
.1C macro (ms) 125-126

.2C macro (ms) 125-126


.AB macro (ms) 122-123

.ab request 440

absolute motions 448, 464

.ad request 71-72, 485

.AE macro (ms) 122-123

.AI macro (ms) 122-123

.AL macro (mm) 156-158

alias command 294

alphabetic lists

mm macros 156-158

.am request 413, 534


in macros 416

in shell scripts 23

to UNIX commands 13

arithmetic expressions

in troff 419

.as request 430

.AU macro (ms) 122-123

autoincrementing number registers 428

awk 342, 387-411, 551-557

arrays 395, 409, 589

awkronym script 390, 392-393, 396-397, 399-400

basic operations 387

BEGIN procedures 392

built-in functions 408

capabilities of 387

changing the field separator 391

command summary 587, 589, 591

conditional statements 394

debugging 410-411

dividing input into records and fields 389

error handling in 404

for loops 393, 409

for loops with arrays 396

formatted print statement 402

invoking 388-389

passing parameters from a shell script 390

pattern matching 388, 588

scripts for order tracking 405

similarities to sed 387

subdividing a field 407, 553

substr function 557

syntax of procedures 589

system variables 392, 588

testing fields 390

used for indexing 551-557

variables 395, 589

while loops 393


.B macro (mm) 141-142

.B macro (ms) 114-115

.B1 macro (ms) 124

.B2 macro (ms) 124

background processing 20

backing up files 336-338

baseline spacing 98-99

.BD macro (ms) 119

.bd request 463

bdiff command 319

.BG macro (ms) 488

.BI macro (mm) 143

.BL macro (mm) 151, 154-155


by overstriking 463

Bourne shell 13-14, 343-354

background processing 20

breaking out of a script (exit) 352

cancelling commands 13

CDPATH environment variable 294

command summary 625-634

conditional execution 347-349

discarding and shifting arguments 349

export command 352, 51

HOME variable 17

interrupting commands 13

long command lines 22

PATH variable 344

prompt 13

repetitive execution 350, 355

resuming commands 13

secondary prompt 22

shell functions 630

special characters 629

test options 347

variable substitution 17, 629

variables set by .profile 630

variables set by shell under execution 630

.bp request 86, 89-91

.BR macro (mm) 143

.br request 432, 69

bracket-building characters 466, 603


importance of 432, 72

no-break control character 73

troff requests which cause 73

.BT macro ms) 492

.BX macro (ms) 123


C shell 13-14, 294, 343

.c2 request 435

case shell command 347-349

cat command 129, 14-15, 298

C/A/T typesetter 64, 66, 76

.cc request 435

cd command 16

.CD macro (ms) 117, 119

CDPATH environment variable 294

.ce request 80-82

.cf request 460

.ch request 503

change bars 476

change pages 507

checkeq command 251

checkmm command 154

chmod command 19, 23, 298

chown command 298

col command 86

comm command 327-328


cancelling 13

interrupting 13

resuming 13


in troff 412

conditional execution

in shell scripts 347-349

in troff 418-423

in awk 394

constant spacing 471, 529

copy mode 417

core dumps 411

cover sheet macros 122-123, 127

cp command 17

cpio command 336-338, 340

using with find 337-338

crypt command 335

.cs request 471

csh command 343

.cshrc file 294

csplit command 333-335

CTRL key 42

cu command 339

.cu request 83-84

cursor movement 28

customizing vi 51

cut command 328, 331

cut marks 498-499


.da request 433, 534

date command 13

DDL 67

.DE macro (mm) 138

.DE macro (ms) 117-120

.de request 99, 413


in awk 410-411

in pic 281

in troff 436-438

deroff command 322-323

DESC file 635-636

devps postprocessor 66-67, 460

.DF macro (mm) 147-148

.di request 431-451

dial-up line 339

diff command 312-314, 316-317, 357

diff3 command 314, 317-318

diffmk command 477


changing 16

creating 17

home 16

listing contents of 16

printing current 16

public 339

root 15

sub- 15


fill options (mm) 146

floating (mm) 147

floating (ms) 119

in mm macros 145-146

in ms macros 117-120

labels (mm) 148

mm vs. ms 640

static (mm) 147

static (ms) 119

diversions 431, 451, 533, 536-538

appending to 433

closing 431

creating 431

naming by number register interpolation 538

splitting 538

table of contents 532

used for footnotes 504

.DL macro (mm) 154-155

Documenter’s Workbench 64

dot-matrix printers 8

drawing (see also pic preprocessor)

