
  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
  3. Definitions of Terms
  4. Identification
  5. Recognition and Measurement
    1. Basic Principles of IAS 41
    2. Determining Fair Values
    3. Recognition and Measurement
    4. Agricultural Produce (Measurement)
  6. Presentation and Disclosures
    1. Financial Statement Presentation
      1. Statement of Financial Position
      2. Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
      3. Additional Disclosures
  7. Examples of Financial Statement Disclosures
  8. Other Issues
    1. Agricultural Land
    2. Intangible Assets Related to Agriculture
  9. US GAAP Comparison


Historically, agricultural activities received scant, if any, attention from the world's accounting standard setters. This may have been due to the fact that the major national and international accounting standard setters have been those of the US and the UK, whose economies are far less dependent upon agriculture than those of many lesser-developed nations of the world. For developing nations, agriculture is indeed disproportionately significant, and given the IASC's role in establishing financial reporting standards for those nations, this focus on agriculture was perhaps to be expected. The culmination of this lengthy project, IAS 41, is by far the most comprehensive addressing of this financial reporting topic ever undertaken.

Prior to the development of IAS 41, assets related to agricultural activity and changes in those assets were excluded from the scope of International Accounting Standards. For instance, IAS 2, Inventories, excluded “producers” of livestock, agricultural and forest products “…to the extent that they are measured at net realisable value in accordance with well-established practices in certain industries.” Additionally, national standard setters have produced guidelines that are relatively piecemeal and were aimed at resolving a specific issue. Also, the traditional accountancy models are based on a historic cost and realisation basis which conflicts with the rationale of change in altering biological assets. These factors led to a diversity in accounting treatments, which IAS 41 addresses.

The earlier exclusion of agriculture from most established accounting and financial reporting rules can best be understood in the context of certain unique features of the industry. These include biological transformations (growth, procreation, production, degeneration) which alter the very substance of the biological assets; the wide variety of characteristics of the living assets which challenge traditional classification schemes; the nature of management functions in the industry; and the predominance of small, closely held ownership. On the other hand, since in many nations agriculture is a major industry, in some cases accounting for over 50% of gross national product, logic would suggest that comprehensive systems of financial reporting for business entities cannot be deemed complete while excluding so large a segment of the economy.

A review of published financial statements for agriculture-related entities would have revealed the consequences of the lack of a single method of accounting. A wide range of methods and principles has been applied to such businesses as forest products, livestock and grain production.

For example, some forest products companies have accounted for timberlands at original cost, charging depreciation only to the extent of net harvesting, with reforestation costs charged to expense as incurred. Others in the same industry capitalised reforestation costs and even carrying costs, and charged depletion on a units-of-production basis. Still others have been valuing forest lands at the net present value of expected future cash flows. This wide disparity obviously has impaired users' ability to gauge the relative performance of entities operating within a single industry group, hindering investment and other decision making by them.


IAS 41 applies to the following when they relate to agricultural activity:

  • Biological assets, except for bearer plants;
  • Agricultural produce at the point of harvest; and
  • Unconditional government grants as much as it relates to a biological asset.

The accounting for assets such as inventories and plant and equipment will be guided by such existing standards as IAS 2 and 16. In other words, once the biological transformation process is complete (e.g., when grain is harvested, fruit is picked, animals are slaughtered or trees are felled), the accounting principles imposed on agriculture in this chapter will cease to apply.

The following matters are excluded from the scope of this standard:

Matter Relevant standard
Land related to agricultural activity IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
IAS 40 Investment Property
Bearer plants related to agricultural activities (excluding produce of those bearer plants) IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
Government grants related to bearer plants IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance
Intangible assets related to agricultural activity IAS 38 Intangible Assets

In addition to the above, right-of-use assets arising from a lease of land related to agricultural activity will be excluded from the scope of IAS 41, Agriculture, once an entity adopts IFRS 16, Leases.

