Base configure the Orchestrator Appliance

Now that Orchestrator is up and running, we can start configuring it. We will configure Orchestrator to use SSO for authentication as well as an external database.

What is preconfigured?

Wait! We did say that Orchestrator is preconfigured. So, what is already actually there ready to be used?

The Orchestrator Appliance comes with an embedded PostgreSQL database as well as a configured LDAP directory service. The LDAP contains the vcoadmin user that we just used to log in. In addition to this, Orchestrator has a self-signed packaged certificate and a 90-day trial license. Both of these items are stored in the embedded PostgreSQL database, which also means that these items have to be recreated when you use a new and empty external database.

What is not configured is any connection to the vSphere environment. We will do this in the next chapter. In this chapter, we will have a look at how one can replace the preconfigured database and authentication with an external database and SSO authentication.


If you want to use the internal DB or LDAP, just skip the following steps.

How to run a workflow

We will use the Orchestrator workflows to configure Orchestrator. In Chapter 4, Working with Workflows, we will take a closer look at how one can run workflows and deal with errors. If you experience any problems with the following instructions, skip forward to Chapter 4, Working with Workflows, and have a look at how to deal with errors in workflows.

Configuring Orchestrator with SSO

The first thing that we should do is configure Orchestrator to use SSO. You don't necessarily need do this. You can operate Orchestrator by using its internal LDAP authentication. However, if you want to use Orchestrator in production, the best option is SSO authentication. If you prefer to keep the local authentication with the vcoadmin users, then just skip this step.

First, let's add the SSL certificate of the SSO component to Orchestrator, as follows:

  1. Open the Orchestrator Client.
  2. Click on Workflows, Configuring Orchestrator with SSO.
  3. Drill down to Library | Configuration | SSL Trust Manager.
  4. Right-click on Import a certificate from URL and select Start workflow.
  5. Enter https:// and then the FQDN of your vCenter Server (if you are using the embedded SSO/PSC) or your Platform Services Controller (PSC) followed by :7444.
  6. Then, select Yes in order to accept a self-signed SSL certificate:
    Configuring Orchestrator with SSO
  7. Click on Submit and wait until the workflow has successfully finished. If the workflow execution shows a green tick icon as shown in the following screenshot, the workflow was successful:
    Configuring Orchestrator with SSO

    Now, we add Orchestrator to SSO.

  8. Drill down to Library | Configuration | Authentication | SSO.
  9. Right-click on Configure SSO and select Start workflow.
  10. Select Basic and enter the FQDN of your vCenter, followed by :7444.
  11. Enter [email protected] as well as the corresponding password.
  12. The SSO administrator user group is the AD group that you created in the [Short domain name][usergroup] form. Please note that this entry is case-sensitive.
    Configuring Orchestrator with SSO
  13. Click on Submit and wait until the workflow has finished successfully.


Please note:

After you have enabled SSO and restarted or rebooted the Orchestrator service/server, the vcoadmin login won't work any more. Only a user who is a member of the Orchestrator admin group that you defined in step 11 will be able to log in to Orchestrator.

Configuring Orchestrator with an external database

The internal PostgreSQL database can be used. However, as already mentioned, an external database is better. We will now connect a MS SQL database to Orchestrator.

If you would like to connect an external PostgreSQL or Oracle database to Orchestrator, the same process is used.

  1. Open the Orchestrator Client.
  2. Drill down to Library | Configuration | Database.
  3. Right-click on Configure Microsoft SQL Server and select Start workflow.
  4. Enter the FQDN of your database server.
  5. Enter the name of your database.
  6. Enter the name of your windows domain if you are a Windows user. If you are an MS SQL user, leave this field empty.
  7. Enter the username and the corresponding password:
    Configuring Orchestrator with an external database
  8. Click on Submit and wait until the workflow has finished successfully.

Creating a Package Signing Certificate

The package certificate that we will now create will make sure that all the workflows that you create are stored with your name or the company's name. Later, when you export and import workflows (see Chapter 9, Packing It All Up), you will see that the package certificate will always stay with them.

  1. Navigate to Library | Configuration | Package Signing Certificate.
  2. Right-click on Create a Self-signed server certificate and select Start workflow.
  3. In Common name, enter your name. You can also use the FQDN of Orchestrator or the name of your business. The purpose is to create a certificate that identifies the origin of the exported items.
  4. In Organization, enter the name of the business that you are working for.
  5. In Organization Unit, enter the name of the unit that you are working with.
  6. Last but not least, put in the two-letter code for your country:
    Creating a Package Signing Certificate
  7. Click on Submit and wait until the workflow has finished successfully.

Entering a license

Now that everything is configured, we will need to license Orchestrator. This is done by using the vCenter license. Also, there is a workflow that lets you use the vCenter license directly. However, there are some differences between vSphere 5.x and vSphere 6. So, for the sake of simplicity, we will just enter the 25-letter vCenter license key. You can skip this step if you would like to use the 90-day trial license that Orchestrator is automatically configured with.

  1. Navigate to Library | Configuration | License.
  2. Right-click on Enter license key and select Start workflow.
  3. Enter your vCenter license key and the name that you would like this license to be associated with:
    Entering a license
  4. Click on Submit and wait until the workflow has finished successfully.

Last steps

It might be a bit weird to run a troubleshooting workflow now, but due to an easy and fast configuration, we are going to clean up a few things. Please make sure that these steps are carried out before we can go on and enjoy Orchestrator.

  1. Navigate to Library | Configuration | Troubleshooting.
  2. Right-click on Reinstall the plug-ins when the sever starts and select Start workflow.
  3. If there is nothing to enter, just wait until the workflow has finished successfully.
  4. Now, close the Orchestrator Client and go to the vSphere Web Client.
  5. Restart the guest system of the Orchestrator VM.
  6. Wait until the VM has rebooted. After this, you should be able to log in as the AD user that you created in one of the following forms:



    [Short AD domain name][username]


    [username]@[[FQDN AD domain name]

    [email protected]

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