • IAS
      • business combinations
      • changes in tax rates/status
      • first-time adoption
      • interim financial reporting
    • IAS
      • associates
      • business combinations
      • extractive industries
      • first-time adoption
      • foreign currency
      • government grants
      • impairment of assets
      • intangible assets
      • interim financial reporting
      • PPE
    • IAS
      • contingent liabilities
      • current liabilities
      • first-time adoption
      • insurance contracts
      • interim financial reporting
      • PPE
      • provisions
      • warranties
    • IAS
      • accounting policies
      • agriculture
      • extractive industries
      • first-time adoption
      • IFRS for SMEs
      • intangible assets
    • IAS
      • financial instruments
      • hedge accounting
      • IASB and Europe
      • IFRSrequirements
      • IFRS for SMEs
      • impairment of financial instruments
      • insurance contracts
    • IAS
      • agriculture
      • first-time adoption
      • IFRS for SMEs
      • investment property
    • IAS
  • International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
    • current standards
    • current structure
    • definitions of
    • disclosures required on initial application
    • early history
    • introduction to
    • projects recently completed
    • standard-setting process
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
      • first-time adoption
      • share-based payments
      • shareholders’ equity
    • IFRS
      • business combinations
      • consolidated statements
      • embedded derivatives
      • equity method
      • financial instruments
      • first-time adoption
      • intangible assets
      • investment property
      • joint arrangements
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
      • agriculture
      • consolidated statements
      • first-time adoption
      • non-current assets held for sale
      • separate financial statements
      • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
      • financial instruments
      • financial liabilities
      • interim financial reporting
    • IFRS
      • extractive industries
      • impairment of assets
      • operating segments
    • IFRS
      • agriculture
      • associates
      • business combinations
      • cash flow modification
      • compound financial instruments
      • effective dates
      • effective interest method
      • embedded derivatives
      • fair value
      • financial instruments
      • financial liabilities
      • first-time adoption
      • foreign currency
      • hedge accounting
      • IASB and Europe
      • impairment of financial instruments
      • initial measurement/recognition
      • insurance contracts
      • interim financial reporting
      • introduction to
      • revenue recognition
      • separate financial statements
      • temporary exemption from
      • transition requirements
    • IFRS
      • consolidated statements
      • first-time adoption
      • hedge accounting
      • related party disclosures
      • separate financial statements
      • transition guidance
      • US GAAP comparisons
    • IFRS
      • embedded derivatives
      • first-time adoption
      • joint arrangements
      • related party disclosures
      • separate financial statements
      • transition guidance
      • US GAAP comparisons
    • IFRS
      • associates
      • consolidated statements
      • insurance contracts
      • interim financial reporting
      • main objective
      • related party disclosures
      • transition guidance
      • US GAAP comparisons
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
      • fees
      • financial instruments
      • financial liabilities
      • impairment of financial instruments
      • insurance contracts
      • inventories
      • PPE
      • revenue recognition
      • statement of changes in equity
      • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • IFRS
    • IFRS
  • International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
  • intersegment sales
  • intragroup balances
  • intrasegment sales
  • intrinsic value
  • inventories
    • accounting for
    • accounting policies
    • consignments
    • costs/costing
    • current assets
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • foreign operations
    • IFRS costing vs tax requirements
    • interim financial reporting
    • investment property
    • measurement
    • ownership of goods
    • recognition
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • valuation
  • investees
  • investing activities
  • investment entities
    • business purpose
    • change in status
    • consolidated statements
    • definitions
    • disclosures
    • earnings from investments
    • exit strategies
    • fair value measurement
    • investment management services
    • investors
    • more than one investment
    • separate financial statements
    • transition guidance
  • investment management services
  • investment property
    • apportioning property
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • disposal of
    • examples of disclosures
    • examples of
    • identification
    • IFRSand IAS
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • leases
    • measurement
    • owner-occupied
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • retirement of
    • transfers to/from
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • investments
