

2D sounds 241, 242

3D game development, components

cameras 6

collision detection 10

coordinate systems 4

edges 6

faces 6

local space versus world space 5, 6

materials 7-9

meshes 6

rigid body physics 9, 10

shaders 7-9

textures 7-9

vectors 6

vertices 6

3D Geometry 104

3D puzzle adventure game

game loop 125

interaction 126

interactive volumes 142

rings 132

stairs interaction 126

tight spaces 140

3D sounds 242

2D ambience 251

ambient sounds, adding to game 249, 250

ambient sounds, filling out 251

audio listener part I 243

audio listener part II 246-249

settings 243-245

using 242


Action Maps 74

Add node 218

Alpha version 28

Ambient Occlusion (AO) 213

analysis tools

Frame debugger 267

Memory profiler 265, 266

Physics debugger 267-269

Profiler module 267

Unity profiler 264, 265


reference link 233

Angular Drag 146


tagging, with events for sound 316-319

animation events

sound, triggering through 314-316

asset 18

asset finalization 278, 279

architecture cleanup 283

cinematics 304

detail meshes 287

detail normal 280-282

environment clutter 286, 287

polishing effects 287

secondary animation 305

stylized pass on assets 279

texture blending 284-286


backface culling 283

Beat Saber 151

Beta version 28

Blackboard 213, 214


reference link 233

blocking-out phase 90

bolt visual scripting 327

Codebase Compatibility 327

Debugging and Analysis 327

Ease of Use 328

Flow Graphs 327

Live Editing 327

State Graphs 327

broken pedestal 153

design 154

implementation 154

Build settings 258

architecture 259

autoconnect profiler 260

compression method 261

create Visual Studio solution 259

deep profiling support 260

development build 259

Scenes In Build block 258, 259

script debugging 260

scripts only build 261

server build 259

target platform 259

built-in rendering 30


cameras 6

canvas component 182

Additional Shader Channel 184

Render Mode options 184

render modes 183

Canvas Scaler 185

Constant Pixel Size 185-187

Scale With Screen Size 185, 186

center attribute 72

channel packing 221


concept 54-58

designing 54

movement, scripting 68

need for 54

character controllers 67

built-in 68

Rigidbody 68

character rigging 58

animation 66, 67

animation-first thinking 58

bones and joints 61

constraints 62, 63

controls 64

deformation 59

deformers 64

Forward Kinematics (FK) 62

hierarchy 60, 61

Human Inverse Kinematics (HIK) system 66

Inverse Kinematics (IK) 62

physics-based animation 66

character script, for movement and rotations 68

code entry point 77

code, updating 78-80

idling 75, 76

methods 80-82

RequireComponent 78

Unity, initial setup 69-75

cinematics 304

Codebase Compatibility 327

collection 123

collision detection 10, 149

Continuous 150

Continuous Dynamic 150

Continuous Speculative 151

Discrete 149, 150

Color node 218

compression method, Build settings

default 261

LZ4 261

LZ4HC 261

constraints, character rigging 62, 63

Constraints, Rigidbody component 151

control rig 61

controls, character 64


data types 41

bool 42

float 43

GameObject 44

integer/int 42

strings 43

Dead Space 170

Debugging and Analysis visual scripting 327

debug log 47

decrementer 47

deformers 64

detail normal 280, 281

Boolean keyword 283

Combine node 281

Multiply node 281

Normal Reconstruct Z node 281

Normal Strength node 282

Sample Texture 2D node 281

Scale and Bias nodes 281

Swizzle node 281

UV node 281

Diegetic UI form 169, 170

Digital Content Creation (DCC) 58, 220

doom-style controller 68

Drag, Rigidbody component 146

dynamic lighting 308-310


Ease of Use visual scripting 328

edge flow 59

edges 6

elements, sound design

envelope 233, 234

frequency 236, 237

layering 238

pitch 235

source 232, 233

emissive map 210

envelope, sound design elements 233

attack sound 234

release sound 235

escape menu 177, 178

events for sound

used, for tagging animation 316-319

Extrude tool 113

extrusions 114


faces 6

facial deformation 59

final puzzle 154

coroutine 161, 162

design 155

execution order 155-157

implementation 155

project code 162-165

static method 158

UnityActions 159, 160

first-person shooters (FPSs) 124

Flow Graphs 327

for loop 47

versus while loop 48

Forward Kinematics (FK) 62

four-way tiling texture 290

Fragment Nodes 206

frame debugger 267

frequency, sound design elements 236, 237

functional testing 262

examples 262, 263