The table below provides examples of biological assets, agricultural produce and products that are the result of processing after harvest:

Biological assets Agricultural produce Products that are the result of processing after harvest
Sheep Wool Yarn, carpet
Trees in a timber plantation Felled trees Logs, lumber
Dairy cattle Milk Cheese
Pigs Carcasses Sausages, cured hams
Cotton plants Harvested cotton Thread, clothing
Sugarcane Harvested cane Sugar
Tobacco plants Picked leaves Cured tobacco
Tea bushes Picked leaves Tea
Grape vines Picked grapes Wine
Fruit trees Picked fruit Processed fruit
Oil palms Picked fruit Palm oil
Rubber trees Harvested latex Rubber products

All of the above categories fall into the scope of this standard, except for biological assets that may be classified as bearer plants and accordingly fall into the scope of IAS 16, Property, plant and equipment. Examples of these bearer plants included in the table above could be cotton plants, tea bushes, grape vines, fruit trees and oil palms. When determining whether a biological asset falls into the scope of this standard, judgement is required as to whether the asset meets the definition of a bearer plant; the definition of a bearer plant is discussed later on in this section.

Definitions of Terms

Active market. Market for which all these conditions exist: the items traded within the market are homogeneous; willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time; and prices are available to the public.

Agricultural activity. Management by an entity of the biological transformation and harvest of biological assets for sale or for conversion into agricultural produce or into additional biological assets.

Agricultural land. Land used directly to support and sustain biological assets in agricultural activity; however, the land itself is not a biological asset.

Agricultural produce. The harvested product of the entity's biological assets.

Bearer plants. A living plant that:

  1. Is used in the production or supply of agricultural produce;
  2. Is expected to bear produce for more than one period; and
  3. Has a remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural produce, except for incidental scrap sales.

The following are not bearer plants:

  1. Plants cultivated to be harvested as agricultural produce, such as trees grown for use as lumber;
  2. Plants cultivated to produce agricultural produce where there is more than a remote likelihood that the entity will also harvest and sell the plants as agricultural produce, other than as incidental scrap sales, such as trees that are cultivated both for their fruit and lumber; and
  3. Annual crops, such as maize and wheat.

Biological assets. Living plants and animals controlled by the entity as a result of past events. Control may be through ownership or through another type of legal arrangement.

Biological transformation. The processes of growth, degeneration, production and procreation, which cause qualitative and quantitative changes in a biological asset.

Carrying amount. Amount at which an asset is recognised in the statement of financial position after deducting any accumulated depreciation or amortisation and accumulated impairment losses thereon.

Costs to sell. Incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal of an asset, excluding finance costs and income taxes.

Fair value. The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

Group of biological assets. An aggregation of similar living animals or plants. For instance, a herd, flock, etc., that is managed jointly to ensure that the group is sustainable on an ongoing basis.

Harvest. The detachment of agricultural produce from the biological asset or the cessation of a biological asset's life processes.


Agriculture is defined as the management of the biological transformation of plants and animals to yield produce for consumption or further processing. The term agriculture encompasses livestock, forestry, annual and perennial cropping, orchards, plantations and aquaculture. Agriculture is distinguished from “pure exploitation” where resources are simply removed from the environment (e.g., by fishing or deforestation) without management initiatives such as the operation of hatcheries, reforestation or other attempts to manage their regeneration. IAS 41 does not apply to pure exploitation activities, nor does it apply to agricultural produce, which is harvested and is thus a non-living product of the biological assets. However, when bearer plants are no longer used and sold as scrap, such as cherry trees sold for firewood, these sales are seen as incidental sales and IAS 16 will still apply to the date that the bearer plant is scrapped. The standard furthermore does not govern accounting for agriculture produce which is incorporated in further processing, as occurs in integrated agribusiness entities that involve activities which are not unique to agriculture.

IAS 41 sets forth a three-part test or set of criteria for agricultural activities. First, the plants or animals which are the object of the activities must be alive and capable of transformation. Second, the change must be managed, which implies a range of activities (e.g., fertilising the soil and weeding in the case of crop growing; feeding and providing health care in the instance of animal husbandry; etc.). Third, there must be a basis for the measurement of change, such as the ripeness of vegetables, the weight of animals, circumference of trees and so forth. If these three criteria are all satisfied, the activity will be impacted by the financial reporting requirements imposed by IAS 41.

A practical example would be where a zoo also has a breeding programme. Animals are held mainly for recreational purposes rather than agricultural activities; the animals in the zoo would therefore not fall into the scope of this standard due to the absence of management of biological transformation and IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, would apply.

Biological assets are the principal assets of agricultural activities, and they are held for their transformative potential. This results in two major types of outcomes: the first may involve asset changes—as through growth or quality improvement, degeneration or procreation. The second involves the creation of separable products initially qualifying as agricultural produce. The management of the biological transformation process is the distinguishing characteristic of agricultural activities.