boxes 123, 451

changing line weight 454

curves 455

including Macintosh illustrations 460

lines 449

sample figures 455

.DS macro (mm) 138, 145-146

.DS macro (ms) 117-120

.ds request 101, 249


.EC macro (mm) 133, 148-150

.ec request 435

echo command 14

.EF macro (mm) 133

egrep command 303

.EH macro (mm) 133

.el request 418-423

elif shell command 348

em (defined) 76

em dash 364

.em request 534

emacs editor 5, 24

en (defined) 76

end macro 534-536

environment variables



PATH 344

path 345

setting 20-21


environments 433, 529

.eo request 435

eqn preprocessor 86, 232-252

abbreviating a string 247

arrays 244

braces and brackets 243

diacritical marks 232, 246

displayed equations 234

fonts 232, 249

fractions 244

Greek alphabet 232, 239

grouping items 250

horizontal spacing 232

inline expressions 235

integrals 242

invoking 233

limits 242

lining up equations 248

matrices 244

point sizes 232, 249

precedence of operations 250, 621

problem checklist 251

problems with .so request 480

quotation marks 237, 242, 248

simple example 233

spaces in equations 236

special character names 232, 239, 241

square root signs 242

subscripts 237-238

summary of command characters 618-621

summations 242

superscripts 237-238

syntax 233

tabs within equations 237

using braces for grouping 238

using mm with 235

using nroff with 234

using tbl with 205, 234

vertical piles (columns) 245

vertical spacing 232, 250


in mm 130

in ms 105

in troff macros 439

messages from UNIX commands 14

escape sequences

in troff 443-444

.ev request 433

ex editor 177-202, 342-346, 355-357

@ functions 201

: prompt 27

abbreviating recurring phrases 198

address symbols 579

appending to existing file 191

command mode 179

command summary 578-584

confirming replacements 182

copying lines 180

creating a subshell 192

current line 178

deleting lines 180

differences from sed 361

editing multiple files 195

executing from vi 180, 27

executing UNIX commands from 192

EXINIT variable 51

exiting 190, 578

.exrc file 50, 52

filtering text through a UNIX command 193

global search and replace 183, 186

insert mode 179

invoking 178, 578

leaving insert mode 179

limiting search to complete words 186

line addressing in 181, 579

mapping commands to keys 198, 200

moving lines 180

moving text blocks by patterns 187

pattern matching 184, 188

printing line(s) 178

quitting without saving edits 191

range of lines 179

reading in a file 192

reading in result of UNIX command 192

renaming the buffer 191

saving files 190

saving part of a file 191

scripts 342-346, 355-357

search and replace 181-182

search for general classes of words 186

substitute command 179-181

switching files 196

syntax of commands 178, 342

using current and alternate filenames 197

yanking text from one file to another 197

.EX macro (mm) 133, 148-150, 169-170

.ex request 478

ex scripts 354-355

built by diff 357

executing with: so 354

EXINIT variable 51

exit shell command 352

export command 51

expr command 388

expression operators

in awk 393

in pic 625

in troff 420

.exrc file 50, 52

extended ms macros 509-541, 643-645

chapter headings 514, 518-519

drawing horizontal lines 518

figure numbering 523

headers and footers 522

invoking 511

lists 525-528

notes 530-531

numbered headings 520

section headings 521-522

structure of 511

summary of 643-645

table numbering 523

table of contents 532


.FC macro (mm) 133

.fc request 469

.FD macro (mm) 132, 171

.FE macro (mm) 170-171

.FE macro (ms) 124-125

.FG macro (mm) 148-150, 169-170

fgrep command 303

.fi request 69


in awk 389-392

in cut and paste 328

in sort 325-326

in troff 469

file management 3

file system 15


backing up 336-338

characteristics 298

copying 17

counting characters in 21

date and time last modified 298

editing multiple 195

locating 296

metacharacters 13, 19, 295, 627

moving 17

naming restrictions 25

organizing 293

permissions 18-19, 298

renaming 17

searching within (see also grep) 301

size in bytes 298

tracking changes to (SCCS) 319

transferring to other systems 340

viewing contents 298

filling (definition of) 60

filters 21-22, 298, 360

final book production 562

find command 296-298, 302

using with cpio 337-338

.f1 request 127, 438, 491

flushing output buffer (see .f1)