  • investors
  • IOSCO see International Organization of Securities Commissions
  • joint arrangements
    • assessment questions
    • classification examples
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • identification
    • interests in
    • joint operations
    • parties to
    • scope of standards
    • types of
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • see also joint ventures
  • joint control
  • joint operations
    • accounting for
    • acquisitions
    • basic principles
    • definition
    • transition guidance
  • joint operators
  • joint products
  • joint venturer
  • joint ventures
    • accounting for
    • definition
    • equity method
    • income taxes
    • related party disclosures
    • transition guidance
  • key management personnel
  • land
    • agricultural
    • land and buildings leases
    • land only leases
  • last-in, first-out (LIFO)
  • LBOs see leveraged buyouts
  • leasehold improvements
  • lease receivables
  • leases
    • accounting for
    • buildings
    • business combinations
    • classification
    • commencement of term
    • contingent arrangements
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definition
    • definitions of terms
    • depreciation
    • disclosures
    • equipment
    • examples of disclosures
    • extensions
    • first-time adoption
    • future developments
    • impairment
    • inception of
    • investment property
    • land and buildings
    • land only
    • leveraged leases
    • measurement
    • money-over-money transactions
    • other guidance
    • part of building only
    • provisions
    • real estate
    • recognition
    • related parties
    • renewals
    • residual values
    • sale-leaseback transactions
    • sale to third party
    • selected items, treatment
    • special situations under US GAAP
    • straight line method
    • subleases
    • termination of lease
    • term of lease
    • third parties
    • US GAAP comparison
    • see also finance leases; lessees; lessors; operating leases
  • legally permissible, definition
  • legal obligations
  • lessees
    • accounting for leases
    • asset ownership transfers to
    • classification of leases
    • disclosures
    • incremental borrowing rate
    • land and building leases
    • land only leases
    • minimum lease payments
    • operating leases
  • lessors
    • accounting for leases
    • asset returns at termination
    • classification of leases
    • disclosures
    • land and building leases
    • land only leases
    • minimum lease payments
    • operating leases
  • leveraged buyouts (LBOs)
  • leveraged leases
  • levies
  • liabilities
    • contract liability
    • decommissioning
    • deferred tax
    • definitions
    • employee benefits
    • fair value measurement
    • financial instrument presentation
    • financing activities
    • held by third parties
    • included in cost of PPE
    • inseparable third-party credit enhancements
    • insurance
    • non-performance risk
    • not held by third parties
    • risk assumptions when valuing
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of financial position
    • transfers, restrictions preventing
    • see also contingent liabilities; current liabilities; financial liabilities
  • liability adequacy test
  • liability method
  • LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offered Rate)
  • licence/licensing
  • lifetime expected credit losses
  • LIFO see last-in, first-out
  • liquidating dividends
  • liquidity effect adjustments
  • liquidity risk
  • litigation
  • loan commitments
  • loans
    • below-market rate
    • forgivable
    • government
    • qualifying as derivatives
  • local GAAP
  • long-lived assets
  • long-term debt
  • long-term employee benefits
  • loss allowances
  • losses
    • actuarial
    • associates
    • biological asset sale
    • credit
    • dilution
    • employee benefits
    • error corrections
    • fair valuation
    • financial instruments
    • foreign exchange
    • future operating losses
    • modification
    • parent loss of subsidiary
    • realised
    • recovery
    • remote contingent
    • share of loss exceeding interest
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • tax
    • unused tax
    • see also impairment losses; profit or loss
  • major customers
  • management commentary
  • markdown
  • marketable equity instruments
  • market approaches
  • market conditions
  • market-corroborated inputs
  • marketing-related intangible assets
  • market participants
  • market performance conditions
  • market risk
  • markets
  • market value
  • mark-up
  • master netting arrangements
  • matching principle
  • material, definition
  • material errors
  • materiality
  • material omissions
  • measurement
    • acquisition method
    • agriculture
    • borrowing costs
    • business combinations
    • conceptual framework
    • consolidated statements
    • credit losses
    • current liabilities
    • dates
    • deferred tax
    • employee benefits
    • fair value
    • financial instruments
    • first-time adoption
    • goodwill
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • income
    • insurance contracts
    • intangible assets
    • inventories
    • investment property
    • leases
    • models
    • non-current assets held for sale
    • performance obligations
    • post-employment benefit plans
    • PPE
    • share-based payments