Biological assets often are managed in groups, as exemplified by herds of animals, groves of trees and fields of crops. To be considered a group, however, the components must be homogeneous in nature and there must further be homogeneity in the activity for which the group is deployed. For example, cherry trees maintained for their production of fruit are not in the same group as cherry trees grown for lumber.

IAS 41 applies to forests and similar regenerative resources excluded from IAS 16; producers' inventories of livestock, agriculture and forest products, including those excluded from IAS 2, to the extent they are to be measured at net realisable value; and natural increases in herds and agricultural and forest products excluded from IAS 18.

Biological assets are categorised as either consumable or bearer and mature or immature. Consumable biological assets are those that are to be harvested as agricultural produce or sold as biological assets, such as beef cattle or crops for harvest such as wheat. Bearer biological assets are those from which other biological assets or agricultural produce are obtained, such as dairy cattle or fruit trees. Mature biological assets are those that have attained harvestable specifications or are able to sustain regular harvests whereas immature biological assets have not yet reached that stage.

Recognition and Measurement

Basic Principles of IAS 41

IAS 41 applies to all entities which undertake agricultural activities. Animals or plants are to be recognised as biological assets or agricultural produce only when all of the following requirements have been met:

  1. The entity controls the asset as a result of past events. Control may be evidenced by legal ownership of cattle and the branding or otherwise marketing of the cattle on acquisition, birth or weaning;
  2. It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity. The future benefits are normally assessed by measuring the significant physical attributes; and
  3. The fair value or cost of the asset can be measured reliably.

The standard also governs the initial measurement of agricultural produce, which is the end product of the biological transformation process; it furthermore guides the accounting for government grants pertaining to agricultural assets. This in line with the Framework when determining whether an item classifies for recognition as an asset.

The most important feature of the standard is the requirement that biological assets are to be measured at their respective fair values less cost to sell as of each date of the statements of financial position, and agricultural produce harvested from an entity's biological assets is also measured at its fair value less costs to sell at the point of harvest, before it is transferred to inventories. The imperative to deploy fair value accounting springs from the fact that there are long production periods for many crops (an extreme being forests under management for as long as 30 years before being harvested) and, even more typically, for livestock. In the absence of fair value accounting with changes in value being reported in operating results, the entire earnings of a long-term production process might only be reported at lengthy intervals, which would not faithfully represent the underlying economic activities being carried out. This is entirely analogous to long-term construction projects, for which percentage-of-completion accounting is commonly prescribed for very similar reasons.

An example of determining whether to recognise a biological asset is a pregnant ewe that is a biological asset and its offspring will also be biological assets, but they will not be recognised as separate assets until all of the recognition criteria have been met. As control will generally not be an issue and the fair value of the new-born lambs should be readily ascertainable, it will normally only be necessary to determine when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the lambs will flow to the owner. The lambs will therefore be recognised as separate biological assets when the lambing has proved successful and the offspring are healthy. Also bear in mind that the fair value of ewes after birth will decrease.

Determining Fair Values

The primary determinant of fair value is observable market prices, just as it is for financial instruments having active markets (as defined in IAS 32, discussed at length in Chapter 24). Chapter 25 discusses fair value measurements under IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement, in more depth. The required use of “farm gate” market prices will reflect both the “as is” and “where is” attributes of the biological assets. That is, the value is meant to pertain to the assets as they exist, where they are located, in the condition they are in as of the measurement (statement of financial position) date. They are not hypothetical values, as, for instance, are hogs when delivered to the slaughterhouse. Where these “farm gate” prices are not available, market values will have to be reduced by transaction costs, including transport, to arrive at net market values which would equate to fair values as intended by IAS 41.

The cost of a biological asset may, however, sometimes approximate the fair value, particularly when:

  1. Little biological transformation has taken place since initial cost incurrence, such as for seedlings planted immediately prior to the end of a reporting period or newly acquired livestock; or
  2. The impact of the biological transformation on price is not expected to be material, such as for the initial growth in a 30-year pine plantation production cycle.