.FO macro 490, 492

fonts 62, 66

boldfacing by overstriking 463

changing 92-94

changing (eqn) 249

changing (ms) 114-115

changing (tbl) 216

constant width 471, 529

contents of font files 66, 635-639

downloadable 66

four standard 64

mounted 92, 636

special 64, 96

footers 126, 133, 493

footnotes 500-501, 641

mm macros 170-171

ms macros 124-125

for shell command 355

form letters 477

format shell script 364-365, 369, 539, 542, 545, 559


with a markup language 6

with a word processor 6

formatting defaults

mm (see also mm macros) 130

ms (see also ms macros) 106

.fp request 92, 95

.FS macro (mm) 170-171

.FS macro (ms) 124-125

.ft request 92, 95

function keys (mapping) 199


getopt command 349

graphics (see also pic preprocessor) 253

Greek characters 232, 239, 604

grep command 22, 301-302

using with find 302


.H macro (mm) 162-166

hanging indents 79-80, 110-111

head command 300

headers 126, 133, 493


in extended ms 514-522

in mm 160-168

in ms 120-122

in wide margin 522

here documents 357

.HM macro (mm) 167-168

home directory 16

HOME variable 17

.HU macro (mm) 162-166

.hw request 73-74

.hy request 74-75, 485

hyphen command 307, 74

hyphenation 61

checking for correctness 74

enabling in troff 74

in mm 101, 137

rules for 73


.I macro (mm) 141-142

.I macro (ms) 114-115

.IB macro (mm) 143

.ID macro (ms) 117, 119

.ie request 418-423

.if request 418-423

if shell command 347-349

.ig request 438

.in request 79

indents 79-80, 135

indexing 540, 548

adding formatting codes 555

building the page number list 551

final formatting codes 557

form of user entries 548

sorting raw entries 549

special formatting problems 558

subordinating secondary entries 553

integrals (see eqn) 242

Interpress 67

interrupted lines (in troff 423


inverse conditions 423

.IP macro 527

.IP macro (ms) 106, 110-113

.IR macro (mm) 143

.IZ macro 486


join command 325-327

justification 60, 73, 137

definition of 60

mm macros 137

ms macros 107

nroff vs. troff 61

types of 71-72


.KE macro (ms) 120

keep and release (see also displays) 120, 431

Kernighan and Pike

UNIX Programming Environment 11, 395

kerning 61

.KS macro (ms) 120


laser printers 9

.lC request 468

.LD macro (ms) 117, 119

.LE macro (mm) 151-152

leaders 468-469

leading 98

letter-quality printers 8

.LG macro (ms) 116-117

.1g request 474-475

.LI macro (mm) 151-152

ligatures 473, 475, 522

line numbers (in vi) 47


alphabetic (mm) 156-158

alphabetic (mS) 525-526

bulleted (ms) 525-526

extended in mS 525, 528

in ms 113

marked (mm) 154

mm macros 150-151

mm vs. ms 640

nested (mm) 153

nested (ms) 525-526

numbered (mm) 156-158

numbered (mS) 525-526

reference (mm) 158

user-supplied marks (mm) 156

variable-item (mm) 158, 161-162

.ll request 78, 485

local horizontal motions 447

local vertical motions 445

.login file 343

lp command 129

.LP macro (ms) 106-107, 121

ls command 13, 16

.ls request 86, 99

.lt request 495



illustrations 460

word processing on 9

macros (see also mm and ms)