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • see also fair value measurement; initial measurement
  • Meikles Group case study
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • Merton see Black–Scholes–Merton model
  • mineral resources
  • minimum comparative information
  • minimum funding requirement
  • minimum lease payments (MLP)
  • minority interests
  • misstatements
  • mixed attribute model
  • MLP see minimum lease payments
  • MNCs see multinational corporations
  • modification gains/losses
  • modifications
    • contracts
    • contractual cash flows
    • equity-settled share-based payments
    • financial assets
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • share-based payments
  • modified indirect method
  • monetary assets
  • monetary items
    • definition
    • foreign currency
    • hyperinflation
  • monetary liabilities
  • money-over-money lease transactions
  • Monitoring Board, IFRS Foundation
  • mortality rate
  • mortgages, CMOs
  • most advantageous market
  • MoU see Memorandum of Understanding
  • multi-employer benefit plans
  • multinational corporations (MNCs)
  • multiperiod options
  • multiple pension plans
  • mutual entities
  • Napoleonic Commercial Code
  • national GAAP
  • net assets
  • net interest on net defined benefit liability
  • net investments
    • foreign operations
    • hedge accounting
    • leases
  • net realisable value (NRV)
    • definitions
    • interim financial reporting
    • inventories
  • net reporting
  • net selling price
  • net settlement
  • netting arrangements
  • “netting” method
  • nil net positions
  • nominal amounts
  • non-adjusting events after reporting period
  • non-cancellable leases
  • non-cash consideration
  • non-cash financing/investing
  • non-cash transactions
  • non-controlling discounts
  • non-controlling interests
    • acquisition method
    • business combinations
    • changes in proportion
    • consolidated statements
    • definitions
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • retained earnings
  • non-current assets
  • non-current assets held for sale
    • changes of plans
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • discontinued operations
    • held for distribution to owners
    • held-for-sale classification
    • measurement
    • PPE
    • presentation
  • non-current debt
  • non-current liabilities
  • non-depreciable assets
  • non-financial items
  • non-market performance conditions
  • non-monetary assets
  • non-monetary grants
  • non-monetary items
    • definition
    • foreign currency
    • hyperinflation
  • non-monetary transactions
  • non-performance risk
  • non-reciprocal transfers
  • non-recourse financing
  • non-recurring fair value measurements
  • non-refundable upfront fees
  • non-vesting conditions
  • notes
  • notes payable
  • NRV see net realisable value
  • obligating events
  • obligations
    • constructive
    • current liabilities
    • estimate of
    • performance
    • present
    • projected benefits
  • observable inputs
  • occasional revenues
  • OCI see other comprehensive income
  • offsetting
    • assets
    • current liabilities
    • deferred taxes
    • financial instruments
    • liabilities
    • presentation of financial statements
    • revenue and expense items
    • statement of financial position
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
  • onerous contracts
  • opening IFRS statement of financial position
  • operating activities
  • operating costs
  • operating cycles
  • operating expenses
  • operating leases
    • accounting for
    • assets subject to
    • definition
    • investment property
    • lessee disclosures
    • lessor disclosures
  • operating profit or loss
  • operating revenues
  • operating segments
    • definitions of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • entity-wide disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • identification
    • IFRSrequirements
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • options
    • call options
    • definition
    • EPS
    • forward options
    • put options
    • share-based payments
    • statement of cash flows
    • time value of
  • orderly transactions
  • ordinary shares
  • other comprehensive income (OCI)
  • other equity
  • other long-term employee benefits
  • other post-retirement benefits
  • other price risk
  • output methods
  • overlay approach
  • owner-occupied property
  • owners, definition
  • ownership of goods
  • ownership interest
    • changes in
    • consolidated statements
    • equity method
    • loss of significant influence
  • ownership transfers
  • parent companies
    • consolidated statements
    • definitions
    • investment property
    • related party disclosures
    • subsidiary relationships
  • partial-year depreciation
  • participants
  • party to joint arrangements
  • par value per share
  • past due
  • past events
  • past service costs
  • patents
  • pay-as-you-go
  • payments
  • PCFRC see Private Company Financial Reporting Committee
  • penalties
  • pensions
    • accrued pension cost
    • applicability
    • business combinations
    • contributions to
    • cost recognition
    • funding practices
    • importance of accounting for
    • multi-employer plans
    • multiple plans
    • need for accounting rules
    • objectives of accounting
    • plans
    • prepaid pension costs
  • percentage-of-sales method
  • performance
    • conditions
    • financial assets
    • hedging instruments
    • measures