In the case of products for which market values might not be readily available, other approaches to fair value determination will have to be employed. This is most likely to become an issue where market values exist but, due to market imperfections, are not deemed to be useful. For example, when access to markets is restricted or unduly influenced by temporary monopoly or monopsony conditions, or when no market actually exists as of the date of the statement of financial position, alternative measures will be called for. In such circumstances, it might be necessary to refer to such indicators as the most recent market prices for the class of asset at issue, market prices for similar assets (e.g., different varieties of the same crop), sector benchmarks (e.g., relating value of a dairy farm to the kilograms of milk solids or fat produced), net present value of expected future cash flows discounted at a risk-class rate or net realisable values for short-cycle products for which most growth has already occurred. Last and probably least useful would be historical costs, which might be particularly suited to biological assets that have thus far experienced little transformation.

When fair value is determined using a valuation technique due to quoted prices not being available or applicable, it is important to note than any cash flows relating to the financing of the assets, taxation or re-establishment of biological assets after harvest (such as the cost of replanting trees in a plantation forest after harvest) may not be included in the fair value determination.

One practical problem arises when an indirect method of valuation implicitly values both the crop and the land itself, taken together as a whole. IAS 41 indicates that such valuations must be allocated to the different assets to give a better indication of the future economic benefits each will confer. If a combined market price, for example, can be obtained for the land plus the immature growing crops situated thereon, and a quotation for the land alone can also be obtained, this will permit a fair value assessment of the immature growing crops (while the land itself will generally be presented on the statement of financial position at cost, not fair value, under IAS 16). Another technique would involve the subdivision of the assets into classes based on age, quality or other traits, and the valuation of each subgroup by reference to market prices. While these methods may involve added effort, IAS 41 concludes that the usefulness of the resulting financial statements will be materially enhanced if this is done.

Increases in fair value due to the growth of the biological asset is only one-half of the accounting equation, of course, since there will normally have been cost inputs incurred to foster the growth (e.g., applications of fertiliser to the fields, etc.). Under the provisions of IAS 41, costs of producing and harvesting biological assets are to be charged to expense as incurred. This is necessary, since if costs were added to the assets' carrying amount (analogous to interest on borrowings in connection with long-term construction projects) and the assets were then also adjusted to fair value, there would be risk of double-counting cost or value increases. As mandated, however, value increases due to either price changes or growth, or both, will be taken into current income, where costs of production will be appropriately matched against them, resulting in a meaningful measure of the net result of periodic operations.

The IASB recognises, however, that in some instances the fair value for a biological asset may not be possible to determine. An entity is only allowed to rebut the presumption that fair value can be measured reliably on initial recognition if the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. Quoted market prices are not available;
  2. Alternative fair value measurements are determined to be clearly unreliable.

An entity must continuously assess whether fair value of these assets recognised at cost can now be determined; once it can be determined, the asset must be measured subsequently at fair value less cost to sell.

Where a biological asset was previously measured at fair value, an entity cannot apply this rebuttal to subsequent measurement.

It should be noted that if an entity applies the above rebuttal, the judgements made by management of the entity must be detailed in the financial statements, if significant.

Recognition and Measurement

The recognition and measurement requirements of IAS 41 are as follows:

  1. Biological assets are to be measured on initial recognition and at the end of each reporting period at their fair value, less estimated costs to sell, except where fair value cannot be measured reliably. In which case, it is valued at its historical cost less any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
  2. Agricultural produce harvested from an entity's biological assets should be measured at fair value less estimated costs to sell at the point of harvest. That amount effectively becomes the cost basis, to which further processing costs may be added, as the conditions warrant, with accounting thereafter guided by IAS 2, Inventories, or other applicable standard.
  3. If an active market exists for a biological asset or for agricultural produce, the quoted price in that market is the appropriate basis for determining the fair value of that asset. If an active market does not exist, however, the reporting entity should use market-determined prices or values, such as the most recent market transaction price, when available. It must be noted that existing contracts to sell biological assets or agricultural harvest at a future date are not necessarily relevant in measuring fair value, because fair value reflects the current market conditions in which market participant buyers and sellers would enter into a transaction. The mere existence of a contract should therefore not be taken into account when determining fair value at a date earlier than execution of the contract.
  4. Under certain circumstances, market-determined prices or values may not be available for an asset, as it exists in its current condition. In these circumstances, the entity should use the present value of expected net cash flows from the asset discounted at a current market-determined pre-tax rate, in determining fair value.
  5. The gain or loss which is reported upon initial recognition of biological assets, and also those arising from changes in fair value less estimated point-of-sales costs, should be included in net profit or loss for the period in which the gain or loss arises. That is, these are reported in current period results of operations, and not taken directly into equity.
  6. The gain or loss arising from the initial recognition of agricultural produce should be included in net profit or loss for the period in which it arises.
  7. Land is to be accounted for under IAS 16, Property, Plant, and Equipment, or IAS 40, Investment Property, as is appropriate under the circumstances. Biological assets that are physically attached to land are recognised and measured at their fair value less estimated point-of-sales costs, separately from the land.
  8. If the entity receives an unconditional government grant related to a biological asset measured at its fair value less estimated point-of-sales costs, the grant should be recognised as income when it first becomes receivable. If the grant related to a biological asset measured at its fair value less estimated costs to sell is conditional, including grants which require an entity not to engage in specified agricultural activity, the grant should be recognised in income when the conditions attaching to it are first met.
  9. For government grants pertaining to biological assets which are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses, IAS 20, Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, should be applied. (See Chapter 21.)
  10. Some contracts for the sale of biological assets or agricultural produce are not within the scope of IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, because the reporting entity expects to deliver the commodity, rather than settle up in cash. Under IAS 41, such biological assets are to be measured at fair value until the biological assets are sold or the produce is harvested.