appending to 413

arguments 416

comparing mm and ms 640-642

copy mode in 417

defining 127, 173, 413

developing a package 481

initializing 486

listing existing names 414

naming conventions 414

nested 418

new or extended? 482

page transition 489

removing 413

renaming 415

reset 487

setting default values 485

structure of package 481, 483

style 441, 522

tabs and leaders in 470

/usr/1ib/tmac 483

mail command 21

make command 320-321

coordinating final book production with 562

building makefile with a shell script 566

makedev command 637

man macros 88

mapping function keys 199

marking a horizontal position 464

marking a position

in troff 461

in vi 57

.MC macro (ms) 125-126

.mc request 476

me macros 88, 104

.mk request 461, 505

mkdir command 17

.ML macro (mm) 154, 156

mm command 129

mm macros 88

.AL macro 156-158

alphabetic lists 156-158

altering heading style 164-168

.B macro 141-142

.BI macro 143

.BL macro 151, 154-155

bold font 141

bottom-of-page processing 176

.BR macro 143

changing fonts 141

changing point sizes 143-144

changing reference defaults 172

changing the heading mark 167-168

compared to ms 640-642

.DE macro 138

default formatting 130

.DF macro 147-148

display fill options 146

display formatting options 145

display labels 148

displays 138, 145-146, 148

.DL macro 154-155

.DS macro 138, 145-146

.EC macro 133, 148-150

.EF macro 133

.EH macro 133

errors 130

.EX macro 133, 148-150, 169-170

extensions to 173

.FC macro 133

.FD macro 132, 171

.FE macro 170-171

.FG macro 148-150, 169-170

floating displays 147

footers 133

footnotes 170-171

.FS macro 170-171

.H macro 162-166

headers 133

heading number registers 165

heading strings 165

headings 165, 176

.HM macro 167-168

.HU macro 162-166

hyphenation 101, 137

.I macro 141-142

.IB macro 143

indented paragraphs 135

invoking 129

.IR macro 143

italic font 141

justification 137

.LE macro 151-152

.LI macro 151-152

lists 150-156

marked lists 154

.ML macro 154, 156

modifying 173

nested lists 153

number registers 174

numbered headings 162-166

numbered lists 156-158

.P macro 135-136

page break 150

page layout 132, 134

page numbering styles 132

page transition 91, 176

paragraphs 135

paragraphs indented with exceptions 136

.PF macro 133

.PH macro 133

predefined string names 612

.R macro 141-142

.RB macro 143

reference lists 158

references 171-172

reserved macro and string names 615

.RF macro 171-172

.RI macro 143

.RL macro 158

roman font 141

.RP macro 132, 172-173

.RS macro 171-172

.S macro 143-144

.SA macro 137

.SK macro 150

.SM macro 144-145

.SP macro 136-137

spacing between paragraphs 136

static displays 147

strings 175

summary of macros 608-613

summary of number registers 613

table of contents 168-170, 176

.TB macro 133, 169-170

.TC macro 168

top-of-page processing 176

unnumbered headings 162-166

user exit 176

user-supplied list marks 156

variable-item lists 158, 161-162

vertical margins 176

vertical spacing 136-137, 143-144

.VL macro 158, 161-162

mmt command 129

modem 339

more command 129, 298

mptx macros 88

mS macros (see extended ms macros)

ms macros 104-127

.1C macro 125

.AB macro 122

.AE macro 122

.AI macro 122

.AU macro 122

.B macro 114-115

.B1 macro 124

.B2 macro 124

.BD macro 119

.BG macro 488

.BT macro 492

.BX macro 123

.CD macro 117, 119

changing bottom margin 508

compared to mm 640-642

date string 126

.DE macro 117-120

displays 117-118

drawing a box 123

.DS macro 117-120

error handling 105

extensions to (see extended ms macros)