    • obligations
  • periodic inventory system
  • period-specific effects
  • perpetual inventory system
  • physically possible, definition
  • plan amendments
  • plan assets
  • plant see property, plant and equipment
  • pledging
  • policies see accounting policies
  • policyholder, definition
  • post-combination accounting
  • post-employment benefit plans
    • actuarial gains/losses
    • cost measurement
    • current service cost
    • definition
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • expected return on plan assets
    • interest on accrued benefit obligation
    • past service costs
    • transition adjustments
    • see also employee benefits; pensions; retirement benefit plans
  • potential ordinary shares
  • power
  • PPE see property, plant and equipment
  • preference share capital
  • preferred shares
  • premiums
  • prepaid expenses
  • prepaid pension costs
  • presentation
    • agriculture
    • conceptual framework
    • discontinued operations
    • earnings per share
    • financial instruments
    • first-time adoption
    • government grants
    • IFRS Practice Statement
    • income taxes
    • interim financial reporting
    • investment property
    • management commentary
    • mixed attribute model
    • non-current assets held for sale
    • profit or loss
    • revenue recognition
    • share capital
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of cash flows
  • presentation currency
  • presentation of financial statements
    • accounting policies
    • accrual accounting basis
    • aggregation
    • comparative information
    • complete set of statements
    • compliance
    • consistency
    • content
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • fairness exception
    • fair presentation
    • future developments
    • going concerns
    • illustrative statements
    • materiality
    • notes
    • offsetting
    • reporting frequency
    • scope of standards
    • statement of compliance with IFRS
    • structure
    • see also financial statements
  • present obligations
  • previous GAAP
  • prices/pricing
    • arm’s length transactions
    • bid and ask prices
    • concessions
    • entry/exit prices
    • equity price risk
    • “farm gate” prices
    • net selling price
    • other price risk
    • stand-alone selling prices
    • transaction prices
    • transfer pricing
  • principal markets
  • principals
  • prior period errors
  • prior periods
  • Private Company Financial Reporting Committee (PCFRC)
  • probabilities
  • probable, definition
  • products
  • product warranties
  • profit or loss
  • projected benefits
  • projects completed Julyto June
  • property see buildings; investment property; leases; real estate
  • property, plant and equipment (PPE)
    • decommissioning costs
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • derecognition
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • first-time adoption
    • initial measurement
    • initial recognition
    • intercompany transactions
    • measurement
    • Meikles Group case study
    • recognition
    • revaluation
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • prospective application
  • prospective recognition
  • protective rights
  • provisions
    • best estimates
    • BP disclosure example
    • changes in
    • current liabilities
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definitions
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • future aspects
    • practical examples
    • premiums
    • provision matrices
    • restructuring
    • use of provision
    • US GAAP comparison
  • prudence
  • public markets
  • purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets
  • purchases
    • firm commitments
    • non-financial items
    • regular way
    • right to return
    • see also repurchase agreements
  • put options
  • puttable instruments
    • definitions
    • financial instruments
    • shareholders’ equity
  • put-together transactions
  • qualifying assets
  • qualitative disclosures
  • quantitative disclosures
  • R&D see research and development assets
  • rate implicit in lease
  • raw materials
  • reacquired rights
  • real estate
  • realisation, definition
  • realised gains or losses
  • reasonable measure of progress
  • reasonable and supportable information
  • rebuttable presumption, IFRS
  • receivables
    • current assets
    • impairment of financial instruments
    • Meikles Group case study
    • trade receivables
  • reclassifications
    • adjustments
    • business models
    • dates
    • financial assets
    • financial instruments
    • financial liabilities
    • first-time adoption
    • Meikles Group case study
    • overlay approach
  • recognition
    • acquisition method
    • agriculture
    • borrowing costs
    • business combinations
    • conceptual framework
    • contingent liabilities
    • current liabilities
    • current tax
    • deferred tax
    • definition
    • exceptions to
    • financial instruments
    • financial liabilities
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign exchange
    • goodwill
    • government grants
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • income
    • insurance contracts
    • intangible assets
    • interim financial reporting
    • inventories
    • investment property
    • leases
    • PPE
    • prospective recognition
    • recovery of losses
    • share-based payments
    • shareholders’ equity
    • specific costs