Agricultural Produce (Measurement)

Agricultural produce is distinguished from biological assets and is not to be measured at fair value other than at the point of harvest, which is the point where biological assets become agricultural produce. For example, when crops are harvested they become agricultural produce and are initially valued at the fair value as of the date of harvest, at the location of harvest (i.e., the value of harvested crops at a remote point of delivery would not be a pertinent measure). If there has been a time interval between the last valuation and the harvest, the value as of the harvest date should be determined or estimated; any increase or decrease since the last valuation would be taken into earnings.

Presentation and Disclosures

Financial Statement Presentation

Statement of Financial Position

IAS 41 requires that the carrying amount of biological assets be presented separately on the face of the statement of financial position (i.e., not included with other, non-biological assets). Preparers are encouraged to describe the nature and stage of production of each group of biological assets in narrative format in the notes to the financial statements, optionally quantified. Consumable biological assets are to be differentiated from bearer assets, with further subdivisions into mature and immature subgroups for each of these broad categories. The purpose of these disclosures is to give the users of the financial statements some insight into the timing of future cash flows, since the mature subgroups will presumably be realised through market transactions in the near future, and the pattern of cash flows resulting from bearer assets differs from those deriving from consumables. In addition, the entity must disclose the nature of its activities involving each group of biological assets and non-financial measures or estimates of the physical quantities of each group of biological assets at the end of the period and output of agricultural produce during the period.

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

The changes in fair value should be presented on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, ideally broken down between groups of biological assets. However, group level detail may be reserved to the notes to the financial statements.

IAS 1 permits the presentation of expenses in accordance with either a natural classification (e.g., materials purchases, depreciation, etc.) or a functional basis (cost of sales, administrative, selling, etc.). The draft standard on agriculture had urged that the natural classification of income and expenses be adopted for the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. Sufficient detail is to be included in the face of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income to support an analysis of operating performance. However, these are recommendations, not strict requirements.

Additional Disclosures

  1. An entity shall disclose:
    1. The existence and carrying amounts of biological assets whose title is restricted, and the carrying amounts of biological assets pledged as security for liabilities;
    2. The amount of commitments for the development or acquisition of biological assets; and
    3. Financial risk management strategies related to agricultural activity.
  2. An entity shall present a reconciliation of changes in the carrying amount of biological assets between the beginning and the end of the current period. The reconciliation shall include:
    1. The gain or loss arising from changes in fair value less costs to sell;
    2. Increases due to purchases;
    3. Decreases attributable to sales and biological assets classified as held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) in accordance with IFRS 5;
    4. Decreases due to harvest;
    5. Increases resulting from business combinations;
    6. Net exchange differences arising on the translation of financial statements into a different presentation currency, and on the translation of a foreign operation into the presentation currency of the reporting entity; and
    7. Other changes.
  3. Where fair value cannot be measured reliably, the following additional disclosure is required:
    1. A description of the biological assets;
    2. An explanation of why fair value cannot be measured reliably;
    3. If possible, the range of estimates within which fair value is highly likely to lie;
    4. The depreciation method used;
    5. The useful lives or the depreciation rates used;
    6. The gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation (aggregated with accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the period;
    7. Impairment losses;
    8. Reversals of impairment losses; and
    9. Depreciation.
  4. Where fair value became determinable, the following must be disclosed:
    1. A description of the biological assets;
    2. An explanation of why fair value has become reliably measurable; and
    3. The effect of the change.