.FE macro 124-125

.FO macro 490, 492

fonts 114-115

footers 126, 493

footnotes 124-125, 500

.FS macro 124-125

headers 126, 493

headings 120-122

.I macro 114-115

.ID macro 117, 119

indented paragraphs 110

initialization sequence 486

internal macros 606

internal number register names 606

invoking 105

.IP macro 106, 110-113, 527

.KE macro 120

.KS macro 120

labeled item lists 110

.LD macro 117, 119

.LG macro 116-117

.LP macro 106-107, 121

.MC macro 125-126

multi-column processing 125-126, 505-506

.NH macro 120-122, 520

.NL macro 116-117

.NP macro 127, 490, 492

numbered lists 113

number register default values 485

page layout 106, 606

page layout defaults 106

page size 495

page transition 91, 483-508

paragraphs 106-110

point size 116-117

.PP macro 106-107, 121

predefined and user-definable strings 607

problems on first page 127

.PT macro 492

.QE macro 110

.QP macro 106-107, 110

.QS macro 110

quoted paragraphs 107

.R macro 114-115

.RE macro 111

redefining header or footer 494

reserved macro and string names 607

reset macro 106, 487-488

.RS macro 111

.RT macro 106, 487-488

.SH macro 120-122

.SM macro 116-117

spacing between paragraphs 107

summary of macros 604-606

.TL macro 122-123

two-column processing 125-126, 505

.UL macro 116

underlining 116

vertical spacing 107

multi-column processing 125-126, 505-506

mv command 17


.na request 71

.ne request 90, 508

.nf request 69

.NH macro (ms) 120-122, 520

.NL macro (ms) 116-117

.nm request 475

.nn request 476

no-break control character 73

no-fill mode 60, 69, 83, 146

no-space mode 490, 519

notes, cautions and warnings 530-531

.NP macro (ms) 127, 490, 492

.nr request 101, 419-424

nroff formatter (see also troff)