game design document 22, 23

game design fundamentals 21

concepting 26-28

deliberate decisions 23, 24

iterative production 24-26

game loop 119-121

game mechanics 121

collection 123

design and implementation 124, 125

limitations 123

research 123

resource management 122

risk versus reward 122

spatial awareness 122

GameObject (GO) 18, 44

game view 15, 16

generic type 136

gimbal locking 82

Graphic Raycaster Component 187, 188

Graph Inspector 214, 215

grayboxing 32


heads-up display (HUD) 171

heuristic design 22

hierarchy 11, 12

High-Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP) 29-31

High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) 201

Human Inverse Kinematics (HIK) system 66


idle break animation 54

if statements 45

indirect baked lighting 306, 307

infinite loop 46

Info block, Rigidbody component 151, 152

insets 114

inspector 13, 14

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 37

interaction 121

design and implementation 124, 125

interaction UI implementation 195-197

interactive Unity UI Objects 188

interactive volumes 142

design 142

implementation 142, 143

Internal UI 168

Interpolate 148

inventory systems 174

Inverse Kinematics (IK) 62

Is Kinematic boolean 147

item interaction system 175

iteration 116

iterative design or production 24


journal implementation 194, 195


Label 189

layering, sound design elements 238

Lerp node 219

lighting 305

overview 278

lighting, purpose

3D form 305

gameplay design 305

mood, providing 305

Unity lighting 306

light probes 310-312

Lit Shader Graph 203

Live Editing 327

localization testing 270

local space

versus world space 5, 6

Long-Term Support (LTS) release 28, 29

low barrier of entry 174


Machine Learning Agents (ML-Agents) 326

main menu 174-176

implementation 192-194

Main Preview 215

Mass property, Rigidbody 146

Master Stack 205-208

Ambient Occlusion (AO) 213

base color 208

emissive 210-213

metallic 209

normal 209

smoothness 210

Master Stack sections

Fragment 205

Vertex 205

Matchmaker 325

materials 7-9

memory leak 270

Memory profiler 265, 266

meshes 6

meta-progression 120

meta UI 172, 173

method 48-50


game loop 120

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 24, 34

mood board 88

examples 88, 89

movement-related scripts 69

multiplayer tools 323

multiplayer tools pillars

communication 325

connection 324, 325

creation 324

Multiply node 219, 220


Narrative 168

nodes 216, 217

Add node 218

Color node 218

Lerp node 219

Multiply node 219, 220

Sample Texture 2D node 220

Saturate node 221

Split node 221

UV node 222

Vector node 222, 223

non-diegetic UI form 171

null 45, 163


Object Oriented Programing 41

official release version 28

order of execution, for event functions

reference link 155


package manager 16, 17

packages 20

paint holes tool 95


details 104

Paint Terrain tool 94

paint textures tool 97-99

Paint Trees tool 102, 103

parenting 63

Particle Systems 223

Shuriken 223, 224

VFX Graph 224-228

performance testing 263

Physically Based Rendering (PBR) 203

physics-based animation 66

physics debugger 267-269

physics interaction 152

pitch, sound design elements 235

plane 7

PlayerInput 72

playtesting 269, 270

polishing effects 287

Shuriken system 292-296

stair blocker 287-292

VFX Graph 296-304

Positional anchoring 182

Prefab 20, 71

premade shapes 115

ProBuilder 105, 106

installing 106

Object mode 108

shapes, creating 109, 110

shapes, editing 111

tools 112-115

Window path 107

Profiler module 267

programming logic 44

project window 14, 15

Proof of Concept (PoC) 33, 34

prototyping 31

grayboxing 32

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 34

vertical slice 34

wireframing or paper creation 31

puzzle sound

adding 254, 255

tree puzzle sound 255


Raising or Lowering Terrain brush 95

randomized pitch 321

randomized sounds

adding 319

real-time lighting 308

real-time strategy (RTS) games 122

Rect transform 180-182

refactoring 137

render mode options

Pixel Perfect 184

Sort Order 184

Target Display 184

render modes 183

Screen Space, camera option 183

Screen Space, overlay option 183

World Space canvas 184

research 123

resource management 122

ribbon rig 64


design and implementation considerations 152

Rigidbody component 145, 146

Angular Drag 146

Collision Detection 149

Constraints 151

Drag 146

Info 151, 152

Interpolate 148