Examples of Financial Statement Disclosures

Other Issues

Agricultural Land

Agricultural land is not deemed a biological asset; thus, the principles espoused in IAS 41 for biological and agricultural assets do not apply to land. The requirements of IAS 16, which are applicable to other categories of property, plant and equipment, apply equally to agricultural land. The use of the allowed alternative method (i.e., revaluation), particularly for land-based systems such as orchards, plantations and forests, where the fair value of the biological asset was determined from net realisable values which included the underlying land, would be logical and advisable, but is not actually a requirement. It would also enhance the usefulness of the financial statements if land held by entities engaged in agricultural activities is further classified in the statement of financial position according to specific uses. Alternatively, this information can be conveyed in the notes to the financial statements.

Intangible Assets Related to Agriculture

Under IAS 38, intangible assets may be carried at cost or at revalued amounts, but only to the extent that active markets exist for the intangibles. In general, it is not expected that such markets will exist for commonly encountered classes of intangible assets. On the other hand, agricultural activities are expected to frequently involve intangibles such as water rights, production quotas and pollution rights, and it is anticipated that for these intangibles active markets may exist.

To enhance the internal consistency of financial statements of entities engaged in biological and agriculture operations, if intangibles which pertain to the entity's agricultural activities have active markets, these should be presented in the statement of financial position at their fair values. This is not, however, an actual requirement.

US GAAP Comparison

US GAAP provides specific incremental guidance for the accounting, reporting and disclosure of agricultural activities. Agricultural products and activities include animals (livestock) and plants. However, ASC 905 does not apply to growers of timber, sugarcane and pineapple in tropical regions, breeding animals in competitive sports or merchants or non-co-operative processors of agricultural products that purchase commodities from growers, contract harvesters or others serving agricultural producers.

The carrying amount of agricultural products is historical cost. For assets deemed property, plant and equipment, depreciation is systematic and rational based on its utility. Permanent improvements to land, such as grading, are not depreciated because their utility does not diminish with time. Short-lived animals, such as chickens, are classified as inventory. The costs of reclaiming productive capacity from the land that relates specifically to the current year harvest are accrued as part of the costs, even though these costs will benefit subsequent years' harvest. In instances where additional costs are required after harvest of a particular crop to overcome a physical or noxious condition, those costs are estimated and accrued as costs of the harvested crop. Costs involved in raising progeny to a productive state (i.e., a calf to the point it produces milk) are accumulated as part of the costs and depreciated when the livestock reaches maturity.

Market prices for valuing crops or livestock are only used in valuing inventory or PP&E in exceptional circumstances when it is not practicable to determine an appropriate cost basis for products. Per ASC 905-330-30-1, a market basis is acceptable if the products meet all of the following criteria: (1) the products have immediate marketability at quoted market prices that cannot be influenced by the producer, (2) the products have characteristics of unit interchangeability, and (3) the products have relatively insignificant costs of disposal.

US GAAP also provides guidance for agricultural co-operatives. An agricultural co-operative is an organisation which performs any of following on behalf of its patrons: sale, processing, marketing and other activities. Co-operatives can provide services for non-patrons, but the results and financial positions must be separately presented. Co-operatives generally distribute all profits to patrons, except for retains, which are reserves to insulate the co-operative from financial shocks. Revenue is recorded by patrons whenever title passes to the co-operative. If title does not pass, the revenue is accounted for on a consignment basis, with revenue deferred until sale to the third-party buyer takes place. The equity section of an agricultural co-operative must separate earnings and balance between patrons and non-patrons. This is because the co-operative's mission is to perform service on behalf of the patrons, and each patron may have different rights and obligations, although bylaws or other agreements generally govern most of the activities. Frequently, co-operatives pool products from patrons and remit proceeds to each patron based on the volume sold.

Investments by patrons in co-operatives are accounted for under the cost method or the equity method if it has significant influence (per applicable US GAAP). The investment balance includes retains. The investment balance is reduced if co-operative losses will likely not be recovered by the patron.

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