command line options 593, 63

default line length 78

device units 76

inability to use pic with 253

interword spacing 62

invoking 593, 63

sample output from 68

submitting documents coded for troff 67

summary of requests 594-598

units of measure 76

using eqn with 234

.ns request 127, 490, 90-91

number registers 100-101, 419-425, 485, 526, 529

altering output format 428

as global variables 425

as nested list counter 526

autoincrementing 428, 526

finding names of existing 415

in ms 100

interpolating 424

mm 174

ms default values 485

naming 424

naming by interpolation 526

predefined 426

read-only 427

removing 429

scaled units 424

setting default values with 485

setting from command line 101

substituting for environment switch 529

used as flags 425

used to generalize macros 425

numbered headings 514

numbered lists

mm macros 156-158

mS macros 525-528

.nx request 478


options to UNIX commands 13

.os request 90-91

output redirection 14-15, 21, 298

appending to a file 15

overstriking 462, 465


.P macro (mm) 135-136

pack command 338

page breaks 508

mm macros 150

without line breaks 89

page description languages 67

page layout 492

in mm 132, 134

in ms 106

page number

in mm 130, 132-133

in three-part titles 494

setting from command line 133

page offset 78, 485, 523

page size 495

page top resets 507

page transition 91, 176, 483-508


indented (mm) 135

indented (ms) 110

indented with exceptions (mm) 136

mm macros 135

ms macros 106

quoted (ms) 107

spacing between (mm) 136

spacing between (ms) 107

paste command 328, 331

PATH variable 344

pathname 16

.pc request 494

pcat command 338

.PF macro (mm) 133

pg command 129, 298-299

help screens 299

.PH macro (mm) 133

pic preprocessor 253-292, 531

adjusting drawing motion 260

adjusting label placement 257

arc 263, 283

arrow 262

as a programming language 281, 291

automatic scaling 279

basic figures (graphics primitives) 255

changing direction of drawing 260

controlling the dimensions of a drawing 279

copy facility 289

debugging 281

declarations 622

default dimensions of standard objects 278

defining macros 285, 624

defining object blocks 276, 624

delimiters 622

describing single objects 255

diagonal lines 262

dimension variables 278

double-headed arrow 267

drawing in clockwise direction 263

drawing motion 258

enhancements to 291

executing UNIX commands from 291

expressions 284, 626

for loops 291

functions 284

height of object 256

if conditional statements 291

inability to use with nroff 253

invisible reference object 268

labeling objects 257, 624

language of 253

leaving space between objects 259

library of frequently used objects 289

line 257

locating objects using Cartesian coordinates 282

locating specific points 266

macros 289-290

movement from a referenced object 265

naming an object 273

place and position notations 272

placing objects 264

placing text in a drawing 270, 274

positioning object blocks 277, 625

problems with .so request 480

programming drawings 281

reading description from remote file 289

redefining standard dimensions 278

relational operators for if statements 292

reusing dimensions 256

scaling 282

specifying dimensions 255

specifying size of graphics primitives 255

spline 263

spline 283

start and end macros 253

start and end of an object 261, 267

summary of graphics primitives 622

turning a comer 266

typical figure description 254

units of measure 255

use of object blocks 277

used with troff 253, 257

user-defined variables 285

using bit-mapped input 292

pica (defined) 76

pipes 21-22

.pl request 86, 88, 496

.pm request 414

.pn request 9 1

.PO request 78, 485

point size 62, 76, 97-98, 116-1 17

changing (eqn) 249

changing (mm) 143-144

changing (ms) 116-1 17

changing (tbl) 216

postprocessors 460

PostScript 67, 460, 474

.PP macro (ms) 106-107, 121

pr command 299

predefined conditions

in troff 419

printers (types of) 8-9

problems on first page (ms) 127

.profile 343

proof shell script 304, 380-386


double awk script 395

shell script for 380-386

.ps request 97, 99

pseudo-page transition 491

.PT macro (ms) 492

pwd command 16


.QE macro (ms) 110

.QP macro (ms) 106-107, 110

.QS macro (ms) 110


.R macro (mm) 141-142

.R macro (ms) 114-115

.RB macro (mm) 143

.rd request 477

.RE macro (ms) 111

read shell command 400

recommended readings 646

records (in awk) 389

redefining control and escape characters 435

reference lists (mm macros) 158

regular expressions 184-188, 568

reset macro 106, 487

returning to a horizontal position 464

returning to a marked position

in troff 461

in vi 57

.RF macro (mm) 171-172

.RI macro (mm) 143

.RL macro (mm) 158

.rm request 413, 511

.rn request 415, 512

root directory 15

.RP macro (mm) 132, 172-173

.RS macro (mm) 171-172

.RS macro (ms) 111

.rs request 90, 127, 490

.RT macro (ms) 106, 487

.rt request 461, 505


.S macro (mm) 143-144

.SA macro (mm) 137

SCCS (Source Code Control System) 319

script command 341

scrolling 4, 42-43

sdiff command 312, 315-316, 318-319

search (see also grep) 22, 45, 181, 301

search path 344

section headings 512, 521

sed editor 5, 342, 360-380, 585-587

addressing 361-362, 585

branching to parts of script 366, 369

command summary 585-587

command syntax 360, 584

differences from ex 361

excluding lines from editing 365-366

hold space 375-379

in format script 364

inserting lines of text 369

invoking 360-361, 584

matching patterns across 2 lines 374-379

pattern space 375-379

print command 370

quit command 373

script for extracting information from a file 370

substitute command 363

used in for loop 363

used in indexing script 557-558

set command 20

sh command 343

.SH macro (ms) 120-122

shell scripts 23, 343-346, 354

breaking out of 352

conditional execution 347-349

discarding and shifting arguments

looping 355

number of arguments ($#) 350

repetitive execution 350, 355

arguments to 23

C shell search path 345

definition of 343

export command 352

initializing variables 352

making executable 344

passing arguments to 345-346

proofreading script 380, 386

putting in path 344

reading data interactively 400

setting default values 352

test command in 347-349

shift shell command 349

.SK macro (mm) 150

.SM macro (mm) 144-145

.SM macro (ms) 116-117

.so request 103, 438, 479, 484

soelim command 480

sort command 22, 323, 325, 549

.SP macro (mm) 136-137

.sp request 73, 84-85

space at top of page 490

spell command 296, 304, 380

split command 333

SQtroff 439

square root signs (see eqn)

