91 Technology

The use of computational devices to aid design and enhance space.

Further Reading

Megan Schellong, “How Virtual Reality Is Used To Help Recognize Unconscious Biases,” www.npr.org/2021/05/19/998137110/how-virtual-reality-is-used-to-help-recognize-unconscious-biases.

Technology is increasingly becoming integrated into our built environment, as more connected devices aid in the function of programmed items and spaces. Apps, connected devices, and smart speakers allow for control over elements in a home (locks, lights, temperature controls), provide accessible options to create and maintain sustainable lighting and environmental control, and make the use of space easier through voice control. In commercial and retail spaces, the integration of touch screens for wayfinding, identifying room schedule and use, testing choices through virtual fitting rooms, and transforming the way we navigate cultural spaces allow for deeper experiences and equitable solutions.

Technology is also a dominant factor in the choice and implementation of design tools. It is increasingly used for integrated project delivery, communication between clients and contractors, augmented and virtual reality for supporting design decisions, and recognition of biases. The advancement and sophistication of on-demand printing for fabrication of custom pieces demonstrate the ubiquity of technology in the profession.

However, overreliance on technology is not without a caveat—the pace of technological advances often makes even the latest generation of a device or integrated technologies redundant. Companies are acquired and abandoned. Cutting-edge solutions are often expensive and require maintenance. Also, issues of privacy should be considered carefully when specifying connected devices for a project.


Joris Laarman Lab embraces novel digital fabrication methods, including robotic welding.


The kinetic sculpture “Diffusion Choir” by SoSo Limited animates this lobby in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by simulating the movements of an invisible flock of birds.


SOM’s Mumbai International Airport is composed of several complex columns that simultaneously allow light and provide structure.

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