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • see also initial recognition; revenue recognition
  • reconciliation (indirect) method
  • reconciliations
    • cash/cash equivalents
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • first-time adoption
    • Meikles Group case study
    • PPE
  • recourse, definition
  • recovery
    • impairment of assets
    • losses
    • recoverable amounts
  • recurring fair value measurements
  • refinancing
  • refunds
  • regular way purchase/sale
  • reimbursements
  • reinsurance
  • reinsurers
  • related parties
  • related party disclosures
    • applicability of standards
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • examples of disclosures
    • identification
    • nature of disclosures
    • need for
    • scope of standards
    • significant influence
    • substance over form
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • relevant activities
  • reload feature
  • reload option
  • remote contingent losses
  • removal rights
  • renewable licence rights
  • renewals of leases
  • repayments
  • replacement awards
  • replacement costs
  • reportable segments
  • reporting date/periods
    • consolidated statements
    • credit risk
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
  • reporting entities
  • reporting frequency
  • repurchase agreements
  • research, definition
  • research and development (R&D) assets
  • reserves
  • residual value
    • acquisitions
    • definitions
    • intangible assets
    • leases
    • PPE
  • restatements
    • current cost approach
    • error correction
    • guidance
    • historical cost approach
    • hyperinflation
    • interim periods
  • restructuring
    • acquisition method
    • business combinations
    • definition
    • financial liabilities
    • provisions
  • retail method
  • retained earnings
    • see also statement of comprehensive income and retained earnings
  • retirement benefit plans
    • accounting
    • defined benefit plans
    • defined contribution plans
    • definitions of
    • definition of terms
    • disclosures
    • reporting
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • retirement of investment property
  • retroactive benefits
  • retrospective application
  • retrospective restatement
  • returnable deposits
  • returns
  • revaluation method
  • revaluation model
  • revaluations
    • adjustments
    • all assets in class
    • deferred tax
    • depreciation
    • development costs
    • fair value
    • initial revaluation
    • intangible assets
    • PPE
    • revaluation reserves
    • subsequent
    • temporary differences
  • revenue model
    • combined contracts
    • consideration payable to customer
    • contract identification
    • contract modifications
    • core principle/steps
    • customer acceptance
    • discounts
    • financing components
    • identifying the contract
    • input methods
    • measurement
    • non-cash consideration
    • output methods
    • performance obligations
    • stand-alone selling price
    • transaction prices
    • variable consideration
  • revenue recognition
    • additional goods/services
    • agent vs. principal
    • bill-and-hold
    • call options
    • consignments
    • contract cost
    • customers’ unexercised rights
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • donated capital
    • examples of disclosures
    • forward options
    • identification
    • intellectual property
    • licensing
    • modifications
    • non-refundable upfront fees
    • performance obligations
    • presentation
    • principal vs. agent
    • put options
    • repurchase agreements
    • revenue model
    • royalties
    • sale with right of return
    • scope of standards
    • service concessions
    • specific transactions
    • statement of financial position
    • unexercised rights of customers
    • US GAAP comparison
    • warranties
  • revenues
    • as basis for amortisation
    • definition
    • offsetting items
    • operating
    • segment
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • temporary differences
  • reversals of impairments of assets
  • reverse acquisitions
  • reverse spin-offs
  • rights
    • consolidated statements
    • customers’ unexercised rights
    • reacquired
    • removal
    • renewable licence
    • to return purchases
  • right of setoff
  • risk
    • currency
    • equity price
    • financial
    • financial instrument disclosures
    • insurance
    • interest rate
    • liquidity
    • market
    • non-performance
    • other price
    • provisions
    • see also credit risk
  • risk assumptions
  • risk management
  • risk premiums
  • roll-up or put-together transactions
  • royalties
  • sale-leaseback transactions
  • sales
    • biological assets
    • consignments
    • inter/intrasegment
    • of lease to third party
    • non-financial items
    • percentage method
    • regular way
    • revenue
    • with right of return
    • stand-alone selling prices
  • sales-based royalties
  • sales-type leases
  • Scholes see Black–Scholes–Merton model
  • seasonal revenues
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • securitisation
  • segment accounting policies
  • segment assets
  • segment expenses
  • segment revenues
  • segments, operating
  • self-constructed assets
  • selling prices, stand-alone
  • sensitivity analysis
  • separate financial statements
    • accounting for
    • associates