.ss request 471-472

standard error 14, 538

standard input 21

standard output 14, 21


appending to 430

comparing 421

defining 429

in troff 101

interpolating 102, 430

mm 175

multiline 102

naming 430

subdirectory 15

subscripts (see also eqn) 237

superscripts (see also eqn) 237, 446

super-user 298

.sv request 90-91

.sy request 480, 539


.ta request 467, 82-83

table of contents 532, 544

created by diversion 532, 536

mm macros 168-170

written to standard error 532, 538

tabs (in troff) 82-83, 467

tail command 300

tar command 341

.TB macro (mm) 133, 169-170

tbl preprocessor 203-231

alphabetic data columns 212

breaking up long tables 224

changing format within table 219

column format options 209, 617

column width 217, 219

complex table example 227

data 205-206, 618

describing column formats 209

drawing lines within tables 214

equations within tables 212

fonts 216

format options 205-207

global format options 205-208, 616

headers 210

horizontally spanning headers 211

invoking 204

numeric data columns 212

point sizes 216

problems with .so request 480

putting text blocks in a column 221

repeating table headers 224

simple table example 206

spacing within tables 211

staggered columns 218

summary of commands 616-618

table end macro 205

table formatting checklist 226

table specifications 204

table start macro 205

titling tables 225

using eqn with 205, 234

vertical spacing within data blocks 218

vertically spanned columns 213

.TC macro (mm) 168

.tc request 469

TERM variable 20, 27

terminal messages from troff 438, 440

terminal type 20, 27, 33

test command 347-349

.ti request 79

tip command 339

title length 495

.TL macro (ms) 122-123

.t1 request 493

.tm request 438, 440, 502, 532, 539

tplus postprocessor 471

tr command 332

.tr request 436, 473-474

transparent output 460, 534

traps 89, 485, 489, 491-492, 495, 503

troff formatter 58-103, 412-480

.ab request 440

aborting 440

absolute motions 448, 464

.ad request 485, 71-72

adjusting title length 495

aligning numeric data 83

.am request 413

appending to a diversion 433

appending to a macro 413

appending to a string 430

arithmetic expressions 419

.as request 430

autoincrementing number registers 428

basic assumptions 59

.bd request 463

boldfacing fonts by overstriking 463

.bp request 86, 89-91

.br request 432, 69

bracket-building characters 466, 602

.c2 request 435

.cc request 435

.ce request 80-82

.cf request 460

.ch request 503

change bars 476

changing page size 495

character output translations 473

command line options 594

comments 412

comparing strings 421

compiling font files 638

conditional execution 418

constant spacing 471

copy mode 417

.cs request 471

.cu request 83-84

cut marks 498-499

.da request 433, 534

.de request 413, 99

debugging 436-438

default units 77

defining macros 413, 87, 99

defining strings 429

device units 76

.di request 431, 451

diversions 451

double or triple spacing 86

downloadable fonts 66

drawing 449-455

.ds request 101, 429

.ec request 435

.el request 418-423

.em request 534

environment switching 433

.eo request 435

error handling 439

escape sequences 67, 444, 598-599

.ev request 433

.ex request 478

executing system commands from 480

expression operators 420

.fc request 469

.fi request 69

fields 469

.fl request 127, 438, 491

flushing output buffer 438

fonts 65, 92-93

footnotes 500-501

form letters 477

.fp request 92, 95

.ft request 92, 95

Greek characters 604

headers and footers 493

horizontal spacing 76

.hw request 73-74

.hy request 74-75, 485

hyphenation 73-75, 485

.ie request 418-423

.if request 418-423

.ig request 438

ignoring input 438

.in request 79

including Macintosh illustrations 460

interactive use 437

interrupted lines 423

interword spacing 62

inverse conditions 423

invoking 66, 594

justification using mm 137

keeping text block together 431

.lc request 468

leaders 468-469

.lg request 474-475

ligatures 473, 475

line drawing 449

line weight 454

.ll request 78, 485

local horizontal motions 447

local vertical motions 445

.ls request 86, 99

.lt request 495

macro arguments 100, 416

macro names 414

macro style 441

marking a horizontal position 464

marking a vertical position 461

mathematic symbols 602

.mc request 476

.mk request 461, 505

multi-column processing 461, 505-506

multiline conditions 421

.na request 71

names of existing macros 414

names of existing number registers 415

.ne request 508, 90

negative vertical motions 85

nested macros 418

.nf request 69

.nm request 475

.nn request 476

.nr request 101, 424

.ns request 127, 490, 90-91

number registers 100-101, 419-425, 485, 526, 529

numeric expressions 77

.nx request 478

.os request 90-91

output line numbering 475

overstriking 462, 465

page breaks 508

page breaks without line breaks 89

page layout 75, 492

page length 86, 88

page numbering 91

page numbers 494