Is Kinematic boolean 147

Mass 146

Use Gravity boolean 147

Rigidbody physics 9, 10

Rings puzzle 133

control 139, 140

design 133, 134

implementation 134

puzzle pieces 135-139

puzzle trigger volumes 134, 135


versus reward 122

rocks falling 153

design 153

implementation 153


Sample Texture 2D node 220

Saturate node 221

scale 57

scenes 18

scene view 11, 12

scriptable rendering pipeline (SRP) 30

built-in rendering 30

culling 30

High-Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP) 31

post-processing 30

rendering 30

Universal Rendering Pipeline (URP) 30

scroll view 190

sculpting tool 56

Shader Graph 201

creating 202, 203

Lit Shader Graph 203

setup 201, 202

Sprite Lit Shader Graph 204

Sprite Unlit Shader Graph 204

Unlit Shader Graph 204

Shader Graph interface 204

Blackboard 213

Graph Inspector 214, 215

Main Preview 215

Master Stack 205-208

node 216, 217

shaders 7-9

Shuriken system 223, 224, 292-296


examples 87, 88

sketching 86


reference link 233

smoothing 100, 101

soak testing 270

sound 231

designing, for scale 238

making, for game 239

overview 278

puzzle sound, rotating 254, 255

tree puzzle sound, adding 255

triggering, through player interaction 251

triggering, through Unity events 252, 253

sound design 232

elements 232

implementing, for project 239

sound design, for project

2D sound 241, 242

3D sounds 242

music 240, 241

organizing 240

sound, playing 239

sound polish 314

animation, tagging with events 316-319

sound, triggering through animation events 314-316

source, sound design elements 232, 233

spatial awareness 122

spatial tooltip 178

spatial UI 171

Split node 221

Sprite Lit Shader Graph 204

Sprite Unlit Shader Graph 204

staging 89

stair blocker 287-292

stairs interaction 126

design 126-128

implementation 128

interaction block 128-131

interaction manager 131, 132

stair blocker 131

stamp tool 101

State Graphs 327

static objects 150

Stretched anchoring 182

string interpolation 47


telekinesis 152

ternary function 80


creating 91

height, setting 99, 100

height, smoothing 100, 101

lowering 95

painting 94

raising 95

settings 92, 93

stamping 101


functional testing 262, 263

game testing 261

localization testing 270

performance testing 263

playtesting 269, 270

soak testing 270

text 189

texture blending 284-286

textures 7-9

tight spaces 140

design 140

implementation 141

Tiling And Offset node 289

Time node 289

transform 4

Transform component 18


UI elements 173

health representation 175

inventory systems 174

item interaction system 175

main menu 174


building with 257

fundamentals 40, 41

initial setup 69-75

Unity canvas system 179, 180

canvas component 182

Canvas Scaler 185

Graphic Raycaster component 187, 188

Rect transform 180-182

Unity concepts 18

asset 18

components 18, 19

GameObject (GO) 18

packages 20

prefabs 20

scenes 18

script 19

Unity environment 38-40

setting up 37

Unity events

sound, triggering through 252, 253

Unity Gaming Services (UGS)

bolt visual scripting 327

Machine Learning Agents (ML-Agents) 326

multiplayer tools 323

XR plugin 326

Unity Hub 28

Unity interface 11

game view 15, 16

inspector 13, 14

package manager 16, 17

Project window 14, 15

scene view and hierarchy 11, 12

Unity lighting 306

light probes 310-312

mixed lighting 306

reflection probe 312, 313

Unity profiler 264, 265

Unity project 28

scriptable rendering pipeline (SRP) 30

template, selecting 29

Unity Hub 28

version, selecting 28, 29

Unity Terrain 90

Unity UI 179

implementation 192

Unity UI objects 188-191

Universal Rendering Pipeline (URP) 7, 29, 30

Unlit Shader Graph 204

Use Gravity boolean 147

user experience (UX) 271

branding 271

design 271

final puzzle 274, 275

first puzzle 272, 273

initial problem 272

secondary mechanic 273, 274

usability 271

user guidance 56

user interface 168, 169

Diegetic 169, 170

in project 175

meta 172, 173

non-diegetic 171

spatial 171

using directive 40

UV node 222


variables 41

Vector node 222, 223

vectors 6

vertical slice 34

vertices 6

VFX Graph 224-228, 296-304

nodes 229

visual effects

overview 200

visual elements 188

visual Unity UI Objects 188


while loop

debug log 47

decrementer 47

string interpolation 47

versus while loop 48

while loops 46, 47

world space 5

versus local space 5, 6


XR plugin 326

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