    • definitions of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • IASrequirements
    • investment entities
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • separate vehicles
  • service concessions
  • service conditions
  • service costs
  • services
    • customer options
    • definition
    • distinct
    • operating segments
    • revenue recognition
    • share capital
  • setoff
  • settlement
  • shadow accounting
  • share agreements
  • share-based payments
    • awards
    • cash alternatives
    • cash-settled
    • definition
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • employee share options
    • equity-settled
    • examples of disclosures
    • fair value
    • among group entities
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • income taxes
    • measurement
    • modifications
    • multiperiod options
    • overview
    • recognition
    • scope of standards
    • share options
    • transactions
    • US GAAP comparison
    • vesting conditions
    • see also cash-settled share-based payments; equity-settled share-based payments
  • share capital
    • disclosures
    • dividends
    • movements in accounts during year
    • par value per share
    • preference
    • presentation
    • repayment of capital
    • retained earnings
    • issued for services
    • shareholders’ equity
    • shares reserved for future issuance
    • statement of changes in equity
    • treasury shares
    • unpaid capital
  • shareholders’ equity
    • classification
    • compound financial instruments
    • convertible instruments
    • co-operative entities
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • dividends
    • examples of disclosures
    • fair value measurement
    • measurement
    • other equity
    • presentation
    • puttable shares
    • recognition
    • reserves
    • retained earnings
    • share capital
    • share issuance
    • statement of financial position
    • treasury shares
    • types of shares
    • US GAAP comparison
  • share issuance
    • accounting for
    • additional contributed capital
    • additional guidance
    • compound instruments
    • convertible instruments
    • co-operative entities
    • dividends
    • donated capital
    • retained earnings
    • share capital issued for services
    • shareholders’ equity
    • shares reserved for future issuance
    • share subscriptions
    • share unit issuance
    • treasury shares
  • share options
  • shares
  • share subscriptions
  • share warrants
  • short-term employee benefits
  • short-term investments
  • short-term obligations
  • SIC see Standards Interpretations Committee
  • significant influence
  • significant judgements/assumptions
  • significant transactions
  • similar productive assets
  • simple capital structure, EPS
  • small and medium-sized entities (SMEs)
  • SME Implementation Group (SMEIG)
  • SMEs see small and medium-sized entities
  • special-purpose entities (SPEs)
  • specific borrowings
  • specific costs
  • specific identification
  • specific transactions
  • SPEs see special-purpose entities
  • spin-offs
  • sponsors of SPEs
  • spot exchange rate
  • stand-alone selling prices
  • standard costs
  • standard-setting process
  • Standards Interpretations Committee (SIC)
    • current standards
    • SIC
    • SIC
    • SIC
    • SIC
  • stapling arrangements
  • statement of cash flows
    • background
    • benefits of
    • cash/cash equivalents
    • classification
    • consolidated
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • interim financial reporting
    • non-cash transactions
    • operating activities
    • presentation
    • requirements
    • scope of standards
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • worksheet approach examples
    • see also cash flows
  • statement of changes in equity
    • components
    • concepts of income
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • future developments
    • interim financial reporting
    • measurement
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • scope of standards
    • share capital
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • see also equity...
  • statement of compliance with IFRS
  • statement of comprehensive income
  • statement of financial position
    • agriculture
    • assets
    • consolidated statements
    • content
    • DaimlerChrysler case study
    • deferred tax
    • definitions of terms
    • elements in heading
    • error correction
    • fair valuation gains/losses
    • future developments
    • general concepts
    • government grants
    • hyperinflation
    • interim financial reporting
    • liabilities
    • liability method
    • Meikles Group case study
    • minimum line items
    • opening IFRS statement
    • presentation
    • revenue recognition
    • scope of standards
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of cash flows
    • structure
    • US GAAP comparisons
  • statement of profit or loss
  • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • agriculture
    • concepts of income
    • definition of
    • definitions of terms
    • disclosures
    • future developments
    • income taxes
    • interim financial reporting
    • measurement
    • presentation
    • recognition
    • scope of standards
    • statement of cash flows
    • statement title
    • US GAAP comparisons
    • see also other comprehensive income
  • step acquisitions
  • straight-line depreciation
  • straight line method
  • stripping costs
  • structured entities