page offset 523

page top resets 507

page transition 86-87, 483-508

.pc request 494

.pl request 496, 86, 88

.pm request 414

.pn request 91

.po request 485, 78

point size 65, 97-98

postprocessors 460, 66-67

predefined conditions 419

predefined number register names 426, 599-600

.ps request 97, 99

pseudo-page transition 491

.rd request 477

reading standard input 477

read-only number registers 427, 599

redefining control and escape characters 435

removing macros 413

removing number registers 429

renaming macros 415

returning to a horizontal position 464

returning to a vertical position 461

.rm request 413, 511

.rn request 415, 512

.rs request 127, 490, 90

.rt request 461, 505

selecting output pages from command line 92

setting page number from command line 91

.so request 103, 438, 479, 484

.sp request 73, 84-85

space at top of page 490

space size 472

spacing to an absolute position 85

special characters 96, 602-604

.ss request 471-472

stacking up characters 466

summary of requests 594-598

superscripts 446

suspending line numbering 476

.sv request 90-91

.sy request 480

syntax of requests 67

.ta request 82-83, 467

tabs and leaders 467

tabs in macros 470

.tc request 469

terminal messages 438

three-part titles 494

.ti request 79

.tl request 493

.tm request 438, 440, 502, 532

.tr request 436, 473-474

transparent output 460

traps 87, 485, 489, 491-492, 495, 503

two-column processing 461

.ul request 83-84

underlining 449-450

units of measure 76-77

used with laser printers 9

using with ms 105

using pic with 253, 257

versions of 64, 66

vertical spacing 65, 76, 84, 98

vertically stacked labels 467

.vs request 98-99

.wh request 485, 489, 503, 87

widows and orphans 508

width function 464

two-column processing,

ms macros 125-126

simple macro for 505-506


.UL macro (ms) 116

.ul request 83-84

underlining 115

in troff 449-450

ms macros 116

uniq command 323, 325


syntax of commands 13

system fundamentals 12

version used for this book 12

unpack command 338

unpaddable space 112-113, 474, 73

user exit macros (mm) 176

/usr/lib/font 63, 65, 93, 635-639

DESC file 635-637

font description files 637-638

/usr/lib/tmac 103

uucp command 339

uuname command 339


variable-item lists

mm macros 158, 161-162

vertical spacing 76, 84, 98, 107, 136, 143

vertically stacked labels 467

vi editor 24-54, 177-202

abbreviations 198

alternative insert commands 54

append text 54

appending text 54

appending to named buffers 56

changing text 34-35

characters not used in command mode 574

command line options 49

command mode 27

command summary 572, 578

command syntax 27, 571

copying text 39, 54

current and alternate filenames 197

cursor movement 28, 30

cursor movement by line numbers 47

cursor movement by text blocks 44

cursor movement with numeric argument 45

cursor movement within lines 44

cursor movement within screen 43

deleting single characters 37-38

deleting text 32, 35-37

displaying line numbers 31, 48

editing multiple files 195

errors when opening 27

ex commands in (see also ex) 180

filtering text through a UNIX command 193

ignoring case during searches 51

insert mode 24, 27

inserting text 27, 32

joining lines 41

leaving insert mode 27, 33

mapping command sequences 198

marking place in file 57

movement by line number 48

moving by screenfuls 42

moving cursor by single lines 30

moving cursor by spaces 30

moving cursor by text blocks 31

moving text 32, 38, 54

named buffers 55-56

numbered buffers 54-55

numeric arguments to commands 30

numeric prefixes to commands 53

on a dumb terminal 33, 37

opening a file 25-26

opening a file to a specific place 49

opening a new line for insertion 54

pattern matching characters 222

prompt line 26

quitting 27

quitting without saving edits 41

read-only mode 50

recovering a buffer 50

recovering deletions 55

repeat last search 46

repeating last command 40

replacing characters 35, 54

returning to a position 48

saving a file 28

screen lines vs. logical lines 30

scrolling 42-43

search for pattern 45-47

search options 53

search within current line 47

setting options 50-51, 53, 574

shiftwidth 53

showing contents of numbered buffers 55

size of window 51

status line 572

summary of options 570

undoing last change 40, 55

view mode 50

wrapmargin 28, 53

view command (see vi editor) 50

.VL macro (mm) 158, 161-162

.vs request 98-99


wc command 21

.wh request 485, 489, 503, 87

while shell command 350

who command 22

widows and orphans 508

width function 464

word processors

characteristics of 2-5

command mode vs. insert mode 4

influence on writing process 1-2

limitations of 3, 7

vs. text editors 3

Writer’s Workbench 308

analyze style/readability (style) 308

explain diction errors (explain) 311

miscellaneous programs 311

search for poor phrasing (diction) 309

wysiwyg defined 6


xargs command 303

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