  • structure of financial statements
  • structuring techniques
  • subleases
  • subsequent costs
  • subsequent expenditures
  • subsequent measurement
  • subsequent revaluations
  • subsidiaries
    • acquisitions
    • consolidated statements
    • definitions
    • disclosure of interests in
    • disposals
    • first-time adoption
    • income taxes
    • investment property
    • parent losing control of
    • parent relationships
    • related party disclosures
  • subsidies
  • sum-of-the-years’ digits (SYD)
  • swaps
  • SYD see sum-of-the-years’ digits
  • tangible assets
  • taxable profit or loss
  • taxable temporary differences
  • taxation
    • depreciation
    • interim financial reporting
    • inventories
    • share-based payments
    • see also income taxes
  • tax base
  • tax benefit recoverability
  • tax credits
    • carrybacks/carryforwards
    • income taxes
    • interim financial reporting
  • tax expense/income
  • tax jurisdictions
  • tax law
  • tax losses
  • tax rates
  • tax status
  • technical feasibility of product
  • technology-based intangible assets
  • temporary differences
    • business acquisitions
    • consolidated statements
    • deferred tax
    • definitions
    • identification
  • terminal funding
  • termination benefits
  • termination of lease
  • third parties
    • contributing to pension plans
    • fair value measurement
    • sale/assignment of lease
  • time value of options
  • total cash flows
  • total comprehensive income
  • trade dates
  • trade discounts
  • trade receivables
  • traders
  • trading assets
  • transaction costs
    • definition
    • fair value
    • financial instruments
  • transaction dates
  • transaction prices
  • transactions involving derivatives
  • transfer pricing
  • transfers
    • assets
    • equity instrument restrictions
    • financial assets
    • investment property
    • ownership
  • transition
    • accounting policies
    • consolidated statements
    • employee benefits
    • financial instruments
    • hedge accounting
    • insurance contracts
    • investment entities
    • joint operations
    • joint ventures
    • revenue recognition
  • transition to IFRS see first-time adoption
  • translation
    • adjustments
    • cumulative differences
    • in detail
    • example
    • financial statements
    • first-time adoption
    • foreign currency
    • interim financial reporting
  • transport costs
  • treasury shares
  • treasury share/stock method
  • twelve-month expected credit loss
  • unbundling
  • uncertainties
  • unconsolidated structured entities
  • unearned finance income
  • unearned revenues
  • unexercised rights
  • unfavourable contracts
  • unguaranteed residual value
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • United States (US)
    • see also US GAAP...
  • units of account
  • units of production depreciation
  • unobservable inputs
  • unpaid share capital
  • unquoted equity instruments
  • unrealised gains
  • unrealised intercompany profit
  • unused tax losses
  • usage-based royalties
  • useful life
    • amortisation period
    • definitions
    • intangible assets
    • PPE
    • residual value
    • accounting policies
    • fair value measurement
    • IASB and Europe
    • IASB and financial reporting
    • IFRS for SMEs
    • introduction to IFRSs
    • leveraged leases
    • special leasing situations
    • transition to IFRS
    • see also Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
  • US GAAP comparisons
    • accounting estimates
    • accounting policies
    • agriculture
    • associates
    • borrowing costs
    • business combinations
    • conceptual framework
    • consolidated statements
    • contingencies
    • discontinued operations
    • earnings per share
    • employee benefits
    • errors
    • extractive industries
    • fair value
    • foreign currency
    • government grants
    • hyperinflation
    • impairment of assets
    • income taxes
    • insurance contracts
    • intangible assets
    • interim financial reporting
    • inventories
    • investment property
    • joint arrangements
    • leases
    • operating segments
    • PPE
    • presentation of financial statements
    • provisions
    • related party disclosures
    • retirement benefit plans
    • revenue recognition
    • separate financial statements
    • share-based payments
    • shareholders’ equity
    • statement of cash flows
    • statement of changes in equity
    • statement of financial position
    • statement of profit or loss and OCI
    • see also Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
  • valuation
    • accrued benefit
    • actuarial
    • allowances
    • employee share options
    • fair value
    • FIFO method
    • inventories
    • projected benefits
    • see also revaluation
  • value in use
  • variable consideration
  • variable (direct) costing
  • variable interest entities (VIEs)
  • variances
  • vest, definition
  • vested benefits
  • vesting conditions
  • vesting periods
  • VIEs see variable interest entities
  • volume discounts
  • volume rebates
  • voting rights
  • WA see weighted averages
  • warranties
  • warrants
  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WE&EE)
  • website development
  • weighted-averages (WA)
    • accounting policies
    • definition
    • earnings per share
    • inventories
  • work in progress
  • write-offs
  • written put options
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